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How to additionally protect the tie rod ends. steering tip

steering system of any vehicle has a complex structure. Changing the trajectory of the car and turning the wheels is provided by the interconnection of several elements, including steering tips. They function on the principle of a ball-and-socket joint, connecting the tie rod to the steering knuckle.

Despite its strength, the part does not have a long service life, and must be replaced every 35-40 thousand kilometers. It is this condition that is the key to the correct and uninterrupted functioning of the steering mechanism.

What is the tie rod end for?

In the design of the vehicle control system, the part is designed to transfer force from the steering column to the steering wheel pair by changing the contact angle. Therefore, this element looks like a regular ball joint, which has moving parts. Depending on the design features of the steering linkage, up to six such parts can be installed on the vehicle.

So, having figured out what the steering tip is for, let's move on to studying its device. Without this, it is impossible to fully understand the working principle of the element.

Design features and device

Steering tips are constantly subjected to high loads, so they have a simple and durable design, the operation of which is based on the principle of interconnection and redistribution of force between the elements of the vehicle control system. Simply put, they act as a link between the steering gear and the steered wheels, providing the necessary angle of rotation.

The design of the tips is represented by the following parts, each of which performs its own functions:

  1. The body in the middle of which is the axle shaft.
  2. A fastener made in the form of a ball pin with a threaded connection.
  3. Teflon liner that fixes the finger in the seat and prevents it from moving. This ensures a reliable connection of the tip with the steering knuckle.
  4. Ball stud fastening nut.
  5. Protective housing cover that prevents foreign particles from penetrating inside the ball joint of the part, protecting it from damage.
  6. Neoprene cover to protect the mechanism from the side of the finger.
  7. Locking ring of the cover for its fixation.
  8. Spring connecting the body of the part with the cover.

Almost all parts have a similar device, while they can differ only in their size (depending on the model transport technology), and materials for the manufacture of their constituent elements.

Common tie rod end problems

On new vehicles, steering tips very rarely fail, the same as on used cars when installing a new part. Since the element is in good condition, its Teflon liner has not yet been destroyed, therefore, it tightly fixes the finger, completely eliminating play. Intensive operation of the car causes natural wear of the liner, due to which it can no longer hold the ball pin, which causes tip play and poor control.

Important! Failure to timely replace a defective tip will inevitably lead to damage to the tie rod. It is not difficult to imagine what this can lead to while driving at high speed. Therefore, the defective part must be replaced immediately.

Signs of damage

Diagnostic measures should be carried out as soon as the first signs of deterioration in vehicle control have been identified, since this is a direct indication of the failure of one or more tips. In addition, you should pay attention to a dull sound in the front of the car during maneuvers and the occurrence of a noticeable vibration of the steering wheel, especially when driving on poor roads.

You can also check the health of the tips yourself. For this procedure, only the help of a friend is required. And the sequence of its implementation is as follows:

  1. The car must be driven onto the ramp and the parking brake applied.
  2. To determine the presence of play, you need to twist wheel in different directions. At this time, one person is under the car and observes the progress of the tip.
  3. In addition to detecting backlash, you should check the integrity of the anthers that protect the hinge, as well as the tightness of all threaded connections.


Since the condition of our roads leaves much to be desired, tie rod ends are consumable items that must be replaced after 35-45 thousand kilometers. After completing the procedure for replacing them, it is imperative to do a “call-out” on the car. Note that most tips are produced repairable, that is, to restore their performance, it is enough to replace the Teflon insert.

There are several types of steering mechanisms, but there is always a common detail - this is a steering tip. The main task is to transfer a certain movement from the steering rod to the rotary "fist". Depending on the configurations, there may be from 4 to 6 parts.

For example, if the type of steering system is rack and pinion (most of them), then there will be four tips, 2 per rod (rod 2). If the mechanism, the so-called "worm" type, will be six, two per rod (rods 3).

steering tip

Please note that depending on the configuration of the steering system, they may differ in shape and size. The stem can be both different in length and have bends, both in a horizontal and vertical position. Therefore, it is important to remember that if there is a bend, then the part is not interchangeable with the same, but on the other side.

If they are initially the same in shape, there are no bends, then they can be replaced from one side to the other without consequences.

Remember, the main components:

Directly the body into which the steering rod is screwed.

