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Spiritual pride. Final illusion

Incredible Facts

A week after Easter, each of us remembers our dead loved ones. This time is called Radonitsa.

We visit the graves of deceased relatives, remembering what they were like, what role they played in our destiny during their lifetime and continue to play after their death.

One of the most difficult stages of life is the moment when a loved one dies. We miss his physical presence, hugs and voice - in short, those physical attributes that we associate with our family, friends or close relatives.

It is difficult to accept the fact that a loved one leaves us forever and moves on to the next stage of existence. But life takes a new turn and offers you the opportunity to see the other side of death.

You have a chance to realize that your deceased relative was much more than just a bodily image: skin, muscles and bones. We are talking about the spiritual, and not the physical component of man.

After all, the body was only his earthly shell, an external disguise, in which for some time there was the indestructible essence of man.

The death of your loved ones, in addition to suffering and grief, brings you a new discovery and understanding, you are given the opportunity to strengthen your relationship with the soul of a person close to you.

This understanding will help you wake up and realize that your departed loved ones are much more than just a physical shell.

Here are 8 important things you need to understand about the death of your loved ones.

After the death of loved ones

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Numerous clinical and scientific studies say that after death you will be reunited with your departed loved ones.

Many people who have experienced clinical death have come into contact with deceased loved ones. Some have also been able to experience this while sleeping using their normal or more ethereal senses.

Unfortunately, only a few manage to experience such an experience. What needs to be done to get in touch with deceased relatives? There is no clear answer.

Pray more to be able to feel the presence of your loved ones; meditate to become calm and peaceful, so you can feel their subtle presence; retire with nature, because their souls are everywhere where there is peace and quiet.

Analyze everything you know about the souls of the dead and about contact after death with dead people. Do you think this is possible? Or you yourself have experienced something similar once or even several times.

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If you have any doubts, remember that "spiritual" or non-physical contact is always weightless, short-lived and barely perceptible, unlike physical contact, which is more familiar and ordinary for us.

Now take a few deep breaths. If you get the chance, be sure to watch the movie Talking to Heaven. One of the scenes in this wonderful film based on the book by James Van Pragh depicts the episode of the dying old man and his reunion with his loved ones and pets. This exciting and very touching scene cannot but touch the hearts.

Death in different cultures

2. Celebration, because they have completed their earthly life!

© MiloszGuzowski

Many cultures celebrate the death of a relative as a real holiday, because their loved one has completed earthly life and is moving to a better world.

They also understand that sooner or later there will be a long-awaited meeting with him, because they accept the fact that spiritual life, unlike physical life, is endless.

Such an understanding makes one feel sadness and pain associated with the death of a loved one, but at the same time feel the joy that they ended their earthly existence and went to heaven.

To put it in more accessible terms, it all feels like bittersweet feelings, like when a young person graduates from school: he is happy that he graduated from school, but sad because he leaves the place that has become his second home.

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Unfortunately, the reaction of many people to the departure of a loved one is quite predictable: severe pain, suffering and sadness. Few would think of experiencing joy, because he lost a loved one.

Agree, rejoicing at the death of a loved one is somehow unnatural and illogical. Recall times when you felt conflicting emotions and how you dealt with it.

One thing is absolutely certain: in matters of perception of death, a person is at a rather low level of development, he has not yet learned to think from a spiritual point of view and perceives death as a physiological process, and not a spiritual one.

For a deeper understanding, one more example can be given. Imagine how badly your feet would hurt after walking all day in uncomfortable boots. Now think about how wonderful it would be to kick off your hated shoes at the end of the day and put your feet in a warm water bath. Something similar happens with the body after death, especially when a person is old, sick or infirm.

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Remember that now your deceased loved one is in a better world. Of course, provided that it is not Hitler or another vile villain who did a lot of bad things during earthly life.

Think of your best days, your happiest, healthiest and most energetic moments, and then multiply them by a million. Approximately such sensations are experienced in heaven by the soul of a departed person, if during earthly life he did not commit evil.

Agree, in a similar vein, death does not seem so terrible anymore. The soul feels so good that it merges with this light and that pure energy that radiates from another world.

Perhaps it sounds too good to be true. But sometimes during earthly life we ​​are used to struggle and experience a lot of disappointments, which, as a rule, are waiting for new bad news.

That is why it is so important to accept that the souls of our deceased relatives in the afterlife live much better and calmer than on earth. They enjoy the light and the freedom that heaven has given them.

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Here is another sad story, which, nevertheless, has a very deep meaning. A mother who lost her only son decided to heal her grief by helping other people.

Every week she took out a bowl of soup to a homeless person, and each time, helping the homeless person, silently repeated the name of her dead son and imagined a dear face. She focused her thoughts on the happy times they had spent together.

Instead of indulging in sorrow and pain, she decided to help those in need and remember joyful moments, thereby alleviating the pain of loss.

How to accept the death of a loved one

4. You can focus on three important elements: anticipation, joy, and gratitude.

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When losing a loved one, try to focus on those emotions. They will help you take your mind off grief and pain and indulge in more kind feelings.

You can look forward to the moment when you meet your loved one again who has left this world. You can also experience the joy of knowing that the soul of a loved one is in a better world.

Imagine that she is in beautiful green pastures and is free from the trials and tribulations that she endured during earthly life.

And you should also be grateful for all the wonderful times you spent together and all the wonderful memories you have. So when your sadness gets too strong, try to focus on these three feelings.

Focusing on these positive feelings eases your grief and suffering and helps you remember that life and love are eternal.

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Think about a deep loss or disappointment in your life and how you could apply this triple formula to your life.

Here's another story of a heartbroken mother: Rachel lost her son less than a year ago.

"The past eleven months have been a period of the greatest pain, sorrow and suffering, but also the greatest growth I have ever experienced." An amazing statement, isn't it?

However, that's exactly what happened in Rachel's life. After the death of her beloved son, she began to help other children who have no parents. Moreover, according to her, her own son helps her in good deeds, being in another dimension.

5. Your deceased loved ones sometimes try to tell you something.

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Each of us has heard that sometimes it happens that the soul of our deceased loved one tries to convey some important message to us living on earth.

How to hear it and correctly interpret it?

If you want to get a message from your loved ones, of course you can visit a psychic. There are people who are mediators between the world of the living and the world of the dead.

However, many people take advantage of the fact that inconsolable relatives want to communicate with deceased loved ones. Scammers pretend to be magicians, sorcerers and psychics and simply make a lot of money on it, without helping in any way, but on the contrary, exacerbating the situation.

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You can also save time, money and nerves by not going to psychics. Indeed, in fact, all the messages that the souls of the deceased relatives send us are approximately the same: they just want you to be happy; know that they are alive and well; don't worry about them; enjoy life on earth; and be sure that sooner or later you will meet them again.

First of all, release yourself of any guilt associated with the person who left. Perhaps at one time you didn’t do too well with him, did something bad to him, or, on the contrary, didn’t do something to help him, didn’t say a word of love.

Don't blame yourself for this, let go of the guilt.

Each soul leaves earthly life in its own time and you should not blame yourself for anything. So you make it worse for yourself and for your loved one, who has already left this world.

If you feel any guilt, get rid of this feeling that simply devours you and does not bring any benefit to others or your own soul.

Such low energy emotions can interfere with the emergence of more powerful and positive energy flows, thereby poisoning your life.

In addition, there are many films on similar topics. An example of such a film can be a wonderful picture "Ghost" with Demi Moore in the title role.

Remember how the heroine of the film communicated with the spirit of her deceased lover, and how throughout the film he tried to reveal to her the secret of his death.

Try to free yourself from various experiences related to life and death. Believe me, just looking at death as the next stage in the endless saga of life, you can feel relief and live on.

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We all wondered, "Why do we have to die? Why don't people live forever?" The answer is simple: in fact, we do not die, but simply change the external form of our existence.

This change looks like a terrible end to existence for those people who look at life only as an earthly existence.

Also imagine how boring and suffocating the constant monotony would be. Here's a simple example: think of a favorite movie and ask yourself, "Do I want to watch it every day for all eternity?" The answer is obvious: of course not. So it is with life.

Souls love variety, space, and adventure, not stagnation and routine. Life means eternal change. This is a great setup when you release your fears and understand that there is a reason for everything.

Be honest, have you ever wanted to stop time? It's a natural thought, especially when things finally seem to be going well. You have a desire to stop this time.

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But a little reflection on this will help you understand how unfortunate this desire is. If you need more proof, just watch the movie "Groundhog Day" when certain events repeat themselves over and over again.

And here is another sad but instructive story: Marla's three children died. It would seem that the woman should have fallen into a deep depression, but instead she asked herself the following question: "How can I help others survive the death of their own child?"

Today, this woman leads the group "Help for parents who have lost children." And this is a great demonstration of how we can always choose the high right path, even after experiencing a terrible misfortune - the loss of a loved one.

7. Use and share the gifts that the souls of deceased loved ones send you


Some cultures believe that when a loved one dies, they send you a spiritual gift. Many people have noticed a greater change in their personality or energy after the death of someone close to them.

It is impossible to know someone well without receiving gifts from them. We are energetic beings living in an energetic universe. All of our interactions result in a literal exchange of physical molecules and energy patterns.

Imagine that the souls of deceased loved ones can transmit their love, ideas, inspiration to those who remained on Earth and whom they love very much.

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Accept these gifts, use them to ease your grief and improve yourself and the world around you.

This point is especially important for understanding some things related to the death of a loved one. Look back, did the death of a loved one somehow affect you, from the point of view that you became somehow more perfect or changed something in yourself for the better?

8. Ability to rely on others

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If not always, then at least from time to time we need to lean on each other and feel the support of others.

Despite the fact that after the loss of a loved one, people often experience severe pain and grief, some of them "do not want to bother others with their problems and tears."

You may be surprised, but many, on the contrary, will be glad and even happy to help someone who needs it. In addition, when you get back on your feet and feel the taste of life, you can return the same coin and help someone else.

This simple truth can ease the pain of loss and also allow you to show your best qualities, such as kindness and mercy towards others.

There are many organizations and charities who really need your help.

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Important advice: if a loved one has died, it is very important to share this grief with someone, not to withdraw into yourself. With whom is it better to share the bitterness of loss? Of course, first of all, we are talking about relatives and friends. Who else but your family members will help you cope with grief? It can also be close friends, acquaintances. For some, working and communicating with colleagues helps in this situation.

Well, if you don’t have a loved one nearby with whom you can share your grief, you can turn to a psychologist. This is exactly the case when you can and should turn to him for help.

I would like to hope that having learned these 8 points, a person who has lost a loved one will feel calmer.

It is very difficult for us to accept the death of loved ones, however, we can alleviate the pain of loss by changing our attitude towards death. You should not perceive it only as a physical process, but try to treat it as a spiritual transition of our soul to eternal life.

Be careful and patient with yourself when you mourn and mourn for another relative who has gone into the world. Try to keep a broader perspective of understanding and perception of life and death, as described above. It will ease your grief and make life brighter and cleaner.

Message from the Family of Light and Master Michael dated 01/27/12

Greetings Family! Az Am Michael. Your entire Family of Light and Protection embraces you with the Energies of Home. We are One.

2012 is the year of the Transition, the year of the highest vibrations of Love and Light, the year of vibrational waves of Purification from the illusions of the veil, from the beliefs of the uncontrolled mind-ego. This is the Year of the Successful Completion of the Experiment!

2012, Family, is the year of Freedom and Harmonization.

And many are increasingly asking what is spiritual pride? What are its signs? And how can you transform it into Light in order to reach a new Level of Freedom and Development?

