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Passenger car zil for a military parade. The main car of the victory parade

The polished cabriolet floated slowly at parade speed and braked not sharply, but only a little more intensively than it should be according to its status. It was I who provoked an experienced driver into an active maneuver - out of pure curiosity. Prepared, grouped - and almost fell overboard! Standing in a cabriolet, it is very difficult to maintain balance: I only managed to hold on because I grabbed a handrail sticking out in the center of the cabin.

How much depends on the ability of the driver to drive smoothly! After all, the Minister of Defense circles the troops in a combat stance: his right hand is attached to his cap, and his left elegantly lies on the railing.

Is it difficult to manage the front ZIL? I'm going to try now! The automatic transmission lever is in the “drive” position, I take my foot off the brake, and the ZIL‑41041 AMG slowly, like a train long distance, moves away. The power unit is perfectly adapted to the measured movement in front of the Kremlin walls. The engine allows you to accelerate without sudden accelerations and jerks, switching from first gear to second is almost imperceptible.

Out of habit, the convertible seems too soft and rolly. No wonder: the tire pressure, the characteristics of the rear leaf spring and front torsion bar suspension are chosen so as to ensure high smoothness on the pavement of Red Square. Moreover, with a completely specific load: a driver, a passenger and a full trunk of equipment that manages the work of three radio microphones.

Before the turn, I slowed down a little, turned the steering wheel - and immediately felt a slight body roll.

But for me he is barely noticeable, and if there was a passenger standing behind him, he would probably grab the handrail so as not to fall. Acquaintance with the convertible ended with the most comfortable deceleration, since the information content of the brake pedal is quite high. ZIL froze in place, without pecking his nose. Or so it seemed to me?


The driver of the parade ZIL of the Minister of Defense under the number 0001 MO 77 is already driving the fifth parade. He also knows two other cars well. The one with the number 0002 is intended for the commander of the ground forces. There are no external differences, but due to the peculiarities of the route along Red Square, the settings are slightly different. It has a smaller turning radius and the automatic shifts to second gear at a slower speed. The third car is a spare (during the parade it is on duty at the gates of the Spasskaya Tower), with average settings. By the way, it has never been needed yet: the first two are reliable and did not require replacement. For rehearsals and for the parade, convertibles are distilled under their own power. Fabric top and side windows keep raised - to keep the interior clean. Movement on Red Square is a special job. No unnecessary braking - only at the points provided by the scenario! For example, you need to leave the gates of the Spasskaya Tower and then turn left without slowing down and at the same time comfortably for the passenger. The speed of the detour of the parade "boxes" with the troops is about 17 km / h. When the convertibles of the Minister of Defense and the commander of the parade follow side by side, it is required to keep a distance of one and a half meters. From the outside, they seem to be moving evenly. In fact - somewhere a little faster, somewhere a little slower: you have to take into account the relief of the paving stones (it lies in waves). Sometimes you need to work in two pedals - both gas and brake, in order to avoid unnecessary switching of the "automatic" from first gear to second and back.

When watching the TV broadcast of the Victory Parade, please note: the headlights are not lit on convertibles, and the brake lights do not work when braking. There is a toggle switch in the armrest with which the driver turns off all external lights, windshield wipers, air conditioner. This is to avoid interference with radio microphones.

As it turned out, the most difficult thing in the work of the driver at the parade is not at all jewelry driving, but the need to adhere to the schedule with an accuracy of several seconds. There should be no delays: the planes and helicopters completing the parade have already taken off from the airfields. You can't ask their pilots to fly anywhere for a few minutes to make up for a schedule glitch. Clock? On the dashboard ZIL, of course, they are - but without a second hand. The driver does not have the opportunity to often look at his watch, he has to navigate by music - the marches of the combined orchestra of the Moscow military garrison. Plus, the acquired sixth sense is a kind of internal timer.


