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Preparing junior schoolchildren for a scientific and practical conference. Scientific and practical work of junior schoolchildren Topics of conferences for junior schoolchildren


  • involving students in conducting scientific and experimental research;
  • deepening theoretical and scientific-practical training of students;
  • creating conditions for the realization of students’ creative abilities and stimulating research activities of students and teachers.

Technical equipment, equipment: Multimedia projector, screen, microphones, phonogram recording ( Annex 1 ), a decorated stage, a Wise Owl costume, firebird feather wreaths for awards, a box with the names of participants, a red ribbon and scissors for the opening of the conference, a presentation ( Appendix 2 ), CPD program, signs on the doors by section, badges for each CPD participant, list of all participants

Conference participants: students of grades 1-4, guests.

Location: Assembly Hall.


SLIDE 1 FNG 1(background for the presenter's words)

I. Greetings to conference participants

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guests! Today is a significant day at our school. We are pleased to welcome young researchers and their mentors, everyone who has gathered in this hall. SLIDE 2 to the second regional scientific and practical conference for primary schoolchildren “I explore the world.” So here we go!

FNG 2Dance "We are little children"

FNG 3Mysterious music sounds and the lights in the hall go out. In the depths of the hall, the members of the NPK - erudites - froze in a silent scene.

Scene 1. Lena stands with a cup, Alena with a diploma.
Scene 2. Zhenya Z is sitting by a large encyclopedia.
Scene 3 Katya stands with a globe in her hands.
Scene 4. Alina stands with a compass and ruler.
Scene 5. Masha and Zhenya E look into a huge book.

FNG 4.To the accompaniment of cheerful music, two students (participants in the dance) come out towards each other (but as if without seeing each other). Suddenly they collide with each other.

1st student: Who are you?
2nd student: No, who are you?
1st student: I? I know who I am – a 3rd grade student at school No. 1.
2nd student: Pauline! So it's you?! That's why I see a familiar voice .
1st student: Ooh, Anya! What a meeting! How come I didn’t recognize you right away! How did you end up here?
2nd student: Well, I was walking along Poshtovaya Street, and I saw schoolchildren heading to the first school in droves, so I decided to look here!
1st student: Wow, I was also interested in this action!
(The lights come on in the hall and the students look around in surprise)
2nd student: Wow! How many people have gathered here!
1st student: Anya, look back (draws attention to silent scenes)
2nd student: (Anna runs up to the erudites and touches them) Wow! Yes they are alive!
1st student: Guys, who are you? And why have you gathered here?
2nd student: Who will answer all our questions? Who will tell you about the things going on around you?

The Wise Owl appears.

Hello guys. I am very glad to see you again in this hall. Do you, young friends, know who I am? ( children answer) Yes, that's right. I am the wise Owl, a symbol of the scientific and educational program for younger schoolchildren “I explore the world.” SLIDE 3.

Memory, logic, attention,
They are important in everyone's life.
Interesting sciences
You will always need them.

2nd student:

Am I smart enough?
learn everything about white light?
How many years does it take to study?
Maybe it's worth working on?
Maybe I should stop studying?

1st student:

The light will not converge like a wedge -
Should I be smart or not?
What to do next?
Who should I ask for advice?

SceneSLIDE 4

Owl: Do you see that roadside stone?
Anya: A stone is like a stone...ordinary.
Owl: Maybe.
Pauline: How can I find out more about it?
Owl: We need to call Science for help.

SLIDE 5 Zhenya E: How to spell “stone” will teach Grammar.
SLIDE 6 Lena: Find sizes and shapes Mathematics.
Alina: Physics weight will also find the mass.
Masha: Mineralogy looks at the cut.
SLIDE 7 “This is flint,” she will tell the guys, “
SLIDE 8 and they call it silicate.
And the silicate is melted in a furnace
and they get glass, bricks..."
SLIDE 9 Zhenya Z: Archeology will say: “Nakhodka!
On the right on the stone
processing is visible!”
SLIDE 10 Katya:"I lived in this area
ancient people... – more Story takes the floor:
SLIDE 11– This stone was held in high esteem and in power.
Ancient people cut branches with them.
SLIDE 12 Alena: They got clothes and food.
The dwelling was tied to the ax handle.
In the Stone Age, in ancient times,
people made fire with that stone..."
SLIDE 13 Owl: A stone lies in a ravine by the roadside...
SLIDE 14 Is the stone simple?
Or maybe complicated?
SLIDE 15 Did you find out everything in the stone, Man?
SLIDE 16 Science will help!
Not the Stone Age!

