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Pavel Globa about the elections in France. Who will be president after Putin: predictions and expert opinions

“Today, November 8, American voters will make a fatal choice for their country as the President of the United States,” says famous astrologer Pavel Globa. His personal opinion is that Hillary Clinton will most likely win, Moskovsky Komsomolets reports. However, Pavel Globa makes such a forecast based not on what the stars say, but on the book of predictions of the famous Russian prophet Vasily Nemchin. By the way, using the same book in 1998, Globa predicted the appearance of Vladimir Putin on the Russian political arena.

Unfortunately, I cannot give any astrological forecasts specifically regarding the fate of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The fact is that I do not know for certain the time of birth of these people. I tried to find out, and if for Trump the data varies by several hours, then for Clinton the information differs by more than half a day - somewhere they write that she was born at 8 am, somewhere - at 8 pm. And at different times completely different people are born.

In search of answers to the question of what awaits the United States in the future, Globa turned to one of the most reliable, in his opinion, prophetic books - the book of predictions by Vasily Nemchin.

Vasily Nemchin is our Russian Nostradamus, only less promoted. He lived in the 16th century and was not only a seer, but also a doctor, personal physician of Grand Duke Vasily Ivanovich, father of Ivan the Terrible. Nemchin's prophetic work concerns events 1000 years in advance. So back then, in the 16th century, he mentioned a certain overseas country. Apparently, he is talking about the United States of America.

- And what is written there?

That the 44th ruler of this country will be radically different from all the other 43. And that this president will lead the country to collapse and a severe economic crisis. I think this is specifically about Hillary Clinton, since if she wins, she will be the first female president in American history. And this, you see, is a cardinal difference. But, in principle, Trump also fits the description of Vasily Nemchin, since he is the only candidate who comes not from the political elite, but from show business.

- But the United States is electing the 45th president, not the 44th?

Yes, but one president was counted twice: Grover Cleveland, who held the top job for two terms, but not in the same breath. That is, he was the 22nd and 24th president of the United States. Thus, it turns out that there were formally 44 presidents, and 43 people in this position. That is, now the 44th is being elected.

- And he will lead the United States into the abyss?

Exactly. The United States is literally facing a second Great Depression. Nemchin wrote that after all the troubles, several more presidents will raise the country.

- Has Vasily Nemchin written anything about our country?

Of course, it was based on his book that I predicted the appearance of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. This forecast of mine was published in the media on December 21, 1998. In short, Vasily wrote that the giant bear-like ruler (Yeltsin) would be replaced by a short man with a “black” face. Back then, that’s what people from the equivalent of our modern intelligence services were called. That's exactly what happened. So, to sum it up, a personality who is radically different from all his predecessors will win in the United States, and this personality will lead the country to crisis and depression.

The outcome of the presidential elections in France will have significance for the country on a civilizational scale, since we are talking about a decisive battle between patriotic forces and the agents of globalization. This opinion was expressed by the leader of the National Front and presidential candidate Marine Le Pen in an interview with the Le Figaro newspaper.

Against globalization “This presidential election is almost a referendum for or against wild globalization. Our values, rules of behavior, morals, our way of life are disappearing right now before our eyes. When a country loses its identity, it no longer knows who it is, where it comes from, where its true wealth is hidden, and then it, too, gradually dissolves,” Le Pen said.

One of the measures designed to stop this process of erosion of national identity, according to the leader of the National Front, will be the protection of historical heritage at the legislative level. “I want to include in the Constitution the protection and promotion of the historical and cultural heritage of France and return our country to the status of a politically strong power. This is an accelerating setup for us to conquer the world again, because I want to go conquer the whole world, I want to restart relations with Africa, to defend the Francophonie,” she said.

At the same time, the politician emphasized that in her vision, France, being one of the leaders of a multipolar world, will not impose its own version of global unification. “Globalization is the erasing of restrictions in all areas, it is the destruction of borders, the disappearance of roots... I am a candidate for borders and will be the president of borders. We must rediscover them to protect the French people, they are needed in school, to restore the authority of the state, in the field of justice, against wild globalization, against unfair international competition, against abuses associated with tax evasion - there can be no freedom without restrictions ", she listed.

