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Technical appeal of the Unified State Examination Russian. In what cases and how can you appeal the results of the Unified State Exam? How to get a higher grade

What to do if you do not agree with the Unified State Exam scores? The editors of the “Graduate” and brave eyewitnesses tell you how to properly file an appeal, behave with the commission, and how to help yourself. Official information (important!) Every student who has passed the Unified State Exam has the right to appeal. An appeal may concern both the procedure (violation of established rules during the exam) and disagreement with the assigned scores. Appeals regarding the content and structure of KIM and violations by Unified State Exam participants of the established requirements for the performance of work are not accepted. The procedure, dates and place are announced no later than 2 weeks before the start of the Unified State Exam. Each region has a conflict commission. The student and/or his parents, as well as public observers, may be present during the appeal hearing. Appeal about violation of order An appeal about violation of the order must be submitted on the day of the exam, directly to the PPE (examination point). Step 1. You take the form from the organizer. Step 2. Make an appeal in two copies. Step 3. You hand them over to an authorized representative of the State Examination Committee, who is obliged to leave one copy for you and transfer the second to the conflict commission. Step 4. Find out the place and time. Step 5. You receive the results of the audit, which are drawn up in the form of a commission conclusion. The conflict commission considers the appeal within no more than 2 working days and makes a decision to approve or reject the appeal. If the request is granted, the participant’s result is canceled and the participant is given the opportunity to take the Unified State Exam on another day. Appeal of disagreement with the results of the Unified State Exam The appeal is submitted within 2 working days after the official announcement of the individual Unified State Exam results and the participant’s familiarization with them. Graduates can file an appeal about disagreement with the scores to their school, other Unified State Exam participants - to the PPE. Step 1. You receive a form (2 copies) at the place of registration for the Unified State Exam or from the executive secretary of the conflict commission. Step 2. Make an appeal in 2 copies. Step 3. Give both copies to the above persons (one copy must remain with you, the second is given to the conflict commission). Step 4. Find out the time and place of the appeal hearing. Step 5. Come to the appeal procedure at the conflict commission. You need to have a passport and a pass with the stamp “Unified State Exam Forms Passed” (or PPE stamp). When considering an appeal of a Unified State Exam participant or with him, his parents (legal representatives, you must have a passport with you) may be present. At the request of the Unified State Examination participant, the appeal can be considered without him. The conflict commission considers the appeal no more than 4 working days from the date of filing. If the appeal is rejected, the score is retained. If the appeal is granted, the participant is given a different score (the score can change either upward or downward). The work is checked in full, drafts are not considered. Unofficial information: real storiesA 2015 graduate, Tatyana Orlova, filed an appeal against the results of the Unified State Exam in social studies:“So, how does the appeal procedure work in reality? Graduates who are not satisfied with their results come to a specially designated place (we considered the appeal in the building of the Institute of Education). You come there and wait for your turn in the hall, like other guys. Many came with their parents: as you know, they can be present at the appeal to double-check your results. I waited for about 2.5 hours. When it was my turn, a woman expert from the conflict commission invited me, and we went into a huge office that was crowded with experts and students. My eyes widened, but I was immediately directed to one of the other inspectors. I was asked questions about my work, in which tasks I was not satisfied with the assigned score. Experts check your work inside and out, then you move on to discussion. The expert was able to answer all my questions; I did not see any aggression on her part. But she looked exhausted, the check lasted from 10 am to 7 pm, my turn had just come to the very end. But my classmate was less fortunate: her work was taken seriously, she had to sit for quite a long time and prove that she was right, about half an hour. But I sat for about 15 minutes. As a result, they added 2 primary points to me, now I have 82 points for the exam instead of 78. Advice to those who decide to appeal would be as follows: Be sure that you are right and double-check your work several times with your teachers. It is worth remembering that points can not only be increased, but also decreased. By the way, another classmate of mine was given as many as 3 primary points, although at the beginning of the appeal they wanted to add even 5 to her. By the way, there is a small nuance: there can be 2, even 3 experts. At the end of the appeal, my classmate had a hard time, because there were three inspectors above her who could not come to the same opinion. Who will be lucky with the experts is, alas, impossible to predict.” We spoke with several other 2015 graduates who went through the appeal process, and came up with a number of rules that are often violated in the pursuit of points: 1) Read the official information carefully, especially everything related to filling out the form, submitting applications, etc. Be smart in organizational matters! 2) Come prepared to fight and armed to the best of your ability. No, knightly armor will not help in any way, but good knowledge of the criteria, KIMs and understanding of the essence of your own claim will make you almost invulnerable. Particularly annoying, according to one of the commission’s experts, are graduates who forget that the Unified State Examination is assessed according to fairly clear criteria, which are not set by experts at all. 3) We believe that our readers are well-mannered and intelligent people, but if you are overwhelmed by exam nerves and emotions, restrain yourself. Try not to argue with experts, but to argue and clearly prove your point of view. In turn, do not take their arguments with hostility. Remember that after an appeal, points can not only be increased, but also reduced! Rudeness and impatience will definitely not work in your favor. Reverse advice - do not give up in advance if the commission does not increase your score in the first three seconds. Professionals work there, but even they, looking through an exorbitant number of works a day, get tired and may not notice something. Gentle persistence is the best policy. 4) When asked whether it was worth filing an appeal at all, opinions were divided. Whether the risk is justified by the result depends on your ambitions, confidence in your knowledge and the university where you want to enroll. However, there are far fewer cases of score reductions than cases of scores being raised or left unchanged. If you are sure that you deserve more, why not fight?


