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Try to prove that you are not a camel. Prove that you are not a camel

Prove that you are not a camel

Razg. Joking. Prove the obvious. /i> From a reprise of “Zucchini 13 Chairs,” a popular TV show of the 1960s and 1970s. Dyadechko 2, 26.

Large dictionary of Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .

See what “Prove that you are not a camel” in other dictionaries:

    PROVE THAT YOU ARE NOT A CAMEL- adj. It is necessary to prove the obvious... Explanatory dictionary of modern colloquial phraseological units and proverbs

    Then prove that you are not a camel- The belief that after some time the facts may be perceived completely differently, be misinterpreted, and you will have to prove obvious things, justify yourself... Dictionary of folk phraseology

    Talking camel. Jarg. they say In role-playing games, a person capable of performing primitive roles with text. BSRG, 93. Prove that you are not a camel. Razg. Joking. Prove the obvious. /i> From a reprise of “Zucchini 13 Chairs,” a popular TV show from 1960... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    make excuses- ▲ to deny one’s own, to be guilty, to justify oneself, to prove one’s innocence. deny the charge. prove that you are not a camel (simple irony) ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    arable land- Seeing a field being plowed in a dream foretells the fulfillment of hopes. If in your dream the arable land is harrowed, this is a pleasant surprise; if it is sowed, your friends will behave insincerely and you will discover deception where you least expected. If in... ... Melnikov's Dream Interpretation


  • Explosive PR. Weapons of social seduction, Roman Maslennikov. Audiobook “Explosive PR. Weapons of Social Seduction”, (“Hype Bible”), from the founder of this direction of non-standard promotion and producer of hundreds of sensations, Roman Maslennikov -...

Dmitriev Dmitry Vladimirovich,

Kokovin Pavel Sergeevich,

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 4",

Sukholozhsky district, village. Kurya



for grades 9-11

The game is intended for students in grades 9-11 and is a kind of training for teenagers, creating conditions for the development of social initiative.

The goal of the game is to improve general legal culture and form a holistic humanistic personality of the student.

Game objectives:

  • updating legal knowledge;

  • creating conditions for self-realization and adaptation of a teenager, who is the most vulnerable figure in the adult world;

  • formation of skills and abilities in the legal field;

  • increasing interest in the subject through the creation of a game situation.
During the game, information is tracked based on the following indicators:

a) legal indicator (students’ ideas about human rights and freedoms, legal awareness of the situation, choice of ways to protect their rights, skills and abilities to work with legal documents);

b) moral indicator (moral and ethical compliance with the real situation, choice of legal means of protecting one’s interests, i.e., students’ activity strategy);

c) indicator of social adaptation (communication skills, ability to navigate in a changing situation, changes at the level of relationships);

d) indicator of asociality (conflict, illegal behavior);

e) creative indicator (coming to non-standard solutions in the preparation and course of the game, self-realization of the individual).


During the educational process, while studying the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Constitution of the Russian Federation (course “Human Rights of a Free Country”), the attention of 9th grade students is focused on the issues of protecting human rights and freedoms. Ninth graders participate in the above event as the main group and players. Those in grades 10-11 are the organizers of the game process.

Thus, the game involves the creation of a two-stage system of participation in it: the first stage (9th grade) - ordinary players (citizens); second stage (grades 10-11) - organizers of the game process (bureaucrats, judges, lawyers, service personnel, press).

Teachers and parents can take part in the game at both levels of participation. Playing at the second stage, they are assistant organizers and at the same time observers (collection of diagnostic materials).

During the preparation of the game, an initiative group of schoolchildren and teachers develops the “legend” and “space” of the fictional state, its structure and attributes; The design of the playing space is being prepared (costumes, surroundings, posters, sound recordings, etc.).


The game is an innovative role-playing game (collective in an individual mode) and is aimed at the personal orientation of schoolchildren in legal norms. The game designs a model of modern society with official and unofficial structures.

The game consists of three stages.

