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Russian Magi. Wolves still exist

The theme of the Magi is perhaps the most inaccessible to research and study, since over the past three hundred years, the Magi have been the most destroyed part of the population.

Today, not a single sorcerer confesses his knowledge, and many who own ancient knowledge prefer to remain silent and live away from modern society.

It is no coincidence that in ancient times a sad and ironic remark was born: "The one who knows is silent, the one who speaks does not know."

Another difficulty awaiting the researcher lies in the fact that it is impossible to correctly cognize that which is more developed than man.

Here is what Champollion, a well-known decipherer of Egyptian writing, wrote about the Egyptian Magi, for example:

“They could rise into the air, walk on it, live under water, endure injuries painlessly, read in the past, predict the future, become invisible, die and resurrect, heal diseases, etc.”.

In order to become a sorcerer, a person needed to be recognized by the divine Pantheon, then all the requests and desires of a person who reconnected to the Pantheon were fulfilled. The student went through a long process of learning (in the 19th century, they studied for 20 years as a sorcerer), which ended with a test, which, due to a misunderstanding, is called an exam today. If a person passed the tests and remained alive, after that the gods illuminated the sorcerer with their light and abilities, and the person became dedicated, i.e. acquired magical, divine properties.

The names of the sciences have been preserved in Greek: thaumaturgy - miracle-working with the help of the gods, in contrast to demiurgy - miracle-working due to one's abilities.

A person recognized by Russian gods can read and understand ancient books on magic, perform rituals, and everything will work out for him, unlike an unrecognized person who will do the same, but everything is useless. A person who has reached contact with a god becomes a god himself, and a person with whom the entire Pantheon of gods is in contact acquires the capabilities of the Lord.

The study of the life of Russian saints shows that they acquired their abilities as a result of a long stay alone with Nature. One of the indicators of holiness was the achievement of understanding of all creatures, when animals, including predatory ones, cease to be afraid of a person and take food from his hands, as was the case with many Russian saints (for example, Sergius of Radonezh).

The Magus was not only an intermediary between man and the Pantheon, but also the creator of this Pantheon.

According to ancient ideas, God is not only a spirit born of Humanity, but also a plant through which the divine aggregate is fed; and the animal through which the god manifests his will; and a crystal, through which the god conveys magical properties; and food, fixing the divine properties of man; and the creative force of the Universe, determined by the level of followers of Vedovestism.

When people lived in unity with nature, they created trees with the help of which the gods were created. They turned losers into animals and forced them to serve the gods, who manifested their will through animals, they chose crystals and minerals, thanks to which the gods transferred their properties to them. Sacred animals and plants eventually became just domestic, and crystals became precious stones.

After the catastrophes that occurred, which led to the death of a giant ancient biosphere, people, in order to survive, were forced to eat some sacred animals, moreover, they were specially bred for these purposes. Such animals included: sheep, pigs, goats, cows, horses, chickens. So the sacred animals turned into domestic ones and cattle breeding with poultry farming was born. When, as a result of social upheavals, some animals were expelled from the temples, despite this, they continued and continue to settle until now near human dwellings (rats, weasels, ferrets).

Let's try to recreate that ritual and hierarchical picture that existed among the Magi in antiquity, so that it becomes clear to us how the RELIGION of the ancestors arose and how it disappeared.

The question is, why is it necessary to restore the system of ancient knowledge that has long disappeared from human life?

Now, here and there, centers of the ancient Faith are emerging, which require precise knowledge in order to be able to resonate with the old divine aggregates. Any inaccuracies lead to weak interaction or lack of contact, so that all newly created centers of the ancient religion will not differ in any way from the existing centers of other faiths. Without this knowledge, we cannot find the happiness that existed before, when there was an era of Paradise on Earth.

The word VOLKhV - praising Veles (Volos), consists of two words VOL (Volos = Veles) and HV - “praise”. Initially, all the clergy were called RAHVAMI, i.e. praising Ra, but after the baptism of Ra-siya, when Veles was made the Lord instead of Ra, all the clergy began to be called "Magi". All changes in the names of ministers of worship are associated with certain upheavals that have occurred in our history.

For example, in Europe that separated, the Magi were called DRUGI, from which the Celts got the name DRUID, the suffix "id" means a decrease, compare: "aster" - a star, "asteroid" - a small star. The diminutive name of the druids was most likely caused not by a decrease in their growth, but by a decrease in their friendliness. According to historical information that has come down to us, people were afraid of the druids and their bloody rites, with which they compromised themselves.

In Russia, the priestly caste was for a long time called the RAHMANS ("Ra" - the Lord, "x" - the clergyman and "man" in Sanskrit means "to know", "think", as well as the first man). Caste is the age period of human activity, equal to 24 years. The caste changed every 24 years. The first 24 years of apprenticeship, all people were students and actively helped the priests during this period.

After the last catastrophe, as a result of the separation of cults and the emergence of world religions, RABBIs (Russian PRAVINS, on behalf of the goddess "Rule") separated.

The word "rahv" was used in general for clergy. The word HER or HIER was used to designate the clergy (compare with the priestly word archHIER), but thanks to the “ss” this word began to denote the male genital organ. To designate their cult workers, Christians began to use the word PRIEST, which they also took from the Volkhov (Rakhovsky) hierarchy, which is a slightly distorted original word “sveshelnik” = candle + ate, i.e. a servant (ate) capable of creating a "candle" - the sacrament of penetration into past lives.

The date: 28.03.2013

The task of the article brought to your attention is to help people figure out where a person is really trying to revive the old Foundations and Traditions of the Ancestors, where he creates a pagan sect, simply shaking banknotes, speculating on your interest in forgotten sources.

First of all, it is worth paying your attention to the difference between the church hierarchies of various denominations that exist in our time from the priestly ladder of the Magi (whoever likes it according to their hearts - Rodnoverie, Orthodoxy, Svarog Pokonov, Vedic, Volkhov or Vedar tradition, Vesta, Alive, Ji to Hai, Old Faith).

The ladder is not a rigid hierarchical structure of priests and elders appointed by someone like the Pomeranian Tsar of all Slavs or the Supreme Magus of All Russia... for the observance of the Foundations, preserving the history of a kind, tribe. Most often, these guardians were the heads of clans - Father, Grandfather, Glavotor or Mother, Glavotar. And just as in our days, so in former times, these people were not necessarily the oldest of their kind, not necessarily trained in the right leadership or priesthood, but necessarily the most worthy, wise, being a kind of justice of the peace for members of their family. Moreover, they were recognized as such by their clan, their family, and not appointed by anyone, much less self-proclaimed (or, as one of the modern options, appointed by priests from astral-mental voices from above, Cosmos, etc.
- this is already in a different category: holy fools and hysterics, i.e. wretched and ailing minds). It should be noted that this type of priesthood was characteristic of all the territories where our ancestors lived: both for large and small towns, small towns and villages, and for individual settlements - farms and nomad camps of pastoralists and gangs, artels of hunters and fishermen. Echoes of this institution of priesthood and elders can be traced both in the times of Christianity and in our days.

For the headman (headman, elder, voit, keeper, etc.), the main thing was the almost unquestioned authority in his family, clan, community, artel due to the understanding of the Ustoya - the ability to live in harmony with the company (the Path bequeathed by the Gods), intuitive following Truth, not Krivda, justice. Corresponding to this state - the ability to bring prosperity, unity, arrogance - a professional skill, in general, everything that gives authority even today. Although, I am forced to upset many current neo-pagans and their shepherds: these skills were not previously taught at special courses for guardian sorcerers and diplomas for completing courses for elders of Slavic communities, certificates of the Father or Mother of the family, the tribe of Polyans (Drevlyans or Pomors) certified by the seals of the Supreme Magus issued. As for the present times ... It seems that the old adage comes true: Before, people were Gods, now they are fawns, and there will be tuzhiks: these five of them will slaughter a rooster.

For a correct understanding of witchcraft and the Old Faith of our ancestors, it is necessary to understand that an important factor influencing society and, accordingly, its structure and appearance, is the way and conditions of a person’s life, etc., which creates a certain foundation, that is, rules or laws of a harmonious human life and the human community (family) in relation to certain conditions. Violation of the Rules of Standing, their confusion, and it does not matter at all from stupidity or from excessive sophistication - leads to a useless waste of energy, like attempts to sail a boat through the forest thicket or sow wheat, scattering grains over the deep sea, look for wild bananas in the polar tundra or douse with cold water for 10 hours in a 40-degree winter frost. Similar to the latter, instead of the I. Ivanov effect - hardening, will lead to the Karbyshev effect - death from hypothermia. And it is precisely the adherence to the Foundations, unity, the symbiosis of man and nature, and not kingship and not wise leadership, but rather the milking of two-legged rams, that was and is the most important task of the priestly class. As well as caring for the well-being of one's family, one's kind, one's tribe, the prosperity of one's land, the Fatherland, but by no means stuffing one's pocket of the womb and narcissism with one's own significance ...

