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Svadhisthana chakra - what it is responsible for and how to open it. Svadhisthana chakra - what it is responsible for and what organs it affects

Svadhisthana is the second chakra of a person - the department responsible for emotions, creativity and procreation. Directly affects self-esteem, a person’s position in society, the ability to achieve material wealth and peace of mind.

A physical organism cannot exist without energy. The body needs it like electric current to operate the TV. A person receives strength from food, air, cosmic radiation, and exchanges energy with other people. Entire streams flow imperceptibly through the body, intersecting at certain points - chakras. Through these centers both absorption and release of energy are possible.

Sacral, sexual, sexual – this is what the second chakra is called. The original name translates as “dwelling of inner strength.” And, indeed, it is a powerful energy center.

Svadhisthana is bipolar. Its source is located in the sacrum and exits through a funnel in the lower abdomen. To understand where the sacral chakra is located, find the middle between your navel and the end of your pubic bone. In women, it is located at the level of the uterus. The diameter of the funnel at the outlet varies from 0.5 to 15 cm.

The sexual center has the shape of a six-petalled lotus, inside of which there is a small circle, slightly shifted upward. On the leaves of the flower there are symbols of bija mantras associated with other chakras and internal organs adjacent to svadhisthana, and inside a small circle there is a sign of the mantra “Vam” - the sound of the center itself. It is this short syllable that is most often used to open or cleanse the sacred ring.

Characteristics of svadhisthana

Color design– orange, shades from yellow to brick.

Governing element– water.

Bija mantra- To you.

Aroma– ylang-ylang, rosemary, jasmine, sandalwood oils.

Crystals and stones– amber, yellow opal and agate, carnelian, other yellow-orange, lunar.

Taste- astringent.

Musical sound– RE.

Slim body– ethereal.

Planet- Jupiter.

Geometry– icosahedron.

Day of the week- Saturday.

What is svadhisthana responsible for?

Chakras influence:

  • development of sensitivity;
  • health of internal organs;
  • emotional sphere.

The genital center affects taste and touch. Since this is the chakra of pleasure, food and tactile pleasure are very important to it. But overeating, alcohol or drug abuse, and promiscuity deplete and block the energy of the center.

At the emotional level, the development of svadhisthana is directly related to communication skills, empathy, and self-esteem. A person with an excess of energy at this level tries to stand out from the group and attract attention. He does not always like the chosen method and is approved by the public, but the thirst for attention overrides these side effects. An unopened chakra forces a person to lead a reclusive lifestyle, avoid people, and be afraid to make new acquaintances.

Since the element of the sacral ring is water, this department controls the circulation of fluids in the body: the circulatory and lymphatic system, glandular and digestive secretions, seminal fluid, etc.

Bodies of influence:

  • reproductive (uterus, penis);
  • gallbladder;
  • kidneys

Glands of the hormonal endocrine system: prostate, testes and ovaries.

Healthy organs indicate a good, harmonious opening of the chakra. A lack of energy is indicated by diseases of the excretory and reproductive system: infertility, decreased attraction to the opposite sex, neoplasms, bacterial infections.

Swadhisthana balance

Harmony at the energy level is possible only if balance is maintained in all centers of the system. Svadhisthana is based on muladhara. An imbalance of the lower chakra prevents the opening of the second. And violations at the level of the sacral center do not allow Manipura, the third department, to develop.

Stages of development of the sexual chakra:

  1. Harmony. A person is in harmony with his inner self, strives to communicate with other people, acquire new knowledge, and develop talents. Such a person is characterized by optimism, she does not dwell on failures, and is not prone to depression and resentment. Confidence is also present in communication with the opposite sex. A person radiates charm, joy, is able to express empathy and compassion, and is ready to help. A person with harmonious svadhisthana has an active libido, but at the same time is not ready to engage in promiscuity. The desire to express oneself in creativity indicates a high level of development of the sacral chakra.
  2. Lack of energy. It is observed when there is a malfunction of the root chakra - muladhara or blockages in svadhisthana. A person is not confident in himself, is afraid to take the initiative, make acquaintances and enter into new relationships. Among the emotions, irritability, fear, shame, and decreased libido predominate. The personality is fixated on its problems and failures, and is not inclined to show sympathy towards other people. Also, a lack of energy at this level is expressed in the inability to conceive a child. Moreover, infertility occurs in representatives of both sexes.
  3. Increased chakra activity occurs when there are blockages in the manipura. In a harmonious personality, energy flows from one center to another without delays or sudden jumps. If there is a malfunction at any stage, one of the chakras becomes oversaturated, while the higher ones experience hunger. Stagnation of energy in svadhisthana creates excessive self-confidence and sexual activity. A person strives with all his might to stand out from the group, to be noticed and appreciated. Doesn't pay attention to constructive criticism. Natural sympathy reaches the level of unceremoniousness when a person grossly violates personal boundaries and seeks to help where it is not necessary. Increased sexual activity is expressed in frequent changes of partners. Habitual joys do not bring pleasure, and the person tries to enhance the sensations with additional stimulation: eating a lot of sweets, drinking alcohol or drugs, wearing provocative clothes.

However, over time, the inability to obtain pleasure leads to irritability, which blocks the energy of the chakra, and the person falls into the opposite state of apathy.

An excess of energy in the sacral center is just as bad as a lack. For the harmonious development of personality, it is necessary to fully open all chakras, which is impossible when the flows are shifted.

How to develop the sexual chakra

The formation of the second energy center begins after 3 years, when the child accepts his belonging to a certain gender and shows related interests. Dilation occurs between the ages of 8 and 15 years. During this period, self-esteem, communication skills, interest in the opposite sex, understanding and acceptance of the relationship between a man and a woman on an emotional level are formed.

The harmonious development of svadhistana during puberty largely depends on parental education. Sensitive parents spend a lot of time explaining the basics of relationships in society, showing by their example harmony in family life.

By the age of 12–14, a teenager develops an idea of ​​sex. And it is better if parents or a trusted person do this than porn films. Also, you should not introduce strict prohibitions on friendship or communication with children of the opposite sex. The sooner a child learns to establish contacts, the easier it will be for him to do this in adulthood. And here we are not talking about sexual intercourse. A child with harmonious development has no desire to enter into early sexual relationships; he gets enough pleasure from friendship and communication.

Opening the chakra with the help of practices begins from the root center: the correct development of svadhisthana is possible only with the balance of muladhara. Self-control is required to achieve balance in the sexual center. The chakra is blocked from negative emotions: irritation, resentment, fear, uncertainty. If you notice frequent manifestations of such feelings, it means that the sacral center is experiencing a shortage of energy. You need to fuel it by giving yourself pleasure:

  • treat yourself to delicious food more often;
  • arrange a pleasant rest for the body (massage, aromatic baths, walks);
  • develop and accept your own sexuality, femininity/masculinity.

The opening of the chakra occurs gradually with a rise in self-esteem. Sociability, circle of friends, and sexual attraction increase.

If a person notices signs of an excess of energy in himself, temporary isolation, relaxation techniques, meditation and the gradual opening of the third section are in order.

Breathing practice for chakra development

Correct breathing is the easiest way to influence energy centers. This does not require any special preparation or physical skills. At first, it is advisable to carry out the procedures in a quiet, calm environment in order to learn to physically feel the impact on a person’s energy centers.

Breathing exercises:

  1. Find a comfortable position (sitting or lying on your back).
  2. Breathe calmly, evenly, deeply, without holding your breath while inhaling and exhaling.
  3. Focus only on breathing for the first 3-5 minutes. Sometimes this is quite difficult to do: the brain switches to everyday thoughts. Calm music without words helps complete relaxation.
  4. When breathing is normal, proceed to visualization of the sacral center. Mentally imagine an orange funnel or glow coming out from the area 3-4 fingers below your navel.
  5. If you feel warmth or a slight tingling sensation in the work area during the procedure, then you are using the correct technique.

To enhance the effect on the chakra, gymnastics is performed lying down: legs bent at the knees, standing on the floor. As you exhale, raise your pelvis upward, imagining that the blown air is coming out of svadhisthana itself. This technique already requires a certain physical preparation; the exercise is repeated for at least 5 minutes continuously in the rhythm of breathing.

