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Can pregnant women use. What not to do during pregnancy

Pregnancy is certainly one of the most beautiful moments in a woman's life, but also one of the most responsible. Is it possible to fly by plane, what physical activity is acceptable during pregnancy, is it worth it to have sex? These questions are of interest to almost all women who have seen two cherished strips on the test ...

Well, it's time to figure out: what is really categorically impossible to do during pregnancy, and what will only benefit the baby and expectant mother?

Alcohol and smoking during pregnancy. No compromise!

No matter how much your girlfriends or acquaintances from the forums convince you of the harmlessness of a couple of glasses of red wine or beer, doctors all over the world are unanimous: even small doses of alcohol can harm the child and the expectant mother - cause severe intrauterine malformations, premature and often difficult births, provoke a miscarriage . The “degree” is especially toxic in the early stages of pregnancy - at and until the end of everything, when a very important process of organogenesis takes place, during which the embryo is only being formed, all the internal organs and systems of the child are “layed down”. It is undesirable to take alcohol during conception, moreover, to both future parents! As for smoking, scientists have long proven that babies whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are born with a ready dependence on nicotine, they have weakened immunity and often underdeveloped lungs. They are also more likely than other children to suffer from asthma and other ailments of the pulmonary system. Therefore, if you find out that you will have a baby, stop smoking immediately! In general, this must be done at the stage - 2-3 months before giving up contraception.

Sports during pregnancy

Often, women are interested in whether it is possible, while expecting a child, to go in for sports? In this matter, as is often the case, the golden mean is important. Now no one expects Olympic records from you, so you shouldn’t strain and sweat for several hours a day in the gym. But it’s also impossible to completely deprive yourself of physical activity and lead a sedentary lifestyle - such “inaction” can lead to weight gain, the development of edema, problems with blood vessels, and increased blood pressure. Such complications adversely affect the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus.

So, what kind of physical activity should you choose? There are many options: yoga, fitness, gymnastics for pregnant women, swimming (or water aerobics), walking at a measured pace in the fresh air - such loads help improve lung function, keep the muscles of the legs and back in good tone, prevent the appearance of varicose veins, allow fight venous congestion in the pelvic area. Nordic walking, which is now popular with trekking or ski poles, is very useful for the expectant mother and baby. During such training, blood flow, the state of blood vessels and the heart improves, the body is saturated with oxygen. The baby also receives more oxygen and nutrients.

But it is better to refuse cycling - they are considered an extreme sport for pregnant women. Alpine skiing, snowboarding, rollerblading, martial arts are also under an unconditional ban - in a word, all too active and traumatic sports. In any case, in order not to harm the fetus, you need to consult with your gynecologist what kind of sports load to choose during pregnancy. The doctor must exclude conditions in which physical activity is contraindicated or significantly limited.

Sex and taboo

Only very serious medical indications can veto your sex life during this period.

For example, if you have pregnancies (especially in the first trimester), if you are expecting twins (multiple pregnancies are usually more difficult than single pregnancies), you have had a miscarriage or premature birth, a previous pregnancy was at risk of miscarriage, or tests revealed some kind of infection . In addition, the doctor may prescribe temporary abstinence for you with a loosely closed cervix, full (the placenta completely covers the internal uterine os), or marginal placenta previa (the lower edge of the placenta is at the level of the edge of the internal os). If detected, regular medical supervision is necessary, since there is a danger of uterine bleeding. Also, depending on the location of the placenta, the method of delivery will be determined. So, with a marginal or lateral presentation, the possibility of natural childbirth is not excluded, and with a full presentation, a caesarean section is prescribed.

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, and you feel great, there are no contraindications for making love. Moreover, sex at this moment of life is very important! It allows spouses to experience completely new sensations, contributes to an even greater emotional rapprochement of the couple, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of a woman, which is very important for the normal development of a child. Of course, during such a period, one should not forget about caution: still choose less bold positions than before, or try alternative forms of intimacy.

But in the last weeks before childbirth, sex is even indicated for therapeutic purposes: prostaglandins contained in semen prepare the cervix for childbirth and help avoid ruptures.


There is an opinion that air travel and a sharp change in climate do not have the best effect on pregnancy. Indeed, after the seventh month of pregnancy, flying by plane is not recommended - the threat of premature birth is strong. As for flights in general, everything here is very individual - a lot depends on the course of pregnancy and the woman's health. If the mother does not complain about anything and everything is in order with her future baby, then there are no special contraindications for traveling. If a pregnant woman has a weakened body, she suffers from high blood pressure, or she has a high risk of miscarriage, then in this case it is better to refuse to travel by air.

