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Cordiant whose tires. Tires Cordiant (Cordiant)

Cordiant is one of the twenty largest tire manufacturers in the world and ranks fifth in Europe. Today, the Cordiant holding includes three brands: Cordiant (tires for cars and light trucks), Professional and TyRex (for trucks), producing a total of more than 400 tire models for all types of road transport.

Extended warranty for Cordiant tires from Pokryshka.ru

Cordiant tires are developed and manufactured using modern technologies for maximum adaptation of each model to operation in the Russian climate and taking into account the quality of different road conditions. Tests show that it was computer 3D Mod modeling, combined with regular improvement of the rubber compound, that made it possible to achieve high marks in a number of independent tests of Cordiant rubber for compliance with the rubber features declared by the manufacturer.

The company is actively investing in the modernization of production and the development of new high-tech solutions in order to improve performance characteristics tire products. For example, in the production winter tires Cordiant uses SMART-MIX® technology, the use of which made it possible to increase the coefficient of grip of a wheel with icy or snowy surfaces by 7%. According to this indicator, Cordiant products correspond to the leading Western brands of the premium segment.

Winter test tires Cordiant

Russian and European car owners are impressed by the consistently high quality of the holding's products combined with reasonable prices. The Cordiant passenger car brand has a large number of positive feedback throughout model range tires. This encourages the company's engineers not to stop there and develop technologies in the production of tires of all types. The flagship models of Cordiant successfully compete with models of well-known European tire brands, in some ways surpassing them in terms of availability. technological features necessary for safe driving on winter roads and off-road.

Cordiant is the leading tire manufacturer in Eastern Europe

In the manufacture of sports tires, DRY-COR technology is used, which effectively protects against aquaplaning and provides directional stability during high-speed maneuvering. And in production truck tires patented SMART-COR, STEEL-COR and STONE-COR technologies are used, which greatly improve the performance of the wheels.

The distribution network of Cordiant has more than 200 representative offices in Russia, the company's products are bought in more than 30 countries of the world located in Latin America, Europe, the CIS, etc.

To design and develop new product samples, the company opened its own scientific and technical center called Intyre, located in Skolkovo, which coordinates and plans all research and design activities. This division is in contact with partners and Cordiant offices abroad, and is constantly working to optimize and improve technological processes.

Tires "Cordiant" have been known for quite some time Russian consumer, more than one advertising campaign was carried out to popularize them. However, many car owners often have a question - where are they produced? Which factories produce them and where do Cordiant tires get on the shelves of Russian stores?

From this article you will learn:

The site "First on Tires" has collected all the information about the tire manufacturer "Cordiant".

Brand positioning

The brand "" appeared back in 2005 and was initially positioned as tires of the middle price segment, adapted for operation in Russia. The main advertising slogan was " Russian tires for Russian roads».

The brand belongs to the Sibur - Russian Tires holding, which is part of the Siberian-Ural Oil Company group. The holding also owns one more tire brand- "Tyrex" - which was also launched in 2005 along with the Cordiant brand.

Where is the production

The Sibur - Russian Tires holding united several tire factories in Russia at once, among which were the Yaroslavl Tire Plant, Omskshina, Uralshina, Voltair-prom.

The production of tires under the Cordiant brand has been established at the production facilities of the Omskshina and Yaroslavl Tire Plant plants. The company's research and development center is also located in Omsk, which is engaged in the design of new tire models.

From 2012 (after the purchase of a share of ownership from Matador) to 2015, the production line was updated at the Kordiant-Vostok production site in Omsk, now the most modern German and Dutch equipment is here. It produces such popular models as Road Runner, Sport, Off Road, Polar, Snow Cross, Snow Max

Technologies and developments

Since the launch of new brands on the market in 2005, the Sibur-Russian Tires holding has paid great attention to the development of new models. The development of new tires was carried out in two directions - in its own research center, as well as through the acquisition of technologies from foreign tire concerns.

So from 2005 to 2009, part of the holding belonged to the concern "" through a joint venture with its Slovak subsidiary "", which became a supplier of tire production technologies.

fruit own design, in turn, became the Cordiant Polar tire that launched the brand's popularity. The Russian developers of the model deliberately chose the external similarity with the leader of that time - GoodYear tire Ultra Grip, so that they immediately started talking about tires, as a joint development with an American concern.

