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What paint to paint car rims? What color to paint the wheels.

Before answering the question of what color to paint the discs, you need to understand why they do it and what goals they pursue by painting original and non-original discs. In most cases, this procedure is performed in order to restore the wheels. It happens that the condition of the disks is satisfactory, and their appearance leaves much to be desired.

On the one hand, it is a pity to throw away such rims, and you will have to buy new ones, which are very expensive. On the other hand, the appearance of the products is so depressing that the owner of the car does not know what can be done with them. Another reason that may entail painting discs is the desire to transform the appearance of the car. It would seem that everything suits, but at the same time there remains some understatement in the exterior.

Many car owners tend to use quite bright and unusual color schemes for tuning. If in the classic version a red car can have ordinary chrome or white wheels, then for a lover of non-standard solutions in tuning, blue, green, purple shades can be used. Glowing paint options also look quite interesting.

What color to paint the wheels - if the car is black? There are a lot of such questions on automotive forums, and each participant tries to contribute to the formation of a real sense of style of the person who asked the question. In the case of a black car, there can be a huge number of options. These are any color shades that will match the interior color.

If the windows are tinted, then you can choose almost any option you like. But even this is not the main thing. It is very important how to paint the wheels. If the driver has decided what color to paint alloy wheels, then the next task will be what kind of painting method and type of paint he will do it.

Painting options

Today there are two color options. This is powder and acrylic paint. Moreover, each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, which every car owner who decides to paint should be aware of. Powder material options not be afraid of moisture and can even withstand significant mechanical stress and impact. Salts, acids, corrosion - all this is not a problem for powder coating.

But a significant drawback of such coverage is its cost. at home, buying such equipment and even renting it is not advisable. But in a car repair shop, such work will be carried out at a decent level, although you will have to pay a considerable amount.

An alternative could be acrylic coating. It is much easier to work with such paints if you need to do work at home. In addition, the palette of colors and shades of professional paints based on acrylic is so diverse that it will not be difficult to choose the most suitable option.

What color to paint wheels on a gray car?

It can be completely different colors, but matte or glossy options look especially beautiful. blue, purple and light green shades. Discs that are painted in neon or luminous colors look quite interesting. At night, they are especially attractive and visible to all road users.

What color should the stamped wheels be painted?

Stamped rims for wheels will sooner or later have to be painted unequivocally, since stamped steel corrodes over time, and nothing can be done about it. In order to hide such traces of dilapidation of dilapidated discs, it is necessary to subject them to painting from time to time.

What color should the stamped wheels be painted? Here, in most cases, standard painting options are used. It can be black, white or silver. These are classic colors that usually go with any color car. At the same time, some drivers are afraid to use brighter and more saturated colors, as they are afraid to spoil the exterior of the car.

But there is nothing terrible here. It is enough to be able to use some kind of photo editor to quickly figure out the most advantageous color scheme for your car. In addition to powder coating, other options can be used.

For example, methods such as liquid rubber and acrylic paint have recently become quite popular. In the first case, liquid rubber is applied using special equipment, which, together with the addition of modifiers, acquires a completely different color.

An equally interesting option is acrylic paint, which can be applied even at home with a special spray gun. Today, in car dealerships, such paint is relatively inexpensive, and in conditions of independent work, the cost of work will be quite small.

In any case, whatever paint color is chosen, it must be remembered that stamped discs with a new coating will last much longer. And if left visible brake elements, make them part of the design of the wheel, then passers-by and other drivers simply cannot take their eyes off such tuning.

Wheels are very vulnerable spot on any car. It is they who take on the maximum impact: impacts of oncoming stones, curbs, tree branches. Alloy wheels are especially susceptible to wear; when hitting an obstacle, they can not only bend, but also crack or scratch in some places, and their appearance becomes unsightly. However, the situation can be corrected; for this, special paint for discs is used.

Painting rims performed for two main reasons:

  • if the discs have lost their original appearance and require restoration;
  • painting for decorative purposes - for example, luminous paint for wheels will give the car originality and make it stand out from the crowd.

In the second case, special colors are often used that attract attention, often they use paint for disks with the “chrome” effect.

Types of car paints

Painting wheels is not only a decorative move, but also protection. Modern coatings are able to reliably protect the metal from corrosion. There are several types of such paints, they all differ in composition and purpose.


Powder paints for painting rims are popular with motorists due to their durability and high resistance to various kinds of influences. Among the serious advantages are the possibility of applying to almost any type of titanium, steel discs.