A sorcerer can only be a person who has undergone certain training, certain Lessons and Trials-initiations. Depending on the branch of ministry, the Lessons and Initiations-ceremonies of initiation-tests differ, but until the 80-90s of the twentieth century there were no self-initiated "wizards". Alas, gentlemen, "Helper Storytellers" and "White Magi Rempeli". Unfortunately, for the graduates of the Kabbalistic-Fengshui-Slavonic-magical courses, someone, somewhere, is deceiving them a little ... The title of a sorcerer cannot be bought like a diploma of a master of gray-brown magic, it must be earned by the Right of Life.

“As they say, everyone who wants to become one cannot. A special gift is needed, it is either given from birth, and then consolidated and built up through exhausting training, or unexpectedly opens after some shocks, most often as a result of a fatal illness, when a person feels as if reborn. (V.N. Demin: "The cherished paths of the Slavic tribes").

A person can be born in the family of a sorcerer, kei (prince), boyar, i.e. in those families where they still remember that they are Russ, Ruthenians, Varangians, Cossacks and honor Usta and live according to the practical Russian Truth, but the fact of being born in this family does not yet give him the Right to Blood ...

He acquires the right of Blood when from an early age he is brought up according to the Principles of the Faith and is trained within the same ancestral tradition. And this is only for the time being the Right of Blood… He acquires the Right of Life only after passing the required life Lessons, again according to the same Foundations. This is Pocon - an indestructible law according to Rota bequeathed by the Gods. This is Ustoi - the law worked out by people according to God's precepts and the experience of their ancestors... This is Ustoi! It's Pocon!

For a modern person trying to understand who the Magi are, many questions will arise. So who are they? Soothsayers, prophets, servants of the gods? Supreme judges of the Slavic tribes? Healers, storytellers, connoisseurs of nature? Keepers of the secret knowledge of Life and Death?

Truthful and free is their prophetic language
And friendly with the will of heaven
A.S. Pushkin

They did not have a single name, just as the old Faith did not have a single name. It is now trying to find some definitions, names to denote isolation, difference from all others.

Among the Magi of old, not only the names of the nicknames differed, but also the functions were very diverse. All the magicians of different lines of service, being servants, neighbors of the ancient Gods of Life, turned out to be the faithful leaders of the army of Death. These two phenomena Life and Death are an inseparable whole for any of the Magi.

Sorcery is not just a mystical-occult phenomenon, much less a church organization. This is a worldview, world outlook, pra-philosophy, coming from the times when the Aryans were a single people. Yes, there is a real Volkhov Cosmos, Volkhov Universe. Yes, the sorcerer is always surrounded by objects that connect the worlds of Rule, Reveal and Navi (or, if it sounds more pleasant, symbolizing the heavenly, earthly and underground kingdoms), and these objects help him open the gates between the worlds. Yes, the sorcerer can visit different worlds and parts of the Universe, although for all the similarity of this trance with the trance states of “astral-mental travelers”, they are different. The trance state of the sorcerer is an ecstatic and short Death, the wisdom of which eludes modern man. The Magus feels Death the way some of the people feel the closest people. He knows, knows the good and evil sides in it, he sings it, prays to her and talks to her, asks, demands, loves and hates. The same can be said about the relationship of the sorcerer with Life.

The life of a sorcerer is a constant feeling of love merging with Life and with Death. During ecstatic acts, during his trances, the sorcerer communicates directly with Life and with Death. All his prophecies, the gift of clairvoyance, miracles of healing are energy-informational gifts to the sorcerer from two sisters: Zhiva and Mary. And these are not empty words: the Magus is always a person, and an unusual person in a square.

Many of the people who found themselves in borderline situations, especially on the verge of death, acquired a number of gifts similar to the gifts of sorcery. These are quite well-known cases, and with the emerging ability of clairvoyance and clairaudience, healing abilities, extraordinary manifestations of physical strength, etc. Why is this happening? V.N. Demin in his book "Mysteries of the Urals and Siberia" correctly noted that death in the noospheric aspect is a natural and necessary stage in the separation of the vacuum-field structure of a deceased person (usually called the soul) from the dead body and its transition to the energy-information sphere. Otherwise, it can be said that for a person in Death, the door of the information field of the Other Light opens, as it were, through which the soul must inevitably fly off to other worlds. However, in some rather rare cases, the process of dying was interrupted, the soul did not fly off anywhere for some reason, and the door remained ajar, providing a channel of communication with the Death Universe inaccessible to most ordinary people. This explanation of the phenomena may help to understand the meaning of the special preparation for initiations of shamans of various peoples of the world, and the very meaning of the special preparation for initiation. Since everywhere from ancient times the essence of initiations in the passage through Death.

In all nations, the systems of training and selection only differ, but the meaning, the essence are the same. The Slavic Volkhov estate and the Magi of the Rus are no exception here. The only difference is not in the isolation of the sorcerers from each other, but precisely in the estate, which is trying to create and maintain a single field, in which both personal experience and the experience of predecessors are preserved and a system of training, education, service of God's neighbors is better created.

Again, I offend some modern "magicians" - not by a sudden call from heaven to serve the old Gods - the sorcerer is initiated - and not by amusing rituals, like symbolic death-rebirths, and not by obtaining an international certificate ... Long and hard training in a certain system, worked out over a long millennia to the smallest detail, under the guidance of an experienced mentor who has gone through this path. Scary enough even for a modern person with his habit of horror films, tests-initiations. With a real, not an imaginary state on the Edge between Life and Death. It is only worth noting that, even if all these conditions are met, out of dozens of those who approached, out of hundreds of those walking, out of thousands who wished, only a few pass and become. And at first it sifts out Sweat and Labor, and then Strength and Death. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to explain this to those fawns that now call themselves magi ...

The one who is already called a sorcerer has the Right to Life, perhaps:

Kalik (il Kalika) - a wandering sorcerer in search of knowledge of experience.
- Mirvuem (il Native) - a person living settled and among people, in a city or village, to be a priest of a sanctuary or a blacksmith, a doctor, a teacher, a coach, but anyone, but people must recognize his right as a mentor, go to him with their pains and troubles, for advice and help ... And this is by no means based on his loud statements that someone from above imposed something on him ...
- Forest Grandfather - a sorcerer living in a skete of the Magus - a burial place, or in solitude - a hermit. Do not confuse only the Forest Grandfather with “an ascetic in silence comprehending the Truth” or with a lazy and loser who can speak beautifully ... This is the Right, the right to live away from most of the human bustle, the sorcerer must earn a life closer to nature by passing the Lessons of Kaliki and Mirvuy . This rule is also obligatory for those Magi who go into complete seclusion in the sacred Arta, becoming:
- Vargoy (il Vargoy) - the keeper of the shrines of the Faith and the texts of Vesta.

The very word Magus comes from volshba (magic). Who knows how to create magic, i.e. to do what, in modern terms, refers to miracles, paranormal abilities, developed by certain systemic training according to certain traditional methods. Speaking in modern terms, the sorcerer should be a research scientist, akin to the current professors of ethnography, history, medicine, veterinary medicine, natural science, psychology, sociology, and more. others combined.
The unified system of teaching the Volkhov arts of controlling, first of all, one's body, psyche, mind, will, the development of paranormal (magical) abilities is called Vedarstvo or Alive (the name Ji Khai is more ancient from Scythian-Skolot times).

The volume of knowledge, skills and abilities can be judged by the references to some of the Volkhov arts known to modern historical science:

Oblakogonitelstvo - the ability to influence the weather and the elements.
- Characteristics - a skill somewhere similar to the combined modern sociology, psychology, psychotherapy, extrasensory perception, hypnosis.
- Swordsmanship is more complex or higher than characterism, an art that includes the ability to influence at the cellular level, influence on DNA and RNA, wave resonance and quantum oscillations.
- Prisoning (prisoning) - the ability to make nauzes and amulets. Again, this is not about shirpotrebovsky souvenirs of our time, but about really working things.
- Blasphemy - knowledge of blasphemous tales, legends, Foundations of a kind, tribe, Faith. This art is also impossible without the skills of pedagogy, psychology and many others. others
- Zeleynichestvo - knowledge and skill in the preparation of healing potions, which by itself implies knowledge about the properties of plants, minerals, animal raw materials, the timing of collection, etc. Agree, without knowledge related to modern botany, zoology, chemistry, anatomy, physiology, hygiene, medicine, at least it is quite difficult to manage in this art.
- Kobnichestvo - this art actually represents the ability to understand the signs, signs that the surrounding nature shows. This is the ability to predict weather changes, crops or crop failures of certain crops, etc., by the behavior of birds and insects.

Of course, most of the Magi, as it were, specialized in some arts to a greater extent, to some lesser extent, based on their individual characteristics, interests, passions. But the basics of the above arts and skills of bone-setting, laying, as well as other healing, knowledge of Svarga's Pocons, control of one's body and self-correction of the body, following Rota - is inherent in all Magi without exception.

People who are trained in magic, helping the Magi in the same healing as assistant students, were called indulgences (adherents).

