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Stones for magicians and soothsayers. Main astro events of the month

The Year of the Rooster will begin on January 28, 2017, and will end on the night of February 15-16, 2018.

It is believed that in the year of the Red Rooster, luck smiles on the brave, on those who put effort into achieving results, who are not afraid to gradually make their way towards their goal, but are also ready for decisive actions. The years of the Rooster in the last century were 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, and in the 21st century - 2005.

Characteristics of the year. The organ is the heart, the taste is bitter, the color is red. Qualities: clarity and radiance. The element of 2017 - Fire - corresponds to the south, midday and summer. Fire is associated with the Sun, and its warlike, intolerant and destructive nature connects it with the planet Mars. Trigram of the year - Li. Year of the man. Plant of the year - beans. The mascot of the year is Peacock. The magic number is 7.

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General characteristics of the year.

To understand what kind of year awaits us all, it is enough to remember that the Rooster is a wayward, cheerful, vocal creature. He is celebrating a new day! Therefore, the Rooster is a symbol of the new. He is curious, sociable, showy, loves to attract attention and win victories on all fronts. In general, this symbol is associated with good luck. The Rooster is practical and even calculating, which is why 2017 is well suited for the implementation of fateful projects: opening your own business, buying real estate, moving. On the other hand, this is a good year to achieve something new in a thoroughly studied area - the Rooster is conservative and does not like change, but he will definitely “approve” new contracts, scientific research, home or dacha renovations, and additions to the family.

The Rooster is thrifty and attentive to his appearance and health, so all acquisitions and investments in himself in 2017 will be extremely successful.

Another distinctive feature of the symbol of 2017 is its sociable nature - despite its domineering character, the Rooster does not tolerate loneliness. For 2017, you can safely plan trips with noisy groups or large family holidays, anniversaries, weddings - any such undertaking will go off with a bang. It is important to emphasize the Rooster’s pickiness - being hot-tempered by nature, he makes important decisions carefully, and this is worth learning from him.

The most successful year of the Fire Rooster will be for those who occupy leadership positions, organize and create something, be it a new company or a large family - the symbol of 2017 will be lenient towards such people, he loves those who make decisions.

The Rooster is ready to support the most ambitious plans and the most daring ideas, but any action will need to be carefully prepared.

A large number of people follow the unspoken rules and laws of celebrating the New Year and behavior throughout the year, so that the owner of the current year “doesn’t get offended” and doesn’t throw in a dirty trick or two as a reward for disobedience. And although the Year of the Rooster begins not on January 1, but on January 28, in Russia they still try to adhere to the traditions of celebrating the Eastern Year on the calendar New Year. Therefore, it is important to know how to dress on New Year’s Eve, what dishes should be on the festive table and what should not be there under any circumstances, etc. - we will talk about all this in the next issue of the Gentry newspaper. Having properly appeased the dominant sign of the eastern horoscope in 2017, we can say with confidence that in the coming year we will not be afraid of any troubles or adversity.

What to expect from the Red Fire Rooster?

The rooster is the tenth eastern animal, which, as ancient legends say, came to Buddha in the sacred clearing at his call. Very bright, defiantly beautiful, the Rooster never sits idle - everything around him should boil and seethe! The Rooster, especially the Fiery Rooster, symbolizes the Sun, since it is with its early morning singing that a new day begins. In eastern countries, this sign is directly associated with the warmth of the sun: the Japanese see it as the first light, the Indians call it the personification of the energy of the Sun. The Chinese consider the Rooster to be a symbol of five basic virtues: courage, loyalty, kindness, dignity, benevolence. You and I need to cultivate and actively nurture all these qualities throughout the year. From the five qualities of virtue, the main character traits of the animal symbol of 2017 clearly emerge - frankness and sincerity. True, the Rooster says everything that comes to mind, without particularly caring about the feelings of others. At times, due to his straightforward judgments, such openness may seem tactless and even rude.

The stars advise everyone in 2017 to control their speech and emotions, so as not to offend anyone with a harsh word.

The Red Rooster is extremely careful, even pedantic, but very responsible. Therefore, it is better to complete all tasks in 2017 and treat any work with diligence. It is worth knowing that the Rooster, by his nature, is a rare joker and rake; he is overly self-confident and sometimes allows himself to speak empty bravado.

In this regard, in the coming year you need to be very careful in your communication, sometimes even control yourself, so that the eastern sign does not influence you in the most obscene way at the most crucial moment.

It is interesting that the Rooster likes to command and give advice mixed with criticism left and right, and at the same time he himself reacts very sharply to comments addressed to him. And you can win the heart of the Rooster with undisguised flattery and frank praise. This is explained by the fact that by nature the Rooster should always be in sight, in the center of attention. Otherwise, this colorful sign will simply wither away without proper attention.

This year, everyone needs to think about developing their leadership skills and somehow stand out from the crowd (dressing style, intelligence, originality, creativity, extravagance, even quirkiness).

