Portal for car enthusiasts

"Neighbors in traffic jams." Superdad-engineer made a small military electric car Willys MB for his son

Andrei Onischuk, a software engineer from Minsk, decided a year and a half ago to give his son Ivan a children's electric car for his birthday. But those options that were on sale in Belarus, Russia and even China did not suit Andrei - the power reserve is small, there is no similarity with real samples, and the quality of the materials from which the cars are made leaves much to be desired.

There were thoughts to make your own on the basis of such a serial electric car. But after a detailed study, it turned out that the electrical part - cheap and of poor quality, did not satisfy the needs of the engineer. It was then that Andrei, together with his son Ivan, decided to create a car himself, since there were enough specialized sites of like-minded people. Three months later, the reduced Willys MB electric car was ready.

“I started with wheels, and adjusted the rest to them”

Andrey, an experienced software engineer, started creating a gift for his son by thinking through the concept, doing a lot of calculations and drawing a 3D model. The decision on the principle of operation turned out to be serious - to install a gasoline or electric motor. As a result, the master settled on the second option. Still it children's car rather than a kart or a quad bike. Yes, and it was most often planned to use it in parks of culture and recreation. What kind of gasoline can we talk about in such places?

For body design future model in the computer program it took Andrey only five days. “It was the simplest,” the engineer is sure. But for drawing the frame, steering trapezoid, rear axle, drive and other parts had to spend about three weeks. And before that, another two weeks - to purchase the necessary components. At that time, the project was already in the head of the engineer.

“Because of such a rush, it turned out that I bought a lot of extra parts,” the man recalls. - Because you keep one thing in your head, then you buy spare parts for it, and then another comes, The best decision. And you start all over again. This can go on indefinitely, the main thing is to stop in time. The hardest thing was to find wheels that were suitable in diameter and tread pattern. I found similar ones in a regular building market. They were called so - wheels from agricultural machinery. I don’t know where they were used, but at that time they suited me completely. Already under the size of these wheels, a frame and a body were created. In fact, because of the wheels, the scale of the car turned out to be one to two. This is a very large size for a child's toy.

In breaks between the main work, Andrey Onischuk cooked the frame, made the steering bipods. All parts and assemblies are almost exactly copied from real cars. To create the body, the engineer used waterproof 12 mm plywood, cut it with a water jet - a high-pressure water jet, and painted it with ordinary car paint. And after all the schemes and drawings were ready, and the spare parts were bought, work began on translating the idea into reality.

- I tried to prepare every detail as much as possible in order to assemble the car as soon as possible. And so it happened - the body and frame with the mechanical part were assembled in one day. With breaks and lunch breaks. At some point, the thought appeared that there might be problems during assembly, because each part was made individually without fitting in place. But it turned out great - all the details came together to the millimeter. Computer design is a thing!

The children's car began to take on a resemblance to the real Willys. And although the electrical part had not yet been installed, Vanya did the first test drive that same evening. Instead of an engine, traction was provided by the muscular strength of Pope Andrei.

Now the car is driven by two 36V 350W engines, maximum speed- about 12 kilometers per hour. The rear shaft is split, provides independent rotation of the wheels. In fact, this is a copy center differential all-wheel drive SUVs. There is also a toggle switch to block it. The electric motors are connected in series with the controller, thereby realizing the differential principle, and with the help of the aforementioned toggle switch, they can be connected in parallel, obtaining a “lock”. Also in the car there is a remote “parental control” in the form of a keychain so that you can turn off the power at a distance of up to 50 meters. The power source is four batteries from uninterruptible power supplies. You can charge them without removing the batteries from the car, using a converted connector from the computer's power supply - so as not to reverse the polarity.

The car is also equipped with LED headlights, parking lights, there are even working turn signals, alarms and brake lights. And when reversing, in addition to the flashing light of the lantern reversing, the buzzer sounds.