FNG 5.(To the tune of the song “Everything I have in life”). Performed by Owl with the guys

SLIDE 17 The world is not simple, not at all simple,
There is a mystery, a riddle, a question in everything!
SLIDE 18 Moments fly by, years fly by,
You have to learn everything and always!
SLIDE 19 The world is not simple, not simple at all
The mystery, the riddle, the question will give up!
SLIDE 20 Sound or movement, light or darkness -
The tasks are set by nature itself!
SLIDES 21-23 Everything in the world is around us,
We wanted to understand immediately.
Everything that you and I study,
Connected, connected with life itself! (2 times)

Owl: Dear guests! You know that our country is counting down another significant event that will happen in less than a year, in 319 days. Did you guess it? These are the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. SLIDE 24 That's why I didn't come alone today. My friend is with me. Olympic. Meet! FNG 6.

Oh, glorious citizens of the school country under heaven.
Knowing your desire to become more perfect,
I came to you for a school holiday.
I hope I found some wonderful friends!
Be original and smart!
Convincing and strong!

Guys, remember: you must defend both your honor and the honor of the school. Only the worthy will win! Be successful, and luck will help you with this. I wish you all to become even more perfect, and to strengthen your desire for victory in your life!

FNG 6. I didn't come empty-handed. SLIDE 25 I brought a spark of the symbol of the Olympic flame of Sochi - an Olympic torch in the shape of a Firebird feather. Let the fire of the Olympics call you to the beginning of scientific starts.

II. Opening of the conference SLIDE 26

Leading: The floor for greetings is given to the school director R.N. Durnitsyna.

Leading: The right to open the conference and cut the ribbon is given to the Wise Owl, the Olympian and the young participant. And we will find out who it will be by drawing lots.

(The presenter with a box with the names of the participants approaches the jury)

FNG 7 Grand opening of the conference. Ribbon cutting

FNG 8 Presenter: Today, during the scientific and practical conference, 73 students in 11 sections will defend their projects SLIDE 27: “Great and mighty”, “Reading is the best teaching”, “Reading together”, “Exact sciences”, “History”, “Local history”, “This wonderful world of animals”, “Your health”, “Skillful hands do not know boredom ", "Familiar Strangers" and "The World Around Us". And your performances will be assessed by a strict but competent jury.

Leading: The floor to introduce the jury is given to the leading specialist of the URP MGO Safina Yu. B.

Leading: CPD is a real holiday for all teachers and students. Who knows, maybe a future Nobel Prize winner is growing up in our neighborhood! Remember, the greatest victory will come only to those who know how to overcome themselves with the smallest victories, invisible to others: “If your work leads to knowledge of the world, no matter how difficult it is, go ahead!”

Now we ask everyone to stand up
We ask you to take the oath!

The hall rises. The Wise Owl reads the oath

You can't live in the world without knowledge
Swear to love this knowledge!
Hall(in unison):“We swear!”
Fight for the truth to the end
Without sparing your belly!
Hall(in unison):“We swear!”
Don't disgrace your school
Use your remarkable mind to the fullest!
Hall(in unison):“We swear!”
Don't be afraid of difficulties along the way
Pass all the tests with dignity!
Hall(in unison):“We swear!”

FNG 9(background and louder after Olympic's words)

Wise Owl:

What a miracle in our hall:
What kind of people we have gathered here!
Here is a sea of ​​smart, clean eyes,
Here wisdom will enchant us!


Serious representatives gathered here:
All the experts, I see, are just great!
Now go ahead, friends, because you still have
Collect all the laurels and victorious crowns!


Leading: Break a leg!!!

III. Protection of design work in sections

IV. Game program for conference participants, work of the jury with protocols

V. Summing up the conference. Awards



Fate will put everyone in their place.
Some will probably be praised,
For others, he will put up barriers!
And it is very difficult to give advice.


And sometimes you won’t find the answer.
But you are playing with your fate,
Sometimes I get bumps,
Don't rush to retreat.
Only the strong can win!

Presenter 2.

The Chairman of the Jury has the honor of:
Count the best scholars!