A car that is used only a few days a year has a special mode of storage and maintenance. All three ZILs are in an air-conditioned garage, where a certain temperature and humidity are maintained. Each battery is disconnected from the on-board network for fire safety reasons. And covers are put on the wiper blades so that their rubber bands age more slowly and do not deform. Outwardly, ZILs are always brand new. What about a sedentary lifestyle? Slow driving and smooth braking is not the most useful mode of operation. It is necessary sometimes to get through with the breeze in order to burn carbon deposits in the engine! And load the brakes, suspension, gearbox? After the dress rehearsal of the parade, which takes place on May 7, convertibles, accompanied by traffic police cars, go on a run along one of the Moscow region highways. Only full-time drivers are behind the wheel, but the passengers are specialists from the manufacturer. Under their supervision, ZILs perform a special driving cycle, including braking and driving at maximum speed. Then the convertibles are washed, dried and checked for their technical condition. The final touch is polishing the body. By the way, the driver of the parade ZIL is not at all an army white-handed woman who only sits behind the wheel. After each departure, he washes the cabriolet by himself. Body features and paint quality require an individual approach, so automatic brushes and conscripts are not allowed to work. Kärcher, sponges, car cosmetics and neat handicrafts. And here's what's even more interesting. Before rehearsals and the parade, drivers often walk the entire route along Red Square. Of course, this paving stone is cleaned with special care, but an extra check will not hurt. No matter how strong and puncture-resistant the tires are, their contact with piercing and cutting objects must be excluded. During the TV broadcast of the Victory Parade, a voice-over tells the viewers who is leading a column of tanks or a flight of fighters. It seems to me that it would be fair to call the driver of the cabriolet under the number 0001. And since this is not being done yet, I will call him. Major Georgy Alexandrovich Gorshunov drives the car of the Minister of Defense. It is he who we will see at the wheel of "board 0001", which on May 9 will open the parade on Red Square dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Our reference

Three black ZIL-41041 AMG convertibles were assembled in 2009 to replace the gray parade chaises with the index 41044. The manufacturer is Atlant-Delta, a member of the GAZ Group. The cars are based on five-seater four-door sedans ZIL-41041 with a base of 3300 mm. The main differences besides the truncated two-door body are the interior and chassis with GM nodes. Vortec 6.0 engine, Hydra-Matic 6L90E six-speed gearbox, Yokohama Mirada 245/70 R16 tires. The exterior styling of the donor is retained, although many exterior panels have been replaced. Two-door convertibles are equipped with communication equipment, a folding fabric roof and an adjustable handrail for standing up. Used once a year - at the Victory Parade.

Behind the power and roar of armored vehicles, the most peaceful military vehicles, special open parade cars, fade into the background. At all times they were the most powerful, perfect and elegant phaetons and cabriolets, which in themselves served as a demonstration of the highest achievements of the state.

The first Soviet parade cars appeared with the birth of the modest Victory, which opened the way for more powerful and spectacular cars. All cars of this purpose are usually assembled in several copies on the chassis of serial sedans or limousines by cutting off excess body elements and saturating them with special parade attributes. Until recently, they were traditionally painted in different shades of gray, reminiscent of the winter overcoats of the highest military ranks.

Parade Victory

The serial GAZ M-20 Pobeda sedan immediately attracted the attention of the military, who used it as traveling and staff vehicles. In 1948, the factory program was supplemented by the M-20B convertible with rigid side window frames from a sedan and a soft folding roof, which, for lack of anything else, was used in military garrisons during parades. In local workshops, for the first time they began to mount handles on the frame windshield or on the backs of the front seats, for which the officer who received the parade could hold on while driving.

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The first two special parade convertibles were assembled in the summer of 1949 at Experimental Plant No. 38 near Moscow. They were distinguished by the absence of side window frames, an awning laying mechanism and handrails on the backs of the front seats. To ensure rigidity, the left rear door was welded to the body. It is known that these machines were used only once at the parade in Petrozavodsk.

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Since the mid-1950s, the new GAZ-21 Volga passenger car has been widely used in the armed forces of the USSR as company car command and officer levels. Single samples of front versions were made only for their own needs in local workshops by cutting off the roof, rear and side pillars, and a regular awning was not provided for them at all.


The epitome of the military superiority of the Armed Forces of the USSR and the victory in the Great Patriotic War were the grandiose parades on Red Square in Moscow, to which the highest military personalities drove open silver cars ZIS-110B of the Moscow Automobile Plant named after I.V. Stalin. Created in 1949 for representative purposes, four years later they turned into the first Soviet special parade cars that replaced horses and became the pride of the whole country.

The base of the ZIS-110B phaeton was a spectacular 140-horsepower ZIS-110 limousine with a closed body with a lowered internal partition, which served to deliver the highest state, party and military ranks of the Soviet Union. The features of the open version were practical leather upholstery and a manual mechanism for laying the awning. In the central part of the cabin, a leather-trimmed handle was installed, which allowed the parade commander and the marshals receiving the parade, while standing inside the car at full height, to maintain balance while moving. Cars different editions were supplied with glazed canvas side inserts or glasses with manual lifts, radio systems with microphones and amplifiers stored in the trunk.