“Neighbors thought I decided to save money”

— Relatives and acquaintances reacted to the idea of ​​creating children's electric car ambiguous, - recalls the father-designer. - There were even such opinions: I decided to save money and instead of a good factory car, make a wooden one. I just smiled back at them. In total, $ 1200 was spent on the manufacture of mini-Willys. This is only the cost of parts and materials. What kind of savings can we talk about? But I didn’t think about the final cost then, the contact with the child in the process of work was important to me. Four-year-old Ivan's interest in the history of military equipment of the Victory, dedication - that's what is much more important than finances.

After the car was ready, it was planned to drive it to the parks of the capital. The premiere of the homemade Willys MB was scheduled for May 9 last year. But Vanya fell ill, and the car was left to wait in the wings in the father-in-law's garage.

“We were very upset then,” Andrei recalls. - The front-line military uniform was custom-made for Vanechka. And then otitis media. But then we felt the support of complete strangers, members of the forum. At that time, I had already created a thread about this car on a specialized forum, where I talked about each stage of creation. And now messages began to come to me, people regretted that we would not be at the holiday and we would not be able to see each other. Therefore, we decided at all costs to come to the Sports Palace in Minsk on this Willys on July 3, when Independence Day was celebrated.

But even here the first disappointments awaited. Andrey, Ivan and their Willys did not want to be allowed into the city center to the site where the celebration was taking place, the police officers. They twisted and turned the car from all sides, admired it, but no one dared to decide on a pass ...

- There was no way back - I promised my son that we would ride on a holiday. Therefore, I began to act more decisively. He asked to invite the elder from the police or take me to him. We must pay tribute to those guys, they invited their commander. He also carefully studied everything, asked to demonstrate the car in motion to make sure that all the details are working and do not pose any danger to others, and he allowed us a pass for the holiday. And at the holiday, virtual acquaintances were already waiting for us, other people also came up. Everyone admired the car, and Vanya proudly told the children (and adults) about his car.

Although there were incidents. For example, traffic police inspectors, having seen the car on the site, jokingly recommended that they pass a technical inspection and pay insurance. They said that it’s not a shame to let this one out on public roads. And the kids escaped from their grandmothers or mothers and ran to the Onischuks' car. And the attendants grabbed the kids by the hands and took them away from the electric car.

- We thought that we would ask them for money for a photo near Willys or for riding on it. But we immediately explained: everything is free! Take pictures, ride to your health - it's a holiday! There was no end to the children, and how many friends Vanya had at once! But the happy eyes of my son are the highest appreciation of my work. So, we didn't do it for nothing. Together with him, by the way, he is my assistant!

Free of charge, i.e. free of charge

But this is not the last project of Andrey Onischuk - the man could not stop after all. Now he is working on a new Willys-2 car. In the future, the creation of a universal frame design, on which various bodies can be installed.

- "Ivan-jeeps" were called GAZ-67 during the war. Therefore, we plan to make a GAZ-67B body with our Ivan. And then maybe we can make something else.

According to Andrey, the frame of the new children's electric car has also undergone significant changes - for example, the suspension. Front semi-independent with polyurethane silent blocks and one common shock absorber. Rear - rubber-harness as a kind of torsion bar. There were also new wheels - an exact copy of those that were installed on military SUVs. Helped to find them, again, members of the forum. There are also plans to create a folding canvas roof, as in a real car.

The most significant change in the design of the new Willys MB is the installation of a new controller and brushless DC motors (BLDC). As conceived by the designer and engineer Andrey, the updated car will have a smart reverse (so that the child does not have the opportunity to turn on reverse gear on the move), regenerative brake (engine braking with energy returning to the battery, in this case, disc brakes act as spares), cruise control and a differential lock. The controller can connect via Bluetooth to a smartphone or PC for fine-tuning. There are plans to make something similar to ESP and ASR. When the car is ready, Andrei finds it difficult to answer.

- We already have one, so we are not in a hurry with the second, we are doing everything qualitatively, not counting the forces and means. Where do I put the first project after the completion of the new one? Haven't thought about it yet. I have many friends and relatives with children, and I myself am not going to stop there - we plan to actively work to improve the demographic situation in the country. So I won't be selling it. Although offers to sell were received repeatedly. Those who are really interested and saw the entire scope of the work performed - adequately assessed. They gave several times more than the amount spent on spare parts. But there were always those who tried to "bargain" and compared the unique reduced Willys MB with Chinese cars with screwdriver motors.

