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Is it possible to correct the speedometer with your own hands. Here's how to use a mobile application to determine if the car's mileage is twisted How to twist the mileage on the speedometer

This opus is dedicated to real and not so, iron horse runs on highways, which we see on the speedometers of cars bought and sold. Agree that the displayed numbers of the counter of miles and kilometers traveled rarely reflect the actual state of affairs.

How to twist the speedometer and why?

For some reason in Russia it is not customary to show real kilometers. Probably, such a mentality makes it necessary to bring the mileage to, to put it mildly, not very honest indicators. And, oddly enough, there is an explanation for this.

In distant fabulous times, when there was still the country of the USSR, as well as post-perestroika devastation, and our auto industry, produced the latest technology of the Zhiguli, and the Volga and Moskvich like it, the quality of these cars left much to be desired. It was probably easier to fly somewhere into space than to get the necessary spare parts for the repair of this equipment.

And, as motorists with experience know, after a run of 100-120 thousand kilometers, this miracle, called a car, required serious repairs. Replacing the clutch, not talking about the chassis, as well as the fallen compression and the engine that smokes, asking for it.

Yes, you can’t sell such a car with such mileage ... Then a “smart thought” comes to a puzzled head, twist the speedometer… And now, on the dashboard the desired mileage! That, perhaps, is the whole underlying reason for this situation.

Now, simple mechanical speedometers are being replaced by more and more complex devices, but will this stop an inquisitive Russian specialist?

Correcting the car's mileage in the right direction is becoming increasingly difficult.

The distance traveled is recorded in the speedometer chip, and can also be duplicated in the light module, in the key, ignition switch, and in the control unit. Each chip in which the mileage of the car is recorded is conventionally called a “point”. The number of "points" depends on the brand and manufacturer of the car. There are cars with 1, 2, 3, 4 "points" of mileage registration.

Itself, the technology of twisting, as well as wrapping speedometers, has not changed much over the past few years. Programming methods differ in three ways:
(The simplest - mechanical, we do not consider here.)

- The first- when the mileage memory is reprogrammed by connecting the programmer directly to it.

- Second the method is programming through the connector on the car's instrument cluster.

- Third the programming method is carried out directly through the vehicle diagnostic connector, this is usually the easiest, but, like the second method, it is less and less possible.

The second method is less labor-intensive than the first, but more knowledge-intensive, since it is required to deal not only with the memory encoding, but also with the protocol for accessing it.

The third method is used less and less, as manufacturers close unauthorized access to car settings, not allowing anyone to get into the brains of anyone. In a word, the “fresher” the car, the less likely it is to access the speedometer through the diagnostic connector.

Why odometer manipulation is popular in Russia

If you believe the statistics of "AUTOSTAT", a car whose age is approaching 10 years, "winds" 18,000 kilometers of annual mileage. And, of course, anyone who wants to buy a car that is not the first freshness hopes to find the least “driven” option. Sellers in such cases go to buyers "to meet".


In the market and various sites, you can often find ads for the sale of cars 5-7 years old with a mileage of 30 to 70 thousand kilometers. Somehow this does not really converge with the data of Avtostat. The inconsistency is explained simply - more than half of used cars have elementary mileage adjusted to psychologically comfortable marks. In other words, just twisted.

By the way, if not half of car owners, then a good third for some reason believe that the “thing” where the mileage numbers are shown is called a speedometer. Like, he alone is responsible for both speed and mileage. In fact, the odometer is responsible for the mileage. We'll talk about him.

How is it arranged?

Initially, a classic mechanical odometer was installed on cars. On foreign cars, he lasted until the end of the last century. In the domestic auto industry - a little longer.

The mechanical odometer is a standard digital meter with a large gear ratio. In order for one of the numbers to give way to another, the input shaft must “spin” about two thousand times.

Such an "old school" odometer is connected to the gearbox output shaft with a special cable. As the gears turn, the mileage gradually increases.