Asanas for opening svadhisthana

All positions that involve bending the body while sitting or standing are suitable for pumping the sex chakra. It is important to remember the main rules for performing inclined asanas:

  • maximum muscle relaxation, exercises are carried out smoothly, without jerking, using your own weight;
  • bends are performed from the hip with a straight back and knees;
  • when taking asanas from a sitting position, the pelvis is moved back so that the tailbone does not touch the floor surface; a mat or blanket is placed under it;
  • slopes are always combined with deflections.

To perform the first exercises, it is better to contact a professional trainer or study the technique in detail using video lessons.

Mantras that develop svadhisthana

For exercises with chakras, bija mantras are best suited - short sounds that have a strong influence on the work of energy centers.

Svadhisthana has two mantras: “Vam” and “Uuu”. The second is considered simpler and more convenient for beginners: it consists of one sound and is combined as much as possible with continuous breathing. They switch to audio accompaniment of meditation only after practicing the breathing technique.

The mantra is chanted with each exhalation. The number of repetitions is a multiple of 9. Singing is combined with breathing exercises or performing asanas.

Other ways to pump up chakra energy

Additionally, the sacral center is revealed by aromatherapy with ylang-ylang or sandalwood oil, as well as the use of a mystical symbol - yantra. For svadhisthana it is a grayish-blue circle with a white crescent in the middle. Wearing this symbol relieves menstrual pain, and visualization during meditation reveals femininity.

Control of chakras

If a person devotes time at least once a month to meditation and cleansing energy centers with the help of yoga or breathing practices, this is quite enough for harmonious development.

If work with the chakras is carried out irregularly or not at all, then from time to time they become clogged and blocked. Swadhisthana is counteracted by negative emotions, the inability to obtain pleasure, and dissatisfaction with oneself and life. It is important to notice these changes in time and carry out simple procedures to restore harmony.

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The Swadhisthana chakra, or, as it is also called, “the abode of the self,” concentrates all a person’s sexual energy. Unlike Muladhara (basic chakra), which is responsible for the instinct of procreation, it is associated with our libido, receiving true pleasure from intimacy. Under her direct guidance, we accept and show the world our masculinity or femininity, feel sexual desire, choose partners and experience a whole range of different emotions during lovemaking. Also, the second chakra awakens creativity and the desire to express one’s individuality. This same energy brings a wind of change into our lives, causing a natural need to learn something new, to try the unknown. Svadhisthana activates a person’s inner strengths and helps make even the wildest dreams come true. And of course, the sexual chakra is responsible for the birth of a new life.

Swadhisthana: briefly about the main thing

Where is the genital chakra located? in the pelvic area, above the pubic bone, 3-4 centimeters below the navel. In women it coincides with the position of the uterus.

Dominant shade: orange.

Additional colors: bright yellow, blue.

Element: water

Symbolism: lotus with six petals, on which Sanskrit letters-syllables are depicted. Bam corresponds to the meridians of the stomach, gallbladder and bladder.

  • Bham - with the meridians of the liver, kidneys, spleen and pancreas. The mam is connected to the meridians of the intestines and the three parts of the torso (upper, middle and lower).
  • Yam is in close connection with the meridians of the heart, pericardium and lungs.
  • Ram interacts with the solar plexus chakra (Manipura).
  • Lam corresponds to the main chakra (Muladhara).

Sound vibrations: mantra for YOU. You can pronounce the sacred sound any number of times, divisible by 9, but Buddhists recommend 108 repetitions.

Meditation day: Tuesday.

What chakra 2 is responsible for: sexuality, change, creativity, artistry, vitality and energy, confidence, empathy.

Internal motivations: sensuality, emotionality, sexual pleasure. Type of energy: creative, predominantly female.

Patronizing planet: Mercury (according to other sources - Jupiter)

Development period: 3-8 years. The center reaches its maximum blossoming by 12-15 years.

Sense organs: language

Associated smell and taste sensation: tart, complex and ambiguous aroma of chamomile; astringent taste, like unripe persimmon.

Aromatherapy oils: ylang-ylang, sandalwood, rose (harmonize, charge with positive energy), rosemary, juniper (restore the human body after a negative impact), jasmine, rosewood (establish mutual understanding between a man and a woman, create a feeling of warmth and comfort).

Biostimulating stones: moonstone, amber, carnelian, fire opal, agate, orange sapphire, aventurine and other minerals of apricot and yellow shades.

Organs affected by Svadhisthana: genitourinary and digestive systems. Diseases associated with chakra imbalance: stress, depression, psychosis, emotional breakdowns, hormonal disorders, diseases of the biliary tract and genital organs, various sexual disorders.

Main characteristics of Svadhisthana

Harmony in intimate relationships, interest in the opposite sex, sexual magnetism, vital energy - the sex chakra is responsible for all this. Of course, if its development is at a sufficiently high level. It is especially important to maintain the normal functioning of the chakra for representatives of the fair sex. Nature generously endowed women with this energy so that they could become its source for their men. Our success in life and relationships depends on how feminine, sexy and positive we are.

A person with a balanced sex chakra has a vibrant personality. He has well-developed empathy and easily comes into contact with other people. A man or woman with healthy sexual energy would not think of using their beauty and sensuality for selfish purposes - they “put them to use” only for unity with their loved ones. Passion for these people is the main motivation in life, an inexhaustible source of good mood and well-being.

Another important function of the sex chakra is to provide confidence with which a person perceives the reality around him. When we feel like an independent, integral person, we are attentive to other people and take into account their feelings. This ability is formed in early childhood and depends on how parents and other relatives treat the child. If there is love, understanding and mutual respect in the family, the chakra develops harmoniously. But when a baby lacks affection and care from mom or dad, problems can arise. Growing up, such a person, as a rule, is fixated on himself and his feelings, does not take into account the feelings of others, thereby causing them pain.

When the work of Svadhisthana is established, a person is not afraid of changes, but perceives them with curiosity and anticipation of something good. He understands: any change is a chance to improve his life. Such a subject not only does not succumb to the negative influence of other people, but also does not seek to exert it. As a rule, those around him feel his love, care and support.

Failure of Swadhisthana

An imbalance in the 2nd chakra occurs when a person does not know how to control his sexual energy or suppresses it. Failure to realize your own desires leads to consequences such as:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • lack of inspiration;
  • alcohol or drug addiction;
  • promiscuity;
  • constant feeling of anxiety and restlessness;
  • dissatisfaction with intimacy;
  • frigidity and asexuality, etc.

Often the reasons for a malfunction of a chakra lie in childhood or adolescence, when its energy center goes through a period of formation. Uncertainty about one’s own attractiveness, lack of support from parents and teachers, a ban on displays of sensuality in a conservative society and many other factors, acting for a long time, affect a person’s ability to love, express his individuality, show feelings and emotions. This can develop into complexes, indecisiveness, or, conversely, ostentatious bravado and philandering.

2nd chakra - Svadhisthana

Depicted as a light yellow circle, in which a shiny silver crescent is placed. There are 6 red petals in a circle.

Energy color: orange.
Mantra: TO YOU.
Octave sound: re.

Deities: Sri Brahmadeva, Sri Saraswati
Physiological aspect: Aortic plexus
Controls: Creativity, inspiration, aesthetics and art, intellectual perception
Qualities: Intelligent Perception
Number of petals: Six
Day: Wednesday
Planet: Mercury
Stone: Amethyst
Element: Fire
Color: Yellow
Symbols: Star of David
Projections on the body: Thumbs, middle toes, right and left sides of the head

Paranormal abilities:

Increased intuitive ability on the astral level. Close acquaintance with the Astral body. Heightened taste perceptions, creating taste sensations for yourself and others without eating food. Impact on objects without contact with them, psychokinesis.

Effect of working with the chakra: focusing on this chakra gives the ability to use creative and preserving energies to ascend to pure art and pure relationships with other people; allows you to free yourself from passion, lust, anger, greed, jealousy and envy.