Most often, they asked me to buy drawings and project documentation, developed electrical circuits - that's all own design. But the children's Willys is a non-commercial project, and I'm not going to sell anything. And people were interested, I saw it. Therefore, a month ago I opened the LooksLikeAPro.com website, where I downloaded all the documents, drawings and diagrams for free. For those who really want to please their child with a quality electric car, this will be a good help.

However, before downloading the drawings, you must definitely familiarize yourself with the document - a kind of contract. In this file, Andrei gave a complete calculation of the creation of his electric car and recommended that those who are not ready to shell out about 20 million to create this car not even start work.

“There will always be someone who will do it cheaper,” the engineer sums up. - You can use ordinary plywood instead of waterproof plywood. But this is not the same ... You can buy "China" instead of Japanese bearings. But how long are they enough? You can even install fan motors from the Gazelle instead of expensive electric motors, attach gearboxes to them and wait for someone's foot to hit them. When creating this machine, I thought about literally everything - from appearance to safety. Otherwise, it is better not to start this project.

Jeep "Willis" was one of the most massive Vehicle World War II. We created the first 3D model of a car in 2013 and since then it has been reworked several times to become a complete model for an AAA game. You can see how the model got better and better as we developed our skills:

Purpose and references

At the beginning of the project, we decided to create a model for an AAA game with high quality PBR textures. We wanted the car to look realistic, not stylized, and ready to rig and animate. First of all, we found a lot of Willis references on the Internet, and then decided on the design of the model, the amount of damage, color, symbols and decal text.

3D modeling

For real-life cars and other means of transport, blueprints can almost always be found. Sites like the-blueprints.com will help you design key design elements. Ideally, the drawing should show the object from all sides.

High poly model

Many experts disagree on the approach to modeling. Some people think that it is better to first create a low poly model, and then make a high poly using antialiasing, others prefer to use high poly as the basis for low poly geometry. To some extent, the pipeline depends on the project, but it is usually better to start by creating a high-poly model.

We assigned the drawings to planes that are far from the center of the work surface so as not to obstruct the view.

We first created the main shapes and then moved on to the smaller ones. In most cases, it is best to create sheet metal features from a plane. First you deform it based on the blueprint and then use the Shell Modifier to add some thickness. To make the plane round we used Turbosmooth with 2-3 levels of subdiv.

In order to better control the process and not get confused by the polygons, we always work with a simple mesh. We use this approach at all stages of model creation.

For example, let's see how we created the tire. We started with a plane on which we modeled one sector of the tire. Since this pattern is repeated 80 times, we just made the required number of copies.

With the help of the Weld function, we combined all the elements and added two Bend modifiers. The first is needed in order to make the surface of the tire convex, and the second is to create a circle from the plane. The last thing we used was Weld Vertices. If you're having trouble closing the circle, add a Reset Xform and set the object's pivot correctly before using the Bend modifier.

As a result, we got this tire:

Objects created from fabric (such as seat upholstery or gear lever cover) are best done in Zbrush. Use the Decimation Master before exporting the high poly model from Zbrush. It will significantly reduce polygonation without visual distortion, making it easier for you to bake textures.

Low poly model

Having received feedback on the high-poly model, we made the final edits and moved on to the creation of the low-poly. If the topology of the model is correct, all you have to do is remove the supporting edges and optimize the object so that its polygons are minimal.

For example, the body of a jeep in a low-poly version is a large monoblock, while for high-poly modeling it is more efficient to use a larger number of elements in order to avoid possible difficulties in the future. Let's look at an example:

Model A: You can see that the topology fits the cube, but it creates hard edges on the plane and at the bottom of the cube. The solution to the problem may be to add the cube as a separate element (B), but then there will not be enough chamfer at the junction of the cube with the plane. If having a transition between two shapes is important and you can't use additional edge loops, then you can create the chamfer geometry separately (C).