First stage (immersion in the game)

The chief bureaucrat addresses the citizens of the state with a welcoming speech and an announcement about the upcoming certification for "non-camelism" and the rules for its passage: within a specified period (3 hours), each citizen must go through six commissions and receive on each of them the signature of one of the bureaucrats, confirming his “non-camelism.” Next, the citizens are introduced to the State Court (the Chief Judge takes the oath), the flag of the state is brought out (the anthem of the Bureaucrats is played), and members of the commissions conducting the certification are introduced1:

KGB(Deep Drilling Committee) tests the moral stability of citizens;

Biological Control accepts citizens for a medical commission;

Red Book reveals the presence of knowledge and love for living nature;

Commission of Love and Marriage establishes the moral and emotional maturity of citizens;

bullpen(Patriotic Defense Committee) checks the military-patriotic training of citizens;

African Embassy tests knowledge of the African continent and issues invitations.

Citizens receive certification (bypass) sheets, on which Bureaucrats must sign, and local “currency” in the amount of 30 pieces.

Second stage (collection of signatures)

Citizens visit certification commissions on a first-come, first-served basis, where, in accordance with current bureaucratic instructions, they prove to the Bureaucrats their “non-camelism” in matters within the competence of each instruction.

The instructions of the bureaucratic commissions are drawn up in such a way that some points of the instructions contradict the articles of the Constitution of the state (see the section “Materials for the game”).

Consequently, a deliberately illegal situation is artificially created.

There are several ways out for citizens from the illegal situation and the situation of arbitrariness of bureaucrats:

1) unsuccessful departure from the station;

2) illegal solution to the situation (bribe, personal agreement, blackmail, threat to life, etc. in relation to Bureaucrats);

3) legal solution to the situation: appealing to the Court against the actions of the Bureaucrat (personal or on a point of instruction that does not comply with the Constitution).

A citizen should be able to detect such a discrepancy, which is key learning point in Game. If the citizen-plaintiff wins the case, the bureaucrat-defendant puts his signature directly in the Court.

During the game, the texts of the instructions and the Constitution are posted on the doors and walls of the entire playing space.

To make it easier or more difficult to pass certification commissions, there are auxiliary institutions in the game (passing them is not necessary):

MARRIAGE REGISTRY(registration of marriages among citizens);

Archive(issuance of certificates upon request);

Exchange(money exchange, playing on the exchange rate);

COP(Public Order Corps);

Legal consultation(paid consultation of citizens on emerging issues);

State Court(consideration of claims of citizens and Bureaucrats).

Among the citizens are “Good Uncles” and “Good Aunts”, who, for a negotiated fee, help citizens get to the commission without queuing (they personify the use of personal connections in society).

During the game, the Legal Consultation creates the Lawfulness Party, which criticizes the illegal actions of the Bureaucrats and puts forward a reform program. The KPZ, using the discontent of citizens, creates a radical party and prepares a revolution (military coup), during which it is planned to arrest the activities of the Bureaucrats and transfer power into the hands of the KPZ.

Third stage (summarizing)

After 3 hours (stated time), a rally is organized on the Main Square of the playing space (Chief Bureaucrat with the help of the COP). Parties, societies, etc. that emerged during the game speak to citizens with their programs. A universal open individual vote is held, which decides the future fate of the state.

Summing up the game

1) Awarding the winners (citizens who have proven their “non-camelism”). Among the winners are citizens who won primarily through legal means (the signature received through the Court is certified by the seal of the Court).

2) Presentation of nominations to the players who have distinguished themselves most in the game: those who have shown creativity, knowledge, ingenuity, a sense of humor, etc. when passing certification (this information is collected in all operating institutions).

After the game, it is desirable that a survey of students’ opinions be conducted, a joint discussion of the results of the game by players of the 1st and 2nd stages of participation. Possible access to the school newspaper.

FRSE Constitution

Article 1. Citizens of the Federal Republic of the Fourth Floor (FRFE) are all living beings of any biological and social origin, age, appearance and attire.

Article 2. The official language of the FRSE is colloquial Russian.