In the modern "smart" odometer, this "primitive" is no longer there. Directly on the output shaft or wheel (depending on the car) is a sensor that takes into account the speed. There are two types: optical or magnetic. The sensor sends the received data to the electronic control unit. And that, in turn, highlights them on the dashboard display.

By the way, it happens that information about the distance traveled is duplicated in different control units. And sometimes even in the ignition key.

On "fancy" "Bavarians" or Land Rover, which are traditionally considered the most "stubborn" cars in terms of twisting mileage, there may be about ten such data stores.

How is mileage rolled up?

It is clear that we will not describe this procedure in detail. Let's just briefly explain how this happens.

mechanical odometer

To correct the kilometers traveled on it, two methods are used. In the first case, it is necessary to attach some kind of electric motor or, for example, a drill to the input shaft of the meter. With their help, the odometer can be twisted in the opposite direction.

The problem with this method is that it takes quite a lot of time to “wind up”. Craftsmen sometimes have to sit for hours with a drill in their hands and persistently “buzz” in order to see the cherished numbers.

The second option is that you just need to “tear apart” the odometer, and then assemble it back, setting the required mileage.

Electronic odometer

It is adjusted with the help of electronic devices. If we are talking about simple, cheap cars, just unscrew the dashboard cover. Then the odometer is connected to a computer, where a special program will allow you to set the desired mileage. After manipulations, the lid is screwed back - and it's in the bag. About the "crime" can only be reported by screws scratched with a screwdriver.

If there are backup “storages” in the car, mileage adjustment will not be much more difficult. It is enough to connect to the on-board computer and delete information from the reserves. If necessary, the ignition key can be "cleaned" using "flashing".

By the way, if the "master" overlooked - did not delete information from all blocks - then after a while old data may appear on the odometer. This is going to be a surprise.

Well, for "fancy" cars there is another method - a more radical one. A special microcircuit is “implanted” into the block, with which you can set any numbers you like.

Now there is not a single car that could not be corrected for mileage. And it doesn't matter if we are talking about Logan or Hammer. And all to the fact that automakers do not bother about the protection of mileage information. In fact, it doesn't concern them. After all, who cares about the problems of secondary buyers ?!

Issue price

Such manipulations with odometers are inexpensive. If you set a goal, in the "garages" you can find specialists who will deal with a mechanical device quickly and for a maximum of a thousand rubles.

Correction of the simplest electronic odometer will cost 1,500-2,000 rubles. Well, then it's clear. The more complex the mechanism and protection, the higher the price.

How to determine that the mileage is twisted?

In fact, it is quite difficult to find out. If specialists, and not the garage "Uncle Vasya", were engaged in the adjustment, most likely it will not work to find "traces of the crime".

Only indirect “evidence” can help - pedals that are too worn for the declared mileage, shabby upholstery of the steering wheel or seats. But we must not forget (especially when it comes to a budget car) that covers and pads themselves are cheap and low quality. Therefore, they can lose their presentation quickly.


By and large, mileage in itself is not a 100% indicator of the wear and tear of the “steel horse”. For example, in the same Germany or France, car owners calmly wind up under 200 thousand kilometers - and they don’t know grief. True, they do not forget to call in the service station in a timely manner for prevention or minor repairs. Therefore, European cars, even with solid odometer readings, are quite decent quality.

On the other hand, it is clear that an indifferent, sloppy and stingy driver can easily bring the car to the "zugunder" and for several tens of thousands of kilometers. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to the general condition of the car, and not just the odometer.

Many car enthusiasts, and even more so those who are going to sell their already quite a lot of departing cars, are interested in the question of how to change the car's mileage. This, as you know, allows you to somewhat deceive the buyer and, accordingly, it is more expensive and faster to sell a used car. Besides? you may need to change the mileage of the car for a number of other reasons. For example, when troubleshooting an on-board computer or in order to fit a car bought abroad to the Russian standard, etc. How is the mileage on a car twisted and is it possible to do it yourself? We will start answering these questions right now.

So, how to twist the mileage on a car or how to change the mileage of a car with your own hands.

