Portal for car enthusiasts

The role and importance of the car in human life. The meaning of the car in the life of my classmates "Vedra" and domestic cars

The car and its role in human life - the history of vehicles is rooted in the distant past, when a person tamed a horse, realizing what was on it

He can travel long distances. The thirst for knowledge of the world, the desire to see the unknown distances forced people to look for ways and means to move around the Earth faster. Horses, camels, mules, oxen have served people as a vehicle for thousands of years. The end of the 19th century gave people a car, and for more than a hundred years this vehicle has not lost its popularity, but, on the contrary, is in even greater demand among the townsfolk. Undoubtedly, a private car provides many advantages: independence from public transport, from the schedule of trains, trains, flights. Traveling long distances saves money - 5 people ride in a car for the cost of fuel. For example, for 1000 kilometers you need to spend gasoline for 3200 rubles, and on the train for 5 you have to pay 10-12 thousand. There is an economic benefit of operating a car, provided that it is not an old wreck that requires constant repair, but reliable and strong.

But consider other aspects of the use of vehicles. The most negative consequence of its exploitation is the death of people. Every day people die on the roads in car accidents, the statistics are simply amazing by the scale of human casualties. Despite tightening laws and regulations, the number of accidents with human casualties is not decreasing. Unfortunately, every day the scrolling line of the TV screen mercilessly reports new victims of car accidents. This is one of the most negative aspects of using cars.

In recent years, we have become witnesses and, in part, participants in various natural disasters: hurricanes, tornadoes, storms and tsunamis, unprecedented frosts and merciless heat. Climate scientists have already concluded that the "greenhouse effect" plays a role in climate change. Of course, in its creation a significant role belongs to cars that produce exhaust gases. Residents of megacities feel the negative impact of these emissions: chronic fatigue, headaches, asthma - this is an incomplete list of common diseases of city dwellers. Another scourge that hits the health of motorists is physical inactivity, which has engulfed the modern population from 18 to 70 years old. How many young men aged 30-35 have to be seen, with difficulty getting out of cars, breathing heavily, with their bellies protruding forward, with swollen faces. Often this is the result of a sedentary lifestyle, many hours of sitting behind the wheel. For many, the passenger car has become the most important object of attention, the meaning of life.

The car and its role in human life has become very significant. The automobile industry has embraced all segments of the population of our country, from the low-income to the super-rich. If the former are ready to buy a pile of scrap metal at bargain prices at car flea markets, then the latter seek out the latest models of luxury foreign cars at car dealerships. Every day you can observe an endless stream of cars on the streets of cities and towns, constant traffic jams and traffic jams. The inhabitants of Russia, as they say, seized upon cars, as the natives once did upon shiny knick-knacks. The consequence of this is “rejuvenated” sciatica, osteochondrosis, ischemia, heart failure, diabetes mellitus and other equally terrible diseases. It is understandable to travel by personal car on a long journey, to visit relatives, to the country house, but to drive to work on a neighboring street or to a store located around the corner is nonsense. It is all the more pointless to travel every day in a big city, where there is a subway and a huge amount of public transport. Yes, a car is an undeniable achievement of scientific and technological progress, but it needs to be used more intelligently!

The car has become an integral part of the modern world. But this vehicle, which changed the life of all mankind, is a little over a hundred years old. The word "car" is formed from two parts - the Greek "autos" ("self") and the Latin "mobi-fox" ("moving"). This means that a car is a self-propelled (sometimes they said “self-running”) car. The first cars were called so: self-propelled carriages. They appeared at the end of the 19th century.

What is a car in the modern sense? It is a transport trackless vehicle, mainly on wheels, driven by its own engine. Cars include not only cars, but also buses, trucks, various special vehicles - construction, fire, military ... And of course, racing cars that look like rockets on wheels.

It all started with a wheel. Who invented it? Nobody knows the answer. The name of the genius was lost in the darkness of centuries. It is only known that from about the middle of the 4th millennium BC, the wheel was already known in Mesopotamia. It was there that archaeologists unearthed images and remains of the first wagons.

On January 29, 1986, the world celebrated a significant date: the car turned 100 years old. In 1886, Karl Benz (1844-1929), an engineer from Mannheim, received a patent for his first invention, a vehicle with an ignition motor. The fact that this patent would later become evidence of the birth of the automobile could not even be imagined by Benz himself.