Article 3. All FRSE citizens are guaranteed the following rights and freedoms:

  • freedom of conscience;

  • freedom of speech;

  • freedom of assembly;

  • freedom of unions and public organizations;

  • right to certification;

  • the right to appeal to the State Court against unlawful actions of Bureaucrats and unlawful bureaucratic instructions.
Article 4. A citizen of the FRSE is recognized as certified if he has received confirmation of his “non-camelism” in all the necessary commissions. FRChE citizens are guaranteed compliance with all constitutional rights and freedoms during the period of certification.

Article 5. All certified FRSE citizens are guaranteed a one-time receipt of the corresponding portion of the State Cake.

Article 6. The right to property - possession, disposal, use of cakes - is recognized only by certified citizens of the Federal Economic Community.

Article 7. The right of single and unmarried citizens to undergo certification is guaranteed by law. No one has the right to refuse to confirm that a citizen is being certified as a “non-camel” because of his single or unmarried status.

Article 8. Ignorance and illiteracy of FRSE citizens cannot be grounds for refusal to confirm their “non-camelism” during the certification period.

Article 9. Service in the Patriotic Defense Forces is a sacred duty and honorable responsibility of every citizen of the FRSE. Family citizens of the Russian Federation are exempt from serving in the Patriotic Forces of the Russian Federation.

Article 10. Any manifestation of physical or mental violence on the part of FRSE citizens undergoing certification leads to the deprivation of the perpetrator of FRSE citizenship and expulsion from the territory of FRSE by decision of the State Court.

Article 11. Responsibility for maintaining order rests with the Public Order Corps of the Federal Security Service, acting in accordance with the instructions of the CoP.
Certificate of “non-camelism” of a citizen of the FRSE

Constitution of the FRSE (extracts):

Article 3. All FRSE citizens are guaranteed the right to certification...

Article 4. A citizen of the FRSE who has received confirmation of his “non-camelism” in all commissions is recognized as certified...

Article 5. All certified FRSE citizens are guaranteed a one-time receipt of the corresponding part of the State Cake...

Full Name

Certification commissions

(any order of passing)

Deep Drilling Committee (KGB) (signature)

Biological Control

Red Book

Commission of Love and Marriage

Patriotic Defense Committee (PDC)

African Embassy

Conclusion: (signature of the Chief Bureaucrat)

Law “On the status of the State Court of the Federal Economic Council”

Article 1. Judicial power in the Federal Republic of the Fourth Floor (FRSE) belongs only to the State Court (SC) represented by the State Judge and Judges.

Article 2. GS FRChE is independent, obeys only the Law and is not accountable to anyone.

Article 3. The requirements, orders and decisions of the State Council in the exercise of its powers are binding on all government bodies, public associations, officials, and other legal entities and individuals without exception.

Article 4. Information, documents and their copies necessary for the administration of justice are provided at the request of the Civil Service immediately, without fail and free of charge.

Article 5. The State Judge acts in accordance with the oath given to him.

Article 6. Showing disrespect for the Civil Code in the exercise of its powers, as well as failure to comply with the requirements, orders and decisions of the Civil Code entails punishment for citizens in the form of recognition as a camel in court, punishment for officials in the form of a fine in the amount of 5 UGE (conventional state units)1 .

Article 7. The GS is inviolable.

Article 8. The powers of the State Judge are not limited to a certain period, since it is not established by the Constitution of the EDF.

Article 9. The State Judge is irremovable.

Article 10. The State Flag is installed in the State Building premises
Article 11. When administering justice, the State Judge and Judges wear robes of the established pattern.

Article 12. The HS has its own stamp of the established type.
FRSE Procedural Code

Article 1. Statements of claim and complaints are accepted by the GSDFE from any citizen of the DFSE only after payment of the state fee.

Article 2. Office work and legal proceedings in the GS FRFE are conducted in the state language - Russian.

Article 3. Received statements of claim and complaints are registered in the Book of Records of Claims and Complaints, where the results of consideration of these statements of claim and complaints are also recorded.