Model sweep

Before texturing, you need to create a net. Below you can see the pixel density on various elements of the model. The smaller the checker size, the higher the density. For example, when unwrapping, we spent more space on the small plates with text than on most other parts of the jeep combined.

Texture baking

Before you start baking, you need to make sure that you adhere to the following rules:

  • Make seams of UV-sweep taking into account the topology of the object.
  • Assign anti-aliasing groups taking into account the use of the Unwrap modifier.
  • Use the Explode command on low and high poly models to avoid artifacts.

After Explode, we exported both models in .fbx format and baked them in Xnormal.

Even if you did everything right, artifacts can still occur. To remedy the situation, you can create several normal maps and compose them in Photoshop. Using masks, select those parts that are baked well. This way you will get a texture map without artifacts.

We loaded the normal map and the .fbx jeep model into Substance Painter and baked additional maps - Ambient, Curvature, World Space, Position and Thickness. Instead of baking on a high poly model, we used an imported normal map because we already adjusted all of its artifacts. Thus, we have prevented the occurrence of artifacts on additional maps.

When baking additional maps from the normal map, don't forget to uncheck Normal and check Use Low Poly Mesh as High Poly Mesh.


Thanks to the references, we understood what materials the jeep is made of, what their structure is, where dirt collects, what the surface detail looks like and which parts of the car are most susceptible to damage. For texturing we used Substance Painter 2.6.2.

Before importing the Jeep into Substance Painter, we split the UVs into two texture sets - Jeep (opaque material) and Windows + Light (translucent material).

Later we realized that it would be more practical to make more UV maps for the Jeep. This speeds up texturing and improves quality control of the work.

We start texturing by assigning base materials. You can use the ones on the shelf or upload them to . First, we assigned to each element of the jeep (body, wheels, seats) only one material - metal, sheet metal, rubber, plastic, leather, etc., and created 18 main groups.

We have received the first version of the materials. To keep the logic of texturing, we went from macro to micro structure. In other words, we first decided on the materials, and then added the details.

This is how we organized the layers in the "Seats" group:

With generators, you can create masks quickly and easily, so you can instantly evaluate visual changes. Although for us at this stage everything was just beginning.

We wanted to make our model unique. With the help of brushes and projection, we redrawn the masks. Thus, they no longer looked generated and made at random.

High-quality textures for masks add realism to the model. Below you can see examples of the textures we used:

Presentation and render

To decide on the presentation of the model, we used the references of concepts and photos of cars. This helped us choose the position of the camera and the lighting of the jeep. For rendering we used Vray.

At first we couldn't get the optimal color and settings. Through trial and error, we have developed the following rules:

  • In Gamma and LUT settings set Gamma Correction to 2.2, check Gamma/LUT, Affect Color Selector and Material Editor.
  • Export textures from Substance Painter with settings for Vray. Use the .tif 16bit format.
  • Import the Diffuse map into 3ds Max with Override 2.2.
  • Import the rest of the textures with Gamma Override 1.0 (Normal, Glossiness, Reflection, IOR, Height).
  • In the BRDF options, select Microfacet GTR (GGX) - only for new versions of Vray.
  • Enable the Glossy Fresnel effect in the Vray material settings.
  • You can use the Height texture as a displacement map, but this will require more memory to render.
  • Connect imported textures: Diffuse=Diffuse map │ Reflection=Reflect map │ Glossiness=RGlossiness map │ IOR=Fresnel IOR map │ Bump (value 100)=VRayNormalMap=Normal map

Below you can see the Vray material settings:

We used two VRayLights and one VRayLightDome with an HDRI card connected to create realistic reflections.


There is no "best" or "universal" way to create a game model. If you replace at least one program in the pipeline, this will lead to a significant change in it with its strong and weaknesses. The main thing is the final result.

Thank you for your attention. Good luck in the world of modeling and texturing!

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Today is a publication about a car that is not quite ordinary, or rather, about a completely unusual one. Willys MB became legendary car not only for the American army. The author of the publication recreated it himself from almost nothing. So much so that now the car is participating in retro events and many cannot distinguish it from the original. As the owner himself says, I wanted to create, but there were neither funds nor forces for this. But at one point...