Fillon and Macron are globalists

Speaking about her two main rivals in the presidential election - the leader of the non-partisan movement “On the March” Emmanuel Macron and the candidate from the Republican party Francois Fillon, Le Pen especially noted that she considers both politicians representatives of globalist forces. “Mr Macron is an open globalist, while Mr Fillon is a bashful globalist. I would always prefer to have an undisguised globalist against me - at least here everything will be clear,” she noted.

At the same time, Le Pen also considers both of today's largest parties in France - the ruling Socialist Party and the opposition center-right "Republicans" - to be conductors of the ideas of globalism, which will prevent the National Front from achieving victory in the elections. “If in the second round we see a coalition between the Socialist Party and the Republicans, it will grow into a large globalist party, but at least everything will be clear here. These presidential elections pose a civilizational challenge, and the French feel it. If Mr. Fillon calls for voting for Mr. Macron in the second round, I am not sure that the majority of voters will follow him,” said Marine Le Pen.

Elections in France

The first round of the French presidential election will take place on April 23. The second and decisive round is in two weeks, on May 7.

A total of 11 candidates are taking part in the race. According to polls, Marine Le Pen remains the favorite in the first round six days before the first round, with 23 to 24% of voters ready to vote for her. Almost on a par with her is Emmanuel Macron, who has a similar rating. Slightly less support - up to 19% - is currently enjoyed by François Fillon, who closes the top three, slightly ahead of the rapidly gaining popularity of the radical left leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon, for whom 18% of the French are now ready to vote.

The future of the United States has always been an area of ​​keen interest to Russians. After all, one of the political hegemons of the world and the largest player in the economic field has a significant influence on the development of any world relations, be it politics, economics, the emergence of supranational organizations or the social movement of society.

It is not surprising that many people are trying to see what changes fate has in store for this country. This issue is becoming especially relevant these days, when the rise to power of Donald Trump has stirred up alarming premonitions among the world community. Let's find out what the predictions for the US could be in 2018!

Forecasts from Pavel Globa

Globa promises the United States a deep crisis and complete collapse of the economy

The main ones are based on the interpretation of the prophecies of Vasily Nemchin, who described his visions for a thousand years in advance. Alas, the Russian astrologer could not accurately name the winner of the election race in the States. According to him, Nemchin’s predictions only indicated that the new president would be radically different from his predecessors. This is suitable both for Hillary, who could become the first female president, and for Trump, who has unconventional roots in American politics.

Pavel Globa was unable to clarify the information on the stars, since he did not have information about the exact hour of birth of the two main candidates. Now Globa predicts that the United States will plunge into the abyss of crisis phenomena and economic recession, which will manifest itself in 2017. The next year will only worsen the negative phenomena, which will gradually spread to the entire world economy, forming a new financial crisis that will last until 2020.

It is the States that the astrologer predicts the most unenviable fate - the depreciation of the dollar, the final collapse of the North Atlantic Alliance, rising unemployment and the intensification of social conflicts will finally shift the United States from the first place in world leadership. The interpretation of Nemchin's predictions gave Globa the opportunity to make shocking statements that this president would lead America to complete collapse, the consequences of which would be corrected by many more subsequent rulers.

However, much in the words of Pavel Globa raises doubts - the fact is that Nemchin’s life and predictions are known only from the words of an astrologer. Documentary sources that would describe such a person were never found, and the book to which Pavel Globa constantly refers was allegedly lost immediately after he copied the information from there.

Predictions from Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce predicted a US coup and overthrow of the current government

The forecasts made at one time by the American mystic and medium Edgar Cayce are not very optimistic. After his death, he left thousands of transcripts, dictated by him in a state of trance, in which, in particular, followers of the teachings of the “Sleeping Prophet” saw predictions regarding the fate of the United States and world civilization as a whole.