We note right away that it is possible to twist the mileage of the car on your own, and for this the motorist will need to have a programmer and an impulse generator at hand.

Attention! Changing the mileage is only allowed if:

  • If you need to readjust the electronic speedometer (important when using non-standard size wheels)
  • In case of malfunctions or breakdowns of the on-board computer
  • In case of odometer malfunctions
  • To correct the operation of the odometer on foreign cars, in which the car's mileage is measured in miles
  • When replacing the instrument cluster of the machine and setting a new odometer reading

The rest of the situations, which, we note, include twisting the mileage in order to sell the car at a higher price, are illegal, they are prohibited in our country by law, but are also prohibited by the internal laws of car manufacturers.

To begin with, as noted above, purchase a special generator in a store or take it for temporary use, which will make it possible without the participation of a specialist, that is, independently change the car’s mileage right in the garage. The generator creates an emulation of the movement of the car. Today, such a device can be of two types.

1. A generator that turns electrical impulses into fur work, and then feeds them to the control unit. This generator is suitable for twisting the mileage of cars that were produced in the CIS countries and imported cars, but only until 2006.

2. A generator that works after connecting it to a special CAN bus located in the car. This tire is installed at the manufacturer's factory in order to simplify the subsequent diagnostics of machines when they issue on dashboard any errors.

By connecting the first or second device to your vehicle, you can very quickly change the mileage of the car without involving auto mechanics in the specified process.

You can change the mileage of the car in another way. For this:

  • Dismantle the dashboard in the car
  • Locate the processor under the panel. As a rule, this is a rather voluminous, black, rectangle (something similar to a rectangular box)
  • Unsolder the processor carefully
  • Put it (processor) in the programmer, which is designed specifically for changing the mileage of the car (available at the store)
  • Customize your odometer the way you want
  • Solder the processor back
  • Assemble your dashboard

Below you can watch a video on how to twist car mileage using the programmer.

You can also change the mileage of the car manually, but read below how the mileage on a car is twisted without special devices.

Locate the three-wire speed sensor in your car. After that, slightly raise the jack so that one of the driving wheels in the car is off the ground. Turn the key in the ignition and turn on the oscilloscope. Start spinning the raised wheel. This will determine the main, that is, the signal wiring. Attention! It is best to carry out this procedure with the participation of a specialist, since it will be very difficult to do everything on your own without certain knowledge.

After the signal wire is found, take the pulse generator and bring the signal amplitude to it. Adjust the frequency depending on the mileage you need, while focusing on the indicator of 6 impulses to 1 meter, once again, we note, a meter, not a kilometer of the distance traveled. Signal your assembled alternator in place of the standard signal from the speed sensor. It is worth paying your attention that ABS can perceive the connection of both sensors with an error, which in the future without the participation of a specialist will simply be impossible to eliminate.

Below you can watch a video on how to choose a speedometer winder.

Speedometer readings are often one of the criteria by which the quality and timing of car maintenance are evaluated. More precisely, this refers to the odometer, which is an integral part of the device that measures the distance traveled. In order not to violate the generally accepted name of the device, it will continue to be called that way. Often, for a number of reasons, sometimes subjective, it is necessary to rewind the speedometer, changing the path traveled by the car.

About types of speedometers

Before you figure out how you can change the readings of such a device with your own hands, you need to consider its possible options. There are several fundamentally different types of speedometers:

  • mechanical;
  • electromechanical;
  • electronic.

mechanical speedometer

Gearbox revolutions are transmitted by cable directly to the device. There, the number of revolutions is measured and converted into the distance traveled. To do this, a gearbox with a pre-selected conversion factor is used. How this is done, the photo will help to understand.

In fact, it turns out that one revolution at the output of the gearbox corresponds to a certain number of meters of the distance traveled. This rotation of the output shaft is perceived by special discs (display device) with printed numbers showing the measured distance.