In each of the Volkhov ropes or unions, orders, societies that united neighbors-servants of a certain God, there was its own ladder or horse thread. Somewhere this ladder is a gathering with others, somewhere it is different, but these ladders only remotely resemble church hierarchies. And no matter how insulting it will be for former magicians who rushed into paganism of various colors and colors, there never existed in the Tradition of our ancestors, neither White, nor Red, nor Blue (not to mention blue) Magi ... Alas ... There was an appeal to the head of the line of servants of a certain God, to the head of the tribal union - the guardian, to the head of the Shoron-Uchelny - Svetly, Svet, Svent, Beloyar, but this is not a coloring or belonging to a light or dark god, but a respectful appeal of the younger to the elder, like the current Christian - "master", Japanese - sensei, etc. True, there is also a rather characteristic difference here: not a master, not a ruler, not a lord, but a bright one, clarifying the incomprehensible. Clarifying and fogging mysteries - after all, they are somewhat different from each other, in fact ...

To understand the priestly ladder, one should also have a good idea of ​​the conditions in which the priest lives and conducts divine services. What is this about?

About the trebbling - the place where the trebs are brought. It may be a kind of home altar, like the red corner of the Christians. Maybe the burial place of ancestors or an ancestor of a family, clan. It may also be a place for a temporary ceremony during a nomad camp, a military campaign, a stop of a fishing or hunting artel.
About the temple - the place where the Cap or, more rarely, several Caps are installed - images of God or his incarnations, which Christians call idols. True, for some reason they do not consider as such pictures and figurines, in front of which they bow and put candles (?!)
About a sanctuary - a holy or bright place, a place of Power, often associated with some memorable event for a clan, tribe, union of tribes, where caps can also be installed, and rituals are performed.
About skhronah (cache) - a kind of sketes, farms where a sorcerer or several sorcerers live. Often it is near the shrines.
About skhronah-students, where potvors are trained in magic and vedarstvo. Many of the schorons-learned are open to laity fools who come to study from the world, many are open to learning only by the law of the Blood.

Everyone is allowed to some places, it is very difficult to get to others without belonging to a clan, tribe, vervi or without being invited. To other places, even strangers who accidentally approached are destroyed, let me remind you of the Arta mentioned by Arab travelers - the sacred city, the secret capital of the land of the Rus and Slavs.
It is also worth mentioning that, without being a chaplain, a priest of a given place to perform rites on it is not even stupidity or rudeness common to contemporaries, but ordinary disgrace, foulness. By the way, a similar action is an insult to other people's shrines and temples. He who does not respect other people's Gods does not respect his own .... To foul, to spoil in other people's cemeteries, shrines is called sacrilege - otherwise robbery, the thief of a saint. Very often religious fanatics of various denominations suffer from this. In the Foundations, it is said about the avoidance of fanaticism, because such things happen from ignorance and malice. Whoops who curse anyone, and squandering foolish praises - they are essentially miserable, empty talk, who must be driven away from themselves and from their relatives’ houses so that they don’t infect people with their foolishness, like mad dogs. Very many of today's neo-pagans, especially those suffering from guru leaderism, violate these foundations, becoming like Christians...

Another very characteristic confusion has occurred in modern literature with sorcerers, prophets, sorcerers and healers. Sorry, but these are not the steps of the priestly hierarchy, and not even the steps of the ladder among the Magi... In these definitions, the difference is in the way of perceiving the world and information, and no more...

A sorcerer is a person who perceives the world, receives an answer to questions through a logical analysis of information. The sorcerer-priest conducts rituals according to the learned form, heals based on learned techniques and learned recipes, etc.
- Vedun - a person who perceives the world through unity with it, he knows the answers, i.e. knows not because he has learned so, but because he understands and feels. The sage, the witcher is a person who perceives the world not only through Ratsi - logical analysis, but also through Zinnitra - intuitive understanding.
- Prophetic (prophet) - a person who can see pictures, images - answers to his experienced problems, questions. In other words, a seer, a clairvoyant.

Neither one, nor the other, nor the third is higher or lower, it is what it is. At the same time, both the Vedun and the Veshun can conjure in any healing. The sorcerer can sometimes clearly see a prophetic dream. Here we are talking only about the main way for a person to perceive the world.

The opposition of the type sounds very stupid: a sorcerer - communicating with evil spirits, and a healer - using the help of Christ, the Mother of God of a host of guardian angels ... A healer or a knowledgeable person - a person with knowledge or skills in some area of ​​​​healing. Also, a herbalist - well versed in herbs, a sorcerer - possessing hypnotic abilities, able to cast spells, charm. However, human stupidity is quite limitless.

And again, let us turn to the modern neo-pagan magi and the old Foundations. Pokon: Magus lives from his Works. Working hard, he lives, and not on the maintenance of his loved ones or the flock, like a Christian priest. And do not confuse the performance of rituals, worship with the Labor of your hands. Through the work of a healer, mentor, farmer, skill in this or that craft.

Tithes from their labors, that of a layman, that of a prince, that of a sorcerer, went to sanctuaries, to temples (God's mansions), to burial places and returned to people for worldly affairs (but not to feed the priestly class, as many believe). And the sorcerer lived by what he grew himself, what he collected in the forest, what he received from people as a gift, or rather in payment for treatment, study, handicrafts, and not by alms or rent from the flock. The same applies to radars and joys - those who care for the observance of the Foundations, striving, like the Magi, to preserve the Knowledge and Tradition, the Faith of the Ancestors.

All the magicians and most of the priests, with the exception of only the priests of the family and clan (and even then not always), were united in ropes - a kind of union of servants of a particular God. Moreover, it is desirable to understand that this does not imply any opposing confessions like Western Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Protestant, Satanic and other sects in Christianity. Rather, it can be called trade unions-guilds. The phenomenon was quite common in those days in all lands, not only among the Magi, but in all aspects of life and life of those times. So the servants of Veles - Veles neighbors, in addition to rituals and healing people, healed animals, compiled agricultural calendars, developed and established reasonable methods of nature management. They also made a significant contribution to the diversity of domestic animals, birds and garden crops available today through their work, which today would be called selection work. The servants of Makosh and her incarnations, in addition to conducting rituals to the Gods and Goddesses, who create wealth and abundance of the clan - tribe, also helped in establishing reasonable land use and management, took care of the health of mothers, children and the elderly. Maybe today we should also remember a number of their precepts, for example, children should always be better, stronger, healthier than their parents. Otherwise, degeneration, not evolution ... The servants of Perun - in addition to the rites of the Perunovs, were in charge of military training, both among future militias and in professional military squads in the princely service. Yes, and they were mostly Russians - members of the Varangian Brotherhood, i.e. professional warriors, and often governors and princes. Accordingly, they were in charge of strengthening the state, the union of tribes and clans, regulating relations between various social groups - worldly ropes, lawmaking and law and order. And the neo-pagan priests of Perun and the sorcerers who appeared today, who successfully avoided military service, did not shed their own and enemy blood, did not gather bloody harvest on the Perun fields, defending the fatherland ...

With the advent of the "voluntary" baptism of the Russian Land by Prince Vladimir, according to the testament of the last Beloyar of the Russian Land - the Light Magus Nell, all the Magi, the priests entered two new lines: Kudeyarov and Berestov. Verv Berestov are those who went into the world and into hermitages - burial places in order to preserve for their descendants the Sources of the Faith and Spirit of the Slavic peoples - the knowledge of Vesta and Alive. Verv Kudeyarov - those who fought with Christian obscurantism, with ignorance, planted on the Earth of the Father by alien blacks, for the destruction of the ancient Foundations and the Faith itself by Vladimir and most of his descendants, so that
grandchildren-great-grandchildren did not consider that the Magi sold or forgot Vera Otchuya, retreated without a fight ...

And today, when the Night of Svarog ends, when people have had their fill of filth, Falsehood and years of unbelief, when more and more people are trying to understand the Truth that our ancestors stood for, no one will be able to pervert this Truth. And besides these once again Ashes of the Betraying Fathers - priests from neo-paganism, there are also real magicians and radars, there are still the Volkhov ropes: Vlesov, and Perunov, and Smarglov, and Khorsov, and Makoshi, and Apii and others, there is also a created Beloyar Nell Bhrata Rana Mihar (Brotherhood of the Moon Path) creates and gains strength various Slavic communities and unions, and literature begins to appear that helps to figure out where is Krivda and where is the Truth about the Old Faith ... And the knowledge of the Ancestors' precepts has been preserved to this day, we will pass on we them and our children-great-grandchildren ..

He who has eyes will see, he who has ears will hear, he who seeks with his heart will find. If, as the Ancestors bequeathed - You do not share the Word with the Deed, the measure of everything is not self-interest, not the cocoon of your illusions, but Conscience, Honor, Diligence and Sanity - then where is Truth, and where you will understand Falsehood. And you will make your choice ... Forest Grandfather Raen (Mamaev)

Executed again by the prince's fierce Decree,
From the ashes they will rise to fight, and they will lead into battle.
And the devotee twice, returned, did not flinch even once.
Strong and beautiful, and legends live forever.
About how they fought for the land and lived furiously.
About how in the fog of the night they feasted by the fire.
But gray crows circled over us again,
And the bright stars in the darkness burned without a trace.

Seven thousand years ago, on the territory of modern Russia, there was a state that bore the name of Iriy (Ariy, Yariy, Vyriy). Our planet was called by the ancient Slavs Perst, and the whole world in those days was in peace and quiet. Eternal spring reigned on the earth, and nature was so rich that the Slavs did not need to work day and night to get food. A thousand years later, the Slavs began to settle on the earth, farther and farther from their ancestral home, their children and grandchildren never returned to ancient Iriy, developing new territories richer in animals and birds. At that time, there was still no need to cultivate the land, so the main sign of prosperity was the possibility of hunting, picking wild berries and nuts.