At a time when all cars were Soviet

I grew up and was brought up at a time when the car was still a luxury, not a means of transportation. Although in the 1980s we had enough people who could easily buy, for example, a Volga (GAZ-24) for 16 thousand rubles, although the average salary then was somewhere around 150-180 rubles. It's for the workers. I consider myself a worker, and therefore my first car back in 1990 was the Moskvich-408, with a huge box of parts and spare parts. But when I stuck a 412 motor in it, it ran properly and even in some way smartly.

Then there were the Zhiguli, and then all sorts of cheap, not at their best foreign cars. This is what I am getting at, that I did all types of repairs myself, gradually learning something, in most cases from my own mistakes. Then, while working as a car mechanic, he learned to cook, paint a little, and at least have an idea about the engine internal combustion. Acquired skills self-manufacturing details and fitting them in place. Moreover, I liked this work more and more ... I wanted to create! But, alas, there were no funds and conditions for this.

Then the program “You Can Do It” was still broadcasting around the country (in my opinion, that’s what it was called, although I could be wrong). The bottom line is that cars were shown there. Beautiful and not very different. But they all had one thing in common - they were self-made, not like everyone else. In a word, different! They were like foreign cars, like cars of the future and were built by ordinary people, in garages, sheds, and some even in apartments. As they say now, "on the knee." So I want to add one thing to everything that has been said: it is clear that somewhere at that time I fell ill with all this. I wanted to create, oh how I wanted.

It did not work due to the circumstances of that time. But somewhere in the year 2004, I began to try, in the sense of simply twisting, cooking, drawing, sawing and cooking again, in any free time from work, until something got on wheels and went. But it turned out, in my opinion, horror.

The first pancake ... you know

Now I want to talk a little about love. About love specifically for iron or a specific brand of car. I won't beat around the bush - I love Willys. Yes, it is this small American military car from the distant 1943. All-wheel drive military vehicle. Soldier car. So I saw him in the magazine "Model Designer" for 1993. I don’t know what captivated me, probably the shape of the body, the radiator grille, perhaps the huge popularity all over the world so far. Perhaps its purpose, a small contribution to the victory, simplicity, reliability and the great love of front-line drivers, soldiers and commanders for it. Just a love for SUVs or something else that I don’t know myself, but all the last time I had only this car in my head. We all love the Jeep Wrangler, and therefore the Willys, it was from this car that they all started. Until now, the Indian firm Mahindra is doing something very similar to that of the military Willys. This brand (or rather, Willys MB) is also imitated by SsangYong and many other small firms.

I can not buy? Nonsense, I will make it or build it, as you please. I will make it very similar to the original. Replica, that's what it's called. But we need a donor. Of course, it will be the well-known GAZ-69, I decided. I began to look for a car with a "killed" body, but still with a normal chassis. A suitable copy was found in Bobruisk - GAZ-69, 1965 release. And on the go and even with documents.

By the way, about the garage. I can only say one thing: it's good that you have it. Only men will understand me. They will not understand wives, girlfriends, mothers, because who needs you if you spend all your free time in the garage, all seasons pass there and the smell of these walls is already much more familiar and pleasant than the smell of the walls in your apartment. And your relatives see you on some holidays at best, and even then not always. Do you remember the advertisement: “And he also has a garage and he goes there”? Something like this, very similar.

Before proceeding with the disassembly of the donor, I drove it a couple of laps around the garages. It was late autumn 2010. Then it all started. The body with the frame was removed somewhere, cut off somewhere, and sometimes just took a sledgehammer. But at the same time, good body parts were removed and folded into a pile. Now the frame opens up. Engine, gearbox, razdatka, cardans, bridges. Everything seems to be in order. So then it seemed, but as it turned out later - not quite.

Then, of course, everything was removed from the frame, sorted out and decomposed as much as possible in the garage into corners, corners and shelves. The frame was cut and thrown out. Mistake! I continue to learn from them, but what can you do if there was no one nearby, no one suggested, and there is not so much space in the garage to also store the frame. In general, I threw it away, which is a pity, the frame was good.