For the first time, two parade ZIS-110Bs appeared on Red Square on May 1, 1953, when Marshal N. A. Bulganin commanded the parade. From these cars, a tradition began on all phaetons participating in Moscow parades to install two chrome-plated special signals and a third headlight in the center of the bumper. Subsequently, they were used by the Marshals of the Soviet Union, Ministers of Defense G. K. Zhukov and R. Ya. Malinovsky, Marshals K. E. Voroshilov, K. S. Moskalenko and others, as well as top military leaders of the socialist countries.


In 1958, the Moscow Automobile Plant created a 200-horsepower top-class limousine ZIL-111. In the early 1960s, several ZIL-111V convertibles with folding canvas awnings and hydraulic side window lifts were assembled on its basis, which served to meet important guests and the first Soviet cosmonauts. For military ceremonies, three open cars with handrails and a microphone stand in the cabin were assembled, which participated in parades until 1962.

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A more solid open version of the ZIL-111D based on the ZIL-111G limousine was used to serve senior officials, meet foreign guests and did not participate in military parades.

Front Volga GAZ-24

In the Soviet army, the new 95-horsepower Volga played the role of a traveling and personal vehicle for senior officers. On orders from the Warsaw Pact countries, Cuba and the Middle East, the Gorky Automobile Plant, together with military specialists, assembled an experimental batch of open parade versions. In the remote garrisons of the Soviet army, such convertibles were created in local repair shops by a handicraft method of cutting off all the “extra” from serial sedans.

The parade version of the GAZ-24 Volga serial car (author's photo)
Locally assembled Volga open cars at the parade in Novosibirsk

Following the example of "real" parade cars, a wide transverse adjustable handle and a stand with two microphones and power indicators were placed in the center of the cabin. On some versions, the right front seat was removed, and the microphones were mounted on the windshield frame. The radio station was placed in the trunk, on both rear fenders there were telescopic antennas.

GAZ-13B Seagull

In the early 1960s, based on the executive car GAZ-13 Chaika with an engine of 195 hp. with. produced about 15 GAZ-13B convertibles with an electro-hydraulic system for raising and lowering the soft top. Usually they served for parades in the provincial cities of the USSR and in remote military districts.

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In 1979, several repaired cars were sent to the GDR, and with the collapse of the USSR, such cars remained in the former Soviet republics. Similar cars were converted from ordinary sedans at local repair bases.


When developing the ZIL-114 family of long-wheelbase passenger cars of the highest class with a 275-horsepower engine, a more compact two-door parade convertible ZIL-117V with a shortened base (3,300 mm). In 1973-1979, only a few of these machines were assembled, including the ZIL-117VE variant with shielded electrical equipment.

They were equipped with a radio station, a central handrail, a two-microphone stand in the front passenger seat and flagpoles on the front fenders. The maximum speed reached 200 km / h.

Front Volga GAZ-3102

Since 1981, the upgraded Volga GAZ-3102 with engines ranging from 90 to 150 hp began to play the role of a powerful and comfortable traveling car for senior officers. with. It is not known about the creation of its open parade versions in Soviet times. Their numerous variants of local assembly began to appear only in democratic Russia and on the eve of the celebration of Victory Day were used in parades in different cities and military districts of the Russian Federation.

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GAZ-14-05 Seagull

In 1981-1988, the Gorky Automobile Plant assembled 15 front cabriolets GAZ-14-05, based on the chassis of the 220-horsepower GAZ-14 Chaika sedan. The cars were equipped with two front individual seats, a low central bulkhead, two flagpoles, three high antennas on the wings and an awning on a tubular frame, which was pulled by hand. In place of the middle folding seats, a microphone stand was mounted, and there were two handrails on the back of the right front seat. In a number of regions they are still used to receive military parades.

Open Chaika GAZ-14-05 at the parade in Khabarovsk


In anticipation of the times of stagnation at ZIL, work on the creation of a new generation of top-class executive cars did not cease. In 1976, its basis was a massive long-wheelbase ZIL-4104 limousine, which bore the factory index ZIL-115. In 1981, the light gray ZIL-41044 (ZIL-115V) cabriolets with a shortened base (3,300 mm) became the only parade cars in this diverse family. They were equipped with a less powerful 275-horsepower unit, a folding awning and twin round headlights.

Specific features included the absence of a front passenger seat, heating rear seat and floor, a microphone stand with a handrail in the center of the cabin, a radio station in the trunk and a special communications complex "Tutor".

In 1990, these cars opened the last Soviet military parade in Moscow, then participated in the renewed ceremonies of 2008-2009, remaining without replacement for almost 30 years.