But suddenly something has changed in the world. The Slavs encountered people who were not like them; they passed through territories where there was little forest; for food, they began to kill animals more, and then they learned to cultivate the land. Three thousand years later, Iriy began to be perceived not as a real place, but as a mythical paradise. “Iriy Svarog rules, the heavenly gods feast in Iriy, and a milky river flows along Iriy.” The grandfathers and great-grandfathers of the Slavs talked about a place where you do not need to work, where there is plenty of everything, where there are no reasons for murder and quarrels. It was perceived as something unusual, unearthly. Great-grandfathers said that the bright heavenly kingdom is located on the other side of the clouds and far to the east, near the sea. Rather, they said that Iriy is located by the sea and fogs cover Iriy quite often, but the Slavs, who did not see the sea and such fogs, considered that their great-grandfathers were talking about mountains, the tops of which were constantly hidden by clouds. Today, a lot of versions have been put forward regarding the location of Iria. Someone thinks that this sea could be Baikal, someone talks about the White Sea. There is an opinion that Iriy was located in the Far East, and the Ainu living here are the descendants of the Slavs. So far, these are only versions of the ancient Iriy.

This state was also called Yasun, Arta. However, for seven thousand years the name of the Slavic ancestral home has changed quite often, but today it is still not known exactly where Iriy was located.
Vedic mythology tells us about Aria - the progenitor of the Russian people, the son of Dazhbog and Zhiva; about Bohumir - Slavic Noah; about Kiy - the son of Arius and the founder of Kyiv; about the gods of the Russians - Veles, Dazhdbog, Perun, Rod, Svarog, Svyatovit, Semargl, Stribog, Khors ... All these gods and demigods inhabited Iriy. But in the Vedic legends there is no binding of Iriy to a specific place on the territory of the former Russia, and therefore, for the last four thousand years, Iriy has been perceived not as a state, but as a mythical paradise. The legends say that the universe is arranged like a tree: the roots are the realm of the dead, the realm of shadows; the trunk is our world; at the top of the tree, in the crown of branches and leaves, Iriy is located. The meaning of every person's stay on Earth is to climb the ladder of perfection and righteousness and reach Iriy.

From the same legends, it is known that the Magi also lived in Iria. It is also known that Iriy was the state of wizards, sorcerers, priests. Freed from the need to fight for existence, the ancient Slavs did not just live according to the laws of nature, they talked with trees and animals, with flowers and stones ... They improved the world in which they lived and which gave them everything, they improved and changed themselves. It is also known that the first Slavic magician was Alexis. All today's Slavic magicians are descendants of Alexis, all magical schools in Russia turn to Alexis for support, all magic rituals on the territory of Russia begin with the words "In your name, Alexis ..." and "Yours, Alexis, kingdom, and strength, and glory ..." But Alexis the character is quite real, this is a Slavic magician who lived on earth, even seven thousand years ago, but a human magician. And Alexis left a prophecy that is being discussed today by magicians, soothsayers, astrologers. At the last symposium of the magicians of the world in Austria, the theme of the prophecies of Alexis was one of the main ones. Although the prophecy itself is unlikely to ever be published, brought to the attention of the public, and unlikely to be publicly discussed. We decided that Russian magicians themselves should understand what to do with the legacy of their Teacher.

Slavic magicians claim that a thousand years after the creation of Iriy (not paradise, but the country), at the direction of Alexis, part of the Slavs went west, made a long transition and founded the state, which today is known to historians as Semirechye. After another two thousand years (four thousand years ago), following the prophecy of Alexis, the descendants of Bogumir and Arius began the "exodus from Semirechie". The first magician Alexis ordered the Slavs to fulfill his order: when leaving, the Slavs had to destroy everything that had to do with magic. This is what they have done throughout their history. Until now, historians are not clear why they did this. Historians do not find an answer why 6000 years ago the city, known today as Maydanitskoe, was abandoned and burned by its inhabitants. However, it must be said here that only those settlements and buildings in which the communities of the Magi lived were burned. It remains a mystery why Arkaim, which existed for no more than 50 years, was abandoned. The huge city, which was inhabited by about 500 people, and all of them were Magi. At that time, there were two or three Magi for ten Slavs. Slavic ancient culture was a magical culture. Magicians relied in their knowledge and teachings on nature, knew the properties of plants and stones, easily read the future of man, held the key to a subtle, parallel world.
Iriy, and in the subsequent Semirechye, were located at the junction of West and East, at the junction of Europe and Asia. It is believed that Europe and Asia have always opposed each other. Their gods often "crossed their swords in heaven". And the magicians participated in the battle of the gods. They defended Yasun and fought Dasun. For a long time it was believed that Yasun means Iriy, Sky, heavenly gods. Dasun is a dark kingdom inhabited by dasu - demons. The prophecy of Alexis says otherwise: Yasun are Slavs, Dasun are non-Slavs. In other words, Yasun - white people, Slavs, Europeans... Dasun - yellow people, Asians... It is possible that the magicians burned their settlements in order to destroy the valuable knowledge that Dasuns hostile to them could use. Nothing giving even a hint of the magical knowledge of the Magi should have fallen into the hands of the Dasuns. In England there is Stonehenge, in Egypt there are pyramids... There are simply no such monuments in Russia. In addition, all buildings, buildings were wooden. Alexis' prophecy mentions a tower of a thousand measures. The Slavs, under the guidance of the Magi, built at the beginning of the second millennium BC. in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmodern Chelyabinsk, a wooden tower 700 meters high. It's impossible to imagine, it's impossible to believe... After the tower was completely rebuilt, the magicians climbed to the very top of it. There, for seven days, they performed secret rituals of communication with the gods. Then this wonder of the world was put on fire. Vedic culture says that Iriy (heavenly paradise) is located in the crown of the world oak, where the gods live. To ask their advice, the magicians built towers and climbed to the top of the abode of the gods. “And they showed their faces to the Magi and taught and instructed them…”

So the wonder of the world stood for seven days, after which it was burned. The labor of hundreds of people, many days and nights, was consumed by fire. Nothing should have gone to the Dasuns. The Magi believed that it was impossible to recognize the action of the forces of evil in the world. Magic makes it possible to change the world only to the elite. The magician reveals to the student ways of penetrating into other worlds. After the student has known and seen the power of magic and has become a master, everything that was related to this knowledge must be destroyed. Only to prevent the Dasuni from infiltrating the ranks of the initiates. The city, whose area exceeded 200 hectares, built in the sixth millennium BC, stood for a hundred years. Then it was abandoned and burned. The knowledge of magicians was not recorded anywhere. The way of transferring knowledge was possible only from teacher to student. “Invisible struggle between Yasun and Dasun will always be…” Iriy, Semirechie, Russia have always been at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. The Slavic Magi tried to keep the line between worlds, between nations, between different cultures and different Teachers. Another Great Tower, which is mentioned in the annals, was built north of Lake Baikal about six thousand years ago. Also, the Magi climbed to the upper platform, performed rituals, and then also burned the building. After that they went east and reached the eastern sea. And on the seashore they built a tower again ... Alexis tells that the gods descended to the tops of the towers, passed on magical art, their knowledge to the magi, opened the future, set the magi to fight. The Magi were the last redoubt holding back the Dasuns. And the magicians came to the land of the Dasuns and built their cities there. And then, having carried out their secret rituals there, they subjected these cities to burning.

According to the prophecy of Alexis, “... Dasun will triumph in the world. And pain, and fear, and darkness will fall upon the earth. And so it will be as long as the gods of the east are strong and invincible, cunning and cruel…” Seven thousand years ago, the Magi knew that their struggle was doomed. Alexis argued that the denouement would come after seven thousand years - in our time. Within two hundred years, Dasun will absorb Yasun. Asia will conquer Europe. It already exists today, probably. “Dasuni’s magic is very weak, but there will be many times more Dasuni…”
“The number of Slavs will decrease at that time (2000-2200 - author's note) many times over. A couple will only have one child, and in many cases, none. For one son of Dazhbog, there will be a hundred sons of dasuns. Nav will swallow Yav. The rule will be broken, the sons of Dazhbozhya will be destroyed. Perun will be defeated, Veles will lead the Rus to the afterlife. Other gods will come to the land of Iria, who will supplant those whom we worship today, and our descendants will worship for almost seven thousand years ... "

When we are told that Orthodoxy is the true faith of our ancestors, we agree and demonstrate our ignorance. We go to temples and pray to the all-good God, calling to turn the other cheek to a rapist, murderer, robber. We are SERVANTS of God, and a slave should not resist. At the same time, we forget that, in fact, Jesus Christ is a Jew. When we celebrate the circumcision of the Lord in churches, it would not be superfluous to look at our male distinguishing feature - is he still like our Russian ancestors or has his foreskin been circumcised? The Jews are accused of betraying Jesus Christ, but perhaps this is still their internal affair? And if ours, then why so much? After all, many peoples adhere to the Christian religion and pray to the Christian God for a thousand years longer, but the Germans do not say that Christianity is the true faith of their ancestors. The Italians are not seen in the truth, the Greeks also revere their gods, although they pray to Jesus. Why suddenly the last who joined Christianity declare it their true faith? A complex, complex question that has no answer ... It is known that the Christian Church has already betrayed its flock once when it agreed with the Tatars.