It is located in the area of ​​the spleen and is intended to isolate, divide and distribute the vitality coming to us from the Sun. Life energy again spreads from this chakra in six horizontal streams, the seventh stream seems to be drawn into the center(hub) of the wheel. Thus, this chakra has six multi-colored petals or vibrations, and therefore it is extremely radiant, shining, sun-like. Each of its petals is colored in the main color of one of the forms of vital energy - red, orange, yellow, green, blue or purple.

Svadisthana Chakra is the second lotus, located above, and, according to commentaries, so called from Sva or Parama-linga. This lotus is the color of cinnabar, with 6 petals, and it is located in the spinal center in the area at the root of the genital organs. On its petals are the letters shining like lightning: Bam, Bham, Mam, Yam, Ram, Lam. The Tattva of this center is “water” (Apas). This is the white region of Varuna. The Tattvic Mandala has the shape of a crescent. The Bija of Water is for YOU. This Bija of Varuna sits on a white Makara (crocodile) with a noose in his hands. Hari and Rakini Shakti are also here, looking fierce and baring their teeth menacingly.

Ram Dass once said, “People who look at life through this lens perceive everyone as either capable of making love, as incapable, or as a nonentity!” We very easily get used to pleasure, and the fear of losing it leads to an unbalanced state of this center.

Driving force

The main driving force of this center is the search for pleasure.

Sensual and sexual activity becomes the main desire. It is this chakra that helps you feel life more fully and gives us all the richness of emotions.

Influence of Kundalini

The second center is associated with the unconsciousness of the population (Astral Vibratory Memory System) of the entire planet; this is group collective karma, the karma of other people, affecting human behavior. With the development of the Kundalini process, the Energies of the Shakti Chakras are activated, which stimulates physical capabilities that randomly release information from the Astral Plane. Information takes the form of emotions, pictures, sounds of a completely chaotic order. If such a difficult phase is not overcome by the individual, then the Kundalini process stops, the Energy returns to the first energy center, and spiritual development stops. To get out of this state, it is recommended to first develop the sixth energy center, as it is able to regulate information through understanding and responsibility.



Correlates with the reproductive system, the genitourinary system, and is the basis of the functions of the genitals.

Sensual aspect

It is expressed as a feeling for the opposite sex, in the ability to perceive and express one’s own masculinity or femininity. The ability to give and receive sexual feelings. The same applies to parental love and group relationships. This chakra is called the Hara Chakra, which is the center of power in Eastern martial art systems.

Mental functions

Irrationality, frigidity, excessive modesty or excessive sexuality.

Volitional aspect

It is expressed by the amount of sexual energy, manifested by recognition or non-recognition of one’s own sexuality, the desire to develop the ability to synthesize and harmonize our male and female sexual energy to achieve balanced sexual behavior.

Energy disturbances

Perceived or felt manually, the zone reflects blocks in the biofield and the corresponding chakras. The blocks indicate disturbances in physical organs in a given region. Organs are susceptible to various unexpected emotional manifestations of dysfunction of an individual's sexuality.

Physical dysfunction

Prostate problems and cancer. Cystitis, lesions of the female organs, ovarian cancer. Cancer is the extreme physiological expression of the problems associated with the chakras of this zone. Life's adversities, problems of the genital organs are reflected in the state of the chakra. Pain in the lower back or spine, in the kidneys reflects blocks in the chakra.



Feeling on the palms


The effect of working with chakra

Focusing on this chakra gives the ability to use creative and preserving energies to ascend into pure art and pure relationships with others; allows you to free yourself from passion, lust, anger, greed, jealousy and envy.

Yantra form

Circle with crescent. The blue crescent moon is the yantra of this chakra. The second chakra corresponds to the water element - the basis of life. Of the geometric shapes, the circle corresponds to it.

The Svadhisthana chakra represents the center of reproduction, which is directly related to the Moon. This deep relationship between water and the moon is represented by a crescent-shaped liter next to the white circle of the water chakra. Water plays a huge role in the life of a person with a predominant second chakra - such people experience numerous emotional changes when the lunar phases change.

Circle with six petals. The white circle is located inside a lotus with six petals of red (a mixture of crimson and crimson) color of mercury oxide. The six petals represent the six most important nerve endings in the second chakra. Just as the four petals in the first chakra symbolize the flow of energy through four sources and four dimensions, the six petals of the second chakra represent the flow of energy through six dimensions. In the second chakra, linear awareness first takes the form of a circle, which allows for greater mobility and fluidity. The white circle means water - the element of the svadhishthana chakra.

Bija sound

Main bija sound: VAM. When concentrating on the second chakra, you should repeat the bija sound VAM. Sounds associated with the water element enhance the effect of this bija. When pronounced correctly, this sound removes all obstructions in the lower part of the body and makes the energy flow freely in this area.

Bija bearer: crocodile (Sans-Kr. makara). The crocodile moving like a snake symbolizes the sensual nature of man with the predominant second chakra. The crocodile hunts its prey using many tricks. He likes to "float" in the water and dive deep; in addition, he has increased sexual power. Once upon a time, crocodile fat was used to increase male potency.

Characteristic qualities of a person with a predominant second chakra are crocodile hunting techniques, cunning, passion for water and imagination.


Vishnu, the Guardian God. Vishnu represents the power of continuation of the human race, and for this reason his abode is the second chakra, the chakra of reproduction, where he sits on a pink lotus. His skin is pale blue and his dhoti is yellow-golden in color. The four hands of the deity are covered with a green silk scarf. Vishnu embodies the principles of right living. Its nature is lila - play. He, of his own free will, takes on various forms and plays various roles. Vishnu is the main character of the cosmic drama.

Vishnu holds in his hands four instruments necessary for the proper enjoyment of life:

1. The shell contains the sound of sea waves. Vishnu's conch shell symbolizes pure sound, which brings liberation to human beings.

2. Chakra - a ring of light rotating on Vishnu's index finger - is a symbol of dharma. The Dharma chakra revolves around its own axis; it breaks through barriers and destroys disharmony and imbalance. The shape of the chakra - the wheel - creates a cycle of time: everything that is not in accordance with the cosmic rhythm is subject to destruction.

3. A club made of metal (earth element) is a weapon of power over earthly phenomena. With a club clutched in his hands, Vishnu rules the Earth. The safety of life on Earth is a basic requirement, and it is guaranteed by monetary abundance. Only after ensuring earthly security is it possible to satisfy sensual and sexual desires.

4. Pale pink lotus. The lotus rises from the dirty mud and yet remains shining, radiant and graceful. Lotus is pure and completely unaffected by the environment. Its flower opens with the first rays of sunlight, and with the last ray of the sun the lotus closes its petals again. Exquisite, fragrant lotus delights all senses.

Effects of Meditation

Focusing on this chakra allows the mind to reflect the world back to itself, just as the Moon reflects the light of the Sun. A person gains the ability to use creative and supportive energy, which elevates him to the level of fine arts and pure relationships with others, and also frees him from lust, anger, greed, instability and jealousy.

When visualizing the god Vishnu, a stillness appears, like the surface of a lake. Ascending from the first chakra to the second brings a person lunar awareness, reflecting divine grace and the power of conservation. The beneficial Vishnu, with a face of incredible purity, sees all the worlds and protects what was created by the god Brahma.


The main thing in clothes is the condition that it carries. Therefore, in clothes they prefer to be loose, as in the leading anahata - the heart zone, one or two sizes larger. They also like the presence of a “naked” body - breeches, mini skirts, tank tops. Often the groin area itself is bare, and it doesn’t matter what the temperature is outside, you just put on a “joyful” colored fur coat or jacket and off you go. They love it when the colors are bright and there are unexpected transitions from one color to another. The closest colors are orange and pink.

At school they say about such children that they sewed in... one place. This same awl is clearly demonstrated by the gait.


When walking, they make many small, unnecessary movements from the point of view of the tadpoles. There is often a change in the rhythm of walking and these people really like to “cut” corners - to make it go faster. Well, the ability to be late often greatly helps them in walking speed.


When communicating, they jump from topic to topic. They love jokes (especially about this) and funny stories.


They eat noisily, with pleasure, and often this process is “voiced” (slurping, slurping).


In the speech of the “groin muscles,” as in walking, there is often a change in rhythm and volume.


