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Why can’t you cry in front of a mirror, what is the meaning of popular beliefs? Why can't you look in the mirror when you cry?

A mystical attitude towards mirrors has been preserved since the time when they first appeared. Moreover, note: even highly educated people, intellectuals and scoffers hang mirrors in the house where a dead person lies. But these are echoes of the same superstitions! There are especially many signs regarding the combination “night - mirror”: you can’t look into it when it gets dark (read why - read here:), and sleeping while being reflected in a mirror is not useful (an explanation can be found in the article). If the mirror breaks when it is dark outside the window, you can only avert misfortune with many, often absurd, body movements.

However, having become accustomed to the usual signs, many people remain perplexed as to why one should not cry in the mirror. The people have two explanations for this ban.

Energy justification

Psychics and healers believe that mirrors have the ability to remember the image they see, and once they remember it, reflect it onto the wearer. This is why you should not cry in the mirror: having captured the unhappy appearance, it will begin to return it again and again.

According to some opinions, your double exists in the “looking glass”. Not wanting to become like a crying person, he energetically pushes away the image, while intensifying the negativity. But if, looking at your reflection, you smile and convince yourself of success and beauty, your double will begin to actively support you, pumping up positivity. Remembering the power of auto-training, we can quite agree with this position: a completely constructive explanation of why you should not cry in the mirror.

Illogical rationale

It is followed by those who are popularly called “grandmothers” or “whisperers.” They insist that when you look at yourself in the mirror in tears, you are “crying” happiness. No one can really explain the mechanism of this mysterious process. Psychic theorists vaguely suggest that when a person cries, his energy defenses weaken. However, this does not explain why you cannot cry in the mirror - your strength decreases even away from it.

Aesthetic and psychological justification

When a person cries, the sight cannot be called beautiful. Seeing his not very attractive reflection, he begins to be even more upset, and it will be more difficult for him to calm down. In our opinion, this is the most correct explanation of why you should not cry in the mirror.

Because you risk crying and drowning your happiness in tears. For example, you achieve what you want. Then a depressive flow “rolls over” you, you shed tears, sitting in front of the mirror... And the next day you notice that your “desired” is slipping away in an unknown direction. It is better to take care of a bright future in advance, without making mistakes and analyzing the reasons for what happened. Do you think this is a superstition? Read on...

What else is better not to cry?

Do not forget that mirror analogs include anything in which people can be reflected (water surface, flashlight, crystal, dishes, monitor, bottles, jewelry, keys, window glass). Take care of these types of items. They should not crack or break!

Why can't you cry in front of the mirror?

Mirrors are conductors of the past, present and future. The mirror is the boundary drawn between the earthly world and the world of the dead. Each of your tears reflected in it can be fatal. That is, you will turn into a witch, devil or vampire.

What happens if a tear falls on the mirror?

If a tear touches the mirror, then you will constantly solve problems and feel pain (mental and physical). Quickly wipe it off the mirror surface, calm down completely, put on a charming make-up and look in the mirror again. If the blues come again, and tears come from somewhere inside, then you move away from the mirror and wait until you come to your senses.

There is such a sign:

“If you cry in front of the mirror for a minute, you will cry for the rest of your life.”

Whether you believe in such a sign or not is up to you to decide. No one will come and punish you for your “tearful manipulations.” You can’t cry or look in the mirror, if only because the sight is not pleasant. And also because a crying gaze directed at a mirror surface gradually spoils a person’s vision.

In India, girls from an early age are taught to repeat in front of the mirror that they are amazing. Thus, they convince the “double-reflector” of confidence in their superiority. You need to take an example from Indian girls! Why is this necessary? And you conduct an experiment. Look in the mirror every day and write down everything you think and feel. After a week, you will see that your reflection gives you completely contradictory emotions. Either you consider yourself beautiful and pretty, then you think that there is no one more beautiful than you in the whole world. Please note: in a good mood you are delighted with yourself! Does this mean anything to you? Think correctly! Look in the mirror with a smile and in a great mood. This will surely save you from complexes forever.

There is one very unpleasant case known, associated with tears and mirrors. The girl broke up with her boyfriend. She ran across the apartment threshold, sat down on an ottoman and looked into the huge mirror. Tears flowed from her eyes like hail. She couldn't stop, even though she tried. Twenty minutes passed. Arina (that was the name of the crying girl) saw several other reflections through her tears. The mirror reflected people completely unknown to her! Arina was scared, but did not move, because fear simply paralyzed the girl. She watched what would happen next. The shadows in the distant looking glass moved a little, waved their arms and legs, and disappeared. The girl told only her close friend about what happened. He was sure that the others would think of her as crazy. Six days later, the girl could not stand it and told about the “magic” to her grandmother. The dear old lady calmly accepted the news that her granddaughter told her. Valentina Stepanovna assured Arina that these reflections appeared from the past. The girl became scared when she found out that the shadows in the mirror belonged to dead people.

What to do if you cry in the mirror?

There is a very popular theory about mirror crybabies.