Presenter 1. The floor to sum up is given to...


Leading: Today, along with the winners' diplomas, you will receive from Olympic a piece of the future Sochi Olympics - a wreath on your head consisting of multi-colored Firebird feathers, symbolizing the 5 rings of the Olympics. It is awarded to those who are able to become an example for others, who lead a healthy and active lifestyle that shares the values ​​of our lives. These are the qualities that the winners of our scientific and scientific competition possess.


V. Closing

– We would like to thank all the conference participants for their interesting and exciting work and wish you further success in your research.
The scientific and practical conference was a great success for our children. And behind this success lies the hard work of parents and teachers. Thank you, dear parents, for not standing aside from the worries and problems of your children, for understanding the importance of the events held by the school.

Leading: We invite all participants to sing the anthem of our conference (performance of the anthem after summing up and awarding)

FNG 11To the tune of the song “Come on, sing us a song, cheerful wind.”

Yes, adults know and even children know,
And even children, and even children:
School sciences are the most important in the world,
We will continue to study them!
SLIDE 33 We want to know everything about light and movement,
About heat, electrons and sound!
Overcoming doubts
Let's find our solutions
We are together with the best of science!!!
Chorus: 2 times
SLIDE 34 Who is used to fighting for victory,
Let him sing with us:
He who is cheerful laughs
Whoever wants it will achieve it
Who seeks will always find!(all participants in the hall)
SLIDE 35 Now we are not afraid of either rain or even wind
No rain, no wind, no rain, no wind.
After all, we will study all the phenomena in the world
And you and I will understand everything in the world!
SLIDE 36 We want to know about glory and courage
All great learned men,
So that the heart catches fire,
I wanted to be proud
Science of your Motherland!
SLIDE 37 Chorus: 2 times.

FNG 10 Presenter: The conference has ended. The results have been summed up. But we are not saying goodbye to you and we hope that next year you will also take part in it and come to our school.

On December 12 and 13, the Twentieth Scientific and Practical Conference was held at the Lyceum. The participation of children from our class in this event is, as always, mandatory and active. This year, 5 people participated at the school level and 1 person competed at the class level. For their work, the children tried to select topics that were relevant, modern, and interesting to themselves and their peers. Of course, the lion's share in the design of the work falls on the shoulders of the parents. They are a reliable rear, their help and support is a launching pad for the children’s future successes. Thank you very much to the parents for your help and support!
You can look into December last year And the year before last, to see who participated in this event and with what results.

This year the experienced participants included:

1) Gleb Lesnov with work

“My first environmental experience: where does garbage come from and how to deal with it?”

Laureate work.

I would like to add that Gleb’s work is very good and the jury for a long time doubted what status to assign to the work.

Year after year, every family produces a huge amount of waste: according to estimates

specialists, on average, each family member accounts for about one ton per year! A person uses many things and objects, products and products; Much of the waste from these products ends up in landfills or is buried in the ground. In any case, this gigantic amount of human waste and its components create a huge environmental problem.

Fortunately, a person can contribute to at least a partial solution to this problem. Much of what people throw away can be reused. This requires producing far fewer new things, and therefore energy consumption and environmental pollution can be significantly reduced.

Unfortunately, the growth of waste has only increased in recent decades. There are several explanations for this:
- improving the level and quality of human life, which makes it possible to replace used goods with new ones;
- increasing the production of disposable goods;
- variety and quantity of packaging materials;
- promotion of consumption.

Recycling and disposal of waste in our country is not yet well established, and everyone knows that solid household waste does not decompose under natural conditions or its decomposition period is very, very long.

At the same time, the production of products and materials requires huge amounts of

technological, human, material and energy resources, which negatively affects the environment.
The problem of waste and filling the trash can began to worry Gleb relatively recently: in the summer, his parents decided that it was time for him to have his own responsibilities around the house, one of which was taking out the trash. Previously, he had not thought about how often their family took out the trash can, but when he had to do it, Gleb was amazed at how quickly it filled up! The family takes it out every day, but sometimes it has to be done twice, and in some cases even three times a day! In this regard, a number of questions arose that allowed Gleb to formulate the research problems.

Problematic issues:

- Where does garbage come from and where does it go?
- Is it possible to reduce its quantity?
- What can each of us do to leave behind as little garbage as possible? After all, everyone knows that the less garbage there is around, the cleaner and safer our living environment is.
To solve these issues, the idea of ​​a project was born.