As for visiting exotic corners of the world or places where it is too hot, here we must remember that when entering many Asian, African and Latin American countries, it is necessary to vaccinate against a number of infections, and this is a very big threat to the unborn baby. It is also not known how your body will react to a sharp change in climate and high temperatures, so doctors recommend refraining from such extremes and choosing more traditional tourism. But no matter how you feel, before you go traveling, you must definitely visit the gynecologist leading your pregnancy.

forbidden food

Speaking about the prohibitions of an interesting position, it is worth mentioning the choice of products. So, when compiling a list of acceptable foods for this period, it is worth abandoning very fatty, salty, fried, spicy dishes and smoked meats - they "overload" the liver and gallbladder, increase the burden on the kidneys, and can cause heartburn, exacerbation of gastritis. Products that contain a lot of chemical additives, especially dyes and flavor enhancers (nitrites, monosodium glutamate) and seasonings, do not have the best effect on the body of pregnant women: chips, all kinds of crackers, ready-made sauces, crab sticks, instant food, soda, many sweets. Do not lean on some seafood (tuna, swordfish, shrimp), chocolate, strawberries and exotic fruits - they can cause allergies. For the same reason, refrain from frequent consumption of vegetables and fruits with orange pigment (citruses, carrots, pumpkin, dried apricots), but not completely excluding them from your diet - they contain many useful vitamins and minerals. By the way, it is believed that foods such as red fish and meat are dangerous during pregnancy - this is not true. On the contrary: the proteins, omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid contained in such food are simply necessary for pregnant women. In addition, meat serves as an excellent prevention of iron deficiency anemia, which often occurs during pregnancy. It is best if the attending physician selects a diet for you, based on these tests and anamnesis.

Not all teas are the same

During pregnancy, some women face such a problem as edema. As a result, wanting to expel excess fluid from the body, expectant mothers begin to drink various diuretic teas, herbal preparations or infusions from berries and herbs. It is absolutely not worth doing this without consulting a doctor, because many drinks are medicinal because of their composition, as they contain chemical components that have various medicinal properties. Therefore, they may not have the best effect on the body of a pregnant woman and the condition of the fetus. So, drinks based on sage, parsley, ginseng, valerian, chamomile often increase and increase blood pressure.

For the same reasons, it is better to give up coffee. Scientists have confirmed the fact that daily consumption of this drink (more than 3 cups a day) increases the risk of miscarriage by 2 times, especially in the first 12 weeks! Also, coffee increases blood pressure, causes insomnia, removes beneficial trace elements and vitamins from the body, which are necessary for the normal development of the child. Both freshly brewed and instant drinks have a detrimental effect. In addition, doctors strongly advise during pregnancy to exclude from your diet other liquids containing caffeine - cola, energy drinks, strong green and black teas.

But mint, ginger, white tea and rosehip infusions are extremely useful. Mint soothes, relieves nausea, ginger has antibacterial properties and is indispensable during colds and SARS, rose hips are rich in vitamins C, B, PP and iron, and white tea does not contain caffeine, normalizes blood pressure, promotes elasticity of blood vessels and strengthens tooth enamel, which is very important while carrying the baby.

Pregnancy: myths and superstitions

With the appearance of two stripes on the test, any woman (even with two or three higher educations) begins to attach excessive importance to signs and beliefs. Meanwhile, many of them only spoil the life of the expectant mother. Here is some of them:

Myth. During pregnancy, you can not cut and dye your hair.

In reality: during pregnancy, the structure of the hair often changes: they become more brittle and lifeless. That is why, in order to look good, you need to regularly cut your hair or at least trim the ends. As for coloring, modern ammonia-free paints are quite safe for both the expectant mother and the baby. A competent hairdresser will probably first test the paint on one strand, and determine how the hair perceives this or that color.

Where did it come from: Since biblical times, hair has been considered a symbol of life (remember the tragic story of Samson and Delilah). Apparently, this is why our ancestors were so afraid to get their hair cut during pregnancy.

Myth. You can’t tell anyone about pregnancy until your interesting situation becomes obvious.

In reality: this is entirely your own business. Someone shares their joy literally from the first days, someone hides their pregnancy almost until childbirth.

Where did it come from: our ancestors were very afraid of the evil eye. And the method of "hushing up" happiness was considered one of the most effective in the fight against the evil eye. To believe or not in this sign is your own business. However, it has nothing to do with medicine.

Myth. During pregnancy, you can not raise your hands up, otherwise the umbilical cord will be tied in a knot and the child will suffocate in the womb.

In reality: medical statistics have not proven the connection between any body movements of the mother and the umbilical cord: nothing will happen to the child from the fact that you hang up the laundry!

Where did it come from: most of the absurd superstitions are based on an elementary ignorance of physiology. There is no other way to explain this myth.

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Joy, anxiety, doubts, fears and many other emotions are experienced by every woman when she learns about her new position. Each woman perceives this news in her own way. Someone treats this as a disease, and throughout the entire period they behave accordingly, limit themselves in everything, try to follow all the doctor’s advice and, having read books, “put themselves to bed” for a nine-month period. Someone continues to run like a "squirrel in a wheel", go to work, carry heavy bags and rush from one extreme to another.

