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How to check if a car is listed as stolen. How to check the history of a car by state number (and other identifiers)? How to find out if the car is stolen

It is difficult for many car owners to believe that a recently purchased used car is among the stolen cars, but no one is immune from this. Moreover, such cases in our country occur everywhere and all because the buyers are not responsible enough for the preparation of the transaction. Even when a used car is completely satisfied in terms of technical parameters and price, and a visual inspection did not reveal any defects, it is impossible to sign a sales contract until you are convinced of the legal purity of the transaction. The most important step is to check for the absence of a car in the lists of stolen vehicles, and this can be done different ways, the easiest and most convenient way is to order a report on the ProAuto portal.

According to the law, employees of the state traffic inspectorate are required to check cars on demand, but in practice this does not always work. First of all, not every seller is allowed to drive a car and drive it to the nearest traffic police post (by the way, this is another reason to suspect him of fraud). But, besides, not all inspectors want to spend their time on the requests of motorists, finding all sorts of excuses, like the “freezing” of the base. You can, of course, write a statement or use the official website, but in the first case, personal presence is required, and in the second, information will be available only if there is a VIN number. A successful solution to the problem is offered by our reliable portal, where everyone has the opportunity to quickly and easily check the car both by VIN and by license plate number.

The preparation of an electronic report takes fundamentally less time than the preparation of documents upon an official request to the traffic police, while the customer does not have to advertise personal data to the competent authorities and demonstrate his doubts to the seller. A convenient online interaction mechanism allows you to get information from trusted sources, while in addition to clarifying the issue of theft, you can make sure that the car was not involved in the accident, is not wanted by the customs service and is not included in the register of collateral. The report materials are systematized in such a way as to give the buyer the most complete understanding of what kind of vehicle he is going to purchase.


The questions that almost every motorist comes into contact with before purchasing a used car is a check not only of the technical condition of the vehicle, but also the legal purity of the transaction and everything connected with it. Legal issues include: verification of the owner's rights to the alienated car.

To do this, it is necessary to check whether the car is pledged or stolen, whether it has an arrest. If you do not ask these questions, then the results of the transaction may be unfavorable for the buyer.

How to check a car for theft

In addition to the exchange of the necessary documentation when concluding a transaction for the sale of a vehicle, it is necessary to verify the authenticity of its owner, i.e. whether the subject of the transaction is stolen. There are several ways to audit, with which you can get real information on a particular car. And first, let's find out how to check the car for theft according to the traffic police database.

Through the traffic police

So, how to find out if a car is stolen or not with the help of the traffic police? You can get this information by contacting the employees of this instance directly. Obtaining data on a car is possible both in the region of residence and at any post.

To clarify the information, you must come to the traffic police on the vehicle being checked. If the fact of a criminally punishable theft in a particular car is revealed, the employee is obliged to take measures to detain him to establish the circumstances and further proceedings.

This method of revision is provided free of charge, data on the car is issued without any additional payments. And now let's find out how to get a car stolen on the Internet.

Using the Internet

This method is the most convenient and labor-intensive. Special portals have been created on the Internet that allow you to get information on car theft online. At the same time, you can use these resources even when you are outside the state. However, there are still very few official databases created with data on stolen vehicles.

On the network, you can come across illegal databases that contain allegedly reliable information, but you should not fully trust such resources.

To obtain reliable information, you should use the official website of the traffic police, which operates within a particular region. If there is no such base in the region where the car is located, a personal appeal to the authority is necessary. Such databases provide data only on stolen vehicles; there is no information about pledged cars.

What sites can you check?

  • www.gibdd.ru/check/auto;
  • www.avtokod.mos.ru;
  • www.auto.ru

The following video will tell in more detail about the Internet check of a car for theft:

By state number, by VIN, by body or chassis number

You can get information about the theft only according to certain data that each motor vehicle. Such identification data includes:

  • Identification number (VIN)- is a unique vehicle code, which includes 17 characters. These symbols contain information about the manufacturer, year of manufacture and some characteristics of the car. With this code, you can get reliable information about the past of your car. This number is necessary to perform registration actions when performing operations in the traffic police, when the employee checks the VIN number with the entry in the vehicle passport and the inscription on the plate. The VIN code can be located in various places on the different cars(under the hood, in the cabin).
  • body number converges with the VIN code, but there may be individual numbers of specific aggregate units and parts.
  • Chassis number (frame)- can also be identical to the body number, therefore, in all accompanying documentation (passport of the vehicle, registration certificate) only the body number is indicated. Also, the frame number can be found by the VIN code of the car.
  • State number of the vehicle- an individual number assigned to the car during registration (alphanumeric information and region number). It is placed on a reflective plate at the back and front of the car.

by the most in a simple way verification is official online service Traffic Police ("Vehicle Check"). Thanks to the service, you can check:

  • finding a car on the wanted list;
  • a ban on registration actions (there are restrictions on changing the owner of the vehicle).

To obtain information, you will need to enter the VIN code of the car in a special window, and to confirm the action, you must enter the numbers from the specified picture. Then click on the "Check for restrictions" button.

You can also find out the history of the car by the VIN-code ( technical details, participation in an accident), registered in Moscow and the Moscow region on the website www.auto.ru. This check is carried out free of charge, however, for more detailed information and a detailed report, you must already pay.