The centenary of the car could have been celebrated even earlier. Because long before Benz and his patented car, the British and French were already driving fantastic cars. Like most great inventions, the automobile had not one, but several fathers. Mankind has long dreamed of a transport that would move itself. The ancient Egyptians, for example, used a scooter - a plank with two wheels and a rod to maintain balance. Then they lifted the plank, began to sit on it and move, pushing off the ground with their feet. However, even in the 17th century, the dream of self-propelled transport was still a dream. Only the discovery of the steam engine revolutionized the means of transportation. The first inventors experimented with large steam boilers.

We can say that the very first car appeared in 1770. This miracle of technology was created by the Frenchman Nicolas Joseph Cugno. Being an artillery officer and faithfully serving his king, he was looking for a way to quickly deliver heavy guns to the front. And he came up with a car that dragged a load weighing up to 3 tons at a speed of up to 4 kilometers per hour. He built three huge wheels. It was powered by a steam engine without a firebox. A fire was made under the boiler and water was heated. Brakes for cars have not yet been invented. When Cugno wanted to demonstrate his sensational steam engine in 1771, his car crashed into a stone wall at full speed and survived! She was stronger than the wall. This was the first historically recorded traffic accident involving a self-driving car.

But despite the inglorious end of this invention, the French are proud that their compatriot built the first functional car.

The idea of ​​using more miniature steam engines to move down the street did not leave the inventors alone. In 1803, a steam car was created in England, which was used in London to transport passengers. People called the three-wheeled 7-passenger omnibus the "puffing devil".

Londoners were very frightened when they saw steaming vehicles on the road, and soon the Red Flag law came out - the world's first law regulating road traffic. He demanded that a man with a red flag walk in front of each steam car during the day, and with a red lamp at night. In addition, the cars were required to drive at a pace.

In 1804, the Swiss Isaac Rivats succeeded in creating the ancestor of the modern motor. Instead of steam, Rivatz experimented with combustible gases. The Swiss traveled only a meter on his invention, which opened a new era in technology.

The true history of cars is associated with the names of German inventors. One of them was Karl Benz (1844-1929), the owner of a small factory that produced internal combustion engines.

In 1885, Karl Benz designed his first self-propelled carriage. This ancestor of modern automobiles was three-wheeled. The car has survived to this day, now it is in one of the museums in Germany. The engine ran on gasoline and allowed speeds up to 16 kilometers per hour.

Already in August 1888, Benz's wife Bertha and his sons, teenagers Eugen and Richard, made the world's first motor rally. Leaving early in the morning from Mannheim, in the evening they arrived in Pforzheim, where my grandmother lived, having overcome 180 kilometers in a day. On the way, the brave travelers ran out of fuel, and they bought gasoline ... in a pharmacy!

“The father of the car” is called not only Karl Benz, but also another German designer and entrepreneur - Gottlieb Daimler (1834 - 1900). Daimler has been developing and improving engines for many years. In 1883, he patented a horizontal engine that made up to 600 revolutions per minute, and two years later - a vertical one. In November 1885, the inventor installed his motor on a two-wheeled carriage and made a test drive on it. So Daimler created the "saddle car" - the first motorcycle.

In 1886, just a year after the invention of the "saddle car", Daimler created a self-propelled carriage on the basis of a cab - a small carriage to which horses were harnessed.

The inventor “simply and simply” attached the engine and steering to the span - the result was a car. Its maximum speed was 18 kilometers per hour. From that moment on, Daimler could rightfully claim that he had created the world's first four-wheeled car.

And despite this, Daimler was late: the car with an internal combustion engine had already been invented by Karl Benz.

Several hundred inventors claimed that they were the ones who came up with the “horseless carriage.” But it was Daimler and Benz who were able to complete all four necessary first steps. After all, only they put forward the very idea of ​​a car, filed a patent - a document confirming their rights to an invention, built working models of cars and, finally, mastered the production of cars. These two geniuses did not even imagine that they would soon lay the foundation for the world-famous automobile company Daimler-Benz, which has existed for more than a decade.

Since 1902, all passenger cars of the Daimler plant began to be called Mercedes. It happened like this. In March 1899, the Austrian diplomat and car enthusiast Emil Jelinek won one of the very first races in the world in a Daimler car. In an effort to perpetuate his success, Jelinek insisted that Daimler cars be named after his ten-year-old daughter, Mercedes.

