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The right antifreeze for a Renault Logan car. Original antifreeze Renault Glaceol RX Type D Which antifreeze is better to fill in Renault Logan

Not everyone who has his own car thinks about the quality of the substance poured into it. Practice shows that high-quality antifreeze plays a huge role in the operation of the machine. Today we will talk about yellow antifreeze for Renault Logan.

What to use

At the moment, auto shops and markets are filled with all kinds of liquids for cars. That's why do right choice it gets pretty hard. Let's first look at the types of coolants, among which there are:




carboxylate- is the most ideal type. It has the best properties in order to protect the engine from overheating. This substance can be poured as a coolant for Renault Logan, and not worry about the condition of the engine.

Hybrid This type has been used since the 20th century. This mixture is also quite good in its composition, has a number of advantages: it protects the engine system of the car, reliable antifreeze, and durable.

Traditional- an old form of this substance. It has both its pros and cons. At the moment, such antifreeze has been changed to new and improved mixtures.

Lobrid is the newest type of coolant. In its composition it has all kinds of additives and impurities that positively affect the operation of the car. In Renault Logan, this type of antifreeze is poured.

Does color matter

There are mixtures of different colors: green, yellow, red. Many motorists believe that it is necessary to choose a coolant based on its color, and thus make a big mistake. Color does not solve anything, it just serves for beauty and for distinguishing brands.

Yellow antifreeze for Renault Logan is optional, any color of the coolant is acceptable. Therefore, if you have yellow antifreeze in your engine, this does not mean that green or red liquids will not work. You can and even need to add a mixture of a different color. But if you are wondering what other colors are available, in addition to red, green and yellow, you can contact the seller at the auto parts store.


Absolutely any car requires attention, Renault Logan is no exception. It is best to change the fluid every two to three years.. Such manipulation is not difficult, so you can do it yourself. Give preference famous brands and manufacturers. Pay attention to the composition of antifreeze. Poor quality coolant will adversely affect the performance of your vehicle.

Many motorists who, at the same time, are owners of cars, are interested in the question: what kind of antifreeze to fill in your vehicle?

There is an answer to it. But before moving on to it, you should decide (perhaps it will be interesting or useful to someone) what antifreeze is inherently and what it is for.

- This is a special coolant for, which does not freeze at 0 0 degrees, like water. This tool does not allow the engine to overheat and is generally responsible for the stable operation of the entire system. That is why it is very important to monitor the level of antifreeze and replace it in a timely manner.

When to replace antifreeze

It is recommended to carry out this tool after 90 thousand kilometers. Manufacturers also add dyes to it so that you can "recognize" the liquid. However, it must be said right away that the color of antifreeze does not affect the chemical properties.

Antifreeze for Renault Logan, which the manufacturer pours into it, for example, is green. It must also be said that the main component of the product is ethylene glycol, which provides its lubricating properties.

According to the chemical composition, modern antifreezes are divided into two types: concentrates and ready-made liquids. With the second option, everything is clear - the liquid has the correct consistency of ethylene glycol and distilled water, so it can be used immediately.

As for concentrates, they contain the same ethylene glycol, which for proper use must be diluted with distilled water in a ratio of 50:50. In total, water and the chemical element ethylene glycol occupy approximately 95% of the volume, the rest is additives, on which the quality of the coolant depends.

Renault Logan is filled with type D antifreeze from the factory. It is very important to pour new antifreeze into a clean environment to eliminate the possibility of mixing it with the already used fluid. Depending on the engine size, to completely fill the vehicle system Reno Logan you need to cook from 6 to 8 liters. facilities.

According to the recommendations of the official dealer for the presented vehicle it is better to use antifreeze ELF "GLACEOL RX Type D 1l Renault 7711428132". In order to perform a high-quality fluid replacement, it is worth buying about 3-4 liters of concentrate, which then needs to be diluted with water in a known proportion.

Antifreeze for Renault Logan, which remains, can be used as it is used for topping up. You should not save on antifreeze, because it's just an extra risk.