In 2009, a competition was announced to create a new parade convertible, in which the Moscow Automobile Plant, which was already on the verge of collapse, took part. A year later, using the surviving units, they assembled three open car ZIL-410441 with a V8 engine with a capacity of 280 liters. with. and Allison automatic transmission, featuring traditional factory styling with a modernized grille, rectangular light blocks and updated interiors.

Explaining the condition of the black color of the car, the customers referred to the color of the civilian suit of the new Minister of Defense A.E. Serdyukov. This model did not pass the state acceptance.

ZIL-41041 AMG (SP45)

The second contender for the creation of the future parade car was the Atlant-Delta design company. Having no experience in such developments, specialists from Nizhny Novgorod decided to build their SP45 machine in a roundabout way, retaining the ZIL style. They bought three decommissioned executive cars, shortened their bodies, welded the rear doors and painted everything black. They remade the interior, saturating it with parade equipment, mounted a new mechanism for raising and lowering the awning. Used American GMC Sierra 1500 pickups from 2007 with standard Vortec engines, transmissions and Japanese tires were taken as the basis for the car. During certification, the car was given the marking "ZIL-41041 AMG".

In 2010, Minister Serdyukov hosted the parade on this American-Nizhny Novgorod hybrid with the ZIL emblem. On the 70th anniversary of the Victory, the new Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Sergei Shoigu, used the same machine.

GAZ SP46 Tiger

The most original creation of the Atlant-Delta company was black all-wheel drive front cars GAZ SP46 Tiger of brutal appearance. In 2008, three open two-door samples were assembled on the chassis of the GAZ-2330 Tigr armored vehicle with an American Cummins diesel engine of 205 hp. with. and Allison transmission. A two-microphone stand was mounted in the place of the front passenger, there were steps on both sides of the body, and a spare wheel in a black case. The gross vehicle weight was 4.75 tons.

Initially, it was planned to use these all-terrain vehicles in Moscow, but then they were entrusted with leading military parades on Palace Square in St. Petersburg, replacing the long-obsolete ZIL-117V vehicles.

The parade version of the GAZ-2330 Tiger armored vehicle with American units
Car SP46 Tiger on Palace Square in St. Petersburg. year 2012

Well, apparently, the time has not yet come for a “real” domestic front car attractive appearance and coloring with Russian units.

The unique parade cars that will take to the cobblestones of Red Square on May 9 are inextricably linked with this majestic event. Many out of habit call these cars ZILs and sincerely believe that they participated in Soviet military celebrations. Alas, this is not entirely true.

The very first Victory Parade in 1945 was hosted by Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov riding a light gray horse Kumir of Arab-Kabardian blood. Marshal Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, commanded the troops on a thoroughbred horse named Polus. Stalin himself oversaw the preparations for the celebration, which was watched by the whole world. The chief cavalryman of the USSR Budyonny even had to personally select the horses. Both "Marshals of Victory" spent about a month training: Zhukov practiced dressage in silence and quickly retired to headquarters, and Rokossovsky, with the passion of a perfectionist, honed all the elements to an ideal level.

In 1953, horses were replaced by cars, but the concept of detour of troops has not changed much since then. The first front cars were open versions of the ZIS-110B. These convertibles were not created specifically for military reviews, at that time ZIS produced them in a small series for state needs, weddings and later for taxis. The car was first painted in a characteristic gray color.

Specialized ceremonial cars began to be prepared only in the 60s, then the ceremonial ZIS-110 was replaced by a more presentable and perfect ZIL-111 convertible. For the convenience of the commander in ZIL, the right front seat was removed, provided with a comfortable handrail and microphones. The cars that had worked out on Red Square went to Leningrad, Kyiv, Minsk and other large cities. AT settlements a smaller procession was opened by Gaz "gulls" or "Volga".

Since then, the Likhachev plant has become the only supplier of convertibles for 9 May. ZIL-41044 - the flesh of the flesh of the Soviet industry - hosted the parade in 2009. For a technically and morally obsolete car, released in the late 80s, this was the last "dressage".

The issue of replacing the country's main military vehicle has become more acute than ever. Two companies took up work on the project at once: ZIL, which was dying under the burden of debts, and a small office from Nizhny Novgorod, Atlant Delta, which is part of Oleg Deripaska's GAZ Group. They chose different ways to create a parade car. Muscovites decided to modernize old model, experience in the production of which has been honed over the years. And the specialists of Atlant Delta took only the body from the four-door ZIL-41041, and borrowed the technical stuffing from foreign cars.