This is the theory that mirrors are capable of committing murder if you cast even one careless and tear-stained glance at them. There are known cases when interested people bought mirrored antiques and, admiring their purchases, died under mysterious circumstances.

Life story. Since we mentioned antiques, we will tell you one difficult case. The press published a merchant's request asking people to refrain from purchasing any mirrors with the inscription "Louis Arpo, 1743." The buyers of these antiquities died of unknown causes. No one has been able to unravel the reason for their death. Currently, such mirrors are considered missing. It is possible that some fearless extreme sports enthusiast will decide to look for them (soon).

Women's opinions:

“Why can’t you cry in front of the mirror?”

A mirror, according to esotericists, is not just a mystical object, but also a kind of portal to the other world. It is not surprising that a huge number of signs are associated with such a significant thing. For example, in a house where a person has died, all reflective surfaces must be covered so that the soul can calmly depart to another world. In front of the mirror is prohibited eat and drink, otherwise a person will “eat up” beauty and luck. But few people know that you should not look at a mirror surface when you cry.

Looking at our reflection, we identify ourselves with it, although this is not entirely true. Think about it - where your right hand is, your mirror double’s left is located. In addition, not everyone pays attention to one curious nuance: in every mirror in which a person looks, he looks different.

Surely you have had this situation at least once in your life: when leaving home, look at your reflection and admire it, and then come to work (or any other place), look in the mirror there - and are literally ready to cry from how you don't like yourself. It seems that the lighting is the same, and the road is close, and nothing like this happened on the way - but the reflection looks completely different from at home. It's not about your appearance, but about surfaces that reflect the same object so differently.

Mirror surface has the property of accumulating both positive and negative energy . If you look in the mirror, being in a bad mood, experiencing severe stress or depression, your reflection will “remember” this state. And no matter how well you put on makeup after that, no matter how beautifully you dress, looking in this mirror, you will never like yourself - the energy of grief, anger and resentment has truly destructive power.

What happens if you cry in front of your reflection?

A mirror is one of the oldest occult objects, with which many superstitions are associated. There are several signs on why you shouldn't cry in the mirror:

There is a known case when a girl, on the eve of her wedding, had a big quarrel with her future husband and spent the whole night in tears in front of her reflection. The next morning she made peace with the groom, the wedding eventually took place, but on the second day of their marriage the newlyweds quarreled even more. In a fit of rage, the husband and wife broke the mirror - the same one in front of which the girl had cried the day before. Of course, the moral of this story is, first of all, that it is better not to make a scandal at all, but to calmly discuss the accumulated problems, but the bride should not have cried in front of the reflection.

What to do if you cry in front of the mirror

If you happen to shed tears in front of your mirror double, do not panic - the mirror will not cause any trouble if you clean it. Wash the reflective surface with a special cleaner and wipe it clean - that’s all. The mirror surface will be cleansed not only in the literal sense, but also figuratively - it will again be ready to reflect your smile and store this positive charge.

Deeper cleaning possible- wipe the surface with holy water, and then stand in front of it with a lit candle.

Moving the candle clockwise before the reflection, read the “Our Father” three times, and then let the candle burn out completely. This method is very good to use after family scandals and during periods of major turmoil.

If the mirror surface has darkened or cracked, get rid of it immediately, no matter how dear it is to you - such a thing will bring misfortune to the house. In addition, try to purchase only new mirrors, and if you are tempted to buy something “with history”, be sure to clean it - it is unknown what events were reflected there.

Other signs associated with reflection

Any person who believes in omens should know certain rules for handling mirrors:

Believe it all or not- of course, it’s a personal matter for everyone. However, it’s not for nothing that old people say: “He who notices, answers,” so if you already know that you shouldn’t look at your reflection while crying, it’s better not to look. Yes, just in case.

Do you know why you shouldn't cry in front of a mirror? The tears we shed when looking in the mirror can become a true reflection of our life. Signs and beliefs, if interpreted correctly, will help you avoid many problems, become more successful and happier.

Since ancient times, a mirror has been considered an unusual attribute, with which various beliefs have been associated. It is believed that a mirror is not only capable of reflecting a person, but also capture and preserve its energy, accumulate positive or negative emotions that we experience when looking at our reflection.

There are a huge number of signs associated with the mirror. Our grandmothers also believed that breaking a mirror meant inviting trouble upon yourself. Sleeping in front of mirrors is also not recommended. According to popular beliefs, a mirror can catch a person's soul when he is sleeping. Also, reflected in a dream, a person loses his vitality, and his sleep becomes more sensitive and restless.

Why you can’t shed tears in front of a mirror - folk signs

One of the most mysterious superstitions today says that crying near a mirror is absolutely forbidden. Let's figure out why you shouldn't cry in front of a mirror, and what this can lead to according to folk signs and beliefs.

Despite the fact that mirrors are present in every modern person’s home, many superstitions are still associated with them. Psychics and healers often use mirrors for their rituals, and ordinary people shudder if they accidentally break a mirror. Of course, there is no scientific evidence that a mirror can influence human life. Whether you believe or not the beliefs, decide for yourself.