Antifreeze is a coolant that is necessary for the proper operation of a vehicle's engine, as well as the entire cooling system. For these reasons, the level of antifreeze must be monitored and replaced if necessary.

What antifreeze to fill in Renault Logan 1.4 and 1.6

Coolant has, as a rule, bright colors, which are determined solely by the added dyes, but not by the composition of the liquid. Antifreezes are sold exclusively in two forms: in the form of a ready-made solution and in the form of a concentrate. In the first case, antifreeze can already be used, but in the second case it cannot, since there is a need to dilute it with water.

Coolant is poured into Renault Logan, which belongs to category D. Mixtures of two different antifreezes should not be allowed, that is, the cooling system must be thoroughly flushed before filling. The Renault Logan model requires six to eight liters of antifreeze - it all depends on the engine size this car.

The official Renault dealer recommends purchasing ELF - GLACEOL RX coolant, which is designed just for this car brand. It should be diluted in a ratio of one to one. This brand of antifreeze is suitable for both 1.4 and 1.6 engines. Also, the experience of car owners shows that the ELF fluid - COOLELF AUTO SUPRA works well. When assembling Renault Logan models, developers use COOL STREAM 4030 Premium antifreeze, which belongs to the highest class of carboxylate coolants.

The antifreeze remaining after filling should be left, since, later, it can come in handy if, for some reason, the coolant level in the system drops.

How to fill antifreeze in Renault Logan

In order to fill this brand of car with new antifreeze, you will definitely need the following tools:

  • Ring wrenches
  • pliers
  • Screwdriwer set
  • Container for draining used coolant
  • Funnel for pouring new antifreeze
  • Various rags to eliminate smudges

Naturally, it is recommended that such work be carried out using a viewing hole. If this is not possible, then the replacement should be done in a prone position under the car. You should immediately warn that the engine should be, by this time, cold.

It is not recommended to add antifreeze - it is better to change

So, to replace antifreeze, you need to do the following:

How to bleed air from the cooling system of a Renault Logan car

After pouring antifreeze, you need to release excess air from the system. To do this, do the following:

    • Start the engine and let it run at idle. Warming should be done to a temperature of forty degrees. After that, turn off the engine
    • Next, you need to eliminate excess pressure in the system. You need to open the expansion tank

You should also remove the plug from the fitting. Air will escape, and after a while, liquid will begin to flow from the fitting. After that, of course, you should tighten the cap of the expansion tank

  • Next, you need to get rid of the air in the radiator. To do this, turn on the engine again and warm it up for high revs- two thousand revolutions per minute. Warm-up time - five to ten minutes
  • Re-bleed the air from the fitting. Only this time you should not close the expansion tank with a brush. These steps must be repeated two or three times.

Do-it-yourself Renault Logan should be carried out once every three years or every 90 thousand kilometers. These are the manufacturer's recommendations for these vehicles. But it is not necessary to use this regulation. Domestic often do not have high quality, which means that replacement is required more often. Let's look at how to independently drain the coolant in Renault Logan cars.

How to choose the composition correctly?

In the instructions that come with the machine, the manufacturer recommends Type D coolant, namely Elf Glaceol RX Type D. This composition has a yellow tint. The product is supplied as a concentrate. Before pouring this mixture, it must be diluted in distilled water. The ratio of concentrate and water should be 1 to 1. The cost of this product is about 350 rubles. per litre. This product is well suited for 1.4L and 1.6L engines. You can also purchase original concentrates recommended by the car manufacturer. These formulations can be found in stock at official dealers. It is also necessary to dilute such compositions with distilled water. It is sold at a dealer or in car markets.

A domestic product similar to Elf brand products also proved to be excellent. It is called 4030 Premium. Replacing antifreeze with Renault Logan involves the complete replacement of the old fluid with a new one. This requires at least 6 liters of the mixture.