For Nizhny Novgorod, the main problem was to find living bodies for the project, since ZIL flatly refused to sell its cars to competitors. As a result, three heavily used cars were found on sales sites, and they were brought from different cities of Russia. They were in very poor condition: rusted, partially dismantled, devoid of external chrome parts.

The remains of the once luxurious salons went to the trash, the cars lost original suspension and motors, only bare bodies remained. The ZILs, which were originally four-door sedans, were turned into convertibles, the Gaz craftsmen lengthened the front doors, strengthened the hinges and strengthened the bodies.

After the completion of welding and restoration work, the turn of the most interesting came: the body of a Soviet car was connected to an American-made chassis. The engineers had no particular doubts about the choice of the latter. The fact is that the Gaz masters already had a similar experience: in cooperation with the Molotov Garage retro studio, they built an exclusive car based on the ZIL-114 for a rich man in the early 2000s.

The customer really liked the chopped forms of the symbol of victorious socialism, but he was categorically not satisfied with the archaic engine and poor handling. The body of the 114th was “married” with the chassis and power unit of the Chevrolet Suburban SUV, adding various options to the interior of the resulting limousine, such as a mini-cinema.

For the final transformation of the restored parade ZILs, three American GMC Sierra pickups were purchased. The transplant began: ZIL was equipped with a frame, a 6-liter Vortec V8 engine and automatic transmission gears with a branded poker-switch on the steering wheel. Steering wheel also inherited from the "American", except that the logo of the overseas brand was removed from the steering wheel, replacing it with the ZIL emblem. Virtually no changes migrated from the pickup truck and all the wiring under the hood with the dashboard.

But the salon was made independently, since they have accumulated decent experience in creating interiors. The roof folding mechanism was also made in Nizhny. Some missing parts of the exterior, such as optics, bumpers and chrome parts, had to be searched all over the country, something was made anew. As a result, with the exception of rubber, today's cars almost completely outwardly correspond to their Soviet counterparts. The construction process took a record short time: work began in November 2009, and at the end of January 2010, three parade convertibles were ready.

Despite the state significance of the project and Deripaska's support, the savings were not forgotten: the removed pickup bodies were sold. What happened was called ZIL-41041 AMG, the car also has a factory index GAZ-SP45, which can completely confuse the first attempt to identify the origin of the current front car.

The requirements for the color of the cars were announced in advance: the convertible had to be black. Initially, all parade vehicles were painted exclusively in gray, and this was due to the fact that they worked not only at the Victory parades, but also at the November 7 parades in honor of the October Revolution: by this time the military leaders had already switched to winter uniforms, and therefore the color the car had to be in harmony with the color of the overcoats. For the parade in 2010, black was chosen according to the same principle: the then Minister of Defense was a civil dignitary Anatoly Serdyukov, who conducted the review in a business black suit.

But how did the original Zilovsky project lose, because the factory workers also did not sit idly by? In 2009, the front cars at ZIL were assembled almost from scratch, most of the components were used from their storerooms. In Germany, they ordered a mechanism for folding the roof, and the design was finalized at the factory. It would seem that everything was ready, but there was a failure at the bride's show in the Ministry of Defense: the lighting devices did not light up and the electrician went haywire.

The army leadership made a choice in favor of more reliable cars from GAZ, albeit built on imported units. All three cars on the chassis of GMC pickups were leased to the Ministry of Defense for a long-term lease and went to serve at the 147th automobile military base located on Rublyovka.

And the Zilovsky parade cars remained standing in the gradually emptying shops of the dying automobile plant. Last year, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, the Ministry of Defense again showed interest in these vehicles. The leadership of the department intended to use them for holding parades in other cities of Russia, for this it was necessary for the convertibles to return to the historical gray color and eliminate the existing shortcomings. The Ministry promised to allocate funds for this, the team working on the cars expressed their desire to participate in the project with unanimous enthusiasm, but the money never came, the idea came to naught.

It is not known in what ways (whether sold or donated), but one of the cars built at ZIL ended up in the collection of the ex-president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych. Especially for him, the car was turned from a front car into a pleasure convertible, a right front seat was installed and equipped with an audio system. After the revolution in Ukraine, it turned out that the car had stood in the hangar all this time, along with other rarities from the Yanukovych collection. Then her trace was lost. Other ceremonial Zilov cars are now for sale.

The service life of black convertibles participating in the current Victory Parade is also coming to an end. In 2018, a solemn review on Red Square will be opened by new vehicles from the Cortege project, a source close to the Ministry of Defense told Life. The history of the Zilov machine, original and not so, is coming to an end.