Brand Benefits

The Cordiant brand proved to be quite successful. In addition to recognition among Russian car owners, it has become quite popular in some European countries, as well as in Asia and South America, where sales are constantly increasing. It is impossible not to recognize the merit of the developers and the agreement on equipping the brand with tires for some models of the Volkswagen and Renault concerns.

Modern automotive industry is a technically complex industry, where innovative technologies play a decisive role. It's nice to know that one of the leading players in this market is Russian company for the production of tires JSC "Kordiant".

Founded back in 2002 for partnership with AvtoVAZ for the supply of profile products, the company, a few years later, presented its own trademarks Cordiant and Tyrex to the consumer's judgment.

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To date, the company produces more than 6.5 million tires per year and supplies its products throughout Russia and more than 30 countries of the near and far abroad.

The holding's production facilities are located at three factories in Yaroslavl and Omsk, complemented by a powerful research and development base and its own testing ground.

Cordiant tires, being a truly domestic product, were developed taking into account Russian road realities, therefore they are the most adapted product in their field. The product range includes several models:

  • passenger and light truck modifications;
  • truck options and tires for agricultural machinery;
  • all-metal cord execution of heavy tires.

Yaroslavl branch

The ancient Russian city in the 30s of the twentieth century became the birthplace of the oldest domestic plant for the production of car tires. The history of the enterprise includes many glorious labor pages, which the YaShZ veterans are proud of.

Joining the holding "Cordiant" was a turning point in the activities of the organization. European quality standards begin to be introduced, production lines are equipped with the latest technological equipment and the plant becomes a full member of the team of the largest tire supplier in Central Europe.

Now PJSC "Yaroslavl Tire Plant" produces passenger options tires and modifications for light duty trucks. It is here that the production of modern truck tires with an all-metal cord is organized. The branch of innovative developments of the parent company introduces new formulations of rubber compounds and conducts research work to improve treads.

Production in Omsk

The Siberian representative office unites two production enterprises: Omskshina and Cordiant-Vostok, which produce more than 4 million tires per year. This is where the history of the Russian brand "Cordiant" begins, the growing popularity of which covers the countries of Europe, Asia and Latin America.

Independent studies show good adaptation of the Cardiant brand to various types of road surfaces and high wear resistance of the material. The technical characteristics of modern tires produced by the Russian holding allowed it to become the official supplier of tire products for Volkswagen concerns and Renault.

A significant share of the commodity market in the post-Soviet space employs more than 5,000 workers. High profitability attracts new partners to cooperate with a successful supplier of profitable products. The manufacturing plants of the Cordiant and Tyrex brands are backbone enterprises in their regions and perform great social work for the local population. Our country is rightfully proud of such powerful and stable companies.

Cordiant produces more than 300 different sizes of tires, which, according to the results of 2015, became the most popular in their market segment. Competitive advantage in terms of "price-quality" is provided by a responsible approach to the organization of work and successful marketing work.

The enterprises of the holding actively cooperate with more than 200 official dealers of branded products. The extensive geography of deliveries makes it possible to quickly learn about consumer reviews and make the necessary adjustments to quality indicators.

Constant research in the field of product improvement allows the Cordiant brand to occupy a leading position at various exhibitions and comparative tests. Innovative implementations significantly improve the operational properties of tires, save car fuel resources and increase driving comfort.

Not every country can be proud of a company that produces high-tech and competitive products. JSC "Kordiant" is the personification of a successful marketing policy and economic foresight of the company's management.

Russian Cordiant tires have long become the embodiment of the domestic quality mark and the face of the market renewal of our country!

History of Cordiant. Cordiant tires country manufacturer

Tires "Cordiant Comfort" - reviews of motorists

Cordiant tires are the leader in the Russian tire market. In 2012, their share was 21.8% of the total production volume. Considering that there are a huge number of manufacturers and a lot of competition on the market, these figures indicate consumer confidence and that the demand for these tires is high.

"Cordiant Comfort"

An experienced car enthusiast knows how important it is to choose a good car tire, as it constantly interacts with the road, and this often affects ride, road handling and shock absorption. Summer tires should have the following characteristics: perform well on wet roads, have a low noise level.

It is not the first year that Cordiant Comfort summer tires have been presented on the market of the Commonwealth of Independent States. With the help of car enthusiasts who took the risk of putting this new product on their car, it received high performance ratings in just one summer season. Even though the traction performance on different road surfaces is good, the engineers of this company still decided to make changes in the composition of the tread rubber compound, which, in turn, led to improved grip on dry and wet road surfaces.

