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Horoscope Aquarius - Tiger: pros and cons of character. Aquarius - tiger

We all know that each person is unique in nature: different characters, views on life, principles, not to mention appearance. And it’s impossible to say anything definite about a person based on first impressions. But many people are simply sure that knowing the year and zodiac sign, you can find out what we really are like. In this article we will look at the characteristics of women born between January 21 and February 19 in the year of the Tiger.

Character traits

The Aquarius-Tiger girl is a freedom-loving, confident in herself and her strengths, an independent and purposeful person. She knows how to attract all the attention of others. And it is not surprising that she is always at the center of any company. The openness of such a lady, her responsiveness, ability to console and cheer attracts people like a magnet. The Aquarius-Tiger woman never lets you feel sad and mopey. He will always support and help in any way he can. But despite all this, in fact, such a nature is very closed and will never allow anyone to penetrate her thoughts. It is simply impossible to force this lady to do anything. Because of this, few people can understand her, which leads to loneliness that is invisible to others. These individuals are very mysterious as they have the ability to hide their real emotions, goals and desires.

From birth, this sign relies only on itself and its own strengths. Never asks for help or allows help. Aquarius-Tiger is a willful combination that cannot be broken, subdued or demanded anything. In turn, it does not demand anything from society. She is not interested in politics, power, or recognition. The only desire is to be free. The tiger is a power-hungry nature at heart, but the sign of Aquarius does not allow this trait to fully manifest itself, so such a person does not particularly strive to become a leader. In turn, Aquarius shares with the Tiger his excellent memory, flexible mind and determination. And all this, coupled with the willpower of the Tiger, creates a person capable of achieving any of his goals.

Due to the fact that the character traits of Aquarius and Tiger are almost completely opposite, a woman who contains such a combination is very often torn apart by completely different emotions. At the same time, she may strive to be a positive “character” and want to find out what the dark essence is hiding within. The biggest drawback of this sign, born in the year of the Tiger, is emotionality. Often it is she who is the reason for the failure of all plans, failure to achieve goals and broken relationships. Brave, courageous and filled with determination, women with enormous and strong energy, with such a wide variety of skills and knowledge, overcome all problems without difficulty and strive to reach the top.

And these people will never ask for help from others, which sometimes hurts them greatly.

Love and relationships

Love, as a rule, is never a priority in the lives of such ladies. And such women acquire a partner only if there is a marriage clause in their ideal life plan. Aquarius-Tigers know their worth, so they are unlikely to allow a man who is weak, both physically and spiritually, to be around. When communicating with the opposite sex, such women are extremely natural and relaxed. With their brightness, sociability and smile, these ladies attract everyone's attention. But even with a huge number of fans, she is never in a hurry to get married. Because she loves freedom and changes in life. And constancy and everyday life depresses her and does not allow her to develop as a person. She prefers men who are similar to her: romantic and loving adventures, travel and freedom. If the relationship is serious, then the woman becomes very jealous and sentimental, and her emotionality triples, which sometimes interferes with the same relationship. And this makes choosing a partner very difficult.

Finance and career

Since these women clearly understand what they want from life, their goals are clearly defined. And plans have such a structure that it is simply impossible to get a losing result. Thanks to their rich imagination and creative abilities, Aquarius-Tiger can easily connect their life with something creative: music, acting, writing, etc. Financially, they do not depend on anyone and easily provide for themselves, because they know everything about getting money and know how to earn it. Since such women are excellent leaders and executives, they can easily combine their lives with business. And with a 99% probability he will be successful.

Family and marriage

Family and any relationships for such signs, as the horoscope says, are always carefully planned. If desired, such ladies are excellent at creating and developing relationships. Therefore, nothing here causes any difficulties for either her or her partner. Such a spouse is always calm, avoids quarrels and disputes, with great desire takes on most of the responsibilities and is not afraid of difficulties. If Aquarius-Tigers decide to start a family, then it comes first for them. And with the birth of a child, work will fade into the background. Because women are used to giving all of themselves to their children without reserve.

Talisman stones

Talisman stones have enormous power, which will protect their owner from all sorts of problems, adversities, damage and various curses. And Aquarius-Tigers really need such power, since they are often haunted by mystical events. Even if the ladies themselves don’t notice it. Many believe that the combination of this zodiac sign with the year of the Tiger is greatly helped by turquoise. It will protect you from the evil eye, damage, curses, maintain excellent health and beauty, clear your mind and help you make the right decision. For emotional women, such as Aquarius-Tigers, this will be of great help.

Astrologers say that an amethyst talisman will help women calm down. Aquamarine helps to cleanse both physically and spiritually, which is no less important. This allows you to keep all organs of the body in excellent healthy condition for a very long time. Quartz is also suitable for such people.

