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What is FCU tax service? FKU tax service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia How the FKU Tax Service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia works

Tax collection is a complex system of relationships between the state and its citizens, which requires not only a large number of professional tax workers, but also to ensure the simplicity of their work, while simultaneously increasing comfort directly for taxpayers. The comfort and ease of operation of the system largely depends on how efficiently the tax collection system works, how automated it is, and how strong the relationship between the tax service and taxpayers is. All this should also be done by professionals, who gathered in the organization created in 2011 - the Federal Treasury Institution “Tax-Service”.

What does PKU Tax-Service do?

FKU Nalog-Service is the main assistant of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The organization includes information and technical support for the work of the Federal Tax Service and all its departments and departments in its list of tasks, since there is so much work related to information and technical support that tax officers alone will not be enough. The specifics of the work have little to do with finance, but rather with computers and information technology. For example, FKU Tax-Service Federal Tax Service takes on such a gigantic amount of work as centralized data entry into EDI, submitted to the territorial departments of the tax service on paper. This applies to tax returns and various accounting documents.

Working with the database

Filling out a unified electronic data system is an incredible amount of work, because information regarding each piece of real estate, other property, and even passport data of citizens is entered into the database. The existence of a unified database is necessary due to the prohibition in Russia of double request for a document.

If a person has submitted a document at the request of the tax authority, it must be preserved, since repeated request in the event of loss of a copy of the document or data on the presentation is simply prohibited.

Therefore, FKU Tax-Service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia is forced to scan and enter into the database all statements, invoices, receipts and expenditure books, etc. provided to the Federal Tax Service upon request.

Working with taxpayers

A large amount of work is also associated with ensuring communication between the tax authority and taxpayers. There is a constant need to transmit information to citizens on paper documents - letters, as well as in electronic form. This is also what FKU Nalog-Service does, along with archival work, maintenance and support of tax service computer programs and analytical work. All these activities constitute a huge amount of work performed by the PKU.

How does FKU Tax Service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia work?

The creation of FKU Tax-Service significantly facilitated the work of tax departments, providing a single center responsible for routine and hard work in solving the technical information intricacies of the work of the Federal Tax Service. At the PKU Tax-Service forum you can learn more about the work of this institution and the subtleties that accompany this or that work. The role of this organization is growing every year, since it (namely the branches of FKU Nalog-Service) takes over the functions of the Federal Tax Service related to the information component of the work of the Russian tax authority. The transfer of powers was planned to be completed in 2015 - and it can already be said that the work on the transfer of powers is almost completed.

Official website of the service

On the website of FKU Tax-Service you can find all the necessary information about the work of the institution and how this work is carried out, learning about the effectiveness of certain actions of the institution. And the efficiency of FKU Tax-Service is very significant. Thus, making scanned copies of documents and entering them into a database greatly increases the efficiency of performing control functions on the part of the Federal Tax Service.

Work to ensure centralized printing and distribution of notifications has significantly improved the timeliness of payment of taxes and fees.

To perform these tasks, FKU Tax-Service operates several printing centers. Centralized processing of information received from registration authorities has significantly improved the work of the tax service, significantly reducing the number of errors made while increasing the speed of their elimination if detected. The volume of this work is even difficult to imagine - twelve types of registration organizations constantly submit information on paper that is entered into the electronic database.

Contact centers PKU Tax-Service

Special mention should be made of the institution's contact centers. On the official website of PKU Tax-Service you can find the telephone number of the regional contact center. These centers perform a very important function - informing citizens, ensuring constant communication between taxpayers and the tax service. Any citizen can call the regional contact center telephone number. Here he will receive appropriate advice on the issue of interest to him.

The topics of questions that can be answered in the centers concern only the information work of the Federal Tax Service - FKU Tax-Service does not take over the functions of inspectors. This fully corresponds to the purpose of creating this organization - to free the tax service from the constantly increasing volume of work on information support and filling electronic databases with various documents. We live in the 21st century, in the century of electronic technologies - and therefore in the century of information reforms, which the Russian tax system is currently experiencing.