Objective of the project: determine the types and amounts of garbage produced by a family of three in two weeks and try to reduce its amount.

Tasks formulated taking into account the goals and look like this:

1. Study literature and Internet resources on the topic of the project.
2. Sort garbage waste into groups, weigh it, and enter the data into a table.
3. Analyze the packaging material collected from the family over the course of two weeks.
4. Conduct an experiment to reduce the use of packaging material by reducing thereby polluting the environment.
5. Try to find useful uses for things that we are used to throwing away, to give them a “second life”.
Hypothesis: Every family can realistically reduce the amount of household waste and garbage. Products created from unnecessary things completely replace similar ones created industrially.
Subject of study: contents of the trash can; what we throw away every day as unnecessary.

2) Artyom Chagaev with the work “One Hundred and One Tails”.

Prize-winning work (winner).

One day, mom and Artyom went to a shelter for homeless animals. It was very

a lot of cats and dogs – more than 300! They brought them food and helped shelter workers walk several dogs. Artyom and his mother began to come to this shelter quite often. Artyom even had favorites there – dogs Dina and Belka. They liked him too. The dogs were always happy when Artyom came. Since then, he began to wonder where stray animals come from and what needs to be done so that there are no more of them, or at least fewer of them.

This is how the idea came up to conduct research on the appearance of homeless animals.

Most people don't pay attention or pretend not to notice, but this issue remains very important. Homeless animals are doomed to hunger and disease. But people are largely to blame for this problem. They do not hesitate to get rid of the pets they have, thereby only increasing the number of stray animals.

Object of study: studying the problem of homeless animals

Subject of study: the attitude of the residents of our city to this problem.

Hypothesis: homeless animals appear due to human fault.

Purpose of the study: find out the reasons for the appearance of homeless animals on the streets; draw attention to the problem of homeless animals for adults and children.

In his work, Artyom considered the following questions:

  • Who are homeless animals?
  • Causes of homeless animals.
  • Ways to solve the problem of homeless animals in Russia and abroad.
  • Solving the problem of homeless animals.
Artyom and his mother organized an event at the Lyceum to collect food and other things needed for animals and took it all to the shelter.

3) Liza Golubeva with her work “Phraseological Zoo”.

Prize-winning work (winner).

Language is called one of the most amazing weapons in the hands of humanity. However, you need to use it skillfully, having studied all its features and secrets. Even if we are fluent in literary language, it is always useful to think about how to make our speech richer and more expressive. Vocabulary is the main wealth of a language.

Although modern linguistics is an independent science, it does not exist separately or isolated from other sciences about man and nature. Linguistics is related to history and archaeology, psychology and mathematics.

The history of civilization is the history of coexistence between humans and animals. Animals

Almost always, people endowed them with human properties, and we transfer some features of animals and their names to ourselves (bunny, pussy). Words that in linguistics are called zoonyms (words that are names of animals) are often used as nicknames.
This work is devoted to phraseological units, which include zoonyms.

Object of study– phraseological units with zoonyms.

Relevance of the topic. In the modern world, we have enormous opportunities to communicate with residents of not only our own country. In our opinion, it is necessary to know the unique style of the language in which we communicate or want to communicate in the future. The study of zoonyms in phraseological units will reveal the national and cultural features of Russian phraseological units, which allows you to increase your vocabulary and thus enrich your speech.

Goal of the work– analyze phraseological units that include zoonyms from the point of view of origin and semantics.

4) Dima Kondakov with the work “I’m twisting and turning, I want to study!”

Prize-winning work (winner).

The newfangled Hand Spinner trend appeared in Russia only in 2016, but has already

to gain wide popularity and demand among consumers. What is a spinner? These original products are called differently: fidget, spinner, twister... The product effectively develops the fingers and has an anti-stress effect, helping to cope with anxiety.

Despite the apparent uselessness of the spinner, thanks to it Dima learned a lot of new and interesting things. In this work, he shared his discoveries, and just as last year he described the stool in mathematical language, this year Dima looked at the spinner from the mathematical side.

Problem: Can a spinner help in learning mathematics and other sciences?
Hypothesis: With the help of a spinner and curiosity you can learn new things in mathematics.