The Rooster loves to dress brightly and tastefully, and this feature has made him a real expert on how to make a good impression almost from the first meeting. He loves work if his job responsibilities include communicating with people. In any team, the Rooster will deservedly be considered an unusual and spectacular person. Many people will have good luck at work in 2017 and will be able to quickly move up the career ladder. The Rooster is conservative and follows its own logic in everything. Despite his love for attention, the Rooster is sure that he is the one who thinks sensibly, not accepting other opinions. The Rooster always relies only on his own strength, without resorting to the help of others.

That is why persistent and straightforward careerists in 2017 will find it easier than other employees to achieve their goals. All Roosters are workaholics. They never have easy money.

The Rooster always and everywhere tries to do everything he can, and even more. Despite his extraordinary qualities as the best worker, the Rooster also allows himself laziness in the workplace. Most likely this is due to the Rooster’s penchant for contemplation. If he does what he loves, the job of his dreams, then he will be able to achieve a lot: independence, prestige, wealth. This eastern sign in 2017 pushes one and all to find their true purpose in this life. The Rooster is a rather controversial sign. Based on this, in 2017 you need to be able to maintain a balance between work and personal life. Otherwise, despite new acquaintances and frequent communication, the coming year will be marked by loneliness.

The Year of the Rooster will give all active and energetic people the opportunity to achieve a lot both at work and in love and family life.

2017 cannot be called a simple year, but it will definitely not be boring, because the Rooster does not tolerate boredom and despondency. The most important thing is to believe in yourself and not lose your presence of mind. Well, where have you seen the sad Rooster? The coming year will be the most controversial for interpersonal and love relationships - a hot temper and some inconstancy often prevent the Rooster from establishing connections with friends and lovers. On the other hand, if the choice has already been made, the Rooster is able to devote all his efforts to strengthening relationships; he is ready to give gifts and surprise loved ones.

The same applies to big politics - in the year of the Rooster, conflicts at the international level are obligatory, but the year is good for implementing serious reforms within the country aimed at improving the quality of life.

The Rooster zealously defends its territory and cares about the well-being of loved ones, so any actions in this direction will be accompanied by success. The main thing is to know moderation in everything, not to overdo it and remember that the best is the enemy of the good. The Rooster is reasonable and is able to make the right decision, taking into account the interests of all parties, even if at first glance the situation seems insoluble. In the Year of the Rooster, new strong leaders may come to power, not conflict-oriented, but, on the contrary, capable of establishing stable and strong relations with neighbors.

We can definitely say that in 2017 we will experience several military conflicts. Military conflicts will take place on the territory of many countries, but there will be no war on Russian territory. At the same time, Russian troops will take part in local wars on the territory of three countries. Unfortunately, there will be loss of life. At the same time, Russia will have to endure a number of major accidents. There will also be many weather disasters and man-made disasters.

Red is the color of fire, energy, passion. It is known to excite, improve mood and well-being, and optimize mental and physiological processes. In many cultures, red crystals (rubies, red tourmaline and jasper) are considered the embodiment of fire, flame in another form. It is believed that such stones contain particularly strong energy. Red stones can influence the circulatory system; they are recommended to be worn for problems with blood vessels, blood pressure and skin diseases. Orange is associated with the nervous system and digestive tract. Amber, carnelian and corals painted in this color can tone the body and strengthen the nervous system. Contact with stones of this color allows you to get rid of excess negative energy. Yellow stones - citrines, topazes, chrysoberyls - relieve insomnia, stimulate appetite, increase overall tone and simply give joy with their sunny appearance.

The rooster is a curious, emotional creature that loves to be seen and make a bright impression, so jewelry with rubies, garnets and topazes had to be stylish and original.

How to celebrate 2017 the right way

The main thing when organizing New Year's holidays this year is that there should be more people, brighter decorations, and entertainment as varied as possible. No one should be bored or sitting idle, feel free to prepare competitions and forfeits, buy sparklers and fireworks, come up with a holiday scenario so that there is a place for everyone. There is no better option than a masquerade with colorful costumes, masks and disguises. You can save money on outfits and make them yourself. The main thing is that they are bright and original, and how much it will cost is not important to the symbol of 2017. The more economical the better. A good idea for a holiday is various contests and competitions, perhaps even comic fights. The meeting of the Year of the Fire Rooster is the case when it is impossible to overdo it.

What dishes to put on the New Year's table

Good news for housewives - the Rooster loves simple but beautiful dishes. Naturally, you will have to give up poultry in general and chicken in particular, but you can prepare a whole mountain of vegetable dishes and various snacks. Although, on the other hand, the Year of the Rooster has not yet arrived on December 31, 2016, and therefore you can also cook chicken dishes. The Rooster loves cereals and bread, so pies, pies, sandwiches and canapés are perfect for the festive table, especially since these simple dishes open up unprecedented scope for imagination. Remember that your goal is to surprise: unusual combinations, bright decoration of your favorite dishes - and you will delight both the guests and the Fire Rooster. Lure the symbol with a pie with an original filling, decorated with a figurine of a cockerel, cookies in the shape of birds, and make cockerel lollipops for the children. Show your imagination when choosing alcohol - try yourself as a bartender, prepare unusual cocktails with sweet liqueurs for your guests, stock up on sparkling wines, and give up everything banal. There is never too much fruit on the New Year's table, especially in the year of the Fire Rooster.