Why you shouldn't cry in front of the mirror:

  • It is believed that a mirror not only reflects, but also accumulates human energy. When we cry in front of a mirror, it automatically stores our negativity and gives it back when we approach this mirror in a normal state.
  • If you cry in front of a mirror, from a person luck may run out.
  • A mirror can create an energetic image of a person and influence his destiny. If it creates an unhappy and depressive image, it is possible that the future fate of this person will be difficult and filled with tears.
  • When a girl cries in front of the mirror, she washes away beauty and youth from your face.
  • Man shedding tears in front of the mirror weakens its energy protection. This can lead to health problems or make you feel worse.
  • The mirror is capable of entering into resonance with human energy, increasing positive or negative vibration several times.

What to do if you cried in front of the mirror?

If you have already cried in front of the mirror, but want to get rid of the negativity, follow simple cleaning procedure. Wait until you are in a good mood, go to the mirror and wash it with a damp cloth, then wipe it with a dry one. Smile at your reflection more often, mentally tell the mirror how much you like your reflection, how happy and successful you are.

The information that the mirror stores can be overwritten and changed. Approach him more often with good thoughts, admire yourself, preen yourself and smile. Over time, you will feel that the mirror gives you positive emotions, and looking at your reflection in your own mirror is much more pleasant.

What else should you not do in front of the mirror?

A mirror is a complex and mysterious accessory that can change a person’s life for both the better and the worse. Let's look at a few more beliefs associated with mirrors.

  • When planning the interior of a room, keep in mind that the mirror should not reflect the doors, otherwise vital energy and money will float away from home.
  • You shouldn't sleep in front of a mirror either.. In a dream, a person's soul can collide with its reflection and get lost. For the same reason, mirrors are covered when someone dies in the house.
  • Broken mirrors bring bad luck. Treat this accessory with care; do not keep broken or cracked mirrors in your house.
  • Don't look in the mirror in the dark at night. You may get scared, but the mirror will remember the feeling of fear.
  • You can't put mirrors opposite each other. In this position, they create an energy corridor through which otherworldly forces can penetrate.
  • Avoid keeping old antique mirrors in your home. Such mirrors usually have a baggage of accumulated emotions and can negatively affect the fate of new owners.
  • The mirror in the house needs to be washed and dusted regularly. Otherwise, it will reflect the person’s energy as incomplete, which can lead to negative emotions and health problems.
  • Take pictures of your reflection in the mirror folk signs also do not recommend it. This disrupts the human energy field and leads to health problems.

Whether or not to believe folk superstitions about mirrors is up to you. However, look in the mirror more often in a good mood, tell yourself that you are beautiful and happy!

There are many reasons for the desire to cry - it can be physical pain, resentment, fear, loss, hopelessness, great joy, etc. Tears are the result of a strong emotion. Women and children are more prone to such manifestations, and very young children can use this “natural mechanism” to “tell” their parents about their needs, for example, the desire to eat, drink or sleep. Men can cry too, but they cope better with their emotions and know how to control themselves even in very “touchy” situations.

But still, what to do if you want to cry, and tears come to your eyes, and this is not at all appropriate?

  • First, you need to try to restore your breathing and slowly take a few deep breaths. It’s better to do this before the “lump” comes to your throat. If you feel that your emotions are starting to overwhelm you and your breathing is quickening, you need to immediately focus on its depth and try to bring it back to normal.
  • Secondly, you can drink a few sips of water, this also helps restore breathing and switch from the main irritating factor.
  • Thirdly, you can put suckable candy in your mouth and focus on its taste.

We try not to give in to emotions

Keep in mind that people who are unkind to you may deliberately influence you with insults and humiliations in order to get pleasure from contemplating your tears. In this case, it is important to understand what is being done and why, and not to succumb to provocations. You need to try not to listen to offensive words, mentally protecting the person from yourself, be restrained and not say anything, since a verbal skirmish in this case will benefit the ill-wisher. It’s better to think about how to protect yourself from such people and put them, as they say, in their place, in a calm environment. Seeing complete indifference on your part, they will feel vulnerable that they have not achieved their goal, so it will be pointless to continue.

There are also people who, by offending others, throw out their negative emotions. If you happen to meet such a person, you should not pay attention to him at all; it is better to immediately mentally “cut out” this element from your memory as unnecessary. If this person is often with you, for example, an employee, you need to clearly and strictly tell him your opinion on this matter and suppress any attempts to “reset the negative” at your expense.

Five minute morning workout

Inner attitude plays a huge role in everyone's life. Strong people who do not want to be led by their emotions simply do not allow themselves to do so and over time they get used to it and stop reacting emotionally to stimuli. Therefore, every morning you need to start by looking into your eyes in front of the mirror and tell yourself that you are smart, strong, restrained and will not allow anyone to break your will. This needs to be done daily. And for emotional release, you can hang a punching bag at home - this way the negativity will “go away” and you will become stronger physically.