It was the Wave of High Vibrations of Freedom, which began at the end of December, that even more mirrored in people all the residual phenomena of an uncontrolled ego that are present at the moment “now”, affecting the deepest layers of fears, illusions, prejudices, etc. The ego out of control simply cannot help but react to these high frequency vibrations of Purification.

And right now the final illusion of duality enters the arena - spiritual pride. This is the last test for the Light, the last locked Door, by opening which you acquire the status of Enlightenment.

What is Enlightenment? How to know that a Human has become enlightened? Dear ones, if this happens to you, you will not have clarifying questions and doubts about this. It just is. This is Genesis.

This is the State of Eternal Joy, Love and Eternal Peace. By the presence of constant Joy, you will be able to feel the Beginning of Enlightenment - Memories of yourself, Return to yourself, Return Home.

Dear ones, the ego out of control is not able to know Enlightenment in others due to mirroring: all “others” only “reflect” the problems of the ego of this person, because the ego sees only itself in others.

And the Soul can feel the Enlightenment of others by the Purity, Warmth, Height of their Energy. Next to an enlightened Person, one feels lightness, simplicity, spiritual closeness. An Enlightened Person is a magnet that attracts seeking Souls, which He (she) calls his friends, not students, communicating on an equal footing.

While the ego out of control forcibly imposes its beliefs, "teaches", forcing you to think the way you should.

So, Enlightenment is Love.


Everything “temporary” and illusory has a “beginning and end”. If there is a beginning, but the test has not been passed, then this Lesson acquires the quality of Cyclicity, repeating itself again and again in the Human life scenario. Wherever he goes, hides, whoever he turns away from - The cyclicity resumes: with other people, under other circumstances, but with the same goal - Cleansing from low vibrations of uncontrolled ego.

The source of spiritual pride is in the "death" of beliefs, in stopping spiritual Development.

Let's follow this with a generic example.

So, the Man embarked on the Spiritual Path. He has awakened! Looking back, he realizes what a huge leap he made in his mind. Before him is another life full of new knowledge, opportunities, acquaintances! But how did this Awakening come about? Thanks to what or to whom? Thanks to a book, a movie, a person? Dear ones, Awakening occurs as a result of NEW INFORMATION OF HIGH VIBRATIONS FOR THE IMPACT OF WHICH YOU HAVE BEEN OPEN WITH YOUR SOUL, YOUR HEART AND CONSCIOUSNESS!

So the Man has awakened! This is the first status of the spiritual Path - Awakening.

If a Human has accepted the mind-ego thought that what awakened him is the Only Truth, Wisdom, the Only Conviction, then, dear ones, here you can find the origins of spiritual pride.

So, the main sign of spiritual pride is CULT: religion, way of life, personality, group of people, books, spiritual flow, the name of the Spirit and the like. In short, the CULT of DETRACT from other people.

Because spiritual prideit is the quality of the ego, then you and I can easily track the rest signs this illusions:

Desire for leadership, superiority, rivalry; feeling of envy. Those who are possessed by spiritual pride are intolerant of the opinions of others because of their unwillingness to expand their worldview, to look “from above” at the overall picture, to see the essence of the mosaic of spiritual currents and directions.

Remember, We told you: “There will be neither first nor last”? It won't, because all the ego's illusions will "melt" in their proper time. The division into "first and last" is the path of the mind. Therefore, those possessed by spiritual pride are prone to detailing, analysis, comparisons, evaluativeness, “hooks” to various words, rituals, traditions, and the like. They THINK, NOT FEEL.

The first and the last are the breath of the “old” Energies. In the Epoch of the New Era, a Person can Enlighten in a few conscious seconds in a state of Opening of the Soul and Heart! Neither rituals, nor words, nor rituals, nor meditations – but AWARENESS and LOVE – these are the keys to Changes and Transition. All meditations and words are aimed at Disclosure, at Remembrance, at the Stimulus for this!

The desire to argue, convince, condemn. The ego of a person possessed by spiritual pride is very vulnerable. Any other opinion, a different view of this or that belief awakens a "storm" of emotions and states - resentment, aggression, indignation, anger, arrogance, ridicule and the like. If something hurts you in this way, then know what speaks to you FEAR OF THE NEW - the main motive of spiritual pride. You are afraid to realize that you are not yet at the Top, but in the Process, you still do not hold the bird of Truth in your hands and you NEED TO CHANGE AGAIN! For the ego, this is like spiritual death, a painful rebirth. And you are well aware of this: We have been talking about this for a long time.

But if your Awareness is always open to the New, High Vibration, you may not even know that you easily passed the test of spiritual pride! You may not notice that you passed the Lesson with excellent marks! And there are such people, there are many of them! These are people who feel, not think. These are people without prejudices about “right and wrong”, about “necessary and harmful”, about “wise and ignorant”. These are the ones We call MEEK! These people do not argue, but rejoice in New knowledge and Opportunities. They are constantly improving themselves. They are responsible for their lives, and do not shift it to other shoulders, in order to later blame "these shoulders" for failure. These people are creating the New Reality of Love every moment! And they are always open for association, for co-creation, without conditions and rules, freely and easily! They are easy to communicate with and open to the Changes of the Transition. It is the meek who are the “first” and “inherit” the five-dimensional World! That's what we've been talking about for so long! But the whole secret is that they do not feel this “primacy”, they feel EQUALITY, because remember: “there will be neither first nor last”. It is the meek in their way of life that helps others to think. They do not recite their convictions - they show the FRUIT of their Existence to the world with their Creativity and Destiny, concretely tangible!

Dependence on the opinions of others. All signs of ego are inherently related to each other, but for ease of understanding, we will consider the qualities of spiritual pride from different "angle of illumination".

The vulnerability of the ego out of control explains the rapid changes in the pendulum of emotions possessed by spiritual pride. Delight from approval, disappointment from "disapproval" or lack of appreciation, and the like.

Observe: how do you get information? Mind or Soul?

As you know, the Soul is beyond the evaluation of "right - wrong." THE SOUL REACTS WITH RESONANCE FEELINGS.

If the information is timely and appropriate for you, then the Soul will feel it in the form of Joy from the Knowledge of the New!

If the information is already familiar to you or is inappropriate in terms of vibrations at the moment “now”, then the Soul WILL RESPOND to this calmly, without losing energy for analysis (the Soul does not analyze), but directing forces to search for the New for Self-Improvement!

Notice how the ego mind reacts! The emotions of the ego are quite sensitive to the vibrations of information.

The mind constantly evaluates the level of "faithfulness-infidelity", reflecting in everything its personal preferences and beliefs. The mind-ego out of control is not ready for the New! Something new hurts, frightens the ego-mind, causing an emotional desire for confrontation.

If the information seemed “simple”, “familiar” to the ego-mind, then it will certainly wish to express it one way or another (mentally or in reality), while trying to “humiliate” the source of information. The soul will not do this due to Wisdom. She knows what a difficult Path she has traveled in this Eternal search for the New. And will not evaluate the Way of others! Wisdom is, first of all, Tolerance.

The desire to forcefully impose one's beliefs, a tendency to teach. Free Will is the main Law of the Soul, because Freedom and Love are One, not existing separately from one another. A person who lives according to the Soul is free himself and gives freedom to others. The forcible imposition of one's opinion is a sign of fanaticism, an obsession with an idea.

Spiritual pride separates people. She divides them into "friends and foes", "wise and ignorant" and the like.

- spiritual pride- this is the inhibition of the internal energy processes of Development, because the focus of attention is aimed at the activities of others. The energy of Creativity is spent on condemnation, comparison, analysis, as well as on the expectation of a high assessment of one's abilities.

If you have noticed these signs in yourself (and you cannot notice these signs in others, because the Law of Mirroring works on this planet: if you notice something in others - it is in you!), know that you have already done the very first and an important step on the Path to Liberation from this "last" illusion of the spiritual Man.


Accept. This means facing the truth, realizing that you have something to work with. Honesty and Courage are the transforming qualities of a New Age Man.

Observe. This means to see the "scheme", "algorithm" of the ego-mind, because it is always predictable and cyclical.

Realize. This means to see the Essence of the Lesson, the Higher Wisdom, the Possibility of further Development.

Transform. This means finding the key to Liberation - the High Vibrations of the qualities of the Soul.

And now let's turn to what it is possible to transform spiritual pride into.


Unity. This is the acceptance of all points of view from the position of the mosaic of the "big picture". What did you consider impossible a year ago, and now you use it freely and for good? Answer sincerely, and you will see that the impossible is possible! It's all about relevance and Love, isn't it?

Peace. It is the full control of Awareness over the emotions of the ego-mind.

Joy. This is gratitude to Being for EVERYTHING!

Love. This is the feeling of Being.

- Creation . This is the ability to direct one's Energy to the activity of the Soul and Improvement for the Benefit of the Planet, Humanity, and the Universe.

- Freedom . This is a constant "openness" before the next expansion of consciousness, the acceptance of new vibrations.

Wisdom. This is the understanding of the Laws of Synchronicity and Relevance. This understanding of the Law of Specularity - everything reflects you! That is why an Enlightened Person is always in Peace, Love and Joy and nothing can overshadow this State. After all, the World itself constantly and in everything reflects this Joy, Love and Peace!

Thus, spiritual pride is an illusion of the ego-mind, which distracts a Human from fulfilling the Purpose and from the Development of the Soul – raising vibrations and expanding awareness.

All transformations of Love are always available to you! So be free, Family! We are close! We are one! And Love guides us all!

Light Family. Michael.

Site "Rise of the Soul".



Samizdat. Soul Blossom Group. 2011

Group topics:

Enlightenment through 7 rays. Science of Imagery and Intention. Prayers, decrees. Love, family. Twin flames (halves). Opening Rodoy memory. Disclosure of feelings. Poems of Angels. Meditations. The language of healthy images. Positive about 2012 and Quantum transition. Space cleansing

And much more…

Az Am Mary. And my message is for those who want to hear the voice of the Heart and Soul. My intention - to inform you about the Great Hope for all Russians - is based on compassion for those who read the lines of messengers, whose dictations from astral entities are filled with fear and reproach.
We, the LIGHT, cannot judge or frighten anyone. Our vibrations only allow us to love, to give Hope and appropriate spiritual help.
I tell you: everyone who, with a pure heart, wants to hear the voice of God, the voice of the Angels, will hear.
All of you are creations of the Creator and he wants to speak to everyone without obstacles.
Each contains the WEALTH of the World, Gifts and Talents.
Get up off your knees - YOU are loved!
Raise your head - YOU Worthy!
Look around... What are you as a God (Goddess) able to create for the benefit of the Earth and humanity?
Russia, I now turn to You, for Your Time has come, just as the Time of Initiation by the Light of ALL COUNTRIES, All corners of the world has come.
Russia is worthy of the Transition!
The whole world is worthy of the Transition!
The Earth cleanses its bowels, washes its face, exposing its face to the Winds of Change.
Everyone is getting ready for the Great Ascension Feast!
I appeal now to you, Children of the Light!
Be careful!
Listen only to your Heart and Soul.
They will point to the TRUTH in ANY INFORMATION.
They will tell you WHAT TO DO for you in ANY SITUATION.
Turn Fear into Spiritual Courage
humiliation - into Spiritual Dignity,
ignorance - into Spiritual Wisdom,
wars - in Lad,
alienation - into the Spiritual Union of Hearts.
This is the Path of vibrations.
In this wonderful Time of Change, a lot of Masters - Teachers work through messengers.
I repeat to everyone: read the lines with your Soul, with an open heart.
For the mind admits doubt and fear, but the Soul always feels the TRUTH.
Thank you for your Essence of Love.
Az Am Mary. And these are the words of Hope.

