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How to make a toy motorcycle with your own hands. Battery powered motorcycle

How to make a motorcycle out of lighters? Why lighters? Because from one piece, you will not collect anything!

You will need as many as 2 of the most common lighters, direct hands and time (whoever will do it here) ... And most importantly - to disassemble them correctly to the last detail. All details are described below.

Do-it-yourself toy motorcycle from lighters? Of course, it sounds, to put it mildly, strange, but in fact, such a motorcycle, with proper assembly, looks quite cute and even realistic. It can be presented to your child or your adult child (husband) with the corresponding interest of the second! Such 1 motorcycle unit is made from two lighters quite quickly and simply (when you need to ... learn), so you can rivet not a single such instance in an evening.

So, we already have 2 lighters, well, or more, if our goal is to make a whole motorcycle fleet!

Of the details, you will need protection for the nozzle (metal tips that are located on top of the lighters) - you need 2 of them. The plastic case of the lighter itself, inside of which there are: a lever, a wheel and flint in the lighter - again 2 pieces. The lighter nozzle will come in handy for you as a whole, you need to unravel the plastic lever, its body, and the nozzle itself from it.

The way in which we construct our today's motorcycle masterpiece is basic, so you can change the design a little. We boldly take out the silicon spring from the lighter, the very rock of cosmic origin (silicon) or not? "set fire to the wheel" and the filter together with the cover, all this in 2 copies. And now, when we qualitatively and correctly dismantled 2 lighters, we can proceed to our main and cherished goal - building a motorcycle from two lighters! On hand, you need to have glue and double-sided tape, a gas soldering iron or stupidly just matches, or just another lighter to heat the parts in the process, and a katana sharp like a Japanese sword to pierce your liver in case of unsuccessful motorcycle construction!

The process itself is not that complicated, the main thing is to be sober and clearly understand the safety rules when working with an awl and open fire: "CUT AND BURN! SHUT AND BURN! AND THEN BREAK THE GUNS! IN THE NAME OF YOUR FYUR .... ", uh, a well-bred girl has gone in the wrong direction. First of all, we make (beautifully written) the front part of our future motorcycle masterpiece. To do this, we begin to assemble the lighter in the reverse order, so to speak ...

The body of the lighter for the lever of the device must be connected to the spring for silicon, the stone itself and the wheel from the lighter. All this can be inserted without problems, provided that you get into the right grooves. It should turn out so that the wheel rotates freely! This part of the method is the easiest! Our car with you should turn out to be symmetrical, for this we assemble the back of the bike from the second set of parts in the same way as before. The seat will be attached to the front. The nozzle arm, which is inserted into the front half of our bike, will completely roll over the seat. And you need to insert it from the side opposite the ignition wheel at an angle of about 45 degrees.


Second phase. I gave it the name "devil's intrigues", or "farewell to my glorious manicure", a little more complicated. You will need superglue for metal for this. The nozzle must be inserted into its own body, for this it is wrapped with double adhesive tape, and we go to sleep ...

The nozzle can still be coated with glue. These will be the motorcycle exhaust pipes. Having 2 lighters - we have the WORLD! Or rather 2 exhaust pipes of different lengths. We attach self-made pipes to the rear half from the side of the wheel just above it. Possession of 2 lighters at once - gives us the prerogative of universal proportions not to deny ourselves anything! Making our miniature biker the ETERNAL DREAM OF BLACK ENVY of the most hardened biker, when he arrives at a biker meeting and sees our epoch-making creation, he will finally realize that his terrible heavy and unnecessary mainstream Harley-Davidson for 25-50,000 Bachinsky is simply nothing in comparison with our dream of the Tula left-hander! Over which we conjured as much as 1-2 hours on a weekday evening!

Next, we make a hole in the front of the protruding plastic pin with a red-hot awl. Do not miss and do not accidentally hit yourself in the eye! Be carefull! Into this hole (oh, how it sounds, I'm melting) we insert (again I'm melting) ...................... filter and close it with two sides with its own lids, and the excess can be cut off or left as is, for greater informality of our creation! This is how the wheel of a bike is born.

