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Gaming technologies in an extended day group, presentation for a lesson (grade 1) on the topic. Presentation for the report "Game technologies in the practice of work of an after-school teacher" Presentation on the topic of the role of games in children's education

The game is a constant companion of childhood, a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the surrounding world flows into the child’s spiritual world. This is a unique phenomenon of universal human culture, its source and peak, the core of leisure. The game diversifies and enriches children's leisure time, recreating the integrity of existence. By playing with children we learn to understand and trust each other. And trust is the shortest way to the heart of a little person! The presentation shows gaming technologies used in the work of an extended day group, in extracurricular activities, and on walks.



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GAME PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGY is the organization of the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games, the consistent activity of the teacher in: - selection, development, preparation of games; - inclusion of children in play activities; - implementation of the game itself; - summing up the results of gaming activities.

THE MAIN GOAL OF GAME TECHNOLOGY is to create a complete motivational basis for the formation of skills and abilities in the activities and development of children.

TASKS OF GAME TECHNOLOGY 1. To achieve a high level of motivation, a conscious need for knowledge and skills through the child’s own activity. 2. Select means that enhance children’s activities and increase their effectiveness. 3. Make the educational process manageable.

TYPES OF PEDAGOGICAL GAMES 1. by type of activity - motor, intellectual, psychological, career-oriented, etc.; 2. by the nature of the pedagogical process - teaching, training, controlling, cognitive, educational, developmental, diagnostic; 3. by the nature of the gaming methodology - games with rules; games with rules established during the game; games where one part of the rules is specified by the conditions of the game and is established depending on its progress; 4. in terms of content - musical, mathematical, socializing, logical, etc.; 5. by gaming equipment - tabletop, computer, theatrical, role-playing, director's, etc.

FUNCTIONS * Entertaining * Sociocultural * Self-realization in the game * Communicative * Diagnostic * Game therapy * Developmental

APPLICATION OF TECHNOLOGY When using gaming technologies in working with children, you need to be friendly, provide emotional support, create a joyful environment, and encourage any invention and fantasy of the child.

DEVELOPMENT WITH THE HELP OF GAME TECHNOLOGIES In activities with the help of gaming technologies, children develop mental processes: - perception, - attention, - memory, - imagination, - thinking.

Entertaining games (competitions, station games, tournaments, quizzes, KVN, holidays) "Konga Payrem" holiday

Outdoor games (group, team, relay races, competitions) game - “Forged chains” “HEROMATED NUTS”

Sedentary games (riddles, charades, rebuses, puzzles)

Imitative games (dramatizations, magic tricks)

Construction games (constructors, buildings made of snow, sand)

Musical games (singing games, round dances)

Board games (puzzles, cut-out pictures, chess, checkers)



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ABSTRACT Completed by: GPD teacher Toropova Tatyana Aleksandrovna Municipal Educational Institution LUZHAYSKAYA SECONDARY SCHOOL

The main goal: through the game, contribute to the resolution of problems in the personal development of students, the formation of a morally and physically healthy personality of the child. Objectives: To promote the development of the cognitive sphere of pupils, expanding their knowledge about the world and man; Promote the intellectual development of children (development of pupils' attention, memory, logic, creative imagination, verbal intelligence, etc.); Promote the development of creativity (creativity); Promote the development of the child's thinking and communication skills; To promote familiarization with the cultural traditions of the Russian people and the peoples of the world; Promote the organization of children's leisure time.

We attach such importance to children's games that if we were to organize a teacher's seminary, male and female, we would make the theoretical and practical study of children's games one of the main subjects. K.D.Ushinsky

“Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness in children. We adults often forget about what can help us in raising children, teach us to know and understand each other. They teach a child everything - foreign languages, music, dancing, communication with computer technology, but rarely do teachers take into account the fact that the path to the soul of a growing person lies through play.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky

V.V. Davydov “A properly staged game can teach a child a lot. The organization of children’s play activities requires no less profound special scientific knowledge than the development of medical and genetic standards for ensuring the life of a child.”

Types of games: Creative GAMES With rules (didactic)) Board; Outdoor games; Computer; Role-playing; Games - competitions; Computer;

Games - competitions Features: Entertaining - a means of attracting attention; Competitiveness; Attract many participants; Can be collective (KVN) and individual (quizzes, “Knowledge Auction”)

Outdoor games Purpose: a means of physical education (active motor actions aimed at achieving a conditional goal. Features - Competitiveness, creative solutions to situations, collective nature of actions

Didactic games are forms specially created by pedagogy that contribute to both the acquisition of knowledge and the development of many personality qualities.