    Please note that the conflict commission does not consider appeals regarding the content and structure of assignments, evaluation of the results of short-answer assignments, or incorrect formatting of the examination paper. Also, the commission does not consider drafts of the Unified State Examination participant as appeal materials.

    How to file an appeal about a violation of the established procedure for the Unified State Examination 2017

    If a GIA participant wants to file an appeal about a violation of the exam procedure, he must do the following:

  • After completing the exam, without leaving the Unified State Exam point, take 2 copies of the form on which the appeal is being drawn up from the organizer in the classroom;
  • transfer the documents to the authorized representative of the exam, who must certify the appeal with his signature and transfer one copy to the State Examination participant, and the other to the conflict commission;
  • obtain the necessary information about the time and place of consideration by the conflict commission.

After the conflict commission receives an appeal, a check is carried out with the participation of organizers who were not involved in the audience, technical specialists, and public observers. The conflict commission considers the appeal within no more than 2 working days and makes one of two decisions: dismissal of the appeal or its satisfaction. If the appeal is satisfied, then the participant’s Unified State Examination result is canceled and he takes the exam on another day.

How to file an appeal about disagreement with the results of the Unified State Exam 2017

An appeal about disagreement with the assigned scores is submitted within 2 working days after the official announcement of the individual exam results and the State Examination Examiner’s familiarization with them.

If a GIA participant wants to file an appeal about disagreement with the results of the Unified State Exam 2017, he must do the following:

  • At the place of registration for the exam or from the responsible secretary of the conflict commission, take the appeal form (in two copies);
  • draw up an appeal in 2 copies;
  • transfer both copies to the above persons;
  • obtain the necessary information about the time and place of consideration by the conflict commission
  • come to the appeals review procedure at the conflict commission, having with you a passport and a pass with the stamp “Unified State Exam forms have been submitted.”

How a complaint is processed

After the Unified State Examination participant has submitted an application, he must come to the specified place for the appeal. The complaint review procedure takes place in the presence of the examinee. You must have a passport and a document with you that confirms that you have passed the exam. If the applicant is under 18 years of age, his parents or legal representatives may be present with him.

The conflict commission considers the appeal no more than four days from the date of its filing. Based on the results of the decision, the number of points can be changed either upward or downward. A reduction in points is possible if members of the commission, during the re-examination of the Unified State Examination work, discover additional errors, which leads to a decrease in the mark.

Each region independently sets the deadline for informing Unified State Examination participants about the exam results. Traditionally, this is 1-2 days after Rosobrnadzor announces the minimum number of points in the subject.

Schools (for graduates of the current year), as well as PPE or educational authorities (depending on the organizational and territorial scheme adopted in the region) of the region are required to post lists of Unified State Exam participants with exam results on information stands and/or their own websites. The appearance of the lists on the information stand is considered the moment of the official announcement of the Unified State Examination results.

