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Support group VKontakte telephone hotline. How to write to technical support VK - free support service

Let's figure it out how can i contact tech support. Is there a phone number to call or the opportunity to write your question.

How to write to Vkontakte technical support

Especially for you, a large database of answers to the most popular questions has already been collected. How to watch it?

Let's go to our page. Open the menu, and click "Help".

If you have not received an answer to your question, then there is an opportunity to write directly to technical support so that a specialist can help you. To do this, follow the link:


You need to fill out a form. Write a title and description for your question. Attach a photo (see ) or document (see ) if necessary. Then click on the "Submit" button.

After that, you will be informed of the approximate time when you will be answered. Recently, technical support is very busy, so they get in touch for an extremely long time. If you are satisfied with this, click on the "Ask a question" button.

How to call technical support VK

Many users are trying to find a contact number by which they could contact specialists. But unfortunately, it just doesn't exist.

Vkontakte is the most popular site on the Russian Internet. The service team of this resource daily receives a lot of messages from site visitors, and in order for your particular request to be accepted and considered as quickly as possible, you need to know how to contact Vkontakte technical support correctly.

First of all, let's clarify what problems support agents will help to deal with:

  • Difficulties accessing the site;
  • Questions regarding security policy, privacy of personal data;
  • Consultation on promotion and advertising on the site;
  • Information about verification and assignment of the official status to the page;
  • Complaints about user behavior, content, reports of copyright infringement;
  • Information about official applications for the phone, as well as applications within the site.

Before writing an appeal, remember the following:

  1. Not everything that someone finds inappropriate or offensive is subject to immediate removal. It is necessary to check the content after the complaint, and this may take a certain amount of time;
  2. For consideration of a specific case, the appeal of one user is sufficient. You should not send several identical messages, as well as ask your friends and acquaintances to duplicate complaints in the hope of increasing the speed of their processing;
  3. No need to worry about clicking the complaint or feedback button by accident. All messages received by the VK support service are carefully checked, and only after verification can someone's account be blocked.

How to write to a support agent

To get help from the VK support service, go to the "Help" section, it is located in the menu with right side pages. In the section, we see an information block, where a list of the most frequently asked questions by users is detailed. It also states that due to the large flow of requests, the "contact us" button is temporarily unavailable.

If the issue that has arisen is not resolved with the help of this information, here is a link to go and further communicate with the agent.

How to contact VK support

Exists alternative way connections with specialists. As in the previous version, we open the "Help" page and see the help. We click on any item, and in the window that opens, click on the item "This does not solve my problem", then "I still have questions." A window will open showing the estimated processing time for the issue. At the bottom of the message, click on the "Ask a question" button. In the window that opens, state the essence of the problem.

Appeals and answers to them are displayed in the "Help" section, in the "My Questions and Answers" tab.

Support contacts and numbers

Unfortunately, direct free hotline tech support doesn't have it. Communication with the technical service is possible only on the official website at: vk.com/support. E-mail for communication with the press service of Vkontakte:

E-mail for information regarding cooperation:

From a computer, laptop, tablet

To contact the technical support (help center) of the VKontakte website and get help, open this page: Help on the VKontakte website (opens in a new window).

You will see an input line, inside which there is a hint: "Enter your question." Start typing your question or problem description there.

As you enter this, already existing answers to similar questions will appear a little lower - you can immediately see them. If you can't find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem, click the button "None of these options work." Then you can ask a question in support, and a live employee will answer it, but you will have to wait for the answer. The waiting period will be prompted to you - for example, 38 hours. I agree? press "Ask a Question", describe the problem in a little more detail and click "Send".

After that, wait for an answer, but not earlier than it was indicated.

If you can't find how to ask a support question, try typing How to ask a question - the card "How to ask a question in support" will appear - read it, there will be a valid link to create a request.

To contact the official support of VK directly, bypassing the proposed answers and solutions to problems, you can refer to this link: New question. Pay attention again: you will have to wait a long time for an answer, and in 95% of cases the solution is already here: Ready-made solutions to VK problems - just find it and read it.

  1. Fifth button on the bottom row.
  2. "Help" or "Support"(if you see such an item, click "More").
  3. Scroll to the end.
  4. If it doesn't work, click
  5. Click "I have questions."
  6. "The Heart of the Problem" "More about the problem."
  7. Click tick or "Create" or top right.

