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How much power is enough for everything. What to do if there is no strength

Weakness or loss of strength- a common and rather complex symptom, the occurrence of which depends on the impact of a number of physiological and psychological factors.

A common cause of weakness, loss of strength and chronic fatigue is cervical osteochondrosis. If a:

  • you often sit at the computer;
  • you suffer from headaches;
  • your hands are numb;
  • you suffer from neck and shoulder pain.

will help you triple inflatable pillow from cervical osteochondrosis.

Weakness or loss of strength

In most cases, patients describe weakness in accordance with their individual feelings. For some, weakness is identical to severe fatigue, for others - this term refers to possible dizziness, absent-mindedness, loss of attention and lack of energy.

Thus, many medical professionals characterize weakness as a subjective feeling of the patient, which reflects the lack of energy necessary to perform daily work and duties that the person was able to perform without problems before the onset of weakness.

Causes of Weakness

Weakness is a common symptom inherent in the widest list of diseases. The necessary studies and analyzes, as well as concomitant weaknesses and other clinical manifestations, allow to establish the exact cause of the disease.

The mechanism of the onset of weakness, its nature - are due to the cause that provoked the occurrence of this symptom. The state of fatigue can occur both as a result of strong emotional, nervous or physical overstrain, and as a result of chronic or acute diseases and conditions. In the first case, weakness can disappear on its own without any consequences - there is enough good sleep and rest.


So, a popular cause of weakness is an acute viral infectious disease, accompanied by general intoxication of the body. Along with weakness, additional symptoms appear here:

  • elevated temperature;
  • photophobia;
  • pain in the head, joints and muscles;
  • intense sweating.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

The occurrence of weakness is characteristic of another common phenomenon - vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is a whole complex of various symptoms, among which are noted:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • dizziness;
  • interruptions in the work of the heart.


Acquiring a chronic character, in turn, is accompanied by the resulting swelling of the nasal mucosa, which eventually leads to an effect on the pituitary gland. Under this influence, the normal functioning of the main endocrine gland involved in the edema area is disturbed. The resulting failures in the work of the pituitary gland lead to an imbalance in many body systems: endocrine, nervous, immune, etc.

Other causes of weakness

Sudden and severe weakness is a symptom inherent in severe poisoning, general intoxication.

In a healthy person, weakness can result from: brain injury, blood loss- as a result of a sharp decrease in pressure.

Women are weak during menstruation.

Also weakness inherent in anemia- a disease characterized by a decrease in hemoglobin contained in red blood cells. Considering that this substance carries oxygen from the respiratory organs to the tissues of the internal organs, an insufficient amount of hemoglobin in the blood leads to oxygen starvation experienced by the body.

Constant weakness is inherent in vitamin deficiency- a disease indicating a lack of vitamins. This usually occurs as a result of adherence to rigid and irrational diets, poor and monotonous nutrition.

In addition, weakness can be a symptom of the following diseases:

Chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue is a protective reaction of the body to constant overload. And not necessarily physical. Emotional stress can deplete the nervous system no less. The feeling of fatigue can be compared to a stopcock that does not allow the body to bring itself to the edge.

A number of chemical elements are responsible for the feeling of good spirits and a surge of fresh energy in our body. We list just a few of them:

More often this disease affects residents of large cities who are engaged in business or other very responsible and hard work, living in adverse environmental conditions, with unhealthy ambitions, constantly under stress, malnourished and not involved in sports.

Based on the above, it becomes clear why chronic fatigue has become an epidemic in developed countries in recent years. In the USA, Australia, Canada, Western European countries, the incidence of chronic fatigue syndrome is from 10 to 40 cases per 100,000 population.

CFS - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Weakness is an essential symptom of physical and mental strain. So, among modern people who have to be subjected to colossal workloads, the so-called. chronic fatigue syndrome.

Anyone can develop CFS, although it is more common in women. Usually:

This condition indicates the extreme depletion of the supply of vitality. Weakness here arises as physical and emotional overload increases. Further, already constant weakness and loss of strength are accompanied by a number of additional symptoms:

  • drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of concentration;
  • distraction.

The reasons

  • Chronic sleep deprivation.
  • Overwork.
  • Emotional stress.
  • Viral infections.
  • Situation.


Complexity of treatment is the main principle. One of the important conditions of treatment is also the observance of the protective regimen and the constant contact of the patient with the attending physician.

Today, chronic fatigue is treated using various methods of cleansing the body, the introduction of special preparations is carried out in order to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system and brain activity, as well as to restore the functioning of the endocrine, immune and gastrointestinal systems. In addition, psychological rehabilitation plays an important role in solving this problem.

The treatment program for chronic fatigue syndrome must include:

In addition to treatment from specialists, you can relieve fatigue with simple lifestyle tips. For example, try to regulate your physical activity by balancing the periods of sleep and wakefulness, do not overload yourself and do not try to do more than you can do. Otherwise, it may negatively affect the prognosis of CFS. Over time, periods of activity can be increased.

By properly managing the available forces, you can do more things. To do this, you need to properly plan your schedule for the day and even the week ahead. By doing things right—instead of rushing to get as much done as possible in a short space of time—you can make steady progress.

The following rules may also help:

  • avoid stressful situations;
  • refrain from alcohol, caffeine, sugar and sweeteners;
  • avoid any foods and drinks that cause a negative reaction of the body;
  • Eat regular small meals to relieve nausea
  • rest a lot;
  • try not to sleep for a long time, as excessively long sleep can worsen symptoms.

Folk remedies

St. John's wort

We take 1 cup (300 ml) of boiling water and add 1 tablespoon of dry St. John's wort to it. Infuse this infusion should be in a warm place for 30 minutes. Scheme of use: 1/3 cup three times a day 20 minutes before meals. Duration of admission - no more than 3 weeks in a row.