The exact date of the events predicted by Cayce is unknown, but it is believed that they will come true in the 21st century. The prophet foretold that a coup might occur in America after an unexpected change of power. This event will be preceded by an active phase of social conflicts, so those in power should pay great attention to people who do not have social privileges and wealth.

Predictions from Palm Libraries

The creators of Palm Libraries promise a quick depreciation of money

Ancient information sources in Sanskrit, written by great sages on palm leaves, are known under this name. At one time, the information was organized by Thomas Ritter and published in the form of a separate book, telling on its pages about the future of various countries of the world, including the United States. The compiler of the book says that the ancient sages predicted a gradual decline of the world's largest economy due to ill-conceived policies in the field of economics and foreign relations.

From the end of the second decade of the 2000s, crisis phenomena accompanied by a slowdown in industrial and financial growth will be increasingly observed. It is quite possible that in order to divert the attention of citizens from negative phenomena within the country, the United States will unleash a protracted military conflict, under the guise of a desire to ensure peace and freedom. However, the rulers will have to face significant internal problems, including armed uprisings by citizens.

Predictions from Vlad Ross

Vlad Ross sees the possibility of aggravation of the situation in the Middle East

One of the most popular astrologers of our time, Vlad Ross, was able to see that Trump’s victory was ensured by massive fraud. He was helped in this by reading the position of the Moon, which was in the constellation Pisces on election day. Ross calls the president himself a person unpredictable for astrological science. The forecaster refers to the fact that Uranus in Trump's horoscope is combined with the ascending node of the Moon's orbit, and this indicates both the possibility of transformation and change and destruction.

At the same time, the astrologer claims that ancient prophecies contain information about the apocalyptic consequences of the reign of the 44th President of the States, and Donald Trump was born at a time when there was an eclipse of the Moon, which indicates his destructive mission (the serial number was assigned to Trump without taking into account the double reign Grover Cleveland).

The astrologer also predicts the apogee of the Middle Eastern conflicts, since Uranus, passing in Aries in 2017, provided the world with destructive trends for a long time. However, at the end of 2018, when the warlike planet changes its position, one can hope for the gradual establishment of peace.

Visions of Kaede Uber

According to Kaede Uber, the United States is under threat from a terrible terrorist attack

This schoolgirl, who lives in France, has already been called “Vanga’s successor” by some journalists. According to information posted online, a seriously ill French woman can see in the fog of the future many pictures predicting terrorist attacks, natural disasters, epidemics and military conflicts. Just in 2016, Uber reported the likelihood of a terrible terrorist attack that would occur in the coming years in the United States, claiming a huge number of human lives.

Relatives of the young soothsayer noted in an interview that the girl is very frightened by the presence of representatives of the Muslim world, which makes it possible to suspect an Islamist threat. However, many doubt Uber's gift, since before the US elections it predicted that a woman would become president. As is already known, this did not happen, so the authority of the young soothsayer was seriously shaken.