Tire manufacturer "Cordiant"

These products are manufactured at the Yaroslavl Tire Plant, which, in turn, is part of the Sibur-Russian Tires holding. A few years ago, all equipment was completely updated at this enterprise, thanks to which the quality indicators of these summer tires improved. Technologically, the Yaroslavl Tire Plant can produce any passenger tires, but the owners of such brands as, for example, Mercedes, do not always trust Russian brands. But Cordiant Comfort tires, the price of which is much lower than their counterparts with similar characteristics, make many manufacturers think about overcoming this stereotype.

The directional tread pattern adds confidence when driving in rainy weather. Owners often compare Cordiant Comfort tires with more famous brands, while reviews only confirm the fact that the tread pattern is similar to one of popular models manufactured by Goodyear. And this is good, because their technical characteristics are very good.

Testing tires "Cordiant Comfort"

The magazine "Behind the wheel" in 2011 conducted a tire test, which was attended by very famous brands, including the products of the Cordiant company.

Comparative characteristics of the braking distance of rubber "Cordiant Comfort"

The braking distance of the Michelin tires turned out to be 0.8 m less than that of the Cordiant Comfort. It may not be worth focusing on this, but based on this indicator, we can say that they can stop the car no worse than the Michelin. At the same time, their cost is about 2 times cheaper. In case this sounds unconvincing, you can consider the braking distance of these products on wet asphalt. As a rule, this test is intimidating for cheap rubber of various brands, including those made in China. Michelin and summer tires Cordiant Comfort showed the same braking distance, namely 30 meters.

Michelin has a rearrangement speed of 69.5 km / h, and summer tires"Cordiant" this figure is slightly less and is equal to 68.1 km / h. The difference was only 1.4 km / h, and it is so insignificant that even an experienced driver is quite difficult to notice. Well, the speedometer does not have such accurate indicators. And if we compare the rearrangement speed of 68.1 km / h with other brands, it is not the lowest. This allows you to compare the products of famous companies with Cordiant Comfort tires, reviews of which only confirm these tests.

Wet performance of Cordiant tires

On wet roads, they also lag behind the Michelin by just 1.6 km/h. But in this case, stability can be noted. There is no failure, and this suggests that they can be called predictable and understandable for the driver, and, accordingly, safe.

It is worth recalling that this model has the word "Comfort" in its name and has a lower rearrangement speed. This can be explained by the fact that a fairly comfortable side part of the wheel has good shock-absorbing properties and is a little pliable during sharp maneuvers, but this can be corrected by increasing the pressure by + 0.2-0.3 from the standard one. In this case, comfort is not much lost, while handling wins.

The results of testing the magazine "Behind the wheel"

What can we say about tires "Cordiant Comfort" reviews of the magazine "Behind the wheel"? They will please their owner not only with an economical price, but will also give the driver pleasure in the process of driving.

It is important to note that this rubber is designed specifically for use in the harsh conditions of Russian roads. The tread pattern has four longitudinal tracks, and hydroevacuation grooves in the form of a zigzag contribute to good water drainage from the contact patch, which, in turn, guarantees good braking on any road surface. The round lateral blocks of the tread hold lateral loads quite well when performing a maneuver. The central rib increases the information content of steering at a small angle of rotation of the wheel, the same rib improves directional stability on the track. Both in the central and in the lateral part, the tire tread height is 8 millimeters. The wear part is made of a special rubber compound, and the under-groove layer is made of rubber with minimal hysteresis losses. As a result, the performance of reliability, safety and economy is greatly improved.

Driver reviews analysis

Those who decide to read reviews about Cordiant Comfort tires are convinced that they are mostly positive, although they are written by drivers with different driving styles. Those motorists who adhere to an aggressive driving style distinguish such positive traits, as excellent traction, the strong sidewall of the tire provides low resistance rolling. They also note that the rubber rides quite softly over bumps and pits on the road and has a pretty good cross-country ability. Water is very well removed from the contact patch, which allows it to confidently stay on a wet section of the road. Those who prefer a more measured and comfortable ride to a sporty style note a low noise level, rubber durability and, importantly, moderate fuel consumption. For budget tires"Cordiant Comfort", the price of which is much lower than that of similar products from other brands, such reviews are the highest assessment of their manufacturability.

Summer tires "Cordiant Comfort" durability reviews

Summer is a summer period for many people, and, as a rule, the quality of the road leading to the dacha leaves much to be desired. Judging by the reviews of some motorists who got into a rather large hole on a gravel road, they were pleasantly surprised by the fact that the tire remained unscathed even though the disc was deformed. Based on this, it can be noted that the quality of the material from which this product is made is at a very high level.