Work is treated as an inevitable nuisance if they don’t find work for themselves - toastmaster, DJ, dancer, actor, etc.
"Little things"

Primary center.

The primary center associated with the element of water is the fastest of all.

Sounds - s, sch, ch.

In the physical body, it is responsible for the speed of metabolic processes and the movement of fluid in the body.

*By the way, one of the reasons for varicose veins is an incorrect relationship between the head and groin.

If this zone does not work correctly, the risk of cancer increases.

In breathing, svadhisthana is activated when the breathing becomes more rapid or there are series of micro-inhalations or micro-exhalations. Holding your breath both after inhalation and after exhalation is usually either absent or minimal.

The most cheerful chakra, it controls fun, pleasure, desires, all kinds of “highs”. And the words that are characteristic of her - super, waste, trudge, drift, nishtyak - also make me smile with just the pronunciation.

It usually begins to develop in children around six months.

Upper part of svadhisthana

Responsible for the ability to “drag” and have fun at mass events - concerts, discos, and also the ability to ignite people at them.

Middle part of svadhisthana

Responsible for getting pleasure from any processes and results; winning or losing is of secondary importance.

Lower part of svadhisthana

Responsible for the ability to receive and give pleasure and enjoyment with one person - sex, communication, celebration.

Shiva Samhita

“5.75. This chakra is located at the base of the lingam (genital organs). It has 6 petals: Ba, Bha, Ma, Ya, Ra, La. Its color is blood red. Its lord is Bala, and its goddess is Rakini.

5.76. One who meditates on Svadhisthana daily becomes the lord of love and adoration of all beautiful goddesses.

5.77. He knows various Shastras by heart, and there is no science unknown to him. He is freed from all diseases and moves boldly through the world.

5.78. Death is absorbed by him, but he is not absorbed by anything. He acquires Siddhi powers, Vayu moves harmoniously through his entire body, and the body's capabilities increase. The amount of nectar flowing from the Soma chakra increases.”

Gheranda Samhita

“Ambhavi Dharana Mudra - concentration on the element of Water.

3.72. The element of water, white like jasmine or like a shell, in the shape of the moon, is associated with nectar and Vishnu, its Bija (syllable) VAM. Focus on the element of Water (in Svadhisthana) and fix Prana and Chitta there for 2 hours. This is concentration on the element of Water, destroying all suffering.

3.73. Water cannot harm the one who creates it. This Ambhavi is a great Mudra, and whoever knows it is versed in Yoga. Even in deep water it will not die.

3.74. This great Mudra should be carefully preserved - if disclosed, its power is lost; I really am telling the truth.”

Svadhisthana of illness

The genitals (male, female), bladder, lower part of the kidneys, renal pelvis, ureters, urethra, ovaries, uterus - in women, lower part of the lower back (except for the sacrum, which is associated with muladhara), and hips are associated with svadhisthana.

The most common violation is the issuance of some promises, the “blooming” of svadhisthana fields when they are not realized. The woman or man cleared the fields, people got excited, got ready for sex, and then it was all over. The essence of this disorder is that a person has a desire that is blocked, i.e. lack of internal permission to receive pleasure. If you want, do it. And if a person has a desire, but does not have the internal right to do so, then sooner or later diseases arise. In women, this leads to disease of the appendages and inflammation of the ovaries.

The next interesting type of violation. Since European culture is based on Christianity, our culture has a general attitude toward a negative attitude towards sex. This attitude lies so deeply in our culture that even when you consciously think that everything is good and possible, still deep down in your soul (this attitude lies very deeply in our mentality) it remains, and it is very difficult to uproot it. If this attitude is actively manifested, then the person may be prone to all sorts of fungal diseases (thrush, etc.). On the other hand, if a person does not know how to simply get high, have fun, i.e. To live with highs to the fullest, then various congestive diseases are possible, for example, in men - prostatitis. In addition, with internal restrictions, diseases of the lumbar region and reduced flexibility of this area may occur.
Another psychological reason that affects svadhisthana and can lead to certain diseases in both men and women is fear of pregnancy, in women it is fear of becoming pregnant, in men it is fear of a woman. This can lead to the development of various diseases and inflammations.

Syndromes of excited svadhisthana. Excited svadhisthana can arise when a person has a lot of energy during svadhisthana, but it simply is not realized and is not brought to the tail. A person wants to, but he doesn’t spread his tails. This can lead to cystitis - inflammation of the bladder. This can cause a rush of blood to the head, headaches, migraines, i.e. This is a syndrome of excited svadhisthana with the inability to remove energy from svadhisthana.

A significant part of schizophrenia is associated with the same reason, which develops at puberty, when the girl’s time is already high, and the family is hanging noodles on her ears, which is not possible yet, it’s too early. And the hormones are already playing, they don’t know that according to the passport it’s not time. There is also a disease - rushes of blood to the head. The girl sits, and then her face turns red like a tomato. And the reason is the same. All this goes away if there is a permanent partner who will satisfy her.

All sorts of desires that appeared and were not realized can fall on the hips in the form of thigh clamps; in men this is usually associated with the front surface of the thighs, in women - with the back surface of the thighs, which is the cause of cellulite. In women, the syndrome of completeness is associated with unrealized svadhisthana.

Diseases of the prostate gland (prostate) are associated with the lack of internal right to receive pleasure, emotional rigidity, not sensual rigidity, but emotional, and in the long term with the fall of women into this rigidity. A man cannot fully get a thrill from a woman, let go of himself in sex, which leads to a constant search for new partners: he tried, something was wrong, he went to look for another, again it was not right. But the problem is internal: there is no right to complete pleasure. Sometimes the motivation for such clamping is the desire to “show yourself” in bed, to prove your masculine abilities. The result is the same - prostatitis.

Fibroids, cysts and similar diseases are associated with some specific attacks on women by men, sometimes with deceptions, and deceptions can be of two types - deceptions of men and deceptions of themselves. In one case, the man falls in love, and in the other case, the woman pretends that she feels good.

Chakra problems

II chakra - sexual problems.

Left-hand side: Spiritualism and black magic, false gurus and false knowledge, alcohol and drugs, excessive servility and servility.
Right side: Excessive servility and servility. Excessive planning and intense mental activity, political extremism and fanaticism, excessive food addiction, self-oriented behavior and dominance over others.
Central side: Severe depletion of creative resources.

Several symptoms may indicate a weakened Swadisthan: diabetes, heart disease and related problems, difficulty in meditation, irritability. Interest in spiritualism and occult practices also has a detrimental effect on this center. If we delve into these areas, we direct Attention into the area of ​​the collective subconscious and become open to lethargy, hallucinations and negativity.




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Physiological aspect

The most important function of this center is the breakdown of fatty particles in the digestive system to renew the gray and white cells of the brain, and thus produce energy that fuels our thinking. Excessive mental activity and planning overload this process and exhaust this center. Swadistan is also responsible for the liver (along with the Nabi chakra). If this chakra is forced to cope with excessive mental activity, then other organs that it should also look after are neglected. The liver is especially susceptible to such neglect. Problems here are indicated by tingling of the thumb and middle fingers of the right hand.

The exceptional significance of the liver is that it is the seat of our Attention (chitta). Attention should not be confused with thoughts that come from the ego (our self) or superego (our past conditioning and upbringing). Attention is pure concentration minus mental/mental activity. For example, when we look at a flower, we keep our attention on it, that is, we study it. However, we will also think about it: “What a beautiful flower!” etc. Attention has no associative thoughts - it is pure concentration/observation. A balanced liver supports and nourishes our Attention and filters it, identifying any impurities and external disorder. From purified Attention comes the peace and silence that we find in our meditation. The liver is sensitive to overheating by alcohol or other stimulants, which has a detrimental effect on our Attention. Finally, it weakens our meditation.