Electromechanical speedometer

This type of device is a further development of the previously described device. In many cases, the cable has been the source of the increased error and has been replaced. The device was introduced installed at the checkpoint. Impulses from it came to a motor with appropriate control, rotating the gearbox. Otherwise, the operation of such a speedometer was no different from a mechanical one, resembling it in appearance.

Electronic speedometer

A similar type is installed on modern cars. In this case, the number of revolutions of the wheel is measured. Knowing the length of its circumference, it is easy to translate the number of revolutions into the distance traveled. The result is displayed on the LCD.

Why change the speedometer readings?

As already noted, drivers sometimes have to change the speedometer. In this case, the mileage is made both less and more. And if in the first case everything is clear - a decrease in the distance traveled when selling a car increases its price, then a few explanations need to be made about the second.

Winding up the speedometer is possible for several reasons, for example:

  1. To increase fuel costs. More mileage allows you to write off more fuel. And this is not necessarily due to fraud and postscripts. The fact is that in an old, worn-out car, fuel consumption sometimes exceeds the established norms. This is how you make up for the increased costs.
  2. When replacing the engine or instrument panel. In this case, it is necessary to bring the speedometer readings in line with the new conditions.
  3. When using discs other than those recommended by the manufacturer. Their diameter can be either larger or smaller than that defined for a standard wheel, respectively, when calculating the distance traveled, a constant error will occur. Here is the winding of the speedometer and allows you to eliminate it, including the one made by yourself.

How is the speedometer winding done?

This is a rather complex and ambiguous question. It all depends on the type of speedometer (each can use its own methodology), as well as on the date of manufacture of the car. Some possible approaches to accomplish this task will be considered below.

How to rewind a mechanical speedometer?

Similar devices are found on old cars, for example, the VAZ or UAZ families of early years of production. In this case, you can act in several ways. The simplest thing is to disconnect the cable from the speed sensor, connect a drill to it, and put it into reverse mode, change the readings. Another approach is to disassemble the instrument panel, remove the counter, and using the right tools, change his readings.

This work can be done by hand. However, this is only available on cars of older years of production (until 2005), and its brand does not really matter - VAZ, KAMAZ, UAZ, MAZ or Gazelle. The type of speedometer will be decisive.

How to correct an electromechanical speedometer

Despite the fact that these types of devices remained only on older machines, working with them is much more difficult than with purely mechanical ones. Here, as in other situations considered below, it is necessary to separate two tasks:

  • winding the speedometer ̶ increasing its readings;
  • twisting the speedometer ̶ reducing the readings of the device.

In principle, both of them can be done by hand, only the approach in each of the cases under consideration should be different. Reduction of readings is possible only when disassembling the panel, removing the counter and manually rearranging its values. But the task - how to rewind a speedometer of this type, is solved using a generator. It generates pulses that arrive at the control input, and according to their number, the readings of the device change. As in the previous case, this also does not depend on the brand of car - VAZ, KAMAZ, UAZ, MAZ or Gazelle.

How to rewind an electronic speedometer

Such devices are installed on modern machines and are often an integral part of other electronic systems on board. Specific methods for adjusting the speedometer readings are determined primarily by the period of manufacture of the car. The fact is that an electronic speedometer can be implemented in different ways and interact with several independent devices.

Therefore, to change its readings, it may be necessary not only to supply additional pulses from speed sensors, but also to reprogram some blocks. And besides, again, depending on the characteristics of the car, for different models of UAZ, VAZ, Gazelle, etc., as well as the year of manufacture, the method of access to the speedometer will be determined. Therefore, it is rather difficult to do such work with your own hands, although no one says that this is impossible. But this will require the use of special electronic devices.

What devices are used to wind up electronic speedometers?

Considering the existing variety of machines and methods for processing data from the speedometer, several different options have been created that allow you to correct the readings of the distance traveled. The circuit of such a device can be made both on discrete elements and on microprocessor systems, but all finished products are divided into the following types:

CAN twist

This device is intended for use on modern machines. Here you need to know that CAN is a special bus through which data is exchanged between vehicle electronics. And its scheme implies the presence of a diagnostic connector through which, knowing the exchange protocol, you can access individual devices.