It helps remove negative thoughts from your mind and maintain positivity, a clear mind and creativity.

Zodiac sign and year of birth separately


Aquarians usually become either presidents or public figures who are always in the public eye. Thanks to their analytical mindset, people born under this sign can summarize a huge amount of information, compress it into a couple of sentences, or even words, and present it the way you would like it. Aquarians are very calculating, pragmatic and do not allow their feelings to get the better of them. Sometimes representatives of this sign are tough and unprincipled. They easily control the masses, forcing them to do what is profitable. They get rid of unnecessary relationships if they no longer need them. They never forgive anyone's mistakes. They also don't trust anyone. All people seem suspicious to them and only want their money.


From birth, people born in the year of the Tiger are surrounded by those who are trying to subjugate and force them to do something. People seem to feel that Tigers are much stronger than them spiritually and are trying to prevent them from developing as individuals. His environment suppresses his will and desires. Despite all this, Tigers find the strength to stand up and overcome all adversity with their heads held high. Competition, like Aquarius, easily endures competition, practically not paying attention to it. Very sociable, open and kind.

Horoscope compatibility

We can talk about Aquarius-Tiger as a cold-blooded individualist, capable of supporting in difficult times, a tough strategist, a vulnerable and sensitive person, a pure idealist and a vicious sinner. All this describes the compatibility of two horoscopes as accurately as possible. They are very clearly described by the lines from Pasternak’s poem: “In everything I want to get to the very essence.” These people always want to know why this happened, how it could have been avoided, and so on. It is important for them to know everything; without this knowledge, such women seem to themselves very weak, pathetic and insignificant.

The combination of these horoscopes is very contradictory. For example, while Aquarius needs company, Tiger, on the contrary, is always cold and secretive. But together, these two opposite characters complement each other with willpower, an original mindset, excellent memory and rich imagination. It is thanks to their actions that such women fully begin to understand themselves, and freedom allows them to find true feelings, instead of falsehood, pretense and cold calculation.


This combination of sign and year does not allow a person to sit still. He is very active and simply cannot stand doing nothing. He works accurately, without errors and quickly, for which he is valued as an employee. But he himself strives to lead. His cold mind, prudence and willpower allow him to achieve unprecedented heights. Aquarius-Tigers love competition very much. This makes their mind, ingenuity and prudence work faster and better. And there is no doubt that it is this combination of sign and year that will end up at the top of the podium with a cup in hand.

Many try to force such women to work, break them, manipulate, but all this is in vain. Aquarius-Tigers can pretend that they obey you, while at the same time they themselves are making a plan for your “destruction”. They are excellent speakers, so it costs them nothing to convince people to take their side. To achieve her goal, such a woman can sometimes overstep herself and start playing “dirty.” Although Aquarius-Tigers are stingy with real emotions, they will give plenty to their acquaintances or those who benefit them to enjoy their openness and trust. They rarely put the feelings of others above their own. If something is unprofitable for the ladies, they can easily end any relationship with this or that person. The main motto of such women is: “If you doubt it, prove it.”

Attractive, alluring, mysterious, striving for loneliness - this is the Aquarius-Tiger woman. Her features indicate that this freedom-loving nature always strives for leadership; she is characterized by creative ideas and bold thoughts.

Features of temperament

The Aquarius woman, born in the year of the Tiger, prefers to do everything alone, only then does she feel her independence and strength. At the same time, she can be passionate about creative ideas and loves everything new and mysterious.

In any area of ​​life, she needs changes and important events. Boredom, routine and monotony can drown out the desire for self-realization.

Main character traits:

  • energy;
  • creation;
  • charm and charm;
  • love of freedom;
  • laziness;
  • desire for leadership.

This woman should not be offended, otherwise her revenge will be terrible. She will approach the execution of retribution with her usual cunning and will definitely carry it out.

The representative of this sign is secretive and mysterious; she will never reveal her inner world, all because the Tiger-Aquarius is very sensitive. She is simply afraid that she will be vulnerable and that it will bring suffering.

One of the disadvantages of this sign can be called laziness. This lady can be so lazy that even preparing food for herself can be very difficult. It’s easier for her to order some pizza at home and, while enjoying it, eat it alone.

Representatives of this combination are always beautiful, short, strong and resilient. As a rule, they have slightly cunning and attractive eyes, a small, sensual mouth and an irresistible smile.

They know how to take care of their own health, so they try to follow all the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

The nervous system is the most vulnerable. Such ladies can become depressed, withdraw into themselves and have heavy thoughts. Sometimes this can lead to alcoholism.

