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Compatibility of Taurus and Gemini. Compatibility of Taurus and Gemini in love and marriage

There are zodiac signs that are perfect for each other. But there are also counter examples. These include the union of Gemini and Taurus. Their compatibility cannot be called harmonious.

There are a lot of contradictions and problems in this couple. Although, with mutual desire, it is possible to find a compromise. This topic is quite interesting, so now it’s worth talking about the prospects for this couple in more detail.

Characteristics of Gemini

Before we move on to discussing the compatibility of Taurus and Gemini, we need to briefly consider the characteristics of each of them. The best qualities of a representative of an air sign include:

  • Sociability and friendliness.
  • Easy character.
  • Resourcefulness.
  • Charismatic.
  • Generosity and kindness.
  • Optimism and self-confidence.
  • Developed thinking and high intelligence.
  • Ability to adapt to circumstances.
  • Talent for invention, excellent imagination and imagination.
  • Incredible charm.
  • Ability to do several things at once without sacrificing quality.

Geminis also have negative qualities. They can be identified in the following list:

  • Tendency to embellish and lie.
  • The habit of hiding your true emotions and feelings.
  • Cunning.
  • Impulsiveness.
  • Instability of character.

In general, people of this sign are interesting and unusual personalities, albeit difficult ones. Not everyone will be able to understand their character.

Characteristics of Taurus

The personal characteristics of people of this sign are also worth paying attention to. The best qualities of a Taurus are:

  • Loyalty and devotion.
  • Ability to listen to problems.
  • Persistence.
  • Responsibility.
  • Ability to create home comfort.
  • Tendency to manage money wisely.

Negative qualities, in turn, can be identified in the following list:

  • The habit of stubbornly standing your ground for the sake of principle. Even if you are wrong.
  • Tendency to indulge one's whims.
  • Excessive, often groundless jealousy.
  • The habit of commanding other people.
  • Confidence in one’s unconditional rightness and the unacceptability of other opinions.
  • Hatred of any changes and inability to adapt to circumstances.

In principle, Taurus are not bad people, but their character is difficult. Therefore, only like-minded people and adherents of a similar lifestyle can get along with them.

Compatibility: Taurus woman and Gemini man

This couple has practically no prospects. They are too different. The girl is a thorough and leisurely person who loves to spend her free time doing some quiet activity, and best of all, at home. The guy is a real source of undying energy, always coming up with something, burning with new ideas and prone to change.

The main problem of compatibility between Gemini and Taurus is different temperaments. The girl will never get used to the fact that her lover returns home late and constantly disappears somewhere with friends. She does not understand his life goals and flighty character.

The Gemini guy is seen by the Taurus girl as a threat to her stability. It is normal for him to change plans and attitudes towards certain things at lightning speed. They are spontaneous and unpredictable. For her, such a kaleidoscope of emotions and events is real stress. There's no need for much discussion here - they're just completely different people, that's all.

Gemini girl and Taurus guy

It’s worth talking about what this couple could be like. And in this case, the compatibility of Gemini and Taurus can hardly be called promising. The difference in temperaments is felt in every little detail.

The guy in this pair is a practical, rational and reasonable person. Earthly, in other words. And the girl is dreamy, spiritual and overly active. Besides, she is not going to spend her precious time near the family hearth! A Taurus who adheres to traditional family values ​​will not understand this. Moreover, this way of life outrages him.

Their habits are also very different. Geminis love variety in their holidays. Taurus do one thing at a time. Girls of this sign are also very sociable - they have a lot of friends, acquaintances and comrades. This is a real problem for Taurus. They are very jealous and will reprimand their significant other even for accidentally smiling at a stranger.

That is why their compatibility is very poor. Taurus man and Gemini woman constantly quarrel. In the end, both get tired of the conflicts and separate.

Could there be prospects?

Oddly enough, yes. Even if the love compatibility between Taurus and Gemini is not ideal, something can bring them closer. And this is a common cause or some kind of goal. If they are united by one idea, they will quickly learn to find compromises and adapt to each other. Moreover, each will see strengths in their partner that can help them both achieve a common goal.

They can live together if both are smart enough to understand that there is no need to change their partner. We must begin to respect him and accept him for who he is. This, of course, is not always possible, but there are people for whom it is not important to have common interests or goals, but only feelings.

The path to harmony

In order for the compatibility of Taurus and Gemini to not be disrupted, a man and a woman must become more tolerant. This is the whole secret of a successful relationship. Geminis need to start paying more attention to their partner. After all, it is so important for Taurus to feel that his soulmate needs him!

And he, in turn, should stop thinking that there are only two opinions - his and the wrong. Geminis are very smart. They can not only give practical advice, but also guide Taurus in the right direction. He really could have achieved better results if he had acted faster.

Pros of relationships

They are also worth listing, since we are talking about the compatibility of the signs Taurus and Gemini.

If these two reach the registry office, then they have a good chance of building family relationships in the future. The leader in them, of course, will be Taurus. Regardless of gender, a representative of this sign will take responsibility for their life together. He will steadily lead the family along the path of life.

But if suddenly Taurus finds himself at a dead end, and he has to change something, then leadership will pass to Gemini. And his ability to generate new ideas in a matter of seconds will save the family.

In fairness, it should be noted that each of them helps their partner in many ways. This is especially true for money. Taurus manages to earn money and manage savings. But, if he suddenly reaches the limit of his abilities, and the volume of material wealth ceases to increase, then Gemini finds new opportunities and opens up fresh prospects for him.

Business Union

In business, the compatibility of a Taurus man and a Gemini woman is simply excellent. As well as paired with a different distribution of signs, in principle. The most important thing is that they separate personal relationships from work.