Deities chakra

Sri Brahmadeva and Sri Saraswati

Brahma and His wife Saraswati are responsible for the central and right aspects of the chakra. Brahma refers to the highest Deities of the triad (Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma). He is the Creator of the world. According to the Mahabharata, Brahma is born in an egg, a golden embryo, floating in the primeval waters; Having spent a year in the egg (Brahma's stay in the egg is called the year of Brahma), He, by the power of thought, divides the egg into two halves: from one the Sky is created, from the other - the Earth; an air space appears between them. Then five elements appear (Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Ether), thought, and even later Gods, sacrifices, three Vedas, stars, time, mountains, plains, seas, rivers, finally, people, speech, passion, anger, joy, repentance, a set of oppositions (heat - cold, dryness - moisture, grief - joy, etc.). Brahma himself is divided into two parts - male and female. After this, plants, animals and birds, insects and demons are created. All living things, the entire world order is controlled, controlled and directed by Brahma; He, in fact, is the embodiment of the creative principle of existence, the personification of the Absolute as the Highest objective principle, from the consolidation of which the created world arose.

Saraswati - Goddess of eloquence, inventor of Sanskrit and the Devanagari alphabet. She is the patron of science and art. She is depicted as very beautiful wearing white robes, representing purity.

Together, Brahmadeva and Saraswati reflect God's power to create. They cooperate in the delicate balance of a person's intellectual and intuitive activities to enhance spontaneous creation.
Sri Nirmala Vidya

The left aspect of the Swadisthan chakra is protected by Nirmala Vidya. This is the power of creativity and imagination. Her main concern is protecting the purity of the creations she creates. This is a special energy with the help of which the work of mastering pure knowledge is carried out, which also gives the ability to love and forgive.
Sri Himalaya

The right aspect of the Swadisthana chakra, in addition to Brahmadeva and Saraswati, is patronized by Himalaya - the daughter of God of the peak of the Himalaya mountain, as well as Hazrat Ali and his wife Fatima. Hazrat Ali is the incarnation of Brahma. His wife is the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. Their main activity is openly opposing the fanaticism of religions and giving weight to human spirituality. Creativity on the right side manifests itself as intellectual perception.


The Swadisthan Chakra, like a satellite, is suspended by a thread behind the Nabi Chakra and rotates around the Void region, supporting the ten petals of the Void (which represent the ten commandments). When Kundalini rises, She first penetrates the Nabi Chakra, then along this thread it illuminates Swadisthan and then returns to the Nabi Chakra again, continuing its journey to the parietal region of the head.

In the course of evolution, man embodied his need for shelter in the construction of a home. As his aesthetics developed, he continued to improve the forms of the home until, finally, architecture emerged. This creativity evolved into an abstract form, thanks to which he could imagine, design and create an image that previously had no material counterpart. Thus, from the developed sense of aesthetics the arts arose.

The fundamental quality of Swadisthan is creativity. This is where the energy for our creativity is generated. Once realization is achieved, we discover that the real key to creativity lies in achieving through meditation the state of thoughtless awareness (nirvichara samadhi).

Then we realize that all the beauty of the universe is reflected in us as in a calm, serene lake. By locating this body of water and beauty, you can become its channel. We become a creative tool of the collective unconscious to reflect the purity of art without ego.

The process of creation, in any form, is based on the qualities of Swadisthan. If it is performed in a state of balance, that is, using the energies of Sushumna - the central channel of the subtle system, then its result is spiritually colored. You can say that he has a soul. Once realized, this is further enhanced and the final creation can become an inspiring piece. This can be seen in the classical works of Mozart and Michelangelo, which were realized from birth. Works of this order are immortal, they give joy and beauty, which characterizes an entire era.

However, the modern situation is such that even where an artist tries to start working “from the heart,” there is a tendency that his later works will become faded and lifeless. The primary reason for this tendency is the painter's ego. As success comes to the artist, he begins to work harder to consolidate or develop this success. This requires more intensive use of the right channel (Pingala Nadi, or Action Channel). A byproduct of depleting this channel is that the artist's ego begins to inflate. Note that from the point of view of the subtle system, the ego is located at the end of the channel of action (in a spherical shape on the left side of the head). From the moment the artist begins to think of himself as the sole creator of his works, thus neglecting divine inspiration, this process is accelerated, and his ego is inflated to such limits that the spiritual content of these works is completely destroyed.

The spirit that resides in our heart is the true source of creativity. Artists and people who are overly busy thinking or burdened with fame, success usually have a weak Swadisthan Chakra and these are usually unbalanced people. Their desire to be superior to others, or to be praised for their talents, comes from the ego, which is connected through the right channel to the right side of the Swadisthan Chakra. They have lost their spontaneity in this ambitious and competitive effort to create. This largely explains why most modern creations in any field are lacking Life, lacking Spirit, lacking Heart.

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Second chakra - Svadhisthana

Chakra location: in the pelvic area, between the pubic bones.

Color: mostly orange, but also yellow with a reddish tint.

Optional Color: blue.

Symbol: a circle surrounded by five or six lotus petals. Sometimes another one is placed in this circle, and letters are written in it that convey the sound “you”. A stem extends from this circle, symbolizing the connection of the chakra with the other chakras and with universal power. Sometimes a silver-gray crescent is drawn in a circle.

Keywords: change, sexuality, creativity, understanding others, honesty, inner strength, confidence.

Basic principles: creation, reproduction of life.

Internal aspect: emotions, sex.

Energy: creation.

Age period of development: between three and eight years.

Element: water.

Feeling: touch and taste.

Sound:"to you".

Body: etheric body.

Nerve plexus: sacrum.

Hormonal glands associated with the chakra: gonads - ovaries, testicles - prostate and lymphatic system.

Organs of the body associated with the chakra: pelvis, lymphatic system, kidneys, gall bladder, genitals and all fluids present in the body (blood, lymph, digestive juices, seminal fluid).

Problems and diseases arising due to imbalance in the chakra: muscle spasms, allergies, physical fragility, constipation, sexual imbalance and lack of libido, infertility, interference and depression, lack of creativity.

Aroma oils: rosemary, rose, ylang-ylang, juniper, sandalwood, jasmine.

Crystals and stones: amber, citrine, topaz, moonstone, fire agate, orange spinel, fire opal.

The sexual chakra is also called the sacral chakra, in Sanskrit it is called Svadhisthana. It is located in the pelvic area, and its petals are located approximately two finger widths below the navel. Its stem is connected to the area of ​​the sacrum and its nerve plexus.

The sex chakra is the center of unfiltered raw emotions, sexual energies and creativity. It symbolizes change and individuality through understanding the uniqueness of another.

The energies of the sexual chakra emanate from and merge with the main chakra. When the main chakra is properly balanced, stable and stable, it gives confidence to the sexual chakra. If the main chakra is unbalanced and unstable, it affects the sex chakra and everything associated with it. In such cases, a person may experience a lack of confidence in himself and his abilities, but mainly in the world around him.

The other most important function of this chakra is based on the confidence with which a person perceives the world: understanding the other. We are attentive and caring towards the life around us, especially attentive to the feelings of other people, and take them into account. All this happens when we feel like an independent and equal whole, a person. This feeling is acquired in early childhood and depends on how parents and the immediate environment treat the child. When the chakra is unbalanced, a person may lack concern for others due to too much self-focus or dependence, or even due to a symbiotic relationship where the person does not understand where the boundaries of his self are and the boundaries of the other begin. person.

The sex chakra is the center of sexuality, sexual pleasure, including feelings of fertility and sexual desire. The sex chakra is responsible for sexuality in a broader sense. It is directly related to sexual intercourse, but also to how we perceive our sexuality, to our attitude towards the gender we received at birth. This chakra is also associated with how we accept and evaluate ourselves as men and women, based on social norms, taking into account age characteristics and periods of life. The sexual chakra is responsible for the awareness of sexuality, the choice of sexual partners, for a lot of emotions and associations associated with sex. Our sexual stereotypes are rooted in this energy center, just like other stereotypes that society has instilled in us. It is this chakra that absorbs the norms regarding sex that prevail in the environment of a small child, be it norms of acceptance, naturalness and beauty, or feelings of sinfulness and forbiddenness. This chakra “learns” various ideas regarding male and female “functioning” in terms of sexual and love relationships.

The ability for creativity, creation, birth - the creation of something new, bearing the shade of your individuality, is rooted in the sexual chakra. It is the root of change coupled with curiosity, the spirit of adventure and innovation. The ability to ask questions, not to cling only to what exists, to ask about the unknown and new and to master it.