It is necessary to take 10 g of dry and carefully crushed leaves of the common plantain and pour 300 ml of boiling water over them, insist for 30-40 minutes in a warm place. Scheme of use: 2 tablespoons at one time, three times a day for half an hour before meals. Duration of admission - 21 days.


Mix 2 tablespoons of oats, 1 tablespoon of dry peppermint leaves and 2 tablespoons of tartar (prickly) leaves. The resulting dry mixture is poured with 5 cups of boiling water and infused for 60-90 minutes in a dish wrapped in a terry towel. Scheme of use: by? glass 3-4 times a day before meals. Duration of admission - 15 days.


You need to take 300 grams of dried meadow clover flowers, 100 grams of regular sugar and a liter of warm water. We put the water on the fire, bring to a boil and pour in the clover, cook for 20 minutes. Then the infusion is removed from the heat, cooled, and only after that the specified amount of sugar is added to it. You need to take clover infusion 150 ml 3-4 times a day, instead of tea or coffee.

Cowberry and strawberry

You will need leaves of strawberries and lingonberries, 1 tablespoon each - they are mixed and poured with boiling water in an amount of 500 ml. The drug is infused in a thermos for 40 minutes, then drink a tea cup three times a day.


When you need to relax or relieve stress, put a few drops lavender oil on a handkerchief and inhale its scent.
Smell a few drops rosemary oil applied to a handkerchief when you feel mentally and physically tired (but not in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy).
For chronic fatigue, take a relaxing warm bath, adding two drops of geranium, lavender and sandalwood oils and one drop of ylang-ylang to the water.
Smell every morning and evening to lift your spirits when you're depressed. oil blends printed on a handkerchief. To prepare it, mix 20 drops of clary sage oil and 10 drops of rose oil and basil oil. Do not use sage and basil oil during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Flower essences are designed to relieve mental disorders and relieve tension in the emotional sphere. They are especially helpful if you are depressed or have lost interest in life:

  • clematis (clematis): to be more cheerful;
  • olive: for all types of stress;
  • wild rose: with apathy;
  • willow: if you are burdened by the lifestyle restrictions imposed by the disease.

Weakness symptoms

Weakness is characterized by a decline in physical and nervous strength. She is characterized by apathy, loss of interest in life.

Weakness caused by the development of acute infectious diseases occurs suddenly. Its increase is directly related to the rate of development of the infection and the resulting intoxication of the body.

The nature of the appearance of weakness in a healthy person as a result of a strong physical or nervous strain is associated with the amount of overload. Usually in this case, signs of weakness appear gradually, accompanied by a loss of interest in the work being done, the onset of fatigue, loss of concentration and absent-mindedness.

Approximately the same character is weakness caused by prolonged fasting or in the case of a strict diet. Along with the indicated symptom, external signs of beriberi appear:

  • pallor of the skin;
  • increased fragility of nails;
  • dizziness;
  • hair loss, etc.

Weakness treatment

Treatment of weakness should be based on the elimination of the factor that provoked its appearance.

In the case of infectious diseases, the root cause is the action of the infectious agent. Here apply appropriate drug therapy supported by the necessary measures aimed at increasing immunity.

In a healthy person, weakness resulting from overwork is eliminated by itself. The main control measures proper sleep and rest.

In the treatment of weakness caused by overwork, nervous strain, restoring nerve strength and increasing the stability of the nervous system. To this end, therapeutic measures are aimed, first of all, at the normalization of the regime of work and rest, the elimination of negative, irritating factors. Effective use of funds herbal medicine, massage.

In some cases, the elimination of weakness will require diet correction, adding to it foods rich in vitamins and essential trace elements.

Which doctors to contact for weakness and exhaustion:

Questions and answers on the topic "Weakness"

Question:Hello, I'm 19 years old, studying at the university. The diagnosis was made earlier. Weakness appeared after having been ill with ARVI. But the weakness lets go as soon as I manage to distract myself from this (walking with friends, watching movies). Also, weakness is accompanied by nausea, back pain above the waist (I have a sedentary job, so I think this is because of this), as well as an alarming condition. In principle, this does not distract me, but as soon as I begin to think about my condition, listen to my body, it immediately becomes much worse. Now I drink vitamins, no improvement. What's the matter? To hand over analyzes to go? Or is it all about emotional overload? Thanks for the answer.

Answer: Weakness combined with nausea and back pain is an obvious reason to get tested.

Question:Hello! I am 48 years old, I work physically in the schedule 2/2. For about a month now I have been feeling very tired, even 2 days off do not return to normal. In the morning I get up with difficulty, there is no feeling that I slept and rested. No periods for 5 months now.

Answer: If there is no menstruation for 5 months, you need to pay attention to the following factors: physical activity; nervous strain; malnutrition; rigid diets. In addition, a full-time consultation of a gynecologist (cysts, fibroids, infectious lesions of the genitourinary system) and an endocrinologist (diabetes mellitus; deviations from the endocrine system; problems with the adrenal glands) is necessary. There may be problems with the balance of hormones. To check this, you need to donate blood. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe hormone therapy.

Question:Hello! I am 33 years old and have (female/gender) neck pain and weakness.

Answer: Perhaps osteochondrosis, internal consultation of the neurologist is necessary to you.

Question:Hello! With the pains of osteochondrosis, the epigastric region hurts, there may be some kind of connection!

Answer: With osteochondrosis in the middle or lower thoracic spine, there may be pain in the epigastric region and in the abdomen. They are often mistaken for symptoms of diseases of the stomach or pancreas, gallbladder or intestines.

Question:weakness pain in the right shoulder blade from the shoulder nothing to eat I don’t want what’s wrong with me

Answer: There can be many reasons for pain in the right shoulder blade. We recommend that you see a therapist in person.

Question:Hello! I am 30 years old, I had been ill with tuberculosis, but the weakness remained, it even got worse. Tell me what to do, it's impossible to live!

