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Russian Federal Bailiff Service about debt. Find out the debt through the federal bailiff service

Court decisions in the Russian Federation can be taken from several sources. The relevance of the opportunity to receive text on various identification points is very important, since the parties to the process do not always have the opportunity to take part in meetings or then receive copies of decisions by mail.

Where can I get the court decision number?

You can find out the number of court decisions:

In the court officea telephone call or personal appeal at a time when the printed version of the conclusion is not yet ready.
Internet resource sudact.ru,on which decisions of the Supreme, Arbitration, and Magistrates' Courts of general jurisdiction are posted.
State automated system of legislative verdicts"Justice" (website sudrf.ru).
On the website judicial decisions.rf.-
On the portalFederal Bailiff Service.
On a single portalgovernment services.

Check by last name

Information can be found on each of the above resources. On the website of the State Automated System “Justice” the data is searched in this way:

  1. First you need to go to “Search for cases and judicial acts”.
  2. A window will appear before the user's eyes.
  3. In the window that appears, you must select the region where the legislative body is located.
  4. In the column “Participant in the process (full name)” enter the data of the individual who is a party to the dispute (regardless of whether the person is the plaintiff, defendant or accused).
  5. It is also advisable to fill in the approximate date of receipt of the case for consideration by the court.

On the portal of judicial opinions, information on personal data is even easier to find:

  • you need to go to the “Simple search” section;
  • the initials of the participant in the case are entered in the dialog box;
  • You can enter additional data (court region, participant status, case number).

If you need to find information about enforcement proceedings from bailiffs:

  1. The user accesses the website of the Federal Bailiff Service.
  2. In the dialog box that opens, select the “Services” section.
  3. At the next stage, click on one of the available services. The “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings” is most suitable.
  4. In the window that opens, select the territorial body of the FSSP and enter the full name, as well as the date of birth of the person against whom the case has been initiated.

Search engines allow the possibility of finding information by the judge's last name. For example, such an opportunity is available on the website sudact.ru.

To receive detailed material on a group of cases, you need to indicate:

  • region of the Russian Federation;
  • the authority for considering the case;
  • name of the legislative body;
  • judge details.

What is a valid enforcement proceedings number?

This number is a specific identifier. This is why people encounter problems when services ask them to enter numbers into a required field.

The valid number is filled in the following format:

  • number;
  • region;
  • year of initiation of the IP.

Example, 17543 (number) - 14 (area code) - 01 (2001).

Is there a case with the FSSP?

How to find out if enforcement proceedings have been initiated against you? The question is quite relevant, because it is not always the case that collection representatives or judicial authorities send citizens letters of notification regarding the occurrence of debts or other legal issues that may lead to the opening of an individual entrepreneur.

There are many ways to get help:

  1. Call SSP by phone.
  2. On the FSSP website in the “Bank of Enforcement Proceedings” section.
  3. Through special applications for mobile phones.
  4. Through the Bank IP application, created specifically for the social networks Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte.
  5. Using the State Services portal. You need to go to the FSSP section and click on the “Obtaining a certificate of the progress of enforcement proceedings” tab.
  6. Check the existence of an enforcement penalty by visiting a personal appointment at the SSP department.

Modern Internet capabilities allow you to subscribe to news from groups in “VK” and “OK”, therefore, by visiting the social network. networks that relate to FSSP information, you will receive updated data constantly.

You can check the existence of enforcement proceedings solely by full name. Of course, a search is also available by number, but a person who does not know about the existence of the case itself will not know its number.

Is it possible to find out the reason for the fine through the bailiffs?

You can find out from the enforcement proceedings what the fine is for. Note that on the FSSP website it is not always possible to understand the reason for issuing a decision on the occurrence of penalties, but in most cases the information is more or less clear.

To obtain the data, you need to go to the “Bank of Enforcement Proceedings” section of the Federal Collection Service website and fill in the fields that appear. The service will issue a certificate of status as of the date the request was entered.

Let's look at the search process using an example:

  • go to the fssprus website;
  • select the required section;
  • select the search region (for example, Amur region);
  • enter your first and last name (for example, Tkachenko Alexander). In this window, you can also enter your middle name and date of birth for greater detail.

After processing the request, a block of information appears:

  • Full name of the debtor;
  • case number;
  • IP number;
  • subject of debt (transport tax, utility debt, other property penalties, insurance premiums, loan debts, etc.).


IP database

Check the data on the enforcement proceedings database , Any citizen can. It contains information on all court decisions, except criminal cases. The data in the service is provided systematically, because one of the important elements of the search process is the specification of the region.

The database is constantly updated. Data about started cases is immediately entered into the system, since public information should be available for review on the Internet.