Article 4. To summon defendants and witnesses in claims to the Civil Court, the State Judge has the right to send summonses with notification of delivery to the named participants in the process.

Immediate appearance at the Civil Court and provision of the documents named in the summons to the court are mandatory.

Failure to appear at the Civil Court of the defendant within 5 minutes from the receipt of the summons entails the automatic recognition of the plaintiff as a camel.

Article 5. The Civil Code has the right to issue copies of decisions it makes on claims. Copies of decisions are issued to government bodies, officials and public associations upon submission of a written request without paying a state fee.

Copies of decisions are issued to other legal entities upon submission of a request, subject to payment of the state fee.

Copies of decisions are issued to citizens without request, subject to payment of the state fee.

Resolution of the CHIEF BUREAUCRAT

Paragraph 1. I approve the job descriptions in force in the certification bureaucratic commissions during the certification period.

Point 2. I guarantee respect for the rights and human dignity of Bureaucrats. Any manifestation of physical or mental violence on the part of citizens and guests of the FRSE entails a trial with the subsequent recognition of the culprit as a camel without the right to re-register.



Paragraph 1. The person being certified is required to fill out a dossier, leave fingerprints, and take an oath of allegiance to the Fatherland on the Red Book.

Paragraph 2. The person being certified must present upon request certificates of registration, marital status, completion of compulsory military service, completion of foreign language courses, work abroad, etc.

Paragraph 3. The person being certified must inform the KGB about the presence of camels among the citizens of the Federal Reserve.

Paragraph 4. Anyone applying for certification to the KGB must be polite.

Paragraph 5. The KGB independently determines the timing of possible breaks in work (lunch break, ventilation).

Sample dossier

1. Last name, first name, patronymic.

2. Gender, age.

3. Place of residence.

4. Marital status, children.

5. Height, weight, clothing and shoe size.

6. Eye color, hair color (separately).

7. Education, knowledge of foreign languages.

8. Bad and good habits (separately).

9. Knowledge about camels.

Sacred oath of a CITIZEN OF FRCHE

I (F.I.O.), a citizen of the FRCE, in the face of my comrades, solemnly swear to be a faithful and worthy son of my Fatherland, to cherish and protect its inviolability, to be always ready, by order of the government and conscience, to come out for the defense and defense of my Fatherland.

If I break this sacred oath, may I become a camel!


Paragraph 1. Have the person being certified have their vigilance and visual acuity checked by an ophthalmologist.

Paragraph 2. Have the limbs of the person being certified checked by an orthopedist (lower - visual inspection, upper - fingerprint test for camel track analysis).

Paragraph 3. Conduct an examination of the certified surgeon for visual signs of “camelism.”

Paragraph 4. Conduct an examination of the certified otolaryngologist for the condition of the ear, nose and throat.

Paragraph 5. Conduct a session with the person being certified by a psychoanalyst and give an opinion on the subject of dreams, fears, phobias, etc. of the person being certified.

Paragraph 6. Biological Control independently determines the timing of possible breaks in work (lunch break, ventilation).
RED BOOK instructions

Paragraph 1. Individuals or individuals that are endangered in our difficult times may be included in the Red Book. The remaining individuals or individuals are considered in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the Instructions.

Paragraph 2. An endangered individual or individual must prove that it is such and is not a camel by providing the commission with all the necessary evidence (visual, written and physical).

Paragraph 3. Providing convincing evidence of extinction entails that the person being certified receives a certificate “Rare endangered species (not a camel)” and is included in the Red Book.

Paragraph 4. The Red Book independently determines the timing of possible breaks in work (lunch break, ventilation).

Appendix No. 1. If an individual or individual is not endangered, it must prove its exclusivity and that it is not a camel by undergoing the tests specified in Appendix No. 2 to the Instructions.

Appendix No. 2. Tests for exclusivity and “non-camelism”:

  • sign that the person being certified is not a member of hunting clubs and societies;

  • show your ability to merge with nature;

  • show your lyrical attitude towards nature;

  • in case of a difficult situation, present the commission with a certificate of registration.