Purpose of the study:

Find out what mathematical parameters the spinner has;
- find out what new mathematical knowledge a spinner can give;
- find out what, besides mathematics, a spinner can help you study.

Research objectives:

Understand what a spinner consists of;
- find out how long the spinner will spin and how to extend the spinner’s rotation time;
- understand why it seems to us that the spinner is spinning in different directions;
- find what else a spinner looks like.

What is a scientific conference, and what conferences are there for elementary school students? How to prepare and take part in such a conference?

A scientific and practical conference for schoolchildren differs from an Olympiad. In fact, this is the students’ first scientific work. If you studied at a university, then you know that there is a thesis, in which you not only need to understand the topic, write 100 pages of analysis, but also carry out the practical part, your research. So the conference involves your own research, which is carried out by a student, and not just an abstract. During the conference, you can study animals and plants, collect samples and compare them, conduct experiments, simulate devices and structures, conduct surveys and draw conclusions on them, work with control groups. It is clear that a junior schoolchild needs help; he needs to learn how to conduct experiments, correctly record the results, and make diagrams. But this experience is extremely valuable. Children who participate in conferences from elementary school, by high school are able to speak long and clearly on a given topic, defend their position, answer tricky questions, conduct experiments, draw conclusions, analyze material, compare different points of view and search for the truth, work with large amounts of information, convince opponents with the help of arguments.

There are far fewer conferences for elementary school students than for older students, but they exist and are worth participating in.

Conference "We and the Biosphere" on Vorobyovy Gory - registration until January 15, submission of works until February 10, defense of works in April. Works on biology, ecology, and medicine are accepted. Schoolchildren from any city in Russia can submit work for the distance tour; if they pass it, they will be invited to Moscow for the final defense of the work. Schoolchildren from the 1st grade are allowed, preschoolers can submit work for a distance tour, but are not often invited to an in-person tour.

Conference "Technopark"- registration until the end of January, defense of work in March. The topics of work can be any: science, engineering and technology, mathematics, natural sciences, art, literature, creativity, history, technical creativity. There are sections for every taste! Schoolchildren from 1st grade and even preschoolers are allowed.

Conference "Beginning"- children are sent from school, the conference takes place in January-February. There are also sections in all areas of science and art. Junior schoolchildren from 3rd grade are allowed.

"The tree of my family's professions"- a highly specialized career guidance conference, schoolchildren study the tree of professions, get acquainted with the professions of relatives, and choose a direction of activity. Pupils from 1st grade participate. Registration until the end of January, full-time defense of work in February.

On March 11, 2015, as part of the work of the primary school department, a scientific and practical conference of the research society of primary school students of gymnasium No. 1 was held. Participants presented a variety of research topics, demonstrated their research and speaking abilities, and their ability to operate with meta-subject knowledge in scientific activities. The defense of projects and individual research took place in the form of presentations at a meeting of 2 sections: natural – mathematical and humanities. The audience listened with pleasure and admiration to the defense of the projects, and after the speeches expressed their admiration with thunderous applause. All projects of young researchers are worthy of attention and respect.

Were noted "For a successful debut":

  • Nikita Kovalenko, 2b grade, “This amazing water” (scientific supervisor E.M. Ryzhova);
  • Chernova Ekaterina, 2a grade, “The image of Baba Yaga in the past and present” (scientific supervisor Yachina A.B.)

The rest of the guys were divided into categories:

  • "For science"
    • Pankov Stanislav, 2b grade, “Roots - the struggle for existence” (scientific supervisor Ryzhova E.M.);
    • Egor Lazarev, 3a grade, “The Unusual in the Ordinary: The Amazing Properties of Water” (scientific supervisor E.N. Kosinets),
    • Babushkina Elizaveta and Gusev Vladislav, grade 3a, “On the issue of friendship” (scientific supervisor Kosinets E.N.)
  • “For the most spectacular presentation of the project”
    • Olga Bazunova and Anna Bazunova, 2b grade, “One person in two copies” (scientific supervisor Ryzhova E.M.);
    • Fedyunina Taisiya, 2b grade, “Plain paper fresh sheet” (scientific supervisor Ryzhova E.M.);
    • Tatarchenko Matvey, 2b grade, “Balloon” (scientific supervisor Ryzhova E.M.)
  • “For the most convincing defense of the project”
    • Ovchinnikov Karina, 2a grade, “Learning with passion or how to turn memorizing the multiplication tables into an exciting activity” (scientific supervisor Yachina A.B.);
    • Ilya Molkov and Nikita Polyakov, 3a grade, “Thank you grandfather for the Victory!” (scientific supervisor E.N. Kosinets);
    • Mustafaev Ruslan, 4b grade, “Such an ordinary and amazing drink - tea” (scientific supervisor O.V. Korneva)