Help - My Questions. The answer will appear there.

From the phone, through the mobile application on Android, iPhone

  1. Fifth button on the bottom row.
  2. VK pay.
  3. Settings (gear button).
  4. "Help".
  5. Choose one of the ready-made answers that is closest to your problem.
  6. Scroll to the end.
  7. If it doesn't work, click "This doesn't solve my problem."
  8. Click "I have questions."
  9. A New Question will open. Fill in "The Heart of the Problem"(a few words, as briefly as possible) and "More about the problem."
  10. Attach files (photos, pictures) if necessary.
  11. Click tick or "Create" or top right.

You can always find your question in support in the section Help - My Questions. The answer will appear there.

About deleted photos

If you want to contact support so that they can help you recover your deleted photos, first read this: How to recover a deleted VKontakte photo and try to recover them yourself.

If offended, insulted, humiliated

Why is VKontakte support not responding? Why is there no answer? When will they answer me? How much to wait?

When you contact support, they show you approximately how long to wait for a response. Let's say waiting for an answer for two days is normal. Maybe they will answer quickly, or maybe not - it's impossible to say for sure. After all, the support service is very busy.

But even if they wrote to you that you need to wait for an answer (for example) 17 hours, but there is no answer, although this time has passed, it’s too early to panic. After all, this is the estimated response time, which the system calculated based on how the support managed to respond at that time. And how it will turn out in reality, no one knows for sure. It can be 17, and 18, and 34 hours.

Why isn't support responding at all? In fact, this happens very rarely. More often there is a different situation: it only seems to you that you applied there, but in fact you just wrote a comment somewhere on the Internet. Naturally, in this case, you will not wait for any answer. Therefore, you need to be careful.

Easy entry into Contact

For easy access to the VKontakte website, other social networks and mail, use the start page of the site. You will find many wonderful opportunities there.

See more good instructions that can help you:

Attention! There are comments below. But it's not support. It's just some people who write comments here. And in order to actually contact VKontakte support, you need.

For many users, the social network VKontakte is more than just a page on the network. For some, this may be a job, for others a repository of photographs or documents, for others the main means of communication, and so on. Accordingly, for such users, an unexpected problem in work can become a real stress. social network(for example, photos do not load, various errors occur, and so on), which, among other things, may drag on for a while. The VKontakte network support service is always ready to assist the user with any questions. You can contact her directly from your page, which will be discussed below.

How to write to the VKontakte support service

If your page on the social network VKontakte is not blocked, then contacting the support service is very simple. Each user has the opportunity to contact VKontakte specialists directly from their page, for this you need to click on your avatar in the upper right corner on the page and select the "Help" item.

After that, a page will open that is able to answer most of the user's questions about the operation of the social network VKontakte. Check out the FAQ database to find a solution to your problem.

Note: Questions and answers are conveniently grouped into categories. It is also possible to switch to complete list questions or try to find the answer to your question through the search.

If you can not solve the problem with the help of basic questions and answers, you can contact the support service representatives. To do this, go from the browser where you are authorized on VKontakte using the link: https://vk.com/support?act=new.

The Contact Support page opens. Here to give short description problems in the upper window, and below in detail describe what's wrong. If necessary, a document or photos can be attached to the message sent to the VKontakte support service.

When all the fields are filled in, click "Send", after which a window will appear in which the approximate time for waiting for a response will be written. If it suits you, and you want to know the answer to your question, click "Ask a Question".

After you submit your question, you can always return to it from the "Help" section of your page. If you remember any details about your question, you can go to an already posted pending question and add a message to it, as well as attach a photo or document.

Please note: If you were waiting for a response from a support specialist, but during this time managed to solve your problem yourself, do not forget to go to the submitted question and write that it is no longer relevant or click "Delete question".

How to call the VKontakte support service by calling the hotline

Many users are accustomed to the fact that almost any organization can be contacted via telephone by calling it. But in the case of the social network VKontakte, this is irrelevant.

On the network, you can easily find the VKontakte phone, but not the support service, but the main office of the company, which should be contacted with commercial offers or other important issues. As such, there is no support hotline phone number, and the only way for an ordinary social network user to get an answer to their question is to write to VKontakte in the way discussed above.

Over time, users of the VKontakte social network still face the need to contact technical support. The reason for this may be the difficulty in changing the password, the inability to log into your account, hacking your personal page. As For many, this can be difficult, but if you understand and carefully study the menu of the page, you will understand that there is nothing difficult in this.