Greetings, Beloved Children of the Earth! May Your Souls be Blessed, may the Az Am of Your Divine Essence be reunited from now on with Your consciousness, may the Great Transition of the Earth to Peace, Love and Ascension be accomplished!

Az Am Mary. Az Am the Mother of the World.

Now my message is addressed to all those people who are very interested in the question of the process of merging with their Divine Self.

I tell you: this will happen easily if your Soul harmoniously combines male and female energies. That's what we call harmony, isn't it? This is what we call the state of Peace of Mind.

It will be easy for your Divine Az Am Presence to enter the Temple of Your Soul if it (the Temple) is well-groomed and beautiful, and there is fair order and security in it.

By beauty and well-groomedness, We, the Forces of Light, understand the essence of female energy, the attributes (qualities) of which are calmness, peace, mercy, forgiveness, Love, beauty, care, compassion, creative development in the aura of this energy.

By fair order and security, We, the Forces of Light, understand the essence of male energy, the main qualities of which are will, self-esteem, confidence, determination, courage, preservation of the Power of the Spirit, justice, awareness, creative development in the aura of this energy.

If you combine these two main energies harmoniously in one person, you will get a Perfect Man.

And if then his Higher “I” joins this harmonious personality, then it will turn out ... God.

This is the essence of Enlightenment.

This is the essence of Ascension.

How to create harmony within yourself?

I tell you: listen to your Heart and your Soul. It is they who are the Guides of your entire Path to You Higher.

I tell you: during the period of the Transition, all the Forces of Light are in respectful service to You. It is worth expressing the intention aloud and all the Angels will be at your feet, ready to love you and help you.

All the attributes of the feminine and masculine energies are contained in the essence of understanding the Great Teaching of the Seven Rays. Absolutely ALL religions of the world contain the foundations of this Teaching. All the qualities of Peace and Love are available to absolutely every person, you just need to reveal the Essence of Love of the spiritual current you love.

You noticed that among the various qualities of male and female energies, there is one similar thing - creative development. If you harmoniously combine these two polar hypostases in yourself, you will get… THE CREATOR!

LISTEN! CREATOR! The one who can co-create EVERYTHING that shines with Love and Goodness! Universes, Spaces, Worlds!

Beloved Children of the Earth! Return Home to your Higher Self here on the planet, in the flesh. The whole Universe froze in anticipation of the Great Miracle - the Awakening of the Creator Gods!!!
Az Am Mary, Mother of the World.

Message from Mary on nutrition. 07-03-2011

Greetings, Beloved Children of Light!
Az Am Mary, Mother of the World.
We love you so much that you can easily feel the Energy of our Love for you through this message.
Let's be quiet dear...

Now my message is devoted to the topic of nutrition.
This topic is so vast that I could talk with you about it for many, many days, but today I would like to touch upon only one area of ​​​​this issue with you - the CULT OF FOOD.
My beloved, you now exist on the planet of Free Choice. And no one has the right to impose any method of nutrition on you.
Every person is unique. You agree with me? So, his power system is unique. You are not machines, programmed for one particular method of eating.
Your digestibility of food depends on the level of your Spiritual development. As soon as you have coped with the next karmic task, the density of your body becomes thinner. And your gastrointestinal tract cannot help but react to this miracle. He starts asking you for less dense and heavy food. Just ask!!! This means that coarse foods become unpleasant to you, your body rejects them. You EASILY refuse them. This is how, and not otherwise, a spiritual person changes his nutrition system to a more perfect one. Without self-violence and fanatical CULT OF FOOD!
There is a Great delusion, my dear ones, that by forcibly changing the composition of food, you become cleaner, more spiritual, freer.
My beloved, never has violence brought a man to the Light! Violence carries low vibrations and leads humanity away from the Truth!
My dears, it's time to stop connecting to the EGREGOR OF THE FOOD CULT!!! It's time! If you are now eating meat and complain that it is still difficult for you to stop eating it, then first solve the karmic tasks that are right here and now, and then you will easily stop eating this type of food due to the increase in your vibrations. And without violence and hypocrisy, which is hypocrisy. Many people that departed from the Truth and devoted their entire lives to... Food. They read a mountain of books on nutrition, tried vegetarianism, raw food, prano nutrition, and what? They did not change their attitude towards close people who were karmically connected with them, did not give them their Love, condemned friends and relatives for the wrong food, from their point of view, were angry and indignant if they were not listened to. In this way they grew their spiritual pride.
My beloved, there is one Great Spiritual Rule: a person eats products that correspond to his vibrations. No need to suffer for months, years, switching to a vegetarian or raw food diet. Torment means violence. Give Love to the World, do it right now, and you will easily eat the way you dream.
In order to lead humanity away from the truth, dark energy in the Epoch of the New Era created the EGREGOR OF THE CULT OF FOOD, the essence of which is not gluttony, but a dogmatic attitude towards the ideal nutrition option, as a transition to the expansion of consciousness and the Path to Enlightenment!
My beloved! Everything is just the opposite! Your Heart and Soul is immeasurably higher than your stomach! Your love for your loved ones is holier than your disapproval of what your family and friends eat! Enlighten you, your food will change, you will become Light! Everyone will see Your Light and ask: “How did you become like this?” What will you answer?


Greetings, Beloved Children of Light!
Az Am Mary, Mother of the World.
The theme, the sequence of which is felt by the energies of the messages of human vibrations, is vital and relevant in the "here and now" mode of being.
We called this topic "About Innovation" (Nova = New, Thor = History, that is, innovators - those who create New History).
At this stage, you, Children of the Light, are going through 3 stages of innovation:
1) Innovation of the Soul.
You are gradually moving away from religions and rigid systems of mono-prejudice. You feel, moreover, many already know that no matter what religion you are now gravitating towards, you, Friends of Light, are united by Faith, Freedom and Love. And along the steps of Wisdom you will come to the Single Planetary Belief without dogmas and cruel veiled violence, without ignorant sacrifice and worship of adept priests.
2) Innovation of Reason.
This refers to the already outdated education system, the essence of which is the humiliation of the childish, pure Reason of the New Age.
Children of the New Era are already born with the Mind of teachers of the adult generation. They only need to create conditions for the disclosure of their unique creative Principles, to ensure Freedom and Love. Schools are not needed, only creative projects are needed.
The system is living out the deadlines, trying with all its might to survive as long as possible in vibrations that do not correspond to it, which are increasing day by day.
It is Time for Innovators of Light in Education.
3) Body innovation.
"You are moving from the immune system paradigm to the Thymus paradigm" - the words of Master Kryon.
Your medicine belongs at this stage to old energy medicine - Immune System medicine, whose time has irrevocably passed.
Now it is Time for New Age Medicine - Thymus Medicine. What does this mean?
Thymus Medicine carries the Energies of Self-Healing of the Human Integrity, Healing, Rejuvenation, Restructuring of all body systems as the beginning of preparation for the Eternal Youth, Free Choice of the age (conditionally, there will be no age) state of the body.
Youth and Health - these are the Higher Qualities that will be the GOAL of all HEALERS (HEALER - GOAL = INTEGRITY).
The Time of Innovators of Light in medicine has come.
My beloved, the most difficult stage, the stage of innovation will be:
4) Innovation of the BOARD (the ruler is the revealer of Truth, RA=Light).
The most inflated ego is not with the egregor of religion, not with the egregor of education, not with the egregor of medicine, but with the egregor of politics. And you can observe these attempts to keep the power of the old vibrations in the world, in the whole World, by the most cruel methods. But, My Dears, these are the last writhings of the old energies, and not the harbingers of the illusory egregor of the apocalypse.
Everything is going according to the Divine Plan, the draft of which was written by You, Beloved Children of Light!
And you will pass it!
We believe in you!
We love you!
And We, the Forces of Light, will help You! We will appear in the image of the Energy of Love and Creativity at the first call!
Az Am Mary, Mother of the World.
Message from Mary, Mother of the World, dated 13.03.2011.

Greetings, My Beloved! Light honors Your Path and Your loving hearts that illuminate the Eternity of the Universe with rainbow radiance.
Az Am Mary, Mother of the World.
And We, the Forces of Light, want to send this message to "lonely" hearts that are waiting for the appearance of Love in their precious lives as the arrival of a specific person who will bring revival, spring, energy and wonderful changes as soon as they cross the threshold of a "lonely" Soul.
My beloved, you cannot be alone. You are Creations of Light! And the Light cannot be alone. He is always paired with Love.
My Beloved Ones, Love is not only the one person you are looking forward to with such trepidation.
Love is an Energy that animates and bewitches, carrying a Light that is unique to an individual.
Be the Light! He is always in you!
Become Love! She is always by your side!
Beloved Ones, it is the duality of perception that prevents you from distinguishing illusion from Truth.
Loneliness is an illusion!
Love is Truth!
Take off the burden of the importance of illusions, breathe in the Energy of Love freely and you will become a Rainbow, a beautiful and unique shining Rainbow for yourself, for the World, for Light, for the Universe. And then the only person you are waiting for will receive a signal from the Universe that the Star of Love has lit up, removing the veil of duality and sanctifying the expanses of the Universe. This Star-Human has that list of qualities (intensity of Light, power of the Energy of Love, unique colors and patterns) that are close to this expected single person.
Don't wait for someone to come and light you up! You are not candles. You are STARS!!! That never go out!
Stars cannot go out, they can only remain in temporary states of illusion.
Don't wait for "someone" to love you! Illusory waiting can drag on for a long time because Your Energy of Love is sluggishly flowing, because there is no sacrament of interchange of Light with the surrounding World.
The more you bring Light and Love, the more you receive in return.
My Beloved, "spiritual greed" is all too common in the world of Earth. Someone is afraid to look behind the "fence" of their worldview, someone believes that they will not understand him, will not appreciate him. These are all the tricks of the illusory ego.
Beloved Ones, in the old energies you were able to spiritually progress alone. At the time, it was appropriate.
But the Epoch of the New Era is the Time of Unity, intensive Spiritual Exchange, implementation of joint Spiritual Creative projects.
The time of spider imprisonment is over!!!
Do not cherish your "spiritual greed"!!!
The world needs you so much! Your words, actions, practices, dreams, successes, gifts and talents, your LOVE!
Alone, you are in the web of illusions of the Ego!
Together you are in the energies of harmony of Love and Creativity!
We love you! We honor you! We believe in you!
Az Am Mary, Mother of the World.
NUTRITION. Mother Mary's clarifications
About other aspects of nutrition.
After the message from Mary on nutrition received on March 07, we immediately asked for clarification on a number of aspects.

If we are drawn and attracted to a product, it means that the vibration of this product corresponds to our vibration and everything is fine. Either the product corresponds to the vibration of a karmic problem that we have not solved. Thus, we drown out the call of our Soul to solve this problem in a vital way by using this product.

PLACEBO TABLET. By believing, people were healed, thereby raising the vibration of the tablet, and this is what Mary calls a unique medicine that does not yet exist in the world.
They ate the spiritual pill with no side effects. And the side effect was received by those who ate a regular pill for their illness. This is the difference between the effect of faith and the effect of medicines.