"Finger", as a rule, on most models there is a thread or other type of connection, for example, a stud.

Hinge housing use wear-resistant metal for long service life.

Various retaining rings that prevent the “finger” from popping out, springs (to securely hold the liners) and liners.

The “finger” nut is a rather important detail, without it it is impossible to fix the tip on the “fist”.

Anther. Rubber pad that protects the device from dirt, dust, sand, moisture.

Looking ahead, I would like to clarify the importance of maintaining this anther in a holistic state. Otherwise, failure is inevitable. As a rule, in most cases, breakdowns are formed due to a collapsed anther and the ingress of foreign objects.

Almost all devices have the same shape, regardless of the car model. The only exceptions can be, only in the format of the material used for production. For example, off-road vehicles require more wear-resistant parts, with increased protection, due to the special conditions of possible operation.

Types of steering tips

Depending on which type:


Maintenance free.

It depends on whether there is a special hole on the base cover for filling grease. As you understand, serviced ones have such a hole, which allows you to periodically add lubricant. The second option does not have such an opportunity, therefore, at the end of the lubrication, they are thrown away, because the maintainability is zero.

There is a second division group:



Maintenance-free and non-separable steering tips

Collapsible ones have a thread on the bottom cover (under the “finger”), which allows you to replace the hinge mechanism itself or the insert (rubber or Teflon part tightly fixing the “finger” in the “cup”) separately. AT modern cars, such a principle is already difficult to meet, because in terms of safety they are seriously inferior to non-separable parts. If the tip has failed in the car, you should inspect whether there is a thread on the cover or a retaining ring. If you do not find something similar, you can safely throw such a part into the scrap.


Often, there are no problems with them, especially if they are new, which cannot be said about worn parts. In the process of work, the liners are necessarily grinded or deformed, which causes a noticeable backlash. It looks like the “finger” is already pretty loose in the case. If the situation worsens, he can simply pull out the “stopper” and jump out.

Keep in mind that the tip can lead to quite serious consequences, the traction may break, which will lead to more disastrous consequences, up to an accident. You basically lose control of the car, without the ability to even turn the wheels.

Typically, the resource correct operation large enough, but do not forget about the features pavement which directly affects durability. The resource, on average, does not exceed 100,000 km, it is not uncommon, as on new cars, that parts break.

Symptoms of malfunctions and how to check?

Main features:

Significant deterioration in handling.

The appearance of deaf knocks, especially in turns.

Recoil in the steering wheel, even with the smallest bumps.

If you notice something from the list, do not aggravate, check if everything is in order with the node. Making it at home is pretty easy. The operation is best done with an assistant. So, you need to have a pit, a flyover, or simply put the “front end” on some kind of hill so that you can crawl under it. We put on the "handbrake", be sure to turn off the car. The person in the cabin turns the steering wheel, the second at this time, carefully monitors the progress of the tip. Backlash will be noticeable even visually, not to mention tactile touches.

In addition, when checking, pay attention not only to the presence of backlash, but also to the integrity of the anthers, the connection with the “fist”, also pay attention to the sleeve (axis) itself, where the rod is screwed. It is not uncommon that a "bummer" occurs in that place or a crack appears.

How to replace?

Special knowledge in this matter is not required. The main thing is to get a tool, it’s easier with it, we are talking about a puller, such an element, which looks like a “shovel”, allows you to remove the part without serious damage. So your actions are:

1. Raise the car.

2. Remove the wheel, otherwise access will be closed.

3. Unscrew the nut on the "finger". It is important not to remove it completely, it will make it easier to “wield” the puller.

In the photo - the steering tip. Photo — drive2.ru

4. Using a puller, squeeze out the tip. If there is no such device, you can get by with a hammer, but be careful.

5. After removing it from the “fist” mount, unscrew the lock nut on the rod.

Do not forget to put a mark on the rod where the nut was fixed. To do without subsequent camber adjustment.

6. Remove and install new part by labels. It is advisable, when you unscrew the old part, to calculate how many turns it was twisted.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is very important to periodically check the serviceability of this part in order to save the car from much more serious problems and accidents. Checking is actually a “minute” matter, given that there is nothing complicated in the mechanism, repairs can be made independently.