The quality of work of PKU Tax-Service is one of the characteristics of the regional branch of the tax authority. If FKU Tax-Service receives good reviews, then the result of the tax administration reform is good. If not, then there are shortcomings that can best be identified by studying the work of the PKU. For example, FKU Tax-Service Moscow has significantly facilitated and simplified the connection between taxpayers and the Moscow Federal Tax Service, ensuring timely sending of notifications, and also increasing the amount of taxes collected.

Branch of PKU Mytishchi what is it? About registered letters, where the envelope says DTI 141020, 145107, 145114, 141045, 141046, 141046 or 141039. Recently, many people have begun to receive such envelopes, which sometimes causes certain suspicions. In fact, the mailing is carried out by the Tax Service Federal Institution, and the letter itself will contain a notification or a receipt for payment of the tax. In this way, the state notifies taxpayers of the need to pay tax on transport, property or land.

In addition, fines, notices of accrual of debts or penalties are often sent through registered letters. Moreover, not only before the tax office, but also before any public and private structures.

Each letter should be carefully studied. First, fraud may indeed occur, although it is unlikely. Secondly, the tax office may make errors in the calculations, and you will need to go to your branch and pick up documents so that all rates and amounts are calculated correctly. Thirdly, tax legislation is now being tightened, so through notifications they want to protect the population from the consequences of penalties and seizure of property.

By the way, the tax office does not sell debts to collectors. Therefore, rumors that after a letter from the Mytishchi branch of the Federal Public Institution, if the debt is not paid, the debt will be transferred to a collection agency are not supported by anything. Given the security system and protection of personal data, information may be leaked to such agencies to put pressure on the debtor, but all this is illegal.

All information on taxes can be found in your personal account on the website of the territorial department of the Federal Tax Service, or by contacting in person.

It is better to save registered letters from FKU Tax Service along with receipts, especially if there is a controversial issue.

As for the centers themselves in Mytishchi, from where mailing is carried out, they are made in the form of workshops where letters are printed and packaged. In the Moscow region, the branch is located in Mytishchi, and there are a lot of these data centers in Russia.

The Mytishchi branch of the Federal Public Institution, depending on the letter, assigns a certain DTI - a technical index that deciphers the authority that sent out the notifications.

Tell? I received a notification from FKU “Tax-Service” by mail. Tell me, what kind of letter is this?

Tell? I received a notification from FKU "Tax-Service" from the post office. Tell me, what kind of letter is this?

  1. The tax notice for property taxes for 2012 will come from FKU Nalog-Service

Since 2012, in accordance with the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 27, 2012 MMV-7-1/ On the transfer of functions of centralized printing and mass distribution of tax documents to the Federal Institution Tax Service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, centralized printing and mass distribution of tax notices have been introduced. This means that residents will receive notifications for payment of property taxes of individuals for 2012 from the branch of PKU Nalog-Service, and not from the tax office at the place of registration.

The tax notice logo will be placed on the envelope with the tax notice, information about the sender of the letter will be indicated as the sender, and the notice itself will contain information about the territorial tax authority with which the taxpayer is registered (his real estate, land plot or vehicles are located ) and to which the taxpayer can contact if necessary to clarify the data specified in the tax notice.

The Federal Tax Service of Russia reminds that the single tax notification form used by the tax service since 2012 provides for feedback from taxpayers - simultaneously with the tax notification, citizens are sent an application form with which they can report to the tax office about identified inaccuracies or errors in the notification.

The taxpayer can find out the deadlines for paying land and transport taxes and personal property taxes using the electronic service of the tax service Property taxes: rates and benefits.

For the convenience of taxpayers, the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia contains hotline numbers for the territorial tax authorities of the republic, where you can get advice on all existing issues.

The Federal Tax Service of Russia continues to transfer service and technical functions to FKU Nalog-Service.