Autohistory can also be checked on the website www.avtokod.mos.ru. To do this, you must enter one of the known numbers: VIN or state number, as well as the number of the vehicle certificate.

Knowing how to check a car for theft before buying, we will also learn about checking for search and arrest.

How to “break through” a car for arrest

A vehicle may be seized in the following cases:

  • the owner of the car has a debt to pay traffic police fines (arrest is imposed by the bailiff service);
  • the owner of the car has arrears in paying for housing, alimony payments (arrest is imposed by the court if the vehicle is the subject of a disputed legal relationship, and there is a risk that the owner sells the car before a judicial act is issued);
  • the vehicle is suspected of being illegally imported or illegally cleared by customs (seizure is imposed by the customs authority);
  • a ban on deregistration is imposed by the investigative department of the traffic police (if the car is involved in an accident, or if there is damage to the places where the VIN code, body number or engine is applied).

If there is an arrest on the car, this means that it is forbidden to carry out any registration operations with the traffic police. An “arrested” car cannot be removed from the register, re-registered for another owner, etc. Checking for the fact of the arrest of a car is carried out in those instances that are authorized for such actions.

Through the traffic police

You can check a car for arrest in the same way as for theft on the official website of the traffic police. To do this, you must also indicate the personal number of the vehicle. However, the inspection may receive information about the seizure of the car a little later, so it would be better to contact the FSSP.

In the FSSP

The bailiff service is responsible for the execution of court decisions. This service contains a database of seized property. Therefore, in order to obtain information, it is necessary to issue an application, the consideration of which takes no more than 30 days. However, in practice, when citizens apply for information about the seizure, it takes from 5 to 7 working days.

The application should include information about:

  1. Make and model of vehicle.
  2. State registration number.
  3. VIN-code, which is registered in the data sheet.

Documents can be attached to the application, which are confirmation of the above data.

To check the vehicle for arrest, you can use the virtual form, which is located on the official page of the bailiff service on the network. This option is the most efficient, but you need to have information about the VIN code. Sometimes it is necessary to check someone else's car, and such information is often not available, so it is better to issue a written request. We will tell you separately about how to protect an already purchased car from theft and how to act if a crime is nevertheless committed.

The video below will tell you more about the methods of checking a car for arrest and search:

How to check a car for bail

Important Features

A vehicle may be pledged during the execution of property transactions, when it acts as a guarantor of the security of the transaction. In addition, a car is considered as a pledge if it is purchased under a car loan agreement from specialized companies.

If the car is pledged, then until the full repayment of the amount, it is owned by the pledger, but his rights are limited. The pledged car cannot be sold without the consent of the pledgee, as well as perform other operations with it. Without going through the procedure for obtaining permission, such operations with the vehicle will be considered invalid, and the concluded agreement will have no legal force and consequences. The transaction is canceled and everything transferred under the contract must be returned to the parties. Sometimes it can be very difficult to return money from an unscrupulous seller.

In addition, a bona fide purchaser may stop making payments under the obligation, and the pledgee has the right to sell the pledged property in order to recover the money. In this case, the seller is left without a vehicle and without Money. This is the importance of checking the car for bail.

When checking documents, the following facts may alert:

  • the presence of a duplicate of the vehicle passport for a new car;
  • frequent change of owners.

The legality of the transaction can be checked by asking the owner for a CASCO policy, in which the beneficiary is registered. It can be a banking organization or a citizen from whom a car is purchased.


  1. An electronic database of pledges has been created on the website of the Federal Notary Chamber.
  2. Credit history can be checked according to the seller's passport using the Central Catalog of Credit Histories.
  3. With the help of the auro.ru Internet portal, the presence of the vehicle in pledge is checked. To do this, you need to know the VIN code. There is a certain list of banking organizations that are partners providing information about collateral cars.

Summing up, when performing any operation with a vehicle, you must be careful and, at the slightest suspicion, check the legal purity of the car. A few trading rules:

  • it is better to sign a contract with the owner, and not with a trustee;
  • check all documents for their authenticity (passport of the vehicle, certificate, etc.);
  • check the part numbers of the machine with the data in the PTS.

This video will tell you how to check the documents for a car before buying it, this video will tell:


Working with a civilized organization of the secondary market of vehicles today has serious prospects. To inform machine buyers about possible problems ah with the legal cleanliness of the car, the state even created a special verification service. Today, before buying a car, you can break through all the necessary databases and find out all the possible legal problems of the car you are buying. The biggest and almost unrealistic problem to solve is the presence of a car in the database of stolen vehicles. If the car is on the wanted list, it will be confiscated without explanation.

Therefore, before buying a car, especially with the current simplified re-registration system, you need to make sure that the car you have chosen is not on the federal wanted list due to theft. Also, the check for theft can be supplemented with a base of bank collateral and court arrests. Such cars are often tried to be sold without proper re-registration, so be as careful as possible in the process of going through any questionable actions when buying a car.

We check the car for theft - the main ways to determine forgery

You can learn about the legal problems of the car even before you start punching the car through the bases. Look at the behavior of the seller, and also insist that you only need a formal renewal in the presence of the owner. Often, sellers of stolen cars seek to quickly sell cars under a sales contract and hide from sight.