Accordingly, thanks to this, it is possible to adjust the content of the desired memory cells, achieving the desired result. It is impossible to detect by diagnostic equipment that a change in memory cells has occurred.

Pulse twist to OBDII

This device is intended for use with foreign cars that do not have a CAN bus. This device is connected via a special diagnostic connector OBDII. In this case, the speedometer receives a sequence of pulses that imitate signals from the speed sensor, as a result of which the readings of the distance traveled change.

Speed ​​generator

This circuit simulates a speed sensor. Instead, the generator turns on and produces a sequence of pulses that enter the speedometer and cause a change in its readings. It is more suitable for electromechanical devices and domestic cars - VAZ, UAZ and others manufactured before 2006.

ABS speedometer knob

Suitable for cars equipped with ABS. Its work is based on controlling the speed of movement and rotation of the wheel. The spinner connected to the corresponding connector imitates the operation of the wheels, and the controller, receiving this information, begins to change the speedometer readings.

In addition, it is worth noting that the model of the car and the date of its release are decisive when choosing a device for winding the speedometer. In some cases, changes in the speedometer readings on a VAZ or UAZ will take place in a completely different way than on KAMAZ or MAZ.

You can make a winding device yourself or buy it ready-made, but the most important thing is to determine whether it can be used on this machine. In case of improper use, you can simply burn the electronics.

Strange as it may seem, but sometimes it is not the twisting of the speedometer that becomes more relevant, but, on the contrary, its winding. There are a number of reasons, both objective and subjective, forcing to do this. More than one device has been created that allows you to solve the problem, and you can choose a device that takes into account the date of manufacture of a particular car and allows you to carry out this procedure without consequences.

This opus is dedicated to real and not so, runs on the highways of iron horses, which we see on the speedometers of cars bought and sold. Agree that the displayed numbers of the counter of miles and kilometers traveled rarely reflect the actual state of affairs.

How to twist the speedometer and why?

For some reason, in Russia it is not customary to show real kilometers. Probably, such a mentality makes it necessary to bring the mileage to, to put it mildly, not very honest indicators. And, oddly enough, there is an explanation for this.

In distant fabulous times, when there was still the country of the USSR, as well as post-perestroika devastation, and our auto industry, produced the latest technology of the Zhiguli, and the Volga and Moskvich like it, the quality of these cars left much to be desired. It was probably easier to fly somewhere into space than to get the necessary spare parts for the repair of this equipment.

And, as motorists with experience know, after a run of 100-120 thousand kilometers, this miracle, called a car, required serious repairs. Replacing the clutch, not talking about the chassis, as well as the fallen compression and the smoking engine, asking for it.

Yes, you can’t sell such a car with such mileage ... Then a “smart thought” comes to a puzzled head, twist the speedometer… And now, on the dashboard, the required mileage! That, perhaps, is the whole underlying reason for this situation.

Now, simple mechanical speedometers are being replaced by more and more complex devices, but will this stop an inquisitive Russian specialist?

Correcting the car's mileage in the right direction is becoming increasingly difficult.

The distance traveled is recorded in the speedometer chip, and can also be duplicated in the light module, in the key, ignition switch, and in the control unit. Each chip in which the mileage of the car is recorded is conventionally called a “point”. The number of "points" depends on the brand and manufacturer of the car. There are cars with 1, 2, 3, 4 "points" of mileage registration.

Itself, the technology of twisting, as well as wrapping speedometers, has not changed much over the past few years. Programming methods differ in three ways:
(The simplest - mechanical, we do not consider here.)

The first- when the mileage data memory is reprogrammed by directly connecting the programmer to it.

Second the method is programming through the connector on the car's instrument cluster.

Third the programming method is carried out directly through the vehicle diagnostic connector, this is usually the easiest, but, like the second method, it is less and less possible.

The second method is less labor-intensive than the first, but more knowledge-intensive, since it is required to deal not only with the memory encoding, but also with the protocol for accessing it.