The car was born in the garage

Everything, now another stage has begun. Drawings and templates. In general, there were no special drawings, only frames, and even then on a scale, all from the same magazine "Modeler-Constructor" for 1993. I faced a difficult task - to fit the Gazik units into the Willys dimensions as much as possible. It worked, but not quite. The trouble is that the bridges of the donor are 30 centimeters wider than those of the original. But I was in a hurry and therefore did not cut them. Also, in the manufacture of the frame and body, I really wanted to keep all the proportions of the Willys and so that it all did not look huge. But nevertheless, on the bridges, it turned out to be wider for me, and along the length of the body, too, though not by much.

However, back to the frame. It seems that the sketches and drawings are ready, the search has come and the moment of buying new material. Found. Bought. Brought. I also want to say that all purchases are confirmed by checks, well, just in case.

Special thanks to my garage friends and comrades who helped in any way they could. Sometimes even a dozen M6 nuts pleased more than ice cream in the heat. Also, I will not forget to mention the landfill, which is located in our garages (about the metal dump, of course). Something from there is present on the car. So, after several dozen cutting circles on the grinder, a pack of electrodes, thick smoke and fog, the main part of the frame was ready. Here it is, presented to your eyes.

Of course, there is no slipway, but the diagonals and sizes on opposite sides are normal. You could sit for hours next to her and admire the work, drinking hot tea. It was already cool in the garage, but the work is better argued. So when I looked at the frame, bridges, engine, sketches of crossbars and beams arose in my head. Made, welded and made a mistake. But more on that later. Next came the spring brackets and the springs themselves.

Many thanks to Anatoly from Smorgon for help in purchasing the rear springs. The fact is that Willys has the same front and rear, but GAZik does not. But everything turned out very simply. All right. The next step is bridges. Here, too, I had to "wrestle", since both cars have different attachments of the bridges to the springs. Again grinder, welding, drilling. Also alteration of ladders and fitting them in place. Well, it seems to have worked out. We fix the bridges, and now the frame is in the right position and on wheels. Almost finished car. Even rides around the garage, wow, how nice!

Along the way, a group of comrades from our row discovered a serious drawback - the frame is weak for twisting. That is, by applying force, you can change the horizon of the front bumper in relation to the rear. Again, a dozen cutting circles, a couple of cleaning circles, half a pack of electrodes, stench, stench, smoke and fog, but - lo and behold! - the frame is reinforced, does not "play" and does not collapse.

The next stage: engine, gearbox, razdatka and universal joints. Unfortunately, I had to abandon the GAZ-69 box and handouts and put this unit from UAZ. This is due to the fact that for the latter, the gearbox and transfer case are one and take up less space along the length, which is very important for maintaining the desired dimensions of the car. It's a pity. At GAZik, in his three-speed box, gear ratios better matched to the native engine.

I will not describe the manufacture, fitting of engine brackets with gearbox, fitting of universal joints. By the way, in none of them the factory size is violated, I encountered only one mistake: one of the frame cross members simply interfered with the rear cardan. I didn't take this into account beforehand. But, having gathered his thoughts, he solved the problem by installing a powerful oval in the middle of the crossbar, through which the cardan itself now passes.

Next is the steering gear. He - without any intervention on my part, like the whole brake system generally. The only thing that had to be done to set the desired angle of inclination of the steering column was to install a UAZ crosspiece on the steering shaft. Everything worked out. Everything turns and turns.

Now I will digress a little from this topic and explain to readers where I find time for this. I am a self-employed business owner. There is not a lot of work, and for the sake of his project, he simply refused some orders. It is clear that this did not affect my well-being in the best way, but Willys stood before my eyes and I could not help myself. I just took and refused, sometimes turned off the phone, just to stay in the garage more. Indeed, with each piece welded or screwed on, the product began to take on the shape of the desired car more and more.