You can determine the presence of legal problems using a detailed study of documents. For example, a stolen car may have a copy of the title or the name of the seller and supposedly the owner of the car is not included in the insurance. These little things should be taken very seriously. Of course, there are software options to break through the car for theft:

  • on the official website of the traffic police, it is possible to check the car by VIN code or body number;
  • with the help of various private companies on the Internet, you can order a quick check of the car according to the wanted database;
  • through the traffic police, you can find out for a small fee whether this vehicle is listed as stolen;
  • by checking the car in various public databases, you can find certain problems;
  • with the help of official re-registration of the car in the traffic police department, you can accurately determine the presence of problems.

You can not waste time on various self checks and do not trust private companies on the Internet. And the online database on the traffic police portal often fails and gives out information about other cars. Therefore, the correct and complete re-registration of the ownership of the car in the presence of the car owner will be the surest way.

If the owner categorically refuses to go to the police station, but insists on the speedy sale and signing of the contract, it is better to refuse such a purchase, since favorable price you would not be offered. Otherwise, the contract of sale will be invalidated in case of car theft, because you gave the money not to the owner, but to an outsider.

Proper re-registration of the car is the best test of all problems

A few years ago, the lengthy procedure and the high cost of a full-fledged re-registration of a car with deregistration scared off buyers and sellers. People found faster and simple methods solution to this problem. There were various kinds of powers of attorney, and then it was possible to drive with someone else's registration certificate. But today, such re-registration options have become irrelevant.

The fact is that a simplified system of re-registration of ownership of a vehicle has been operating for more than a year, which even allows you to leave the old numbers and not pay a fee for their production. This procedure is the best way to buy a used car, and also provides the buyer with the following important advantages:

  • the reissuance procedure lasts no longer than one hour, sometimes you can get new documents even faster;
  • the cost of re-registration of ownership of a vehicle without obtaining new numbers is very low;
  • as the car is removed and registered in the traffic police, they check not only the presence of the car in theft, but also other statuses in the legal field;
  • you get a completely clean car that is ready for operation on the roads of Russia without surprises;
  • the buyer has the right to order his own license plate, which will be assigned to him until the next car sale.

The procedure is quite simple and fast, but it allows you not to worry about possible legal problems at all. Many sellers believe that if they give away their car with numbers, then fines from surveillance cameras can still come to their address. But this is impossible, because in the process of reissuing, the data about the owner of the number completely change.

Such a restructuring will actually important process, which will determine the legal purity of the car, save you money on various checks. During re-registration, you must also provide the car itself for inspection, which will make sure that all unit numbers correspond to the numbers indicated in the documents. Do not risk your money and nerves - choose the safest verification methods.

The first inspection of the car and the definition of theft

Experienced buyers and automotive businessmen have long learned to determine car theft according to various criteria without re-registration and without trips to the traffic police. To do this, they only need a few minutes to talk with the owner and look into the documents of the car. To begin with, the documents will be fake, and fakes are easy to spot if you understand government requirements.

They also determine the attacker by the manner of speaking and knowledge of their own car. If the PTS states that last owner owned a car for more than three years, which means that he knows absolutely everything about cars. If the seller answers questions evasively, this should alert you. The following indicators are important to pay attention to:

  • confusing indications about the mileage and type of operation of the car, about the quality of service and places for service repairs;
  • difficult answers to unexpected questions, for example, about the price of a car in the cabin when buying;
  • a copy of the TCP - this moment should always alert and make you once again check the cleanliness of the car;
  • the presence of signs of a non-original certificate of registration of the vehicle, suspicions of its possible forgery;
  • problems with the readability of body numbers, engine numbers and VIN codes on the car body;
  • other dubious points that make you think about the normal legal state of the car.

If you have the slightest suspicion, do not give money to the seller. It is better to use an additional check, and in ideal take the seller with you to re-register the car in the traffic police. In general, even if there are no doubts, it is better not to give money before re-registration and issuance of new documents.

Here, many have controversial situations, because not every seller wants to re-register a car without money. You can do it differently: transfer half of the money when drawing up a sales contract, and the other half after reissuing it to the traffic police. Just don't lose sight of the seller who took half the money. If this is a scammer, this money will be enough for him.

Summing up

If you decide to get the maximum benefit from buying a car, remember such subtleties as the legal health of the vehicle. The more potential problems a machine has, the more difficult it will be to operate. Sometimes it's better to give preference to more expensive options on the secondary market or even completely protect yourself from problems by buying new car in the cabin, but of a lower class.

Be as careful as possible when buying a car in the secondary market. Use all the verification options available to you and prefer formal reissuance. Otherwise, an unpleasant surprise may occur, which will cause the loss of a considerable amount of money. If you have had situations with the purchase of problematic cars, be sure to tell us about them in the comments.


When buying a used car, you may encounter a number of unpleasant moments regarding and specifications cars, and pricing policy, and outright fraud, which consists in an attempt to sell a stolen vehicle.

We will find out what you need to consider when buying a used car, how to make sure the seller is honest, how to check the car for theft.


When buying a used vehicle, you should make sure that the car has not been stolen before. Many buyers decide to ignore this rule. Don't make the same mistake.