Of course, occasionally Gemini will irritate Taurus with their spontaneity, superficiality and inconsistency. And they, in turn, will not hesitate to criticize their partner because of his slowness.

They will succeed if Taurus chooses a direction and begins to work on it, and Gemini, at that time, takes responsibility for communicating with partners and clients, as well as for analyzing news and offers. Otherwise they simply won't work together.

Well, as you can see, this couple has prospects. The most important thing is the presence of a mutual desire to build relationships.

Earth and air, Taurus and Gemini - the compatibility of the signs, of course, will not be ideal, but harmony can be achieved in the union of the pets of Venus and Mercury. Provided that the land of Taurus is not against the changeable air of Gemini, which today is a hurricane, and tomorrow is a warm and gentle breeze.

Venus, which patronizes Taurus, is responsible for sensuality, the goddess of love will always tell Taurus the right choice, but Mercury, which protects Gemini, is responsible for intelligence, and also often helps its frivolous charges. The signs of earth and air have quite a lot in common - for Taurus, love is as natural as breathing, and Gemini adheres to the motto: the more the merrier and are ready to fall in love every day.

There are also plenty of differences between the pets of Venus and Mercury: Taurus is calm and thoughtful, stubborn and unshakable, and Gemini is forever young comrades who can change their decisions 28 times a day. The signs of the earth are constant, but the representatives of the air element are always in a hurry somewhere and don’t look back.

If Taurus and Gemini suddenly decide to cooperate, then the stars promise: it will be interesting and great, and the pets of charming Venus and intelligent Mercury will definitely come up with something like that.

Taurus woman and Gemini man

The Taurus girl is a sweet and balanced person who can charm any man. The passionate and independent lady of the earth has angelic patience, but rarely does anyone manage to find out the true character of this lady - only a select few can see the ward of Venus in anger, and even then, they will not tell anyone about it. But it is impossible to be angry with a Taurus girl for a long time - she will tell you about the reasons for her irritation, and put everything in order, and everyone around her will listen to her stories with their mouths open. The Taurus woman loves to be worshiped; once she is confident in her partner’s feelings, the lady of the earth will become affectionate and lively, and will pamper her man in all known ways. The ward of Venus always knows how to keep a man, so the Taurus lady is not abandoned - usually she herself decides when to end the relationship.

The Gemini guy is attractive and very courageous, emotional and frivolous. A favorite of women at any age, fans line up for Gemini even in kindergarten, and when Gemini reaches his gray hairs, faithful old ladies still follow him. Gemini is fickle, but few people are offended by the frivolity of the air guy - and how can you be angry with such a charming and sweet guy who forgot about a date only because he started rearranging the house.

For Gemini, the intellectual level of a woman is very important, so the fastidious air guy is always surrounded by smart beauties who have achieved success in life. A Gemini in love is ready to do anything for his lady - he will rush to the ends of the earth if his beloved is sick. But there is one problem - Gemini can quickly fall out of love, and even the stars won’t help, and the charming air guy will simply write a message about the breakup.

Dating a Taurus woman and a Gemini man

Lady Taurus often receives guests at her home, impressing everyone with her culinary skills. The Gemini boy may be among the invited friends completely by accident, for example, he may come after his friend only because that day he was bored with another novel.

Gemini, of course, will immediately be enchanted by the sweet mistress of the house, and her dishes will delight any gourmet. Word by word, Gemini will ask all the secrets of making borscht and cake, and will try all the supplies in the Taurus girl’s refrigerator.

Gemini knows how to conquer a woman with his eloquence, and when he begins to praise the abilities of the Taurus lady and admire the comfort of her apartment, we can say that the girl of the earth has fallen into the net of this charming Don Juan from the air element. Mutual friends will quickly realize that it is time to leave the party - the feelings of the pets of Venus and Mercury will be too noticeable. But the stars exclaim: Do not rush to declare your love, and ask the signs of earth and air to delay intimacy and not be left alone on this wonderful evening of acquaintance. It is better to postpone passionate courtship for another day, but for now limit yourself to light flirting, because the beginning of the romance has already been laid, and there will be a continuation, there is no doubt.

Taurus woman and Gemini man dating

A Taurus girl will prefer a date in a quiet and cozy place, where there are few people and music is playing quietly. But the combative Gemini will persuade his new acquaintance to agree to an extravagant evening somewhere on a ship, or in a noisy company at the dacha of friends. Lady Taurus will naturally be the most beautiful woman of the evening, because she has already realized that you cannot take a picky Gemini with your bare hands, and you need to act clearly and confidently. Gemini adores bright women, but when meeting a charming lady from Earth, even he will be speechless - Venus’s ward knows how to surprise, impeccability will be in everything, from a chic hairstyle to shoes.

The Gemini guy himself doesn’t have to try too hard - his attractiveness is always at its best, and his natural charm helps the air guy attract women anywhere on the planet. On the first date, it is advisable for earth and air signs not to flirt with others - otherwise the meeting may be the last. The Taurus lady will not tolerate it if the Gemini starts flirting with pretty and young waitresses, and the owner from the air element will not tolerate it if the Taurus girl giggles while talking on the phone with another admirer.