In fact, pregnancy is not a disease, of course, you will have to behave more carefully and attentively, you will need to give up many habits, but this is not a sentence to forbid yourself everything.

Bring it, I don't know what!

With the onset of pregnancy, women's appetite changes dramatically. This can manifest itself not only in an acute desire for everything salty or sour, but also, for example, in completely original combinations and whims: tea with cucumbers or honey with sausage. Many will wrinkle their noses at this, but taste preferences during pregnancy are far more bizarre. It is a well-known fact that during pregnancy a woman may experience a feeling of disgust for her favorite foods, or vice versa, what she has never eaten before can be eaten with pleasure. Naturally, food is of great importance, because now the expectant mother should carefully choose her diet, which affects the development of her unborn baby!

In some books about pregnancy, they write that a future mother can eat only what is good for her baby, that is, everything lean and dairy. And then longing overcomes you: how to refuse something sweet, for example? How to replace your favorite foods with cereals and yogurts? However, not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. Moreover, a piece of chocolate will certainly not make you feel bad. The main thing here is that all products are fresh.

The diet of the expectant mother

The diet of a pregnant woman should be complete and varied, enriched with vitamins and useful trace elements. It is important that the expectant mother enjoys what she eats, because this is the main reason for good health and good mood.

So, if the question arises, what should not be eaten by pregnant women. The diet of the expectant mother should consist only of products of natural origin. Those. products that a woman eats should not contain various additives, flavor enhancers, and dyes that can adversely affect the development of the baby. One of the rather dangerous additives are type E additives (but not all).

Caffeine can cause miscarriage or underweight babies at birth. And green tea interferes with the absorption of folic acid, which is necessary for the normal development of the baby.

Carbonated drinks can cause active fermentation processes in the intestines, which provokes uterine contractions.

For example, fish is considered a fairly healthy type of food, but such varieties of fish as tuna, mackerel, swordfish, must be excluded from your diet during pregnancy. You should also exclude from the diet the use of spicy foods, fried and very fatty.

Continuing the theme of seafood: raw shellfish are prohibited during pregnancy - as a possible source of pathogenic microorganisms that cause poisoning. A similar ban and for the same reason - on sushi: having caught a helminthic infection after eating sushi, then it will be difficult and long to recover. I wanted sushi, well, just “to the point of impossibility”? Then it is better to give preference to rolls with thermally processed products, and ideally, vegetarian sushi (for example, with cucumber). But it is better to cook them yourself, with clean hands and with natural ingredients.

Cheeses - soft (brie, cameber, feta), as well as blue cheese and goat cheese. Cheeses are included in the list of prohibited foods for pregnant women due to a special cooking technology: they are produced on the basis of unpasteurized milk. And the lack of a pasteurization process leads to the fact that bacteria can remain in cheeses that can lead to infection, and, as a result, to miscarriage or premature birth. If cheeses based on pasteurized milk are not allowed for consumption, then, logically, the milk itself is also banned - unpasteurized and unboiled. Such milk is also very likely to contain infections that cause food poisoning.

Poisoning, or even worse - salmonellosis - you can "get it" by eating raw eggs. Therefore, you can not eat either soft-boiled eggs or fried eggs in the form of fried eggs: the yolk and protein must harden during cooking. But quail eggs, to pleasantness, can be eaten raw: it has been proven that salmonella does not “live” in them. But, in any case, you should not abuse the product - after all, eggs are classified as a fairly strong allergen.

Salmonellosis can also be in raw meat, therefore, during pregnancy, all kinds of “tatar steaks”, undercooked shish kebab or steaks, steaks with blood, half-baked liver are unacceptable for eating. It is very desirable to refuse such meat products as ham, cold smoked sausages during pregnancy - they may contain pathogenic bacteria that contribute to infection with listeriosis or toxoplasmosis. For the same reason, it is better to refuse pates (moreover, both meat and vegetable, and fish).

And, of course, do not forget that a pregnant woman is very prone to manifestations of heartburn, which makes itself felt as a consequence of a growing and squeezing internal organs (including the stomach and intestines) of the uterus. To minimize the risk of such an unpleasant phenomenon as heartburn, as well as to prevent the "overload" of the liver and gallbladder, it is worth giving up smoked, fried, fatty and spicy foods and dishes. And in order to avoid edema, as a result of a large load on the kidneys (which during pregnancy already work in an enhanced mode), avoid marinades and pickles.

To determine more clearly what pregnant women should not eat in the early stages, the doctor will help. Since it is he who can advise you to eat certain foods, depending on how the pregnancy proceeds. For example, beets contribute to provoking uterine tone, so if a pregnant woman’s uterus is already in good shape, you can’t eat beets, so as not to worsen the existing situation. Also, with edema that may occur in a woman during pregnancy, salt should not be eaten.