The person found out that enforcement action had been taken against him. In the first minutes he does not know what to do. He realizes that he needs to deal with the issue of payment or cancellation of the fine. The main idea is this: how to find a bailiff for enforcement proceedings?

The citizen understands that it is possible to learn in detail about the reason for imposing a fine and how to resolve the issue (payment or release from liability) only in case of personal appeal. That is why knowing the personal information of the bailiff is not a whim, but a necessity.

It’s quite possible to find out the employee’s last name:

  1. Go to the website fssprus.ru.
  2. Select the section “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings”.
  3. Fill out the dialog box that opens (region, full name of the applicant, date of birth).
  4. Press the “Find” button.
  5. Familiarize yourself with the information found (information about the bailiff will be in the far right column).

In this table the applicant will also specify:

  • address of the FSSP bureau where the case was opened;
  • the approximate reason for the debt;
  • the exact amount of claims against him.

How can I find out about the progress of enforcement proceedings?

To obtain information about the progress of production actions in relation to a person, you must come to an appointment with the bailiff. It is also important to know that data will not be provided based on oral requests.

The person against whom the case has been initiated must write a statement and indicate:

  • name of the territorial division of the FSSP;
  • Applicant's full name, address and contact details;
  • enforcement action number;
  • debt repayment start date;
  • the basis for its initiation;
  • request and reasons for providing information on the progress of enforcement actions;
  • date of application.


The article addresses the following issues:

  1. The procedure for obtaining information about whether a forced penalty has been initiated against a person.
  2. How to find out the court decision number.
  3. The procedure for obtaining materials on the progress of enforcement actions.
  4. How to find out the reason for sanctions.
  5. Other legal aspects.

If you have questions about the topic of the article, ask them in the comments or to the site’s lawyer on duty. Also call the numbers provided. We will definitely answer and help.

There are tens of millions of debtors in Russia against whom enforcement proceedings are being carried out by bailiffs. The basis for initiating enforcement proceedings in accordance with Art. 30 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 No. 229-FZ " " (hereinafter referred to as the law on enforcement proceedings) are enforcement documents, which include, in particular, writs of execution, court orders, notarized agreements on the payment of alimony, decisions on cases on administrative offenses and a number of other documents ().

Thus, the reasons for initiating enforcement proceedings may be different. Someone does not pay alimony or loans, someone is obliged by a court decision to compensate for the damage caused as a result of an accident, someone is fined for a violation, and someone did not pay taxes on time.

However, not all debtors deliberately evade fulfilling the obligations imposed on them. Some may not even know that enforcement proceedings have been initiated against them. The reasons for this may be different, ranging from unlawful actions of officials to poor quality work of postal services. In addition, in our country, many citizens do not have the opportunity to register at their place of residence, and therefore do not receive court summonses and other notifications, which can lead to unfavorable consequences for them.

To carry out their functions, bailiffs are vested with a number of powers. In particular, bailiffs have the right to restrict the debtor’s travel outside Russia in cases where the amount of the debt exceeds 10,000 rubles. or the stated claims are of a non-property nature ().

In addition, bailiffs have the power to put a debtor on the wanted list and take enforcement measures (). Such measures, for example, include seizure; confiscation from the debtor of property awarded to the claimant, foreclosure of property or wages, as well as a number of other coercive measures.

Imagine that you went on vacation to another country, and at that moment the bailiffs wrote off funds from your bank account as a debt. Or at the border control it suddenly became clear that you were restricted from leaving Russia. Or, during a routine document check at the traffic police post, it suddenly turns out that you are wanted. Thus, a debtor who does not know that enforcement proceedings have been initiated against him may suddenly find himself in a very unpleasant situation. And resolving it with minimal losses will not be easy.

It is better to play it safe in advance and contact the bailiffs to find out the debt. Now this can be done quite simply and with minimal time.

The FSSP of Russia on its website provides a fairly convenient service for this, which allows you to find out your debts online. The service allows you to obtain information about the existence of enforcement proceedings in relation to both individuals and legal entities.

In the site window that opens, you need to select the region in which you are registered and enter your last name, first name and patronymic. You can also select the “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings” function in the “Services” section. A page will open on which you will also need to select a region and enter your personal data (last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth), and then click on the “Find” button. By default, the “Search for individuals” tab is always selected, but if necessary, you can go to the “Search for legal entities” tab and check for the presence of enforcement proceedings against a legal entity.

After clicking the "Find" button, a page opens that lists all enforcement proceedings initiated in the selected region in relation to the person whose personal data you entered.

If there is enforcement proceedings in the same window, you can click on the “Pay” button and pay off the existing debt online.