“Moscow speaks and shows. Listen and watch Red Square! Victory Parade! ”, - the annual solemn passage of ceremonial calculations along Red Square has become an integral symbol of May 9th. But the symbol of the parade itself, perhaps, can be called ... cars. Rulers and commanders changed, but the luxurious chaises of the commander and host remained the same participants in each parade.

“Comrades! Be vigilant, tirelessly master military affairs, strengthen the economic and military might of our beautiful Motherland with tenfold energy in all areas of socialist construction! Everyone understood perfectly well that war could not be avoided, although it was possible to postpone the ruthless meat grinder - the main thing was to show how "the defense power of the Soviet state had been significantly strengthened." Soldiers and officers rumbled with their boots, motorcycles and military equipment rumbled with engines, military planes flew by ... Diplomats of foreign states watched all this.

The column of armored vehicles led unusual car- as the magazine "Behind the wheel" wrote, "an elegant, well-finished phaeton, with a beautiful streamlined body shape." This car is an open ZIS-102, a modification of the ZIS-101 limousine devoid of a rigid metal roof. A great future was predicted for the elegant, swift phaeton - then the commander and host of the parade rode along the cobblestones of Red Square on thoroughbred trotters, but the appearance of a beautiful parade car could change the established order: why shouldn’t military leaders change to cars? However, Joseph Stalin categorically cut off: "We will not change the good tradition of the Soviet army."

  • The ZIS-102 was planned to be mass-produced, but due to a lack of production capacity, the phaetons remained a piece product - just a few copies were produced. To our time, not a single ZIS-102 has survived

  • The elegant car participated in many parades that were held on Red Square, and was also exhibited at the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition

  • One of several cars that was produced by the 1st Automobile Plant. I.V. Stalin", set several all-Union speed records. In 1940, the magazine "Behind the wheel" reported that "ZIS-102 flew 100 km in 51 minutes. 34.7 sec., average speed- 116.327 km / h "

  • Technically, the phaeton repeated the ZIS-101 limousine. Engine - in-line 8-cylinder, with a volume of 5.8 liters, giving out 110 hp; gearbox - 3-speed manual; suspension — dependent and front and rear; brakes are drum. The body of the ZIS-102 (as well as the original ZIS-101) is wood-steel: stamped metal panels were hung on a wooden frame

  • Rumor has it that just before the start of the war, Joseph Stalin sent a white phaeton ... to the Vatican, as a gift to the Pope. But this legend is not documented and is more of a tale, since the cars of the Holy See are well known

Cars replaced the trotters only after the death of Iron Joseph, in 1953. During the May parade, “dedicated to the International Solidarity of Workers”, a 4-door phaeton ZIS-110B, an open version of the six-window ZIS-110 limousine, drove onto the cobblestones of the main square of the country. At the end of the war, Stalin personally ordered this limousine to be created, and therefore the family of cars for the top of the Soviet government turned out to be similar to Packard cars (Danila Mikhailov told about the history of the American brand in detail). The leader was very fond of this brand, and the designers, knowing the preferences of Joseph Vissarionovich, drew the first representative car of the USSR in the image and likeness of the luxurious Super Eight 180 model of 1942. At the same time, looking at another car from America - Buick Limited, which turned out to be wider and more spacious than the Packard.

  • For a long time, the parade ZIS-110Bs could not be equipped with microphones - the transmitting radio stations were too bulky, therefore, at the first parades in which the phaetons participated, the microphones were placed in advance on the square where the car was planned to stop. Then the problem was solved by being able to place the equipment inside the large Zies trunk

  • ZIS-110 became the first Soviet car to receive an independent front suspension and hydraulic brakes. Among other innovations, we note direction indicators - also a novelty for the Soviet automobile industry, hydraulic power windows and a radio.

  • For a long time, leather seat upholstery was not considered a special chic, so the interior of the ZIS-110 limousine was trimmed with expensive cloth. But the phaetons (solely for reasons of practicality) sported a leather interior, the color of which depended on the color of the body

  • Unlike later Soviet limousines, ZIS-110 cars served not only high-ranking party and government officials, but also ordinary citizens. "Zis", including phaetons, even worked as "minibuses" on intercity lines"Moscow-Simferopol", "Moscow-Vladimir" and "Moscow-Ryazan"

The engineers based the ZIS-110 on an impressive spar frame, reinforced with a powerful cross, so the empty ZIS-110 weighed a lot - more than 2.5 tons! Therefore, the engine from its predecessor, the ZIS-101, turned out to be rather weak for a massive machine and the designers had to create a new one. power unit- an in-line 6.0-liter "eight", which produced a modest 140 hp by today's standards. For this engine, the oilmen even had to start producing a new grade of gasoline, A-74. Total "1st car factory them. I.V. Stalin ”(it will become the plant named after Likhachev only on June 26, 1956) 2089 open“ zis ”were produced, many of which worked ... as taxis.