Based on the nature of the material used, didactic games are divided into: Subject games (didactic materials, toys). Tabletop printed and logical cards (lotto, dominoes, cut cards). Verbal (games - riddles, tasks, sentences, travel games, games - exercises).

Educational and didactic games have their own characteristics: ٭ creative atmosphere; ٭ freedom from templates; ٭ liberates the creative reserves of the human psyche; ٭ creates a feeling of calm; ٭ facilitate interpersonal communication.

Purpose: Development of cognitive abilities in schoolchildren (perception, attention, memory, observation, intelligence). Consolidation of knowledge acquired in lessons.

Positive and negative in the didactic game Positive Activation of children's attention. Expanding your horizons. Development of interest. Development of creativity and imagination. Cultivation of some moral qualities. Creating increased motivation for lessons. Formation of communicative qualities. There is not a single yawner. Negative 1. Often the excitement of the game overshadows cognitive goals. 2. Requires significant investment of time and effort in preparation.

The game has its own structure: ٭ purpose (game and educational); * facilities; ٭ game process; * result.

Memo for organizing games The game should be based on the free creativity and initiative of students. The game should be accessible, the goal of the game should be achievable, and the design should be colorful and varied. A mandatory element of every game is its emotionality. The game should evoke pleasure, a cheerful mood, and satisfaction from a successful answer. Games require an element of competition between teams or individual participants in the game. The end of the game should be effective, clear, short in time, bright, and emotional.


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g.o. Podolsk

Bushkova S.V.

primary school teacher

Gaming technologies in the work practice of a GPA teacher

Psychologists have long been studying the games of children and adults, looking for their functions, specific content, and comparing them with other types of activities. The need for play is sometimes explained as the need to give vent to excessive vitality.

Play is an important means of education. When working in an extended day group, one of the main tasks for me is to ensure that the hours free from completing school assignments are filled in a reasonable and interesting way.

Play, along with work and study, is one of the main types of human activity, an amazing phenomenon of our existence. By definition, a game is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-control of behavior is developed and improved.

In light of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, it is necessary to ensure that children grow up not only as conscious and healthy members of society, but also, necessarily, proactive, thinking, and capable of a creative approach to business.

Therefore, at present, one of the main goals of educational work is the formation of children's intellect, and the basis for the development of mental abilities at primary school age is the targeted development of cognitive mental processes: attention, imagination, perception, memory, thinking. In such conditions, the task of an after-school teacher is extremely important. day (GPA), where many children spend most of their time.

Educational games aimed at developing children’s intellectual and creative abilities come to the aid of the teacher:

    observation, flexibility, ability to analyze, compare, use analogy, think logically;

    skills to find dependencies and patterns, classify and systematize material, find errors and shortcomings;

    the ability to combine, spatial representation and imagination, the ability to foresee the results of one’s actions; stable attention, well-developed memory

    Play, along with work and study, is one of the main types of human activity, an amazing phenomenon of our existence.

    By definition, a game is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-control of behavior is developed and improved.

    Gaming technology is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process and united by common content, plot, character.

Gaming technology includes:

    games and exercises that develop the ability to identify the main, characteristic features of objects, compare and contrast them;

    groups of games to generalize objects according to certain characteristics;

    groups of games, during which primary schoolchildren develop self-control, speed of reaction to words, phonemic awareness, ingenuity, etc.

At the same time, the game plot develops in parallel with the main content of training, helps to intensify the educational process, and master a number of educational elements.

Research conducted by physiologists and psychologists proves that a child can independently control his intellectual loads, especially in free play activities.

In human practice, gaming activity performs the following functions:

    entertaining(this is the main function of the game - to entertain, give pleasure, inspire, arouse interest);

    communicative: mastering the dialectics of communication;

    self-realization in the game as a testing ground for human practice;

    play therapy: overcoming various difficulties that arise in other types of life;

    diagnostic: identification of deviations from normative behavior, self-knowledge during the game;

    correction function: making positive changes to the structure of personal indicators;

    socialization: inclusion in the system of social relations, assimilation of the norms of human society.

Psychologists have long been studying the games of children and adults, looking for their functions and specific content, comparing them with other types of activities. The need for play is sometimes explained as a necessity give vent to excessive vitality.

Based on the nature of the pedagogical process, the following groups of games are distinguished:

    teaching, training, controlling and generalizing;

    cognitive, educational, developmental;

    reproductive, productive, creative;

    communicative, diagnostic, career guidance, psychotechnical, etc.