Consider several ways to check a car for theft:

  1. Contacting the traffic police. The base of this organization includes all registered cars in Russia. Legal purity can be established by the identification code or by the number of the chassis, body.
  2. Expert Bureau. Employees conduct a study, provide a written opinion. The average cost of the service is about 5000 rubles.

VIN check

Consider how to check if the car is stolen or not, using the VIN code. This is the vehicle identification number, consisting of 17 characters.

They encoded information about the characteristics of the vehicle, manufacturer, year of manufacture. The number can be found on the top left of the instrument panel and on the left A-pillar.

Online check:

  1. Based on traffic police. In 2016, motorists got the opportunity to check the car by the VIN code on the traffic police website (http://www.gibdd.ru/check/auto/). The resource provides access to the department's database with information on the registration of cars, their technical parameters, participation in an accident, theft, the presence of restrictions. You need to click the "Vehicle Check" button on the website www.gibdd.ru in the right panel. Drive in the VIN code and do everything according to the available instructions.
  2. Autocode portal (https://avtokod.mos.ru/). For verification, you will need the state number of the car and registration on the State Services Portal. The service works only in Moscow and Moscow Region. The only service that gives out the history of the car almost in full.
  3. Website of the register of pledges (https://www.reestr-zalogov.ru/state/index#/). This is where they check if the car is in collateral.
  4. FSSP website (http://fssprus.ru/iss/IP). If the vehicle is arrested, you will find information about foreclosing the car by the full name and date of birth of the car owner.
  5. And using the service https://avtobot.net/ you can find out who is the owner of the vehicle. The resource collects data on the machine that has ever been on the Internet. Sometimes it finds not only the full name, but also the phone number, account in in social networks, car photos.

Pay attention to the behavior of the seller. Insist on a formal re-registration in the presence of the owner. Usually, sellers of stolen cars try to quickly sell the car under a sales contract and hide.

If the car owner begins to refuse official re-registration, but insists on signing the contract as soon as possible, refuse such a purchase.

If the car is stolen, the contract is invalidated (you will pay not to the real owner, but to an outsider).

Proper car registration is the best check. Previously, the duration of the procedure and the high cost of a full-fledged car re-registration service scared away both parties.

But for more than a year, a simplified vehicle re-registration system has been in operation.. It allows you to keep old numbers and not pay a fee for their production.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • the duration of the reissuance is an hour or even less;
  • the traffic police checks not only the likelihood of theft of the car being sold, but also other legal statuses;
  • You purchase a legally clean vehicle;
  • the buyer can order his own license plate.

The procedure is simple, does not require a long time, but most importantly - the buyer will not worry about possible legal problems.

This method will help determine the legal cleanliness of the car, help save money on various checks, make sure that all numbers on the car and in the documents for it match.

First inspection

Experienced buyers have long learned to identify a stolen car according to various criteria, without checking it against the traffic police databases.

It takes a few minutes of conversation with the car owner and a cursory review of documents. Distinguishing fake papers from genuine ones is not difficult if you understand government requirements.

You can identify a scammer by his manner and awareness of the characteristics of the car he is selling. If the TCP indicates that the car owner registered the car for himself a long time ago, he must know everything about his car.

If the answers to questions are vague, evasive, you should be wary. Pay attention to the following indicators:

  • confused readings about mileage, ignorance about the quality of service, service repair places;
  • difficulty in answering unexpected questions: for example, the cost of a car in the cabin;
  • the presence of only a copy of the TCP is one of the main alarming points;
  • if there are signs of a non-original certificate of registration of a car, its forgery;
  • it is very difficult to read body numbers, engine numbers or VIN code;
  • many different questionable points.

Other required actions:

Check by engine number

We will learn how to check the engine for theft by number. In some traffic police, when re-registering a car, they refuse to issue a vehicle because of a different engine number.

He may be stolen. Then a criminal case is started, and the car is sent for examination.

The plate is etched with acid, revealing the original engine number, which was previously overwritten by intruders. Then for re-registration you will have to buy new engine. In other traffic police, they may not even look at the engine number.

Before buying, it is better to play it safe and go to the traffic police together with the seller. They'll check the engine. If no problems arise, the engine is not wanted, the car can be safely purchased.

The engine number of most machines is located on the engine case or engine components. Embossed on a thin metal plate that is soldered to the motor housing.

Location may vary. Often located under the dipstick hole. You can also look into technical documentation on the vehicle. Or search the Internet if the car owner has not saved the documentation.

Video: How to break a car through the bases? Legal cleanliness of the car

Problems of sale and purchase after theft

If you want to sell a car that was stolen and returned to you, but the factory marking has been changed, what should you do then?

Not every buyer will want to purchase a car with a broken VIN code, as there may be problems in re-registration and further sale.

But since there are a lot of such cars, the traffic police began to register cars returned after theft. It is necessary to conduct an independent forensic examination, which should confirm that the vehicle belongs to the victim.

Since July 2017, some changes have been made to the process of re-registering a car (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 139 of March 20, 2017).