The Federal Tax Service, headed by Mikhail Vladimirovich Mishustin, in the process of optimizing its work, continues to transfer service and technical functions to FKU Nalog-Service. In 2014, a model for the centralized execution of IT functions for tax authorities was launched and showed good results. It is almost completely implemented in 17 regions of the Russian Federation. Roman Filimoshin, head of the Tax-Service financial institution, spoke about this. The central office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia has already been transferred to centralized IT services, as well as the Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Volga Federal District, the Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Data Centers, and the Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for desk control. Also, during this time, many taxpayers already managed to find out about the existence of the PKU “Nalog-Service” of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, having received a single tax notice, on the envelope of which it was the PKU “Nalog-Service” of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, and not the tax inspectorate, that was indicated as the sender . The fact is that, starting from 2014, the printing and sending of tax correspondence throughout Russia is carried out through the FKU “Nalog-Service” of the Federal Tax Service of Russia and its branches. The function of centralized printing and distribution of documents, like many other service functions, was transferred by the Federal Tax Service, headed by M. V. Mishustin, to the Federal Treasury Institution “Tax-Service” of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in order to improve the quality of tax administration. The head of PKU "Nalog-Service" R.V. Filimoshin spoke about the work of his multifunctional enterprise. “Today, FKU Nalog-Service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia is a large, extensive network of 77 branches covering the entire country. Branches are divided into 2 levels: the first level is full-functional branches that provide a full range of services (there are 10 of them in Russia from Moscow to Vladivostok) and 67 network branches that solve certain problems at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. In addition, the institution has more than 300 branches throughout the country.”

General Director of FKU “Nalog-Service” Roman Filimoshin, speaking about the work of his enterprise, noted: “Our main task is to ensure that employees of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, headed by Mikhail Mishustin, are freed from paper document flow and receive all the necessary information from information databases in electronic form. Now FKU "Nalog-Service" of the Federal Tax Service of Russia is engaged in the digitization of incoming information - mass input of accounting and tax reporting is carried out at a speed of 340 characters per minute. During peak periods, document processing reaches about 1 million sheets per day.” Despite the fact that the history of PKU “Nalog-Service” goes back only two years, full-functional branches, or as they are also called “information input factories,” have been created since 2002.” Filimoshin gave an example of the work of his enterprise in 2014: 80 million items with notifications and 30 million with payment requests were printed for those who, for some reason, did not pay taxes in previous years. For example, before October 1, all taxpayers in Russia will receive notifications about the payment of taxes on property of individuals. Filimoshin drew attention to the fact that the current norm of 1.2 million items per day, thanks to modern equipment and improved work technology, is carried out by only 170 people. Centralization of IT functions with a single center for managing their execution made it possible to achieve the following practical results: a unified approach to setting up software systems and equipment was provided, which reduces the number of employed specialists while simultaneously increasing their level of competence; a unified knowledge base on information technology is being developed, which reduces the time required to complete work upon requests from tax authorities; effective interchangeability of employees has been achieved to ensure uninterrupted operation of tax authorities; qualified personnel are concentrated on “narrow” areas of work to quickly resolve problems; the level of analytical work and information processing technology has been increased. Thus, the effective use and successful implementation of high technologies made it possible to optimize the work process and reduce the expenditure of budget funds on work. Which, in turn, correlates with the goals of saving federal budget expenditures set by the country’s leadership, noted Roman Filimoshin. The transfer of a complex of IT functions makes it possible for the country's tax authorities to focus as much as possible directly on providing high-quality specialized services to taxpayers, since the territorial divisions of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, headed by Mikhail Mishustin, will be freed from routine operations in the field of information technology. The process of centralization and complete transfer of IT functions to FKU “Tax-Service” of the Federal Tax Service of Russia is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2015.

The functions of the tax service in the Russian Federation are varied. Due to the fact that this government agency is not only controlling, but also registration, the Federal Tax Service has to process a large amount of information. To assist in carrying out this task, a federal government agency, in short, FKU “Tax-Service” of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, was created (the organization does not have an official website).

For several years now, citizens of the Russian Federation have been receiving registered letters (Russian Post notifications) from this Federal Public Institution. In the article we will tell you: FKU “Tax-Service”, what it is, and what it can send to taxpayers.