Classification of pedagogical games

    Didactic: expansion of horizons, cognitive activity; application of ZUN in practical activities; formation of certain skills and abilities necessary in practical activities: development of general educational skills; development of labor skills.

    Educators: fostering independence and will; the formation of certain approaches, positions, moral, aesthetic and ideological attitudes; fostering cooperation, collectivism, sociability, and communication.

    Educational: development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, the ability to compare, contrast, find analogies, imagination, fantasy, creative abilities, empathy. reflection, ability to find optimal solutions; development of motivation for educational activities.

    Socializing: familiarization with the norms and values ​​of society; adaptation to environmental conditions; stress control, self-regulation; communication training; psychotherapy.

By type of activity, games are divided into:

    physical (motor)

    intellectual (mental)




A game - an important means of education. When working in an extended day group, one of the main tasks for me is to ensure that the hours free from completing school assignments are filled in a reasonable and interesting way.

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 21"

g.o. Podolsk

Organization of activities of an extended day group in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard

(speech at the city methodological association)

Bushkova S.V.

primary school teacher

Modern requirements for organizing an extended day group in elementary school are fundamentally different from those that were presented literally one generation ago.

When choosing a school, modern fathers and mothers often ask whether the school has an extended day group. This is due to the fact that adults’ busy lives do not allow them to pick up younger students immediately after school. Many parents change jobs and adjust their schedule to the school regime. All this is acceptable when possible. Most parents work and cannot pick up their children from school at lunchtime. Very often grandparents come to the rescue, for whom this process becomes a kind of work. The question of who and where to leave the child in the afternoon is very pressing for many. On the one hand, leaving a child alone at home without supervision for the whole day is risky. On the other hand, there are a large number of children in an after-school group, and the child cannot rest and relax, or be alone for a while in silence. .

Parents have many questions about the after-school group. How is the second half of the day organized for primary school students attending GPD? Are there additional clubs and sections? Do children do homework? What is the maximum number of children who can attend an after-school group? Should parents be charged for afternoon childcare?

I will try to answer these questions based on modern requirements for organizing an extended day group in an educational institution.

The Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” introduced a new concept of “child care and supervision”, which means a set of measures to organize nutrition and household services for children, ensure their compliance with personal hygiene and daily routine(Clause 34 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation”). Appendix 6 to (hereinafter referred to as SanPiN–10) provides detailed recommendations for the organization and regime extended day groups.

How should the second half of the day be organized for younger schoolchildren who are supervised at school?

Mandatory in the afternoon for children attending an extended day group are meals, walks, self-study, group work, and physical education and health activities. And for first-graders, sleep is mandatory, at least 1 hour.

Particular attention in the requirements of SanPiN–10 is paid to the organization of physical education and recreational activities in the GPD. Such activities include a walk of at least 2 hours, outdoor games. It is even possible to do socially useful work on school grounds if it is provided for in the educational program. For children attending an extended day group, the school should organize classes in clubs and sections. Club work in extended day groups should take into account the age characteristics of students and ensure a balance between motor-active and static activities (clause 10.29 of SanPiN–10).

For first-graders, it is recommended to organize naps and games in the afternoon. Sanitary rules–10 provide for the allocation of an additional universal room where 1st grade students can play and sleep. In newly constructed buildings, special rooms are allocated for after-school groups. Organizing separate classrooms for first-graders attending the GPA in most old-style schools is quite problematic.

The teacher-educator organizes the daily routine of students, assists them in studying, organizing self-training and leisure, as well as in obtaining additional education, involving them in sports sections, clubs and other interest groups.

When doing homework in an after-school group, there are some important points to note:

    start self-preparation no earlier than 15–16 hours;

    limit the duration of homework so that the time spent on completion does not exceed (in astronomical hours): in grades 2 - 3 - 1.5 hours, in grades 4 - 5 - 2 hours;

    provide students with the opportunity to take arbitrary breaks upon completion of a certain stage of work;

    provide students who have completed their homework before the rest of the group with the opportunity to begin activities of interest.

It is worth noting that the time spent on completing homework for schoolchildren not only in a group, but also at home should not exceed the specified standards. The most difficult area of ​​activity for a teacher in an extended day group is organizing self-training. The success of self-preparation largely depends on the consolidation carried out during the lesson, so the educator needs to find out from the teacher information about how the students have mastered the material being studied, which will greatly facilitate their work.