It should be understood that a judicial act or a decision imposing punishment in a case of an administrative offense does not reach the bailiffs immediately, but only after the deadline for appeal has expired and has entered into legal force. In addition, in some cases the period for voluntary compliance must expire. For example, in cases of administrative offenses, in accordance with the administrative fine must be paid by the person held administratively liable no later than sixty days from the date of entry into force of the decision to impose an administrative fine or from the date of expiration of the deferment period or installment plan period provided for.

  • 1. Men in black uniforms
    • 4.2. Search for legal entities
    • 4.3. Search by IP number

Every person has heard at least once about bailiffs on TV or from neighbors and friends, at a bus stop or in transport. And some, as they say, are “lucky” to meet them in life, for debts or by mistake.

Until recently, in Russia after the collapse of the USSR, the bailiff service did not exist, but at the moment it has strengthened and now has broad and decent powers. Who are these bailiffs? And why do we need to be careful with our debts and keep track of our debt to anyone? How to find out debt from bailiffs, etc. We will try to answer these questions in detail in our article.

How to find out your debt? Go to the website - enter your details

1. Men in black uniforms

The uniform of bailiffs is black. In this form, they can be found early in the morning or late in the evening, calling the apartments of debtors. They came with a writ of execution or a court order based on a court decision, or with other documents that are listed in Art. 12 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”, for collecting debt from the debtor.

Although there have been cases where debtors do not evade paying their debts at all, they were simply not properly notified about this, since they did not receive summonses or other notifications about the payment of the debt.

Bailiffs can contact the accounting department at work directly, then, in this way, they will be able to collect the fine and the amount of debt from the debtor’s salary. Therefore, it is so important to know your debt, which you can quickly find out from the bailiffs.

2. Consequences of non-payment of debt

1. The most unpleasant thing is to find out that the debtor is not allowed to go on vacation abroad right at the airport. Yes, that’s right, at the airport, even after checking in for a flight at passport control, they can stop you and not let you go abroad.

The bailiff service has the right to temporarily restrict the travel abroad of a debtor from the Russian Federation (under Article 67), provided that the amount of the debtor’s debt is more than ten thousand rubles. This may threaten the debtor with the loss of a paid travel package, because the trip was disrupted through no fault of the travel company.

In any case, you need to take care of paying fines, taxes, loans, alimony in advance, at least one month before going abroad, because this time is necessary for the bailiffs to inform the Migration Service so that they remove the debtor’s data from the list “ restricted to travel" and lift the travel ban.

2. When submitting an application for a foreign passport at the Migration Service, the debtor will be systematically rejected and will not be able to obtain a foreign passport. And, if the foreign passport was still valid, then when applying to the Federal Migration Service, it may even be confiscated from the debtor.

3. Quite recently, the Federal “Bailiff Service” came up with an original measure: to punish debtors by depriving them of their driver’s license. True, this measure has not been officially published, but the bailiffs intend to achieve this sanction. It's only a matter of time.

3. How to find out your debt

Method 1. Go directly to the department (branch) of the Federal Bailiff Service in your city. There, show your passport and at the window they will check whether you have any debt. If you have a debt, you will be told which bailiff you can contact and which office you can go to to find out the amount of the debt and the possibility of paying it.

If you were notified by Russian Post about the existence of a debt, then the telephone number and coordinates of the bailiff who is involved in enforcement proceedings will be indicated in the letter you received. You must also come to the FSSP department with the letter. Do not take money with you, because payment of the fine must be made not at the bailiff, but at the bank according to the details. After payment, you can personally show the payment receipt.

Method 2. Find out your debt online (via the Internet). In the world of information technology, there are many opportunities available without leaving your home. And this case is no exception for the FSSP of Russia. On the official website of the Federal Bailiff Service there is a service “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings”, where you can search for debt from individuals or search for debt from legal entities.

Now we will describe how to quickly find out your debt from bailiffs online at any time of the day.

Go to the bailiffs website - FSSP of Russia at the web address http://fssprus.ru and on the left click on the orange button: “Find out about debts” / “Data bank of enforcement proceedings”. You can also directly go to the Information Systems/Enforcement Proceedings Data Bank page by entering the following page address in your browser: http://fssprus.ru/iss/ip/.

Find out debts from bailiffs

In the middle of the page you will see a form to fill out with three tabs: search for individuals, legal entities and search by individual entrepreneur number (enforcement proceedings number).

Debt from bailiffs by last name can be found by filling out all fields with your data

4. Let's consider in order how to find out your debt

4.1. Search for individuals - find out debt by last name

First, enter information about the territorial body of the individual, then enter his last name, first name and patronymic, if any, as well as date of birth. And click the big “Search” button.