If the announcement of results is delayed by more than 2 days, you must contact your local education authority.

1. In what cases can you file an appeal?

The Unified State Examination participant has the right to appeal:

    about violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam - on the day of the exam after passing the Unified State Exam forms before leaving the PPE

    about disagreement with the Unified State Exam results - within 2 business days after the official announcement of the exam results and the Unified State Exam participant familiarization with them

    Appeals are not accepted:

    in connection with the violation by the Unified State Exam participant of the rules of conduct for the Unified State Exam or the rules for filling out forms

    2. Appeal about violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam

    Actions of the Unified State Exam participant:

    at the end of the exam, without leaving the PPE, receive from the organizer in the classroom a form (two copies) on which the appeal is drawn up

    hand over both copies to the authorized representative of the State Examination Committee, who is obliged to accept and certify them with his signature, give one copy to the Unified State Exam participant, and hand over the other to the conflict commission

    receive the result of consideration of the appeal in your educational institution or in local government bodies exercising powers in the field of education (MEOU) no later than 3 calendar days after its submission

  • If the appeal is satisfied, the USE result is canceled and the participant is given the opportunity to take the USE in this subject on another (reserve) day. He is assigned a date and place for retaking the Unified State Examination in the relevant subject.

    The decision to cancel the results of the Unified State Exam can be made:

  • if the official investigation of the State Examination Committee confirms the fact of violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination
  • if the conflict commission satisfied an appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination
  • if an authorized representative of the State Examination Committee, a public observer or authorized representatives of Rosobrnadzor, as well as prosecutorial authorities and law enforcement agencies have established facts of violations of the Unified State Exam procedure at the Unified State Exam point, which could have a significant impact on the Unified State Exam results

    3. Appeal of disagreement with the results of the Unified State Exam

    Actions of the Unified State Exam participant:

  • within 2 working days after you have officially become familiar with the results, obtain from the responsible secretary of the conflict commission (for graduates of the current year - from the head of your educational institution) a form in 2 copies, according to which an appeal is drawn up (it is possible to draw up an appeal in any form)
  • draw up an appeal in 2 copies
  • hand over both copies to the above persons (who are required to accept and certify them with their signature, give one copy to the Unified State Exam participant, the other to the conflict commission)
  • receive information about the time and place of the appeal hearing
  • if possible, come to the appeals review procedure at the conflict commission, having with you a passport and a pass with the stamp “Unified State Exam Forms Passed” (or PPE stamp)
  • confirm in the appeal record that he was presented with copies of his forms and the correctness of recognition of his answers in the forms
  • participate in the appeal hearing
  • sign the appeal protocol

    Possible solutions of the conflict commission:

  • rejection of the appeal due to the absence of technical errors in the processing of Unified State Exam forms and errors in the experts’ assessment of answers to free-form assignments and the preservation of the assigned points;
  • upholding the appeal and assigning other points.


  • When considering an appeal, instead of the Unified State Examination participant or together with him, his parents (legal representatives) may be present, who must also have their passports (the legal representative must also have other documents confirming his authority).
  • If the Unified State Examination participant or his parent (legal representative) does not appear for the appeal hearing, the correct recognition of the answer forms is confirmed by members of the conflict commission.
  • Drafts are not considered as appeal materials.

    Attention! Based on the results of the appeal, the number of points awarded may be changed either upward or downward!

    Based on materials from the press service of Rosobrnadzor.