It is better if the following order of assignments is established in the after-school group:

    start with the most difficult task;

    alternate activities;

    finish with easier tasks.

The teacher organizes the work of children during self-study, monitors discipline, and takes under his care schoolchildren who are lagging behind in their studies.

Workers and teachers maintain documentation of children’s attendance at the after-school group.

How are after-school groups staffed?

Extended day groups are staffed depending on the number of applications from parents. Upon admission to school, and at the beginning of each school year, parents submit applications to the class teacher. It is recommended that extended day groups be composed of students from the same class or parallel classes. Previously, both sanitary and hygienic requirements and the Model Regulations “On General Educational Institutions” indicated how many students should be in an extended day group. This number was 25 children. Only if there were 25 applications from parents, funding for after-school groups was opened. To date, neither the “Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Conditions and Organization of Education in General Educational Institutions” SanPiN–10, nor the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” indicate specific figures. Resolution “On approval of standard regulations on general education institutions” No. 196 of March 19, 2001 has lost legal force. In the constituent documents of an educational organization, you can find a clause stating that groups are opened if the administration has at least 25 applications from parents for a place in the GPA.

One of the most discussed issues at the beginning of the school year was the issue of paid child care and supervision at school. The Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” allows payment for supervision and care of children in organizations engaged in educational activities. This Law also provides for categories of citizens from whom such fees are not charged - these are orphans, disabled children, children without parental care (Article 65 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation”). It is illegal to charge fees for the maintenance of property of state and municipal educational organizations. The Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” determines the volume of state financial support for educational organizations (Articles 8,9 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”). Subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities are assigned responsibilities for organizing and financially providing free, accessible education within the limits of state standards. There are no obligations to finance supervision and care. An educational organization must only create conditions for the supervision and care of children, the maintenance of children in state and municipal educational organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

If childcare services are provided outside the framework of the basic general education program, then the teacher’s work cannot be financed through subsidies. In this case, there are two options for financing it:

    or the founder introduces such a service as a free service for the population and gives instructions for its provision with financing from the budget. Theoretically, the right to receive such a service free of charge may be provided for by regulatory legal acts of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipal entity (for example, as one of the forms of social support for the population).

    or the service is provided on a paid basis, in which case it is financed exclusively from income-generating activities (for example, parental fees for childcare). The founder, when setting a fee for supervision and care, has the right to set any amount of this fee, including the decision not to charge a fee.

What problems may arise when primary schoolchildren attend GPA?

    Parents did not manage to pick up the child on time

This is a rather difficult situation to resolve, since there is a teacher’s work schedule, after which his personal time begins, during which he should not work. What to do if parents are delayed? It is necessary to contact the GPD teacher and inform them that they will come for the child later. But the parent should take into account that the teacher should not wait for the student’s parents to arrive in their free time. A GPD teacher works according to an approved schedule and is not obliged to perform his work duties outside of this schedule (this work is not paid, therefore, no one can oblige the teacher to perform his duties overtime). This situation can only be resolved if all participants in the educational process understand each other.

    A child was injured in a police station

Parents should know that the educational institution bears responsibility for the life and health of the child, while the child is under the supervision of a teacher or GPA teacher. If a child is injured during self-study, in the canteen at lunch, or while out for a walk, then the educational institution is responsible for these injuries. If a child walked on the school grounds after school, he has a statement from his parents that he independently leaves school, then his parents bear responsibility for the life and health of the child.

Let us turn to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. This law contains an article that entrusts the protection of student health to the organization carrying out educational activities. Health protection means ensuring the safety of students during their stay in an educational organization (clause 8, part 1, article 41 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation”). Also, the school must ensure recording and investigation of accidents involving students during their stay in an educational institution (Part 4, Article 41 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation”).

    The teacher does not check the child’s homework

The teacher is not a teacher, he does not explain the subject, does not instruct how to complete tasks, does not control their implementation, he only helps students complete the teacher’s tasks.

    At what age can a student leave school independently?

Most often, junior schoolchildren are taken from an educational institution by their parents. In the first and second grades, there are rarely cases when children leave school on their own. In the third and fourth grades, children are quite capable of walking from school to home alone. They can do this only with a written statement from the parents. In the statement, the parents indicate that they allow their child to get home alone and take responsibility for the life and health of the children. If the class teacher does not have such a statement, then the student is under the supervision of the teacher until the parents arrive. Only parents can decide at what age their children will go home unaccompanied by adults. Modern means of communication allow fathers and mothers to completely control this process. The educational process is a collaboration of all services, one of which is the after-school group. The common task of parents, teachers and educators is to create conditions for the development of the child. The development result will be high if they are united in their requirements.