By clicking on the pay button, all electronic methods of paying the debt will pop up

4.2. Search for legal entities

First enter information about the territorial body, then the name of the debtor enterprise and, if you want, the address of the debtor enterprise. And click the "Search" button.

4.3. Search by IP number

If there is an enforcement proceeding, enter its number. Click the Search button.

In all three searches, you should see two information:

  • a) If there is enforcement proceedings against a given person (legal entity), then information will appear indicating the number of records found, and a table of enforcement proceedings indicating the details of the enforcement document, the amount of debt itself, the bailiff department, as well as the name of the bailiff.
  • b) If there is no enforcement proceedings, then the entry “Nothing found for your request” will appear.

We hope our article helped you learn how to check for debts from bailiffs, as well as how to pay them off.

5. Pay off your debts by making money online

Debt is a big nuisance and the longer you take to pay it off, the more inconvenience you have to endure. Therefore, the best course of action if you have debt is to try to earn extra money and pay off your debts as soon as possible.

The Federal Tax Service of Russia, which, first of all, must monitor the collection and payment of taxes, also has many other functions relating to different categories of taxpayers. Absolutely all clients of the inspection have long appreciated the presence of the organization’s official website, which has significantly expanded the capabilities of users and simplified the system of communication with service authorities.

Still, the majority of site users are individuals and, therefore, they are very interested in the question of whether it is possible to find out debt by last name on the portal www.nalog.ru without registering their own profile.

Website features for taxpayers

The official resource of the organization provides clients with a lot of useful and legally verified information, including information about whether it is possible to find out the debt by name on www.nalog.ru.

The main page of the service contains a huge amount of various information that will be useful for legal entities and individuals, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

First of all, the main website of the inspectorate provides data on cash on delivery and taxation systems for taxpayers. Among such useful information, the main ones are:

  • information about existing fees and taxes;
  • country legislation on taxation;
  • property taxes;
  • solving the problem in a pre-trial mode;
  • resolving disputes in court;
  • insurance;
  • information about reports;
  • control over enterprises;
  • view the debt - it is impossible to find out the debt by last name on the resource www.nalog.ru in the absence of registration and any other data;
  • information about bankruptcy;
  • information about the pricing process;
  • fees for non-profit institutions;
  • information about the group of consolidated tax payers;
  • taxes for citizens working abroad;
  • recycling fee;
  • trade fee;
  • product labeling system.

Find out your debt

Also, for all guests of the official resource, the following electronic services are available for use, which greatly simplify the work of taxpayers:

  • register a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  • become familiar with possible risks for your business;
  • view the register of medium and small businesses;
  • most popular questions;
  • order or find out your TIN;
  • pay taxes;
  • make an appointment with the service;
  • view the most popular complaints and solutions to them.

Registration of an individual

In order for the client to find out the debt by last name on www.nalog.ru, he must register as an individual, and only then find out all the information about the debts. In order to go through the registration process on the site, the client needs to go to the section for individuals on the main page, where you can directly log into your own account.

You can log in to your own profile in three ways:

  • using a profile in the unified identification and authentication system, details for which are issued only when the user has submitted the appropriate application;
  • by login and security password, which are present in the registration card, which is issued in any department of the service;
  • through an electronic signature issued by the Certification Center. This signature can be saved on any type of media and is used with special software.

Access to the service

Only if one of the conditions is met, the client will be able to log into his personal account and use the full functionality of the account. Therefore, you can find out the debt by last name on www.nalog.ru only if you have your own account.

An official user of the site with a registered personal account receives the following opportunities:

  • exercise control over payments;
  • receive data on fees and overpayments;
  • track the status of submitted declarations;
  • receive messages and payment receipts, as well as print them;
  • download software to fill out the declaration;
  • pay tax, debt;
  • submit applications to the inspection authorities online.

Taxpayer personal account

How to find out about a debt?

On the resource www.nalog.ru you can find out your debt not by last name, but by using your personal profile. To do this, the client should log into his account after filling out the following fields:

  • login;
  • security password.

After logging in, the user will see the main profile page, which contains a lot of different information, including about taxes, debts and overpayments.

Those accrued taxes that are still relevant are reflected in the accrued tab. If the payment deadline has expired, it is already moved to the debt section. When a client wants to view information about debts, he will need to go to the debts tab and find out all the information about the type of debt.

Objects of taxation

The user can also find out similar information on the government services website, where there is a service that makes it possible to find out the debt by last name, but on www.nalog.ru such a chance is not provided.