Venus, who patronizes the Taurus lady, will definitely persuade Cupid to shoot not one, but two, three arrows at the Gemini guy - well, just to be sure. So the stars hope that everything will work out great for the air-terrestrial couple. Cupid may not shoot at a Taurus girl - everyone falls in love with a Gemini, and the lady of the earth is no exception. The Taurus lady gives herself over to her attraction without a trace, so Gemini will lose his head - it is unlikely that he had the same passionate and tireless partner. Gemini will envelop his beloved in a trail of romance - next to him, the Taurus lady will be happy and feel like a fairy-tale princess.
The idyll of the signs of air and earth can last a week or a month, it all depends on the location of the planets - if Venus and Mercury are in a good mood, then, perhaps, Taurus and Gemini will be in love euphoria for a whole year.

But the frivolous Gemini can relax and then the Taurus girl will need patience - today the air guy will want to be looked after like a little one, and tomorrow he will start making eyes at the neighbor from the top floor. Lady Taurus will have a hard time, but if she wants, she can handle it. Of course, there is no need to lock the restless Gemini in the apartment, because he will still make a tunnel and run away. It is better to surround your air partner with care and attention, and then Gemini will understand that the lady of earth is the very ideal woman he was looking for.


It will not be easy for a Taurus girl and a Gemini man - after all, in order to make the relationship ideal, both will have to work hard. The difficulties will not be childish - today Gemini went for salt and returned three days later, and tomorrow the Taurus lady was offended and ran away to her friend’s birthday, but for some reason the phone was turned off. The Taurus lady loves to spend money and loves it when a man showers her with gifts. The Gemini guy also enjoys the attention of women - the couple will have disagreements on this topic.

But the stars did not promise the pets of Venus and Mercury that it would be easy, so the partners must remember why they are together and sit down at the negotiating table. Mutual friends will help the Taurus lady and the Gemini guy - stupid, at first glance, advice from friends will keep the air and earth couple from breaking up, and, perhaps, will lead to the long-awaited marriage. But the stars recommend that the wards of Mercury and Venus think carefully before exchanging rings - it is better to live for themselves, and arrange, for example, a guest marriage. A couple can last a couple of years together, and if by this time the Gemini man and Taurus woman have not acquired new passions, they can send out beautiful invitations with cute doves.


During their wedding, the Gemini guy and the Taurus lady will take turns fainting. But the stars and mutual friends and relatives hope that the celebration will end successfully, and the air-terrestrial couple will finally create a friendly family. The first months of their life together, the couple will enjoy an idyll - there will be a sea of ​​gifts for the wedding, and Gemini and Taurus will spend quite a long time unpacking and looking at the surprises.

The honeymoon of a Gemini husband and a Taurus wife also promises to be magical, if, however, the spouses do not become jealous of each other for the natives. The relatives of air-terrestrial spouses must remember the rule - no interference in the personal lives of the young, otherwise everyone will be guilty except Taurus and Gemini. It’s better not to delay the birth of children - you can live for yourself for a couple of years, and only then you need to think about procreation. In addition, the stork has already looked out for a Taurus mother and Gemini father an excellent baby who will grow up to be a real genius; such extraordinary parents cannot have it any other way.

Mercury and Venus have already joined forces and will help their wards in every possible way, at least the patrons of Taurus and Gemini will do everything to prevent former boyfriends and fans from interfering with the air-terrestrial family.


Since childhood, Venus’s ward has been distinguished by her prudence and extraordinary perseverance; even at school, the Taurus girl is adored by teachers and classmates. And, of course, the restless, fidgety Gemini will not be an exception - after all, he always forgets and loses everything, and having made friends with the girl of the earth, you see, he will become an excellent student.

The Gemini boy is not at all a selfish fellow, he just sometimes understands people, and what’s wrong is that from childhood he will understand that the Taurus girl is the best friend of all time, besides, it’s so interesting and calm with the pet of Venus. The Taurus girl herself will also be delighted with her airy friend, because Gemini adds the necessary bustle and fun to her measured life.
As they get older, the friends will not lose their affection, although their meetings will be much less frequent. But on the other hand, the Gemini guy always knows that if his next girlfriend kicks him out, the Taurus girl will console him and shelter him. And the Taurus lady is sure that if problems arise in her life, all she has to do is dial the number of her faithful Gemini, and all the troubles will instantly disappear.

Air-terrestrial comrades will also have quarrels, because the calm and balanced Taurus lady will be terribly annoyed by Gemini’s ability to always drag her into some kind of adventure. But the friend of the earth will quickly forgive her air friend - how can you be offended by Gemini, who stands with his eyes downcast with a guilty look, and mutters words of apology under his breath.


The union of the pets of Venus and Mercury can be successful, thanks to the efforts of the Taurus lady and the Gemini man. But there will also be serious difficulties: the Taurus lady loves material goods, but she can be wasteful, this also applies to the Gemini guy - give him free rein, and he will squander all his capital in a day. Therefore, when creating a common business, the signs of earth and air should create a joint bank account, which for the time being none of the partners will be able to touch.

The Gemini guy prefers work that involves changing impressions, so it’s not bad if the sensible Taurus businesswoman sends her air partner on business trips more often. The Taurus lady herself can do routine work, because she is not afraid of rules and a clear daily routine.

As competitors, the Gemini guy and the Taurus girl are not afraid of each other - most likely, they will not even know about each other, because their methods and interests are completely different. But, if Gemini and Taurus are sailing in the same boat, they better row at the same time, otherwise the business may fall apart before it even begins. The stars advise air-terrestrial businessmen to negotiate and discuss every step, especially this recommendation will be useful to the Gemini boy, who is constantly drawn to adventures.

But in general, the partnership between the Taurus lady and the Gemini businessman can be productive, and with a common desire for victory, their union will become an example for many aspiring entrepreneurs.