Answer: A side effect of the use of anti-tuberculosis drugs is muscle, joint, headaches, weakness, apathy, lack of appetite. Recovery after tuberculosis consists in observing the daily regimen, establishing nutrition and proper physical activity.

Question:Hello, tell me which doctor you should still contact: soab for 4-5 months, complete apathy, absent-mindedness, lately pain behind the ears, you have to take painkillers. Analyzes are normal. I go on drips because of headaches. What could be?

Answer: Pain behind the ears: ENT (otitis media), neurologist (osteochondrosis).

Question:Hello! I am 31 years old female. I constantly have weakness, loss of strength, lack of sleep, apathy. I often feel cold, I can’t get warm under the covers for a long time. It is difficult to wake up, I want to sleep during the day.

Answer: A detailed general blood test, it is necessary to exclude anemia. Check your blood for thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Monitor your blood pressure for a few days to see if there is a drop in pressure. Consult a neurologist: circulatory disorders in the vessels of the spine, brain.

Question:The man is 63 years old. ESR 52mm/s. They checked the lungs - clean, chronic bronchitis is typical for a smoker. Tired in the morning, weakness in the legs. The therapist prescribed antibiotics for bronchitis. Which doctor should I contact?

Answer: High POPs may be associated with chronic smoker bronchitis. Common causes of weakness: anemia (blood test) and thyroid disease (endocrinologist), but it is better to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Question:Hello! I am a 50-year-old woman, in September 2017 I was ill with iron deficiency anemia. Hemoglobin rose in January 2018, weakness still persists, it’s hard to walk, my legs hurt, I checked everything, B12 is normal, MRI of the brain and spinal cord, ultrasound of all organs, vessels of the lower limbs, everything is normal, ENMG is normal, but I can hardly walk, what could it be?

Answer: If the cause of anemia is not corrected, it may recur. In addition, the thyroid gland should be checked.

Question:Hello, my name is Alexandra two years ago after giving birth, I was discharged from the hospital with diagnoses of anemia of the second degree, sinus arrhythmia. Today I feel very bad, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, constant stress, nerves, depression, pain in my heart, sometimes my hands go numb, sometimes fainting, my head is heavy, I can’t work, I can’t lead a normal life .... two children do not have the strength to go outside with them ... please tell me what to do and how to be ..

Answer: Get tested, starting with a therapist. Both anemia and sinus arrhythmia can be causes of your condition.

Question:Good afternoon! I'm 55 years old. I have severe sweating, weakness, fatigue. I have hepatitis C, doctors say I'm not active. It is felt in the right side under the liver a ball round with a fist. I feel very bad, I often visit doctors, but there is no sense. What to do? They send me for a paid examination, but there is no money, they don’t want to be hospitalized, they say that I’m still breathing, I haven’t fallen yet.

Answer: Hello. Complaints about poor-quality medical care - the hotline of the Ministry of Health: 8 800 200-03-89.

Question:I've been going to doctors for 14 years. I have no strength, constant weakness, my legs are wadded, I want and want to sleep. The thyroid gland is normal, hemoglobin is lowered. They lifted it, but did not find from what. Sugar is normal, and sweat is pouring hail. No strength, I can lie all day. Help advise what to do.

Answer: Hello. Did you consult a cardiologist?

Question:Good afternoon! Please tell me, I have cervical chondrosis, it often hurts in the back of the head and radiates to the frontal part, especially when I cough in the frontal part it gives pain. I'm scared if it could be cancer, God forbid. Thank you!

Answer: Hello. This is a manifestation of cervical chondrosis.

Question:Hello! Severe weakness, especially in the legs and arms, appeared suddenly, there are no headaches, there is anxiety, excitement. I had an endocrinologist, a therapist, a cardiologist, I did an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, took injections, and the condition is the same: either there is a strong heaviness in the whole body, then it lets go. Thank you!

Answer: Hello. If the endocrinologist, therapist and cardiologist did not find anything, then it remains to consult a neurologist to exclude circulatory disorders in the vessels of the spine and brain. If weakness appeared against the background of stress, depression - see a psychotherapist.

Question:In the morning, severe weakness, lack of appetite, everything shakes inside, the head seems to be in a fog, vision becomes scattered, there is no concentration of attention, fear, depression about one's condition.

Answer: Hello. There can be many reasons, you need to check the thyroid gland, hemoglobin and consult a neurologist and a psychotherapist.

Question:Hello, for 2 weeks I feel weakness in the evening, nausea, I don’t feel like eating, indifference to life. Tell me what it could be

Answer: Hello. There can be many reasons, you need to consult a therapist in person who will refer you for an examination.

Question:Hello, I’m 49, I’m into fitness, I work on my feet, but recently I’ve had a breakdown, I feel dizzy. I sleep at least 8 hours, my hemoglobin is normal, I checked my thyroid gland, I take magnesium as directed, my blood pressure is low (all my life). Please advise what else needs to be checked.

Answer: Hello. Internal consultation of the neurologist concerning dizzinesses is necessary to you.

Question:Hello, age 25, woman, for about a month, severe weakness, dizziness, apathy, constantly wanting to sleep, no appetite. Tell me what to do?

Answer: Hello. If this happens while taking medications, you should discuss this with your doctor, if not, you need an internal consultation with a neurologist (dizziness).

Question:Hello, constant weakness in general, I can’t live normally, problems started with my back and life is derailed, I’m afraid that I won’t find a solution to the problem and I don’t know how to solve it in principle, can you advise something? I am very excited, I live in fear, I am 20 years old, I am afraid to go crazy.

Answer: Hello. Constant weakness is a symptom of many diseases and conditions. You need to conduct an examination - take blood tests: general, biochemical, thyroid hormones and apply for an internal appointment with a therapist and psychologist.