The steering tip is a rod with a swivel device at the end. Inside the hinge there is an insert and a washer, they prevent premature wear of parts. Lubrication is put into the hinge, all this is protected by an anther from moisture and dirt. On the opposite side of the hinge on the rod there is a thread for connecting to the steering rod. There is also a thread on the hinge pin itself. The pin is threaded into the hole on the pivot pin and fixed with a nut. In this way, the tip is connected to the trunnion.

Malfunctions and causes of malfunctions of steering tips

The main malfunction of the steering tip is the wear of the swivel joint. Rapid wear occurs due to the ingress of moisture or dirt into the connection itself. This is due to damage to the anther. Then the tips have their own specific resource - they change somewhere after 40 thousand kilometers. The steering tip may be damaged as a result of an accident or collision with an obstacle.

How to identify problems in the steering

When buying a used car, there is a high chance that it may have various malfunctions. Defects in the steering, including tips, can be detected by driving this car.

The first thing to do is turn the steering wheel. Too much free wheel play suggests that the steering system parts are worn out.

In another way, defects are found out by driving a car. Malfunctions can be indicated by a heavy steering wheel when cornering. If the car moves to the side when the steering wheel is released, it is also worth considering whether everything is in order.

Worn parts of the steering system may be indicated by various knocks in the front suspension while driving on rough roads. But it will be difficult for a beginner to determine what exactly is knocking - the details of the suspension itself or the steering.

Troubleshooting steering tips

It is possible to identify a tip malfunction with sufficient accuracy on a car lift.

The first method is the easiest - with the help of visual inspection. A defective tip may be deformed by impact. A torn anther also gives reason to think. If the tip is wet, grease has likely leaked out of the tip and the part needs to be replaced. The tip with an unnatural changed color of the metal is probably at the last stage of its existence - it overheats and wedges.

And finally, you can check the play in the tips by pulling the tie rods with a pry bar. Backlash in the swivel indicates the unsuitability of the part. With a wedged steering tip, the rods move with great difficulty.


By checking the steering parts with such methods before buying, you can immediately decide which parts will need to be changed immediately after purchasing the car. Because of such trifles as faulty steering tips, you should not refuse to buy, but you should not drive with such malfunctions.

The tie rod must be positioned in such a way that it is subject to minimal axial movement during any wheel movement. This is the main rule for a comfortable ride, but what will these words say to a novice motorist, and not to an experienced car mechanic? Let's try to figure it out.

Tie rod - its functions and vulnerabilities

All tie rods perform the following two functions. They transmit forces from the steering mechanism to the pivot arms of the hubs, thanks to which the wheels turn, this happens due to the hinges installed at the ends of the rods. Also, these elements of the car provide the necessary angle of rotation of the wheels, because during turns, the radii along which the wheels move are not the same. And by adjusting the required length of the rod using a special thread, you can adjust the angle of the wheels (toe angle).

Most often, hinges come into disrepair, or more precisely, a rubber liner, which, by the way, renders all control unusable. This happens as a result of long-term use. Due to the ingress of dust and dirt, it may also deteriorate. The traction themselves become faulty, mainly only after mechanical impact. This can be a collision of wheels on the edges of deep pits, or a direct hit on a stone and so on.

When is a tie rod replacement needed?

To understand that it is necessary to replace the steering rod, you can by the following signs:

  • appear in management extraneous sounds, knock;
  • there is a beating of the steering wheel;
  • enlarged . If it occurred during vertical swing, then the ball joint or the hub bearing must be replaced. In the case of horizontal swing - a malfunction of the steering tip;
  • the drive wheel rotates rather tightly;
  • while driving, the car leans to the side (either to the right or to the left).

Of course, it is possible to replace this mechanism on your own, but before proceeding, it is worth doing a car diagnostic. You can determine if there is a backlash as follows. It is necessary that someone turn the steering wheel of your car, and in the meantime you would determine the presence of play by eye, or by slowly turning the steering wheel yourself, evaluate its trajectory by touch. If there is a runout, then it is worth changing the tie rod end with a hinge.

The protective cover located on the ball joint is also subject to diagnostics, if gaps and cracks are found, it must be replaced.