Predictions from other clairvoyants

Many predictors threaten the United States with a series of natural disasters
  • Forecasts from Vera Lyon. A clairvoyant from Kazakhstan expresses confidence that the main problem in the coming years will be the fight against natural elements. The Americans will not be able to avoid this fate either, for whom the melting of ice in the Arctic region will bring catastrophic storms and splits of the earth’s crust in the oceanic regions. Flooding of territories will provoke an intensification of epidemiological diseases, mass flight and evacuation of the population, which will be forced to huddle in cities unaffected by the disaster. In the political sphere, the fortuneteller sees destructive processes in NATO and even a possible conflict between the United States and Germany, which will lead not only to a cooling of relations, but also to negative economic processes, both in the United States and in the European Union.
  • Prophecies from Orson Pratt. A famous Mormon soothsayer maintains a negative vision of the American future in his predictions. He also sees sharp social stratification and social injustice as the reason. Moreover, this will result in some kind of civil war, in which neighbor will oppose neighbor, the population of some cities will oppose others, and states will fight against states. The prophecy does not talk about any specific years, but followers are inclined to think that the beginning of the process, the result of which will be the death of people and the decline of industry, can be started in 2018-2020. Therefore, the authorities should take a closer look at issues of social policy and create less conflict in remote regions of the world.
  • Predictions from David Wilkerson. The forecasts of the American clairvoyant David Wilkerson, who predicts the impact of natural disasters in the United States, are not too optimistic. Unfortunately, the soothsayer did not indicate the exact period in which one should expect the visions to become reality. However, Wilkerson said that this phenomenon would be preceded by a strong earthquake that would kill many Japanese. As we already know, this event happened, confirmed by the tragedy in Fukushima. For America, the prophet predicted an equally terrifying catastrophe, which would entail panic, fear, casualties and destruction.
  • Forecast by Dannion Brinkley. The famous American predictor secured his trust and authority after he managed to predict the Chernobyl disaster. His visions regarding the United States are distinguished by the darkest sentiments, because in his forecasts Brinkley speaks of monstrous cataclysms at the beginning of the new century. The costs associated with restoring infrastructure, arranging temporary housing, medical care, putting out numerous fires and protecting cities from looters will completely ruin the US budget. The country is beset by famine and numerous armed clashes, which could ultimately completely destroy the United States as a state.

Forecasts for the USA from political scientists and economists

Of course, it is worth considering that the predictions of psychics often do not come true. Among astrologers and clairvoyants there is also a place for the inherent bias of people - how else can one explain the fact that Russian mystics repeat year after year about the imminent collapse of the States, even when the situation is not conducive to this? That is why I would like to know the forecasts made by people who are far from mysticism and otherworldly worlds, but who are very well versed in the balance of political forces and economic phenomena.

Analytical forecasts from Saxo Bank experts

Saxo Bank predicts easing of sanctions debate between the US and Russia

Brokers from the Danish corporation Saxo Bank have long earned a reputation as very accurate forecasters in the financial field. The company publishes forecasts every year that could fundamentally affect the global economic order. For example, it was its experts who were able to foresee the fall in the value of the Chinese currency in 2014, and also calculated and predicted sharp negative changes in the price of “black gold”.

Throughout 2017, specialists from Saxo Bank published calculations that talk about a gradual change in relations between Russia and the United States. Today, given the election victory of Donald Trump’s team, whose position towards the Russians is considered much more friendly than Hillary Clinton’s, this forecast has every chance of becoming a reality. Experts suggest that already in 2018, Russia will gradually begin to free itself from the yoke of Western sanctions restrictions.

Dollar positions are causing concern among analysts - it is quite possible that the US currency will begin to gradually lose value. A further fall in oil prices is possible. All this, combined with the Federal Reserve's intentions to raise rates, could trigger a slowdown in economic growth and job losses. As a result, experts consider it quite likely that a scenario will occur in which they see an intensification of social protests and radical changes in US policy.

Calculations from financier Andrey Dirgin

Dirgin predicts rapid stabilization of financial processes in the United States

The Russian financial market began to gradually move into a recovery phase. This happened after the news of the victory of Donald Trump, whom experts believe is a much more preferable figure for Russia than the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. Andrey Dirgin, head of the analytical department at Alfa-Forex, says that one should not believe rumors about Trump’s decisions being too impulsive and unpredictable.

The expert believes that the new head of the White House has a very clear plan, which he will follow with all possible care. From the point of view of US domestic policy, measures will consist of intensifying government stimulation of economic processes and gradually reducing tax burden.

The analyst believes that the policies and plan of measures proposed by Trump look better than Hillary Clinton's program. Despite the fact that the news of the election of a Republican caused a subsidence in the global financial market, this consequence can only be considered a sharp manifestation of the surprise effect. In 2018, he predicts greater stability for the economic world, and also expects a gradual reduction in American and European sanctions against the Russian economy.