FOOD RESTRICTIONS are very dangerous. Restrictions can be:
1. At the time of eating.
Maria: Remember how babies eat. They eat when they want. And they don't get sick from it. Of course, there is a daily harmonious type of food intake corresponding to the well-coordinated work of the gastrointestinal tract, but I'm talking about the limitation when a person wants to eat but refuses to do so, because night has come, evening has come, etc. If the body asks for food, then there is no need to engage in gluttony, because there are alternative methods of saturation. I can offer you: tea or water with honey. This can be used anytime! But if your stocks do not contain honey, you can eat any product in small quantities, while raising its vibration and chewing it slowly.

2. Restriction in the amount of food. That person who eats in one sitting a large amount of food that does not fit the size of his stomach should know one thing: as soon as you stop rushing through life, you will begin to eat calmly and peacefully.

3 Restriction of any product. Do not forcibly limit yourself in your favorite product if you have learned some negative information about it. First you need to solve the problem inside your Soul! Ask yourself what is it that makes you want to eat in the first place? Then draw an analogy between the product and its effect on your psyche.

1. Before any meal, it is useful to drink a glass of tea or water with honey.
2. If you carefully chew each piece, then you transmit information about your vibrations to the food you use through saliva, thus automatically, even without commands to raise vibrations, you raise them in food. A person who chews food thoroughly is quickly satiated, not only because the brain has received information that there is food in the stomach, but mainly because the food corresponding to the vibrations of a person becomes hundreds of times more nutritious.


*Sweet - Not enough affection. This person has a problem with pride. It is easier for him to eat sweets than to humbly ask for the warmth and touch of another soul.
Solution: such a person must learn to ask for affection from loved ones and give it.

*Acute - Little self-confidence. He speaks of a hidden desire to command, a hidden desire for super-dramatic situations, sensations, things that will make you shudder. Solution: Increasing self-esteem through understanding the value of your Soul, the uniqueness of your personality, and not belittling others. It is important to learn to negotiate with other people, find compromises, learn to be equal, learn to see a miracle every day and appreciate every moment of life as a unique and unique moment of the Universe.

* Salty - removes the negative physical and auric.
Solution: awareness of the presence of negativity in a given local area and send love to this place, thereby transforming the nagativ into light and the desire to eat salty will disappear.

* Bitter - a tendency to quarrels and aggression.
Solution: Awareness that the Ego wants to create destruction and confusion. He learns to create harmony within himself, which is a mirror of the attitude towards people around him.

* Sour - an open or hidden pessimistic attitude towards the world. The surrounding space is seen in dark and bleak colors. Lack of joy means disconnection from the light streams of the Creator, from the termination of the exchange of one's energy with the energy of the Universe.
Solution: Realize what is happening and ask your Spirit Guides to help open your heart to the world. For example, through prayer.

* Teas are good in winter to keep up the fiery energy. Black tea contains poisons. Green, contains fewer poisons + it removes toxins from the body, including its own.

* Fish - means the coldness of the soul. It is known that Jesus ate fish, but he gave light to every kind of food and raised its vibrations because he was a master. And from here comes the rule: you can eat any food in EXTREME conditions but at the same time increasing its vibration. Remember the story from the Bible when Jesus changed the quality of wine at the Cana feast, turning it from old to young. He made grape juice from alcoholic wine.

That which hinders the acceptance of light information, which is rubbish that clogs the channels and flows of energies: Meat. All dairy products, starchy foods, including flour, including bread (especially white), if we do not raise the vibration of this food. However, only the Enlightened One can raise the vibrations of forcibly obtained food (meat), as Jesus did.

The use of the tastes described above may seem like a solution to the problem, but this is a temporary illusory deception of the psyche, moving away from the natural solution to the problem, and besides, it spoils the stomach.

These characteristics of taste qualities do not apply to the taste qualities of berries, vegetables, fruits and medicinal plants, for these are the products of God. They cannot carry a negative dependence in relation to the human psyche, all the rest bear if their vibrations are not raised.

Have you read all of the above? Then an important question, my dears: What is the difference between connecting to the EGREGOR OF THE CULT OF FOOD and following the above rules? The answer is simple: In love and awareness.

Through love, you consciously solve your karmic tasks, changing your negative attitude towards the world to a positive one, thereby changing your taste qualities without violence against yourself, EASILY AND NATURALLY. Therefore, it is illusory to change your daily menu composition in an aggressive way without fundamentally changing your lifestyle.

Maria also says that she respects the words of Master Anastasia (from the books of V. Megre), that it is necessary to completely change the environment and lifestyle. This is the essence of the answer to many human questions.

Message from Vladyka Hilarion dated 03/17/2011. Theme: Education.

Greetings, co-Creators of Light!
Az Am Existing. Az Am Illarion.
Az Am Light. Light is my love.
May the Veil of Light be upon you forever!
The Universe Good-Wills that now we are talking about who gives the Images and how.
Education. O-b-ra-z - From God RA (Light) Is based, that is, the essence of education is to convey without distortion the primordial Truths of God about the most important.
How to convey these images of Light? With love.
Whom does a person listen to and listen to with the Soul (whose) words that come out of the mouth with Love? The one whom he honors and respects as a teacher.
U-h-i-t - At the Purity of the Truths of the Creator.
A teacher is one who conveys the purity of the truths of the universe.
How can you convey this without distortion? Soul.
Draw conclusions co-Creators of Light, draw conclusions...
The Child honors the Parent. The parent is the first teacher. What is the responsibility?
You hold the answer, Parents, for the first Truths of God in a child.
D-i-t-i - The Gift of the True Creation of the Manifested.
From time immemorial, in life, primordially pure, Knowledge was transmitted along the Line.
Z-na-n-i-i - Buildings of the Beginning of Navi and Reveal.
But there were Magi, Great Teachers and Elders, wise in Soul.
And there are such people on the Great Earth, Teachers from God! There is!
With Your Soul You will instantly feel Them!
A child, yet a Child, but the future will Reveal.
So be, Gods, you are wiser and more worthy.
Teachers of your Children, in order to convey the original Truths of the Family, you can, since Heaven favors the Parents in that.
And then ... You search with your soul! Perhaps, the further Path of the Child (you) will be able to teach with Love.
Or maybe, as an answer to your wish, the Teacher of the New Era will appear in your presence.
May it be so!
Let there be Light!
May there be Wisdom forever!
Az Am Illarion, Carrying the Light of the Universe.
Our comment: words-clarifications have been added in parentheses for a better understanding of the Light in the syllable of Lord Hilarion.

An excerpt from a conversation with Master Anastasia. The part that can be laid out for everyone.

Indigo Children, having incarnated in the 20th century, chose a great mission for themselves:
To bring light to the world, but at the same time to teach parents by an example of fiery.
From this follows the problem that is modern today:
Misunderstanding of parents grows from the realization that their children are different,
And not such that it was expected to see the example of growing up parents themselves.
And the independence of thinking, a deep clear look, intransigence to control - all this unites the children of the past century.

Only independence of thought
Indigo-Children give energy to create, firstly.
And secondly, the Energy of Love.

Love must be learned to give
To light up the eyes of relatives and friends,
Animals and plants, and OUR ANCESTORS - Angels of the earth.
The energies sparkled.
The whole world that you created, too,
Should be happy to be in abundance* and in the Energy of Love.

* - spiritual prosperity.


As Nina commented on this communication: During communication with Anastasia, I experienced the strongest affectionate and very Yin feelings. Unlike other Spirits, I absolutely kept up with her speed of thought and the hand itself increased the pace of writing. I did not ask or clarify anything, as is usually the case. This is a new sensation of receiving information. The voice was younger than imagined when reading V. Megre's books.

My comment: Why she came to communicate with us, there are some guesses, but it’s difficult to say for sure. She asked me to burn the leaflet in the oven after I had read it. The leaf in his hands warmed with white fire. Feelings as if you were holding not a leaf, but living warm cotton wool, which gave your fingers a strong feeling of comfort and added clarity of mind. We meet such a burning leaf, written under dictation by the Spirits, for the second time in our lives. We didn't burn the whole piece of paper, but cut out the part that could be left, for personal reasons.

After this text for discussion, Rashida Ishmurzina wrote the following comment:

Thank you Nina and Anton for everything you do. I also had experience with automatic writing. The group and I were going to Arkaim. Before that, I read the chapter "Lesson of the Gods". I wanted to ask Anastasia a question. I took a pen and wrote a question: "Anastasia, dear, tell me. How to conduct a lesson of the Gods on Arkaim?" And suddenly the answer came: "On the Arkaim of the Ancient Aryans, the land is sacred. You will all gather on the mountain of Love. Let it be a day "Let the day be clear. May the Sun caress you all and blow the southern breeze. Let the question be asked on the mountain.:" What is the meaning of Life? Who are we on Earth?" And each one, let him write down his answer there. Go to the Mount of Reason with your children, there on the mountain of the elements you will all call. Let the spirit of Arkaim visit you. He will inspire you for the future, for a new life. Arkaim, it rained there for 3 days in a row. I asked Anastasia: "Where is the Sun?" Received the answer: "And you ask nature." The next day the weather was fine and a southern breeze blew over us. We climb the mountain. I hold my son Ramir by the hand. He was then 3 years old. I ask him: "Ramir, who are we on Earth?" He replies: "You are my favorite mother, and I am your favorite son!" When they climbed the mountain, each of the group asked this question. The following answer came to me: "You are Gods, You are Creators, you are children of God. Each of you has your own path. You were created to Create, Love, Give thanks for everything sent down with Joy."

Vibration dictation.
Greetings, my dears!
Az Am Mary, Mother of the World.
This day is so saturated with the bright energy of the Good News for many, isn't it? But, my dears, because EVERY Day is a Source of Joy and New Light Energies! Remember this. Remember.
Today our message will be devoted to how to raise the light, pure vibrations of a person.
Dear ones, do not look forward to the New Message! This message has one main goal - REMINDER. In the process of using new, qualitatively new energies, you will need to remember the basic rules of "spiritual security". The most important of them says: You are FULLY guarded and effective only in the Energies of High Vibrations! Isn't that why your Soul "instinctively" prays in a moment of danger for you?
But I ask you, my dears, do not look for a measure of sufficient "height of vibrations", you will not find it with your mind. But you will acquire the necessary knowledge thanks to your precious Soul. When your heart is open and breathes with Love, gratitude, joy, light humor, happiness and many other pure manifestations of the Soul, then know that you are in a state of high vibrations and nothing threatens you!
I beg your permission to remind you of Our words: Light does not know how to condemn and frighten. But... With love, we wish to protect you from superficial, external things that do not concern your lessons on Earth. Let us do it! Raise your vibrations!
So, my dears, what raises the frequency of human vibrations and allows you not only to save, but also to increase the amount of your Light Energy?
Main We list:
1) PRAYER to the one (those) in whom you BELIEVE and accept with your whole SOUL (the fact is that the Soul can ACCEPT only LIGHT, therefore the one you BELIEVE in is ALWAYS LIGHT!) Many questions, right? The soul knows the answer, the mind usually likes to operate with various comments;
2) The INTENT expressed aloud to raise the vibrations;
3) Creation of pure images for the Good. concentration on them;
4) Tears of purification, if it is appropriate for the Soul;
5) Unleashing karmic knots. Forgiveness;
6) Applying the mysteries of the Violet Flame;
7) Giving Joy to people without the goal of getting anything in return. Love is quiet;
8) State of Gratitude: Earth, People, Universe;
9) Opening of the heart chakra during the minutes of meditation. Free flow of the Energy of Love;
10) Being in Nature;
11) Being near the fire (candle, fire);
12) Do something good for people, for the planet. But... Love is quiet, remember?
13) Cold dousing of the body will wash away the energy "rubbish" and allow the hot Energy of Love to flow through all your channels without obstacles;
14) Spiritual practices using, among other things, the physics of the body;
15) Communication with animals that bring you Joy. That is their main service to you, humanity!
16) Communication with plants. They have Light!
This list is as endless as the universe! But you are the Creators and perfectly co-create for yourself and others examples of new ways to increase the Vibrations of Love!
That is the Good News for today.
We send you Light and Love. Feel it. It's easy.