Question:Hello! I am 22 years old. I've been dizzy for 4 days now. And it is hard to breathe and to all this I feel weak and tired. A week ago, for two days after a hard weekend, there was blood from my nose. Can you tell me what could be causing these problems? Thanks for the answer.

Answer: It is possible that you are overtired. Tell me, please, have you recently had situations when you slept poorly and little, spent too much time at the computer? The symptoms described by you can be at increase in arterial pressure, at intracranial hypertension. I recommend that you do M-ECHO, EEG and consult a neurologist.

Question:For 3 months, the temperature is about 37, dry mouth, fatigue. Blood and urine tests are fine. Recently, he often had a sore throat and was treated with antibiotics.

Answer: This temperature is not considered elevated and, in the absence of complaints, does not require treatment, but if you are worried about fatigue, dry mouth, you need to undergo a series of examinations. I recommend that you do a bacteriological analysis (sowing from the pharynx), a blood test for sugar, as well as an analysis for thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, T4, antibodies to TPO), since these symptoms can be a manifestation of many diseases. I also recommend that you do such a study, an immunogram and visit an immunologist personally.

Question:Hello, I am 34 years old, female, for about 3 years - constant weakness, shortness of breath, sometimes my arms and legs swell. There is no pain anywhere, dizziness is rare, gynecologically everything is in order, the pressure is normal, only sometimes the temperature is from 37.5 and above, without a cold, just like that. But the weakness has been getting stronger lately, especially after sleep, and lately I can’t cure colds or colds in any way, I’ve been coughing for a month or more (not strong). I will not go to the doctors about this, I want to ask about it here. Is it chronic fatigue syndrome? And is there any way to get rid of this?

Answer: I advise you to go through a comprehensive examination without fail, go to a clinic for vegetative disorders or any psychosomatic clinic, where you will definitely be assigned consultations of all specialists (psychiatrist, neurologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist). After the examination, the doctors will make a decision for you. Psychotherapy is a must!

Question:Hello! I'm 19 years old. For the last week I have been feeling unwell. The stomach hurts, sometimes it gives to the lower back, sometimes there is a slight nausea. Fatigue, loss of appetite (more precisely, sometimes I want to eat, but when I look at food, I feel sick), weakness. What could be the reason for this? I have low blood pressure all the time, I have problems with the thyroid gland.

Answer: Perform a blood test, urine test, gynecological examination.

Question:Hello. I'm 22, at work in the office it suddenly became ill. Her head was spinning, she almost fainted. No fever, cough, runny nose. Not a cold condition. This was not the case before. And I still feel weak. I have recently observed a tired state, after work I fall down, although I work 8 hours, not physically. I exclude pregnancy, because. was menstruating. What tests would you recommend to take to determine what's wrong?

Answer: Hello! Hand over the developed general or common analysis of a blood, it is necessary to exclude anemia first of all. Check your blood for thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) on any day of your cycle. Monitor your blood pressure for a few days to see if there is a drop in pressure. If nothing comes to light, then additionally consult a neurologist, it is necessary to exclude circulatory disorders in the vessels of the spine, brain.

Even mild dehydration - 2% on top of natural water loss - lowers our energy levels, says Amy Goodson, a nutritionist at the Texas Sports Medicine Center. Dehydration leads to a decrease in blood volume, because of this it becomes thicker, it becomes more difficult for the heart to pump it, oxygen and nutrients are delivered to various organs more slowly.

How much liquid does each of us need? Amy Goodson offers the following calculation formula: weight (in pounds) divided by 2, the resulting figure is the volume of water (in ounces) that you need. Do not be too lazy to convert your weight in pounds, and convert ounces to liters.

You quit playing sports

It may seem that by reducing physical activity, we save energy. But this is a delusion. A University of Georgia study found that when healthy sedentary people start exercising for as little as 20 minutes thrice a week, they experience less fatigue and more energy within 6 weeks.

Regular exercise makes us stronger and more resilient, strengthens the cardiovascular system. So, as soon as the temptation arises to collapse on the sofa, go for a walk, you will not regret it.

You have an iron deficiency in the body

Iron deficiency can make us lethargic, irritable, and make it hard to concentrate. “Severe fatigue in this case is due to the fact that less oxygen is supplied to the tissues and cells,” says Amy Goodson.

To make up for iron deficiency and avoid the anemia associated with it, lean on foods such as lean meats, beans, tofu, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, peanut butter, combined with foods high in vitamin C (which helps iron to be absorbed). ). Keep in mind that iron deficiency can be associated with some hidden disease, so it's best to check with your doctor just in case.

You are a perfectionist

Striving to be perfect - which, honestly, is generally unattainable - forces you to work much harder and longer than necessary, says Irene Levin, a professor of psychiatry at the New York University School of Medicine.

Set tight deadlines and stick to them

“A perfectionist sets goals that are completely unrealistic, too difficult or even unattainable, and therefore never feel satisfied.”

Levin recommends that you set yourself strict time limits for doing this or that work and try to stick to them. Gradually it will become clear that the extra time spent does not help to improve the quality of work.

you skip breakfast

Food is fuel for our body. When we sleep, he continues to expend the energy received during lunch or dinner. So, in the morning we need to replenish its reserves with the help of breakfast. When we miss it, we feel weak.

"Breakfast kicks off the body's metabolism," notes Amy Goodson. She recommends starting the day with whole grains, simple proteins, and healthy fats. For example, it could be oatmeal with protein powder plus peanut butter, or a smoothie made with fruit, protein powder, low-fat milk plus almond butter; Another option is eggs plus two whole grain toast plus fat-free yogurt.

You make an elephant out of a fly

If you go crazy with anxiety when your boss unexpectedly invites you to talk, or are afraid to get behind the wheel, fearing an accident in advance, then you are prone to catastrophizing, that is, always expecting the worst possible. Such anxiety is exhausting.