Analytics from the Financial Times

Experts from the Financial Times expect that in the near future Donald Trump will focus on internal rather than external problems of the United States

The authoritative British publication always tries to keep its finger on the pulse of financial events, so it is not surprising that economic and political reviews regularly appear on its pages, and the authors try to extrapolate current trends to the possible development of the situation in the future. Experts from the Financial Times suggest that Donald Trump will systematically adhere to a carefully calibrated course and will definitely make everything he promised during the election race into reality.

The British believe that the matter will not only concern tightening the screws in relation to migrants, but will also result in the gradual establishment of partnerships with the Russian Federation. In other media there is also the idea that during 2017-2018 Trump will not make any sudden movements on the world stage. He will direct his efforts to solving internal problems and establishing intra-party relations. It is for this reason that a certain lull in world politics is expected during this period of time.

Forecast from political scientist Mikhail Pavliv

Mikhail Pavliv believes that Trump's uncertainty could worsen the problems between the Russian Federation and Ukraine

Ukrainian society received the news of Trump's victory in the American elections with a great deal of apprehension and anxiety for the future, believing that an unpredictable change of power in the United States could significantly worsen the position of their country. The situation is also fueled by statements from the Republican, who is very ambiguous in his attitude towards Russia and Ukraine.

In one speech, he can say that he will protect Ukrainians from Putin in every possible way, in another he can express absolute indifference to Ukraine’s entry into the North Atlantic Alliance, and on the Crimean issue, the position of the new president remains rather vague. Political scientist Mikhail Pavliv believes that Trump is a dark horse in the global political sphere.

He believes that it was extremely short-sighted on the part of Ukrainian politicians to speak out so harshly towards Trump during the election race. The expert advises not to count on changes in the military conflicts taking place in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions for now. Only when the elections for the French and Germans are over will it be possible to talk about any development of this issue. The picture will become clearer by the second half of 2018, when new government officials in the leading EU countries sort out appointments and visits.

In an era of political and economic upheaval, people are always interested in how the next global crisis will end. Therefore, there is great interest in various predictors and prophets who lift the veil over the future. But the most interesting thing is forecasts, given some time ago, because we can already check whether they came true or not.

Crisis in Ukraine

The shelf life of paper newspapers is very short - few people save files of old publications; they can only be found in libraries.

The Internet remembers everything; you just need to enter the correct search query to find information on a specific word. Moreover, you can limit the search date, and only those articles that were written in a certain time period will appear.

Predictions given in the past by a famous astrologer Pavel Globa, are on many sites and are very easy to find. They date back to 2009 and 2011, when much of what the astrologer said seemed completely fantastic - as can be seen by reading the comments on the forecasts left at that time. And now it’s 2016 - so what? We see how almost all the astrologer’s predictions came true.

In 2009, Globa predicted that a few years later there would be a strong political crisis, as a result of which Ukraine would split into three parts, two of which would become part of the new Russian Empire. He said: “Ukraine, which will collapse into three parts, will not survive the crisis.

The collapse will not happen now, but by 2014 there will be de facto two administrations independent of each other in Ukraine, while maintaining the formal integrity of the territory, approximately in the same format as today in Moldova. The Eastern Ukrainian Federation will not be subordinate to Kyiv and will de facto become part of the Russian Empire, while Crimea will become Ukrainian Chechnya.”

As we see, Globa was mistaken in some ways, but everything else that seemed fantastic at that time nevertheless came true. It is interesting that, according to the astrologer, a bright future awaits Ukraine only in an alliance with Russia and only under a new president.

Black man

In addition, Globa argued that the economic crisis, which will last until 2020, will redraw the political map of the world and change the entire geopolitical balance of power.

“Back in 1999, I said that the world would face an unprecedented crisis that would begin after the arrival of the 44th President of the United States,” Globa argued. According to him, there are indications of this in the works of the Belarusian soothsayer of the Middle Ages Vasily Nemchin, on whose words Globa often relies. Nemchin pointed to the upheavals that would come from overseas when the 44th ruler was in power in the United States - Nemchin called him a “black man.”