Az Am Mary. We.

A joint message from Mother Mary and Master Anastasia.

Bloom of the soul - page #1/5




Samizdat. Soul Blossom Group. 2011

Project topics and VKontakte groups:

Enlightenment through 7 rays. Science of Imagery and Intention. Prayers, decrees. Love, family. Twin flames (halves). Opening Rodoy memory. Disclosure of feelings. Poems of Angels. Meditations. The language of healthy images. Positive about 2012 and Quantum transition. Space cleansing

And much more…

Greetings, Beloved Children of Light! Az Am Mary. And my message is for those who want to hear the voice of the Heart and Soul. My intention - to inform you about the Great Hope for all Russians - is based on compassion for those who read the lines of messengers, whose dictations from astral entities are filled with fear and reproach.

We, the LIGHT, cannot judge or frighten anyone. Our vibrations only allow us to love, to give Hope and appropriate spiritual help.

I tell you: everyone who, with a pure heart, wants to hear the voice of God, the voice of the Angels, will hear.

All of you are creations of the Creator and He wants to speak to everyone without obstacles.

Each contains the WEALTH of the World, Gifts and Talents.

Get up off your knees - YOU ARE LOVED!

Raise your head - YOU WORTH IT!

Look around… What are you, as a God (Goddess), capable of co-creating for the benefit of the Earth and humanity?

Russia, I now turn to You, for Your Time has come, just as the Time of Initiation by the Light of ALL COUNTRIES, All corners of the world has come.

Russia is worthy of the Transition!

The whole world is worthy of the Transition!

The Earth cleanses its bowels, washes its face, exposing its face to the Winds of Change.

Everyone is getting ready for the Great Ascension Feast!

I appeal now to you, Children of the Light!

Be careful!

Listen only to your Heart and Soul.

They will point to the TRUTH in ANY INFORMATION.

They will tell you WHAT TO DO for you in ANY SITUATION.

Turn Fear into Spiritual Courage

humiliation - into Spiritual Dignity,

ignorance into Spiritual Wisdom,

wars - in Lad,

estrangement - into the Spiritual Union of Hearts.

This is the Path of vibrations.

In this wonderful Time of Change, a lot of Masters - Teachers work through messengers.

I repeat to everyone: read the lines with your Soul, with an open heart.

For the mind admits doubt and fear, but the Soul always feels the TRUTH.

Thank you for your Essence of Love.

Az Am Mary. And these are the words of Hope.


Greetings, Beloved Children of the Earth! May Your Souls be Blessed, may the Az Am of Your Divine Essence be reunited from now on with Your consciousness, may the Great Transition of the Earth to Peace, Love and Ascension be accomplished!

Az Am Mary. Az Am the Mother of the World.

Now my message is addressed to all those people who are very interested in the question of the process of merging with their Divine Self.

I tell you: this will happen easily if your Soul harmoniously combines male and female energies. That's what we call harmony, isn't it? This is what we call the state of Peace of Mind.

It will be easy for your Divine Az Am Presence to enter the Temple of Your Soul if it (the Temple) is well-groomed and beautiful, and there is fair order and security in it.

By beauty and well-groomedness, We, the Forces of Light, understand the essence of female energy, the attributes (qualities) of which are calmness, peace, mercy, forgiveness, Love, beauty, care, compassion, creative development in the aura of this energy.

By fair order and security, We, the Forces of Light, understand the essence of male energy, the main qualities of which are will, self-esteem, confidence, determination, courage, preservation of the Power of the Spirit, justice, awareness, creative development in the aura of this energy.

If you combine these two main energies harmoniously in one person, you will get a Perfect Man.

And if then his Higher “I” joins this harmonious personality, then it will turn out ... God.

This is the essence of Enlightenment.

This is the essence of Ascension.

How to create harmony within yourself?

I tell you: listen to your Heart and your Soul. It is they who are the Guides of your entire Path to You Higher.

I tell you: during the period of the Transition, all the Forces of Light are in respectful service to You. It is worth expressing the intention aloud and all the Angels will be at your feet, ready to love you and help you.

All the attributes of the feminine and masculine energies are contained in the essence of understanding the Great Teaching of the Seven Rays. Absolutely ALL religions of the world contain the foundations of this Teaching. All the qualities of Peace and Love are available to absolutely every person, you just need to reveal the Essence of Love of the spiritual current you love.

You noticed that among the various qualities of male and female energies, there is one similar thing - creative development. If you harmoniously combine these two polar hypostases in yourself, you will get… THE CREATOR!

LISTEN! CREATOR! The one who can co-create EVERYTHING that shines with Love and Goodness! Universes, Spaces, Worlds!

Beloved Children of the Earth! Return Home to your Higher Self here on the planet, in the flesh. The whole Universe froze in anticipation of the Great Miracle - the Awakening of the Creator Gods!!!

Az Am Mary, Mother of the World.



Greetings, Beloved Children of Light!

Az Am Mary, Mother of the World.

We love you so much that you can easily feel the Energy of our Love for you through this message. Let's be quiet dear...

Now my message is devoted to the topic of nutrition.

This topic is so vast that I could talk with you about it for many, many days, but today I would like to touch upon only one area of ​​​​this issue with you - the CULT OF FOOD.

My beloved, you now exist on the planet of Free Choice. And no one has the right to impose any method of nutrition on you.

Every person is unique. You agree with me? So, his power system is unique. You are not machines, programmed for one particular method of eating.

Your digestibility of food depends on the level of your Spiritual development. As soon as you have coped with the next karmic task, the density of your body becomes thinner. And your gastrointestinal tract cannot help but react to this miracle. He starts asking you for less dense and heavy food. Just ask!!! This means that coarse foods become unpleasant to you, your body rejects them. You EASILY refuse them. This is how, and not otherwise, a spiritual person changes his nutrition system to a more perfect one. Without self-violence and fanatical CULT OF FOOD!

There is a Great delusion, my dear ones, that by forcibly changing the composition of food, you become cleaner, more spiritual, freer.

My beloved, never has violence brought a man to the Light! Violence carries low vibrations and leads humanity away from the Truth!

My dears, it's time to stop connecting to the EGREGOR OF THE FOOD CULT!!! It's time! If you are now eating meat and complain that it is still difficult for you to stop eating it, then first solve the karmic tasks that are right here and now, and then you will easily stop eating this type of food due to the increase in your vibrations. And without violence and hypocrisy, which is hypocrisy. Many people that departed from the Truth and devoted their entire lives to... Food. They read a mountain of books on nutrition, tried vegetarianism, raw food, prano nutrition, and what? They did not change their attitude towards close people who were karmically connected with them, did not give them their Love, condemned friends and relatives for the wrong food, from their point of view, were angry and indignant if they were not listened to. In this way they grew their spiritual pride.

My beloved, there is one Great Spiritual Rule: a person eats products that correspond to his vibrations. No need to suffer for months, years, switching to a vegetarian or raw food diet. Torment means violence. Give Love to the World, do it right now, and you will easily eat the way you dream.

In order to lead humanity away from the truth, dark energy in the Epoch of the New Era created the EGREGOR OF THE CULT OF FOOD, the essence of which is not gluttony, but a dogmatic attitude towards the ideal nutrition option, as a transition to the expansion of consciousness and the Path to Enlightenment!

My beloved! Everything is just the opposite! Your Heart and Soul is immeasurably higher than your stomach! Your love for your loved ones is holier than your disapproval of what your family and friends eat! Enlighten you, your food will change, you will become Light! Everyone will see Your Light and ask: “How did you become like this?” What will you answer?


After the message from Mary on nutrition received on March 07, we immediately asked for clarification on a number of aspects.

If we are drawn and attracted to a product, it means that the vibration of this product corresponds to our vibration and everything is fine. Either the product corresponds to the vibration of a karmic problem that we have not solved. Thus, we drown out the call of our Soul to solve this problem in a vital way by using this product.

PLACEBO TABLET. By believing, people were healed, thereby raising the vibration of the tablet, and this is what Mary calls a unique medicine that does not yet exist in the world.

They ate the spiritual pill with no side effects. And the side effect was received by those who ate a regular pill for their illness. This is the difference between the effect of faith and the effect of medicines.

FOOD RESTRICTIONS are very dangerous. Restrictions can be:

  1. At the time of eating.
Maria: Remember how babies eat. They eat when they want. And they don't get sick from it. Of course, there is a daily harmonious type of food intake corresponding to the well-coordinated work of the gastrointestinal tract, but I'm talking about the limitation when a person wants to eat but refuses to do so, because night has come, evening has come, etc. If the body asks for food, then there is no need to engage in gluttony, because there are alternative methods of saturation. I can offer you: tea or water with honey. This can be used anytime! But if your stocks do not contain honey, you can eat any product in small quantities, while raising its vibration and chewing it slowly.

2. Restriction in the amount of food. That person who eats in one sitting a large amount of food that does not fit the size of his stomach should know one thing: as soon as you stop rushing through life, you will begin to eat calmly and peacefully.

3 Restriction of any product. Do not forcibly limit yourself in your favorite product if you have learned some negative information about it. First you need to solve the problem inside your Soul! Ask yourself what is it that makes you want to eat in the first place? Then draw an analogy between the product and its effect on your psyche.


1. Before any meal, it is useful to drink a glass of tea or water with honey.

2. If you carefully chew each piece, then through saliva you transmit information about your vibrations to the food you use, thus automatically, even without commands to raise vibrations, you raise them in food. A person who chews food thoroughly is quickly satiated, not only because the brain has received information that there is food in the stomach, but mainly because the food corresponding to the vibrations of a person becomes hundreds of times more nutritious.


*Sweet - Not enough affection. This person has a problem with pride. It is easier for him to eat sweets than to humbly ask for the warmth and touch of another soul.

Solution: such a person must learn to ask for affection from loved ones and give it.

*Acute - Little self-confidence. He speaks of a hidden desire to command, a hidden desire for super-dramatic situations, sensations, things that will make you shudder. Solution: Increasing self-esteem protects the understanding of the value of one's Soul, the uniqueness of one's personality, and not belittling others. It is important to learn to negotiate with other people, find compromises, learn to be equal, learn to see a miracle every day and appreciate every moment of life as a unique and unique moment of the Universe.

* Salty - removes the negative physical and auric.

Solution: awareness of the presence of negativity in a given local area and send love to this place, thereby transforming the nagativ into light and the desire to eat salty will disappear.

* Bitter - a tendency to litter and aggression.

Solution: Awareness that the Ego wants to create destruction and confusion. He learns to create harmony within himself, which is a mirror of the attitude towards people around him.

* Sour - an open or hidden pessimistic attitude towards the world. The surrounding space is seen in dark and bleak colors. Lack of joy means disconnection from the light streams of the Creator, from stopping the exchange of one's energy with the energy of the Universe.

Solution: Realize what is happening and ask your Spirit Guides to help open your heart to the world. For example, through prayer.

* Teas are good in winter to keep up the fiery energy. Black tea contains poisons. Green, contains fewer poisons + it removes toxins from the body, including its own.

