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Providing first aid. First Aid School

Millions of people are dying annually due to untimely assistance. Implementing immediate action and correct first aid (FA) practices while waiting for a professional (ambulance) can significantly reduce deaths and injuries, the impact of emergencies and accidents.

First aid an important step at the initial stage of providing effective and quick help which will reduce the severity of injuries and increase the chances of survival.

life saving

Pain relief

Prevention of consequences

The Red Cross proceeds from the belief that people who can provide first aid should be in every family, among neighbors in every house, in every educational institution and work collective.

"SCHOOL OF FIRST AID" Moscow branch of the Russian Red Cross this is:

Publication of information materials, manuals for students and the public;

Involvement of the population in obtaining knowledge and practical skills in first aid;

First aid to victims at work is a set of simple measures to protect the health and life of workers. Properly rendered first aid reduces the time of special treatment, promotes the fastest healing of wounds, and most importantly, saves the life of the victim.

According to statistics, up to 90% of the dead could have survived if timely and qualified first aid was provided in the first minutes after the incident.

First aid provides for: immediate termination of the action of external damaging factors or removal of the victim from the area that threatens his life; elimination of the threat to the life of the victim, prevention of complications; life support until the arrival of a qualified medical care and delivery of the victim to a medical facility.

In order for the first aid to the victims to be effective and timely, it is necessary to provide all working areas with the necessary set of medical supplies and medicines, as well as periodically train workers.


According to the Labor Code (Articles 212, 225), employers are responsible for organizing training for employees of their enterprises in providing first aid at work. In accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia of January 13, 2003 N 1/29 (as amended on November 30, 2016) "On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements of employees of organizations", the employer (or a person authorized by him) organizes periodic, at least once a year, training of blue-collar workers in providing first aid to victims. Newly hired persons are trained in providing first aid to victims within the time limits established by the employer (or a person authorized by him), but no later than one month after being hired.

Training workers in first aid to victims at work is not just a formal obligation of the employer, established by federal law, but an objective necessity, often allowing to save human life.

Workers of working professions are subject to training; all personnel of enterprises and organizations; workers performing certain types of work; workers whose admission to the performance of professional duties is carried out only after completing training in first aid for victims (employees of the confectionery industry, coal deposits, engaged in the processing of minerals, etc.).

Kruglikov Viktor Borisovich
Job title:
Pedagogical experience: 8 years
Profile experience: 41 years old
Professional achievements: Professional achievements - (teaching experience, publications, development of training courses, etc.) teacher of the automobile and road college (highest qualification category Order of the FDA of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of October 1, 2004 N VB-68), teacher of the Department of Fire Safety and Ecology Interregional Academy of the Construction and Industrial Complex, Member of the Council of NP SRO "MOS" (diploma of the Association of SRO "Interregional Association of Builders" for a significant contribution to the development of the construction industry Russian Federation, Certificate No. С-002.004715 "Organization of works in construction"), member of the subcommittee on methodological support of the organization of vocational training of the Committee for Vocational Education and member of the Committee on Housing and Civil Construction of the Association of Employers "National Association of Self-Regulatory Organizations Based on Membership of Persons Carrying out Construction" (NOSTROY), Laureate of the National competition of Russian builders "STROYMASTER - 2011" in the nomination "The best specialist in labor protection and safety", Laureate of the National competition of Russian builders "STROYMASTER - 2012" in the nomination "The best specialist in working with personnel of the construction complex of Russia", departmental and state awards received during military service.

First aid courses

If you want to know where to take first aid courses, study the current offers of our institute. Here, with the help of experienced teachers, you can get the necessary knowledge and learn practical skills quickly, inexpensively, with reliable quality assurance.

Preventing accidents and maintaining appropriate conditions is the responsibility of the leaders of private and public enterprises. It is they who must ensure that only sufficiently qualified specialists are allowed to work. You should also take into account the requirements of the current legislation for regular improvement (control) of the level of relevant knowledge. To solve these problems at no extra cost will help professional first aid courses.

Their organization will not cause unnecessary difficulties when contacting us:

  • The institute offers a flexible schedule for first aid classes. The training course of hired employees is adjusted taking into account the time schedule that is mandatory for all personnel.
  • Classes are taught by experienced teachers. They will provide a good assimilation of the material, answer additional questions.
  • First aid courses at the Ministry of Emergency Situations are expensive. To visit them, you need to interrupt workflows for a long time. We can organize on-site training at the right address, using democratic prices.
  • Even more convenience is provided by the organization of first aid courses remotely. In this form, to gain knowledge, it is enough to have a computer (tablet, smartphone) and an Internet connection.
  • All our first aid courses in Moscow are fully compliant with current regulations. When changes are made to legislative and industry acts, the programs are immediately adjusted.
  • Each first aid training is documented. The certificate is issued according to official standards. It is subsequently presented to authorized employees of state inspection organizations.
  • We offer special first aid courses in Moscow to prepare for mandatory certifications. In any case, we take into account special requirements and wishes.

Modern organization of work processes helps to reduce costs. We maintain an acceptable level of prices for first aid training. Additional discounts and benefits can be obtained here with long-term cooperation. Contact the specialists of the institute for free qualified consultations.

The life of a person with whom an accident happened depends entirely on how quickly and efficiently he will be provided with first aid. In such situations, even one minute makes a huge difference.

Training employees in first aid for victims at work or in an organization- this is not a whim of the employer, but his duty, provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. An employee, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is not allowed to perform work duties without a certificate of completion of this course.

Federal Law No. 313-FZ of July 3, 2016 “On Education in the Russian Federation” was amended to oblige all teaching staff to be trained in first aid skills. After all, we trust them with the most precious thing - our children. The main task of the teacher is to preserve their life and health.

Training is held once a year.

The best thing in this business is to trust professionals with medical education, since the price of a mistake is very high.

In those industries where there are dangerous and harmful production factors, there is always a risk - to be face to face with an injured worker who needs first aid. Each employee must be professionally and morally prepared to provide first aid injured at work. Knowledge, skills, skills in a difficult situation can save the life and health of the victims.

In our Non-state educational private institution of additional professional education "Interregional Training Center" you can get training under the program "Training in first aid for victims." Training takes place both at our training base and on the territory of the customer. You can get on-the-job training using distance learning methods.

Courses in this area of ​​study are conducted by qualified specialists with sufficient experience and knowledge. Classes are conducted by the method of practical study of educational material directly in those places, in the atmosphere where a person spends most of his time. When conducting classes, posters, a mannequin, a first aid kit are used, slides and an educational film are shown. A distance learning course has been developed.

Upon completion of the course, students are issued certificates of the established form.

Sample document on education

In order to undergo first aid training (remotely on-the-job) or full-time (on-the-job), fill out an online application or contact our managers by contact phone numbers.

God forbid that your knowledge remains at the level of theory, and such cases bypass you. But to clear your conscience, we advise you to acquire all the necessary papers, and practical knowledge and skills.
We are waiting for you in our training center!