Registration may be refused if:

  • inspectors found signs of opening, forgery, alteration, destruction of vehicle numbers, components, assemblies, as well as signs of forgery of the documents provided;
  • it is impossible to identify the vehicle due to the replacement of the body, frame, which resulted in the loss of the number applied by the manufacturer;
  • information about death individual or termination of activities legal entity who are the owners of the car;
  • non-payment of state duty;
  • recognition of the PTS as invalid.

Be sure to check the vehicle not only by the VIN code. Don't forget to check the engine number as well. Talk to the buyer, ask him various questions, inspect the glasses, all available numbers, compare them with the documentation provided.

Break the car for theft on various databases. Only after receiving all the information about the car you are buying, you can be sure of the car you like.

So you protect yourself from possible problems and proceedings related to the operation of the vehicle by the previous owner.


When planning to buy a used car, there are many challenges. How and where to find a car in a good technical condition - through friends, through private ads or on the market? How to identify a car with a twisted odometer, broken, repainted? And finally, how to check the car for theft, that is, for legal "cleanliness"?

We will not give advice about the purchase of a new car. The purpose of the article is to tell about how to avoid buying a stolen or illegally imported car in the secondary market. So, you have decided on the car, discussed the price with the seller, and you can't wait to pay the money and get behind the wheel. Take your time! You need to check if the car is stolen. We will tell you how to do this below, but for now, carefully study the documents - in most cases they will “tell” you about the fate of the car. Here is a list of them: registration certificate (if the car is registered), PTS (vehicle passport), CCD (cargo customs declaration), import certificate and customs warrant.

Verification of documents

The PTS is the main document. Pay attention to the form. Like banknotes, it is made at Goznak enterprises. Therefore, it has a certain degree of protection, namely watermarks. They should be clearly visible when viewing the form in the light. In some cases, a magnifying glass may be needed. The TCP form itself must be of proper quality and not be “washed” (in this way, scammers destroy the original information and print over the new one). On the front surface of the PTS there is a circle or a holographic strip. Take a look at her. Images and labels must be clear and easy to read. And of course, the hologram should not look like it was glued with tape. In the upper left corner of the PTS form there is a “rose”. If you change the angle of inclination, it will turn gray (when viewed directly, its color is bright green). Also, this drawing is voluminous. You can verify this by simply moving your finger over it.

Surely our readers are eager to learn how to check the car for theft. Don't rush! If there are watermarks on the TCP, and everything is fine with the hologram and the “rose”, we delve into the study of the content of the document. We check the series and number. The first two digits are the code of the region where the passport was issued. At this stage, you can immediately find out if it has changed. There are two important moments. For domestic cars- the passport is assigned by the manufacturer (the VAZ brand has a region code of 63). For foreign cars - PTS is issued by the customs service at the place of customs clearance of the car. This will be evidenced by the customs stamp on the passport (folded, in the left bottom corner). Also in paragraph number 23 should be the name of the customs. In addition, the form must have a personal seal and signature of the customs officer who processed the TCP. It is unacceptable for a passport with the code of one region to be issued in another. It is better to refrain from buying such a car.

Required notes and duplicate

If the column "special marks" contains the number of the customs declaration, then most likely the car was cleared through customs honestly. If a car is sold with a duplicate passport, then this is very suspicious. Fraudsters deliberately "lose" the documents for the car and then receive a "clean" title through their people. Or they destroy the passport, deliberately spoil it (burn it, tear it) and go to the nearest traffic police department, where they are given an official “clean” duplicate. If you have doubts about the Title, you can send a request (in any form) to the customs authorities to confirm the “cleanliness” of the car.

How to check the car for theft?

Well, we have reached this stage. Any traffic police officer can check if the car is stolen through the Autopoisk database. But this applies only to Russian cars. There remains the possibility of encountering a car stolen abroad and on the international wanted list. A lot of such cars came to our country in 1994-95, when the traffic police and Interpol practically did not exchange information. According to statistics, every 2nd foreign car imported in those years has a "dark" past. Now it is much more difficult to import stolen cars into Russia.

Despite the not very active work of Interpol in our country, the history of any car can be found out without any problems. For many years, firms have been operating that have established ties with the traffic police, Interpol and customs and verify the legality of sales transactions in the territory of another state. You can get information either orally or in writing (in the form of a conclusion on the "cleanliness" of the car with the signatures of responsible traffic police officers). The waiting time for such a document does not exceed a week. Now you know how to check the car for theft. But there is one more important nuance, which must be taken into account.

Problems with numbered units

In Russia, a car can be identified by three components: chassis, engine and body. For example, in Germany there is only one - the body. A situation may arise when the previous owner of the car changed the engine. At the same time, the mechanics stuffed on new motor old number, because it is not forbidden to do it there. And in our country such a car will immediately receive a criminal status. By the way, if a traffic police officer (who knows how to get a car stolen) announces that your car is stolen, then he could simply confuse it with a twin car. As a rule, inspectors check only the last digits of a long VIN number. And sometimes they can coincide with the numbers that were present in the numbers of the stolen cars.

Buy from authorized dealers

Most the best option– purchase a car in specialized companies (delivering cars on order) or from official dealers. Serious offices will never deal with "dark" machines. They always carry out pre-sale preparation of the car and give a guarantee. There are few such firms, and their prices are too high, but you will definitely save yourself from trouble.

We hope that this article on how to find out if a car is stolen or not turned out to be useful. And finally...

