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What can be done from a radio-controlled car. Detailed instructions on how to assemble the machine on the control panel: many assembly options, valuable tips and tricks, a practical guide

I got this from my nephew radio-controlled car toy. The range is only about 15 meters, the weak electronic part, i.e. the front wheels barely turn and the drive pulls very weakly.

With nothing to do, I decided not to pump this radio-controlled car a lot. Digging through the bins, I found a 40MHz receiver and two servos, one HS-311 in working order and one powerful digital MG946R with a burnt out engine. I adapted the HS-311 to the steering wheel in exchange for the native, frail design, and the MG946R took only the electronic control board. I connected servos for the place of the engine traction motor radio-controlled cars, and soldered a 4.7 kOhm tuning resistor in place of the servo variable.

Setting up a radio-controlled car

The converted radio-controlled toy, when the transmitter is first turned on, starts spinning the wheels, in order to stop them, you need to:

  • Connect gas servo to channel 2 (PB channel)
  • Configure if you need a channel reverse
  • Trimmer to stop the rotation of the wheels

Next, we rebuild the expansions (set 100% for gas), expenses and trim the steering wheel. For power, I used 5 cans of NICD batteries, reworked radio-controlled car came out powerful and nimble. It was not without problems, the native traction engine turned out to be rather weak, it gets very hot and stinks, I think he will not have to live long. But in general, the alteration was a success, now the machine drives from under the remote control

This article is a modeler's story about making a homemade radio controlled model all-wheel drive vehicle range rover from a plastic model. It reveals the nuances of manufacturing axle drives, installing electronics and many other nuances.

So, I decided to make a car model with my own hands!

I bought an ordinary bench model Range Rover in the store. The price of this model is 1500 rubles, in general it is a little expensive, but the model is worth it! Initially I thought about making a hammer, but this model is much more suitable in design.

I had electronics, well, I took some parts from a trophy called "cat" which I had not needed for a long time and was disassembled for parts!

Of course, it was possible to take other prefabricated models as a basis, but I wanted just such an off-road jeep.

It all started with bridges and differentials that I made from copper pipes and soldered with a regular 100w soldering iron. The differentials here are ordinary, the gear is plastic, the rods and drive bones are iron from the trophy.

These tubes can be purchased at any hardware store.

I took the differential gear from a regular printer. I didn’t need him for a long time and now I decided that it was time for him to rest.

Everything turned out pretty reliably, but it’s rather inconvenient to work with a soldering iron!

After I made the differentials, I had to close them with something, I closed them with pill caps.

And painted it with regular car paint. It turned out beautifully, although beauty is hardly needed for a trophy.

Then it was necessary to make steering rods and put bridges on the frame. The frame was included and to my surprise it turned out to be iron, not plastic.

It was quite difficult to do this, since the scale of the parts is very small and it was not possible to solder here, I had to bolt it. Steering rods I took from the same old trophy that I dismantled.

All parts of the differentials are on bearings. Since I made the model for a long time.

I also ordered a gearbox with a reduction gear, the gear will be switched on by a microservo machine from the remote control.

Well, in general, then I installed a plastic bottom, cut a hole in it, installed a gearbox, cardan shafts, a home-made gearbox, an ordinary collector engine for such a small model, it makes no sense to put a bk and the speed is not important to me.

The engine is from a helicopter, but in the gearbox it is quite powerful.

The most important thing is that the model does not move in jerks, but smoothly without delay, the gearbox was not easy to make, but I had a heap of details, the main thing is ingenuity.

The reducer was screwed to the bottom, it kept perfectly, but to attach the bottom to the frame I had to tinker.

Then I installed electronics, shock absorbers, battery. At first I installed the electronics rather weak and the regulator and the receiver were a single unit, but then I installed everything separately and the electronics were more powerful.

And finally, painting, installation of all the main components, decals, headlights, and more. I painted everything with normal plastic paint in 4 coats then painted the fenders brown and sanded the parts to give a shabby and worn look.

The body of the model and the color are completely original, the color was found on the Internet and the photo real car everything was done according to the original. This color combination exists on a real car and was painted in this color at the factory.

Well, here are the final photos. I will add a video with the test a little later, and the model turned out to be very passable, the speed was 18 km / h, but I did it not for speed. In general, I am satisfied with my work, and it is up to you to evaluate it.