When you catch yourself thinking like this, take a deep breath and consider: how justified are your gloomy expectations? Walking, meditating, exercising, having a confidential conversation with a friend can all help you deal with anxiety and gain a more sober view of things.

You are addicted to junk food

Foods containing a lot of sugar and fast carbohydrates (such as those offered in fast food restaurants) have a high glycemic index, that is, they quickly increase blood sugar levels. Constant jumps in sugar up and down lead to the fact that we feel tired throughout the day, says Amy Goodson. Lean meats and whole grains help stabilize blood sugar levels. A good option is chicken (baked, not fried) with brown rice, salmon with potatoes, chicken salad and fruit.

You find it hard to say no

The desire to please others is costly, drains our energy and prevents us from feeling happy. And what's worse, it makes us forever resentful and embittered. You don't have to agree when your boss asks you to work on the weekend.

"Learn to say the word 'no' out loud," says Susan Alberts, a clinical psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic. “Practice ahead of time: the mere fact that you hear this word from your mouth will help you repeat it in a real situation when it is required.”

Junk has accumulated on your desktop

Workplace clutter makes it difficult to focus, and when the brain has a harder time processing information, we get more tired, a Princeton University study shows. When leaving the office, put your desk in order - then it will be easier to start the next day in a positive way.

you work on vacation

If you keep checking your work email instead of enjoying yourself by the pool, you're putting yourself at risk of burnout. On vacation, you need to disconnect from business worries and allow yourself to relax, only in this way you can recuperate and, when you return to work, feel more creative and efficient.

Do you like to drink a glass of wine before bed?

This habit can go sideways. “In the beginning, alcohol is really calming, suppressing the work of the central nervous system,” says neurologist and sleep specialist Alain Toufay. “But then the opposite effect occurs: alcohol causes a surge of adrenaline and interferes with the maintenance of sleep.” Having drunk wine for the coming sleep, we will most likely wake up in the middle of the night and get up broken in the morning. Therefore, alcohol should not be taken 3-4 hours before bedtime.

You check your mail before you go to bed

The backlit screen of a tablet, smartphone or computer can disrupt our natural circadian rhythm by suppressing the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the alternation of sleep and wakefulness. And although we all have different sensitivity to screen flicker, the most reasonable thing is to turn off gadgets an hour or two before bedtime. If you cannot tear yourself away from your smartphone, keep it away from you, at least 35 cm away.

You are used to pep yourself up with caffeine throughout the day.

There is nothing wrong with spurring yourself on in the morning with a cup or two of coffee. But coffee abuse (more than three servings) can seriously disrupt the daily rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, warns Dr. Toufay. Caffeine blocks the production of adenosine, the accumulation of which induces sleep. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine showed that the quality of sleep can be affected by drinking coffee 6 hours before you go to bed.

You sleep long on weekends

If we go to bed late and get up late on weekends, then we hardly fall asleep on Monday night and sleep on the go the next morning. However, this does not mean that you should deny yourself all the evening pleasures on weekends. But it would be good to get up in the morning at the usual time - it is better to sleep a little later in the afternoon. “The ideal option is to take a nap for 20 minutes. Then you don't reach the stage of deep sleep, after which you would wake up more tired," says Dr. Toufai.

There is no strength to live. And nothing will change in the future. Nothing good will happen and life will not get better. I have health problems (weakness, fatigue, slow-wittedness, headaches, dizziness, nausea). It interferes with normal life. I went to the doctors several times, but the cause could not be found. I am also weak in character, I have no grip, no self-confidence. Therefore, I will never be able to make good money. I can’t work with people, because I feel bad from the tension that arises when communicating with people. And I can’t work with papers, information because of problems with concentration. I will not be able to give birth and raise a child, to give him everything he needs. Men don't need me. No one wanted me to be his wife. I myself understand that no one needs someone like me. Why live if there is no meaning in this life and, most importantly, there is no strength and energy to live? I'm so tired. Very ... I dream of death, that all my torment will end. I know that I will not get an answer how to proceed. I want understanding.
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Tired, age: 33 / 16.09.2016


Hello! In fact, if you have an attitude towards an early death, it becomes even more difficult and you get even more tired. You see, you are at such a wonderful age that it is too early to draw any conclusions, even intermediate ones. And already have life experience. Yes, you can evaluate some achievements, identify the causes of failures, if any. But I hope you will not consider such a scenario. Personally, my concerns are mostly related to your health. What is the reason for these problems? The first thing that comes to mind is a weak immune system, many suffer from this. Symptoms are characteristic, and difficulties in communicating with people can be explained by this. Strengthening it, you will feel a surge of strength, efficiency will increase, self-confidence will appear. Although, there may be problems with the spine, in particular, the cervical region. The head may hurt and spin, there may be a weak concentration of attention. But with all this you can work effectively, it is still important to find a suitable doctor. Do not be lazy, contact different doctors. You have absolutely nowhere to rush. Take the necessary tests, use other diagnostic methods. Knowing the exact cause, the treatment will not be too difficult and long. And when you begin to feel better, then the desire to strive for something will reappear. Think about a possible job, something you consider acceptable for yourself. There are many industries that you probably don't know about. You can try a variety of positions, you do not need to be ashamed of anything or anyone. If you don't like a place, leave. But sooner or later you will make your choice. And personal life, by and large, is only a matter of time. But if now you think about a premature departure from life, then you can really believe yourself that there is no chance. Try not to. I wish you good health and success!

Arina, age: 50 / 09/17/2016

Hello! I also have big problems with concentration. Because of this, when I even just read a book, I often need to reread a paragraph again to understand what is written there. I can't communicate with people at all! I am constantly worried and shy when even just being among people. And when you have to communicate with someone, duck is generally a horror! Sometimes I just want to lie down and lie down, because I'm always lazy, constantly depressed and tired. Communication is only virtual. I communicate with people almost exclusively on the Internet, because only there I have friends. But you know, you still have your whole life ahead of you! Just like mine! We shouldn't despair. Do you have any hobbies? Try to devote more time to it. Perhaps you have talent! For example, I do music, I write poetry. Unleash your potential! Well, even if it does not work out, then you should not despair. Then you just need to live and enjoy the fact that you breathe the air, walk the earth. Some are generally disabled, but they enjoy life, enjoy every moment. You are still very young! All the best and most interesting ahead!