Globa said: “In 1999, I believed that the “black man” was mentioned in an allegorical sense, but it turned out that “black” was used in the literal sense. “In the end, we were off by a few months, since the crisis began shortly before Obama took office, but this is an acceptable margin of error.”

The astrologer also argued that the United States does not have a great future as a leading world power. The United States is facing a great depression. The country will be saved, but it will lose its leadership status. At the same time, the most difficult time for the United States will come after the departure of Obama, who will not last more than one term in the presidency.

Here the astrologer was wrong: Barack Obama nevertheless became president for a second term, but the country is clearly losing its leadership position.

In addition, Globa predicted that an even sadder future awaited Europe. In place of the single European Union, several associations will appear. The Scandinavian and Baltic countries form the Northern Alliance, which will become the successor to the Hanseatic League. France, Italy and Spain will unite into the Southern European Union. The EU may remain an entity, but only on paper.

According to the astrologer's forecast, other military and political alliances will also disintegrate - the NATO bloc will not survive until the end of the crisis, which in the near future will become somewhat stronger, but then will cease to exist.

On the brink of war

It is curious that in 2009, an astrologer warned that in 2014 the planet would be on the verge of a world war.

“2014 is dangerous because Uranus is in Aries, and this is a very militant combination. I fear the start of a permanent war in the East. God forbid, it will be connected with Iran, then, no matter the outcome, we will get a real explosion of absolutely uncontrollable total terrorism. But until 2014 there will be no war in Russia. There will be an explosion of banditry, but nothing more.”

There was no explosion of banditry in Russia, but there was an explosion of terrorism in the world, and the war in the East began - not in Iran, but in Syria. By the way, quite recently, in January 2016, Pavel Globa made another forecast: “Syria, I think, will change in its outline, it will not be the same as before, but will become a federation in which there will be several practically independent parts. Although this will not happen immediately, but in a few years.

It will not be possible to defeat the “Islamic State” now. We must abandon the idea that they will be defeated next year - before 2020 this is incredible. The war will move into another phase. There will be some kind of truce, peace giving way to war, in general, horse races, such the same confrontation as in the Donbass is approximately the same. The low-intensity war will continue throughout the Middle East. " In addition, Globa predicted the imminent resignation of Bashar al-Assad.

Looking forward to 2020

It is curious that Globa is very optimistic about the future of our country. In 2011, he argued that in 2013-2014 Russia would face a crisis - financial, economic, and political - which would last until the end of 2020. However, if the country can survive these years, then the next 30 years will be a time of prosperity for it and Russia will become a global financial center. Moreover, prosperity “threatens” not only Russia, but also all nearby territories.

Globa argued that the economic union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus will only strengthen, although they will try to destroy it. However, the astrologer predicted that not just a single economic union would be formed, but a Eurasian Union, which would include almost all the republics of the former USSR, as well as almost all the countries of the Eastern Bloc and even Greece and Mongolia. This will happen in the 30-40s of the 21st century.

Interestingly, in 2011, the astrologer advised those who do not believe in the future of Russia to go to “the old calm Europe” - France or Germany. According to him, these countries “will still stand, no matter what.” At the same time, Globa warned: “If you emigrate, then in 20 years you will ask to return.”

It is interesting that the current year, 2016, according to the astrologer, will be better for Russia than the previous ones, the political and economic power of our country will increase, and the turning point will be the summer, which will seriously change the situation both within the country and throughout the world.

The presidential election race in France is drawing to a close. The first round of the French presidential election will take place on April 23, and the second is scheduled for May 7. These two days will decide the fate of not only the French, but will also affect the political, economic and social life of many countries. Russia is watching with interest the outcome of the upcoming French elections. Political experts, bookmaker companies, astrologers and clairvoyants make their predictions about the winner. How did they distribute the positions and ratings of presidential candidates? Who do they think will win the 2017 French presidential election?