  • Ceremonial convertibles are three identical cars: two cars take part in the ceremony on Red Square (the parade commander and the host of the parade), and the third car, a reserve, is on duty not far from the Spassky Gates of the Kremlin in case one of the main “Zils” “becomes crazy”

  • ZIL-111V were used not only for parades on Red Square. Cosmonauts and guests of the "national scale" were also met on these convertibles.

  • All subsequent government vehicles in their architecture repeated the ZIL-111: a frame structure, rear drive and the V-shaped "eight" have become characteristic features of passenger "Zils"

In the sixties, the good old ZIS-110 was sent "retired", and their place was taken by a new generation of convertibles - ZIL-111V. When creating this car, again, the stylistic influence of the “Americans” was not without ... But if the “ten” was a copy of specific models, then the design of the “eleventh” is a kind of collective image of a “typical american car» late fifties. A V-shaped “eight” appeared under the hood of the new family (a relative of this engine is the ZIL-130 truck engine), but the most important innovation used on the ZIL-111, of course, was a two-speed automatic transmission.

From 1960 to 1962, twelve (!) open machines, and then the production of both limousines and ZIL-111 convertibles was curtailed. And all because Nikita Khrushchev personally "asked" to update the appearance of executive cars. According to legend, the then first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU did not like that the car for the government elite was similar to the GAZ-13 Chaika that appeared a year later, which was supposed to be the middle management. Khrushchev was also struck by John F. Kennedy's newest Lincoln Continental, against which the Soviet ZIL seemed like a poor relative. In general, the "eleventh" was hastily updated, creating the ZIL-111G. The open version of the machine received the index 111D.

True, the “pre-reform” ZIL-111V went to Red Square until 1967! The new convertibles replaced their predecessors at the parade dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution, and served until the mid-seventies. Then the next generation of government convertibles, ZIL-117V, took over the work watch. For the first time, designers - they were then called artists - having received absolute freedom, created new car without looking back (or rather, almost without looking back) at foreign competitors, so that the exterior turned out to be original, strict and less influenced by fickle fashion than the bodies of its predecessors. Another uncharacteristic solution for ZIL cars is the presence of short-wheelbase (ZIL-117) and long-wheelbase (ZIL-114) versions.

  • In the regions, ceremonial service was carried out by “simpler” convertibles - either open Volga, created by army craftsmen, or ordinary UAZs. In 1985, after numerous requests from the regional generals, 15 GAZ-14-05 "Chaika" phaetons were built for the capitals of military districts, which differed from the usual "Chaika" in a reinforced body and frame, as well as more reliable systems (the ignition was duplicated, the cooling system was improved and etc.)

  • Considering the specifics of the future "work" of the open "Seagulls", the engineers decided not to equip the car with an expensive and complex lifting top, but provided for a "cape" that simply pulled over the body

For the 60th anniversary of the October Revolution, the engineers of the Likhachev Plant decided to prepare a "gift" - to update the classic features of government cars. The proportions have changed a little (the hood has become longer, and the trunk has become shorter), the design of the front and rear parts of the body, plumage elements have been corrected ... The car received the factory index ZIL-115 and the industry-wide ZIL-4104. In 1981, several shortened sedans (historians continue to argue how many cars were created) served as the basis for the construction of the next generation of parade convertibles, which outwardly looked like representatives of the ZIL-115 family, but received less powerful engine from its predecessor, ZIL-114.

These convertibles served as the "main front cars of the country" for more than a quarter of a century. In 2006, the Ministry of Defense decided to bring fundamentally new vehicles to Red Square - the GAZ Tigr off-road vehicles. Literally in six months, Nizhny Novgorod engineers "tailored" several two-door convertibles. In terms of the mechanical filling, the “front” SUV differed from the usual one only in the gearbox (instead of the “mechanics” they put the “automatic”) and the interior design. It’s just that the Tigers didn’t like the high army authorities, and now the brutal black giants are serving ... in St. Petersburg.

But for the main, Moscow, Victory Parade, instead of the ancient ZIL-115V, it was necessary to build a hybrid, albeit reminiscent of the classic parade “Zilas”, but not one. On the chassis of the American GMC Sierra pickups (you can read about this "monster" in the GMC Sierra 1500 material - a real American dream alive), converted bodies from used (!) ZIL-41041 sedans were hoisted. This project was carried out by specialists from the Nizhny Novgorod company Atlant-Delta (it belongs to Oleg Deripaska and is famous for the implementation of unusual ideas: for example, the creation of luxurious yacht interiors), since the capital's ZIL lost the tender. By the way, that is why the Nizhny Novgorod residents had to use used bodies - the new Zilovites simply refused to sell.