Paragraph 1. Since love is the highest manifestation of human feelings and is not accessible to camels, the person being certified must provide evidence of his state of love (tests are carried out on the territory of the commission).

Paragraph 2. Since marriage is the best form of manifestation of love, the person being certified needs to prove the benefits of marriage (the best evidence is the personal example of the person being certified).

Paragraph 3. Since the power of love is manifested in the formula “Without love I have no life!”, the person being certified must provide convincing evidence of his existence even after death.

Paragraph 4. The person being certified must demonstrate knowledge of the masterpieces of world literature, which owe their appearance to the best of human feelings.

Paragraph 5. Since it is well known that all ages are submissive to love, the person being certified must provide evidence of his submission.

Paragraph 6. The subject will be able to show his awareness of the raised problem if he explains the ambiguous interpretation of the issues of love and marriage in proverbs and sayings.

Paragraph 7. The Love and Marriage Commission independently determines the timing of possible breaks in work (lunch break, airing).

Base. FRSE Constitution, art. 9.

Paragraph 1. Service life - 10 minutes.

Paragraph 2. Composition of the call: 4 young men and 4 young ladies.

Paragraph 3. Time of calls (the bullpen independently determines the terms of calls).

Paragraph 4. The bullpen independently determines the start time of contract service and service in hot spots of the planet.

Paragraph 5. Military Charter (MC).

Point 1. The commander is always right.

Point 2. If the commander is wrong, see point 1 of the VU.

Paragraph 6. Persons who are married (Constitution, Art. 9) or have two or more children (provide a certificate) are exempt from active military service.

State Court Instructions

Paragraph 1. The Civil Code considers complaints from the public regarding violations in accordance with the EDF Procedural Code.

Paragraph 2. Applying to the Civil Code is subject to a fee of two UGE.

Paragraph 3. The GS independently determines the timing of breaks in work (lunch break, ventilation).
Instructions of the AFRICAN EMBASSY

Paragraph 1. Africa is a country of creative people, peoples and nationalities. The applicant who contacts the Embassy must justify the purpose of his visit to Africa. Specify the point of arrival.

Paragraph 2. The applicant must demonstrate knowledge of the customs and traditions of the indigenous population of the African continent based on the proposed set of things.

Paragraph 3. The Embassy warns that due to the sharp limitation of the birth rate in Africa, the issuance of invitations (certifications) to married citizens has been temporarily suspended.

Paragraph 4. The embassy draws attention to the deplorable state of Lake Chad, the blue pearl of the African continent. The already elderly, but still exquisite Giraffe, still wanders around him, noticed at the beginning of the century by the honorary Hyperborean, the people's poet of Africa N. Gumilyov. Persons who have expressed interest can donate from five or more “Shurik-Murik” to save Lake Chad and the Aged, but Exquisite Giraffe. Otherwise, you will have to enter the position of the Elderly Giraffe.

Paragraph 5. The Ambassador of the African Embassy should be addressed as “Mr. Ambassador”.

Paragraph 6. Persons wearing clothing that does not comply with the African standard are not allowed to undergo certification.

Paragraph 7. The African Embassy independently sets the dates for possible breaks in work (lunch break, airing).

Attention! When visiting the African continent, violations of human rights by animals of the African fauna are possible, which is not a reason for their destruction!


To the State Court of the Federal Republic

Fourth Floor (FRSE)

Plaintiff _________________________________________________


(indicate the name of the organization and the official performing the certification)

Complaint about the defendant's refusal to recognize me as a non-camel

(date of) during the certification, the defendant_______________ refused to recognize me as a non-camel, citing the fact that _________________________________________________

I consider the defendant’s refusal to recognize me as a non-camel to be unlawful due to the fact that__________________________________________________

Taking into account the above and guided by the article

Constitution of the FRSE, I ask:

1. Cancel the defendant’s decision to recognize me as a non-camel.

2. Recognize me as a non-camel.

3. Summon the defendant to the court hearing to testify.

I am attaching to this complaint: 1) the stamp of the state duty;



Plaintiff's signature
Summons of the STATE COURT OF FRSE


To whom_________________________________________________Immediately upon receipt of this, I ask you to appear at the State Court of the Federal Economic Council to testify on the claim of a citizen______________________ Failure to appear in the Court within 5 minutes from the receipt of this summons entails the automatic recognition of the plaintiff as a camel.