The machine is not large, the scale is 1x24 in size and there is the whole point of the idea, I wanted a mini trophy for myself.

The model is not afraid of moisture! Germetil himself simply varnished the electronics, very reliably, no moisture is terrible.

Servo machine micro park from the aircraft for 3.5 kg.

The battery lasts for 25 minutes of riding, but I will install more powerful electronics and a battery, because this one is not quite enough.

Even the bumpers are the same as on the original. And fastenings on them too. The drive on it is not 50-50%, but 60-40%.

In general, the Range Rover turned out in a rustic style, I didn’t even think that it would turn out to be so high-quality to paint because I really don’t know how to paint, although there’s nothing difficult!

I forgot to add for the sake of beauty, I also installed a roll cage and a full spare tire. Spare wheel and frame were included with the kit.

More about radio-controlled models:

Misha comments:

Tell me how it works four-wheel drive, inside the bridge, what besides the razdatki be? There must be rounded fist after all.

Psychologists say that doing something interesting together brings children and parents closer together. A father for a boy is always and in everything an example. Unfortunately, fathers do not always understand what to do with their child, except for watching TV. We offer you to learn how to do This activity will appeal to both "boys": both the son and the father. In this process, the mother, most likely, will not be able to intervene. Simply because of their ignorance in the radio business.

Activity for dad and son only

Sometimes it seems that only mothers take care of raising a child, and fathers only earn money. However, the role of the father in the formation of the character of the baby, especially the son, is no less than that of the mother. It happens that a tired father has no time to play with his child in his noisy and cheerful games. However, you need to remember that there may come a moment when the son simply stops looking for opportunities to communicate with dad if he constantly does not find time for this. In the end, there is a misunderstanding between dad and son, which is already quite difficult to overcome in adolescence. A ready-made kit or an independent attempt to figure out how to make a car on the control panel will help the father and child strengthen their relationship and mutual understanding.

What is the reason for the father's removal from his son? Sometimes this is a common inexperience, a kind of fear that young dads have, especially if the mother practically does not let the father near the baby.

Where can you start collaborating?

The easiest option (if you do not take into account the usual purchase of a finished model) is a machine-designer assembled according to the instructions. The kit contains all the necessary parts, you just need time and effort. A couple of evenings after work - and the radio-controlled toy is ready. And how much joy both son and dad will get when the model goes!

Another, more complex option is to invent and assemble a car from scratch. In this case, it will take more time, and the details will have to be looked for, and common work, joint work will bring more emotions.

What to choose: a copy or just a car without a brand

Some advanced craftsmen create and collect exact mini-copies of real cars. It happens like this:

  • firstly, the machine on the remote control is carefully assembled with his own hands, moreover, by family efforts;
  • secondly, the model may not be made of the same materials as the original;
  • thirdly, some minor minor details may be omitted.

Everything else, down to the engine and fuel, is done with meticulous precision. Some masters are engaged in assembling collectible models, which are exact copies of real, real cars.

On the control panel? You can collect a semi-copy, that is, a copy that resembles appearance selected original. And you can come up with a model "on a free theme", without focusing on any particular form. The size of the machine, in principle, does not matter. They also make small homemade models, jeeps or cars, and real radio-controlled mini-cars. It all depends on the desire, the allocated time and finances. Any activity that the son and father are engaged in together will strengthen the authority of the father in the eyes of the child.

What spare parts to prepare for the model to go

How to make a car on the remote control? Everything starts with a project. For work, you need to prepare not only a list of various parts and components, but all necessary tools. This will make the process more fun and organized. So, what you need to assemble the machine:

  • a motor (from a hair dryer, from a small fan) or a gasoline mini-engine;
  • frame;
  • body;
  • a set of rubber wheels;
  • what real cars call "shaft";
  • suspension or chassis;
  • 2 axles for mounting wheels;
  • antenna;
  • thin connecting wires;
  • rechargeable batteries to power the electric motor or gasoline (if the engine is an internal combustion engine);
  • signal receiver;
  • control panel (transmitter or radio unit).

Of the tools you will need pliers, a soldering iron, various screwdrivers and small wrenches, electrical tape, superglue, bolts, washers, nuts and other fasteners. All missing tools, parts and components are either made independently or bought in specialized stores.

How is this done and what will be the end result?