Experienced car owners also successfully use Elf Cool Auto Supra fluids. Allowed for replacement and antifreeze from the company "Total". These liquids do not harm plastic products and rubber parts. The composition of "Total" does not have a destructive effect on paint coatings. The concentrates are very resistant to freezing. The liquid solidifies only at temperatures below -40 degrees. Should not be mixed in expansion tank for coolant antifreeze of different colors. And before replacing, it is necessary to thoroughly flush the entire system.

Necessary tools and fixtures

Replacing antifreeze with Renault Logan is simple procedure. Even novice motorists, for whom this is the first car in their life, will be able to cope with it. To perform the operation, it is necessary to prepare some standard tools and fixtures. So, you will need pliers, a screwdriver, a set of cap and open-end wrenches. To drain the old liquid, a container with low sides is prepared. Its volume should be at least 6 liters. The composition does not have the best effect on the skin of the hands, so replacing the Renault Logan antifreeze with your own hands should be done with gloves. It is more convenient to fill in new liquid with a funnel. Experienced motorists do not use anything special, but take a cut off neck from a plastic bottle. Also, it will not be superfluous to stock up on rags. It is most convenient to perform an antifreeze replacement operation when there is an inspection hole in the garage. But if it is not, then you have to go under the car. In the course of work, it will be necessary to remove the protection of the oil pan from the engine.

How to drain old coolant

Before the replacement of antifreeze begins, Renault Logan 1.6 must be installed on the most flat area. Then remove the crankcase protection. You will also need new hose clamps. They should be replaced if they have been used for a long time and show signs of corrosion. Experienced car owners recommend changing the clamp with each replacement, as it is believed that this is a one-time part. To drain the coolant, you need to remove the pipe.

To remove it, unscrew the tight clamp. Then the hose is very carefully disconnected from the fitting and placed in a pre-prepared container. It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that spent antifreeze will flow from the fitting - the flow will go from two points at once. This is, in fact, a pipe and a radiator. In order for the antifreeze to flow out actively, remove the cap from the expansion tank. Also dismantle the cork valve on the pipe, which fits to the thermostat housing.

How to drain all antifreeze? Features of the Renault cooling system

The cooling system of the Renault Logan engine has its own characteristics. They conclude that a complete replacement of antifreeze (including Renault Logan 1.4) will not work under any circumstances. The system is designed in such a way that not all liquid comes out when draining. Part remains inside the stove radiator.

Experienced car owners recommend loosening the standard clamps to drain the entire composition. Then - remove the nozzles from the thermostat and tilt them towards the container. All the liquid that remains in the system is removed by supplying air into the expansion tank and into the thermostat fittings. This procedure should be carried out with the utmost care. It is necessary to control the air pressure so that it does not turn out to be high, as it is possible to damage or even destroy the heater core cells. Then you need to wait a bit and proceed to reassembly.

How to fill in new fluid

Replacing antifreeze with Renault Logan 1.4 involves filling in new coolant instead of the old one. To fill the cooling system, it is recommended to use a funnel made from a plastic bottle. It is installed in the opening of the expansion tank. At the same time, the plug on the drain fitting must be twisted.

Pour new antifreeze slowly, often pausing. In these pauses, they squeeze the pipes with their hands, thereby expelling air from the system. Pour liquid until antifreeze flows out of the fitting in a thin stream. At this point, the funnel is pulled out and leakage is prevented with the palm of your hand.

Next, screw the cork valve and add the required amount of coolant to the tank. The level should be about halfway between the minimum and maximum marks. Replacing antifreeze "Renault Logan 1.6" 8 valves is performed in the same way.

How to expel air from the system

After filling, check the reliability of the installation and tightening of the clamps. Make sure all plugs are screwed on. Next, start the engine. After warming up for idling and reaching a temperature not higher than 40 degrees, the engine is stopped. Next, remove the excess pressure.

This is done by unscrewing the plug from the side of the inlet on the expansion tank. You need to work very carefully, as there is pressure in the system, and hot coolant can burn your hands.