Note on appearance in the STATE COURT of the Federal Economic Council

WITH hour min to hour min

(date of) was actually in the State Court of the Federal Economic Council.

Mark on delivery of the summons to the STATE COURT
The summons was served on hour min (date)

Recipient's signature____________________ (readable)
Decision of the STATE COURT OF FRSE

According to the claim of gr. __________________________________

to gr.__________________________________________

In his complaint, the plaintiff stated that (date of) During the certification, the defendant refused to recognize the plaintiff as a non-camel, citing the fact that ___________________________________________________

Having studied the case materials and heard the testimony of the parties, the State Court

ESTABLISHED that the defendant’s actions according to his job description contradict the Constitution of the Federal Economic Council, and therefore DECIDED:

1. Satisfy the claim.

2. The defendant’s refusal to recognize the plaintiff as a non-camel is cancelled.

3. Plaintiff to be declared a non-camel by court.


State Judge ____________

Instructions for LEGAL ADVICE

Paragraph 1. Legal Consultation provides legal advice to individuals and organizations on conflict issues that arise in the process of complex and contradictory surrounding reality.

Paragraph 2. Consultation is subject to payment of a fee, the amount of which depends on the complexity of the issue under consideration and is established by a legal official.

Paragraph 3. Contacting the Legal Advice is possible an unlimited number of times.

Paragraph 4. Those who apply to the Legal Consultation are required to join the ranks of the Legality Party (the program can be found here).

Paragraph 5. Legal Consultation independently determines the timing of breaks in work (lunch break, airing).

Registry office instructions

Paragraph 1. The service registers acts of civil status of all interested citizens and guests of the FRSE.

Paragraph 2. Citizens who have reached the age of majority, are not married to another person and do not have dangerous mental or hereditary diseases are registered.

Paragraph 3. Registration is subject to payment of a state fee in the amount of 5 UGE.

Paragraph 4. Registration is carried out in the presence of the bride and groom, two witnesses, rings and a statement drawn up according to the established template, after the end of the probationary period (10 minutes).

Paragraph 5. The service provides citizens with the following services: 1) bouquet for the bride and costume flower for the groom for rent (price negotiable); 2) musical arrangement of the ceremony (price negotiable); 3) registration of marriage with a “husband for hire” (marriage is valid for 15 minutes; price is negotiable).

Paragraph 6. The Civil Registry Office independently determines the timing of possible breaks in work (lunch break, ventilation).

ARCHIVE instructions

Paragraph 1. Receipt of each certificate of the established form in the general queue is paid in the amount of 2 UGE. Archive.

Paragraph 2. Obtaining a certificate of the established form in an expedited manner is paid in the amount of 4 UGE.

Paragraph 3. Certificates of an unidentified sample (no form in the Archive) are sold by the Archive at a negotiated price.

Paragraph 4. The archive independently determines the timing of possible breaks in work (lunch break, ventilation).



Issued (full name) ____________________________is that the bearer of this is registered at the address: school ____________Class__________

Collected UGE.

Archive employee

KOP instructions

Paragraph 1. The COP is obliged to monitor public order and tranquility.

Paragraph 2. In case of violation of public order and tranquility and in the presence of 2 witnesses, the COP is obliged through the Court to fine the violator.

Paragraph 3. For the following violations a fine will be charged:

  • physical impact - 15 UGE;

  • mental influence (blackmail, threat) - 10 UGE;

  • bribery - 10 UGE;

  • violation of sequence - 5 UGE;

  • running (active), jumping (active) - 5 UGE;

  • obscene language - 5 UGE;

  • indecent appearance, defiant behavior;

  • clogging of the territory - 3 UGE.