This company still produces cars of the famous Mercedes model. True, over the years the name of the company has changed - now it is not called Daimler-Benz, but Daimler-Chrysler, but this does not prevent it from producing more than a million cars annually.

The first Russian car was created in the spring of 1896 by Evgeny Yakovlev and Petr Frese. Their car with a 2 horsepower engine was demonstrated in Nizhny Novgorod at the All-Russian Art and Industrial Exhibition. Yakovlev and Frese's machine has not been preserved, but a copy of it is in the Moscow Polytechnic Museum.

MBOU "Secondary School No. 1", Shelekhov, el. address: golubeva. *****@***en

"A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation."

Henry Ford


Human society, solving the problems of its rapid development, owes much to the car. Cars have firmly taken their place in human life. They have become so familiar that the dangers associated with their use are involuntarily forgotten. Like any achievement of progress, the car also harms the environment. However, the car is at the same time a tireless assistant, if a person thinks through all the moments of communication with him, follows the rules of operation and safety. And I set out to find out:

When did the first car appear? Who created it?

How much does the car affect the environment?

What is the role of the car in human life?

Revealing the importance of the car in the lives of my classmates.

To achieve these goals, the following tasks were set:

1. Study the history of the car.

2. Determine the impact of the car on the environment and human health.

3. Reveal the role and importance of the car in the life of classmates.

Research hypothesis: having collected information about the history and reasons for the creation of the car, I will find out whether its invention is really necessary for mankind.

Object of study: information sources.

Subject of study: photographs, newspaper articles, encyclopedic and Internet sources.

Research methods: theoretical, comparison and analysis.

1. The history of the creation of the car

1.1. The first cars in the world.

For many years, people dreamed of flying carpets and walking boots. These dreams were embodied in fairy tales. But in real life, it was necessary to work to feed yourself and your loved ones. It took many months to overcome the distances between cities, the construction of buildings went on for years, because there were too few of the own physical forces of man and the forces of animals.

This went on for thousands of years, until man began to create machines capable of working hard, doing hard work and remaining obedient to the will of man. So there were wagons, carriages.

In the carriages, people strived for comfort, improving everything more and more. The desire of people to increase speed accelerated the change of events in the history of transport development. From the Greek "autos" - "self" and the Latin "mobilis" obilis - "mobile" in European languages, the adjective self-propelled, literally "auto - mobile" has developed.

In 1490, Leonardo da Vinci designed a hand-operated carriage.

Russian mechanic - self-taught peasant Leonty Shamshurenkov created a "self-running carriage", which was set in motion by the power of two people. In 1 years, the Russian inventor Kulibin worked on a "self-running scooter".

In his "scooter" such elements of the car as a gearbox, steering gear, brakes were used for the first time.

In the 18th-19th centuries, steam power began to be used as a driving force for carriages. In 1769, the French inventor Nicolo - Joseph Cugnot made a "steam cart" that moved at a speed of 3.6 km / h.

The next source of crew movement was electricity. The first electric carriage was built in 1837 by the Englishman Robert Davidson. Such a crew moved at a speed of 3 km / h due to the energy from the batteries installed on the vehicle.

But it is the years that are considered to be the year the car was created, and its inventors were German engineers Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler. The first car with a gasoline engine was made by Benz and had 3 wheels, weighed 230 kg and could reach speeds of up to 16 km / h.

The term "car" was established in the world after 1894, when the first international motor racing took place in France. Prior to this, the most commonly used phrase was “vouurotomobile”, that is, “self-propelled cart”

1.2 Henry Ford era

There is one legend, according to which, for the first time, the idea of ​​​​creating a vehicle that would be safe and did not require the use of animal power came to the mind of a young American when, while working on a farm, he fell off his horse and was badly hurt. That unfortunate rider was Henry Ford.

By that time, cars were already being produced in America and Europe, but they were very expensive and accessible to few. And Henry Ford believed that "the car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation." Together with his faithful friends, having collected 28 thousand dollars, he organized the world's first in-line production of cheap and public cars.

The number of cars is constantly growing. By the beginning of 2012, according to the official website of the traffic police, there are cars in the Irkutsk region.

Every summer, specialists from the Department for Environmental Protection and Ecological Safety of the Irkutsk City Administration, together with the traffic police and Rospotrebnadzor, conduct raids to control the toxicity and smoke of exhaust gases from cars. In 2011, from May to October, 34 such raids were carried out, 1319 vehicles were checked.