Summing up, we can say that Cordiant Comfort tires have reliable braking properties, excellent handling on any road surface, low noise level and high directional stability.


History of Cordiant


TrekTyre is official dealer Cordiant.

Cordiant is a modern tire for passenger cars, SUVs and light trucks, known for its reliability and high level of quality.

Cordiant tires provide the driver with confidence behind the wheel, providing full control in any road conditions.

In the production of Cordiant tires, the most modern technological solutions are used, adapted to the complex road conditions. Tested by independent experts, Cordiant tires show the best traction, even at low quality pavement and in harsh winter conditions.

History of the company.

In 1932, the Yaroslavl tire plant was founded. This is the first plant of such a profile in Europe, the fourth in the world and the first in the USSR. In 1936, the production of tires for passenger transport began. During the Second World War (1941-1945) the plant produced tires for aviation, artillery, and military vehicles. During the war years, the Yaroslavl Tire Plant produced so many products that it was enough for 3,200 artillery and 14,000 aviation regiments. In 1940, the Omsk Tire Plant was founded, where in 1961 tires were produced for the first Soviet limousine GAZ "M-1" - a government car. In the 60s of the last century, Omsk truck tires with steel cord exceeded the mileage of 100,000 km (record Continental at that time was 75,000 km).

In 2006 start of production car tires under the CORDIANT brand, and in the period from 2006 to 2008, the Sibur Russian Tires holding was formed, which united several enterprises: YaShZ OJSC, Omskshina OJSC, Voltair-Prom OJSC, Uralshina LLC, JV "Matador-Omskshina" (Russian-Slovak enterprise founded in 1995 with 50%/50% shares). In 2007, a joint venture was launched with German concern Continental in the framework of cooperation on the development of the joint venture "Matador-Omskshina". In 2009, the Scientific and Technical Center "Intyre" was established - innovative engineering in the development of passenger and truck tires. In 2011, CORDIANT received the Brand of the Year / EFFIE 2011 award in the AUTO-MOTO category (confirmation of consumer confidence in quality). In 2012, the Cordiant holding was formed, which was focused on the production of truck, light truck and passenger tires at three plants: YaShZ OJSC, Omskshina OJSC and Cordiant-Vostok CJSC. Launched in 2014 new line all-steel truck tires under the Cordiant PROFESSIONAL brand with a wide range of standard sizes and tire quality at the level of the world's leading brands. 2015 according to the international agency GFK, according to the results winter season sales brand Cordiant became the leader in sales of passenger tires.

At present, Cordiant JSC is one of the leaders in the production of tires in Eastern Europe, it includes production sites in the cities of Yaroslavl and Omsk, as well as the Intyre research and production center. The annual sales volume of Cordiant JSC is 1,000,000 dollars. The holding's products are exported to more than 30 countries around the world. Cordiant supplies its tires to Europe, Latin America, Russian Federation, CIS and Baltic countries. Stability specifications and the high quality of all products is confirmed by international certificates of compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO / TS 16949, UNECE rules 30, 54, 117, as well as environmental management standards ISO 14001. Due to the implementation of a large-scale investment program, the holding's production capacities are on par with the leading European manufacturers in terms of equipment and production volumes.


press center

General Director of JSC "Kordiant" D.M. Sokov held a meeting of the Subcommittee on the Development of the Tire Industry of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

On April 16, 2012, a meeting of the Tire Industry Development Subcommittee was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The Subcommittee resumed its work on the initiative of Dmitry Sokov, General Director of OAO Cordiant (formerly OAO SIBUR - Russian Tires), who was elected its Chairman. The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss topical issues of the tire industry of the Customs Union states, to develop joint initiatives and ways to solve emerging problems.

The meeting was attended by the leaders of the leading tire manufacturers of the countries of the Customs Union - OJSC Kordiant, OJSC Nizhnekamskshina, OJSC Altai Tire Plant, OJSC Petroshina, OJSC Belshina, foreign manufacturers developing production in the Russian Federation - LLC MICHELIN Russian Tire Company, Nokian Tires LLC, Pirelli Tire Russia LLC, as well as representatives of the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization TESTSHINPROM and Tire Industry Institute LLC.