Prayers were sung in churches to the glory and health of the Tatar khans. Any resistance to the Tatars was condemned by the church. For this, the Tatars did not rob the monasteries. The first hundred years of Tatar rule account for the fastest growth in the wealth of monasteries in the entire history of the Christian church. Now here is the story with this anthem. As you know, his restoration was supported by the head of the current Russian church. The recent bloody past is forgotten, when, to the sound of this anthem, the Bolsheviks destroyed and plundered churches and shot priests. Alas, for the sake of conformism, memory, pain, and truth will be placed on the sacred altar.
We believed in the triumph of communism, or we wanted to believe, or we were forced to believe ... At the same time, during the period from 1918 to 1953, we lost a third of our compatriots, and first of all, the most valuable individuals for reproducing the gene pool. Today we pray to many gods, Russian boys and girls sing “Hare Krishna”, other Russian boys and girls revere the Buddha, others dance Indian dances, fourth seek wisdom in Tibet, fifth are in direct contact with Shambhala…
And who is Svarog, who is Rod, who is Perun, Veles, Horse? Really, for almost seven thousand years, the Slavs, who revered these gods, have been reborn only in the last twenty years so much that they are ready to accept anyone else into their hearts. There was a baptism of the Slavs, when they were burned, drowned, crucified, trampled by horses ... A state was created and the faith of God's servants, meek and obedient, was needed. True Slavs survived, although they went into the forests, secretly worshiping their gods there. But the invisible circle narrowed and narrowed to tighten around the neck of the faith of our ancestors with a painful noose. There was a period of building socialism and then communism, when everything that had to do with runes, Slavic gods, ancient knowledge was burned, destroyed, and people were driven to the Gulag only on suspicion of involvement in ancient cults. And still, bits of magical knowledge were preserved and passed down from generation to generation. There is a prophecy of Alexis, and the world follows his predictions, just as people follow their destiny.

“The Dasunis will take over our land. Dasuni will impose their faith on our descendants. Dasuni will come quietly. Their actions will be imperceptible and cunning, and our great-grandchildren will themselves ask them to rule ... "

Russia will give Japan the Kuril Islands. Already gave. Residents of the Kuriles want to go to Japan. In Primorye by 2006 there will be very few people who today buy goods not in Chinese markets. The profession of "helper" will be considered a "truly Russian profession." Central Asia will no longer need Russians in 2003. The long-awaited victory will never be won over Chechnya... Russia's authority will fall. The northern territories are devastated and abandoned in the coming years. Criminal authorities will give their power to the representatives of the triad by 2007. The Russian mafia will no longer scare anyone. The deputies will give away many Russian lands and the population of the country will approve this by 2015...
“Neither we today, nor our gods, nor our descendants can do anything. Only two hundred years will pass, and the Dasuni will rule the world. And therefore it is impossible for our art to fall into their hands. As long as our distant descendants live, as long as our knowledge is passed on to the initiates, Yasun will resist the black Dasun. The whole family of Yasun will help those living from another world ... "
Alexis's will is nowhere recorded, passed down by word of mouth for centuries. It contains the necessary advice, the correct implementation of rituals, appeal to the Watchers and Wanderers, prophecies. Today it is taught by many followers of the Magi. The Magi never called for war, never insulted the faith of a person, his convictions, did not impose their faith. They only offered a choice, and the one who accepted the choice went through a tough selection. In the name of what to choose? Does it make sense to join the doomed? There is a meaning, but it is available only to the elite ...
Why am I writing these lines? Because my rituals begin with the words "In thy name, Alexis..."
The religion of the Slavs evolved over thousands of years. It was formed by the environment, the world surrounding the Slavs. The Slavs have gone through everything in their thousands of years of history. They experienced prosperity, defeat and rebirth. They lived in an ideal world where everything was, and lived in those places where the natural element acted as a mortal enemy. Iriy gave them everything and did not demand anything in return, but when the Slavs went to the West and to the East, they faced not only an alien people, they faced a different worldview, a different attitude to life. In the West they founded Semirechie, in the East - Assard. In both countries, living conditions were incomparably more difficult. I had to not only get food, but also to protect my family, my family. The Slavs faced a disdainful attitude towards nature (which they could neither understand nor accept), they faced a disrespectful attitude towards animals and birds (which for the Slavs was tantamount to the destruction of their blood), they faced other gods, incomprehensible and evil. In such conditions, there was only one way to preserve the vital spirit and health - to fit correctly into everything that happens, into the laws in force in nature. Knowledge of these laws was not easy, bit by bit. They were protected and multiplied, they served as a guide to action, to the correct organization of everyone and everything. Under these conditions, a person was able to correctly understand his place in the world around him. He clearly knew that one must live in peace with nature, without humiliating or defeating it. Then a person correctly perceived both the unity of the whole world and the fact that this world is governed by the same laws for all without exception. The Slavs also understood that God, the creator of these laws, cannot be a person, God cannot be someone specifically, God is a substance that permeates everything and everyone, is contained in everything and manifests itself in everything. Our ancestors also felt themselves to be a part of all this and built their practical life on the basis of this.

The Slavs created a system of behavior that no one was allowed to violate. The laws of conduct took the form of cults. Thus, a culture was created that made society lifelike. And in this culture, everything was expedient. Religions and folk traditions have been followed for millennia and have preserved the Slavic community for millennia. Having lost their traditions, the people perish, disperse, lose their face, their identity, their spirit. Our ancestors believed in a single God Almighty, did not sacrifice to any idols, were highly moral, and knew who was responsible for what and to whom in each case it was necessary to turn. And so it has been for thousands of years. Even when the Slavs “withdrew” from Semirechye and Assard and were forced to fight other peoples who had imposed a war on them, it was considered the greatest apostasy to accept another god and another faith. The Slavs burned their dead, they built a fire and put the body on top, believing that the soul would immediately go to the gods. When Iriy ceased to be associated with the ancestral home, the Slavs, burning the dead, believed that the soul returned to Iriy heavenly. Death was not considered something catastrophic for the Slavs, they were sad, seeing the deceased on his last journey, they recalled his past deeds, but did not sob and did not tear their hair, they celebrated the beginning of a new life. And only when there was someone who lived according to wrong laws, who violated interaction with birds and animals, who accepted someone else's faith, he was buried in a coffin, buried in the ground. The soul of a deceased person, placed in a coffin and buried in the ground, will be tied to a decaying corpse for hundreds of years and will be restless. This terrible punishment for our distant ancestors was the most terrible thing that could await them beyond the line of death. But there were more and more traitors and more and more graves appeared in the border areas. The Slavs have always been freedom-loving and did not think of violence against their thoughts, their way of life, their right to live according to the laws of nature and Rule. The Slavs made their decisions concerning tribal and social affairs at a gathering, at a national assembly.

A thousand years ago, the princes decided to break folk traditions in order to strengthen their own power over their own people. The princes were tired of obeying the decisions of the veche and the best way was to call on monarchical power from abroad. The most pronounced monarchical force in those days was the Christian Church, which had long since departed from the principles of election and voting. In the Christian church, the principle was in effect: not churchmen for the community, but the community for the churchmen. It was in the interests of those in power that the baptism of Russia was carried out, which resulted not only in the suffering of people, but also in the destruction of culture, history, and traditions.

All this self-destruction had to be justified somehow. Therefore, a myth appeared about wild Russia, to which the West brought its knowledge and culture. The Russian Orthodox Church still considers its main merit to the Russian people to be the creation of statehood

in Russia. For some reason, everyone forgot that statehood (and far from the worst) was in Russia thousands of years before baptism.
The princes trampled the religion of their people into the dirt. The harmony of faith was broken and almost the entire last millennium passed under the sign of a struggle (spiritual and physical) with their own people. What the people believed in was spat upon and distorted. Good gods were portrayed as villains, good customs were portrayed as serving demons. All this could not but affect the spirit of the people. Violence filled Russia more and more, until it poured out on everyone, including the princes themselves, rulers, tsars, general secretaries of the CPSU, presidents and the church. Russia is in a constant period of struggle. We cannot create something stable, as soon as at least something stabilizes in our country, then a collapse, collapse should immediately follow ... Russians cannot live without upheavals. We need suffering, we need civil strife, we can no longer live in peace. Our gods look at us in bewilderment, our traditions have been sacrificed to the prince-rulers, our heroes are not needed by us.

The "Word of Igor's Campaign" says that all Russians are the grandchildren of Dazhdbog. The pedigree of the Slavs was brought to the most important god. The main god was considered a grandfather, ancestor, ancestor. He guarded the family, he was a giver, a giver of earthly blessings. He was one of a kind, the most ancient, the oldest, the wisest. Dazhdbog did not know the word slave, the Slavs simply did not have it, and therefore the Slavs could never say: "I, the servant of God ...". God was everything to them, but he was one of them, he did not consider his descendants to be slaves. The guardian and giver of goodness, good luck, justice, happiness and in general all blessings is Belobog.