Information about the organization of FKU "Nalog-Service"

FKU is a designation of an organizational and legal form, stands for federal government agency. This wording means that it was created by the executive body to implement certain goals and is endowed with property that cannot be freely disposed of without the consent of the state. Thus, commercial companies do not participate in the management of its activities and can only be counterparties.

In 2013, according to the order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 2013. The functions of printing and sending tax documents: notifications and requirements have been transferred to the Federal Public Institution.

Also, according to the statutory documents (the financial institution is registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, all information about it is freely available), the institution implements the following tasks:

  • processing of tax and accounting documentation (including reception and incoming control), other incoming documentation;
  • scanning this documentation;
  • entering the received data;
  • processing of registration data received from other government agencies;
  • processing scanning, entering and scanning of documents received during the registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
  • provision of centralized archival storage;
  • informing taxpayers by telephone about the procedure for calculating and paying taxes and fees;
  • printing and distribution of documents;
  • information technology infrastructure management and IT outsourcing.

Thus, the FKU is engaged not only in collecting and storing incoming documentation, as well as printing and sending requests and notifications, but also in managing the computer sphere in tax activities. However, ordinary citizens are more interested in the function of printing and sending documents. A letter received from the Federal Property Institution to a citizen is a notification of tax payment with a receipt. In fact, this is a letter from the tax office; the FKU deals only with technical actions.

It is not difficult to find contacts of the institution; its activities are open and transparent. There is a lot of information on the Internet about the Tax Service Federal Institution of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The official website is under development, but pages can be found on popular social networks.

In which regions are there branches?

The complete list of regions in which there are branches of PKU is as follows:

  • Moscow;
  • Moscow region;
  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Novgorod region;
  • Pskov region;
  • Kaliningrad region;
  • Ivanovo region;
  • Leningrad region;
  • Republic of Karelia;
  • Kostroma region;
  • Tver region;
  • Komi Republic;
  • Vologda Region;
  • Yaroslavl region;
  • Murmansk region;
  • Arkhangelsk region and Nenets Autonomous Okrug (one branch for two subjects);
  • Nizhny Novgorod Region;
  • Udmurt republic;
  • Vladimir region;
  • Mari El Republic;
  • Kirov region;
  • Chuvash Republic;
  • Orenburg region;
  • Penza region;
  • Ulyanovsk region;
  • Ryazan Oblast;
  • Samara Region;
  • Saratov region;
  • The Republic of Mordovia;
  • Vologda region (there is a branch in the Republic of Kalmykia);
  • Astrakhan region;
  • Krasnodar region (there is a branch in the Republic of Adygea);
  • Rostov region;
  • Stavropol region;
  • Chechen Republic;
  • The Republic of Dagestan;
  • The Republic of Ingushetia;
  • Kabardino-Balkarian Republic;
  • Republic of North Ossetia-Alania;
  • Republic of Crimea;
  • Sevastopol;
  • Kemerovo region (there are branches in the Republic of Khakassia and the Republic of Tyva);
  • Omsk region;
  • Altai Territory (there is a branch in the Altai Republic);
  • The Republic of Buryatia;
  • Irkutsk region;
  • Novosibirsk region;
  • Transbaikal region;
  • Primorsky Krai;
  • Kamchatka Krai;
  • The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);
  • Khabarovsk Territory (there is a branch in the Jewish Autonomous Region);
  • Amur region;
  • Magadan Region;
  • Sakhalin region;
  • Chukotka Autonomous Okrug;
  • Republic of Bashkortostan;
  • Kurgan region;
  • Sverdlovsk region;
  • Perm region;
  • Chelyabinsk region;
  • Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug;
  • Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug;
  • Tula region;
  • Smolensk region;
  • Bryansk region;
  • Voronezh region;
  • Kaluga region;
  • Kursk region;
  • Lipetsk region;
  • Oryol Region;
  • Belgorod region;
  • Tambov Region;
  • Republic of Tatarstan;
  • Tyumen region.

As you can see from the list, some branches serve several regions, so the letter may come from another region.