* Fish - means the coldness of the soul. It is known that Jesus ate fish, but he gave light to every kind of food and raised its vibrations because he was a master. And from here comes the rule: you can eat any food in EXTREME conditions but at the same time increasing its vibration. Remember the story from the Bible when Jesus changed the quality of wine at the Cana feast, turning it from old to young. He made grape juice from alcoholic wine.

That which hinders the acceptance of light information, which is rubbish that clogs the channels and flows of energies: Meat. All dairy products, starchy foods, including flour, including bread (especially white), if we do not raise the vibration of this food. However, only the Enlightened One can raise the vibrations of forcibly obtained food (meat), as Jesus did.

The use of the tastes described above may seem like a solution to the problem, but this is a temporary illusory deception of the psyche, moving away from the natural solution to the problem, and besides, it spoils the stomach.

These characteristics of taste qualities do not apply to the taste qualities of berries, vegetables, fruits and medicinal plants, for these are the products of God. They cannot carry a negative dependence in relation to the human psyche, all the rest bear if their vibrations are not raised.

Have you read all of the above? Then an important question, my dears: What is the difference between connecting to the EGREGOR OF THE CULT OF FOOD and following the above rules? The answer is simple: In love and awareness.

Through love, you consciously solve your karmic tasks, changing your negative attitude towards the world to a positive one, thereby changing your taste qualities without violence against yourself, EASILY AND NATURALLY. Therefore, it is illusory to change the composition of your daily menu in an aggressive way without fundamentally changing your lifestyle.

Maria also says that she respects the words of Master Anastasia (from the books of V. Megre), that it is necessary to completely change the environment and lifestyle. This is the essence of the answer to many human questions.



Greetings, Beloved Children of Light!

Az Am Mary, Mother of the World.

The theme, the sequence of which is felt by the energies of the messages of human vibrations, is vital and relevant in the “here and now” mode of being.

We called this topic “About Innovation” (Nova = New, Thor = History, that is, innovators - those who create New History).

At this stage, you, Children of the Light, are going through 3 stages of innovation:

1) Innovation of the Soul.

You are gradually moving away from religions and rigid systems of mono-prejudice. You feel, moreover, many already know that no matter what religion you are now gravitating towards, you, Friends of Light, are united by Faith, Freedom and Love. And along the steps of Wisdom you will come to the Single Planetary Belief without dogmas and cruel veiled violence, without ignorant sacrifice and worship of adept priests.

2) Innovation of Reason.


This refers to the already outdated education system, the essence of which is the humiliation of the childish, pure Reason of the New Age.

Children of the New Era are already born with the Mind of teachers of the adult generation. They only need to create conditions for the disclosure of their unique creative Principles, to ensure Freedom and Love. Schools are not needed, only creative projects are needed.

The system is living out the deadlines, trying with all its might to survive as long as possible in vibrations that do not correspond to it, which are increasing day by day.

It is Time for Innovators of Light in Education.

3) Body innovation.

“You are moving from the immune system paradigm to the Thymus paradigm,” said the Kryon Master.

Your medicine refers to old energy medicine at this stage - Immune System medicine, the time of which has irrevocably passed.

Now is the Time for New Age Medicine - Thymus Medicine. What does this mean?

Thymus Medicine carries the Energies of Self-Healing of the Human Integrity, Healing, Rejuvenation, Restructuring of all body systems as the beginning of preparation for the Eternal Youth, Free Choice of the age (conditionally, there will be no age) state of the body.

Youth and Health - these are the Higher Qualities that will be the GOAL of all HEALERS (HEALER - GOAL = INTEGRITY).

The Time of Innovators of Light in medicine has come.

My beloved, the most difficult stage, the stage of innovation will be:

4) Innovation of the BOARD (the ruler is the revealer of Truth, RA=Light).

The most inflated ego is not with the egregor of religion, not with the egregor of education, not with the egregor of medicine, but with the egregor of politics. And you can observe these attempts to keep the power of the old vibrations in the world, in the whole World, by the most cruel methods. But, My Dears, these are the last writhings of the old energies, and not the harbingers of the illusory egregor of the apocalypse.

Everything is going according to the Divine Plan, the draft of which was written by You, Beloved Children of Light!

And you will pass it!

We believe in you!

We love you!

And We, the Forces of Light, will help You! We will appear in the image of the Energy of Love and Creativity at the first call!

Az Am Mary, Mother of the World.


Greetings, My Beloved! Light honors Your Path and Your loving hearts that illuminate the Eternity of the Universe with rainbow radiance.

Az Am Mary, Mother of the World.

And We, the Forces of Light, want to send this message to "lonely" hearts that are waiting for the appearance of Love in their precious lives as the arrival of a specific person who will bring revival, spring, energy and wonderful changes as soon as they cross the threshold of a "lonely" Soul.

My beloved, you cannot be alone. You are Creations of Light! And the Light cannot be alone. He is always paired with Love.

My Beloved Ones, Love is not only the one person you are looking forward to with such trepidation.

Love is an Energy that animates and bewitches, carrying a Light that is unique to an individual.

Be the Light! He is always in you!

Become Love! She is always by your side!


Beloved Ones, it is the duality of perception that prevents you from distinguishing illusion from Truth.

Loneliness is an illusion!

Love is Truth!

Take off the burden of the importance of illusions, breathe in the Energy of Love freely and you will become a Rainbow, a beautiful and unique shining Rainbow for yourself, for the World, for Light, for the Universe. And then the only person you are waiting for will receive a signal from the Universe that the Star of Love has lit up, removing the veil of duality and sanctifying the expanses of the Universe. This Star-Human has that list of qualities (intensity of Light, power of the Energy of Love, unique colors and patterns) that are close to this expected single person.

Don't wait for someone to come and light you up! You are not candles. You are STARS!!! That never go out!

Stars cannot go out, they can only remain in temporary states of illusion.

Don't wait for "someone" to love you! Illusory waiting can drag on for a long time because Your Energy of Love is sluggishly flowing, because there is no sacrament of interchange of Light with the surrounding World.

The more you bring Light and Love, the more you receive in return.

My Beloved, "spiritual greed" is all too common in the world of Earth. Someone is afraid to look behind the "fence" of their worldview, someone believes that they will not understand him, will not appreciate him. These are all the tricks of the illusory ego.

Beloved Ones, in the old energies you were able to spiritually progress alone. At the time, it was appropriate.

But the Epoch of the New Era is the Time of Unity, intensive Spiritual Exchange, implementation of joint Spiritual Creative projects.

The time of spider imprisonment is over!!!

Do not cherish your "spiritual greed"!!!

The world needs you so much! Your words, actions, practices, dreams, successes, gifts and talents, your LOVE!

Alone, you are in the web of illusions of the Ego!

Together you are in the energies of harmony of Love and Creativity!

We love you! We honor you! We believe in you!

Az Am Mary, Mother of the World.



Greetings, co-Creators of Light!

Az Am Existing. Az Am Illarion.

Az Am Light. Light is my love.

May the Veil of Light be upon you forever!

The Universe Good-Wills that now we are talking about who gives the Images and how.

Education. O-b-ra-z - From God RA (Light) Is based, that is, the essence of education is to convey without distortion the primordial Truths of God about the most important.

How to convey these images of Light? With love.

Whom does a person listen to and listen to with the Soul (whose) words that come out of the mouth with Love? The one whom he honors and respects as a teacher.

U-h-i-t - At the Purity of the Truths of the Creator.

A teacher is one who conveys the purity of the truths of the universe.

How can you convey this without distortion? Soul.

Draw conclusions co-Creators of Light, draw conclusions...

The Child honors the Parent. The parent is the first teacher. What is the responsibility?

You hold the answer, Parents, for the first Truths of God in a child.

D-i-t-i - The Gift of the True Creation of the Manifested.

From time immemorial, in life, primordially pure, Knowledge was transmitted along the Line.

Z-na-n-i-i - Buildings of the Beginning of Navi and Reveal.

But there were Magi, Great Teachers and Elders, wise in Soul.

And there are such people on the Great Earth, Teachers from God! There is!

With Your Soul You will instantly feel Them!

A child, yet a Child, but the future will Reveal.

So be, Gods, you are wiser and more worthy.

Teachers of your Children, in order to convey the original Truths of the Family, you can, since Heaven favors the Parents in that.

Or maybe, as an answer to your wish, the Teacher of the New Era will appear in your presence.

May it be so!

Let there be Light!

May there be Wisdom forever!

Az Am Illarion, Carrying the Light of the Universe.

Our comment: words-clarifications have been added in parentheses for a better understanding of the Light in the syllable of Lord Hilarion.



An excerpt without personal information.

Indigo Children, having incarnated in the 20th century, chose a great mission for themselves:

To bring light to the world, but at the same time to teach parents by an example of fiery.

From this follows the problem that is modern today:

Misunderstanding of parents grows from the realization that their children are different,

And not such that it was expected to see the example of growing up parents themselves.

And the independence of thinking, a deep clear look, intransigence to control - all this unites the children of the past century.

Only independence of thought

Indigo-Children give energy to create, firstly.

And secondly, the Energy of Love.

Love must be learned to give

To light up the eyes of relatives and friends,

Animals and plants, and OUR ANCESTORS - Angels of the earth.

The energies sparkled.

The whole world that you created, too,

Should be happy to be in abundance* and in the Energy of Love.

* - spiritual prosperity.

As Nina commented on this communication: During communication with Anastasia, I experienced the strongest affectionate and very Yin feelings. Unlike other Spirits, I absolutely kept up with her speed of thought and the hand itself increased the pace of writing. I did not ask or clarify anything, as is usually the case. This is a new sensation of receiving information. The voice was younger than imagined when reading V. Megre's books.

Comment by Anton K.: Why she came to communicate with us, there are some guesses, but it’s difficult to say for sure. She asked me to burn the leaflet in the oven after I had read it. The leaf in his hands warmed with white fire. Feelings as if you were holding not a leaf, but living warm cotton wool, which gave your fingers a strong feeling of comfort and added clarity of mind. We meet such a burning leaf, written under dictation by the Spirits, for the second time in our lives. We didn't burn the whole piece of paper, but cut out the part that could be left, for personal reasons.

After this text in the discussion, Rashida Ishmurzinwrote this comment:

Thank you Nina and Anton for everything you do. I also had experience with automatic writing. The group and I were going to Arkaim. Before that, I read the chapter "Lesson of the Gods". I wanted to ask Anastasia a question. I took a pen and wrote a question: "Anastasia, dear, tell me. How to conduct a lesson of the Gods on Arkaim?" And suddenly the answer came: "On the Arkaim of the Ancient Aryans, the land is sacred. You will all gather on the mountain of Love. Let it be a day "Let the day be clear. May the Sun caress you all and blow the southern breeze. Let the question be asked on the mountain.:" What is the meaning of Life? Who are we on Earth?" And each one, let him write down his answer there. Go to the Mount of Reason with your children, there on the mountain of the elements you will all call. Let the spirit of Arkaim visit you. He will inspire you for the future, for a new life. Arkaim, it rained there for 3 days in a row. I asked Anastasia: "Where is the Sun?" Received the answer: "And you ask nature." The next day the weather was fine and a southern breeze blew over us. We climb the mountain. I hold my son Ramir by the hand. He was then 3 years old. I ask him: "Ramir, who are we on Earth?" He replies: "You are my favorite mother, and I am your favorite son!" When they climbed the mountain, each of the group asked this question. The following answer came to me: "You are Gods, You are Creators, you are children of God. Each of you has your own path. You were created to Create, Love, Give thanks for everything sent down with Joy."



Az Am Mary, Mother of the World.