What should I do if I bought a stolen car?

According to statistics, if a person bought a stolen car, then in most cases he will be left with both an empty garage and an empty wallet. The vehicle will be returned to its rightful owner, and the buyer will only be able to claim their money back if the perpetrator can be found. But most of the time you can't find it. Therefore, take the process of checking the purchased used car with all seriousness.

According to statistics, 92% of stolen cars in Russia disappear without a trace. In order not to accidentally buy a stolen car, check it for Autocode!

How to find out if the car is stolen or not

Check the car for theft according to the state. number in 5 minutes - easy! In the search box, enter known information about the car - for example, state number, vin or chassis number. The site will issue brief description cars. Now you need to pay for the full service, and you will receive a detailed report with the following data:

  • Whether the car is stolen or not
  • Arrest Information
  • Real car mileage
  • History of registration actions
  • Details of fines
  • Car insurance, participation in an accident, etc.

If the car is seen stolen, then, most likely, you will have to prove your innocence and give the car away for the duration of the investigation, or maybe for good.

Why it is important to break the car for theft - expert opinion

Denis Lukin, auto expert, Remontista company

“Before buying a car, you must definitely find out its technical condition and legal purity (a ban on registration actions, crime). Checking must be done even if the car is sold in the dealer's showroom, and not just on the ad.

Living example: A man bought a Peugeot 308 just on trust, without any checks. He didn’t drive for long before the police came to him, explained that the car was stolen, and soon the injured owner took it. Of course, no one returned the money to the buyer. There are many such cases, so diagnostics before buying is the same necessary procedure as checking a car online through avtoсod.ru.”

What will happen if you do not check the car for arrest, search, theft

Anatoly Shitsin

“Four years ago I bought Priora. A young woman was selling a car. I did not consider it necessary to break through his story online then. A year before the sale, she bought a car in Kazan, and during this time no one from the police disturbed the owner. We made a deal with her in Perm. Two weeks after the purchase came to the registration. The traffic police base showed that the car was stolen, and the car was taken away from me. The previous owner had no idea that it was stolen. They didn’t return the transport I bought, the police said: “Look for the thief.” The scammers have never been found."

Deception schemes

There are at least three schemes for deceiving buyers of used cars. Some scammers create a double car, stuffing the numbers of another car, and forge documents. Others buy a car on lease in Europe and sell it in Russia. Still others interrupt the body number.

You can make sure that you need to check the car and find out how stolen vehicles are sold in our special material.

Checking a car for theft before buying

Why is it better to do verification through Autocode? Benefits of an online service:

  • Unlike other services, the site allows you to check the car for theft by state number, without entering additional data. You can also punch a car
  • Checking the car for theft takes no more than 5 minutes;
  • All data provided by the service is verified by the traffic police database;
  • The service does not require registration, which speeds up the verification;
  • The service is available in mobile application. You can check a car for theft by car number from anywhere in the country;
  • The service allows you to check Japanese cars according to the state. number.

You receive the report online without leaving your home. This saves time and costs for trips to experts and traffic police. And most importantly - with Autocode at the time of purchase, you will already know the history of the desired car, which will help you recognize fraud and make the right choice.

Autocode allows you to find out the history of the car before buying quickly and easily. You don't need to look up the VIN - just enter the vehicle's license plate number. You will receive a vehicle report based on information from the traffic police database and other official sources. The information obtained will help to avoid legal problems after the purchase of the vehicle.

What will the check by car number tell you

A full report is generated within 5 minutes. From it you will learn:

  • PTS data;
  • history of registration actions;
  • mileage history;
  • data on participation in an accident;
  • calculations of repair insurance works;
  • the presence of traffic police restrictions;
  • information about theft;
  • information about pledges;
  • information about working in a taxi;
  • disposal data;
  • information about technical inspections, OSAGO and fines;
  • history of sales ads and much more.

You can check a car by license plate number without leaving your home. The report will be generated online, and a link to the report will be sent to your email address.

Why is it important to check a car by license plate number

— Victim, did you recognize the person who stole your car?

“Your Honor, after his lawyer's speech, I doubt I had a car at all.

Evgeny Loginov, auto expert, project manager "My Expert - Yekaterinburg":

“A car is a technically complex product. How I love to tell my clients: "It's not like going to the store for bread." That is why even new car with a mileage of 10 thousand km and only one owner must be checked carefully.

In our work, we often encounter the fact that sellers do not agree and sell cars after an accident, with adjusted mileage, problematic engines and gearboxes. It could be worse. You can run into intermediaries in the sale, or, more simply, outbids. These comrades alter the steering wheels, re-tighten the interior, restore the vehicle after the most serious accidents, when the geometry of the cars is broken or the airbags work.

When buying a car with an "unclean" history, you not only risk getting expensive engine, gearbox and other repairs, but you simply risk your life! In the event of a repeated accident on such a car, the airbags are unlikely to work.

Another important aspect of buying a used car is the legal component. Whatever good car, if he has problems with documents, there are restrictions on registration or he is stolen, then you will not register such a car. The most innocuous is the restriction in registration due to a fine that the former owner did not pay. It is much more serious if the VIN number is broken on the car, the frame number is not read or erased, the engine number is missing.