Current legislation, in order to ensure the right to an objective assessment of knowledge, USE participants are given the right to file a written appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the USE in a general education subject and (or) about disagreement with the assigned points to the conflict commission. The conflict commission does not consider appeals on issues of the content and structure of test and measurement materials in general education subjects, as well as on issues related to violation by a Unified State Exam participant of the established requirements for completing the examination work. Unified State Examination participants and (or) their parents have the right to be present during the appeal hearing. If the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam is violated, students file an appeal on the day of the exam in the relevant general education subject to an authorized representative of the state examination commission, without leaving the point where the Unified State Exam is held. In order to verify the information contained in the appeal about violations of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination, an authorized representative of the State Examination Committee creates a commission and organizes an audit. The said commission may include the head of the examination site, organizers, public observers, medical workers and representatives of law enforcement agencies. The results of the inspection are presented in the form of a commission conclusion. The appeal and the commission’s conclusion on the results of the inspection are transferred on the same day by an authorized representative of the State Examination Committee to the conflict commission. When considering an appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination, the conflict commission considers the appeal and the commission’s conclusion on the results of the inspection and makes one of the decisions: to reject the appeal; on the satisfaction of the appeal. If the appeal is satisfied, the Unified State Exam result is canceled and the Unified State Exam participant is given the opportunity to take the Unified State Exam in this general education subject on a different day, provided for by the unified Unified State Exam schedule for the current year.

Appeal about disagreement with awarded points may be submitted by the student within two working days from the date of announcement of the Unified State Examination results in the relevant general education subject. Students who have filed an appeal must be informed in advance of the time and place of appeal hearings. The head of the examination point or educational institution who accepted the appeal must immediately transfer it to the conflict commission. When considering an appeal about disagreement with the assigned points, the conflict commission requests printed images of the examination work from the regional information processing center, which are presented to the Unified State Examination participant. The graduate must confirm that he has presented images of the examination work he completed. Based on the results of consideration of the appeal about disagreement with the assigned points, the conflict commission makes a decision to reject the appeal and maintain the assigned points, or to satisfy the appeal and assign other points. If errors are detected in the processing or verification of the examination work of a Unified State Examination participant, the conflict commission transfers the relevant information to the RCIO for transmission to the authorized organization for the purpose of recalculating the Unified State Examination results. For any questions you may have regarding the procedure for appealing the results of the Unified State Exam, you can contact the education department of the administration of the municipal district or city. If you believe that your right to appeal about a violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam or disagreement with the assigned Unified State Exam scores has been violated, you can contact the prosecutor's office or the court within the framework of administrative proceedings.

You must write an appeal application at the school where the GIA-11 participant studied.

The appeal is written and submitted by the student himself on a form that is issued to him by the State Examination Commission (SEC). Members of the State Examination Committee will issue a form and explain exactly how to do it.

You can write an application for appeal to the Conflict Commission within 2 working days from the moment of official publication of the results in the subject.

If you do not agree with the results

An appeal is not a way to convince the committee that you know the subject better than your test result showed. Therefore, trying to raise your overall score using this method will not work.

Filing an appeal will be relevant if:

There are doubts that fewer errors were made in the test part.

Based on the results of the check, it turned out that there was an error in part C of the exam (essay or complex problems, etc.).

You used quotes from writers or other historical figures in your essay. (Their speech does not always correspond to the grammatical norms of the modern language, so experts could count this as an error).

The Appeal Commission does not consider issues related to:

In violation of the requirements and rules of the GIA-11 by the exam participants;

Incorrect formatting of the examination paper (even if your answer is correct, but the solution is presented incorrectly, this will be considered an error).

The appeal is considered by the commission within 4 working days from the moment of its receipt.

Irregularities during the exam

You can also file an appeal if you notice violations of the procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination during the exam. This must also be stated in writing.

You must write an appeal immediately, without leaving the examination point, addressed to a member of the State Examination Commission (SEC).

The appeal is pending within 2 working days from the moment of its receipt. If the claim is satisfied, the USE results of the participant or the entire audience will be canceled and a retake date will be set.

The following may be present during the appeal hearing:

GIA participant (student)

Parents or legal representatives of the GIA participant

Members of the State Examination Committee

Representatives of Rosobrnadzor

Public observers

The procedure for considering an appeal by points

Important points

Drafts are not evidence that you are right and the materials that the commission is considering are useless to refer to.

If the graduate used quotes from works in the essay, then textbooks or books containing these words should be brought to the appeal. It happens that the commission reduces the score for literacy or incorrect speech patterns, however, if this is the author's punctuation, then there is a chance that the commission members will reconsider their decision in your favor.

Even if your score was increased on appeal, this decision must be agreed upon and approved by the Unified State Examination Center, from where the corresponding document is then sent.