What can not be done during pregnancy?

  • Don't get allergic! Due to the direct effect of the food consumed, it is not recommended to consume in large quantities those foods that can cause allergies. Since in the future this allergy may manifest itself in the baby. Foods that can cause allergies include chocolate, tomatoes, oranges, lemons, tangerines, and strawberries. To exclude the use of such products does mean depriving yourself of the pleasure and vitamins contained in them, so you need to use them in small quantities.
  • Before using the products, they must be thoroughly washed, this applies to fruits and products such as meat or eggs must be thermally processed. This is necessary in order to get rid of all the bacteria that they may contain and which, if not disposed of, can harm the health of both the baby and his mother.
  • Also prohibitions during pregnancy include flying on airplanes and climate change, you can go on vacation only in the first months of pregnancy. Until the 26th week of pregnancy, you can fly on an airplane. At later dates, flights are prohibited, since pressure drops affect the fetus. Low blood pressure can induce labor. For late flights, rare exceptions are made, but only with a written confirmation from a doctor. It is better to just walk a lot in the fresh air.
  • It is not advisable for pregnant women to visit a hairdresser. For some women, this is a big stress, they have to endure as much as 9 months. In the early stages, you can go to the hairdresser, you just can’t dye your hair with dyes with a high ammonia content. Since the chemicals that make up the paint, all these substances easily penetrate into the bloodstream, and this is very harmful for mother and child. You should also not use hairspray or other aerosols - they also cause harm when they get into the lungs.
  • For a baby, micro-waves emanating from electrical appliances are harmful, this has been proven by scientists for a long time. Therefore, you should not talk too long and often on a mobile phone unnecessarily. It is also not advisable to sleep in close proximity to the included phone.
  • Urinary tract infections are a direct contraindication to taking a bath. Do not dive into the water if you feel the slightest discomfort. Perhaps your body is giving you a signal that you should not take a bath today. If you suddenly feel unwell while taking a bath, do not try to get out of it yourself. You can fall, and in your position it is simply dangerous. In general, pregnant women, especially in the last months of an interesting situation, need helpers who will not let you fall when you climb into or out of the bath. Therefore, try to plan water procedures at a time when you are not alone at home. The water should be warm, but not scalding. An excessive increase in body temperature is contraindicated throughout pregnancy. You should not go to the sauna, solarium, bath. With spa treatments, it is also better to wait a little. But take a bath - please. A warm bath is one of the few pleasures available to an expectant mother during all nine happy months. The water in the bath immediately begins to cool as soon as you pour it. The upper part of the body is usually above the water, does not overheat. However, avoid lying in the bath for too long and try not to immerse yourself in it completely.
  • Aromatherapy for pregnant women. Many people like to take a bath with aromatic oils. During pregnancy, this pleasure will have to be abandoned. Any essential oils and strong odors are contraindicated, as they can cause allergies and unpredictable consequences. But it is better to reduce the amount of oils used at least by half. Be sure to tell your doctor about all the fragrances that you usually use. Many oils can be hazardous to the health of your unborn child. Basil, cedar, cinnamon, lemongrass, juniper, patchouli, and cypress oils are especially harmful. They overly invigorate, increase the tone of the uterus, and this can provoke a miscarriage at any time. Your doctor may allow you to occasionally indulge in chamomile, lavender, rosewood, and sandalwood baths, but it's best not to risk it.
  • Herbal baths for pregnant women. Pregnant women can and even need to take a bath with herbs. This is the best solution for the expectant mother, who cannot imagine life without a bath. Buy herbs at the pharmacy or collect them in the forest, in the field. You can grow chamomile, calendula, mint on the windowsill yourself. Herbs are added to the bath both fresh and dried. The easiest way is to put the grass in a cloth bag and tie it to the tap while filling the bath with water. Flowing through the bag, the water will bring the juices of useful herbs into the bath.

Want to quickly organize an herbal bath? Buy herbs in bags (for one-time tea leaves), brew a few bags as a tea, add the decoction to a bath of warm water.

The most effective way to prepare a decoction for a bath looks like this. It is necessary to take 2-3 tablespoons of dry grass, pour it with 2-3 liters of boiling water, heat it in a water bath for 15 minutes, and then strain and add to the bath. Whole flowers, stems, leaves can be steeped in boiling water for about an hour and poured into a bath without filtering. This is what a classic herbal bath looks like - it is decorated with floating flowers and leaves.