Every day it became more and more interesting, and the intended goal was getting closer. Therefore, I was in a hurry with some things and somewhere I didn’t do it very carefully, leaving the alteration for later. The result was already important, I wanted to do it faster and do everything. I think the bodywork is the most interesting and visible work. When the frame was complete, having received all the components and assemblies, I even started the engine. I want to tell you about it separately. Its sound is just a song, that is, it is simply not audible. The lower location of the valves, the thoughtfulness of the design at that time, of course, makes one wonder at his work. On the Idling You can see only the rotation of the fan and that's it. Of course, with increasing speed, the motor is audible. The muffler from the tractor "Belarus" does its job. This detail looks very good on the typewriter and is quite well inscribed in the body.

I started the body from the base of the floor. There was just a stretcher, which gradually began to grow with panels, sides, openings. Everything was bent without any special devices. Something in the leaves of the garage doors, something on wooden block, something just in the sand with a sledgehammer. Well, then a semiautomatic device, grinder and putty were already working. Again, diagonals, horizontals, angles, and so on were measured ...

To the country, to the quarry, to the test

A funny thing happened at the cottage. The car was not in full readiness, but it was already possible to carry out sea trials. Of course, people saw, approached and were interested. I told everyone that the car is completely homemade. And to the question of one eccentric: “Where did you get the“ muzzle ”?” - I had to answer that they sent it from America on order. Of course, he was surprised, asked if they were still being released there. Yes, I say, they release and send here. Although the "muzzle", I think, I did not work out very well. The “eyes” under the sidelights are unfinished, and the putty will still have to be worked on. When compared with the original, it is noticeable that the radiator grille is slightly irregular in shape. Well, okay, as it is.

The body, of course, was still far from ready, there was no floor and many other details. But with all this, nothing prevented the gasoline pump and the carburetor from processing gasoline from a plastic flask into the energy of movement along the dirt paths of our summer cottages. The machine even managed to work in construction as a sand carrier. In her homemade trailer easily fits at least 500 kg. turn on downshift and carry cargo at all speeds. Also surprised patency. On bald tires, the car, without straining, pulled a full trailer of sand out of the quarry, rowing with its two bridges. In general, I was satisfied and lived with thoughts of a speedy return to the garage and subsequent work.

And so it happened. After a short break, we are back in the garage. We breathe abrasive and carbon dioxide semi-automatic. Well, the smell of primer, of course. Work on the body brought pleasure. The hardest part is already behind us. More and more the car became like Willys, and I myself was kind of pleased with the result. Everything was combined. The main work, work in the country, work in the garage. The priority, of course, is with Willys.

In the process, I met interesting people, they in turn introduced me to someone. So I met a man, a colleague, the owner of this Willys. He was quite surprised to learn that my car was made simply from sketches and drawings. I was worried that I had not met Vladimir before, since the opportunity to see his car live would help to avoid many mistakes.

In the fall, I framed the windshield and painted the car in a rough draft, since all the imperfections in the bodywork will still be eliminated. Having corrected something on the chassis and transmission, I again got out to the dacha, to the quarry, for testing. Were identified some flaws in the chassis. When loaded and flying into a hole at speed, the suspension breaks (looking ahead, I will say that these problems have been eliminated this year). On the front axle shock absorbers are installed, the stepladders of the springs are correctly positioned. Now they are turned upside down with the nuts, as they should. And the bridge no longer reaches the frame. Of course, if you fly into a hole at high speed, it may break through the suspension, but I have not yet installed bumpers - this is all ahead.

The only thing that was done during the winter was rear seats and windshields. Glasses "triplex" were ordered from one company. At home, in the kitchen and in the warmth, they were glued in place, but then it was a matter of technology.

Very important detail this car— This is a shovel and an ax on the driver's side. Things not only give a certain charm, but also very useful. It's no secret that the steeper the SUV, the harder it is to pull it out. It has already happened to me. I didn’t have a shovel and ax at hand, I relied on the “all-passability” of the car, but I pierced it. I got stuck in the most "I don't want to" in a huge pile of rotten apples, covered with sand from above. If it were not for a local man on a home-made, by the way, tractor, he would have wintered. In short, thanks to the man and his technique, they pulled me dry. So the first thing I started with was with an ax and a shovel, as well as preparing their seats, brackets and mounts.