The sexual chakra is also responsible for our reproductive organs, which give birth to a new person, whose personality and existence reflect, on the one hand, his parents (physically, genetically and spiritually), and on the other hand, his individuality and status as an entity independent of others. Svadhisthana is responsible for every creation. It originates within a person as an integral part of him, but then lives its own life.

The second chakra is the chakra that allows our inner abilities to come out and activates our inner power, which manifests itself in the ability to turn ideas into reality, activate the original potential and turn it into something concrete. A child is precisely this initial potential, when it is a sperm and an egg, then an embryo in the mother's womb, and then, when born, becomes a perfect, real being.

The meaning of inner strength is the ability to express our uniqueness, realize our potential without fear of other people's reactions, without asking permission or approval, and fearlessly using our talents.

Often people allow various factors to influence their mature choices due to the need to be part of society and the fear of being ostracized. When a person is well aware of his inner strength, when he has high self-esteem and a high degree of self-satisfaction, he does not allow this type of manipulation and does not sacrifice his individuality for social approval.

Instead, he will respect the wisdom, experience and talents of others, and will feel that they are sharing with him, teaching him, strengthening his personal strength through their methods of study. Thus, he will not allow himself to be blinded by the power of people, they will not become his “gurus” at whose feet he will lay down the individuality of his being.

A state of imbalance in the sexual chakra can seriously affect a person's ability to stand up for themselves and without hesitation to follow their personal path that leads to self-realization.

Meanwhile, showing individuality does not mean turning your back on society; on the contrary, when the sexual chakra is properly balanced, a person feels like an active member of his family, an active citizen of the locality, the society in which he lives, and he wants to be active because of for the desire to make them better, to bring them peace and tranquility.

The sexual chakra symbolizes the apparent duality of wanting to maintain our individuality while being part of the whole. In fact, such duality does not exist, because, being full and integral beings, we are part of the universe, body, soul and spirit.

Honesty to yourself and to others is one of the functions for which the sexual chakra is responsible. Honesty is freedom from fear and anxiety. When the second chakra is in strong balance, a person can, first of all, be honest with himself. In many situations, people, for various reasons, entertain themselves with illusions, “close their eyes,” and deceive themselves. Many of these reasons arise from a lack of confidence in the universe.

When a person is not sure that the universe treats him as a beloved child, many fears and anxieties arise in him regarding the future and other people. Because of this, a person becomes unable to be honest with his surroundings. Lack of integrity comes from the fear of somehow offending people by telling the truth, acting the truth, or even thinking the truth. When a person is confident in his inner strength, he realizes that nothing in the world can harm his soul if he remains sincere.

Chakra location: in the pelvic area, between the pubic bones.

Color: mostly orange, but also yellow with a reddish tint. Optional Color: blue.

Symbol: a circle surrounded by five or six lotus petals. Sometimes another one is placed in this circle, and letters are written in it that convey the sound “you”. A stem extends from this circle, symbolizing the connection of the chakra with the other chakras and with universal power. Sometimes a silver-gray crescent is drawn in a circle.

Keywords: change, sexuality, creativity, understanding others, honesty, inner strength, confidence.

Basic principles: creation, reproduction of life.

Internal aspect: emotions, sex. Energy: creation.

Age period of development: between three and eight years.

Element: water.

Feeling: touch and taste.

Sound:"to you".

Body: etheric body.

Nerve plexus: sacrum.

Hormonal glands associated with the chakra: gonads - ovaries, testicles - prostate and lymphatic system.

Body organs associated with chakra: pelvis, lymphatic system, kidneys, gall bladder, genitals and all fluids present in the body (blood, lymph, digestive juices, seminal fluid).

Problems and diseases arising from an imbalance in the chakra: muscle spasms, allergies, physical fragility, constipation, sexual imbalance and lack of libido, infertility, interference and depression, lack of creativity.

Aroma oils: rosemary, rose, ylang-ylang, juniper, sandalwood, jasmine.

: amber, citrine, topaz, moonstone, fire agate, orange spinel, fire opal.

Following the acquisition of confidence in the future comes the great joy of being. The journey of life continues. The second chakra - Svadhisthana represents an existence full of joy. And if Muladhara, the beginning of beginnings, represents perseverance and confidence, then Svadhisthana is the next stage: receiving material, earthly pleasures.

To be light and pliable, flexible and fluid, like a stream of water that gently warms with its warm waters, and smoothly bending around all obstacles on its way - that’s philosophy and essence of the second chakra. This energy center also has a second name - jalamandala, which comes from the Sanskrit word "jala" - which means "water".

Warm orange color warms the soul and makes you smile. The activity of the second chakra encourages a person to seek pleasure in everything: the material world seems to be a platform for one big game, whose name is life. And along this entire stretch of the path, your companion will be an orange six-pointed lotus - the womb for the creative unconscious - a white crescent, which in Hinduism is a symbol of Varuna, the Vedic deity of the world's waters.

The well-known organic mineral amber- is the embodiment of Swadhisthana. Literally emerging from the water, sometimes called a “tear of the sea,” this stone contains the energy of the creative center. It is believed that amber has the magical property of purifying the soul and body, just as water washes away all the bad things from a person. By harmonizing with the energy of the second chakra, this mineral will also help increase the creative power of the wearer and sharpen life intuition.

Svadhisthana is located in the human body slightly below the navel, near the genitals. Physiologically, the second chakra is responsible for sexual energy and sensual pleasures, as well as the metabolism of substances and fluids in the body. Diseases of the genitourinary system, reproductive or hormonal changes are the result of any problems in this chakra.

Svadhisthana chakra: information about the work of the chakra.

One of the main functions of the chakra is awareness of another person. If svadhisthana is harmonized, its owner is attentive to people, he respects people’s feelings, looks closely at them. This becomes possible due to the fact that he feels like a complete independent person. As a rule, chakra harmonization is established in early childhood. If parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts love the child, respect his feelings and thoughts, no problems arise. But if a child grows up without love and affection, the chakra malfunctions. In this case, an adult does not want to take care of his family, he is completely fixated on himself, on what is happening inside him. He doesn't care about people's feelings. Often such a person does not feel the difference between the boundaries of his biofield and other people's biofields. Therefore, he shamelessly invades the lives of other people, inflicting mental wounds on them.

All sexual pleasures are concentrated in the second chakra. These feelings should not be confused with the instinct of procreation, for which the first chakra is responsible. We are talking about sexual desire and receiving true pleasure. It is from the sacral chakra that our perception of sexuality in general depends, how we relate to the gender given to us at birth. Swadhisthana helps us evaluate ourselves as men and women, taking into account social norms, age and more. Submitting to the action of the sexual chakra, we become aware of sexual desire, choose our partners, and receive a wide variety of emotions during sex. The second chakra is one of the most interesting.

On the one hand, it contains those stereotypes that have developed in us over the years, on the other hand, it absorbs the stereotypes common in society. And often these are two opposing points of view. Already in early childhood, each of us begins to absorb sexual norms. We learn what sensuality, naturalness, physical beauty, forbiddenness and sinfulness are. In addition, we begin to distinguish how a man differs from a woman in terms of sexual activity.

The second chakra is where a person’s ability to create arises., create something new, express your bright individuality. It also brings changes into our lives - through curiosity and adventurism. Thanks to the second chakra, each of us remains a curious child throughout our lives, asking a lot of questions, reaching out to the unknown, trying to master the hitherto unknown.

And of course, svadhisthana is responsible for reproductive functions. With her help, a new life is born, a little man is born. Despite the fact that he doesn’t know how to do anything yet, he is already a complete person. Half of him consists of what his parents passed on to him on the genetic and spiritual levels, and half is a bright personality that will reveal itself a little later.

Sex chakra helps the creative abilities inherent in a person to come out and develop. It is responsible for activating inner strength and allows you to turn seemingly the most fantastic ideas into reality. The easiest way to see the effect of svadhisthana is on a small child. Initially, the initial potential is taken, from which nothing may come of it - this is an egg and a sperm. Thanks to the action of the chakra in the womb of a woman, an embryo develops from this potential. After nine months he becomes a real person and comes out.