Question answer

What kind of letters does the FKU Tax-Service organization of the Federal Tax Service of Russia send out? I received a registered letter, what could it be and is it worth receiving?

FKU deals with the distribution of tax documents: notifications and requirements. If the letter is addressed to an individual, then this is a notification of the need to pay land, transport taxes or property taxes for individuals. Citizens do not independently calculate the amounts of the above property taxes in accordance with the norms of the second part of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation; this is done by tax inspectors, after which the Federal Tax Service is obliged to ensure that notifications are sent to taxpayers at known contact addresses.

What does the mark “Branch of PKU Tax-Service” mean, what is it on the postal notice?

Such a mark on the postal notice means that a letter has arrived from FKU Tax-Service. In 2013, the tax office completely transferred the functions of distributing tax documents to this organization. The mark means that the citizen has received a notification about the need to pay property tax (transport, land or on the property of individuals). With the notification containing the calculation of the amount, as a rule, a ready-made receipt is sent, according to which the tax can be paid.

Why are there such negative reviews on the Internet about PKU Tax-Service?

Tax calculation in some cases causes controversy and disagreement. There are cases when inspectors make mistakes and calculate the tax incorrectly. However, FKU specialists are only required to print and send documents; they have nothing to do with their formation. All controversial issues must be resolved with inspectors.

The vast scope of activities of government organizations often leads to various confusions, delays and misunderstandings on the part of ordinary citizens of the Russian Federation. A regular registered letter in the mailbox sometimes leaves more questions than answers.

Many people have recently been wondering about strange correspondence from FKU Tax Service. What kind of letter came, who sent it, what consequences could it bring?

This material contains all available information on the issue, we recommend reading to those interested!

What kind of organization is this?

FKU Tax Service is a division of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, performing large-scale functions in the field of notifying taxpayers throughout the country.

The abbreviation FKU stands for “Federal State Institution.” This definition is unfamiliar to most citizens; let us explain it in simple language without abstruse words.

The organization is listed on the official website nalog.ru as being under the jurisdiction of the Federal Tax Service of Russia

FKU can be created by a citizen of the Russian Federation, a commercial/non-profit organization, government agencies to perform management functions and socio-cultural work.

In the case under consideration, FKU Tax Service is a kind of mass printer engaged in the production, editing, and distribution of notifications from the Federal Tax Service to debtors and new taxpayers.

The organization was registered in 2016, its actual location is Moscow, Pokhodny Ave. 3/3. The index for feedback is 125373.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to even try to call and find out the details of the letter received from the employees - the organization does not have a call center or email address for letters from citizens of the country.

Why did I receive the letter?

After reading the brief information about the unit, many people have a question: “Why did I receive a letter from Moscow if I live in Kaliningrad?” (of course, just an example).

It's simple - in accordance with the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, dating back to the end of 2012, taxpayers no longer receive important notifications from local bodies of the Federal Tax Service. All documentation, notifications, warnings about the imminent start of legal proceedings are sent from a specially created “Distribution Center”, which is the above-mentioned Federal Public Institution Tax Service.

What's in the letter?

Naturally, a letter from the tax office cannot contain unknown information - everything is built according to a single scenario:

  1. Notice of a fine for non-payment of land, car, property taxes.
  2. Warning about the initiation of legal proceedings in case of prolonged disregard of the requirements of the public service.
  3. Clarification of details about the recipient’s property and the amount of the submitted declaration.
  4. Notification of overpayment of funds for the last payment.

The fourth case is rare, but requires immediate action - if you decide to forget about the overpayment, no one will carry it over to the next payment. As a result, the money will simply disappear.

Do I need to receive a letter from FKU Tax Service?

It is obvious that the Federal Tax Service is a state organization whose requirements must be met as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the matter may lead to criminal prosecution. Yes, most often people get off with fines (they, in turn, are also quite large), but there are also “special cases”.

You can receive a letter from FKU Tax Service at your local post office by presenting a passport or other identification document (if your passport is lost). It is recommended to do this within 1-2 weeks; after a month the letter will be sent back to the sender's address.