Two metal nozzle guards are mounted under the handlebars of the bike, one below the other with a small pad. Metal parts must be well compressed before gluing. Teeth... (jokingly) Now we come to the finale! A number of lighter models are designed in such a way that the front and rear of the bike can be simply connected with the seat by snapping the tabs with grooves. This type of construction is called - "for the lucky ones!" But if you are unlucky and you have a different the lineup"loser", just melt the parts and glue them together! Or, simply without melting, glue, but with high-quality glue! MOTORCYCLE READY!

If you didn’t succeed, then carefully follow the instructions for assembling the motorcycle in the video below.

One more useful homemade for children, a wooden motorcycle was added to our collection, which every child, and possibly some of the adults will be happy with :) Last summer was not productive for manufacturing for a number of family reasons (disassembling and assembling furniture, etc.) and was not worth fixing on. However, by the time his grandson arrived for the first time at the dacha, he managed to collect a whole small toy from what was found. The wheels are spinning, the steering wheel is turning, there is an ignition key (from with a sawn beard), but I and my grandson can say tr-r-ttr. Photo view straight ahead.

The design is clear and visible from the presented photo. Almost everything is made of dry pine board 130x40 mm. Imitation of motor cooling fins from slats 20 x 10 mm. Exhaust pipe from a polypropylene pipe and a steering wheel from it. Pieces of HERE (heat-shrinkable tubes) are installed on the pipe and steering wheel and heated by an industrial fan. Wheels from the same board - photo 3.

Wheel diameter 280 mm. To imitate tires and for softness, rubber from the camera on glue and brackets. Wheel axles - nails 150 mm, cut to length. They are not fixed and can be pulled out freely, and then he takes the hammer and, under my guidance, tries to hammer it into place. Headlight cover from Nescafe. The steering wheel turns on the axle by about 30 degrees. on both sides. The seat is upholstered and upholstered. The motorcycle, of course, is heavy, however, the grandson copes with it (he is 3 years 6 months old). At the bottom of the frame is a folding fixed footboard. The photo is a game moment and on the right is the father’s legs, who wanted to help his son, who himself coped with the “accident”.

Many people very often think about how great it would be to at least try to create their own motorcycle with their own hands, without resorting to the services of salons, craftsmen, etc. However, often such a desire remains unfulfilled due to the motorist's uncertainty about the success of his project. That is why it is worth figuring out how to make a motorcycle without anyone's help.

Preparing to assemble the motorcycle

First you need, of course, to decide what configuration the future “steel horse” will have, as well as resolve the issue with all the parts and tools necessary for work. With some experience, some elements can be made independently, for example, at a milling and lathes or by welding.

If during the assembly process the old motorcycle acts as the basis, then you should not start work with the installation of small parts, universal joints, brake rods, etc. The best solution will start puttying and painting the tanks and fenders. In order to avoid problems with the motor or parts of the box bridge, they must be placed in kerosene for a while. look homemade motorcycle will be much more expressive and effective if the crankcases of its engine, covers, boxes and ignitions are well polished.

The motor of the old device must be completely sorted out, and only then proceed with the installation of accessories, which, as a rule, include two main materials: leather and chrome.

Bicycle as the basis for a motorcycle

It's no secret that often the basis for a motorcycle is just a bicycle, which is equipped with all the necessary equipment. When thinking about how to make a motorcycle out of a bicycle, it is important to understand what materials should be used, as well as to know their technical characteristics.

Quite often you can find such an option when the motor is from a chainsaw. In this case, it is also worth studying in detail its power, weight and size.

Possible list of materials for creating a motorcycle from a bicycle

So, turning a bike into a homemade motorcycle, the most common option for a set of parts is the following:

  • engine;
  • pulleys;
  • drive belt and tension roller;
  • fasteners.

One way or another, but making a motorcycle out of a bicycle is far from a cheap pleasure, so sometimes it’s better to think about whether it would be advisable to do this or whether it’s better to buy a new moped or at least a ready-made bicycle motor.

Cross motorcycle do it yourself

Despite the highest technical indicators such as a cross one, it is quite possible to assemble it with your own hands. Of course, nothing prevents you from simply buying a ready-made model, but factory samples are far from always able to satisfy all the desires of a particular motorist, moreover, such a purchase will certainly cost a lot, and a home-made motorcycle will save a significant amount of financial resources. However, here it is necessary to strictly observe all the requirements for installation, otherwise the end result can be very disappointing.