What is inner strength expressed in? The fact that we can calmly express our individuality and potential, without fear of how the people around us will react to it, without expecting approval from them. We simply realize our talent as we see fit.

Often people become dependent on the opinions of society. They are afraid that they may be ridiculed and refused to communicate with them. But a person endowed with inner strength will never allow himself to be manipulated. He remains an individual under any circumstances and does not bring his talent to the slaughter of society.

A person with a developed sexual chakra respects wise mentors, takes on experience with pleasure, and learns from more talented people. But at the same time, he will never blindly obey his teachers and bow to them. He will be able to preserve his talent and will not give up on it, even if the whole world opposes it.

A malfunction in the sexual chakra leads to a person becoming weak in spirit. He cannot defend his point of view, tries to follow other (even less talented) people, and is afraid of self-realization.

By the way, it would not be entirely correct to assume that every person with a healthy chakra is opposed to society. He flows into it and is part of it. But, unlike weak people, he does not allow this society to break him or convince him. Such a person realizes himself as he sees fit - for the benefit of society. He tries to make life easier for the people around him, to make sure that peace and tranquility come to their homes.

The originality of the sexual chakra lies in the fact that it seems to consist of two opposite directions. On the one hand, svadhisthana personifies the desire to preserve individuality, on the other hand, the desire to be part of society. But it seems so from a superficial approach. If you dig deeper, you can understand that our whole life consists of precisely such contradictions. Each person is a whole person. However, it is part of the Universe around us.

The second chakra is also responsible for honesty. How is this quality expressed? In complete freedom from all fears. If the chakra is healthy, a person is not afraid to conduct an internal dialogue with himself. Imbalance leads to uncertainty in the Universe. As a result, people move away from their inner self. They prefer to close their eyes to many things, live in dreams and illusions, deceiving themselves every minute.

Fears and anxieties appear then when a person does not feel love from the Universe. He is not sure of the future, does not feel like a child of heaven and earth. That is why he cannot be honest even to himself. Such a person is very afraid of offending people, hurting them, or expressing his opinion. If a person feels inner strength, he is confident that no one will harm his soul, honesty and sincerity will always be fundamental in his life.

Disturbances in the second chakra.

Problems at the energy level of Svadhisthana There are two types: stagnation and imbalance. In the first case, it is easy to draw an analogy with a swamp - the energy is stagnant and does not move, something is holding back the flows and preventing new movement. This clamp is often a feeling of guilt - it is precisely this that blocks cheerfulness and openness.

Manifestation of excessive seriousness, dryness, lack of interest in life, impotence, pain in the lower abdomen and creative failure - all these are symptoms of stagnation. Another destructive emotion – jealousy – can also be a pressure and a reason for stagnation. This leads to a state of obsession, stagnation of thoughts and emotions on one person, dependence on him and eventually slowly destroys the relationship.

The second type of violation is imbalance, is fraught with no less serious consequences. This is a state of manic excitability and excessive focus on pleasure and hedonism. A person experiences a constant need to search for ever greater sources of pleasure and is not abstinent in sex, food, alcohol and drugs. The apparent euphoria is followed by a breakdown, because maintaining excess requires a large amount of chakra energy.

Chakra malfunction, as a rule, originates from any unpleasant situations that happen at the time of its formation or during the period of puberty. At this time, a person is not sure of his personal sexual attractiveness. He often engages in self-analysis, tries to understand who he is, why he was born a boy or a girl, and learns the differences between the sexes both in sex and at the everyday level.

This is the period of birth of new sexual energies. The man is rushing about, not understanding what is happening. He turns to teachers and parents with questions, but, alas, they often do not know how to answer the questions he has, how to teach him how to manage sexual energy. Often all this ends in the emergence of unhealthy ideas about sex. A person begins to be ashamed of expressing feelings, considers them harmful both for himself and for others, and is afraid to express sexual energy. As a result, there is a severe suppression of sensitivity, lowering self-esteem.

The situation can be complicated by society. A particularly striking negative comes from growing up in a conservative society, where sexuality stands alongside such concepts as “prohibition” and “sin.” In such societies show your sexuality- means committing a crime for which retribution will inevitably come. It is clear that a person does not want to be punished, so he begins to suppress his sexual energy. As a result, not only sexual desire disappears, but also the feeling of joy from every day lived.

If suppression continues for a long time, the ability to sincerely feel and express oneself is destroyed. It becomes extremely difficult for a person to meet the opposite sex and look for sexual partners. The chakra cannot withstand such torture and fails. This leads to a joyless life, chronic fatigue, reluctance to create and create, imbalance and serious complexes.

Let us note right away that none of the desires suppressed by a person ever goes away. In all subtle layers there is a constant conflict between the desire that has arisen and its suppression. The inability to realize what the body wants leads to dissatisfaction with life. In order to somehow compensate for what he lacks, a person at the subconscious level begins to look for substitutes for feelings. This is how attachment to money arises, the desire to eat delicious food, alcoholism, promiscuity without feelings for a partner.

Unbalanced svadhisthana The chakra brings a person to a constant feeling of anxiety. It becomes difficult for him to realize himself. A person does not know what his life path is, how to get there and achieve everything he wants.

It also happens that a person wants to enjoy a relationship, and we are talking not only about sexual relationships, but also about emotional connections. But, alas, no matter what he tries, he cannot find the proper outlet for his emotions and feelings. Desperate, he refuses to build relationships, leads a secluded lifestyle, and complains that he is completely unable to start a family. At the same time, it doesn’t even occur to him that the problem is himself and the weakened sexual chakra.

Problems we face as adults, often comes from our childhood. Many of us, under the influence of harsh parents, cannot express our feelings and restrain sexual desires during puberty. If this happens, the same signal “I cannot express what I want” is constantly sent from our body to space. And then the mirror effect comes into play.

These problems can and should be dealt with. First you need to work with the subconscious. It must stop sending negative requests to the Universe. Instead, the following message should go: “I am capable of open, true relationships. I want family and love in my life.” In this case, the Universe will help you realize your desires. In addition to working with the subconscious, attention should also be paid to the sexual chakra. It needs to be harmonized and balanced.

If you suppress sexual desires(both on the physical and emotional levels), making love will not bring the desired pleasure. A person can begin to look for sexual partners only to relieve sexual desire, without feelings and attachments. Sex will turn into hasty copulation. Other rolls may also occur. For example, a stream of erotic fantasies, the inability to experience pleasure without watching erotic films. Often all this is accompanied by a guilt complex.

One thing is for sure. Unbalanced Sex Chakra leads to tension and uncertainty. This can result in ostentatious bravado, in philandering. So if you meet a man on your way who compiles a list of women fascinated by him, know that his svadhisthana chakra is greatly weakened.

If the chakra is disharmonized, a person begins to engage in lynching. Every mistake he makes is subject to careful analysis. He stays awake at night remembering how one of his actions led to problems. As a result, his life is filled with disappointment and shame for what he has done. These feelings may be temporary. But sometimes it happens that these feelings remain with a person for life. The worst thing is that he then begins to treat other people in exactly the same way, condemning them and subjecting them to criticism. One of the main signs that a person is constantly judging himself is the occurrence of kidney stones.

In order for life to become bright and rich, for the creative unconscious to awaken, it is necessary to open the Swadhistan chakra. Achieving Harmony happens gradually, but is available right here and now - allow yourself to enjoy all the delights of this life, but only those that have a beneficial effect on the body. Enjoy every day you live and every little thing, act with good intentions and enjoy the process of doing the work, and not at all the result. Staying in the present moment, you cannot help but notice the creative beauty of the world and begin to rejoice.

Svadhisthana and the physical body.

The second chakra influences on the pelvic organs, kidneys, lymph flows. Therefore, disharmony can manifest itself in diseases of one of the above organs or in disorders of entire systems. Most often, circulatory problems, muscle spasms, kidney disease, and impotence begin.

The kidneys are most dependent on the functioning of the chakra. They express feelings such as shame, self-criticism, and disappointment. Let us immediately note that each person understands in his own way what “success” and “failure” are. Each of us has our own criteria for measuring these concepts. And often these are just misconceptions that complicate our lives. What concerns criticism and self-criticism, then here again everything depends only on us. If we cannot pass by another person without criticizing him (at least mentally), then we are gnawing at ourselves. If a person accepts himself completely, he will treat others with understanding.