We hope this material was useful to you and explained what FKU Tax Service is and what kind of letters come from it.

Registered mail, which a citizen of our country can periodically see in his mailbox, comes in varying degrees of importance. For example, you can go to the post office, spend several hours of your personal time, receive a registered letter and find out information that the person does not need at all.

The envelope may contain advertising brochures calling for the purchase of a section of the lunar surface or something else that is guaranteed to be unnecessary for most people. Or you can ignore the notification received, not visit the post office and get into trouble with various government agencies, due to the fact that the citizen did not want to familiarize himself with what was sent to him in the envelope.

The problem for many people is that they often cannot determine the real importance of the information sent to them from a notice that usually only contains a mysterious abbreviation of one of the organizations.

For example, a registered letter arrived. The notification bears the name of the sender – FKU “Tax-Service”. What might it contain? Is it necessary to receive such a letter? Let's figure it out.

What is this organization and what does it do?

The first three letters in the name FKU Tax Service stand for “Federal State Institution.” It is a subsidiary of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

The organization provides assistance to the Federal Tax Service, processes various information in electronic form, and then forwards it to the regional branches of the Tax Service in classic, paper form.

In addition, this structure performs some functions related to working with taxpayers.

How can I contact the staff of this organization?

Sometimes a person may indeed have such a need and desire. And the organization has a physical address. It is located in the capital of the Russian Federation, on Pokhodny passage 3/3. The assigned index is 125373.

But there is no contact phone number or email. At least in the public domain, that is, there is no way for ordinary people to contact PKU employees in this way.

Why? The fact is that the “Federal Treasury Institution” is just an intermediary between a citizen of our country, who is a taxpayer, and the tax service.

Therefore, if a person has any questions, complaints, or wishes, he must contact the nearest Federal Tax Service office.

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Why does the letter not come from the Federal Tax Service?

With this question, everything is also quite easy to explain. The fact is that at the end of 2012, the Federal Tax Service issued a special decree. According to this document, people no longer receive letters directly from the Tax Office. Since that time, the so-called “Distribution Center” has been responsible for such “communication.” And its functions are one of the responsibilities assigned to specialists from FKU Tax Service.

What can a registered letter from this structure contain?

There are four main options for information that is conveyed to the taxpayer in this way:

  • A message that a person has been fined a certain amount. The reason is ignoring the need to pay taxes on an apartment, house, plot of land, or vehicle at a certain time. Or banal forgetfulness of this fact;
  • A notice that legal proceedings have begun against a person. The reason is that for a long time the citizen completely ignored various requirements from the state tax service;
  • A request that implies clarification of some data from previously completed tax returns or clarification of issues related to any property. Naturally, a request is only called a request. Rather, it is a demand stated in a more pleasant form of address;
  • A message that a person, when paying taxes last time, performed the calculation incorrectly and overpaid a certain amount.

The most rarely encountered option is the last one. And some people make the mistake of ignoring it and believing that the overpayment will automatically be transferred to the next tax due date. This is not so, if this issue is not dealt with, then the finances will simply be written off, which means they will be completely lost for their former owner.

Do I need to go and get it?

But this is the main question! What is the importance of such correspondence? The highest. Therefore it is necessary:

  • Set aside time to go to the postal address indicated in the notification;
  • Do not forget to take with you a passport or other document proving the identity of the recipient;
  • You might have to wait in line if you're unlucky;
  • Fill out a short form and receive an envelope.

If you ignore such a letter, then the matter usually ends extremely unpleasantly for the person:

  • In one of the cases, he will simply lose the money he overpaid for taxes;
  • In another case, a fine will be imposed on him, which can often be avoided with prompt action;
  • In some situations, the matter takes the worst possible turn - the citizen is sued and faces one of the criminal charges. That is, everything can end in restriction of freedom, sometimes for a fairly significant period.

Therefore, if you find a notice in your mailbox that says FKU Tax-Service, then it is extremely important to receive the correspondence sent to you as soon as possible - you should not delay it for long, even a few days can sometimes play an important, determining role.