The disadvantage of powder paints is the need for special equipment - the dye in the form of a powder according to technology should be melted at a temperature of about 200 degrees. That is why powder technology is not suitable for aluminum - aluminum wheels can be deformed.

The staining technology involves cleaning the stamp from the old coating by sandblasting. Then the surface is thoroughly degreased, covered with primer and a dye is applied in a special spray booth.

It will take at least a day for the paint to dry completely. Carry out such work in garage conditions You can do it yourself, but it's not profitable.


Acrylic paint works well for painting wheels. This option is the best choice. It is very convenient to use acrylic, and you can apply it yourself - the dye is sold in an aerosol, but you can also work with an airbrush. It is possible to paint disks with aerosol acrylic paint quickly and efficiently, and at the same time inexpensively.

Among the main advantages, one can single out the complete protection of the surface from the effects of precipitation. Road reagents will also not be able to harm the painted surface. But it must be borne in mind that acrylic has an average durability.

Spray paint for discs is chosen in most cases because of its affordable price and ease of use - the spray allows you to get a high-quality result as quickly as possible.

Before applying spray paint, it is imperative to treat the disc with abrasive materials. Next, the contents of the can are thoroughly mixed (the can must be shaken for three minutes) - thus achieving uniformity of color. Then, without fail, a test spray is made on any other area, if the paint is sprayed well and evenly, it can also be applied to the discs.

Compared to powder dyes, the advantage here is the possibility of quick drying - the painted surface dries in just 10 minutes. Choice colors also extensive, spray paint is available in any shade, but silver paint (chrome-like) is popular.

If you add a little phosphor to acrylic, you can get luminous paint - the wheels will glow in the dark, which will attract prying eyes. The brightness of the glow depends on how strongly the phosphor is “saturated” with light.


Rubber paints are in great demand among those who like to highlight their car, tune it in every possible way. The reason for the great popularity of such coatings was their versatility. They can be used not only on metal, but also on plastic, glass. The coating can be either matte or glossy, this gives customers the opportunity to choose what they want.

On sale there is also a rubber luminescent paint that glows. The composition contains a special pigment - a phosphor, which accumulates light during the day, and begins to emit it at night. It turns out an interesting glowing effect.

Applying dye to cast wheels is very convenient. Spray aerosol paint for wheels in two or three layers of small thickness. The surface will be smooth and even. The process may take an hour or more. In this case, the priming of the discs as a preparatory step can be skipped.

In the video: painting wheels with Plasti Dip liquid rubber.

Popular products


body paints are an alkyd one-component composition, produced in aerosols. The product has increased strength and wear resistance, has good adhesion.

Body paint is distinguished by affordable cost, low consumption (the optimal number of applied layers is two or three). Ideal as a paint for stamped rims as well as cast versions. It should be applied with a spray gun. How much material is needed to paint one wheel is usually indicated on the bank, but the consumption is small.


Unlike Body enamels for Motip discs, these are acrylic-based compounds designed to give an attractive appearance. Products from Motip have all the advantages of acrylic paints, the compositions protect the surface from various influences, and are characterized by high adhesion.

The palette has black, white, golden colors. The texture can be matte or glossy. All products are supplied exclusively in cans.

How to paint: the enamel is sprayed onto a cleaned and degreased surface, holding the can at a distance of 30-40 cm. The material is ideal as a paint for alloy wheels.

As an analogue, you can use Kudo products - these are spray paints based on good quality liquid rubber.

What paint to paint depends on the goals - if you need to give the surface gloss and shine, and not just protect it from corrosion, then it is better to use acrylic and rubber coatings. Painting discs with luminous paint will make the car doubly original.

How to paint wheels yourself (2 videos)

Paints of different brands (25 photos)

Before deciding on the color of car wheels, you need to consider several factors:

  • The overall shade of the car - if the tone is muted, then it is better to make external components a kind of bright spot. And on bright cars, on the contrary, it is better not to overdo it with color and choose simple shades.
  • The purpose of using the machine is for work and business meetings, then the choice should be stopped on the attributes of classic shades. For people of solid status, golden models are suitable, for family purposes - muted ones.

Steel discs

When designing a car, it is very important to choose the right color for the wheels. Steel options are a great choice for many car models, because they look very harmonious and unified with a car body of any color, since the steel color is neutral.