What happens if you do not break through the car before buying

- Honey, my car broke down.

- Strongly?

- In half.

Real stories of victims:


“A year ago, my wife and I bought a used car. When buying, no errors were found. In addition, on the recommendation of the seller, we went to the nearest service, where we were assured that the car full order. How to check the car in other ways, we did not think. In general, they took their word for it and seriously pierced it, because when registering with the traffic police, it turned out that the car had been restored after a major accident. For good work the car was missing a lot of expensive parts. What can I say? I could only sell for parts.


“A few years ago I bought a car from a private individual. Together we deregistered it and registered it in my name. A few months later, the police came to me and took away the TCP for examination of signatures, and then the car itself. It turned out that the first owner turned to the scammers to sell the car, after which he never saw them again. All this time the car was wanted, and I did not even know about it. The seller was never found. I did not have a receipt for the transfer of money, nor the real data of the seller. Left without everything, in short. Now I'm triple careful."

How to punch a car by license plate in 5 minutes

The algorithm of actions for checking through the service site is as simple as possible. Follow the points:

Through "Autocode" you can check any car by state number. To get a full report, you need to pay 349 rubles. Our database contains information about all cars registered in the Russian Federation. It is available to you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. To punch a car by license plate, you do not need to go anywhere, look for VIN and other data. Verification is carried out in 3 steps!

How the service generates reports

Especially for you, we collect information from all sources available to us. They include both state (traffic police base, pledge of registers) and commercial structures, including Insurance companies, banks, leasing companies. From a huge amount of data, we form a single, most informative report for each car. The report is generated online and is relevant at the time of its order.

Why is it better to check a car through Autocode

With Autocode, it is possible to check the car by license plate number online quickly and efficiently. The check allows you to trace the car through the base literally from the conveyor to the place of sale. The necessary information on cars is requested from Autocode not only by individuals, but also by specialized salons.

Why choose the site "Autocode":

  • the reliability and quality of reports verified by the traffic police database (we guarantee compensation for damage if the report turns out to be unreliable);
  • the ability to check the car by registration number;
  • test result after 5 minutes;
  • applications for Iphone and Android for checking online;
  • examination Japanese cars without a VIN code - a unique service opportunity;
  • favorable price for professional car dealers - .

After checking the car according to the license plate, you will know exactly what the car is like. Based on these facts, you can fairly reduce the purchase price.

Autocode is a site for checking a car by license plate number, which allows you to find out the real data about the car right at the time of purchase and save yourself from an unwanted transaction.

Buying a used car is always a big risk for the buyer. Therefore, before you sign a contract for the sale of a vehicle, you need to check the car for “cleanliness”. You need to make sure that the car is not listed as stolen, is not under arrest. And even if the seller has a title in his hands, this is not always a guarantee that he has the right to sell the car. The document may be fake, and the information contained in it may not match the actual technical data of the car.

In order not to get into an unpleasant situation when a person who bought a car, when registering it, finds out that he purchased a stolen or impounded vehicle, it is necessary to carry out a preliminary check of the car. And you need to check the engine number with the data specified in the TCP. It is also necessary to punch this number on the inspection base. road service. Only in the event that the buyer does not find information that the vehicle is pledged or stolen, he can safely buy it, without fear that in the future they will refuse to register it or even seize it, if it suddenly turns out that the purchased the vehicle has a legal owner.

Checking the engine number in the traffic police online

A convenient way to check the engine is to use the online reconciliation service on the traffic police website. It's called Car Check. To find out information about the vehicle, you will need to enter in the verification program field Vehicle VIN. It is also allowed to enter the chassis or body number into it. After that, the system will query the database and display the information of interest to the user. He will be informed if there are any restrictions on registration of vehicles with the specified data, or if they are absent.

Before checking the engine number on the database, it is advisable to see it live on the car. Some theft criminals can change the engine number by interrupting it. Therefore, you need to carefully examine it, carefully wiping the place of the engine where it is knocked out. If the override has been done, then on a clean motor it will be clearly visible.

In addition to the traffic police website, there is a service for checking car engine numbers on thematic forums and specialized Internet sites. And through them, you can also find out if there are any restrictions on the sale or registration of the car. And every buyer of a vehicle must check it for “purity” before purchasing it, since every year the number of scammers in the auto sales market increases, and honest buyers lose their money.

When buying a used car, you may encounter a number of unpleasant moments regarding the technical characteristics of the car, pricing policy, and obvious fraud, which consists in trying to sell a stolen vehicle.

We will find out what you need to consider when buying a used car, how to make sure the seller is honest, how to check the car for theft.


When buying a used vehicle, you should make sure that the car has not been stolen before. Many buyers decide to ignore this rule. Don't make the same mistake.

Consider several ways to check a car for theft:

  1. Contacting the traffic police. The base of this organization includes all registered cars in Russia. Legal purity can be established by the identification code or by the number of the chassis, body.
  2. Expert Bureau. Employees conduct a study, provide a written opinion. The average cost of the service is about 5000 rubles.

Consider how to check if the car is stolen or not, using the VIN code. This is the vehicle identification number, consisting of 17 characters.

They encoded information about the characteristics of the vehicle, manufacturer, year of manufacture. The number can be found on the top left of the instrument panel and on the left A-pillar.