Another weak point is the legs (ankles and calves). If any accident occurs, it is the lower limbs that are injured and require surgical intervention.

To maintain mental and physical balance, the Tiger-Aquarius should eat fruit more often and limit herself in the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

This woman always has many admirers, but rarely decides to start a serious relationship. She likes to be independent, and marriage may impose certain responsibilities on her.

Men who this girl might like should be sociable, attractive, have an excellent sense of humor, and be keen on travel and sports.

If this lady realizes that she has fallen in love, her partner is guaranteed to become her husband. This thoughtlessness and emotionality often leads to the fact that the choice turns out to be unsuccessful, and then divorce follows.

If everything goes well, the family becomes the center of the universe for this woman. She cooks well, puts things in order, pleases her husband and gets along well with children. This woman, subject to a successful marriage, often becomes a mother of many children.

Work and finance

Tiger-Aquarius is initially committed to career growth. She clearly knows what she wants, develops a tactical plan and follows it, finding only legal ways to achieve it. She never needs money because she knows how to earn money and spend it wisely.

Main professions:

  • journalist;
  • philosopher;
  • teacher;
  • artist;
  • director;
  • stewardess.

These ladies love to travel, so they choose work that involves business trips and frequent trips. Sometimes these women get involved in professional sports and become champions.

Also, these ladies are excellent at running their own business; things are especially successful in agriculture and trade.

Routine office work is not for them. They should not choose the professions of nurses and secretaries.

Working in a team, she gets along well with colleagues and is not affected by gossip and gossip. She has a certain talent, she becomes the life of the party.

Every person needs protection and a thing that will protect and give health. Aquarians, who are more susceptible to the influence of evil forces than others, especially need this.

A fountain of inexhaustible curiosity, innovation and love of freedom - that’s who Aquarius is, born in the year of the Tiger according to the Chinese horoscope! If the stars told anyone to amaze the world with impressive discoveries and creative ideas, it was him. It cannot be otherwise, because Aquarius-Tiger is not constrained by reverence for already established rules and does not consider the usual order of things as an unshakable dogma. By nature, he is an incorrigible seeker, observer, researcher, capable of seeing and feeling what remains outside the field of view of others.

In the society of Aquarius-Tiger it is difficult not to notice - he is strikingly different from representatives of other signs of the Eastern Zodiac horoscope. Do you think he dyed his hair red or showed up to a social function in beach shorts because of a bad character or childishness? Actually, not at all. It is difficult to find a more tolerant, responsive and in love with humanity person than the Aquarius-Tiger. Well, his eccentric behavior is just an extraordinary way to express his rejection of the senseless restrictions and prejudices that every modern person is crammed with.

At the same time, do not count on the undivided attention of the Aquarius-Tiger - he has many acquaintances and friends, but real friends can be counted on one hand. The reason for this is simple: he rarely meets truly kindred spirits on his path. There are few such exceptional people like him born on planet Earth.

Aquarius-Tiger Love

The Aquarius-Tiger love horoscope says that with a large number of affairs, this person does not strive to have a permanent relationship just because it is customary. He comes to this idea only when a person truly dear to him appears in his environment, to whom not only his body, but also his soul is drawn. It is even more difficult to lure the Aquarius-Tiger with family ties - his love of freedom becomes the reason for late marriages or their complete absence.

Aquarius-Tiger is not shy about being extravagant: unusual declarations of love or non-trivial dating scenarios are his specialty. This is a very loyal partner - with him next to you you will not have to break yourself and give up habits, he will support you in your attempts at self-realization, without trying to put you under house arrest.

Aquarius-Tiger appreciates sincerity and immediately notices the falsity of a loved one. If he feels your cooling, he will not want to stay close, despite the circumstances and difficulties of parting.

Sexuality of Aquarius-Tiger

Aquarius-Tiger is a great original in bed: he likes everything new and unusual. He can enthusiastically study ancient Chinese intimate techniques, enroll in tantric sex courses, or get carried away by shibari. If you are planning a trip to a store for adults, contact Aquarius-Tiger, he will probably have a discount card with a maximum discount.

Celebrities of the Aquarius sign born in the year of the Tiger:

Boris Pasternak, Russian writer.
John Browning, American gunsmith.
Yevgeny Kafelnikov, Russian tennis player.
Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Lithuanian actress.
Christian Bale, British actor.
Marie-Henri Bayle "Stendhal", French writer.
Robbie Williams, British singer.
Robert Boyle, English physicist, chemist, theologian.
Ole Einar Bjoerndalen, Norwegian biathlete.