The administration of the gymnasium thanks the scientific supervisors Ryzhova E.M., Yachina A.B., Korneva O.V., Kosinets E.N., parents of students for the high level of preparation for the conference, as well as the organizers and jury members: Zh.A. Nasonova , O.N. Alekseev, A.V. Sorokin.

Scientific and practical conference of junior schoolchildren - 2015

Article on the topic “How to prepare junior schoolchildren for a scientific and practical conference”

Description of work.
The proposed article describes an algorithm for working with primary school students when performing research work, which can be presented at a scientific and practical conference, and highlights the features of the work of a scientific supervisor with younger schoolchildren.

Preparing work for a scientific and practical conference by a junior school student is an energy-intensive and costly process, not so much on the part of the student himself, but on the part of the teacher. The role of the teacher in preparing a primary school student for a scientific and practical conference is not only in organizing work on research, but also in helping to master the basic skills of search, analytical, and often design activities.
Despite the different directions and areas of research, scientific works in general have a common structure and are usually performed in the following steps:
1. Definition of the problem and formulation of the topic.

2. Setting a goal and putting forward a hypothesis.
3. Search for the necessary material and its analysis.
4. Preparation of the theoretical part of the work.
5. Carrying out the practical part of the work.
6. Design of work. Reflection
7. Presentation, participation in discussion.
Children who, already in elementary school, prepared a research paper and took part in a scientific and practical conference, by high school are able to speak out on a given topic, defend their position, answer questions, draw conclusions, analyze material, compare different points, and work with information. We can say that preparing a research paper in elementary school is one of the effective ways to master universal educational activities - communicative (the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy, plan educational cooperation); regulatory (goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, assessment, self-regulation); personal (self-determination, meaning formation, moral and ethical orientation), cognitive universal educational actions (in terms of information processing).
What is the difference between preparing a primary school student from preparing a high school student for a scientific and practical conference as a whole? Basically, I see her in completely different roles as a primary school teacher and a senior teacher as a leader of scientific work. Let's try to consider this role according to the stages of research work.
So, at the first stage you need to choose a topic of work - personally significant and emotionally charged. Ideally, the topic should resonate with the educational material and have practical benefit in the eyes of a junior student. As a rule, children cannot decide on a topic themselves; the teacher has to give options to choose from.
Second phase- goal, objectives and hypothesis - also a joint action with the teacher. It is better if these points are formulated first, and only then the teacher indicates that these are the tasks that we will work on.
Completing the third stage - searching for information - is not difficult for a primary school student, especially if the information has been prepared by a teacher. At the same time, the child should be given the opportunity to learn how to use Internet search engines and help find the necessary (ensuring safety) information. But preparing the theoretical part of the work is a difficult task for a young child. First of all, the difficulty for an elementary school student is processing the information found, because not every student in the elementary grades (especially if he is a first or second grader) knows how to work with text, highlight the main points, and analyze, so the teacher must first teach the child these actions.
The child is most interested in the practical part of the work; here the teacher’s role is mainly guiding and corrective. It is important to select feasible and demonstrable results of practical work.
Design work It almost always becomes a teacher’s task, since it is not uncommon for a primary school student to not be able to type text on a computer, despite the fact that almost all primary school children play computer games and are generally familiar with computers.
Presenting work at a scientific and practical conference is not an easy task for a child, and the teacher needs to teach the skill of public speaking; simple rehearsals with the invitation of an outside listener will not hurt here. It is also necessary to teach how to clearly and confidently answer unexpected questions on the topic of work. Well, preparing a computer presentation to more clearly accompany the child’s performance is entirely the responsibility of the teacher.
As you can see, preparing for a scientific and practical conference of a junior schoolchild differs from working with older children at almost every stage of the research: here the role of the scientific supervisor includes the responsibility, first of all, to help the child master many skills (working with information, preparing a speech, and so on), and only then is the guiding and corrective role of the curator of research work.