Taurus man and Gemini woman

The Taurus guy is kind and attractive, reliable and practical, and has been distinguished by extraordinary responsibility since infancy. A breastfeeding Taurus himself will remind his mother when he needs to be fed and when to take him to procedures. The ward of Venus has enough fans at any age, because you can’t look for such a thrifty guy - any woman secretly hopes that Taurus will choose her as his wife. The sentimental and romantic guy of the earth can be both capricious and stubborn, but the ladies who surround Taurus forgive him everything, because Taurus is a real man. Dear Taurus always keeps his promises - even if in kindergarten Venus’s pet swore to some girl to marry her, then he will try to keep his word, at least he will protect his girlfriend until old age.

Lady Gemini is an independent and charming lady, an amorous and touching woman. A Gemini girl can look for the right partner until old age, so she always has a trail of broken hearts behind her. But men who are abandoned by a sweet, frivolous lady of the air are never offended, they remember the Gemini girl for a very long time, and speak of her with quiet sadness. In her youth, the Gemini lady is unpredictable - love is a game for her, she is inventive and romantic. The Gemini girl is very impressionable - she can chat cheerfully about nonsense, and a minute later she will burst into tears because she remembers a touching story from her childhood. The man whom the Gemini lady chooses will be happy - the airy girl will make an excellent hostess, and besides, you will never get bored with Mercury’s ward.

Dating a Taurus man and a Gemini woman

In order for the Taurus boy and the Gemini girl to meet, the stars and planets will have to draw up an action plan. Taurus is a hard worker, loves to dig in the garden, and is always making and inventing something. And the Gemini lady is ready to have fun around the clock, but since she is a keen nature, one day the lady of the air will wander into Taurus’s dacha to ask the name of the cute flower that grows in the flowerbed. The Taurus guy will naturally pay attention to the sexy and feminine guest - he will not only give her a lecture on gardening, but will also treat her to a liqueur from his personal supplies.

The Gemini girl will be captivated by the serious and thorough boy of the earth - of course, he is so sweet, and also smart, in general, what is needed! It will be easy for the signs of earth and air to talk - the pets of Venus and Mercury are educated and intelligent, so the Gemini girl and the Taurus guy will not care about differences in the elements, and they will find a common language.

The Gemini lady cannot sit in one place for more than an hour, so she can remember about an urgent matter, and if Taurus is truly carried away by the charming interlocutor, he must take the initiative and find out the phone number of the air girl by hook or by crook.

Taurus man and Gemini woman dating

The stars will give Taurus advice: in order for the Gemini lady to arrive on a date with joy, there is no need to insist on a meeting and call the sweet airy girl - let her suffer a little in ignorance, and call herself when she is ready. But Taurus himself, of course, does not need to break down - it is better to agree to all the conditions and rush to the meeting that the Gemini girl will arrange.

It’s a good idea to arrange a date in a romantic setting - a cute old gazebo or a quiet cozy restaurant will appeal to both the Taurus guy and the Gemini girl, and the meeting promises to be unforgettable.

The Gemini lady always looks like she just left a beauty salon, she won’t even take out the trash without makeup, and on a date the lady of the air will appear fully armed. But Taurus should not be surprised when he sees that the Gemini lady did not come alone - a crowd of men will definitely follow her, who are wondering who the lucky guy is, who is rushing to meet such a charming person.

The Taurus man himself is not simple - before the meeting he will torment all the stylists in the city, but on the date he will look great. In addition, the guy of the earth is ready to give bouquets to all women in a row, and he will definitely surprise his new friend - he will find the rarest and most luxurious flowers.

On a date between a Taurus guy and a Gemini girl, Cupid will only have to write down a report on a job well done in his notebook.


A Taurus man and a Gemini woman will be ideal lovers. The pet of Venus for the time being hides a stormy temperament, so the Gemini lady will be pleasantly surprised - her lover will amaze her with his passion and pressure. The Gemini girl is emotional and sensual, gentle and unpredictable - at first, Taurus will be delighted with her chosen one. Difficulties may begin when the euphoria of love subsides, and the signs of earth and air remember their ordinary lives - they should also get to know their partner’s friends, and parents are already tired of wondering what kind of new relationships their unpredictable children have. The pets of Venus and Mercury are not too jealous, but they will also have to worry - either the admirers of the Gemini lady will become more active and begin to wonder where their charming girlfriend has gone, or suddenly the Taurus friends will need their economic friend, because there is no one else to hammer a nail, or fix the faucet in the bathroom .

But the stars advise lovers not to worry - Cupid has done his job perfectly, and it is almost impossible to pull out his well-aimed arrows. So, the cute pet of Venus and the charming ward of Mercury can enjoy an idyll of love and not pay attention to others.

Relationship between Taurus man and Gemini woman

The relationship between a Taurus guy and a Gemini girl cannot be called fairy-tale; in the communication between the signs of earth and air there will be disagreements and a struggle for primacy.

The eternally calm Taurus may break down when his capricious girlfriend goes too far, and in anger the earth sign looks like an angry centaur. Naturally, the Gemini girl will not like it when her beloved and affectionate Taurus starts screaming and throwing pillows - there will be hysterics, break-ups, and erasing numbers from phone memory. The Gemini lady herself also knows how to show her character - only a girl of air can grab something heavier than a pillow, so Taurus needs to learn to fight off flying pans and other utensils.

But lovers can be calm - these are all little things, your feelings are much stronger than any everyday difficulties. In the relationship between the signs of earth and air there will be everything except routine, but they can be diversified not only by scandals - the pets of Venus and Mercury can go on trips where there will be no time for quarrels and disagreements. Hardworking Taurus can build a gazebo in the Gothic style for his romantic friend, where the Gemini lady will compose a new love story.