The third method is used less and less, as manufacturers close unauthorized access to car settings, not allowing anyone to get into the brains of anyone. In a word, the “fresher” the car, the less likely it is to access the speedometer through the diagnostic connector.

Cars produced in recent years are increasingly "stuffed" with electronic devices. It is almost impossible to imagine a car without today, because only a robot is capable of servicing modern systems. On the one hand, this is very convenient, because the driver does not have to do anything except follow the road. On the other hand, the owner faces new problem how to twist the speedometer readings when it is necessary?

What is it for

“And when do you need to twist the speedometer and why is it needed at all?” - the ignorant person will ask. The speedometer is a kind of business card, its trade face. A buyer who sees how far a certain car has traveled judges it accordingly. And if the car is sold with sufficient mileage, then talking about the fact that you practically never drove this model will not work. Everything will be clearly and clearly visible on the speedometer, unless, of course, it is twisted.
So, we present below a list of reasons why a particular driver decides to twist the speedometer on his car.

  • As mentioned above, the first and main reason is the “rejuvenation” of the car. Such a procedure is always done before the sale, in order to reduce the mileage by such a gamble. The potential buyer, of course, is not told anything about this.
  • The second reason is no less popular. It turns out that changing the speedometer readings is necessary when wheels of non-standard sizes are used on a car.
  • There are cars (mainly expensive contingent models) in which the speedometer readings are linked to the graph Maintenance. The robot, which monitors the normal functioning of the car, begins to send constant reminders to visit the service station after certain segments of the distance traveled. This annoys many owners, because not everyone can afford such a luxury today - to visit specialized service centers. Of course, it would never occur to a foreigner that a computer can be fooled. They would continue to endure the moralizing of a smart cyborg with Nordic stamina or have visited the service station for a long time, since residents of the EU countries will always have money for this, and they try not to keep cars with high mileage, but “fuse” here to us. So, we will not delve into the wilds of the quality of life, but simply note that our person has to twist the speedometer in order to somehow shut up the annoying sound of the on-board computer, which will immediately like the tale of a suddenly rejuvenated car. "Ya, ya" - he will say, - "gud" and immediately stop annoying with his advice!
  • The third reason for adjusting the electronic speedometer involves a correction related to the fact that on some models “from there” the distance traveled is calculated in miles, and our person needs in kilometers.
  • Finally, the electronic speedometer may be subject to problems associated with a malfunctioning battery or. It also happens that a car with experience needs complete replacement dashboard. After this manipulation, of course, the speedometer readings have to be adjusted to normal values.

In a word, there are many reasons why all this is necessary. And you should not be surprised how our person manages to deceive the meter, because since the days of the USSR, our motorist has been accustomed to doing this. Suffice it to recall the old Soviet cars produced in huge factories in the old fashioned way. Already after some 100 thousand km of run, the Zhiguli, Muscovites and froze and asked to be left alone or sent to overhaul. What was left for the Soviet motorist to do, how not to get rid of such a car? And who bought these "rattles" if he saw how much they traveled? So the savvy owner had to go on an adventure. It was not difficult to twist the speedometer of a car made in the USSR. It was a completely mechanical element with a primitive system that any student of the technical faculty would open like a tin can.

Over time, manufacturers began to notice the disadvantages of mechanical speedometers and gradually replaced them with more complex ones, stuffed with electronics. These new samples already had little in common with their predecessors, and the language did not even dare to call them speedometers. But as the saying goes, "suffer - you learn." And this electronic version found its own craftsmen. No progress will drive our Kulibin into a corner. It turned out that despite the complex filling of this, it is quite possible to twist it.

Before we move on to a detailed algorithm of actions that allows you to twist the counter, I would like to give general information about modern speedometers. Types of automobile counters of kilometers traveled are given below.

  • mechanical type– has been used since the time of Noah. Recently modernized and rotates under the influence of the drive and cable.
  • Electromechanical option- here the rotation of the speedometer is carried out using an electric motor.
  • Electronic type- already progress. The calculation of kilometers in such a speedometer occurs according to the data received from the sensor. All information is displayed on the electronic display.