The main feature of the technical support of such major social networks as VKontakte is that its users are not customers. That is why most of the problems that the service solves are related to the functionality of the site. The question of how to write in support of VK should not cause difficulties for registered users, as social network employees quickly respond to requests. The specifics of technical support is that the well-established Feedback with the user is as comfortable as possible and does not create the feeling that no one is solving problems.

home distinguishing feature: social networks provide support to users only on the site. In order to apply, you must fill out a special form on the social network and send it. Specialists will study it, assign a degree of importance and make a decision to fix the problem. The main difficulty - the scale of the social network does not allow developers to quickly see some kind of problem in the operation of the site and the security system.

How does it work

How to write to the VK support service if a problem situation arises? It is easy to do this, since the interaction with users is established. The support service has been operating since 2011. At the beginning of its activity, a small group of people was engaged in answering questions from users. Over time, it became the VKontakte technical support team, and a little later it was reorganized into Support without the additional word "technical". This means that the service solves not only technical issues.

Unlike other social networks, VKontakte has created support, whose activities are aimed at a live user, and not a source of information. If you don’t know how to write a message in VK support, pay attention to the Service Desk service. This is the name of the user assistance service on the social network. It consists of agents who also have accounts in the social network. They do not have a special technical education, because the main thing for such a specialist is to help in a difficult situation not only with deeds, but also with words and emotions.

Such a system is organized specifically in order to show the trusting attitude of the administration and management of the site to users. Such support does not imply template responses; agents approach each request individually. A separate interface is provided for the appeal, which is located on the site. This is convenient, because you do not need to write separate letters through postal services or call the call center.

What issues does

The question of how to write to VK support worries many users who have encountered problems with the site. Despite the streamlined actions of the service, you have to wait for a response to a request within 24 hours, sometimes longer. Before you ask for help, consider whether you really need support for the service or if you can fix the problem yourself. If a user wishes to complain about a group that distributes or promotes prohibited ideas, is illegal, then such a problem is solved exclusively through technical support. If the group was blocked for any reason, you can also return access to it using the service.

Contacting support

How to write a question in VK support? This is done in two ways: simple (use the services of other systems) and complex (independently). Surely many will choose the first, but first things first. If you do not know how to ask for help with the operation of the social network, ask a more advanced user to help with this.

  • In order to get advice or solve a problem, go to your VKontakte account.
  • At the top of the page there is a "Help" section, click on it.
  • A line will appear in which the user can describe the problem that has occurred. Avoid long sentences. It is better to state the essence of the issue briefly and clearly.
  • If the questions suggested by the support service do not suit the user or do not solve his problems, on the "Help" page there is a button: "None of these options are suitable." A lot of people face the same problems that are common to everyone.
  • If you click on this button, a window will appear in which the approximate waiting time for a response will be indicated. Most often, the user does not have to wait long. One request is processed within a day.
  • To ask a question or explain a problem, click on the "Ask a question" button.
  • A simple form will appear to fill out with important facts and details. They can help resolve the situation as soon as possible.

As you can see, writing to VK support is quite easy. The service does not miss any requests.

From phone

If users check their account through a portable device, a natural question arises: how to write to VK support from a phone? In the mobile application "Questions and Answers" the user will find in "Settings". There are many useful information on various issues. If the user wants to contact the service specialists with a problem, this option will not work. It is disabled due to the large amount of work and incoming information. In general, no difficulties in writing a query with mobile application should not occur.

From a computer

How to write in support of VK from a regular PC or laptop? This can be done not only using the usual form, but also by e-mail. This is the easiest way available to every user. To do this, go to your mailbox, make a question, request or state a problem and send a letter to the address indicated on the site. Previously, a response to such a request had to wait several days, so it is better for the user to contact directly from their page. In addition, it is easy to find direct links on the social network to create requests with the ability to attach images and other documents.

If you don’t know how to write to support in the new VK, pay attention to the menu on the left. In addition to the standard menu, there will be lines "Blog", "Developers", "Advertising", "More". Click on the last active label. A block should open in which there will be a "Help" section with an application form. It should be noted that service specialists sometimes respond to user requests with humor. This is due to the fact that many people ask obscure questions that are difficult or impossible to give a logical answer.