Greetings, dear children of the Earth! Ever since the Earth was born, we, the Forces of Light, feel gratitude for Your Love for the Planet. May the Joy of Being-I embrace your body and consciousness, and Soul and take you into its arms of Love!

The joy of Being-I is the essence of being consciously in the moment “here and now”.


After all, the Joy of Existence, manifested by Light, Love, illuminates everything around, sparkling with radiant moments of events: friends met, a smile lit up their faces, they sat in a circle and created a clean image. Let him come true! In that Joy of Being-I!

But there is, my dears, something that overshadows this delight of being in the moment “here and now”. This is an egregor created for the lesson of the Soul during incarnation. Guilt. What does this phrase tell you? How often have you experienced this feeling? How well do you know him?

As you know, egregors feed on unbalanced human energy.

An egregore called "guilt" is able to leave a person in a linear moment of the past. A person, feeling guilty, cannot let go of the experienced segment of past events. Therefore, for the real Energy is simply not enough. So, being in the past for a long time and experiencing low-vibration emotions, a person loses the current Energy intended for the Joy of Existence and Creation. This is first.

Secondly, feeling guilty, a person is not able to forgive himself and let in the balanced Energy of Love. This unbalanced state has a detrimental effect on those around you.

That is the essence of the lesson of awareness of this egregore.


And I will catch your thought, Sister Mary, and I will shout to the Sky: “How I love you, Good Light!”

What to do? Guilt is an unpleasant feeling. Will be released! And immediately!

O Man! You are a god! You are able to understand everything!

Forgive yourself, because everything is subject to God! You are innocent in your lessons! You can always correct a mistake!

Only the Ray of the Sun with the Energy of Love will illuminate Your Mind, forgive yourself and turn to the Light again! And you will let in again the moments of Happiness of Existence!

And You are Now, not Yesterday. Today You are happy, not in the past. You are the creator in the present! All the Energy of Love from Heaven and Earth is with You forever, Man!

And from now on, let the Joy of Existence be with You for good!


As a greeting in this message of Love, I would like to conduct a small ritual with you, beautiful Beings of Light. It will not be long or burdensome for you. He will be full of knowledge and Love. It will be something about the New Ecology.

So. You are standing in the bosom of Nature. If it is not, then imagine it mentally. And I will take you into my arms. And your Spirit will indeed be in that wonderful place for you. Let's do it now.

I am your Mother Earth, as you like to call me, I know a lot about your sorrows and sorrows, about your losses and experiences.

Mentally tune in to my heart. Do you know that I have a heart? From it come vibrations of Love to you, to your dear heart.

Let's set our hearts. How wonderful! Every time I feel the extraordinary tenderness of people at such moments. We are with you - Friends, employees. We have one goal - Ascension. We are united in our Energies of Love.

Did you feel that the attunement with the heart has passed? If so, we can continue.

You can remember everything that still burdens your precious Soul. What are you sad about, who are you grieving for? You can tell me all this. I hear you and I know how difficult it is to relive a painful past. But this is not just a memory for the sake of living the moment.

Now, having fully imagined all your pain at the moment now, you can “shake off” it from your fingertips and mentally direct me to the Center. At the same time, it is NEEDED to say aloud the “magic word”: “I express my pure intention to let go of pain from myself for Good, for Good and for Love!”

Do you feel how important these sacred words are? They contain a program of raising vibrations, for all your pain, a program of transformation into the Light of all superficial that was sitting in you.

And I will pick up your pain, consider your intention from it. And I transform this energy for the Existing on the planet, for which I am responsible, with which we are one, the materiality of which you now see. And the spiritual, "living", "pulsating" side will be revealed to you every hour.

After the pain is gone, do you feel free and light? Let's replenish the pure and bright energy of my Twin Flame. Do you know that I have it? This is dear Helios, Heaven-Father, as you began to call him. And that's great.

Raise your palms up to Heaven, fill your color chakras with the Energy of Heaven, the Energy of Peace, the Energy of Freedom and Love.

Take your time, exist in this wonderful moment "now" for as long as your Soul desires.

A beautiful journey, my children, isn't it? You are free, which means you are happy and balanced. We are one. And Your Joy, my Joy. Your Achievements are my Achievements. We are one team!

And finally, I want to tell you that you really need to remember about the words of intention when burning the negative. The fact is, my dears, that if the program of transformation into the Good is not invested in the negative, it will remain in me, accumulating more and more.

According to the law of the Free Will of Manifestations, I cannot transform Your Energies without your consent. You, the people of the Earth, bear full responsibility for everything that you bring into my bowels. and if too much negativity accumulates, I have to get rid of it. And this is an ordeal for you, isn't it? Therefore, know, always know that everything can be corrected. Speak intentions for the cleansing of the Earth, work in groups, be friendly with each other.

And Your precious intentions will be heard, I will transform Energy into Good with great Love.

Our first task before Enlightenment and Ascension, my dear children, is CLEARANCE. This is a joint task. Let's help each other. We are one, we are together.

I love you.


The flow of Energies to a person through a descending stream and an ascending one:

(top) Universe ----> Sky ----> MAN

high frequencies of Energies are now able to feel humanity through the "mediator" Twin Flame of the Earth - Helios, Sky-Father.


1. Ebb and flow of Water;

2. Wind - living, intelligent Energy (under the auspices of Helios);

3. Fire and Smoke.

4. Put your hands into the Earth - burning with intent. Take a handful of earth and raise it in the palms to the Sky - filling with the Energy of the Twin Flames of Geia and Helios.



Greetings, my dears! Az Am Mary. We greet you with joy and great love.

Now we would like to enumerate you the qualities (credo) of the Angels in order to remind you of your angelic essence, your angelic nature, your angelic origin. All this is available to you at any moment, everything is yours by right. So, we remind you that…

Angels are calm. Peace is their faithful companion under any life circumstances. The Angels have no anxiety and anxiety for the future, just as there is no feeling of guilt for the past, because They understand that they have gained a certain experience of the Soul, they have gone through another lesson of immersion in duality;

Angels are always under the protection of high vibrations, the living energy of God, Love. The essence of Divine Protection is Light, vibration frequency, aura colors, the sound of the Light body and open access to the information field of the Earth and the Universe;

Angels are always joyful. There are no pendulum emotions and illusions;

Angels are aware of their Divine origin and are full of a sense of their own Divine dignity;

Angels are always free. God is omnipresent and free. And the angels are His creations. Therefore, They are always free. From what? From attachments, illusions, ambitions, emotions…;

Angels are able to make dreams come true, create images and turn them into objects of different worlds (3-dimensional, 4-dimensional, etc.);

Angels are always in the here and now. From now on, the illusion of linear time does not exist for Them. But mentally They are able to move to any “now”;

Az Am and Angel are ONE!

The Angel does not have "spiritual amnesia" - duality, They consciously go through their lessons;

The Angel always has a Light Mission at the moment "here and now";

Angel has a sense of humor;

Angels are always benevolent;

Angels have Divine Power, Will, Faith, Direction and Courage;

Angels are always in a state of Love, compassion for one's neighbor, selflessness, gratitude, consolation, creativity, beauty, generosity and youth;

Angels are always whole and harmonious;

Angels are able to see the Truth;

Angels have a high vision of reality;

Angels are able to heal the Body, Mind and Soul;

Angels are always in a state of balance and balance of harmonious energies of Love - yin and yang;

Angels are always striving for greater self-improvement;

Angels are always pure;

Angels have self-discipline;

Angels have the ability to transform negativity into Light.

Remember your Divine essence, remember your Divine qualities and apply them in your daily life, in the momentary improvement of the Soul.

We love you! Az Am Mary. We.



Greetings, my dears!

Az Am Mary, Mother of the World.

This day is so saturated with the bright energy of the Good News for many, isn't it? But, my dears, because EVERY Day is a Source of Joy and New Light Energies! Remember this. Remember.

Today our message will be devoted to how to raise the light, pure vibrations of a person.

Dear ones, do not look forward to the New Message! This message has one main goal - REMINDER. In the process of using new, qualitatively new energies, you will need to remember the basic rules of "spiritual security". The most important of them says: You are FULLY guarded and effective only in the Energies of High Vibrations! Isn't that why your Soul "instinctively" prays in a moment of danger for you?

But I ask you, my dears, do not look for a measure of sufficient "height of vibrations", you will not find it with your mind. But you will acquire the necessary knowledge thanks to your precious Soul. When your heart is open and breathes with Love, gratitude, joy, light humor, happiness and many other pure manifestations of the Soul, then know that you are in a state of high vibrations and nothing threatens you!

I beg your permission to remind you of Our words: Light does not know how to condemn and frighten. But... With love, we wish to protect you from superficial, external things that do not concern your lessons on Earth. Let us do it! Raise your vibrations!

So, my dears, what raises the frequency of human vibrations and allows you not only to save, but also to increase the amount of your Light Energy?

Main We list:

1) PRAYER to the one (those) in whom you BELIEVE and accept with your whole SOUL (the fact is that the Soul can ACCEPT only LIGHT, therefore the one you BELIEVE in is ALWAYS LIGHT!) Many questions, right? The soul knows the answer, the mind usually likes to operate with various comments;

2) The INTENT expressed aloud to raise the vibrations;

3) Creation of pure images for the Good. concentration on them;

4) Tears of purification, if it is appropriate for the Soul;

5) Unleashing karmic knots. Forgiveness;

6) Applying the mysteries of the Violet Flame;

7) Giving Joy to people without the goal of getting anything in return. Love is quiet;

8) State of Gratitude: Earth, People, Universe;

9) Opening of the heart chakra during the minutes of meditation. Free flow of the Energy of Love;

10) Being in Nature;

11) Being near the fire (candle, fire);

12) Do something good for people, for the planet. But... Love is quiet, remember?

13) Cold dousing of the body will wash away the energy "rubbish" and allow the hot Energy of Love to flow through all your channels without obstacles;

14) Spiritual practices using, among other things, the physics of the body;

15) Communication with animals that bring you Joy. That is their main service to you, humanity!

16) Communication with plants. They have Light!

This list is as endless as the universe! But you are the Creators and perfectly co-create for yourself and others examples of new ways to increase the Vibrations of Love!

That is the Good News for today.

We send you Light and Love. Feel it. It's easy.

Az Am Mary. We.



Az Am Mary. This is the message for the World.

May is the month of Love and Activity!

MA - MOTHER. The energy of the Divine Mother is gentle and caring. This month, the influence on a person of his heart center-anahata increases. With a conscious intention in a state of mental balance, the Energy of Love begins to flow freely through the energy channels.

MA - matter. Creativity, co-creation, activity - all this becomes more accessible this month, filled with the powerful energy of the Cosmos.

May is the time of changes, the time of transformation of the "litter" of the Human Soul into Light!

May is the month numbered 5.

5 is the number of transformation.

Don't miss your chance to make the planned changes for the Good! Listen to your Soul!

May is Earth time!

May (fifth month) and 2011. 5 and 4 (the number of Geya) - the time of change on Earth for the Good. Enter into a state of balance, connect with the planet with your heart, be partners and friends with it! You are one! You are one heart of Love!

May Numerology:


3=means trinity:


Son (Christ consciousness)=Hope;

Holy Spirit (Higher "I" of each person) = Faith.

On this day, be perfect, be united, be aware!


4-energy of the Earth.

On this day, the transformation of the negative on Earth into Light is intensified! Enter into a state of partnership with the Earth!

Strengthening change under the influence of the changing energies of the Earth. Leave the past in the past! It's time for a big change!