The procedure for self-assembly of a motocross motorcycle

It would be best to start the assembly with wheels, which can be freely purchased at any motorcycle parts store. There are two most common options for mounting these elements: purchase a rim and replace the spokes, or simply install cast sports wheels on the device.

The fork should be classic and have a full range of adjustments. The optimal size for it will be 43 mm.

In order to increase the reliability of the brake system, it is necessary to increase their power. Alternatively, sometimes the diameter of the brake disc is simply increased.

Particular attention should be paid to the suspension, which is mounted on a homemade motocross motorcycle. The most suitable for it will be stock shock absorbers, which can also be ordered directly from the manufacturer, but it is important to indicate the possible mass of the device so that the suspension elements are equipped with the appropriate springs.

If we talk about the engine, then it is definitely worth mentioning that its thrust can be increased by reducing intake losses. To ensure this, the standard paper filter in the old engine is replaced with foam rubber, after which updated motor is installed in the system of the future motocross motorcycle. In addition, the carburetor is also subject to change, which should ensure good engine performance at maximum speed.

How to make an all-terrain vehicle from a motorcycle?

Recently, the designs of all-terrain vehicles, which are made from ordinary motorcycles, have gained wide popularity. In addition to the entertainment functions that such a device carries, it is also a very reliable means of transportation.

So, motorcycles can be divided into several categories, the main of which are, of course, ATVs. These transport models combine the mobility of a motorcycle and the stability inherent in cars in an amazing way. Due to the fact that each of the wheels of the ATV has its own suspension, the device is able to overcome almost any, even the steepest bumps in the road.

The third type of all-terrain vehicles from a motorcycle is vehicles equipped with caterpillars, with which you can easily move through swampy areas.

However, do not forget that any, even a home-made motorcycle is vehicle, characterized cross-country ability. Therefore, in order to achieve the maximum value of this parameter, it will be enough just to increase the permeability of a standard vehicle, and the need for global modernization will disappear by itself.

Making a small electric motorcycle with your own hands is not a difficult task.

Enough to have Electrical engine, a crown battery, some wires, a cocktail pipe, three corks from plastic bottles and a thermal gun - that's, in principle, all you need to assemble a small toy - an electric bike!

You can see the general structure of this homemade toy on an electric motor in the photo below.

If you don't have a suitable electric motor, you can order one from this article: Motors for Homemade Toys.

The very first electric motor is suitable, its size just allows you to fit the electric motor into a traffic jam and get a motor-wheel class mover as a result.

However, exactly the same electric motors are found in various devices that you most likely no longer use - for example, in old CD / DVD-Roms, etc.

Watch the video of assembling such an electric bike with your own hands.

Nothing complicated, right?

It is enough to follow the video instructions and in 20 minutes you will be able to assemble your version of the electric cycle!

On such toy electric bikes, you can race along tracks made of cardboard, these tracks may include jumps and hills, as well as areas difficult to overcome by a toy in the form of a carpet. Because of the wide wheels, the electric bike will also feel very good on the street, it can handle both asphalt and sand, dense or shallow snow will also allow a home-made electric bike to show its capabilities.

This idea is quite easy to develop and, according to a similar principle, to assemble a vehicle with a large number of wheels.

The video instructions below show the assembly of a toy tricycle from almost the same materials, well, except that traffic jams were added to the new wheel.

But, you can not stop at three-wheeled vehicles. You can make a toy buggy with exactly the same motor-wheel drive or any other technique - the main thing is the desire and the presence of a suitable number of electric motors.

Vlad comments:

I decided for my son to make a toy for children, you will not be surprised by anything, since they need something original. I saw in this article how to do it. It was interesting and the son got involved and now with friends in the race. I'm glad I made my son happy and I even plan to make a few more pieces

Tatyana comments:

Very original! Our three-year-old son is growing up, he has long been interested in all sorts of such things. He constantly asks how everything is done and how it works! :) Recently I showed him how the combine works! So this bike is just a godsend! Today I’ll tell my husband to make such a “drive” with the boy, I’m sure the child will be happy! :) It remains to collect the caps)))

Dmitry comments:

Great idea! We started making our first bike with my son today)). So far, not very good, but we are learning quickly. More such materials.

Alexander comments:

It's like remembering my childhood. Once I made something similar, although the choice of electric motors was much smaller at that time. Instead of traffic jams, he used wheels from toy cars.