In general, everything depends on imagination and on the desire to be together - especially since all the acquaintances have already written wedding invitations themselves, and Taurus and Gemini only have to enter their names.


Taurus and all his relatives will breathe a sigh of relief when the charming and fickle Gemini bride says: Yes, and the groom will finally put a ring on her finger. And the relatives of the lady of the air will also be delighted - finally, their capricious darling got married.

The couple will be the most charming - the serious and handsome Taurus husband and the frivolous and beautiful Gemini wife look great together. The suitors of the Gemini lady and the fans of the Taurus guy will fall into sadness - after all, all their hopes that the couple will separate will collapse after the fiery and touching speech of the marriage registrar.

For the first few years, a Taurus husband and a Gemini wife will flutter with happiness; difficulties may begin in the third year of marriage, when many couples experience a crisis, and such different spouses as our pets Mercury and Venus will definitely have some disagreements.

But the birth of children will save the air-terrestrial couple. Taurus dad is unusually patient and is ready to tinker with the children 24 hours a day, which will please Gemini mom, who lacks firmness and perseverance when solving educational issues. The stars hope that in ten years the married life of the Taurus husband and Gemini wife will be idyll, and then everything will work out by itself - you just need to be patient a little.


The Taurus boy and the Gemini girl begin to become friends before they speak. Babies from the elements of earth and air will notice each other even in strollers when their mothers go for a walk. The friendship between the pets of Venus and Mercury is the envy of the surrounding children. After all, Taurus is very attentive to his airy friend, who can be too playful and is constantly looking for adventure.
Taurus will support the Gemini girl even in adulthood - the lady of air is always busy with several things and does not have time to do anything, this is where a faithful companion comes in handy, who will keep Mercury’s ward afloat.

The Gemini girl is an extraordinary dreamer, and Taurus will be interested in her, because the lady of the air can make you laugh in any situation, and if the earth guy suddenly wants to talk about life, then Gemini is right there, and will listen, and give advice, and tell a couple of jokes in topic.

The friendship of air-terrestrial comrades can be strong for many years, but of course, it will not be without quarrels - the Gemini woman will often be irritated by the pedantry and stubbornness of Taurus, and Taurus himself will often grumble about his overly frivolous girlfriend.

But in general, the stars are happy to watch their friends - even in old age, the restless old lady Gemini will rush to February 23 to present her friend Taurus with personally knitted woolen socks.


The Taurus guy is patient and slow, but he confidently moves towards his goal, and the Gemini girl does not tolerate monotony, grabs onto 500 things at the same time, and a minute later looks for another activity, completely different from the previous ones.

If an earth guy and an air girl decide to start a joint venture, then the stars do not promise instant success - it will be difficult. After all, Taurus is not too keen on innovation, but the Gemini lady, on the contrary, is ready to change her working methods every day and try something new.

But there are examples in the world of not such cooperation, so the Taurus boy and the Gemini girl can try - different approaches to things can lead to great results.

Taurus will always keep his impetuous partner from rash actions, because stability is the motto of Taurus in everything. And the imagination of the Gemini business lady will help the union develop in different directions - today businessmen of earth and air achieve success in creativity, and tomorrow they open their own farm where they raise pigs and geese. Money will fall in love with air-terrestrial businessmen if Taurus and Gemini listen to each other’s opinions more often and stop fighting for primacy - each of the signs is good in its place, and if the Gemini lady is well versed in accounting, then Taurus will sign the most profitable one at that time a contract that has only existed in the history of business.

These two signs have completely different views on life, and finding a common language is always difficult for them. Gemini has a fast rhythm of the day, changing plans on the fly and a lack of responsibility. Taurus is a conservative sign: it is characterized by slowness and rejection of everything new. They get along easily, but soon cease to be interested in each other. Even if there are no serious conflicts between them, long-term close relationships are extremely rare.

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    Compatibility of signs in family life

    Gemini and Taurus are completely different signs in character and temperament. Hence, their compatibility is not the best, both in love and in friendship. They have completely different life values ​​and goals, ways to achieve them and outlook on life. But, as often happens, sometimes these signs are attracted to each other like the poles of magnets.

    If Taurus and Gemini meet, then a relationship may well begin between them, but it is impossible to predict how long it will last and what it will lead to. Such a union has the best chance if:

    • Taurus was born in the year of the Rooster, Bull or Snake;
    • Gemini - in the year of the Monkey, Rat or Dragon.

    When one of the partners was born in the year of the Tiger, the union has even less chance of a successful continuation.

    Benefits of the union

    A successful union between these two opposites is possible when both partners know in advance who is in front of them. It will be easy, fun and cozy for them. It is important that there are good friendships and trust from the beginning.

    A calm, reliable, self-confident Taurus will moderate the irrepressible passion for change of a woman under the rule of Mercury, just enough so that her creative impulses do not interfere with him, but continue to fill family life with a joyful note, liveliness and give inspiration to a down-to-earth husband. The wife will become more stable, down to earth both in bed and in everyday life.

    She will become a good housewife, will cook deliciously, and will not dwell so much in her dreams. The gentle, sublime nature of the lady will push the slow Taurus to new things, thanks to which he will be able to achieve unprecedented success.


    The partners’ views on living together and running a household do not coincide at all. Taurus is guided by internal, established principles; reviewing habits is not in his plans. Geminis do not tolerate monotony. They need change, movement, surprises.

    A man, wanting peace in the family, will have to make great efforts on himself. Mental anguish can have an adverse effect on your health. A woman will always feel that her husband does little for her.