If a certain situation arises when the unpaid debt has already come under the control of the bailiffs, and, accordingly, an enforcement case has been opened on it, then in a special bank of proceedings it is possible to find out the debt by last name, and www.nalog.ru gives such a chance exclusively through its own profile.

Debt payment methods

The user of his account can both find out the debt and pay this debt. In this situation, the tax service system can offer the user two options:

  • prepare documents for payment;
  • make payment of the debt.

List of charges

If the client only wants to complete the documents, he will receive a ready-made receipt with filled-in fields for payment. If the user wishes to pay the debt immediately, this process can be carried out in the following ways:

  • using public services;
  • at the expense of a certain bank;
  • through the electronic services “Payment for government services” and “Robokassa”;
  • using the Cyberplat book.

Debt payment

Also on the resource www.nalog.ru it is possible to find out the debt by name only in your own profile, and also on the start page in the electronic services section there is a tab for repaying fees. To pay in this way, the user must complete the following points:

Electronic services
  • indicate the type of tax, type of payment and its amount;
  • enter tax service details;
  • Fill in your passport details and personal identification number.

To ensure that the client does not encounter any errors when filling out the data, he needs to look at the existing instructions provided by the service at all stages.

Service Description

Therefore, a client of the main resource of the main tax office can obtain information about the debt by initials only if they have a registered personal profile, where the entire history of payments and debts made will be displayed. It is also convenient that the user can also pay the debt using his profile via the Internet and payment systems, without wasting extra time on trips to banks and the tax office.

When going on vacation or on business abroad, you must make sure that you do not have any loan debts or decisions of bailiffs to pay a debt that you did not repay on time. Without this condition being met, you will most likely not be allowed to leave the country. The likelihood of such an outcome increases depending on the amount of debt. This includes fines. The total amount of payments that you must repay must not exceed 10 thousand rubles. Therefore, before leaving, be sure to take care of payments. To find out about all debts, you can contact banks or bailiffs in person. However, this method requires a lot of time and effort. As an alternative, you can view all your debts online right from your home. In this article you will learn how to check debt before traveling abroad in several ways.

Possible verification options

In our country there are several online resources for checking debts:

  • State Services portal;
  • website of the Federal Bailiff Service;
  • website of the Federal Tax Service.

It is impossible to single out the most versatile and convenient of them. Each user chooses the one that is more familiar and convenient to him. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Features of the State Services portal

To perform a debt check using this service, you must meet the following conditions:

  • register an account on gosuslugi.ru;
  • enter your passport details and SNILS number, INN in your personal account settings;
  • confirm your identity by visiting a service center (service center), electronic signature or registered letter to obtain expanded access to all services.

Without fulfilling all the conditions, you will not be able to obtain information about debts using this service. Let's figure out how to check your debt before traveling abroad through State Services.

Check for State Services

To check you must follow these steps:

  • open the main page of the site gosuslugi.ru through a browser;
  • If you have logged in to your account and entered all the data, then on the main page there will be information about your tax, legal and transport debts:
  • in the same window, click the “Check and pay” button:
  • The next page will provide brief instructions on how to obtain the service. Click the "Get Service" button to proceed to the next step:
  • on the new page, enter your TIN and click the “Find debt” button:
    In order not to search for the number in documents, you can copy it from your personal information in your account settings;
  • the system will perform a search and then give you a list of all tax debts that are linked to your TIN. If they are not there, then you will see a window:

Now let’s check traffic police fines using this website:

In this way, you can check your debt before going abroad with the help of State Services. Let's move on to checking through the Federal Tax Service website.

Check on the website of the Federal Tax Service

  • Log in using your account from the State Services portal. To do this, you need to have a confirmed record in the CO center, through a registered letter with a code or using an electronic signature;
  • through a previously received electronic signature;
  • login and password from the registration card. You can receive this document from the Federal Tax Service inspection during a personal visit (to do this, take your passport with you).

On the left side of the page you will see three sections, each of which is intended for a specific type of authorization:

Once in your personal account, you can check your debt before going abroad, pay it, see accruals, and so on.

Check on the FSSP website

If your case has been transferred to bailiffs due to non-payment, then you need to check the status of your debts on another resource. You can do this using the official website of the Federal Bailiff Service at fssprus.ru/iss/ip. Let's figure out how to work with this resource.

To check for debts from bailiffs, you must follow these steps:

On this same page you can pay off your debts. To do this, click on the “Pay” button in the line with the debt. After this, you will be redirected to a page with a choice of payment method. The photo below shows the window with the choice of payment system:
By clicking on the one you need, you will be taken to a page where you can fill out the form. Now you know how to check your debt before traveling abroad, and how to pay it off right from home.