So, if earlier, in order to be able to twist the counter, it was enough to have a screwdriver and an elementary concept of the system, but today this is not enough and the electronic counter is not so simple, and sometimes you need the help of an advanced programmer who understands all the labyrinths of the circuit.

How to do it

There are several ways to twist a modern speedometer with electronic filling. In one case, a good auto electrician is needed, in the other, the presence of specialized equipment.

  • If the car is Korean or Japanese, then to change the meter readings, you will need to disassemble the dashboard and EB. Then connect the programmer to the block.
  • If this is a Ford or Nissan, then you can not disassemble the dashboard, but limit yourself to removing the assembly. After that, you will need to connect a computer to the connector and make the necessary adjustments.
  • Most modern cars an OBD 2 connector is installed. So, the diagnostic equipment is connected exactly here, which eliminates the disassembly of the panel or the EB.
  • Some craftsmen recommend simply soldering an additional chip. Thus, it will be possible to set any meter readings using the daily mileage reset button for this. And in this case, twisting will turn out many times.

Change the mileage, preferably in specialized workshops. As a rule, if the work was carried out correctly, then it will be almost impossible to detect interference with the factory settings. Although in some car models, when the meter is rotated, the distance traveled is duplicated in the electronic chip of the ignition key or the data is transferred to on-board computer. In addition, it is possible to identify a sharp “rejuvenation” of a car by a number of indirect signs given below.

  • If the specified does not correspond to the actual state of the machine. It is recommended to pay attention to the brake discs.
  • We also pay attention to wheels and disks, where “bald” tires and dents will tell everything by themselves.
  • A shabby steering wheel, old seats, erased inscriptions on the buttons - all this can also indicate a hidden date.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the bodywork, side members and so on.

Having learned how to twist the electronic speedometer, you can change the meter reading. But this does not at all speak of the benefits of such a procedure, because it is very costly. Of course, if we are talking about models of the domestic auto industry, then such manipulation is always relevant here. Until our manufacturer thinks about modernizing the entire structure of the car, everyone will twist the meters. Here foreign competitors create truly durable cars, on which, accordingly, more advanced odometers are put.

Vehicle mileage is the main criterion by which the timing for maintenance is estimated. And the odometer is responsible for the mileage readings. There are a number of reasons why drivers have to roll back odometer readings. In the article we will tell you what the speedometer twist is and how to use it correctly.

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Types of speedometers

Before you tell how to unwind or wind a mileage on a car, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the types of speedometers. Today there are several types of devices used in cars - mechanical, electromechanical and electronic devices.


The revolutions from the gearbox are transmitted to the device using a cable. On the odometer, the revolutions are measured, in accordance with which a certain path is set. For a mechanical type speedometer, a special editor is used, configured with the necessary conversion factor.

In practice, it turns out that one revolution corresponds to a certain amount of mileage. The rotation of the output pulley is analyzed by display devices with marked numbers, which display the mileage traveled.


An electromechanical device is a more advanced version of a mechanical one. As a result of the cable showing incorrect information, the electromechanical version is supplemented by a speed controller. Signals from the controller were sent to an electric motor designed to rotate the gearbox. This is the fundamental difference, in all other respects the devices are similar.


Recently, all modern transports have been equipped with an electronic version. An electronic device is designed to measure the number of wheel revolutions. The device, analyzing the size of the circumference of the wheel, translates the number of revolutions into the distance traveled. The information is displayed on a liquid crystal display.

Why rewind?

Before we tell you about the operation of the speedometer twist, it will not be superfluous to figure out why to wind and wind the readings. Winding the indicator with the help of a special winder allows you to increase the cost of transport during the sale, this is understandable.