The Belobog was depicted with a piece of iron in his right hand. Hence "right", "justice". Svetovid was the god of gifts and harvest. As a gift to the gods, sacrifices were made collected from the fields, gardens, and young animals were also sacrificed to them. But it was a smart sacrifice. The Slavs never made sacrifices thoughtlessly and aimlessly. Animals were not burned on the altar, but were simply eaten right there during the feast. The Slavs treated their gods as their ancestors, and if the gods could no longer eat with their descendants, then they could invisibly be present during the feast, rejoicing and enjoying the emotions of their descendants. And this is the main thing in the pagan belief: GODS NEED HUMAN EMOTIONS. Emotions of happiness, joy, pleasure. The Slavs never sacrificed people, why should God experience suffering? The Slavs never burned animals on the altar, does God need the aimless destruction and suffering of animals? Our historians have agreed that, allegedly, during the burning of the dead at the stake, women were killed here and thrown into the fire, too. Do not confuse paganism with the Inquisition, churchmen burned people at the stake, but not our ancestors, not the grandchildren of Dazhdbog. Only Niyana was sacrificed to the god of the underworld. And these people were criminals, murderers, outcasts. They were not normal people, they violated the laws of the Rule, but even they were initially offered to correct themselves, they were given one opportunity, a second, a third, and only then they were sent to Niyan. To live in harmony with nature means not to cause unreasonable suffering. And no other religions could be accepted by the Slavs. And that is why they were burned, drowned, driven into dense forests, "baptized". And even then nothing happened. And then came lies, deceit, forgery...

Christianity could not stifle paganism, but it was able to deceive people. So the holiday of Ivan Kupala appeared. On the day of the summer solstice, the Slavs celebrated Kupalo. On this day, the sun (Khors, Kolo) leaves its heavenly chamber in a chariot towards the moon. It was customary to guard the meeting of the month with the sun on the night of June 24th. We stayed up and watched the sun play. They watched it from the ritual hills or gathered in the clearings near the rivers. They jumped over the fire, testing not only dexterity, but also fate. Here they sang, danced round dances, streams. A high jump over the fire meant the fulfillment of the plan. At dawn, all the celebrants bathed. So they washed off evil infirmities and illnesses. The day of the summer solstice is the time of maximum development of the creative forces of nature, its potential. Naturally, various miracles took place on the Kupala night. And it was a holiday KUPALO. The Christian Church came up with the feast of Ivan's Day for this day (meaning John the Baptist). Naturally, he did not take root. Naturally, the Slavs continued to celebrate Kupalo and did not understand the newcomer John the Baptist at all. But time passed. The Church was persistent, she destroyed the Magi, she killed those who revered the "old" faith. And now Ivan Kupala has appeared. It was no longer Kupala, although not John, but still Ivan Kupala.

So Maslenitsa remained in Christian Russia. Previously, it was a symbol of the burning of winter and the meeting of spring on the day of the vernal equinox. It is at this time that the day conquers the night (after that it becomes longer than the night), and the heat conquers the cold. The Christian Church was not able to defeat the pagan holiday, but was able to deform it, transferring the very date of the holiday for many hundreds of years. When the pagans celebrated the equinox (March 24), it was clear, and the essence of the holiday was clear, but what are they celebrating now? The Slavs celebrated the Sun (not Jesus Christ, not the Mother of God) and baked an image of the sun (pancakes). At the same time, an idol was burned, which prevented the sun from giving heat. Few people know what they eat on a holiday not just a pancake, but the sun. People did not just arrange a carnival to have fun, but they celebrated a turning point in the development of a natural process. No mysticism, no sacrifices (except pancakes), no violence. Only joy about the onset of spring, followed by summer and a bountiful harvest. But when the church moved the date, the temporal logic was lost. There was only a party left, an occasion to have fun, to get drunk (another Christian innovation).

The Slavs have always celebrated snake holidays. March 25 is the time when snakes crawl out of the ground. The earth is warming, you can start agricultural work. The second Serpent Feast is September 14th. At this time, the snakes leave, and the agricultural cycle ends. Either these are holidays of snakes, or holidays of the beginning and end of agricultural work. But all the holidays in paganism were associated with natural phenomena on which people's lives depended. Christians could not celebrate the feast of snakes, it is contrary to their faith, this cannot be. But they were forced to celebrate St. George's Day, otherwise people would have left the churchmen. And then the holiday began to shift for hundreds of years, moving away from its true meaning and moved right up to April 23rd. Surprisingly, work on the ground began to begin later and later. Almost a month was stolen from us, a warm, spring month. The gods followed the people, and if people decided to shift the day of worship of the gods, then nature changed its cycle, expanding the boundaries of winter. Today we have completely distorted the natural calendar, we have displaced everything we could. The gods are trying to fit in with their descendants, they still serve us. Our gods. They are trying to follow us, but nature has already rebelled. It does not keep up with unreasonable people and new religions, hence earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, floods ... We ourselves, betraying the faith of our ancestors, violating the laws of nature, doomed ourselves to extinction. According to the prophecy of Alexis, we have entered the age that will destroy most of the people. All are condemned and magicians knew about it seven thousand years ago.

But there is still a chance. Not for everyone, for the few, for those who know and follow.

According to the prophecy of Alexis, all peoples in the year 2000 should turn to their gods. To their true ones. It is not always easy and not always possible without blood and sacrifice. In Afghanistan they are shooting at the statues of Buddhas, Islam is gaining strength in its territory, there is a return to the religion of the ancestors. In China, the expulsion of the Christian religion from its land is gradually beginning. It is forbidden to conduct services in churches, Orthodox churches are simply closed. In Germany and England, Sweden and Denmark, images of ancient gods are becoming more and more popular. Celtic talismans are worn by an increasing number of people, runic inscriptions are already decorating clothes. Tourists go to temples, the Pope asks for forgiveness from adherents of the "old" faith for persecution and destruction for many hundreds of years. You have seen, heard, read all this, but have you really not seen the system and have you not found a widespread return to the religion of your ancestors? Around the world. Except in Russia, where they still believe in alien gods who don't support, don't give, don't protect. Alexis said that they would not have time to restore the faith of their ancestors in Russia, they would not be able to and would not understand the need.

Today Russia is decorated with the Byzantine coat of arms (foreign). Russia listens to the anthem of the country (the former), which lasted only seventy years. Russia believes in the resurrected Jew (at the same time, it does not like the Jews themselves very much). Russia does not have its own national heroes, and Russia has a deliberately distorted history. The people of modern Russia have a great desire to leave their own country. Marry a foreigner (your own men are parasites, alcoholics and drug addicts), work abroad (in your own country you don’t need smart, hard-working, talented, geniuses, and they don’t pay money). And just leave, run away, sail away... The people of Russia do not want to live in Russia. We have become spiteful, envious, lazy... And at the same time we are trying to talk about the revival of Russia in the Age of Aquarius. The revival of the country begins with an appeal to the spiritual sources (own), to the faith of the ancestors (even just understanding), to the priority of one's own (but not foreign). Are you ready for this? Most likely - no. This means that Alexis' prophecy about the impossibility of Yasuni's priorities will come true.

God is the one who gave birth to the world, who is its cause, source and purpose. The world is born, which means it has a Parent. God is infinite, limitless, and for us - limited - God is incomprehensible and unknowable by the limited human mind. Our ancestors did not try to know what God is - it is impossible. We can build many versions and offer many hypotheses, but none of them will ever be proven and none of them will ever be correct. We may waste time and effort trying to understand the essence of God, but it will be a waste of time, because man, by definition, cannot know God. The properties of God are such that, even denying him, they recognize him under other names: Nature, Universe, Absolute, Infinity, First Cause. Our ancestors glorified the creator of the Universe and called him Svarog. Svarog is the beginning of the divine family and the parent of all things. Svarog had many incarnations. One of the Svarozhichs is Dazhdbog. “Dazhdbog created the Egg (Cosmos) for us, in which the light of the stars shines on us. And in this abyss Dazhdbog hung our land so that it would be held. And so the souls of the ancestors shine for us with stars from Iriy ... "The Slavs are the children and grandchildren of Dazhdbog.

The ancient books of the Slavs are the message of the ancestors-gods, and these books say: "And we are on Earth, like a spark." Man is a spark of God, a ray of light. And each person has his own task on Earth, each person fulfills his mission. The main thing for a person is to understand his destiny, to know his task in this life, to know why he came to Earth. Various beliefs, religions, philosophies offer their own vision of man's place on Earth. According to the beliefs of the Slavs, each person initially has his own path.

“And life is given to man as a test. Everyone must fulfill their mission, but a person does not initially know his destiny, he must look for it. To find it, you need to feel it, turning to the Gods in your heart.
The righteous, sorcerers, magicians go the first way, the way of Rule. They bring people the doctrine of the path, of the tasks of man, of necessity and truth. The path of Rule is the right path - the path that the gods guide. After death, the righteous, sorcerers and magicians end up in Iriy.

The other way is the way of the warrior. "The Book of Veles" says that after death, the warriors go to the army of Perun and get a new life in other worlds. Warriors move from world to world until they become mentors and after that they end up in Iriy.
There is another way - the way of those who have not found their calling and have not understood their mission. After death, these people fall into the lower worlds and they have to work hard.