Pavel, age: 25/17.09.2016

Think about your food! Weakness and fatigue can be caused by a lack of vitamins. I recommend the anti-fatigue vitamin complex. In addition, your concentration will improve.

Vyacheslav, age: 18/17.09.2016

Hello! It is worth contacting a psychotherapist, undergoing treatment, drinking antidepressants and vitamins. You look at the world differently. It is difficult for you to work with papers and in a large team, then try something else, small offices and organizations, children's, preschool institutions, work in the service sector, a social worker, maybe with animals, etc. Look at Orthodox dating sites, get acquainted, communicate, you can find friends and maybe the second half. Don't be discouraged, hold on!

Irina, age: 09/28/17/2016

Patience and strength to you! Each person is unique, including you, accept yourself and turn to God, everyone has their own way, we are not able to understand many points, but we must live life with dignity. Humility and patience!

Meliss, age: 09/26/17/2016

But you can’t take a child to a foster family and you will have a child and your salary will be paid. And the meaning of life will appear.

Nen, age: 31/17.09.2016

I understand you, this is a stupid state when you can express yourself in one word "Tired", well, or "very tired". This is when you are already in a state of "tired" for a long time. Moreover, fatigue is not physical, but mental. It becomes difficult to do even the most ordinary things: get up in the morning, cook food, clean the apartment, and so on.
Please think about what worries you the most. If there are no physical pains, then the whole problem is in the head, namely in psychology. You need rest, sincere, when you just don’t have to strive anywhere, achieve something, expect something from life, don’t think about anything, just relax a little. If you don’t even go on vacation, then just go to nature, lie down and read a book all day long, turning off your phone. Why not. Also, spiritual vacation and new strength can be obtained in the church. Just stand there, pray and it will become easier on the soul.
Please don't think that you won't have anything you would like, it is not. Life is not logical at times. Everything changes, sometimes the main thing is to endure when it's hard and then life opens a new page. Please don't lose faith.

Sergey, age: 09/27/18/2016

In fact, for many people you are irreplaceable - for relatives, friends, for sure. Yes, they may not express it in words, they may not call you every day, but they will be very hurt if something happens to you. As for marriage, it's just a lottery. There are many smart and beautiful who are lonely. And at the same time, there are many girls with an ordinary appearance, who do not have any special talents, work in the most prestigious jobs, and at the same time are in a happy marriage. So it's not about your particularities at all. Everything can happily change in a moment. And maybe tired because you don’t see any joys in life. So you have to create them yourself. Buy yourself something beautiful from clothes. Sign up for courses on what you wanted to master for a long time, finally, you can embroider - it is very calming. You can go for the weekend to the nearest major city, go to museums, just take a walk. If you are a believer, go to church more often. You are not alone - do not think that you are the worst of all - so many people have exactly the same problems.

Svetlana, age: 36 / 09/18/2016

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Let's talk about pure spring blues next time, because it is easier to defeat than constant fatigue and drowsiness in women and men.

Spring will give way to summer, and with it spring fatigue will definitely go away)) for now, let's help ourselves by taking vitamins and using the methods described in this article.

With that question about fatigue, drowsiness, apathy, their causes and how to get rid of it by the advancing, regardless of the time of year, it is more difficult to fight. If you feel weakness and loss of strength after a hard day's work, this is not surprising, but if you wake up in the morning with exactly the same state of health, then you need to figure out what's wrong.

Fatigue has many causes, which can be both physical and mental, with psychological causes predominating in our time.

Causes are physical

We don't spend enough time outdoors. The body lacks oxygen, hence sleep problems and poor body functioning;

We are forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle, and again we sit out the time that can be spent on sports and movement. I won’t even describe how HARMFUL it is, written and rewritten a hundred times;

We eat wrong. We are constantly offered delicious, but, at best, absolutely useless products, but try to refuse tasty ones. In addition, the fast pace of modern life forces us to switch to semi-finished products and “fast” food, and we do not consume enough fortified foods. And what we offer the body, so it reacts in response.

The reasons are psychological

You are depressed. Explicit, which you yourself know about, or protracted, long to which you are accustomed to as a “normal” state and consider this the “style” of your life, explaining to yourself that: “Yes, I have been so tired all my life.”

The problem is the choice we have to make every day, sometimes several times a day, and often not so easy.

Although psychologists say that our ability to make choices is limited, we constantly have to go beyond the limits.

Contact with a lot of people. Not only with acquaintances and work colleagues, but also unconscious interaction with the crowd on the way to work and back, when visiting public places, an interaction that leads to the accumulation of stress;

Commitments. We are indebted to close and not too people, superiors, circumstances, ourselves, in the end, which brings with it constant psychological pressure;

Interestingly, for many, the reasons for the lack of strength and energy arise from the social aspect of modern times: being tired is prestigious, it is an “indicator of demand”, this is the only acceptable modern weakness that any person can afford without shame.

For many generations, all life must be built on its own image of an irreplaceable, in-demand and useful person (about generations in the article);

Well, in the end, we can get tired of dissatisfaction with ourselves (sometimes at the subconscious level) and our way of life.

Loss of energy - what to do, 8 ways to increase energy

Why there is no strength and energy figured out, now let's see what to do.

A mandatory point is the exclusion of possible diseases; a person who feels unwell is unlikely to be cheerful and full of energy. If you are sick, get treated. If there are no obvious diseases, we will listen to the application of the advice of psychologists and doctors.