  • Clothing during pregnancy should be loose, do not tighten the waist. It is better to refuse high heels now. First, it is dangerous: the risk of falling increases. Secondly, during this period the center of gravity shifts, the load on the spine increases. And heels enhance it. Therefore, starting from the second half of pregnancy, the risk of all kinds of radiculitis and neuralgia increases, which, of course, is of no use to expectant mothers. From 4-5 months of pregnancy, it is recommended to wear a bandage, on the one hand, it reduces the load on the uterus, the fetus is in a more comfortable position. And on the other hand, the bandage prevents stretching of the abdomen during pregnancy. But only if the child does not feel discomfort at the same time (if the baby does not like something, he will definitely report it, for example, he will start to push inside the tummy). Wearing synthetic underwear, especially thongs, is prohibited. Choose natural cotton panties and special maternity bras.
  • Observations and data analysis were carried out in eight Sydney clinics and maternity hospitals. Particular attention was paid to women in late pregnancy. After the studies, doctors said that expectant mothers are categorically not recommended to sleep or lie on their backs. Otherwise, the risk of an unfortunate miscarriage increases 6 times. This is explained by the fact that the presence of a pregnant woman in the supine position or on the right side for a long time leads to a deterioration in the nutrition of the fetus in the womb with maternal blood. The venous blood flow from the lower extremities to the heart is weakened.

According to the Australians, circulatory disorders in the mother's body are responsible for 10% of miscarriages.

  • You can not raise your hands when the baby has already taken the correct position.
  • You can not lie on your stomach and sit cross-legged.
  • Changing cat litter increases the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis. The result can be stunted baby growth, a poorly developing brain, and eye damage to the fetus.
  • Do not start repairs during this period - paints and toxins will disappear no earlier than in a year.
  • You can not lift weights and do intense physical exercise. If you overexert yourself, you can provoke a miscarriage or childbirth ahead of time.
  • Do not use insect sprays. Toxins get into your blood, and from there - to the baby.
  • Pregnant women should not go in for sports, especially at a later date, you can simply overdo it. You can do light workouts at home, doing cleaning, cooking, while you need to monitor your breathing, take a breath during exercise, exhale with gradual relaxation. With the help of such techniques, there is an influx of blood to the muscles, and metabolic processes in the body are enhanced. The sports exception only applies to female athletes. Their body is accustomed to constant stress and a sharp rejection of them is more likely to harm. However, even such women should limit the load and not try to set records. And be sure to consult a doctor!
  • Pregnant women are prohibited from drinking alcohol, drugs, smoking and being close to a smoking person. If smoke is inhaled, the fetus can develop a cancerous tumor, and smoking can also cause premature birth. Children born to smoking women develop problems with the central nervous system.
  • One of the diseases dangerous for pregnant women is rubella. Rubella disease in the first half of pregnancy, when the child's organs are formed, can lead to the development of deformities in the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women should protect themselves from rubella infection, be less in large crowds of people.
  • You can use cosmetics, but be careful! The face cream should not contain vitamin A (it is very harmful in large quantities), hydrocortisone (this is a steroid that is dangerous for a child when used daily), benzoyl peroxide. Regarding the gel and body lotion, it is better to choose cosmetics designed specifically for pregnant women. They are safe and contain components designed to minimize the likelihood of stretch marks and breast deformities.
  • Is it possible to have sex during pregnancy? It is better to talk about this with your doctor, who should observe you throughout your pregnancy.
  • A visit to the solarium is not recommended.
  • Never take any medications on your own! The following medications are categorically contraindicated: Aminopterin, Methyltestosterone, Progestins, Quinine, Thalidomide, Trimethadine, Retinoids (isotretinoin, roanccutane, etretinate, tigazon, acitretin). But this is not a complete list. You don't need to get any vaccinations.
  • In connection with the formation of the skeleton of the unborn child, calcium is needed. If it is not consumed with food, then the pregnant woman's teeth will collapse. Therefore, it is recommended to eat cottage cheese, milk, kefir daily; visit the dentist periodically. Pregnant women are advised to register with the antenatal clinic as early as possible from the moment of pregnancy. After all, only a qualified doctor can monitor the course of pregnancy!
  • Important: doctors do not recommend bringing strangers into the house to the baby for about a month. Your house has its own atmosphere and microflora, the incoming guests have their own. The child should develop immunity to his environment, so you should not gather crowds of people.

We hope these tips help you! We wish health to you and your baby.

A pregnant woman is a special woman. She has a completely different lifestyle, completely different habits and even a completely different perception of what is happening around. And she lives by different rules. Understanding this, every conscious woman already at the very beginning of pregnancy begins to look for an answer to the question: “what should not be done by pregnant women?”. After all, it is now important for her to find out everything in order to prevent missteps in relation to the future baby at this wonderful time.