A person whose sexual chakra works without failure, has a different attitude towards life. He enjoys every day, does not criticize anyone, and sees life as an exciting adventure. He understands that he shouldn’t get too upset about troubles. Any trouble is just a lesson given by life to accumulate experience and correct karma. Having passed it, we will receive the next lesson, and this will happen throughout our lives.

But this does not mean that the owner of a balanced svadhisthana chakra does not experience disappointment at all and does not know what remorse is. No, he is the same person as everyone else. He simply understands that everything in this world is relative and illusory. There are no concepts of “right” and “wrong”. Every action performed by a person is needed for something. Quite possibly, this is one of life's lessons. Or maybe this is a punishment for what he did in a past life.

Exactly svadhisthana chakra is responsible for awareness ourselves as men and as women. It poses questions such as “What is it to be a man? What is it to be a woman? What is the difference between the sexes? Who has more responsibility? Who suffers more in love.” The associations that we have when considering a person of our own and the opposite sex depend on how developed the chakra is.

If a person misunderstands his purpose in the world, if he does not love himself and his body, then he will not love another person. His sexual partners will never hear words of gratitude from him. Moreover, in relation to them, a person will always only have anger and resentment. Oddly enough, these negative emotions can cause genital infections, itching, and inflammatory processes.

If a person is formed in a society in which sex is condemned, in adulthood he will begin to have problems with potency (in men) and with the menstrual cycle (in women). He will want to satisfy his sexual partner, to give him the pleasure he is waiting for. But at the same time, his subconscious will whisper that this is wrong, that it is shameful to have sex.

If you balance the sexual chakra, problems will disappear on their own.

Sex, alcohol, tobacco, chocolate, drugs- all this is svadhisthana chakra, and it’s easy to get used to all this. Addiction to habit consumes a person trapped in this chakra, and the thought of pleasure drives away all other thoughts. When you are in a state conditioned by the action of this center, you strive to recreate the pleasure experienced previously. This does not lead to the fulfillment of desire, since there is no instantaneity, spontaneity.

You are turning from the present to the past.

Trying to break the habit also, as a rule, ends in nothing. The more you struggle, the stronger the desire. Accepting pleasure, being constantly aware of it, is the antidote. While enjoying, you lose your head and cease to be aware of your surroundings. A must remain fully conscious and sane during the process of satisfaction. This is completely different from simply giving up an enjoyable experience.

Giving up something means losing a part of your own personality, and the longing for the lost feeling will never leave you, you will simply drive it deeper. This is, of course, better than simply giving up pleasure as if it never happened.

But concentrating on pleasure Instead of pursuing pleasure, you will leave many temptations behind thanks to the knowledge that the experience itself is no longer a foretaste of it. This awareness obviously arises from the conscious state during pleasure. Not before the feeling of pleasure and not after pleasure, but precisely during.

Chakra can be balanced by wearing crystals, aromatherapy, color therapy. It’s a good idea to use meditation and self-hypnosis in addition to these methods. Thanks to an integrated approach, even the most chronic sexual problems can be solved.

Svadhisthana chakra and lymph.

The sexual chakra has a significant influence on the activity of the lymphatic system. That, in turn, helps the body cleanse itself of waste and toxins. Through lymph flows, vital protein is delivered to the capillaries. In addition, the lymphatic system is responsible for the regeneration of blood plasma. Lymphatic currents permeate the entire physical body; they are a network of tubes of different diameters. Lymphatic centers that distribute lymph flows are concentrated in the most important organs. Human immunity depends on the state of the lymphatic system. As soon as an unwanted virus or bacteria enters the body, the lymphatic centers retain it, preventing it from passing further into the blood.

Surely you remember from your school anatomy course that lymph is an important transport system of the body. Therefore, if the sexual chakra, which is responsible for the lymphatic system, works perfectly, our organs and tissues receive all the necessary nutrients on time. Immunity is strengthened every day. Neither viruses nor bacteria take root in the body. So if you don’t want to constantly catch a cold, meditate and harmonize your sexual chakra. Remember that your physical health depends on it.

To stimulate this chakra, use stones red and orange shades: amber, red jasper, coral, tourmaline.

Step 3: As you imagine the sun rising, focus on the sensation of sunlight starting to emanate from that point. Inhale and exhale it with this chakra. Until you feel that at this point a small sun has lit up in you, filled with bright, masculine energy. Allow the flow of Planetary Yoga to intensify and build as you inhale and exhale from this point, which turns into a sphere. Of course, while breathing, try to “inhale” all the other described parameters (color, size, properties), and slowly begin to feel this point and the waves that it spreads outside and into your body. Feel the energy of pleasure coming from this chakra.

Svadhisthana. Exercise 1 (for women)

Step 1. Take a calm, comfortable position.

Step 2. Move your attention to a point in the body whose projection will be the sacrum.

Step 3: Imagine the Moon. Moonlight. And everything that is inherent in it, and everything that is reflected in you when you see it, at the level of sensations. Inhale and exhale it until a small moon appears inside you, at this point, maximally filled with feminine energy. Of course, in addition to this, “inhale” all the properties of the chakra we described. Feel the energy of pleasure that comes from the chakra. It will be soft orange, a very pleasant color. If difficulties arise with this, then simply allow the pleasure of breathing from this chakra to come.

Practice for revealing Svadhisthana.

The most effective and simplest means of revealing svadhisthana is the practice of concentrating on the area a couple of centimeters below the navel while simultaneously pronouncing the svadhisthana mantra “VAM”.

1.Sit in any comfortable position. You should not torture yourself with the lotus position if it causes discomfort or interferes with relaxation. You can just sit on a chair. It is permissible to practice in other poses as you like. However, lying down causes excessive relaxation, which reduces concentration and causes sleep. Standing, on the contrary, is a rare person who is able to relax sufficiently.

2. Place your hands so that they do not hang and distract attention. If this is too easy for you, then try holding its mudra (Shivalingam mudra) in parallel with concentration on svadhisthana.
Remember, your main task is to maintain concentration; do not perform mudra to the detriment of it, otherwise it will reduce the effectiveness of the practice.

3.Breathe with your stomach, deeply and slowly. Let go of all your problems, throw away depressing thoughts. Rest like this for five minutes.

4. Bring all your attention to the area of ​​your body below your navel.

5.Inhale and then chant the bija mantra (you can listen to the correct pronunciation in the video meditation).

6. Feel the vibration in svadhisthana, imagine how huge streams of energy from space rush there.

We work in a cycle: inhale -> chanting the mantra “YOU” with visualization -> exhale. Concentration is always on the chakra. When pronouncing the sound “M”, the tongue should be pressed to the palate. Strive to keep your attention under control and learn to keep your mind silent. Every thought takes away your attention and reduces the quality of your concentration. As your skills develop, you will be able to concentrate even during a leisurely walk.

Use the visualization of a glowing orange ball in your lower abdomen. This will improve the effectiveness of the svadhisthana exercises, but the main thing here is concentration. Don't be distracted by this if you have a weak imagination.


Make a fist with your right hand and point your thumb up. Place your right hand on the firm cup, with the fingers of your left hand clasped together. Both hands should be held at the same level as your stomach, with your elbows pointing outward and slightly forward. The right hand will be like a fist with the thumb pointing up, resting on the bowl with the left hand.

Meditation “Golden Bowl”.

I advise you to start every day with MEDITATIONS of the Golden Bowl. Try to see your heart in the form of a golden bowl in your mind's eye. Now imagine all those you love and those who love you.

Imagine the warm golden energy comes from all these people and fills your golden cup. Mentally take in all the beauty that surrounds you every day: a sunset, a child’s laughter, a magnificent painting or wonderful music.

Imagine how the energy of all this beauty flows into your cup. Go to the angelic, spiritual level of consciousness, feel how Divine love is directed towards you and fills your golden cup. Now you can go out into the world and communicate with people. I am sure that you have never been so attractive in your life!

If there are similar problems in your life and you cannot cope with them on your own, I invite you to, where after just one meeting you will clarify the reasons for your difficulties.