Online check:

  1. Based on traffic police. In 2016, motorists got the opportunity to check the car by the VIN code on the traffic police website (http://www.gibdd.ru/check/auto/). The resource provides access to the department's database with information on the registration of cars, their technical parameters, participation in an accident, theft, and the presence of restrictions. You need to click the "Vehicle Check" button on the website www.gibdd.ru in the right panel. Drive in the VIN code and do everything according to the available instructions.
  2. Autocode portal (https://avtokod.mos.ru/). For verification, you will need the state number of the car and registration on the State Services Portal. The service works only in Moscow and Moscow Region. The only service that gives out the history of the car almost in full.
  3. Website of the register of pledges (https://www.reestr-zalogov.ru/state/index#/). This is where they check if the car is in collateral.
  4. FSSP website (http://fssprus.ru/iss/IP). If the vehicle is arrested, you will find information about foreclosing the car by the full name and date of birth of the car owner.
  5. And using the service https://avtobot.net/ you can find out who is the owner of the vehicle. The resource collects data on the machine that has ever been on the Internet. Sometimes he finds not only his full name, but also a phone number, an account on social networks, photos of the car.

Pay attention to the behavior of the seller. Insist on a formal re-registration in the presence of the owner. Usually, sellers of stolen cars try to quickly sell the car under a sales contract and hide.

If the car owner begins to refuse official re-registration, but insists on signing the contract as soon as possible, refuse such a purchase.

If the car is stolen, the contract is invalidated (you will pay not to the real owner, but to an outsider).

Proper car registration is the best check. Previously, the duration of the procedure and the high cost of a full-fledged car re-registration service scared away both parties.

But for more than a year, a simplified vehicle re-registration system has been in operation.. It allows you to keep old numbers and not pay a fee for their production.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • the duration of the reissuance is an hour or even less;
  • the traffic police checks not only the likelihood of theft of the car being sold, but also other legal statuses;
  • You purchase a legally clean vehicle;
  • the buyer can order his own license plate.

The procedure is simple, does not require a long time, but most importantly - the buyer will not worry about possible legal problems.

This method will help determine the legal cleanliness of the car, help save money on various checks, make sure that all numbers on the car and in the documents for it match.

Experienced buyers have long learned to identify a stolen car according to various criteria, without checking it against the traffic police databases.

It takes a few minutes of conversation with the car owner and a cursory review of documents. Distinguishing fake papers from genuine ones is not difficult if you understand government requirements.

You can identify a scammer by his manner and awareness of the characteristics of the car he is selling. If the TCP indicates that the car owner registered the car for himself a long time ago, he must know everything about his car.

If the answers to questions are vague, evasive, you should be wary. Pay attention to the following indicators:

  • confused readings about mileage, ignorance about the quality of service, service repair places;
  • difficulty in answering unexpected questions: for example, the cost of a car in the cabin;
  • the presence of only a copy of the TCP is one of the main alarming points;
  • if there are signs of a non-original certificate of registration of a car, its forgery;
  • it is very difficult to read body numbers, engine numbers or VIN code;
  • many different questionable points.

We will learn how to check the engine for theft by number. In some traffic police, when re-registering a car, they refuse to issue a vehicle because of a different engine number.

He may be stolen. Then a criminal case is started, and the car is sent for examination.

The plate is etched with acid, revealing the original engine number, which was previously overwritten by intruders. Then you will have to buy a new engine to re-register. In other traffic police, they may not even look at the engine number.

Before buying, it is better to play it safe and go to the traffic police together with the seller. They'll check the engine. If no problems arise, the engine is not wanted, the car can be safely purchased.

The engine number of most machines is located on the engine case or engine components. Embossed on a thin metal plate that is soldered to the motor housing.

Location may vary. Often located under the dipstick hole. You can also look at the technical documentation for the vehicle. Or search the Internet if the car owner has not saved the documentation.

Video: How to break a car through the bases? Legal cleanliness of the car

If you want to sell a car that was stolen and returned to you, but the factory marking has been changed, what should you do then?

Not every buyer will want to purchase a car with a broken VIN code, as there may be problems in re-registration and further sale.

But since there are a lot of such cars, the traffic police began to register cars returned after theft. It is necessary to conduct an independent forensic examination, which should confirm that the vehicle belongs to the victim.

Since July 2017, some changes have been made to the process of re-registering a car (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 139 of March 20, 2017).

Registration may be refused if:

  • inspectors found signs of opening, forgery, alteration, destruction of vehicle numbers, components, assemblies, as well as signs of forgery of the documents provided;
  • it is impossible to identify the vehicle due to the replacement of the body, frame, which resulted in the loss of the number applied by the manufacturer;
  • availability of information about the death of an individual or the termination of the activities of a legal entity that owns the car;
  • non-payment of state duty;
  • recognition of the PTS as invalid.

Be sure to check the vehicle not only by the VIN code. Don't forget to check the engine number as well. Talk to the buyer, ask him various questions, inspect the glasses, all available numbers, compare them with the documentation provided.

Break the car for theft on various databases. Only after receiving all the information about the car you are buying, you can be sure of the car you like.

So you protect yourself from possible problems and proceedings related to the operation of the vehicle by the previous owner.