A short list of pregnant women should not:

  • You can not do work during which you have to lift weights. The maximum weight allowed for lifting by a pregnant woman is 5 kg. And that in very exceptional cases. It is better for the expectant mother to be limited to 2-3 kilograms. If the expectant mother has to carry bags of groceries, you need to distribute them so that the load is the same in both the left and right hand. The rearrangement of furniture and the carrying of suitcases should be entrusted to the husband and other relatives. Otherwise, you can provoke, and this is useless for a woman.
  • Do not paint ceilings and walls, wash windows, wipe dust. In general, we are talking about any work that requires a high and long raising of hands, as well as climbing onto a stool or stairs. It is forbidden for pregnant women to make repairs.
  • A pregnant woman is strictly forbidden to perform work that requires very sharp and jerky movements. Therefore, for the period of bearing a child, a woman should forget about beating carpets and other similar work.
  • It is impossible to carry out general cleaning, especially with household chemicals. In particular, any detergents with strongly pronounced odors are prohibited. If it so happened that there is no assistant nearby and is not expected, but the work needs to be done, then the necessary measures should be taken. First of all, using chemical detergents, the expectant mother should wear rubber gloves. It is also necessary to make cross-ventilation after the work done so that the “chemistry” disappears faster.
  • It is also impossible for pregnant women to sit still for a long time. Those women who love to sew and knit should either postpone this business for the period of pregnancy, or organize it so that it does not harm the baby. On the one hand, everything is clear: you really want to sew or knit something cute for your little one! But on the other hand, you can understand doctors, as well as other health professionals. After all, these demands are not unfounded. Incorrect posture, poor blood circulation, reduced amount of oxygen consumed - these and many other reasons can have a very negative impact on both the course of pregnancy and the health of the baby. Therefore, when you are going to sit down for sewing or knitting, you need to remember a few rules. First, you need to sit straight, leaning on the back of the chair. In this case, the legs should not be laid one on top of the other or crossed. It is better to put a small stand and place your feet on it. Moreover, although this is extremely inconvenient, every 30-40 minutes a pregnant woman will have to get up and do a warm-up and move for 5-10 minutes. Breathing exercises will be especially helpful. The same tips are relevant for those expectant mothers who spend a lot of time sitting at the computer.
  • The “foot to foot” position is prohibited for pregnant women, since in this case blood circulation is disturbed and the amount of blood that flows to the child decreases. Prevention of circulatory disorders has always been and will remain active movement and walking. During movement, the quality of breathing improves, blood oxygen saturation improves, leg muscles tone up, and the likelihood of occurrence decreases. But you should not overdo it either: if you feel tired, you need to immediately rest.
  • You can't walk in high heels. A pregnant woman should walk straight with her shoulders relaxed and preferably without heels. The optimal heel height of a pregnant woman should be no more than 3-4 cm. This requirement is explained by the changes that occur in the body of a woman who is expecting a child, which provoke looseness of the joints. If high heels are worn during pregnancy, flat feet may develop later. Moreover, the load on the vessels and muscles of the legs greatly increases, which leads to the development of varicose veins of the lower extremities.
  • Pregnant women should not eat a variety of foods and dishes. Among them are raw or poorly cooked eggs, raw milk, raw or poorly fried (cooked) meat (minced meat), moldy cheeses. The same applies to the products of the so-called fast food and those that contain a variety of dyes, substitutes and flavor enhancers.
  • Pregnant women should not smoke or drink. Alcohol, even in very small quantities, can cause a decrease in the baby's mental abilities, disorders in his behavior or development. Cigarette nicotine has a vasoconstrictive effect, which leads to poor blood supply to the placenta. The baby may be born prematurely or with very low birth weight. Oddly enough, but many expectant mothers, knowing about the dangers of these substances on the body, at least a little bit, but still continue to use. Yes, it is very difficult to get rid of bad habits that have not parted for many years. But can anything really be more precious than a native child, whose heart is already beating under the heart of the woman herself?
  • Moreover, pregnant women should not attend noisy discos, especially if they smoke and drink a lot there. The smells of alcohol, cigarette smoke, increased noise - all this only harms a pregnant woman. Nevertheless, a friendly party among the closest and dearest is a great pastime.
  • Pregnant women should try to avoid a variety of extreme entertainment and situations. This is explained by the fact that the frequent release of adrenaline into the blood negatively affects the formation of the neuropsychic activity of the unborn child. Stress and nervous disorders - belong here. During pregnancy, a woman needs to ensure peace and extremely positive emotions.
  • Pregnant women should not engage in potentially dangerous sports. These include surfing, horse riding, figure skating, skiing. But light physical activity is only for the benefit of both mother and baby. Health-improving gymnastics and swimming are useful for the expectant mother. Who confidently rides a bike can indulge in the pleasure of a ride in the park.
  • Pregnant women should not listen to the advice of non-professionals, because they are often more harmful than useful. You need to trust your doctor and, of course, your mother's intuition.

Also, pregnant women should not:

  • visit the solarium;
  • take a bath, the water temperature in which is above 37 degrees;
  • take a steam bath in a sauna if a woman has not practiced this before;
  • get vaccinated against measles, mumps, rubella, tuberculosis;
  • take medications that are contraindicated for pregnant women;
  • do x-rays and fluorography;
  • change cat litter;
  • use insect repellant sprays.