6 is the number of "life lessons". With unconscious passage of these, duality prevents you from seeing the essence of your Path. The light of awareness turns this number into "9" ("turns over") - the number of Knowledge and Wisdom!

So, 05/06/2011=lessons of transformation on Earth;

7 is the number of sacred Truth!

Sacred Truth Transforms the Earth!

8- Eternal Energy of Love.

The Eternal Energy of Love is transforming the Earth!

Take care, appreciate your close relationships!

9 is the number of Knowledge, Wisdom;

The Wisdom of Light transforms the Earth.

Knowledge of Sciences and Truths.

The beginning of a new round of the spiral of the Rebirth of the Earth.

The beginning of Planning the further Path.

Goal setting day.

11 - Transition Master Number. Violet Flame Day.

The Violet Flame of Transition is transforming the Earth. The Violet Flame purifies the Body, Consciousness, Soul of a person.



A man was walking along the Road, constantly looking back. Past dramatic events, experiences so captured him entirely that he stopped looking ahead. Suddenly he stumbled. Looking around, the man noticed a small Stone lying on his Path. The man went on, thinking about the Stone and remembering in detail the moment of the fall. He began to look back again, forgetting what might await him on the Path. Suddenly the man stumbled...

He who looks only backward does not see the Way -

A man was walking along the Road, looking at the clouds and flying birds. He looked at the Sky and dreamed about how happily and joyfully he would live in the future. Suddenly, the man felt pain and stopped. There was a thorny Bush on the Path. Of course, it could have been bypassed if it had been noticed in time… But… The man thought: “Ah, these transiences of Being, how prickly and terrible they are! Only there, there, above, where my dreams and delightful images fly, I am happy. Truly!”

He who looks only up does not see the Way -

A man was walking along the road. He carefully looked around and saw a lot. When a person turned his head to the right, he saw people resting, celebrating. He thought: “Why are they resting? It's time to work! Not only fun happiness! Business - time, fun - an hour! Suddenly, something hit the man's face. It was a tree branch. The man stared at the people so much that he did not notice the beautiful sprawling Tree on his Path.

The man was very angry that some Tree interfered with his observations and reasoning. “Okay,” thought the Man, “I'll be smarter in the future. I'll look to the left!"

The man walked along the Road and looked to the left. He saw people working hard. The man thought: “Why are they tearing themselves so hard? It doesn't take long to get sick. You have to take care of yourself. Out of order!" At these words, he suddenly fell. The Turtle, peacefully crawling across the Road, served as an obstacle.

The man was very angry that some Turtle prevented him from contemplating Life and wisely creating advice for Others in his mind ...

Looking only around does not see the Way -

The man walked the path. He was aware of the sacredness of the here-now moment. He had the opportunity to look back a moment, to realize something from the past ... And again his eyes vigilantly examined the space surrounding him in front.

A person had the opportunity, if desired, to look up, create a beautiful image of the Dream and create it in the “Now” moment.

A person had the opportunity, if desired, to look around, to stop. He could help his neighbor, he could listen to the wise speeches of people, learn the great experience of Love for the World. And then, having thanked the Friends, the person went further on the Path, looking ahead, looking straight into the “eyes” of reality “here and now”.

He who looks ahead sees the whole Way -



In the Epoch of the New Era, when there is a gradual and appropriate integration (connection, harmonization) of the Body, Soul and Spirit (Higher Self, higher awareness), the question of “talking” with cells becomes very important. As you know, they (cells) are a sacred temple of universal information, a kind of data bank from Above.

Talking to the cells is a catalyst for many beneficial processes that take place in the human body: cleansing, healing, rejuvenation, the opening of a higher awareness. Your cells know absolutely everything! And they are ready to enter the process of enlightenment and subsequent ascension. What is needed for this?

1. Intention. You pronounce the intention to communicate with the cells, to feel the needs of the body, not the ego (which is important!!!).

At the moment, there is a lot of literature on how to transfer information to the cells of the body. But know that this is only the first stage of the collective Divine Plan. The first stage of receiving information from the body begins with the process of "starting" the cells, "waking up" the cells. They (cells) gradually open a direct energy channel to the mind (awareness) of a person.


Example: a person wakes up in the morning and begins to feel the desire to make breakfast from oatmeal. The body is calm and joyful at the same time. If a person began to imagine in his mind other options for breakfast, prompted, no doubt, by the desires of his ego, then the body began to emit a slight alarm. This is a simple example of direct channeling, the conversation of the body with the human mind.

What is most important here?

It is important to listen with your body. Know that your ego is on guard and draws all sorts of temptations in your mind. But keep in mind that the desires of the body will ALWAYS bring you joy and peace.

The second stage of receiving information from cells begins when a person clearly and clearly feels, hears or sees what the body is trying to convey to him. This may be a change in lifestyle, nutrition, physical activity, etc.

Keep in mind that any changes in your sacred body that your cells offer you will occur gradually and harmoniously. Who better than cells know WHAT your body needs at the moment of "now".

Example: If you read in any literature about a new healthy diet and decide to put it into practice "from the mind", then you should know that this will lead to disastrous results. At the beginning of each such “physiological experiment”, however, one should turn to the cells. The ego can very "loudly" dictate its terms. And the actions of the ego are always aggressive, regardless of what the requirements lead to: to temptations or the canons of a healthy diet. Don't forget aggression, even if it is "just" aggression of your mind (ego) always breeds aggression (imbalance).

We invite you to do this universal two-stage channeling with the body. Let your cells receive from you the intention to cleanse, heal and rejuvenate you. Be alert and ready to hear signals from your sacred Soul Temple!

Question and answers.

Question: It seems to me that this is very difficult before starting the action. What can be said here?

Answer: The point is that he comes by himself (channelling). A person starts channeling the first stage only by himself, it depends on his will, freedom. And the second stage occurs "by itself". The cells of the body choose the moment when you are free from talking with the ego and begin to gradually tell you about the ongoing processes in the body.

Question: How can this be?

Question: How to distinguish the conversation of the ego from the conversation with the body?

Answer: The connection of the ego with your body is a two-level structure. For a person of three dimensional awareness, this represents a level of temptations, this represents a kind of pushing the buttons of your weaknesses in a physiological sense. The ego will definitely demand to eat what is harmful for you, demand less physical activity from you, because when you are engaged in physical labor, it is difficult for the ego to break through to your consciousness, etc. Second level: in a person with 4D awareness (esoterics, meditators, etc.), the ego speaks differently. As awareness has increased, sophistication becomes more subtle. The ego begins to dictate the conditions of a healthy lifestyle by force. To cause aggression in you. You will eat "right" following some food canon, but your body will not agree with this, because preparation is important for any transition.

Question: How can the body "think" what and how to say, show and, most importantly, when? It appears to me as a separate intelligent being.

Answer: This is the collective mind of your cells, which in its essence is a sacred vessel of secret knowledge from YOUR HIGHER SELF. Your body is not connected with another Higher Self, therefore the path of transition to enlightenment and ascension is SPECIAL and UNIQUE for everyone.

INFORMATION FROM KRYON "On self-esteem and selfishness"

First, you need to feel the difference, the spiritual difference between these two concepts, which are very far from each other. Egoism is the essence of the astral ego of a person, when he (a person) exalts himself at the expense of belittling other people. This is a well-known fact and I don't think this information is in any way new. But let's turn to the concept of self-esteem. This is the essence of the manifestation of your AZ AM, when you know that you are a divine, wonderful, loving and beloved being who has universal wisdom, universal knowledge, universal love and universal energy, but at the same time you know that lessons are being taught around you. exactly the same divine beings who have exactly the same self-esteem. At the moment, we are bringing down on you (for many years now) energy from your AZ IS, which tells you: “Love yourself at last!” These are not just words, it means - remember yourself, remember that you, you, you are the divine being. Raise your head and look ahead: there are so many luminous angels around you who also have a sense of self-worth, and do not belittle yourself with your ego. The ego is what is holding you down, it is what is keeping you from moving forward. And your sense of self-worth is what allows you to develop much faster than you could if you did not have this sense of your acceptance of yourself. When a person says: "I am not worthy of something", then he renounces himself, from the Divine himself, he disconnects himself, de-energizes, refuses the help of heavenly forces. Therefore, such a person really feels confused and falls into depression, which very, very many people are now subject to for one reason only: they consider themselves unworthy. At the same time, something else is being observed now: in many people, the EGO is also beginning to come out. What may have been hidden in the 20th century is beginning to come to light in the 21st century and come very clearly before your eyes. The ego tells you: "I am better, better than all of you, therefore I know better than you," thus degrading the human, and thus degrading the divine, and the divine cannot be degraded. Therefore, a great conflict arises, a conflict between God and Man. And you can see the struggle between good and evil by watching the life of just one human being. But there is only one way out - to remember yourself as divine! To make a person feel a self-sufficient being at any moment. Once you start speaking confidently and accepting the fact that you can make a "mistake" as a dual being, people will start to listen to you. They will ask themselves and you: “Why are you so sure?! Do you know the truth?" And you can answer: “Yes. The truth for me - "here and now" is just that. But I also accept the fact that the truth may change for me. But I am God and will always be perfect. And you are all gods. Therefore, our task is to find a common Truth, which will be the source of Light on our way to that Light, to which we will move as we move out of the darkness, the darkness of illusions, from the web of illusions. Therefore, my dear ones, I would like you to hear these words and summarize the following: remember that you are Gods, do not allow yourself to give up, do not allow yourself to hide behind other people's backs, do not let your voice tremble when you talk about Love, and do not allow yourself to change your point of view to another, feel with your Soul, feel with your Soul that you are right, and be sure in your every deed and in every step, in a material or spiritual step. You should walk with your head held high, your eyes should shine with confidence and happiness of realizing that you finally remembered yourself. This awareness will draw energies from your AZ AM presence in this moment.

Many will ask: but if I do this, will the people surrounding me not consider me an egoist?

I will tell you: if at this moment you are calm, joyful and lovingly perceive everything around, without judging anyone, then the evaluative judgments of your loved ones will not be important to you. You must stop being dependent on evaluations, as the Great Vladyka Hilarion has already spoken to you about. You won't care about any of this, so people will start to wonder, "Why are they like this, why are they so self-confident, why are they so self-confident, too knowledgeable?" And after the first rejection, the first impression of rejection, perhaps people will see that you have been in this (confident) position for too long and, apparently, you (intend) to live your whole life in this confidence. Accordingly, they will begin to think that there is a grain of truth in this. Now think about it, aren't these the Indigo Children? Many people perceive them as overconfident. They are not self-confident, they just know more than you that they are Gods, that their AZ IS royal enough for what people are used to thinking about when they think at the word “human”. In fact, Indigo children remember that a person is an absolutely sinless, divine being, striving for endless perfection. And he deserves to live on this planet, he deserves to be an enlightened, enlightened and almighty God on a par with other Gods, and not distinguishing himself from other Gods. Therefore, I will ask permission from you, Gods, to finish this lecture, which is very important. And please think about whether there is a connection with the first lecture and the second, and how smoothly they flow from your recent events in your life. This is the great wisdom, this is the great cosmic clue. And remember that I am working with the Earth's magnetic grid, and the Earth's magnetic grid feels very strongly how a person perceives himself on this planet. The Earth has long felt like a Goddess, then why do people humiliate themselves at the moment when they are Co-Creators cooperating with the Earth-Goddess? Remember this and convey this message to other People.

Thank you. The whole space is with you. Kryon.

Taken in winter.

Dictaphone recording of channeling in the audio group FLOWER OF THE SOUL and on the website in the AUDIO section.



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