The main tasks set by the administration of Irkutsk to improve the environmental situation in the region include the development of the road network, the transfer of municipal enterprises to gas, greening the streets, the use of environmentally friendly reagents in the fight against icing, the replacement of small-capacity buses with buses of medium and large capacity, equipping places of sludge for passenger vehicles with heating devices in winter. According to the press service of the city administration

In order for people to get sick less and children to be born healthy, environmentalists propose a number of measures, including large-scale planting of greenery in the city, as well as the mandatory installation of filters in the exhaust systems of cars. To solve the problems of traffic jams, a lot of money is being invested in the construction of roads, bypass roads, and new bridges. A significant reduction in environmental pollution and gasoline savings are achieved by replacing traditional types of petroleum fuel - gas.

2.2. The role and importance of the car in the life of 3rd grade students.

In addition to the undeniable conveniences that a passenger car creates in a person's life, the social significance of the mass use of private cars is obvious: the speed of communication increases when traveling; the number of full-time drivers is reduced; the delivery of the urban population to places of mass recreation, to work, etc. is facilitated. The 21st century, no doubt, has gone down in history as the century of the car. At the beginning of the century, at the dawn of the automobile era, the slogan appeared "Automobile is not a luxury, but a means of transportation”, now this slogan has become a reality. Modern passenger transport provides transportation of people, their hand luggage and luggage. For passengers, the use of transport is primarily associated with saving time and effort spent on movement. Road transport, as one of the types of land transport, has become the most widespread and occupies a leading position in the transportation of passengers, goods, and goods over various distances.

In the course of my research work, I conducted a sociological survey on the number and use of personal cars in the families of 3rd grade students. Below is a table of survey results.

Number of respondents

Have one car

Have da car

Use car every day

Use the car seasonally

Rarely use car

Do you need a car for your business?

Is using a car harmful to the environment? Which?


As a result, I concluded that the car has become an integral part of life for most people, many cannot imagine life without a car. People are so accustomed to cars that they sometimes treat them like living beings. And, perhaps, it is very difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without such a tireless assistant as a car!


1. Automobiles of the world Series: The most beautiful and famous, Publisher: Avanta +, 2004

2., Autoencyclopedia Publishers: Prestige Book, Ripol Classic, 2006

3. Larry Edsall Legendary cars. Cars that made history from their invention to the 21st century

4. Internet sources: www. *****,

A car makes life a lot easier. Without a car, a person will not be able to keep up with the rhythm in which modern life develops. A car is especially needed in a large and densely populated city. Thanks to personal transport, a person can plan his life in accordance with the dynamic high-speed rhythm of big cities. After all, traveling by public transport, a person runs the risk of spending several hours to get where he needs to go. Moreover, a car is necessary if the weather outside is bad, it is raining or a strong wind is blowing. In such conditions, without having their own means of transportation, a person simply does not want to leave the house. And if severe necessity nevertheless forces him to go somewhere on business, he runs the risk of catching a cold and getting sick for several days. Therefore, residents of large cities appreciate the presence of a personal car so much. After all, it helps them save so much time! The modern rhythm of life makes the car simply an indispensable means of transportation.

But not only residents of large cities have appreciated the benefits of personal transport. In rural areas, a person's own car is even more necessary. After all, people living in villages and villages, as a rule, are forced to go to work in the nearest city. And, if a villager does not have a car, a simple trip to work takes a very long time. Especially when bad weather makes any outdoor activity undesirable. Therefore, all people living in the village always listen to the weather forecast very carefully or read it on the Internet. After all, weather conditions largely determine their life. Only the presence of his own car allows the villager not to depend on the weather to such an extent. Moreover, in the village it is not at all necessary to have a car of some prestigious brand. Enough to just drive! Villagers can drive their cars not only to work. A car is an indispensable assistant in the village. After all, with its help, people can do so much useful for their household!

For most people, a car has long ceased to be a luxury, but has become a simple means of transportation. Of course, there are luxury and expensive cars. When a person gets behind the wheel of such a car, he feels his superiority over other drivers. How much he needs, each person decides for himself. At least, simple inexpensive cars of the so-called "people's" brands are now available to almost every family. Moreover, there are lending programs that, according to Ukrainian news, offer very favorable and easy conditions. Therefore, many people are very willing to buy cars on credit, and are happy to use this wonderful achievement of civilization. And of course, the owners of new cars treat them very carefully. Many people perceive their cars as members of their families. The technique feels the attitude of a person towards it, and, in response to such touching care of its owners, it responds with reliable work without any problems.