1. Find out if you are depressed

You will not be able to remove physical fatigue, with poor psychological well-being. Very often the words "I'm tired" are often her first sign.

You can assess how close your state is to depressive by passing the Beck Scale test. The most convenient I found here at this link.

With a high level of depression, you will need to see a doctor. Medicine promises us that modern antidepressants are safe and not addictive.

You can read more about how to deal with a milder form of depression and what helped me personally in the article.

2. One of the very important points is to establish a sleep pattern.

Whatever ways we use to combat fatigue, lack of sleep will nullify all efforts.

Lack of sleep slows down metabolism and brain activity, but increases the consumption of carbohydrates, with which the brain tries to support its activity. But most importantly, because of what a feeling of fatigue arises, the process of producing endorphins, “happiness hormones,” is slowed down.

For me personally, as an “owl” for whom all “great” things are easiest to do at night, it’s very difficult to make me go to bed on time, I fight with myself all the time, even in my diary, as the main thing of the week, I often write: “Go to bed on time!” )))

It is believed that a person needs 8 full hours of sleep for normal sleep, but rather this figure is an average figure, 7 hours is enough for me, provided that I eat these 7 hours every day, and recently I read that Jennifer Lopez sleeps 10 hours a night ... maybe Is that why she's so pretty and active?

Additional useful articles about sleep: "", "".

3. Establish a drinking regimen and diet

The advice is "boring" and not new, but important.

Lack of water is stressful for the whole body, but brain cells are especially sensitive to a lack of fluid, and even slight dehydration reduces mental capacity and leads to increased fatigue.

Let me briefly remind you of the main points of proper nutrition.

Proper breakfast. This is not necessarily porridge, there are many options for good breakfasts.

I really liked the advice I read in some health magazine: if you are a knowledge worker, the main emphasis during breakfast on carbohydrates, if you are a physical worker, protein.

Eating not twice a day, and not even three, but five (two of them are snacks - fruits, nuts, cheese, etc.)

As little as possible sugar, fat, coffee and simple carbohydrates.

4. Strengthen the body with vitamins

Even if the causes of your fatigue lie in the field of psychology, such internal nourishment will definitely benefit the whole body.

Prepare "Amosov's Pasta", which, in addition to the "delivery" of vitamins, strengthens the heart muscle, and with a healthy sweetness, it will raise the level of hormones of happiness.

It will take 300 grams each: raisins, prunes, dried apricots, figs, walnuts,. 1-2 lemons with peel

Cooking. Wash and steam dried fruits, pour boiling water over lemons, cut into several pieces. Pass dried fruits and lemons through a meat grinder, add honey, mix.

How to use. The mixture is taken 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach, or 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals. As an option, it can be added to morning porridge or cottage cheese, breakfast will turn out not only tasty, but also healthy.

5. Take adaptogens

Medicines are indicated for a breakdown, a constant feeling of fatigue, they help the body resist the harmful effects of external factors, the same stresses.

Adaptogens drugs, list

Depending on the origin, they are divided into:

plant based adaptogens.

  • Ginseng.
  • Eleutherococcus.
  • Rhodiola rosea.
  • Lemongrass.
  • Sea ​​buckthorn.
  • Aralia.
  • Ginger.
  • Centaury.
  • Astragalus.
  • Zamaniha.
  • Levzeya.

Mineral origin and based on minerals:

  • Mumiyo.
  • Humic substances (products produced from centuries-old natural deposits of peat, coal, sapropels, etc.)

Adaptogens of animal origin:

  • Waste products of bees: Apilak, Propolis, Bee pollen.
  • Animal waste products: Reindeer antlers - "Pantokrin", "Gygapan", "Rantarin"; Shark oil; A product of the processing of milk from fish of the salmon family.

Synthetic adaptogens.

  • citrulline
  • Trecrezan.

It is necessary to take adaptogens in the first half of the day, with a course of 15 to 30 days, more precise instructions are given in the annotations to the drugs. Before use, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

6. Remove excess

Divide your fatigue into "physical" and "psychological", see what duties from each subgroup you could reduce. If the physical load (household and work duties) cannot be reduced, then they need to:

Arrange. Fortunately, there are now many books on time management that help build a work routine and ready-made systems for organizing a household (for example, a fly lady);

Take breaks. Every hour or every 45 minutes (it’s not without reason that such a segment is allotted for a school lesson), give yourself a break for 5-10 minutes to prevent fatigue from accumulating. The best option is simple affordable physical activity either to warm up or just walk.

It is curious that Dan Brown practiced this method when he wrote The Da Vinci Code, he took breaks every 50 minutes. The chapters in the book came out short, and the method turned out to be really effective - the novel became a bestseller.

Learn to switch. As you know, rest is a change of activity, and cooking after a working day is considered by many to be a meditative activity)) it's all about attitude.

To “reduce” the same psychological reasons, you will have to think and change your own picture of the world a little.

Praise yourself

Not only for their major achievements and victories, but also for a minor reason. Moreover, psychologists advise to thank yourself even for the fact that you were able to notice that fatigue is becoming your chronic condition.

In general, gratitude to oneself is considered an important skill that can and should be trained. On a neurobiological level, it reduces anxiety and helps build a sense of self-confidence.

I started practicing self-praise intuitively even before reading this advice. At first, it was quite difficult, because I got used to not praising myself, but scolding myself, but during the day I force me to “look back” at what I have done and note what I managed, what I did from what was planned, and it often turns out that I was more productive than it seemed. I praise))

By the way, I noticed that focusing on my even insignificant achievements helps to stop migraine attacks, which I have because of dissatisfaction with myself and because of not done planned mountains of things.

Develop mindfulness

This item is for those who feel dissatisfied with themselves and their lifestyle, this is what affects the fact that there is no energy and strength in the body, what can be done in this serious case.