As for winding, there can be several reasons:

  1. The speedometer winder can be used to increase the cost of fuels and lubricants. After all, increased mileage makes it possible to write off more gasoline - such schemes are relevant for drivers commercial vehicles. But if a commercial enterprise uses old car, fuel consumption will be higher. Adjusting the speedometer allows you to offset the cost of refueling.
  2. Calibration of the speedometer may be required when replacing the instrument panel. After all, changing the control panel, it is necessary to carry out the readings of the device in accordance with the operating conditions.
  3. The speedometer winder may be required when using other discs not recommended by the manufacturer. The diameter of the discs can be either larger or smaller, during the calculations the odometer may give errors, showing incorrect readings. The speedometer corrector makes it possible to eliminate the error.

Modern dashboard

Winding instruction

How is the winding of the speedometer done by hand? Much depends on the type of device, since for each individual type the winding scheme will differ. To complete the task, you need to know exactly what type of device the car is equipped with.


How to wind and how to wind readings on mechanical device, for example, on VAZ, GAZ cars? There are two options to rewind the speedometer. The first and simplest is to disconnect the cable from the speed sensor, the end that is attached to the box, connect a drill to it and turn the tool into reverse mode. As you know, in a few minutes of work, you can rewind a decent mileage. The second way is to dismantle and disassemble the dashboard. After disassembly, the odometer (meter) itself is removed, as a result, the distance traveled is adjusted. Note that the methods are relevant for domestic cars released before 2005 (the author of the video is DIY).


An electromechanical device can be found on old vehicles, however, winding a speedometer of this type will be more difficult than a conventional mechanical one. In this case, the winding or unwinding procedure requires different approaches. It must be taken into account that the reduction in mileage in the case of an electromechanical device is carried out when dismantling and disassembling the control panel. To rewind the readings, the counter must be dismantled, then manually adjust the numbers.

As for the increase in readings, the procedure is carried out using a generator. Thanks to the generator, signals are generated that are fed to the control input. In accordance with the number of pulses, the readings of the device are formed.


How to twist an electronic type speedometer? As mentioned above, devices are mounted on all modern cars. Correction of the speedometer readings should be carried out in accordance with the period of production of the transport. The bottom line is that an electronic device during production could be implemented in different ways, especially since it can interact with other devices (the author of the video is max gladkiy).

Therefore, in order to wind up the speedometer, you will need not only to send a signal from the speed controller, but also to reconfigure some devices. It should be borne in mind that the process of accessing the device is determined in accordance with the model of the machine, as well as the year of manufacture, everything is individual here. Accordingly, twisting the readings can be problematic, but it is possible. If you don’t know how to wind up an electronic type speedometer, you will have to use a special device. The types of such devices will be discussed below.

Winding devices and devices

Most manufacturers equip cars with original electronic speedometers, rewinding the mileage can be problematic. As a result, various versions of devices were created with which you can adjust the mileage. Device circuits can be assembled on the basis of microprocessor boards or discrete components.

CAN twist

Disassembled CAN-twist

The CAN-twist is a device for the operation of modern vehicles. It should be borne in mind that CAN is a special bus through which pulses are exchanged between the electronic devices of the machine. And the scheme implies the use of a special connector for diagnostics. Through the connector, knowing the exchange protocol, the motorist has the opportunity to gain access to individual electronic devices.

Thanks to the use of the CAN-twist, it is possible to correct the content of the necessary cells in the memory of the control unit in order to set the required twisted mileage. The operation of the CAN-twist is the main way of rewinding the distance traveled by car dealers. Using modern diagnostic equipment, it is problematic to detect changes in memory cells.


The impulse twist is used in foreign-made machines that are not equipped with a CAN bus. The device should be connected via the OBD2 diagnostic connector. During the operation of the twister, signals are received on the odometer that imitate pulses from the speed controller. The distance traveled changes.

Speed ​​generator

The speed generator allows you to simulate the operation of a speed sensor. Instead of the controller, it is necessary to connect a generator that produces a sequence of signals that go to the odometer. The generator changes the readings on the odometer. The operation of such a device is relevant in electromechanical speedometers on UAZ, VAZ and automobiles. Russian production released before 2006.

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