The battle is the essence of the manifestation of the One Law. Fighting is the meaning of human existence. Those who deviate from the path of Rule, who disregard the laws of their ancestors, according to the legends of the Slavs, turn into a pig. People who are not in a hurry to fight are compared to dirty bulls, and those who go say about themselves "we are not dirty bulls, but pure Russes and have eternal life."

To follow the path of Rule means to fulfill obligations to God, society and oneself. It means to grow spiritually. It means to take care of your soul. The Slavs knew that the human soul is immortal. They were not afraid of death, for they had eternal life. Every living creature born on earth, including humans, has its own destiny. Therefore, everyone must fulfill their duties. Leaving them is a grave sin. Old Russian society was divided into estates. And each person belonging to a certain class had his own path, his own destiny. In ancient times, this path was determined by the Magi-teachers. He was recognized by the location of the stars in the sky on a person's birthday, as well as by origin, upbringing and personal abilities. Determining the true path is the most important task for every child and young person. The true path of each person changes with time. Having completed one task, a person should strive to complete another. If a person refuses to fulfill his task, he burdens the life of loved ones and society.

But society is also responsible for what it does. At all times, our ancestors knew: to kill a sorcerer or a holy fool - to bring misfortune and suffering to the place where the murder took place. And so it has always been. Unfortunately, this has already happened in Vladivostok, for which the city has been suffering in recent years, and this happened recently in Nakhodka, for which the city is now responsible and will be responsible for the coming years. He answers to God, who increases the trials for the inhabitants of the city many times over.

How many troubles surround us. The world is not well adapted for a happy life. We see the death and suffering of loved ones, natural disasters happen, wars begin. And many despair, not knowing where to look for support, not seeing the meaning in life. In the meantime, there is a secret of happiness: take the path of Rule. But how? How to be happy if there are strife in the family, no money, no future in sight, no health? Life is ruled by the gods. Life is arranged in such a way that a person gets exactly what he deserves. For God, it does not matter how much a person receives, what kind of house he has, whether he has a car, whether he has health ... He looks into a person's heart. And if a person forgets about his soul, if he is carried away by material values ​​and nothing else, then he loses everything and begins to suffer. It is by suffering and poverty that the gods test a person, and if he continues to see the cause of his suffering in poverty, if he envies the rich, he will remain poor.

This is exactly what happened to our country. The inhabitants of the USSR have always envied the rich West, and even when Russia was given a chance and the opportunity to change everything, people decided to change relations only in terms of material, monetary, financial, and chaos reigned in their souls. And in return we got exactly what we deserved. People want to receive, but do not go to work. People want to have, but do nothing for this. FEAR, ENVY AND EVIL rule the people and Russia. It is necessary to understand that troubles, like life itself, are given to a person as a test. And try to figure out exactly what you're doing wrong. If things got upset at work or you even lost your job, then what is the reason? You should not think that the reason is your relationship with your boss or anything directly related to work. Do not think that the government or the Democrats are to blame. The reason is different: you could forget about your obligations to your parents, you could forget about your ancestors, about your patrons, and life teaches you in this way. And now not only you, but many at once, since most of the people have forgotten about their path. Unfortunately, according to the prophecy of Alexis, people have chosen the path of oblivion of their ancestors and the path of betrayal of their own gods, for which they will have to pay. Alexis did not see a way out of this situation and believed that the Slavs were doomed.

Our ancestors also had a very special attitude towards enemies. They taught: if you can't forgive, then fight back. But always consult with your heart: whether it is necessary to destroy the enemy and whether violence will not be superfluous. And never hold a grudge against anyone, but resolve the issue to the best of your ability. Our gods taught: if the enemy is stronger, retreat and forget, but do not dry your heart with anger. If the enemy is stronger, attack and die, but do not accumulate malice in your soul. As you can see, there is a choice of what to do: die or swallow the insult, but you cannot burden the soul.

Each person has their own path and it is always necessary to think about whether you need what you are striving for. Alexis prophesied that at the turn of the millennium, power, acquisitiveness, money would be perceived as components of one thing - power. Today, there cannot be power without the desire for money, this is also inevitable, and there simply cannot be a ruler of any level who does not want only money from power. No matter how offensive it may sound to some, today they go to power for money, everything else (including improving people's lives) is the last thing. This is not a reproach to the rulers, this is hopelessness.
One of the most important tasks for a person is to find his patron spirit, his protector and intercessor. When mixing clans rooted in opposing dynasties (for example, lunar and solar), an internal conflict may occur, a person himself will be dissatisfied with himself, his patrons will mutually weaken each other. It is necessary either to elect one of the patrons as allies, and to fight with the second, inevitably weakening, or it will be necessary to look for a higher patron, standing above the spirit-rodovich. This is very difficult, it will cause resistance on both lines. But you need to overcome resistance, you need to take on all the sins of your generations, accumulated in opposition. Of course, few people want to spend their lives fighting and practicing negative tendencies; it’s easier to choose the religion that prevails in the territory and worship alien gods. And this was foreseen by Alexis and he said: "There are almost no warriors and sorcerers, and the race of the Slavs will dissolve in the coming invasion."

In the spiritual world, there is always a struggle between Reveal and Navi. And in order to take the path of Rule, you need to choose your position in this struggle. You need to feel its meaning. And this struggle always manifests itself in a polysyllabic interweaving, confrontation of the most diverse forces, the most diverse elements, spirits, and gods. And in this struggle it is also necessary to love. The main question that Veles asks the souls of the dead at the gates of Iriy is: “Did you love on Earth?”. Only those who loved to open the way to Heaven, for the father of all things Rod commands the living - to love. The genus divided within itself two hypostases - male and female. Love was born in the cosmic whirlwind and its birth determined the first law of the Rule: the eternal rotation of the male and female principles in which Love is born.

A millennium has passed since the faith of Russia was humiliated in the fire of fires, Love was destroyed, Joy was destroyed. Chernobog came to the Russian land from the cosmic darkness. And it does not matter that he came in the clothes of a monk. Just fear came: fear of death and fear of life, fear of the end of the world and the fear of a slave before the Lord. Today, the Slavs were inspired by the image of Death - a bony old woman with a scythe. But the Slavs saw her in a different form: a black-haired girl with a naive and slightly sad face.

In this image one of the deepest mysteries of human consciousness is hidden. A secret that few people admit. The secret of love to death. The Slavs understood that love and life are transient, but death is eternal. And that is why they had a special relationship with death. That is why, seeing off a person on his last journey, the Slavs did not tear their hair, did not fight in sobs, for them it was Trizna - a special holiday. It is very difficult for modern Slavs to understand: for the “servant of God” the fear of death is the strongest, he does not know where he will go to heaven or hell. Death for him is both a test, a mystery, and an unknowable choice of God or the Devil. Our ancestors understood that after death comes new life. Not heavenly or hellish, just different. If you loved on earth, live in Iria, if you didn’t love, go to the lower world. But neither there nor there are boiling cauldrons of tar and there is no eternal pain for sinners. It's just another world, another planet...

In the twentieth century, the world was shaken by never-before-seen wars and revolutions that almost destroyed human civilization. Millions of people died, cities were wiped off the face of the earth. The war is still going on on the planet, and the planet itself is being destroyed. According to the prophecy of Alexis, Chernobog will again win. Chernobog will destroy agriculture "and blinded people will destroy their own herds, destroy fertile land and trade, mechanize people's souls, build faceless fortress houses ...". Herds of cows are already being destroyed - "mad cow disease" has come. Agriculture suffers from droughts, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes. In this century, trade will be destroyed and people will become zombie machines.

Alexis predicted that the twenty-first century is the Time of the Wolf. According to the Slavic magical tradition, we live in the last centuries of the era of Chernobog. The coming years will be harder, worse, more destructive. In Russia - to an even greater extent than anywhere else. The capital of Russia will be moved. The war with foreigners will begin soon. “But the warriors will become slaves of verbosity, and lose their courage, and become slaves of tribute and gold coins, and they will want to sell themselves to enemies for coins ...”. Russia will begin to lose its own land, selling, leasing. Reunification with some of the former Soviet countries is coming, which will further worsen the economic situation of Russia itself. By 2020, our country will be involved in the bloodiest war ever. Before that, there will also be wars, but still less destructive. The descendants of the Slavs will dissolve among the alien peoples, who will dictate their will. And then the exodus of the Slavs to Iriy will begin, a return to the origins. But this is for very few...

Russia and the Slavs have no choice and no way out. It is only for those who honor their ancestors and ancient gods, in whose heart love still lives, who has chosen the right path and follows the path of Rule, who honors parents and who brings people knowledge of the laws, who does not consider himself a slave, who wants to help and who helps. There are few of them. But they are. Maybe someone who is reading this article, maybe someone who is close to you, maybe someone who you listen to. And this is the one whose heart does not dry out EVIL, FEAR, ENVY.

A bright holiday will come very soon Christmas . Day Christmas from ancient times ranked by the Church among the great twelfth holidays(as the 12 main church holidays are called). On this joyful day, it is customary to give to each other.

Let's talk today about those who came with gifts to the born Christ - about Magi.

What does Scripture say about the birth of the Infant Jesus Christ?