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Ministry of Education and Science

Municipal educational budgetary institution

"Lyceum No. 7"

Educational research work

Value acarIIn human life

Completed: Zhuchkov Efim, 07/10/2001

4th class student

MOBU "Lyceum №7"

Scientific adviser:

primary school teacher

MOBU "Lyceum №7"

Yashchuk Elena Ivanovna

G.Minusinsk, 2012


1. The history of the creation of the car

1.1 Beginning

1.2 Henry Ford era

1.3 The emergence and production of the car in Russia

3. The role and importance of the car in human life

2. The impact of the car on the environment and human health




"A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation."

Henry Ford

Human society, solving the problems of its rapid development, owes much to the car. Cars have firmly taken their place in human life. They have become so familiar that the dangers associated with their use are involuntarily forgotten. Like any achievement of progress, the car also harms the environment. However, the car is at the same time a tireless assistant, if a person thinks through all the moments of communication with him, follows the rules of operation and safety. And I set out to find out:

When did the first car appear? Who created it?

How much does the car affect the environment?

What is the role of the car in human life?

Targetbresearch work: explore the importance of the car in human life.

To achieve these goals, the following tasks were set: car ford appearance

1. Study the history of the car.

2. Determine the impact of the car on the environment and human health.

3. Reveal the role and importance of the car in human life.

Research hypothesis: having collected information about the history and reasons for the creation of the car, I will find out whether its invention is really necessary for mankind.

Object of study: information sources.

Subject of study: photographs, newspaper articles, encyclopedic and Internet sources.

Research methods: theoretical, comparison and analysis.

1. The history of the creation of the car

1.1 Start

For many years, people dreamed of flying carpets and walking boots. These dreams were embodied in fairy tales. But in real life, it was necessary to work to feed yourself and your loved ones. It took many months to overcome the distances between cities, the construction of buildings went on for years, because there were too few of the own physical forces of man and the forces of animals.

This went on for thousands of years, until man began to create machines capable of working hard, doing hard work and remaining obedient to the will of man. So there were wagons, carriages.

In the carriages, people strived for comfort, improving everything more and more. The desire of people to increase speed accelerated the change of events in the history of transport development. From the Greek "autos" - "self" and the Latin "mobilis" obilis - "mobile" in European languages, the adjective "self-propelled", literally "auto - mobile" has developed.

In 1490, Leonardo da Vinci designed a hand-operated carriage.

Russian self-taught mechanic peasant Leonty Shamshurenkov created a "self-running carriage", which was set in motion by the power of two people. In 1784-1791, the Russian inventor Kulibin worked on a "self-running scooter".

In his "scooter" such elements of the car as a gearbox, steering gear, brakes were used for the first time.

In the 18th-19th centuries, steam power began to be used as a driving force for carriages. In 1769, the French inventor Nicolo - Joseph Cugnot made a "steam cart" that moved at a speed of 3.6 km / h.

The next source of crew movement was electricity. The first electric carriage was built in 1837 by the Englishman Robert Davidson. Such a crew moved at a speed of 3 km / h due to the energy from the batteries installed on the vehicle.

But it is precisely 1885-1886 that is considered to be the year of the creation of the car, and its inventors were German engineers Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler. The first car with a gasoline engine was made by Benz and had 3 wheels, weighed 230 kg and could reach speeds of up to 16 km / h.

The term "car" was established in the world after 1894, when the first international motor racing took place in France. Prior to this, the most commonly used phrase was “vouurotomobile”, that is, “self-propelled cart”

1.2 Henry Ford era

There is one legend, according to which, for the first time, the idea of ​​​​creating a vehicle that would be safe and did not require the use of animal power came to the mind of a young American when, while working on a farm, he fell off his horse and hurt himself badly. That unfortunate rider was Henry Ford.

By that time, cars were already being produced in America and Europe, but they were very expensive and accessible to few. And Henry Ford believed that "the car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation." Together with his faithful friends, having collected 28 thousand dollars, he organized the world's first in-line production of cheap and public cars.