Dmitry Sokov, Chairman of the Tire Industry Development Sub-Committee, General Director of OAO Cordiant, made the keynote speech “On the preparation of a list of measures aimed at compensating the consequences of Russia's accession to the WTO for the tire industry of the countries of the Customs Union”. The report notes that a negative consequence of the entry of the Russian Federation into the WTO will be an increase in inflows by Russian market tires produced abroad (primarily in China and Eastern Europe) and, accordingly, the loss of a significant market share by local, including localized, manufacturers. During the discussion, the participants of the meeting worked out concrete proposals on measures to compensate for the negative consequences of Russia's accession to the WTO.

Members of the Subcommittee also paid great attention to the problem of importing used tires. These products, due to their low quality, pose a serious environmental and economic threat to Russia, and also negatively affect safety. traffic. The Russian tire industry is in favor of a complete ban on the import of used tires, and will actively defend its position in the competent authorities.

Based on the results of the meeting, appeals will be prepared and sent to the Deputy Prime Minister Russian Federation I.I. Sechin on the issue of introducing a ban on the import of used tires into the territory of the Customs Union, as well as to the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation I.I. Shuvalov on the issue of supporting the domestic tire industry in the context of the Russian Federation's membership in the WTO.

The next meeting of the Tire Industry Development Subcommittee will be devoted to the creation of a tire recycling system in the Russian Federation.

The Russian company Cordiant has been producing tires since 2002. However, during this time it has already managed to get into the TOP-20 largest manufacturers in the world, and in Europe it ranks 5th in terms of popularity.

Tires are also in demand at home, in Russia, where they are directly produced at several factories. These are Omskshina, located in Omsk, Yaroslavl Tire Plant in Yaroslavl, and Kordiant-Vostok, also located in Omsk.

Cordiant tires are produced here for various kinds transport. The concern also has a scientific and technical center, where various studies are carried out.

Overview of Cordiant tires

Cordiant Winter Drive

Began to be produced in 2012, belong to the category of winter, designed for installation on passenger cars. The peculiarity of the model is that it is not equipped with spikes. Grip with the road is provided by numerous lamellas of the tread pattern.

In the reviews of the advantages, the owners highlight the low cost and good handling in the snow. It is also noted that on asphalt, the properties of Winter Drive are deteriorating.

Cordiant Snow Cross

Winter studded tires Cordiant Snow Cross are designed for medium-sized passenger cars. Ideal for frosty winters, which many regions of Russia can boast of. This explains the popularity of the model among Russian motorists.

The owners note that the tires are able to provide improved vehicle dynamics on snow, as well as good handling on icy surfaces and excellent cross-country ability.

Among other things, their cost is lower than that of competitors. However, there is an opinion that tires contribute to an increase in fuel consumption.

Cordiant Sno Max

Equipped with spikes, so they are suitable for harsh operating conditions. In their development, innovative technologies were applied. Due to this, the Cordiant Sno Max is able to provide excellent grip on snow, as well as handling.

Permeability is not bad, although on ice the performance gets worse. Among other things, directional stability on asphalt is poor.

Cordiant Polar 2

Studded, but the tread pattern is not the same as on previous models. They are designed exclusively for crossovers and SUVs. The excellent properties of the Cordiant Polar 2 can only be shown with a calm driving style.

The owners note that on dry pavement, the braking distance is minimal. Other indicators also remain good on asphalt. On snow and ice, properties deteriorate. Fuel consumption also increases markedly.

Cordiant Sport W1

Summer tires with excellent wet performance. Designed for medium sized cars. Enjoy huge popularity.

Owners often leave reviews where they write that on wet track Cordiant Sport W1 are able to provide safety and comfort. However, on dry pavement, the performance becomes a little worse.

Cordiant Comfort

Universal, for the summer, provide optimal performance on both dry and wet roads. Cordiant Comfort have effective braking, help to reduce fuel consumption. exchange rate stability and good handling. However, the ride is not the best.

How to find out the production date

To find high-quality tires, you need to find out their production date. The ideal age of used rubber is up to 10 years. Then it hardens and loses its properties.

So, there are many markings on the side of Cordiant tires. In this case, the date of manufacture means only one. It consists of 4 numbers and is circled in an oval.

The first two digits indicate the week of manufacture, and the last two indicate the year. For example, if the marking is "1612", then this means that the tires were made in the 16th week of 2012. So, they can still be installed on your car.

Cordiant tires entered the Russian market not so long ago, but have already provided worthy competition to many other manufacturers. The company's assortment includes many winter models that are most popular in Russia.