The Aquarius-Tiger man always strives for independence and complete freedom. In some cases it is even absolute freedom. At the same time, he is interested in limiting freedom for his partner. Usually he achieves everything himself and does not rely on anyone to implement his plans. Outwardly, he is a calm and pleasant man who can attract fans.

These men have charm, which they actively use to achieve their goals. But at the same time, they are accumulators of negative energy, which often spills out onto those close to them. They should be selective in their communication to achieve good results in life. Most often, they achieve success in adulthood, when their behavior becomes more even and calm. These men should study the exact sciences, as they have a sharp mind and meticulousness in studying this or that fact.

These men have a sharp mind, bright talents and responsibility. They must see rationality in everything. Their determination and curiosity allow them to gain many privileges in life. However, some restlessness prevents them from rising to a higher level. They often put personal goals above all else, going to great lengths to achieve their goals. But for this their goal must be significant.

Characteristics of an Aquarius-Tiger man in Love

He has a certain idea of ​​love that is different from the traditional one. This is why many women cannot understand him. At the same time, he advocates equality in everything, and cannot imagine relationships without this quality. When he is in love, he always tries to match the girl’s ideas about the ideal guy. He likes to be perfect and unique, so he does a lot for this.

He is especially attractive and eccentric in love. He attracts many fans who are ready to do unusual things for his sake. He is impulsive, so he quickly falls in love. However, if he is not satisfied with something in the relationship, he leaves his partner without hesitation. As a rule, he is not satisfied with his partner’s desire to limit his freedom. Otherwise, he can cope with different situations.

Aquarius Man, born in the year of the Tiger, in Bed

He loves everything refined, so in bed relationships he strives for ambiance. It can be something unusual and not banal, like silk linen and champagne. In addition, he strives for an unusual act, so you can safely offer him all your fantasies and delights. As a result, this area of ​​relationships will be so enchanting that no woman will be able to resist this special guy.

He seems detached from reality. At the same time, he always knows about earthly joys. And the intimate sphere is one of the most important for him. That is why he often goes to great lengths, trying in this way to find the ideal partner. With age, this area of ​​relationships fades into the background, since he now seeks only spiritual unity and strives for those girls who correspond to these ideas.

Horoscope of Aquarius-Tiger man in Family and Marriage

He will bring peace and order to the marriage, since he is balanced himself and understands how to balance others. He will not be completely immersed in everyday life, as he always has hobbies. Ideally, he will share them with his wife or children. He always has excellent relationships with children, as he rarely uses authoritarian parenting methods. Usually he allows them a lot, but they themselves know when to stop, thanks to his education methods.

He can only be happy with the girl who understands his difficult soul. This should be an attentive interlocutor, an intelligent and insightful girl. He will open up to her and will definitely agree to the marriage. It should be noted that he gets married quite late, since he does not waste time on trifles and sees whether his partner is suitable for him at the initial stage of the relationship.

Often, women who want to build a relationship with a particular man want to know much more about him. However, not all representatives of the fair half of humanity manage to obtain the necessary information from friends, relatives, and colleagues. Then a horoscope comes to their aid. In this material we will talk in detail about Aquarius-Tiger men.


A person born under the symbols of Aquarius and Tiger combines the strongest aspects of these signs. These people have charisma and easily gain authority. These are creative and extraordinary individuals who are in a creative search, capable of uniting people around them and leading them. They are optimists with a strong character and will, capable of charging the people around them with their energy. They are capable of empathy, responsive and not indifferent to the sorrows and troubles of their colleagues and friends. These are excellent psychologists who can bring any person out of a state of depression and redirect them to positivity, creating an aura of happiness around themselves. They know how to lift the spirits of others.

Those born under these signs are distinguished by their individuality, independence and decisiveness in their actions., they are far from being as simple as they seem at first glance, and few people manage to understand them after the first acquaintance. As the characteristics and horoscope of this man say, he can make almost any woman fall in love with him. He has good compatibility with many signs.

Air sign traits

Men born under this sign are vulnerable and sensitive people. They are able to have many acquaintances, but they have very few friends, as a rule, whom they choose for themselves throughout their lives. Very friendly and sociable people. They don't like to change their minds, but they can be persuaded. Aquarians cannot be deceived because they are very sensitive. Restoring justice for them can become an obsessive goal, the implementation of which will not stop them from facing any obstacles or risks.

Aquarians are creative individuals interested in all aspects of life., these are people with an excellent developed imagination and good abilities to study various sciences. In their daily activities, they can simultaneously perform a lot of small, insignificant work, but this does not prevent them from remembering the main thing.

Aquarius men, as a rule, are romantics, but this does not prevent them from realistically assessing the world around them. They are capable of reckless actions, but do not like to put themselves and the people around them at risk.