The extended day group is entrusted with an important task, which allows them to properly organize the free time of younger schoolchildren and make their leisure time organized and meaningful. The teachers are fluent in the methods of teaching children. They strive to instill in every child a love of knowledge, the ability to think independently and overcome difficulties, and develop a sense of responsibility. They patiently and persistently teach children justice, kindness, and an understanding of beauty; they make the children feel the joy of moving forward, the satisfaction of successfully completed work, of a good deed. They know perfectly the psychological characteristics of a primary school student and the age characteristics of each period. This allows you to accurately dose loads and rest, find the right tone of communication and intelligible forms of presentation for any situation.

The success of educational work as a whole depends on how the life and activities of a child in an after-school group are organized, how correctly the content, types of activities, its forms and their combination are selected in a single system of educational influence.

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 21"

g.o. Podolsk

Health-saving technologies in the practice of work of an after-school teacher

(speech at the city methodological association)

Bushkova S.V.

primary school teacher

Health-saving technologies in the GPA.

Health saving technology is a system of work for a health-improving space to preserve and develop the health of its participants – both adults and children.

This applies not only to physical education lessons, but also to other academic subjects, educational work, the psychological and medical services of the educational institution, and educational work in the GPA.

Health goal: Searching for optimal means of preserving and strengthening the health of class students, creating the most favorable conditions for developing in younger schoolchildren an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle as one of the main ways to achieve success. Teach children to be healthy in soul and body, to strive to create their own health, using knowledge and skills in accordance with the laws of nature, the laws of existence.


1. Prevention of bad habits.

2. Creating conditions to ensure the health of students, their full physical development and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

3. Expanding the horizons of schoolchildren in the field of physical education and sports.

4. Education of parents in matters of maintaining the health of children.

5.Formation in children of the motivational sphere of hygienic behavior and safe life.

Expected result:

A physically, mentally, morally healthy graduate of primary school who adequately assesses his place and purpose in life.

Health-saving technologies in an extended day group (EDC).

In an extended day group, healthy moments are especially important and necessary, since in the first half of the day children mostly sit at their desks. Their eyes, fingers, back muscles get tired, they distort their spine, bend their legs, support their heads with their hands, etc., and in the GPA children again have to sit at their desks during self-study, during classes in clubs, etc. To relax, children need motor moments and activities that would allow them to rest and relax, communicate freely with each other, listen to themselves and benefit their body.

In order to maintain a balance of physical activity, a schoolchild must take 23-30 thousand steps daily, and in the 21st century our children do not complete even 1⁄4 of this figure; it is imperative to take a break between school classes and preparing homework.

According to Russian scientists, 51% of children do not go outside at all upon returning from school, 73% do not take a break between preparing lessons, about 40% of children are overweight.

Our school has sufficient experience in working in the field of health conservation with participants in the educational process:

Health-saving technologies have been introduced into the educational process;

From a health-preserving perspective, students’ academic workload is planned; GPA operating moments

The necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions have been created in the school and classrooms;

There is a gym.

There is a mandatory dynamic pause

The systematic use of health-saving technologies leads to an improvement in the mental and emotional state of children. The main thing in carrying out health-improving moments is systematicity, accessibility, and interest of children.

The priority areas for protecting the health of children during their stay in the GPA are:

Health and healthy lifestyle;

Maintaining a daily routine;

Compliance with personal hygiene rules;

Sanitary education activities (conversations);

Meals – breakfast, set lunch,

Various forms of physical education: (sports hours, outdoor games, outdoor breaks, physical exercises.)

Studying the basics of life safety during emergencies and traffic rules;

A mandatory one-hour walk in the fresh air with physical activity.

Physical exercise and, above all, movement are one of the main means of preserving and strengthening the health and comprehensive physical development of children. They are important for the development of all body systems: nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal.

Through movements, children learn about life and the world around them, so there should be enough movements in children’s lives for normal growth and development, but there should not be too much of them in order to avoid overloading the child’s body. The natural need for movement, the great motor activity inherent in the child’s body, needs to be encouraged and regulated, creating a special motor mode. All this is taken into account when drawing up the daily routine, weekly workload and GPA work plan.

Activities at the GPA include walking. On play walks, children can play the well-known games “The Sea Is Troubled,” “The Third Wheel,” “Owl,” etc. These games are dynamic, they satisfy the child’s need for movement. As a recreation, you can play the game “Day and Night”. A walk can be educational, where knowledge is combined with movement along a pre-designed route.