1.3 Appearanceand productioncarIin Russia

Serial production of cars in Tsarist Russia was established in 1908 at the Riga Russian-Baltic Carriage Works. Almost all parts of cars were made by hand, but it was possible to establish quite good production volumes: in 7 years, about 500 cars were produced, among which were truck models.

AMO - F15 (truck) and NAMI-1 are the first Soviet-made cars, they were produced from 1924 to 1930 in Moscow. Already at the end of the 30s, the volume of car production increased sharply and reached 200 thousand units per year. These cars played an important role in the national economy. The importance of the domestic automobile industry increased sharply during the Great Patriotic War. During the war years, cars transported about 150 million tons of military cargo.

The main centers of car production were: Moscow, Gorky, Zaporozhye, Izhevsk, Tolyatti, Ulyanovsk.

The Soviet automotive industry has achieved a certain diversity - more than 30 basic models were produced, some of which are produced to this day.

And in Krasnoyarsk, the appearance of the first car was officially registered with the police department in 1909. Its owner, Stepan Ivanovich Zubov, decided to work as a taxi driver and take passengers along Voskresenskaya Street (now Prospekt Mira) to the railway station. Zubov's taxi could accommodate four passengers. From the Old Bazaar to the railway station, the car made 15 trips a day. However, the very first car in Krasnoyarsk appeared even earlier - in 1895. Its owner was a well-known at that time merchant of the first Guild of Fortune Tellers. The third lucky person who bought a car in 1910 was the merchant of the third guild Danilov.

2. The impact of the car on the environment and healthhuman

Having become a faithful and reliable assistant, the car at the same time harms both the environment and human health. Absorbing oxygen, which is so necessary for life, it intensively “enriches” the air environment with toxic components that harm all living and non-living things. Due to the large number of cars in the city "suffocate" in traffic jams, the number of traffic accidents in which equipment suffers, people die is increasing.

Carbon monoxide and nitric oxide emitted from the muffler of a car are the causes of headaches, fatigue, unmotivated irritation, low working capacity. Sulfur dioxide affects the genetic apparatus, contributing to infertility and congenital deformities. All these factors lead to stress, nervous manifestations, the desire for solitude, indifference to the closest people. In large cities, diseases of the circulatory and respiratory organs, heart attacks, hypertension and neoplasms are widespread.

The car adds heavy metals and other harmful substances to the soil and air. Toxic substances disrupt the growth of plants, contributing to reduced yields, the gradual death of trees, and lead to losses in animal husbandry.

The number of cars is constantly growing. By the beginning of 2012, there will be 1 million cars in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In order for people to get sick less and children to be born healthy, environmentalists propose a number of measures, including large-scale planting of greenery in the city, as well as the mandatory installation of filters in the exhaust systems of cars. To solve the problems of traffic jams, a lot of money is being invested in the construction of roads, bypass roads, and new bridges. A significant reduction in environmental pollution and gasoline savings are achieved by replacing traditional types of petroleum fuel - gas.

3. The role and importance of the car in lifehuman

In addition to the undeniable conveniences that a passenger car creates in a person's life, the social significance of the mass use of private cars is obvious: the speed of communication increases when traveling; the number of full-time drivers is reduced; the delivery of the urban population to places of mass recreation, to work, etc. is facilitated. The 21st century, no doubt, has gone down in history as the century of the car. At the beginning of the century, at the dawn of the automobile era, the slogan appeared "Automobile is not a luxury, but a means of transportation”, now this slogan has become a reality. Modern passenger transport provides transportation of people, their hand luggage and luggage. For passengers, the use of transport is primarily associated with saving time and effort spent on movement. Road transport, as one of the types of land transport, has become the most widespread and occupies a leading position in the transportation of passengers, goods, and goods over various distances.


In the course of my research work, I conducted a sociological survey on the number and use of personal cars in the families of students

4 in class. Below is a table of survey results.

As a result, I concluded that the car has become an integral part of life for most people, many cannot imagine life without a car. People are so accustomed to cars that they sometimes treat them like living beings. And, perhaps, it is very difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without such a tireless assistant as a car!


1. Automobiles of the world Series: The most beautiful and famous, Publisher: Avanta +, 2004

2. Autoencyclopedia Yuri Geiko, Autoencyclopedia Publisher: Prestige Kniga, Ripol Classic, 2006

3. Larry Edsall Legendary cars. Cars that made history from their invention to the 21st century

4. Internet sources: www.wikipedia.ru,

Hosted on Allbest.ru


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