The affected places on the body were later tinted from a spray can, and even not in color, but in general it looks good, and the paint will come with time. Then hastily done Side mirror rear view. For the glass, thanks to the Chinese industry and our sellers in the market. Again, not painted in color, but installed on the body and looks good. Then, covers were sewn from the old tarpaulin for the levers of the box and handouts, all sorts of rugs were cut out on the floor that was not yet primed. Gradually, the car acquired completeness and became similar to Willys. All oils were changed, crosspieces and hinges were lubricated. We were eager to fight.

The holidays were approaching, May 9th. In honor of Victory Day, Dudutki held an event to which we were invited. Participated in the staging of historical events during the Second World War. There were explosions, shooting, Levitan's speech, a low-flying plane, again explosions and shooting, in general wartime. Occupation, Germans. Then there was the Victory, the capture of all the same Germans, demonstration performances of paratroopers from Maryina Gorka. Many wanted to take pictures and ride in our car. My daughter Yulia, dressed in a military uniform, easily managed the car and tirelessly drove those who wished around the territory of the complex.

Then there was lunch, a short gathering and returning home. After all, the next event, also quite significant for us, was ahead of us. Namely, "Retro-Minsk 2013". This is the 6th international gathering of classic and vintage car enthusiasts. Thanks to my daughter and her efforts, we were invited there and were looking forward to the start of the event. I can only say that for the sake of this it was worth hanging around in the garage, knocking down hands and rushing towards the intended goal.

To drive around the city in a column of vintage cars, and even at its very beginning under the 4th number, to feel a lot of delight of others, the holiday atmosphere is very interesting and pleasant. In itself, participation in this rally meant a lot to me. I remember the words of some guys. After a long inspection of my car, one said: “And the bridges on Willys from the Lawn of the 69th are no longer the original.” Well, for me this is a praise, thanks to them. Thank you for the fact that, having seen the bridges of the 69th, they did not say anything about the body. So it's similar. So, not in vain tried.

I want to talk about my plans. Of course, the car is not finished yet. There will be an awning, a frame for an awning, side handles. Still going to putty and paint. It is also planned to remove the body from the frame, so that from below, where necessary, weld, touch up, tint, process the seams, put everything in order, prime it, it is possible to carry out anti-corrosion treatment. But this is all later, in autumn, closer to winter. And now the SUV to the country, to the quarry for sand. You need to take a break from it yourself and mind your own business. However, "rides" in the surrounding area are not canceled, as well as strength and endurance tests.

I would like to register my car. Know what to register homemade car it is almost impossible for us, although several people have succeeded and I know them. But still I really want to try and I will contact the traffic police. As they say, come what may. A big request to readers: if someone knows something about this or can help, write, I will be grateful. At least in order to get to the next events on their own. And then... then, of course, next car. And again Willys. But already with the right bridges, with correct dimensions, without past mistakes and minor flaws.

The guy in the photo can be proud of his father. It's no secret that any man, even growing up, wants a jeep. It is clear that the younger generation cannot drive a large SUV, but there is a way out. This is discussed below.

From the creator of this wooden SUV for kids: " I could afford to buy the most "cool" jeep for my child, but I decided that it would be better if I did it myself, let it turn out to be a clunker, but with my own hands. And it started, and it was already very difficult to stop. The design took about 3-3.5 weeks (I don’t remember exactly), and the construction took 2 months, about $ 1200 in money. Many will say “what the hell”, for this money I will buy two jeeps and will not bathe. Well, I’ll hurry to inform you that: a) don’t buy this one; b) the safety margin of this machine is enough to survive 10 Chinese ones; c) participation of the child in the process and pleasure for the father d) children are smart enough to distinguish a "Chinese" jeep from an almost "real" one, etc. This list can be continued indefinitely ... But you know what is the most interesting? This is that if you are a wealthy and self-sufficient person (simply “cool”), then this does not prevent you from remaining the same."

Finished result

Girls, come on!

Wooden parts of the body are sent to the paint shop

The body is painted, polished and shines in the sun


Electric vehicle engine assembly

Everything is like adults. Forward, backward and lock.

Run for materials. I will make my own supercar.