    Gemini goes forward, ahead, wanting to get what is theirs, but Taurus gives in to difficulties and circumstances. This will be a life where a lot of effort goes into fighting internal insecurities, fears, and doubts. To get along with an air sign, you will have to change, but will an earthly man, accustomed to stability, want this? They don't suit each other well.

    Sexual relationship between Taurus and Gemini

    Along with not very good relationships in love and friendship, the compatibility of Taurus and Gemini in sexual terms is also far from ideal. The sign of Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. Therefore, physical pleasure is of great importance to him. These are tireless partners in bed, although they do not differ in variety in love pleasures. Namely, play and experiments are what Gemini representatives like most. The partner's passivity and monotony soon begins to tire and irritate them.

    In addition to Venus, Taurus is also greatly influenced by the Moon. They require almost no foreplay and get excited quickly; No wonder they are called the most sensual sign. They are unpretentious lovers who give themselves over to passion to the end. For Gemini, sometimes the game is more important than the intimacy itself, and this confuses Taurus, giving rise to resentment in them for the inattention and coldness of their partner.

    At the beginning of a relationship, Gemini and Taurus like each other due to their different characters and temperaments. It seems curious and unusual to them. But then, they will inevitably disagree, and the main stumbling block will be the sexual freedom of the partners. The hot passion quickly cools down and the couple is on the verge of breaking up.

    Only strong family relationships, common life goals and everyday life, along with strong and sincere friendship, can preserve the union of Taurus and Gemini.

    The first to leave, as the least assiduous and stable sign of the zodiac, are Gemini. They begin to cheat on their partner, who does not notice it for a long time. You can save the family by making joint efforts - Taurus should be more inventive and active, and Gemini should put more feelings into love games.

    Relationship between Gemini man and Taurus woman

    At the first meeting, the femininity of the Taurus girl immediately attracts the Gemini guy. He likes the comfort of his home, a soft, calm and sensual partner. He will definitely try to attract her attention, and most often men of this sign succeed. Taurus will inevitably be captivated by his partner’s sociability and activity, his ability to compliment and seduce. As a result, they will want to get to know each other better.

    For a long-lasting relationship, the couple must have common interests, for example, music or religion, literature or cinema. The main thing is that it should be a joint hobby. In this case, the woman will become the keeper of home comfort and family hearth, and the man will be the breadwinner.

    A Gemini man and a Taurus woman cannot avoid difficulties in their relationship. Soon it will begin to seem to your partner that her man is an energy vampire. But she simply cannot adapt to his active lifestyle. This rhythm is not typical for Taurus. They prefer to spend time in a cozy home environment, sitting comfortably in front of the fireplace, rather than going on dangerous hikes or visiting exotic places. As a result, her husband will quickly tire her and irritability and nervousness will begin to increase in her.

    A man may get bored in his marital bed, not sharing her penchant for traditional sex and lack of desire to experiment and diversify her intimate life. In 99% of cases, this will lead to the appearance of a mistress, after learning about whom, Taurus is capable of causing a huge scandal or immediately leaving her husband.

    The only way to avoid such a relationship ending is to show feminine wisdom and give your spouse what he lacks, namely more sensuality and variety.

    Family life of a Taurus man and a Gemini woman

    It is not at all difficult for a Taurus man to win the affection of a woman born under the sign of Gemini. By nature, Taurus is an indecisive sign and tends to underestimate itself. He comes across as an educated, consistent and reliable partner, although a little reserved. The woman hopes that in a love relationship with him she will be safe and harmony will appear in her life. She amazes Taurus with her erudition and quickness of mind, and the attention of such a lady will inevitably raise his self-esteem.

    Mutual understanding between a Gemini woman and a Taurus man arises if they earn money together or conduct joint business. The best option for them is a family business. The hard worker Taurus steadily, step by step, moves towards the intended goal, without wasting money and avoiding unjustified adventures. At the moment when the goal is achieved, Taurus finds himself at a loss, not understanding where to move next. During this period, his wife’s imagination and resourceful mind will be very useful to him. By listening to her, he will be able to move on again.

    In the union of these signs, each has its own speed of life.

    He does not like to rush in business, spends a lot of time making decisions, and is extremely slow. She, on the contrary, instantly switches from one problem to another, and changes decisions as quickly as she makes them.

    Over time, Taurus begins to feel that his wife does not take either life or their relationship seriously. He sees her as too superficial; he thinks he has made a big mistake, but cannot quit due to a heightened sense of responsibility. The wife is annoyed by her husband’s pettiness and slowness. As a result of mutual reproaches and constant claims, the already fragile union of Gemini and Taurus is quickly destroyed.

    Even in relaxation, the difference in temperament and character between Gemini and Taurus is evident. The Taurus husband prefers a quiet, calm and measured rest. The ideal option is a country house, at most a good sanatorium, and best of all, if it is the same from year to year. Such boring preferences are in no way suitable for a wife who loves extreme recreation, variety and new sensations.

    How to save the union

    Despite all the unfavorability of the horoscope for this couple, the spouses are able to prevent the relationship from collapsing. To do this, partners need to look for similarities rather than differences in each other. It is extremely important that spouses learn to listen to the opinion of their partner, since, due to their differences, each of them has abilities that the other does not have.

    Gemini can burst with new ideas and plans. Taurus is an excellent implementer of them; he is able to bring to life any, even the most daring ideas.

    In the family and everyday life, Taurus should give his partner more freedom and not limit him to narrow boundaries. Gemini should not constantly push his half, giving him the opportunity to do things at his usual pace. Provided there is mutual respect for everyone's personal space, a marriage between representatives of these zodiac signs can last a very long time.