The main metal part of the steel shade wheel makes the look car light, updated and elegant. The steel color is considered universal, and therefore if there is any doubt when choosing a shade for the wheel base, then you can safely choose this tone. Then the design of the wheels will be discreet and the dirt on them will not be very noticeable. Additional protection of this part can be provided by a reliable varnish coating.

If we talk about disks directly from steel, then in addition to the universal shade, they are reliable, under loads and shocks they can only bend, which is very easy to fix later.

black rims

Often, motorists choose a metal base for black wheels, considering the gray universal shade outdated. If the main spokes are black, then they seem thinner and neater, a lot depends on the style of the car itself. However, the most important thing is that the owner likes the chosen central part of the wheel, because trends change so quickly. The black finish always makes the car stand out.

If it is black that suits the car perfectly, then it is best to take care of high-quality factory-painted rims. Such a metal wheel base can be purchased in an online store, for this you only need to choose trusted and reliable sellers.

graphite discs

Each car owner is trying to show individuality to one degree or another, because a ready-made solution is purchased with the vehicle. Today, there are many methods by which it is not difficult to upgrade a car. Elegant graphite colored discs are one such modern method.

Graphite bases are essentially black with a matte finish. Due to the absence of shiny components and the effect of velvety, their surface acquires a classic restraint.

Colored discs

Brightly colored rims are a great way to decorate your own car and are also a modern fashion trend. A variety of shades will allow the vehicle not only to look effective on the road, but also make it completely individual, with easy-to-remember features. Moreover, these elements can be painted, both completely and partially - it all depends on the wishes of the customer.

Cheerful and cheerful women often strive for such transformations of a car, because such a fashion guarantees the owner vehicle not only popularity, but also attention.

In addition to the usual one-color color, wheel bases painted in two or more contrasting shades have come into fashion. All this is facilitated by many drivers who want to stand out from the crowd with atypical solutions for vehicle wheels. A modern incredibly wide color palette allows you to translate into reality any even the most extraordinary idea.

Other types

Fashion has had an impressive impact on rims, and in stores you can find a wide range of the most different types and models. Long gone are the days when this part was considered just a standard spare part of a car. Today it is an important component of tuning any vehicle.

That is why modern manufacturers are ready to please car owners with a huge variety of these elements - forged, chrome-plated, branded, made of durable steel, with a matte finish, polished and the like. From such a variety, even an experienced specialist can go around his head.

Today, when cars can move at breakneck speeds, there is a strict requirement for the wheel base - strength. With this in mind, in industrial conditions, these elements are made stamped, cast and forged. If you wish, you can take and simply paint the metal base or purchase special inserts and overlays. Recently, there have been plenty of such attributes on sale, the main thing is to choose the appropriate color palette to match the tone of the car.

Vladimir Maksimov

If for you a car is not just a means of transportation, but an important component of your image or a passion in life in general, then you probably want everything to be perfect in it, so that every detail is in harmony with the rest of the elements and distinguishes your four-wheeled friend from the flow of cars.

This applies to all appearance elements, including disks. We will talk about them in detail. Professional will allow you to give them exactly the look that the owner of the car wants. But how to decide on the color of the disks?

Which wheels fit your car?

It is important to think about the combination of wheels with the color of the car body, otherwise the car may look awkward. So if four wheeled friend is made in white, then the same or silver components will suit it. You can also try to play in contrast and choose a matte plain black disc, individual elements of the product may have a groove.

A good solution for a silver car would be wheels of the same color with a milling groove. For dark red and dark blue cars, products with a decorative strip along the rim, the color of which will match the paint of the car, are suitable. If you are looking for a universal option, then you should pay attention to silver discs which will fit almost every car.

Owners of black cars are the luckiest of all - wheels of almost any color will look good on them, only it is better not to install white products. quality will help not only to get the product of the desired color, but also ensure their magnificent appearance throughout the entire service life.

Other important points when choosing discs

Color is not the only parameter by which you should choose wheels for a car. Among experts there is such a simple rule: with an increase in the height of the tire that is used in the wheel, the thickness of the spoke increases. In this case, you can achieve an amazing harmony between the wheel and the tire, as well as the entire product and the car. On the other hand, with a lower tire profile, it is better to give preference to thin spokes.

Multi-spoke wheels with thin spokes will ideal solution for those who want to emphasize the sportiness of their four-wheeled friend. But for lovers of the classics, discs with the number of spokes from five to seven are suitable.

Car decoration can become a real art. And your four-wheeled pet will become not just a means of transportation, but will also be able to attract the enthusiastic glances of passers-by and drivers.