Then the neck of the tank is covered with the palm of your hand, and the fitting pipe is unscrewed with the other. After that, the palm is removed from the tank. When all the air comes out and the liquid begins to flow out of the sleeve, cover the inlet and tighten the valve. Then screw the lid of the tank tightly.

Air in the heater core

The heater coil is mounted higher than the rest of the cooling system.

Therefore, there will be air in any case. You can remove it only if the antifreeze is supplied under pressure. To do this, start the engine and warm it up at speeds up to 2 thousand. Then they bleed the air again with the help of a fitting, but the neck of the tank is no longer covered.


As you can see, replacing antifreeze (“Renault Logan 1.6” including 8 valves) is a simple procedure. Performing these works independently gives confidence in the quality of the operations performed and the originality of the materials. It is also a significant cost savings and the opportunity to get to know your car closer.


Few car owners think about the quality of antifreeze poured into the engine of their car. In fact, the state of the coolant plays important role in vehicle operation. The topic of today's article will affect the choice and replacement of antifreeze in a Renault Logan car. We will also talk about what types of refrigerants exist on the market.

Which refrigerant to use

Today, the market for automotive parts and fluids is filled with various types of antifreeze. This makes it difficult to select the right type of refrigerant. Now we will look at several types of coolants and provide some recommendations for replacing them with Renault Logan.

  • Carboxylate - this type of antifreeze for cars has all sorts of qualities when used at different temperatures. Also, this type demonstrates an excellent quality base, which has reliable protection properties for the car cooling system. Thanks to the use of this type of refrigerant, you can not worry about the technical condition of the Renault Logan engine cooling system and its elements. Many auto manufacturers recommend and even fill their cars with carboxylate refrigerant.
  • Hybrid - this type was widely used back in the nineties and is still very popular among car lovers. This fluid also demonstrates good performance, such as: reliability, durability and protection of the cooling system.
  • Traditional - this type of auto refrigerant is outdated, although it performed well during operation. But traditional antifreeze has also been replaced by other types of fluids.
  • Lobrid - this type is one of the latest developments. It takes pride of place among all available refrigerants, and also includes all kinds of additives and additives that help protect aluminum blocks and cylinder heads.

Many car enthusiasts pay attention to the color of the refrigerant and believe that their match is entirely consistent with the structure. However, this is not quite true. The color of the refrigerant is only a color indicator of leaks in the cooling system. Therefore, if you have yellow antifreeze filled in, this does not mean that it does not match red or green. Of course, you need to combine colors, but not necessarily. What other colors are available, you better ask the manufacturer.

Changing the refrigerant and flushing the system

In order to replace the refrigerant with Renault Logan, the first step is to cool the engine and depressurize the system by unscrewing filler plug radiator.

  1. Install your Renault Logan on a lift, if there is none, use a viewing hole or overpass.
  2. Remove the plastic crankcase protection, if any.
  3. Disconnect the lower radiator hose and drain its contents into a wide container.
  4. For complete replacement must be unscrewed drain plug on the car engine block, if not available, unscrew the thermostat assembly.
  5. To flush the system, it is necessary to fill in distilled water or a special cleaning base. After that, the engine should run for several hours in different modes.
  6. Drain the flushing substance and tighten the hose clamps.
  7. Fill the system with antifreeze, remembering to observe the level.

Attention! If you are using a concentrate, carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations for preparing a low temperature mix. As a rule, you need to mix the concentrate with distilled water.

The use of low-quality antifreezes adversely affects the cooling system as a whole. Over time, corrosion of important engine systems, as well as the radiator and aluminum tubes. Corrosion products can clog the radiator of the heating system, leading to costly repairs.

What conclusions can be drawn?

Like any other car, Renault Logan requires careful attention from the owner. We recommend a timely replacement of the refrigerant in the cooling system every two years of operation. As it turned out, to produce Maintenance this system is not difficult, it can be done by hand. Choose high-quality mixtures, use only well-known manufacturers. Read the label carefully and pay attention to what type of approval suits your car.