While preparing the parts according to the plan of how to make a remote control car, you may find that some of them need to be bought. The frame and body can be adapted from an old toy. Surely there are several boring or broken children's cars at home, from which you can take some of the missing parts.

The motor must be checked in advance for performance. Its power must correspond to the weight of the future little car. A weak engine will not pull a heavy model. All work can be reduced to zero. Batteries must be fresh or rechargeable. The build sequence is:

  • The frame is assembled first.
  • The motor is fixed and adjusted.
  • Batteries or accumulator are installed.
  • The next step is to fix the antenna.
  • The wheels are mounted so that they can easily rotate with the axle. If this is not done, the machine will not be able to turn, it will only drive straight: forward and backward.

It is preferable to take rubber tires, as they move better not only on the floor of the apartment, but also on open ground. If you like the process and you manage to figure out well how to make a car on the control panel, you can build several different copies, teach neighbor dads and boys and arrange mini-races over rough terrain right in the yard.


Self assembly machines on has several advantages. You will not only save money, but you will be able to make exactly the one you want. First of all, decide on the amount of money you are willing to spend. The range of spare parts and types is very large, the price range is also very large. When the amount is determined, then proceed to develop a small building plan. Decide which machine you want. You can do it simply on a wired control, or you can use a radio control, which will cost a little more.

Choose a chassis for your future machine. Now you can find a huge number of different chassis, and they are all interchangeable. When buying, pay attention to the quality of the parts. There should be no inclusions and notches on plastic parts. The front wheels should turn easily. Wheels are usually sold with the chassis. They also deserve a lot of attention. It is best to buy wheels with rubber, as plastic ones have very poor grip on the surface.

The next step is choosing a motor. This is the most important step as you choose the heart of your future car. It will largely depend on the dynamics and specifications future model. There are two types of motors for models - electric and gasoline. Electric motors are unpretentious in maintenance and have a relatively low price. They are very economical, as they are powered by batteries that are easy to recharge. Gasoline engines have more power, but are more expensive and require careful maintenance. Yes, and special fuel has a significant price. If you are new to modeling, then feel free to choose an electric motor. You will save money and time.

Now you need to decide what type of control will be - wired or wireless. Wired control is cheaper, but the car will only ride within a radius equal to the length of the wire. The radio unit costs a little more, but allows you to drive a car at an antenna coverage distance. It is best to overpay a little and buy a radio unit. Also think about the body of your car. On the shelves of the store you can find cases of almost all modern car models. You can also make the case according to your own unique sketch.

Now you need to assemble all the components. Take the chassis and attach the motor and radio unit. Install the antenna. Along with the components, you should be sold assembly instructions, in which you can find in detail the connection diagram of the parts. Install batteries and antenna. Adjust the motor. When everything is in sync, attach the car body to the chassis. Now it remains only to decorate the machine to your taste.

And I decided to repeat. From the beginning I ordered equipment, servos, shock absorbers, which are smaller in front and larger in back. The photo is not very

found an engine from a chainsaw in 45 cc and 3 horsepower.
And I started making the frame. The first pancake turned out to be lumpy because I made it from a metal profile and the frame turned out to be heavy and squishy, ​​which did not suit me.
Then I decided to try to make something lighter and stronger. I came across a sheet of aluminum from it, so I decided to make a frame. In order for it not to bend, I reinforced it in the center by installing 2 strips of aluminum profile. The frame turned out to be surprisingly strong 32 kg weight withstands like hello, and this is what I need. Here is the actual frame.

Then I thought about how to make a chassis how to install the front wheels from the beginning I wanted to use an aluminum U-shaped profile to install a suspension on it, but I couldn’t find it anywhere (I never thought that it was such a shortage D). I had to buy an aluminum corner 25 mm but then found out that the profile could be bought in the castorama but it was too late, that's what happened

the height of the corners turned out to be 6 cm. At the back, I still think how best to do it, because the model will be rear-wheel drive and such a scheme will no longer work and do without the main parts rear suspension I don’t risk it because I need to make estimates. And while I’m waiting for the main package, without which this machine will never budge. It comes with a set of drive axles

the receiver burned out like a native due to my stupidity

and wheel adapters

By the end of the first part, I want to show approximately how my model will look like; I’ll say right away the photos are not mine, I found them on the Internet. To be continued.