Tie rod puller and other features of the replacement process

After a thorough diagnosis, if necessary, proceed directly to the dismantling of the old thrust and the installation of a new one. Be sure to put your car on the handbrake before starting work, and under rear wheels install stop bars. If you need to dismantle the right link, then the front wheels turn to the left, when dismantling the left, respectively, to the right.

Next, the front of the car must be installed on supports. The ball joint is attached to the swing arm with a nut, it should be unscrewed after removing the retainer. For the next step, you will need a tie rod puller to press the ball joint pin out of the strut pivot arm.

Use a screwdriver to unscrew the ends of the lock plate, this way you will unlock the bolts that secure the tie rods, then unscrew them altogether. It is necessary to turn the connecting plate so that the rod can be disconnected from the steering mechanism. Now you can take it off. If it is necessary to replace the tie rod end, then it must be clamped by the hexagon of the coupling in a vice and loosen the tip lock nut.

You can remove the steering rod without a special puller. To do this, you first need to raise the car on a jack and be sure to substitute reliable stands under the bottom, thereby securing the car from falling. The steering tip finger must be moistened with WD-40 or any other penetrating lubricant before starting any work. Since the work is done without a puller, this procedure is important, as lubrication will help to remove the part faster. In order not to go after repair to the service station for the gathering / collapse, it is necessary to measure the length of the tip.
Now you can move on to removing the tip. For fastening, in most cases, a castellated nut and a locking cotter pin are used. First of all, you need to remove the cotter pin, and then, using a socket head or a spanner wrench, rip the nut out of place, you do not need to completely unscrew it. the main problem dismantling is sticking fasteners knuckle to the finger. To remove, you need a heavy hammer, which you need to hit the nut hard several times so that the tip breaks off. After that, you can completely unscrew the nut and remove the tip.
It seems that the method is very simple and you don’t need to buy a puller for this, but you can use a hammer and brute force only as a last resort. If the vehicle is equipped with a steering rack, this part may fail due to vibration due to strong impacts. It will not break immediately, but each such repair drastically reduces the life of the rail. In addition, you can damage the thread of the tip, just hit your finger once and you are almost guaranteed to have to go to the store for a new part.

If your car's behavior on the road has changed, you feel that the steering is not as confident as before, it is likely that one of the steering components has worn out. The main symptoms are that the car pulls to the side when driving and when braking, and it can also be difficult to maintain control on rough roads. These symptoms may signal potential serious problems that need to be resolved immediately. A common cause of these problems is wear on the tie rods. The tie rod ends are the link between the steering system and the front wheels. Since they affect your ability to control your vehicle, you should evaluate their condition.

* Place the car on a level ground, apply the parking brake and set the front wheels in a straight line, remove the ignition key from the lock, locking the steering wheel.

* Jack up the vehicle on one side until the front wheel is off the ground.

* Place the car stand under the car, making sure it fits firmly under the beam or frame, and slowly lower the car onto it.

* Repeat on the other side of the car the same as on the other side.

* Locate the link, which will be in the form of a small assembly with a rounded joint at each end. She is attached with inside front wheels. Grasp the pull in the center and try to rock it back and forth, up and down. If at the same time free play is felt, then the hinges are worn out and need to be replaced.

* If your car has a hard rubber boot, then you need to grab the wheels with your hands and rock them in and out. If you feel a play with a knock, then the hinge is worn out and needs to be replaced.


* Checking vehicle steering parts can be a very messy job. Wear gloves and keep clean towels handy.

* Never climb under the car if it is not very securely on stands. Never climb under a vehicle that is only supported by a jack.

* The play of the steering components affects handling and tire wear, signals serious problems in the future. Parts must be replaced immediately.

Currently, motorists in most cases prefer to buy steering tips German company TRW. The parts of this manufacturer are famous for their reliability and durability. Our online store offers steering tips of this brand in assortment on different kinds cars that you can always buy on our website.

TRW steering tips on popular cars

Manufacturer Detail number Name Applicability
TRW JTE1106 Ford Focus II/C-Max; Volvo C30 / S40 II
TRW JTE260 Tie rod end Mitsubishi Lancer IX/X, Carisma; Volvo S40
TRW JTE2079 Toyota Corolla X / Auris / Prius Plus
TRW JTE1055 Tie rod end, right Volkswagen Passat / Skoda Octavia/ Audi Q3
TRW JTE1136 Tie rod end, left Renault Logan/ Sandero