French presidential elections: bookmakers' forecasts

Domestic and foreign bookmakers made their forecasts for the results of the French presidential elections based on bets. Russians' interest in this political event has increased significantly in the last two weeks. Representatives of Russian bookmaker companies note that their clients do not spare money for “elections”, the amounts of which exceed even sports bets. The popularity rating of French presidential candidates can be compiled taking into account the following percentage of bets:

  • 35% - Francois Fillon;
  • 23% - Marine Le Pen;
  • 20% - Emmanuel Macron.

Russian bookmakers call Macron the main favorite for the post of French president. For their clients, they determined the rates according to the following odds:

  • Emmanuel Macron - 1.70;
  • Marine Le Pen - 3.50;
  • Francois Fillon - 4.80.

The odds for bets by international companies were distributed in the same order, and Emmanuel Macron is also called the leader among the contenders for the presidential post.

This is what bookmaker forecasts for the French presidential election look like today. However, back in December last year, Macron’s position in this ranking was low. According to the press service of the international bookmaker Pari-Match, he did not lead, but closed the top three with odds of 6. The second position belonged to Madame Le Pen (3.25), and the first was occupied by Francois Fillon (1.5). As you can see, the names of the favorites remain unchanged, only the places of their championship change. As a percentage, the company's analysts distributed the probability of victory for the named candidates as follows:

Emmanuel Macron - 57%;

Marine Le Pen - 21.5%;

Francois Fillon - 13%.

Emmanuel Macron is also called the winner of the presidential election by the OpinionWay Institute. On April 18, the company published its sociological survey, according to which Emmanuel Macron (23%) will win in the first round, ahead of Marine Le Pen (22%) who is hot on his heels by a difference of one percentage point. Voters will give third place to Francois Fillon (20%). Macron will also win the second round. 64% of the French would want to see him as their president, while Marine Le Pen - only 36%.

Who will be the new president of France after the 2017 elections: predictions of astrologers and psychics

While political experts and opinion polls are determining the future leader of the presidential elections in France, astrologers, clairvoyants and prophets around the world are building their ratings. Some name the specific name of the potential head of the country, others see only the qualities that he will possess, and still others determine how the outcome of the elections will affect France itself and its foreign policy position.

Valex Buyak

The clairvoyant and participant in the eighth season of the “Battle of Psychics” began “fortune telling” for the French elections. In his blog, the Battle Mage shared his own rating with readers, in which he distributed the probability of gaining the required percentage of votes as follows:

First place: Republican Francois Fillon (80% probability).

Second place: shared between Macron and Marine Le Pen (60% probability each).

Third place: socialist Benoit Hamon (40% probability).

Fourth place: Member of the European Parliament Jean-Luc Mélenchon (20% probability).

As for the probability of electing a president in one round, Valex gives 40% both that the head of state will be determined in the first round and that the country will need two stages of elections. He cannot explain such low rates by a specific reason; he only admits that this may be influenced by external factors (the death of a presidential candidate, terrorist attacks, etc.)

Vlad Ross

A popular astrologer named the president's specific name - Alain. It is the person with that name that he sees at the head of France. Until recently, one might have assumed that this was the mayor of Bordeaux, Alain Juppé, who was called an alternative to Francois Fillon. However, in early March, the candidate called an emergency conference and refused to participate in the presidential race. Whether Ross made a mistake or misunderstood the heavenly bodies will become known after the elections.

Michel Nostradamus predicts who will win the 2017 elections in France

A reputable French astrologer foresaw unexpected results in the upcoming elections. His interpretations of the star chart indicate that for the first time in the history of France, the post of head of state will be occupied by a woman. There are no specifics in this prediction. However, taking into account official forecasts and ratings, it can be assumed that Nostradamus predicts victory for the female candidate among the leaders - Marine Le Pen.

Soothsayer Justin

The people's seer calls France with its new president a puppet of the USA and Germany. She will have smooth relations with Russia, but the newly-minted head will adhere to the position of her “patrons.” He will have to put a lot of effort into fighting the aggression of refugees.