These are very sentimental people who have a huge craving and boundless desire to understand the world.

What qualities does the eastern horoscope give to a representative?

Years of the Tiger: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022.

The Tiger man is a bundle of energy and will. His desire for improvement, creative fervor, and innate aristocracy fascinate those around him. Possessing excellent public speaking skills, he can quickly establish contact with strangers. In most cases, this is a generous and kind person. At first glance, balanced and calm. But this impression can be deceiving. You must always remember that this attractive person can become a very dangerous opponent. Men born this year are hot-tempered by nature and can be aggressive.

This is a very hot fighter, capable of self-sacrifice to achieve his goal. This is a strong-willed and purposeful person, capable of taking on the burden of responsibility in the most difficult moments and carrying out his plans. He takes part in all activities with pleasure that involve a certain amount of risk and adventure. Paradoxically, having such a hot temper, the Tiger man is able to weigh his upcoming actions very carefully. The decisions he makes are always well calculated, and they provide for all possible developments. With his enthusiasm and drive, a man inspires those around him.

This is an honest and highly decent person. Always sincere in assessments and judgments, incapable of flattery and sycophancy. His nobility conquers even his enemies. He knows how to forgive insults, but does not forgive meanness. The ability to rally like-minded people around themselves, the ability to develop a strategic line for success, constancy of views and assessments promotes these people to positions of leaders and managers. The desire to achieve their goal does not stop them in the face of any imperious obstacles or hierarchs. Being selfish in small things, they are capable of altruism and high dedication in big matters.

The Tiger has little interest in money matters, but is capable of creating a fortune. His appearance is always gorgeous. He knows how to dress impeccably and chooses his wardrobe correctly. His communication skills captivate with his refined aristocracy and gloss. This is a very sensitive and emotional person. Capable of strong love and passion, but rarely happy in love relationships.

Types of Tigers:

  • metal (1950, 2010, 2070);
  • water (1902, 1962, 2022);
  • wooden (1914, 1974, 2034);
  • fiery (1926, 1986, 2046);
  • earthen (1938, 1998, 2058).


A man born at this time is endowed with many talents and thinks well. He has an extraordinary memory and well-developed intuition. Able to engage in fundamental sciences and achieve success in this field. Activity in actions and determination in actions can make him a pioneer and leader in many endeavors. However, he is able to ignore the opinions of others when achieving his goals. This can only be determined by the significance of the tasks being implemented.

In business relationships he is independent and purposeful, does not trust anyone to implement his ideas and carries out everything planned independently. To achieve his goals, he uses his innate charm. As a rule, these people achieve success by the prime of their manhood, when they acquire the ability to control their emotions. They treat money calmly, not considering it an end in itself for existence, which does not prevent them from accumulating and increasing it.

In appearance, he is a calm and balanced man, capable of conquering a woman with his charm and charm.

During these years, famous historical figures were born who made a huge contribution to the world cultural and scientific heritage, statesmen and military leaders, transformers of states and the world community as a whole.


These men have their own idea of ​​love relationships, which often does not coincide with generally accepted concepts and norms. In this regard, not all women are able to understand them. They always try to be independent and free, but do not consider it necessary to provide freedom and independence to their partners. A man of this type tries to make his girlfriend’s wishes come true and create a harmonious couple. He is pleased to be desired, and to fulfill his desires he uses all possible methods of seduction. An extravagant man is charming and sensitive in love pleasures, which attracts many chosen ones to him, ready for extraordinary actions. The man is very emotional, which is why he quickly falls in love. He is gentle with his partners and adheres to romantic relationships and actions. He likes to change them and is delighted with secret dates. However, he easily breaks up with women if something does not satisfy him.

In most cases, the fact of restricting his freedom is irreconcilable - the chosen one can accept the rest of the wishes.


This person is a refined nature, so in bed relationships she loves comfort and unusual surroundings. This man is attracted to smart women. This is a very erotic person who loves the stages of courtship and seduction. Sex for him is a world of sensual fantasies and creativity. He cares about the complete satisfaction of his chosen one. In his desire for something new and untried in this area, the erotic fantasies of his partner are acceptable to him. This relationship will be so unforgettable and fabulous that it will remain in the memory of every woman who was in connection with him.

In sex, this man is insatiable and curious, his wild fantasy has no limits. Constantly looking for something new to spice up his sex life, thus trying to find the ideal partner. Allows all types of sexual acts, including threesomes. Over time, this representative of the sign calms down, and then the time comes for a spiritual understanding of women that corresponds to his views on the world around him.

You will learn more about Aquarius men from the following video.