    Compatibility of characters in percentage terms

    According to astrological calculations of sign compatibility, the likelihood of a successful union varies greatly:

    Relationships between Gemini men and Taurus women have a better chance of a happy future. But this is only possible if the spouses constantly think about their partner and do not forget that they have different temperaments and character traits.

    As in many other unions between different zodiac signs, Gemini and Taurus may well be happy together. The main thing is to build an alliance on mutual respect, so that everyone feels important and necessary for their partner, and to provide each other with the rhythm of life that is favorable for them.

    Compatibility in friendship

    Representatives of these zodiac signs experience mutual sympathy even in childhood. The Taurus baby loves to take care of the funny, cheerful Gemini girl, who is constantly looking for new adventures. Having matured, he remains a reliable support and faithful companion for his restless girlfriend, who grabs hold of everything and does not manage to do anything on time. A serious and reasonable Taurus is happy to help his companion in everything.

    Taurus, who is not too fun-loving, is interested in a Gemini girl. She has a highly developed imagination and is full of fantasies: she knows how to talk and make people laugh, so her friend will definitely not be bored with her. Such friendship may not stop for many years, despite people belonging to different elements. But it will not happen without disagreements and quarrels, and the main reason for this is the attitude towards the people around you.

    Geminis often talk a lot, but are in no hurry to fulfill their promises, which is why they quickly lose trust and friends. Lack of responsibility for one's words and frivolity in behavior are unacceptable for Taurus, who never makes empty promises and carefully considers every decision and upcoming step. It is unthinkable for him not to keep his word or to deceive a friend.

    Compatibility in work and career

    At the same job, these signs may well cooperate fruitfully, but on the condition that they almost never intersect on business issues. Outwardly, their relationship looks more like opponents than collaborators. Conservative Taurus will always oppose the innovators Gemini with their inherent experiments and new ideas.

    Taurus man is the boss of Gemini woman

    For Taurus, this is the most difficult situation. Accustomed to following a clearly outlined plan and rules developed over the years in everything, it is difficult for him to understand his employee’s desire for change, and any innovative ideas of such a subordinate will be met with dissatisfaction and condemnation from the boss. If there is a position for Gemini in which it will be possible to combine her desire for something new and actions according to the rules of Taurus, then conflicts will be avoided, and the characteristics of such a subordinate will be brilliant.

    Gemini woman is the boss of Taurus man

    The most favorable case. Geminis do not have a desire for power, and the leadership position is not an end in itself for them. If a Gemini girl becomes a leader, then she does not have any difficulties with the team. Subordinates do not experience pressure, much less tyranny, on her part; she values ​​the professionalism of her employees and their competence. Provided that Taurus meets these requirements, he will not have problems with his boss.

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    It all started when I ordered my personal...

Nelly Frolova

Specialization: Astrology, Parapsychology
Education: Professional

Articles written

Everything is subject to love, including the compatibility of such zodiac signs as Taurus and Gemini. Completely different in their relationships to everything around them, to different situations, the signs of the Zodiac circle can be happy in marriage, love relationships, and friendships. This is the fire and water of characters.

For such different signs as Taurus and Gemini, compatibility is difficult, but it costs a lot.

Taurus is extremely calm and balanced, he has enough endurance and patience to see the grain of usefulness and an interesting personality in everyone. He doesn’t fuss over trifles, doesn’t hold grudges, doesn’t take revenge. He values ​​his peace of mind highly. A Taurus can be controlled only when it is beneficial and convenient for him.

The Taurus woman knows her worth, and will never trust in love and friendship those who have betrayed her at least once. The Taurus man is more patient and forgives women a lot if they manage to be interesting in communication and tireless in sex.

Geminis are like gunpowder, sometimes it gets damp, but more often than not, they have no restrictions. We can talk about the compatibility of this sign with other signs of the Zodiac only if they have a serious attitude towards people. If they don’t see a person next to them, don’t see his need, no matter in what role, they will quickly cool down towards him.

Gemini men are valued for their easy-going nature and cheerful disposition; they make the horoscope of other signs brighter. They are somewhat narcissistic, but if they love a woman, they extol her.

A Gemini woman is a gift of fate if she is interested in you and sees you as her other half or best friend, but you should not expect seriousness from her in difficult situations - she does not understand at all how to behave in such cases. Her compatibility with other signs is a complete mess of conventions and root causes.

Compatibility in friendship, business and work

These signs can be wonderful friends, because a calm and sensible Taurus needs a burst of emotions and feelings nearby. Taurus can give Gemini support in the form of the ability to logically explain the essence of any problem. The horoscope calls such friendship mutually beneficial, and this is one of the best options. If your friend is Taurus, you can, without fear, consult with him on many questions; he will definitely find the answers and tell you in detail how to get out of the situation correctly.

The joint business of these zodiac signs may not be the most successful if Gemini is not directed in the right direction, since he begins to rush into several areas at once and does not have time to do the most important thing. For him, determining the prerogative is the most difficult task. Gemini is not economical, unlike Taurus, who is scrupulous in this regard, and this may be one of the reasons for their difficult compatibility.

Working together, they easily find common ground, but it can also become a boiling point, since Gemini loves to argue and does not particularly admit to being wrong. It is better if Taurus is in charge of the project, and he can easily set the task, but if he is a subordinate, he will have difficulty understanding from Gemini what exactly they want from him, because he needs accuracy. If they have positions at the same level, they rarely get along, because Gemini gets tired of Taurus' seriousness.