Pay attention to your state of mind with questions such as: “What am I doing now?”, “Why am I doing this?”, “Is this consistent with my life strategy?” By honestly answering them, you will understand whether you really need what you are used to doing, whether the actions you take will help you get where you want to be.

If the answer is no, it means that in the near future you have a global task - to change your life strategy.

By the way, despite the seeming simplicity of the questions, it is not so easy to answer them, because many do not know the main thing - specifically formulated their own life goals. I can quite understand this because, in order to figure out exactly what I want, I even went through a training on setting life goals)))

Let life only please you and the breakdown will be “not about you” 🙂

Many readers of my site complain that they do not have enough strength and energy for classes, or that they are very tired during training. In this note, I have listed the most common causes of lack of strength and energy. Take a closer look! Perhaps this is the very reason for the lack of strength.

The main causes of lack of energy

Below I have listed the main reasons that cause a lack of strength and energy. Some may surprise you! As a rule, there are several reasons acting simultaneously.

As soon as you understand what is the reason for the lack of energy and strength, immediately eliminate it without hesitation. And life will shine with new colors!

Excessively frequent workouts

Perhaps your workouts are carried out too often - 5-7 times a week or more.

For good progress, 3 workouts per week for 60-70 minutes are enough. Plus aerobics 2 times a week for 30 minutes. To keep fit and even less: 2-3 workouts per week for 40-50 minutes plus aerobics 2 times a week for 30 minutes.

Excessively long workouts

Perhaps your workouts are too long and exhausting. This is the road to nowhere.

You should not exercise for more than 1 hour 30 minutes in any case. The exception is professional athletes. The optimal duration of training for muscle mass is 50-70 minutes. And if you need to dry out, train no more than 70-90 minutes at a time.

Lack of periodization

Periodization of training is fluctuations in the level of loads from complex to complex, from week to week and from lesson to lesson. You can't go all out in every workout! It is necessary to create fluctuations in intensity. Such fluctuations are called periodization.

Build your sports activities by creating microcycles. Divide the training year into mesocycles. This will not only save a lot of energy, but will also give noticeably great results in fitness.

Exaggerated weights in exercises

Perhaps in training you use too large weights of shells. And they must be optimal. To increase muscle volume, weight should be at the level of 70-75% of the maximum. To increase strength - about 80-85% of the maximum. To improve the relief and reduce body fat - about 50-60% of the maximum.

A clear sign of overweight is that you do not have time to restore your pulse (up to 100-110 beats) and breathing for 1.5-2 minutes between sets. Or when you can not lift the weight in the exercise the required number of times cleanly, and are forced to resort to - all sorts of tricks to overcome it.

The condition caused by constant overload during training is called. And being in it all the time is a bad idea.

Poorly organized meals

You may be eating poorly (not enough calories, nutrients and vitamins). You should eat at least 4 times a day. Before training, it is better to eat an hour and a half to two. And be sure to eat right after your workout.

This also includes sitting on all sorts of diets. If a person is actively engaged in fitness and severely restricts himself in nutrition, a lack of strength and energy is completely natural. You need to increase the calorie content and nutritional value of your diet. And remember that losing weight on 800-1000 calories is not only stupid, but also fraught with health problems. It is necessary not to cut calories, but to correctly place accents in nutrition. This is what makes my program so effective.

Few carbohydrates in food

You may not be eating enough carbohydrates (cereals, pasta, baked goods, fruits and vegetables) and fats (oils, fatty meats, nuts and seeds), just add a little more to your diet. I believe that going on a low-carb diet for a long time or on a diet with a calorie content of less than 1600 kcal is not reasonable.

Understand that such a diet will hit not only your fat deposits, but first of all your muscles, your well-being, your ability to think sensibly and make decisions, your emotional background, and your hormonal background. Moreover, the last factor will be the cause of all these negative shifts.

Too many things to do

Perhaps you have a very stressful job or lifestyle, or you also play another sport. Then it is not difficult to guess why there is not enough energy. Here, strengthening nutrition, streamlining your affairs, giving up part of your affairs, reviewing your schedule and daily routine, setting priorities and abandoning the load that is not so important now can help. That is, the problem is solved by the correct organization of affairs and the daily routine.

Lack of sleep

Perhaps you are not sleeping enough. This is important for maintaining energy. If this is the cause of fatigue, then try to sleep for 20 minutes during the day. You can even not sleep, but just lie down and relax. This alone will add a lot of strength.

Influence of body type and temperament

Perhaps you have a thin (ectomorph) or are an introvert by temperament. For such very special people, rapid fatigue is characteristic.

If this applies to you at least to some extent, you should take this factor into account in your studies and in everyday life. That is, to use knowledge about one's nature in real life. Make your fitness workouts shorter but more intense. Do not abuse aerobics. You should also enhance nutrition and take protein and energy supplements, vitamins. To sleep more. Do not get involved in very urgent and time-consuming matters tied to a specific deadline, because for you it is like death. Give yourself time to think, relax, be alone if you feel the need.

Chronic fatigue

There is also reliable information about the so-called "chronic fatigue", when you constantly feel overwhelmed and lack of tone, decreased immunity, irritability, and uncertainty. In the vast majority of cases, it is due to just a few simple reasons.

First reason- constant stress caused by the banal inability to manage their emotional state and psychological illiteracy. Study psychology and master meditation.

The second major reason- this is a stupidly organized diet with an excess of fats and carbohydrates against the background of a lack of essential vitamins, proteins, water and mineral components.

An excess of sweets leads to a constant overload of the pancreas that produces insulin. And excessive consumption of fatty foods leads to an even greater overload of the same pancreas due to stimulation of the adrenal cortex, which produces adrenaline (so that the pancreas produces even more insulin). Such an “adrenaline addiction” caused by excessive and unreasonable nutrition quickly depletes the body, although if you count only calories, it seems like it should be the other way around. But calories are not all we need...

If you conduct such a simple analysis of your life and take adequate measures, your energy will increase significantly.