EXCHANGE instructions

Paragraph 1. The exchange monitors the exchange of local currency (“Shurik-Murikov” of different color denominations) at the existing rate.

Paragraph 2. Carries out monetary reforms and accepts canceled money due to inflation.

Paragraph 3. The Exchange independently determines the timing of possible breaks in work (lunch break, ventilation).


Awarded to ___________________________________________, participant of the legal game “Bureaucrat, or Prove that you are not a camel”, winner in the nomination "Curiosity is not a vice"(Legal consultation), showing yourself as _______________________

Date _______

Chief Bureaucrat ____________ (signature)

Other Bureaucrats_____________________________________________

Main judge_______________

Investment in privately held technology companies broke last year's record and continues to rise as more money traditionally invested in public capital markets now flows into startups in search of greater returns, according to a recently released report.

A Pitch Book survey of 95 institutional and portfolio investors found that 59% plan to “significantly increase” or “slightly increase” their capital flows into private companies over the next five years. Only 6% of investors planned to cut such investments.

The survey, conducted in June, was preceded by an interesting event: investment in private technology companies worldwide broke last year's record; Investments by institutional and portfolio investors in private technology companies have reached $274 billion, according to a Pitch Book report published last Friday.

Investment growth was 57% compared to 2017's previous high of $174 billion, driven by an increase in the number of new venture capital firms and corporations investing in startups, as well as increased portfolio investor interest in private companies. As of June, private companies backed by venture capital had raised $107 billion in one year.

Additionally, the recent boom in technology IPOs has blurred the line between startups and listed companies. Historically, companies went public almost immediately after their inception, providing equity investors with handsome returns following the IPO.

However, increasingly, technology companies show better profitability while remaining private than when they acquire public status. For example, investors who invested in ride-hailing service Lyft Inc. when it was private could see its value rise from $6 million to $15 billion in eight years. However, after the company's March IPO valuation reached $24 billion , Lyft's stock price began to fluctuate, and today the company's market capitalization is about $19 billion.

“It’s important to understand that if you wait until a company goes public, you risk missing out on major growth,” says Nizar Tarhouni, director of research and analysis at Pitch Book and one of the report's authors. - Investors really don't differentiate between public and private companies. This is a long-term structural shift in the capital markets, which we will observe for a long time,” the expert notes.

Investment firms, mutual funds and family offices have flocked to the private tech market, pouring more money into high-growth projects such as Palantir Technologies, Airbnb Inc., We Work Cos., as well as venture capital and private equity funds backing startups. .

According to a Pitch Book report, at the end of last year, venture capital (late-stage investment) and investment funds backed a record 13,695 projects, although the number of public companies overall fell.

The flow of capital into startups in recent years, as well as the rise in company valuations before they have been tested by the harsh realities of public markets, has raised concerns that the startup boom is just a bubble. However, low interest rates and government bonds with negative yields continue to push investors to seek similar deals from technology companies.

Venture capital and private equity firms collectively have about $3.3 trillion under management, up nearly 50% from a decade ago, according to Pitch Book. Of this, $1.1 trillion is free funds, the so-called dry powder, that is, a financial reserve that can be used at any time.

Edinburgh-based global investment firm Baillie Gifford, which manages $250 billion, began investing in private technology companies in late 2014 after receiving significant returns from its investment in China's Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. when it was private. Since then, the firm has invested about $3.5 billion in more than 60 private companies backed by venture capital.

“By and large, we really don’t want to differentiate between private and public companies,” says Peter Singlehurst Head of Baillie Gifford's Non-Public Companies Department.

In some cases, institutional investors combine shares of private and public technology companies into one fund. Fidelity Investments is one of the most active funders of startups valued at over $1 billion, and its well-known Contrafund and Blue Chip Growth Funds hold stakes in private technology companies such as We Work, SpaceX Exploration Technologies Co., and Juul Labs. Inc. and many others. However, although these investments can amount to hundreds of millions of dollars, they represent only a small part of the fund's portfolio.