Interestingly, the classic parade cabriolets, regardless of generation, have always been the same gray - like a shade of a general's winter overcoat - color. But the Nizhny Novgorod-American "hybrids" broke the Soviet tradition - their bodies are painted black! The change of color scheme is explained simply: until recently, the parade was hosted by a civilian minister. In a black suit. And now, when the Ministry of Defense is again headed by an army general ... No, they do not plan to repaint the cars, although the noble gray color suits the strict features of the “main convertibles of the country” much more than mourning black. Maybe only the next generation of ceremonial convertibles (as part of the Cortege project, not only a limousine for the president, but also a new generation of open cars will be created) will acquire the usual colors. But that won't happen before 2015.

Alexey Kovanov

Body type "Coupe-cabriolet", all-metal welded two-door with a fabric roof. Three seater rear wheel drive car.

Seats including driver 3
Weight of equipped car, kg 3.200
Gross weight, kg 3.500
The maximum speed of the car with a load of 2 people, km / h, not less than 210
Acceleration time from a standstill to a speed of 100 km / h with a load of 2 people, s, no more 10
Control fuel consumption for a car with a full weight, moving in direct gear, l / 100 km:
At V=90 km/h 15
At V=120 km/h 20
Engine model ZIL-410441
Engine type V-shaped, gasoline, carburetor:
Number of cylinders 8
External overall turning radius of the car along the front bumper, m, not more than 7
Cylinder diameter and piston stroke, mm 108x105
Working volume, l 7,68
Compression ratio 9,3:1
Rated power according to GOST 14846-81, kW (hp) at 4400-4600 min -1 206 (280)
Torque at rpm 2.500-2.700 min, not less than, N.m (kgf.m) 500 (51)

ZIL-410441: one of the rarest convertibles on the planet

The uniqueness of the ZIL-410441 car cannot be overestimated. First of all, it lies in the very phrase "domestic convertible", and even an executive class. This is one of those cars that, with all its appearance and history of creation, proves that when our car builders were given the opportunity, they knew how to create real masterpieces. The exclusivity lies in the quantity - only 4 of these machines were produced. The owner of one of them was the ex-president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych.

Convertibles ZIL-410441 took part in the rehearsals of the Victory Parade on Red Square.

History of appearance

This model was released in 2009. However, it is not a completely modern development, but a restyled version of the ZIL-41044 (ZIL-115V) car released in 1981. Each of us has seen him more than once, because this is the legendary Soviet convertible for parades, which was used exclusively in this way. It is still one of the brightest associations associated with the largest celebrations in the country.

The idea of ​​​​creating a new model ZIL-410441 based on this car was born as a tribute to the conversations that periodically arose since the beginning of zero talks about creating a family of cars for the top leadership of the Russian Federation. The work was attended not only by the best specialists of the ZIL plant, but also by involved professionals, including representatives of the Cardi studio. The result is a car with recognizable features, but with a significantly modified design and modern filling. In particular, the optics were completely changed, thanks to which the car immediately ceased to look archaic, becoming more stylish and relevant in appearance.

Convertible Features

What can we say about the filling of this machine, if the ZIL-41044, which was released more than 30 years ago, had:

  • automatic transmission;
  • power steering;
  • power windows;
  • awning electric lift;
  • air conditioning;
  • electric driver's seat;
  • remote controlled rear view mirrors and much more.

Naturally, ZIL-410441 received all this in a modern design, as well as much more.

The car was designed and built for maximum reliability. Two batteries, two fuel pumps at once, a backup ignition system, only manual production of all parts - all this guaranteed the complete absence of marriage and accurate fine-tuning of the smallest elements. These machines are simply devoid of visual flaws.

And ZIL-410441 is very fast (acceleration to 100 km / h - less than 10 seconds, maximum speed- about 200 km / h) and amazingly comfortable. Each copy received an individually tuned suspension, seats thought out to the smallest detail and everything you need for a comfortable ride in the driver's seat or back sofa.

You can purchase the exclusive ZIL-410441

Even though this one only exists in a few copies, you can purchase it from us. In addition, we offer other elite cars of the ZIL brand, and not only rare ones, but also completely new ones. We make limousines and convertibles to order. You can also purchase all the required spare parts for this family of elite cars from us.