The extended day group is organized for the purpose of social protection of students, and provides conditions for extracurricular activities. GPAs are organized according to activities. GPAs are organized in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution, Sanitary Rules, Institution, Sanitary Rules, Charter of a General Educational Institution.

Our class: Class teacher - 3A - Ptitsina G.V. - 3B - Israilova N.N. Educator – Salnikova T.A. Group 3 "A" class. 1. Vlasov Ivan 2. Zakharov Andrey 3. Zernov Vladislav 4. Ievleva Varvara 5. Inyushkin Vladimir 6. Kazakov Alexey 7. Kirsanova Marina 8. Kotukhov Mikhail 9. Maksimova Polina 10. Mikhutov Timur 11. Morozova Anastasia 12. Mkhitaryan David 13. Nasretdinova Polina 14. Pronina Daria 15. Rychagov Nikita 16. Safonova Anna 17. Snisar Maximilian 18. Starikov Ivan 19. Strizhova Natasha 20. Khodakova Olga Group 3 “B” class. 1. Barefoot Ksenia 2. Dvirny Alexey 3. Dumoyan David 4. Durmush Meriem 5. Karakashyan Alla 6. Klinkova Diana 7. Kuznetsov Danila 8. Kuznetsova Anna 9. Kurluchan Nicoletta 10. Magalnik Diana 11. Nasreddinov Abdurakhmon 12. Nikonov Vasily 13. Nefedov Timofey 14. Sergunina Yaroslava 15. Tashanova Madina 16. Toshonova Munisa 17. Shadykin Vladislav 18. Shakerov Ildar 19. Sharipov Daler 20. Shlyaeva Anna

Teacher of 3 “A” and “B” classes Tatyana Anatolyevna Salnikova My credo: Do ​​no harm In relationships with children I value trust. In each of them I see an adult and reasonable person. I strive to help them get to know themselves, find something they love, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Instructions to a student of the GPD Dear friend! In an extended day group, you will learn not only to do your homework on your own, but also to think, explore the richness of the world around you, organize your leisure time and activities, communicate with friends and adults, and good manners. Be honest and hardworking in everything you do. Respect your relatives and elders. Be good. Cherish the honor of the school. Be obedient - that's it. Don’t waste words, Always think about everything – that’s two. Just take the best as an example - these are three. And four - always know: Life is not joy without work. Elders must be respected, Little ones must not be offended - that’s five. If there is an order, it’s six. Be attentive to everyone - that's seven.

Organization of leisure time for children in an extended day group. 1. Game as a means of organizing leisure time; 2. Interest classes. Organization of circle work; 3. Work with fiction; 4. Physical education and health work; 5. Walks and excursions.

Here we are taught to draw, build, sing and embroider. Having seated us all in a circle, they will read us a poem. Here we play and eat, here we will find friends. Here the children learn all the lessons of life. We all go for walks here, We love to celebrate holidays. Sports and I are great friends, Together we are one family. Our school has an after-school program. This is happiness for the child. And the parents are happy - they are calm about their children! Here they will tell you about everything: why thunder happens, how factories work, who gardeners are, about the bear and the fox, and about berries in the forest. And about the north, and about the south, and about everything that is around.

Clown art is one of the human activities. Mainly of an entertaining nature, and therefore it is widely represented on the stage, in the circus, in cinema and on TV. Mainly it is a performance, in numbers, reprises, performances, shows. A clown is a synthetic actor who must be able to do everything: juggle, perform acrobatic and gymnastic stunts, have acting skills, magic tricks, be able to make up himself and those around him, dress fashionably, have a sense of humor, tolerance, friendliness and goodwill.

A chess club for children is one very good way to organize leisure time for children with a logical mind. The game of chess is an invaluable, powerful weapon for the harmonious development of a child’s personality, and development occurs not in a forced, but in a playful form. In addition, for a child, playing chess is not only an exciting game, but also a means of effective self-education. If you play chess, then, of course, you know this - There will be a better result if you checkmate. The enemy sits in front, moves his figures, and he himself wants to guess where the army will strike from here.

In our school group we don’t get bored. We get a lot of new knowledge here. It’s time for business - it’s time for fun - This is said in the proverb about us, To be polite, kind. We learn to be friends in our group. In fun and good deeds we need, To be together always cheerful and friendly. Salnikova Tatyana Anatolyevna Teacher of the State Educational Institution, Secondary School 457