At the same time, Fidelity often undervalued some of its private companies, including software maker Cloudera, as well as Dropbox Inc. and Snap Inc. before they went public. In 2015, Fidelity invested in HR software startup Zenefits. A year later, after a series of scandals, the company's valuation was halved.

Some investors prefer to stay out of the startup race. According to Jordan Stewart of Federated Investors, a number of investors are not properly calculating the risks associated with the unpredictable business of startups. But even at the later stages of development, they can fail, and since investments in startups are illiquid, they cannot be quickly sold if things go really badly.

Federated Investors has invested in only a few private companies - usually subject to an IPO already planned or other exit options available.

“We may still have some free cash on hand, but it’s better than reporting losses if the startup fails,” says J. Stewart, portfolio manager at Federated Investors' KaufmannFund.

Business game


Required equipment:


City police department

Vet clinic


City Polyclinic

given to the citizen

(full name)



Vet clinic

Social service

City Polyclinic

given to the citizen ______________________________________

(full name)

is that he is not a camel.



Vet clinic

Social service

City Polyclinic

The certificate is provided at the place of request.

The certificate is valid for 1 year.

given to the citizen ______________________________________

(full name)

is that he is not a camel.



Vet clinic

Social service

City Polyclinic

The certificate is provided at the place of request.

The certificate is valid for 1 year.

given to the citizen ______________________________________

(full name)

is that he is not a camel.

given to the citizen ______________________________________

(full name)

is that he is not a camel.





Vet clinic

Vet clinic

Social service

Social service

City Polyclinic

City Polyclinic

The certificate is provided at the place of request.

The certificate is provided at the place of request.

The certificate was given to the citizen_____________________________________________

The certificate was given to the citizen_

The certificate was given to the citizen_





Vet clinic

Vet clinic

Social service

Social service

City Polyclinic

City Polyclinic

The certificate is provided at the place of request.

The certificate is valid for 1 year.

The certificate is provided at the place of request.

The certificate is valid for 1 year.

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“Business game “I AM NOT A CAMEL””

Business game


Required equipment: signs on tables with the names of organizations, certificate forms, writing paper, pens.

The player’s task is to obtain a certificate from various “organizations” that he is not a camel. “Organizations” are located in different parts of the room. The game lasts until everyone has collected the required signatures. People sitting in “organizations” and pretending to be officials can create additional difficulties in obtaining certificates (for example, “you must prove that you are not a camel”, “went out for lunch”, “first bring a certificate from ...”, “where is your passport ?" etc.).


City police department

Vet clinic


Department of Social Protection of the Population

City Polyclinic

At the end of the game, a discussion takes place: What prevented you from getting certificates, how you dealt with difficulties, what fears arose, what helped you cope, do you think you will have to face such a situation in life, how will you get out of it, etc.

given to the citizen ______________________________________

(full name)

is that he is not a camel.



Vet clinic

Social service

City Polyclinic

The certificate is provided at the place of request.

The certificate is valid for 1 year.

given to the citizen ______________________________________

(full name)

is that he is not a camel.



Vet clinic

Social service

City Polyclinic

The certificate is provided at the place of request.

The certificate is valid for 1 year.

given to the citizen ______________________________________

(full name)

is that he is not a camel.



Vet clinic

Social service

City Polyclinic

The certificate is provided at the place of request.

The certificate is valid for 1 year.

given to the citizen ______________________________________

(full name)

is that he is not a camel.

given to the citizen ______________________________________

(full name)

is that he is not a camel.





Vet clinic

Vet clinic

Social service

Social service

City Polyclinic

City Polyclinic

The certificate is provided at the place of request.

The certificate was given to the citizen_____________________________________________

The certificate is provided at the place of request.

The certificate was given to the citizen_____________________________________________

The certificate was given to the citizen_

The certificate was given to the citizen_





Vet clinic

Vet clinic

Social service

Social service

City Polyclinic

City Polyclinic

The certificate is provided at the place of request.

The certificate is valid for 1 year.

The certificate is provided at the place of request.

The certificate is valid for 1 year.