Specially for

Pregnancy is the most important moment in a girl's life. Responsibility falls on the shoulders already at the planning stage. And the goal of the expectant mother is the birth of a healthy child. In order for the pregnancy to be successful, it is recommended to steadily listen to the advice of doctors, read thematic literature and follow the recommendations of experienced mothers.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to eat right, appear more often in the fresh air, monitor your health, pay attention to sleep and rest, minimize physical activity and be patient. As a result, childbirth will be successful and less painful. In order for the unborn child to develop normally and appear healthy, you need to know what is possible for pregnant women. We will analyze this topic in the article, where we will answer 20 popular questions.

1. Drink coffee

Drinking coffee in reasonable amounts will not harm the child, and the expectant mother will invigorate and reward her with a great mood. Therefore, you can not refuse coffee. The main thing is that the daily dose does not exceed two cups of a weak drink.

However, some doctors claim that drinking coffee during pregnancy, even in small amounts, reduces the weight of the child. If you drink liters, the risk of stillbirth will increase. The drink contains a lot of caffeine, which increases blood pressure and excites the nervous system. Drinking it is advised taking into account the characteristics of the body.

2. Drink tea

Drinking tea during pregnancy is not prohibited, if we are talking about reasonable amounts. In position, the daily norm of weak tea is two cups. It is allowed to add honey or slices of lemon to the drink. The useful elements contained in such an amount of black tea are enough to protect and strengthen the teeth, increase the permeability of blood vessels.

As for biologically active additives in tea, handle them with care. Contrary to their naturalness, some of them tone the muscles of organs, including the uterus. With an unfortunate combination of circumstances, a miscarriage will occur. Therefore, it is better to refuse additives.

3. Drink beer

The frivolous use of alcoholic beverages will lead to the appearance of mental disorders and developmental abnormalities in the child. Overturning once again a small glass of beer, the mother will reward the baby with addiction. The abuse of beer and other alcohol-containing drinks leads to such terrible consequences.

It's not just the alcohol in beer that's dangerous. The composition of the drink includes phytoestrogen - a substance that resembles hormones in structure. The intake of "third-party" hormones into the body of a woman has a bad effect on the hormonal balance and is dangerous for the child.

4. Drink milk

There are no prohibitions regarding the use of milk during pregnancy. A woman in position is allowed to use liquid or powdered milk, and the choice of goat, cow, baked or fresh milk depends on preferences, usefulness and frequency of use.

If a rash, indigestion, or other negative reactions appear after a glass of milk, it is better to refuse the product. A worthy replacement would be homemade yogurt, cottage cheese or cheese. These products are rich in protein and calcium, they are able to take care of the health of the expectant mother and baby no worse than milk.

5. Get vaccinated

When deciding whether to get vaccinated, doctors are based on the benefit-to-harm ratio. Vaccination is carried out in the presence of an increased likelihood of contracting the disease. Pregnant women are advised not to travel to certain countries due to the need for certain vaccinations. In case of contact with the sick, vaccinations are welcome.

Vaccination is different from vaccination, and each of them can lead to complications. During pregnancy, vaccination with live viruses is unacceptable. As for vaccinations based on inactive viruses, in some cases they are allowed. In this case, the antibodies contained in the injection are transferred to the baby and provide protection.

6. Do inhalations

According to the unanimous opinion of doctors, inhalations are a necessary remedy for the treatment of pregnant women. They, unlike medicines, do not affect the functioning of organs. Coughing attacks in the mother bring discomfort to the baby, and with a runny nose, the placenta does not receive enough oxygen. Therefore, inhalation treatment is a safe solution.

Inhalation steam is useful in the early treatment of dry and hacking coughs. But if the disease is accompanied by a temperature, inhalation is prohibited. It is better to breathe essential oils. Doing inhalation during pregnancy is allowed an hour after eating.

7. Do fluorography

Fluorography is a low-dose research method. During pregnancy, the procedure is contraindicated. Women in the position are exempted from the planned passage of the study. Doctors resort to any X-ray research methods only in case of serious clinical indications.

In some cases, fluorography is done for girls in position, but on the condition that the benefit of the study for the expectant mother is higher than the risk for the child. In all other cases, research methods are used that do not provide for ionizing radiation.

8. Epilate

During pregnancy, it is allowed to use hair removal techniques that are performed at home and do not affect the woman's body. These include waxing and removing unwanted vegetation with an electric epilator. It is risky to resort to other methods during pregnancy. It is better to refuse them.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to fight hairs by shaving. Postpone more effective methods of depilation until the application is safe for the child.

9. Making shellac

Doctors disagreed on this issue. Some argue that the shellac manicure technique is safe, others see harm in it. Cautious masters believe that it is not worth doing shellac during pregnancy, since the reaction of the female body to chemistry is unpredictable.