Compatibility in love, sex, marriage

A man or woman born under the sign of Taurus is pedantic, including in choosing a partner. They take this task seriously. Conditions such as stable sex and warmth of relationships are very important for them. The horoscope speaks of them as sensualists, but at the same time, as faithful and reliable husbands and wives. Taurus needs to be admired and listened to.

Gemini, whether he is a man or a woman, flashes brightly and quickly. This applies to everything: sex, new projects, interesting ideas, love. If he is not interested in this topic or person in the future, nothing will make him change his mind. They are looking for a stable and competent lover, financial resources, and a reliable rear in a partner. This is exactly what Taurus captivates them with. A woman of this sign, sexy and loud, who knows sex in its best sense, easily finds her way to the heart of a Taurus.

In a pair: Man – Taurus, woman – Gemini

Everything rests on sex and Taurus' interest. He is fascinated by this fiery representative of the Zodiac sign, and cannot find the strength within himself to logically explain this strange craving. As long as a woman is a mystery to him and sex is varied, he will not look for another. If a Gemini woman moderates her ardor in other areas of life, Taurus can choose her as his wife and make her the mother of his children. She, in turn, will be interested in this man only if he is independent. Connecting her life with a Taurus man is somewhat uncomfortable for her; she considers him boring and has little potential in any field - this is her main mistake. The horoscope indicates that the closed nature of Taurus makes him not very interesting for people looking for their soul mate; they are afraid that they will have to live with a person who does not like humor and does not consider sex an important part of the family. In fact, this is far from the case. Taurus just needs to be discovered.

A young guy - Taurus - is very scrupulous about choosing a passion, only a sexy girl will not touch his heart. In bed, he is looking for a liberated person, but he will connect his life only with someone who is smart and responsive, who knows how to be a support for him in difficult moments.

This option is the most realistic for starting a family. Children in such a family will grow up under the serious gaze of their father and under the gentle wing of their mother.

Taurus woman and Gemini man

An extremely interesting combination of female rationality and male ease in the perception of life. Horoscope and compatibility for them is a completely incomprehensible theory of relativity. In this case, these zodiac signs should be extremely interested in each other. The girl here is essentially the head of the family, and the guy is the soul of this family. Many people envy her, because life with a joker seems quite fun and easy to everyone, but in reality, the zealous and meticulous Taurus has to take on many tasks.

Sex with a Taurus woman for a Gemini man is like an interesting adventure, since external restraint and seriousness, like a mask, is removed in bed. Most often, the girl takes the initiative into her own hands, and this turns on the man, because Gemini is one of the sexiest signs, just like Taurus. This is where their similarity is greatest.

A man and a girl with this option can be happy if the girl is ready to take on the burden of responsibility for another child - her husband. In addition to raising common children, she will have a permanent adult child. One thing should not bother her - she will never get bored. The Gemini man is a wonderful father and wise friend for children. The horoscope calls this couple a fireplace that sparks sex and mutual respect.

The compatibility horoscope may have reviews of these signs that will argue about internal relationships, but initially, based on the fact that the difference between these signs is great, we can believe that it is this difference that gives them such charm and completeness in tandem.

They both have a lot to offer each other and a lot to learn in this relationship, but it will take a little regulation and effort on both sides. Geminis can often be of two minds about things. The owner Taurus will have to be able to give Gemini the security of relationships and intimacy that he wants, and on the other hand allow Gemini to be free in his choice. Taurus may want too much from Gemini early in the relationship. Gemini can become reliable and stable, Taurus just needs to be patient.

Taurus's balanced, practical approach to life differs significantly from Gemini's lighter, more intellectual approach. It can be difficult in the beginning, as Gemini may view Taurus as a bit dull, while Taurus may view Gemini as fickle in their decisions. They can teach each other a lot: Taurus can help Gemini become more deeply involved in life; Gemini can help Taurus add variety, fun and excitement to their life.

Compatibility by planets Venus-Mercury

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus (love), Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury (communication). Since both of these planets are close to the Sun, they are always in the same area even though they are very different. Venus represents physical pleasures, romance and sensuality. Mercury has both masculine and feminine energies, and Gemini will choose which energy is best for a given situation. Taurus is simply looking for a reliable, sensual partner, so the brilliant Gemini can get lost against the background of Taurus. This can be a problem, since Geminis often feel that their quick wit is one of the most important things. But Gemini is smart enough to learn how to be the romantic, sensual partner that Taurus craves.

Earth-Air elemental compatibility

Taurus is an Earth sign, Gemini is an Air sign. Gemini makes decisions based on intellect (and whim), while Taurus is more practical. Taurus asks, “how will this help me achieve my goals in life?” while Geminis go through life spontaneously, never feeling too obligated to stick to a plan. If Taurus confesses their feelings to their partner and Gemini remains aloof and separate (as they often do), this relationship may suffer. Both signs must strive to remain open and flexible to make this match work. Although Gemini seems unpredictable, Taurus must learn to understand that although Gemini may flirt, relationships are still important to them. And although Taurus seems overly stubborn, Gemini must use their flexibility to bend to their partner's wishes on occasion.

Interpersonal compatibility between Taurus and Gemini

Taurus is a fixed sign, Gemini is a mutable sign. Taurus tends to focus on one thing, person, idea at a time, while Gemini moves from one thing (or person) to the next according to impulse. Taurus should give Gemini ample independence and breathing space, and try to learn a lesson from Gemini: versatility is sometimes better than stubborn determination to do things their own way.

What's the best thing about a Taurus and Gemini relationship?

The security these two can give each other. Also, Taurus must give Gemini some freedom of action. Communicate with each other more often, and your relationship will be stable and happy.

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