About birth Messiah was announced for 6 centuries. Prophet Daniel predicted the exact date of the birth of the Savior (Dan. 9:25). BUT Prophet Micah pointed out that Messiah come from Bethlehem: “From thee shall come unto me the one who is to be the ruler in Israel, and whose origin is from the beginning, from the days of eternity” (Micah 5:2). In prophecy seer Valaam about the Star of Bethlehem: “A star rises from Jacob and a scepter rises from Israel” (Numbers 24:17). All Jews knew about it and waited for this event. The king knew about it Herod.

Those who came to Jerusalem learned from him Magi, what exactly in Bethlehem the “King of the Jews” is to be born. “When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod, magicians from the east came to Jerusalem and said: Where is the King of the Jews who has been born? for we have seen his star in the east, and have come to worship him” (Matthew 2:1-2)

Knowing about the prophecy, Herod was seriously frightened when he heard that the priests were looking for the Royal Infant, because the king thought that the Born would take his place. Herod was appointed by the Romans and therefore was afraid that the legitimate Jewish king would come and overthrow him, so he immediately decided to get rid of the Newborn and named the city where the Baby was to be born to the Magi. And on the way back, Herod ordered the priests to return to Jerusalem and tell where the Child was in order to come to Him to worship, but, in fact, the ruler did not even think of doing this, but wanted to kill the Boy.

Guided by the light of the unknown Stars, the Magi were the first of the people who did not belong to the God-chosen people of Israel, who came to bow Jesus Christ.

All the way from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, the light from the Heavenly Star led travelers to the house where the Divine Infant was. “And when they entered the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and fell down and worshiped him” (Matthew 2:11).

What did the wolves look like? And who are they?

So who are these wolves?

in the gospel from Matthew the word is used μάγοι . It has two interpretations: priests and astrological priests. Differently Magi- this is wise men astrologers, scientists. Initially, the occupation of astrology was alien to the Jewish religion, since this pseudoscience contradicted the idea of ​​God's Providence. However Evangelist Matthew speaks of the Magi in a positive way, because they were the first to come to bow Savior and received Him, unlike the Jews. The arrival of the Magi in Bethlehem is a symbol of the worship of the pagan world before the Christian.

Historians are still arguing where the Magi came from. If you believe the ancient prophecies, then, most likely, the priests came from Persia, Babylon or Arabia. But later legends were created that all three priests came from different places: one was fair-skinned, he is associated with the European continent, the other from Africa, and the third from Asia. Also, legends reveal to us the names of the Magi and their appearance: Caspar"beardless youth" Belshazzar"bearded old man" and "dark-skinned" Melchior.

Mosaic in the Church of St. Apollinaris of Ravenna, Ravenna

What did the Magi give?

The priests came not only to bow to the Child, but also brought Him the gifts: gold (as King) incense (as God) and myrrh or myrrh (as the Savior, who became the Son of Man, to whom "many sufferings and burial" were predicted, because this substance was smeared on the human body after death).

Gifts of the Magi Mother of God treasured all her life. Before Her Dormition, She handed them over Jerusalem Church where they were with belt and riza Our Lady up to 400 years. The gifts were later transferred by the Byzantine emperor Arkady in Constantinople where they were placed in the temple Hagia Sophia. Now the gifts are stored in Monastery of St. Paul of Xiropotamus, Mount Athos e .

Monastery of St. Paul of Xiropotamus, Athos

Let's talk a little about what they look likethe gifts of the Magi.

Gold stored in the form 28 pendants different shapes, decorated with patterns, and not a single pattern is repeated.

Gold pendants

Frankincense and myrrh were donated separately, but now they are stored in the form of small balls connected together. This union is deeply symbolic: just as in Christ the divine and human beginning, and incense with myrrh were given to the Infant as God and Man. About 70 of these connected balls have survived today.

Frankincense and myrrh

The further fate of the Magi

After worshiping the Infant, the magi had a vision in a dream that they would not return to King Herod. They did so, returning to their lands by another road, bypassing Jerusalem.

According to legend, later, all three priests became Christians and preachers, it is believed that he himself baptized them Thomas the Apostle.

In the 4th century. the relics of the Magi were found Queen Helena in Persia and put in Constantinople, a in the 5th century moved to Milan. In the 12th century the golden reliquary with the relics of the Magi was transported in Cologne by Friedrich Barbarossa and is still kept behind the altar Cologne Cathedral .

mamlas Where to look for the Magi today

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Russian priesthood
Where did the magicians and priests disappear to? Who has ruled us for the last 3,000 years? Will a new socially just Russia be reborn? / Victor Efimov

The priesthood is an effective system of social management that existed not only in Egypt during the time of the pharaohs, but also in Ancient Russia. Priestly structures determined the activity of any society and were never hidden. The main function of the priests was life-telling - nothing outwardly inconspicuous, the priests ruled society at the egregorial-matrix level: they understood the laws of the world order and could transfer this knowledge to the rulers. More at Viktor Efimov

Victor Efimov, the rector of the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University discusses how the priests knew how life works and how they admonished the pharaohs or kings?
What did the Magi and Kaliki passers-by talk about? When was the varna control system in Russia destroyed and where did the priests disappear to? Was Stalin a priest and what did he teach his son? How was the knowledge of the priests preserved and survived to this day? Who are modern priests, do they wear long cassocks and beards, and what uncomfortable questions do they ask? Is it possible to revive the priesthood in modern conditions? How is the collective Russian spirit manifested today? Without what Russia cannot exist and what underlies the genetic code of Russians? Why are so many eyes and hopes turned today towards Russia? Is the flourishing of Russian civilization and the creation of a socially just state possible?
Victor Efimov:- If we talk about the past, then the priestly structures of antiquity, they were manifested, they were never especially hidden. And in Russian civilization, we have already talked about the presence of the Magi kaliks of the passers-by, these are specialists who were not interested in a separate branch of science, but in the idea of ​​\u200b\u200blife. We say that the priesthood is a synonym for life-giving, in the sense that as one has spoken, so life will flow, life-giving. There have always been people in Russia who admonished both princes and kings, they were nothing of themselves in terms of wealth, prosperity, they simply understood how life works. And if you look at the history of Ancient Egypt, then there too, take the novel by Boleslav Prus, there you will see how the system of government of Ancient Egypt is described in detail, when priestly structures stood above the pharaohs, eleven priests of the north, eleven priests of the south. And Boleslav Prus "Pharaoh", he just gives a complete picture. Another thing is that later these priestly structures of the West, they left the worldly life and became invisible to society, but they, of course, did not lose their control function.

As for the Holy Russian priesthood, then, of course, at the time of the baptism of Russia, it did not fulfill its mission, and it lost the function of life-giving, it fell, in a sense, under those global control schemes that were imposed on Russia from the moment of baptism. But the very egregor of the Holy Russian priesthood, the bearers of this system of knowledge, they, of course, have not disappeared anywhere, they have always been preserved, just a lot of family lines that carried this either meaningfully, or consciously, or simply at the level of genetic memory. And a person is arranged in such a way that at certain stages of time this genetic memory emerges and becomes the property of mankind already at the level of vocabulary. And if we talk about Russian conceptual power, then its revival in full such volume, of course, must be attributed to the moment of equalizing the frequencies of biological and social time, and in accordance with the law of time, when the power of the previous conceptual power is lost, at this time there is a replacement . And today, the influence of the concept of public security, the influence of those people who understand what life saying is, on everything that happens in the world is quite obvious.

And if you look now at the appeals of the leading analysts of the world, then all their hopes are directed towards Russia, that is, they understand that something is being revived in Russia, they do not really understand what. And we just endow everything that happens with a measure, that is, we assign certain terms, civilizational codes, we say that yes, there was a global predictor that ruled at the egregorial matrix level for the last three thousand years. And we are talking about the fact that now the internal predictor of the conciliar socially just Russia has been formed. Why is it so named? Because social justice is at the heart of the genetics of our people, that is, we still cannot do without it. Either Russia will exist on the basis of social justice, or Russia will disappear if this code is exterminated from the civilizational community of the globe.

Therefore, today, perhaps, the heyday of the priestly structures of Russian civilization, and most importantly, you need to understand that these are not some individual personalities with long beards in cassocks and special clothes, but these are just such young guys with whom we are today we meet, they are carriers of this special Russian spirit, and this is to a large extent a collective spirit. Remember, Stalin, when he raised his son, he told him very harshly that remember, you are not Stalin, and I am not Stalin, Stalin here, and showed him the portrait. He understood the difference between a specific person, the bearer of this knowledge, and the matrix egregorial community formed on the basis of this term. So, on the basis of the term Holy Russian priesthood, the conceptual power of modernity, a matrix is ​​being formed, and a large group of bearers of this idea is being formed. This is the manifestation of priestly structures. If you look at the Magi of the passers-by, they also didn’t stand out in any way, you meet your grandfather in the forest, he starts telling you such things that your head is spinning. And exactly the same thing happens today with our youth, when they meet with specialists, economists, financiers who have already lived through, these guys ask questions that they then ask: “Listen, you don’t ask me these questions publicly anymore, I’ll give you five anyway, just don't ask questions." This is the manifestation, if you like, of the priesthood in modern conditions.