Girls in position are very sensitive, capricious and have a heightened sense of smell. It is possible that as part of the procedure, a pregnant woman will develop severe toxicosis. It is better to exclude shellac for a while and think about the health of the child.

10. Get a tattoo

Tattooing during pregnancy is a popular procedure, as it facilitates self-care. After the tattoo, you do not need to put your eyebrows in order. There is no consensus on whether it can be done while in position.

One thing is for sure, that a master building a career in this area will not want to tattoo a girl in position, since there are many nuances that are impossible to predict. We are talking about painful sensations, a spoiled mood when the color does not match the wishes of the lady and other points.

11. Go to the cemetery

Church representatives argue that pregnant women should visit the cemetery and commemorate people who have passed away. God blesses people who remember their ancestors. It is only recommended that you do so if you wish. Do not forget about superstitions, according to which pregnant women should not visit the cemetery.

Once near the grave of a loved one, a woman can be overwhelmed by negative emotions and strong feelings, which will affect the health of the mother and baby. Stress is the main cause of ailments. Therefore, it is better to refuse to visit the cemetery.

12. Go to church

The answer of folk customs to this question is negative, but the church welcomes it. Let's figure it out. According to the church, the unborn child is God's blessing. Therefore, representatives of the church see no reason to refuse to visit the temple.

For many, pregnancy is associated with the menstrual cycle, within which it is forbidden to attend church, but it is incorrect to compare these conditions. According to the priests, the expectant mother should go to church and pray. It is also not forbidden to confess and receive communion.

13. Go to the bath

If everything is in order with the health of a pregnant woman, it is allowed to visit the bath after consulting a doctor. Remember that going to the bath in the early stages is contraindicated.

In all other cases, visiting the bath trains the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthens the immune system. Bath procedures are an excellent prevention of colds. If a pregnant girl has not previously visited a steam room, it is not advised to start during pregnancy.

14. Go to a funeral

Funerals are a powerful source of stress that can lead to the loss of a child. If a pregnant girl is afraid of attending a funeral or is worried about comfort, it is better to stay at home. If a funeral of a loved one is held and there is a great desire to attend it, it is recommended to listen to the inner voice. When you are sure that everything will be fine, go.

There are often cases when there is no desire to attend a funeral for other reasons. In this situation, pregnancy can be argued for refusal, no one will condemn anyone. You can say goodbye to the one who left the world on a mental level.

15. Walk in heels

Sexy, beautiful and fashionable shoes are contraindicated for girls in the position for all three quarters. Heeled shoes are allowed to be worn in the first half of pregnancy, although do not forget about the state of health.

Even if you feel good, it is better to refuse to constantly wear heels, otherwise it helps to increase the tone of the uterus. If you can't imagine life without shoes, limit yourself to wearing such shoes for a few hours and, after enjoying yourself, give your feet a massage.

16. Go to the pool

Some future mothers consider regular swimming pool visits useful, while others are afraid of catching an infection. In any case, before visiting the pool, consult a gynecologist. In the absence of complications and objections from the doctor, visit the pool at the moment. I knowingly added the phrase "now". It is allowed to visit the pool after the formation of the mucous plug and until it exits.

17. Go to the solarium

Prolonged exposure to the sun is undesirable for a pregnant woman. Doctors recommend that pregnant women temporarily forget about artificial tanning and do not go to the solarium.

Under the influence of lamps, the hormonal background will change, which will lead to the appearance of age spots. During pregnancy, the skin is sensitive to external factors and the risk of burning is high.

18. Dye your hair

During pregnancy, the hormonal background of the body undergoes changes that affect the structure of the hair. An increase in progesterone levels helps to reduce hair loss, resulting in thicker hair.

The results of studies have shown that paints are safe for pregnant women. But do not forget that the body of a woman is individual. Representatives of medicine argue that the chemicals that are part of the paints adversely affect the scalp and the condition of the body. Therefore, before using hair dyes, consult a doctor.

19. Smoking while pregnant

In the second trimester, cigarettes negatively affect the child's condition and increase the likelihood of violations. Smoking often leads to disastrous consequences, including: premature birth, miscarriage, premature detachment of the placenta or bleeding from the uterus.

Quitting smoking is recommended before conception. At the same time, it is not necessary to fight the habit after learning about pregnancy. The body of a woman is used to receiving a dose of nicotine. It is better if in the first trimester you reduce the dose. As a result, the body will prepare to give up cigarettes.

20. Fly on an airplane

There is no unequivocal opinion about flying by plane during pregnancy. During the flight, the female body is exposed to loads, but they are dangerous for a pregnant woman only in some cases.

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, there are no contraindications to the use of air transport. But if it is possible to get to the right place by another means of transportation, they are not advised to take risks. You can enjoy the comfort of air travel after the birth of your baby.