Particular attention should be paid to table setting. The color scheme is red and all its shades, orange, yellow, gold. Celebrating the Year of the Rooster is a great opportunity to replace boring porcelain with wooden dishes and decorate the holiday in a rustic style. Why not? The symbol of the year will be pleased, and you will have a reason to show your creativity and make the holiday unlike any other.

What to wear to celebrate the New Year 2017

The main contradiction lies in the fact that the meeting of the Year of the Fire Rooster, on the one hand, involves bright outfits, and on the other, this symbol does not tolerate cheapness and kitsch. Things should be bright and expensive, and jewelry should be only genuine, no fakes, no jewelry. The Rooster cannot be fooled, but he can be outsmarted. For example, if several special events are planned throughout the year, buy an expensive outfit in advance and celebrate the New Year in it - the symbol of 2017 will appreciate your generous investment in your wardrobe, and you will no longer need to fuss just before the event. In addition, the item may be valuable specifically to you - for example, a piece of jewelry that was inherited. The thrifty Rooster will be delighted with such a thing, and will probably not notice the discreet outfit. Ladies can get their hands on an evening dress made from expensive natural material - this will never go out of fashion; in extreme cases, it can be altered after a few seasons. The rooster can be surprised not only by the bright color, but also by the bold style - open back, deep neckline or high slit. He will definitely send good luck to brave natures. As for the color scheme of the outfits, everything is simple and obvious here - all shades and combinations of red, orange, yellow, brown and gold. However, it should be remembered that burgundy and brown, although slimming, do not suit young girls, and a mature lady will look awkward in orange and yellow. But scarlet is a win-win option for any age - it is almost impossible to go unnoticed in a flame-colored outfit, especially in combination with gold jewelry. It is better to abandon geometric prints in favor of a “natural” theme - flowers, feathers, butterflies, flames. And most importantly, don’t scare off the Rooster with predatory leopard or tiger colors, otherwise you won’t have any luck throughout 2017!

Choosing a costume to celebrate the Year of the Fire Rooster will be almost more difficult for men than for ladies. The classic black symbol of the year will not be appreciated, so look for something brighter - for example, a shirt or tie. If the format of the holiday allows, feel free to decide on an extravagant outfit. It is important to remember that the Rooster does not tolerate laxity and sloppiness. A man's hairstyle should be neat, and all things should be carefully ironed.

What gifts to give

The general theme for any gifts in the year of the Rooster is that they should be bright and useful in everyday life, which, you see, makes their choice much easier. Cheap gift options for colleagues and friends - unusual kitchen utensils or something with a picture of a rooster. No trivial trinkets! The thing must be functional. More expensive options for loved ones - household appliances, dishes, home textiles. The coming year of the Fire Rooster is an excellent occasion for an expensive gift that your significant other has long dreamed of. The Rooster is a generous symbol; it will definitely appreciate your generous gesture and thank you with good luck in business. Another expensive gift that the Rooster will also like could be a trip to an exotic resort - that’s where there will be an abundance of vivid impressions. There will definitely be no problems with choosing gifts for friends in the Year of the Rooster - any cute household goods, board games, tickets to a concert or entertainment center will do. The main thing is that these gifts give positivity and a good mood, so even if you are “ordered” something very simple, do not skimp on original (even homemade) packaging or arrange a quest so that even the most ordinary thing will be given to the recipient complete with positive emotions . But you will have to think about gifts for children - regardless of the age of the recipient, try to make sure that the gift is not only bright, but also useful. Give up banal soft toys in favor of educational games, construction sets or technical innovations.

About those born in the year of the Rooster

Those born in the year of the Rooster are distinguished by their straightforwardness and at the same time loyalty. These people are hardworking, practical and enterprising, but they often spoil their lives by being too focused on themselves and their loved ones. They may make decisions without consulting anyone and withdraw into themselves even when they need help. Those born in the year of the Rooster are leaders by nature - they make good managers, teachers and entrepreneurs. At the same time, deep down, people born in the year of the Rooster are concerned about the opinions of others, so they pay great attention to their appearance, and are ready to spend a lot of money on clothes, shoes, accessories and specialist services. Such people love to bargain, but they will always prefer quality to cheapness. Although the image of a rooster is usually associated with something bright and colorful, when choosing a wardrobe, most people this year are conservatives. Reasonableness and conviction that one is right are distinctive character traits of people born in the year of the Rooster. They tend to analyze and analyze any situation without succumbing to emotions, so it is almost impossible to put pressure on them and impose their opinion. For the same reason, it is easier for such people to achieve results in conditions of partial or complete independence - they need time and certain conditions to calmly think about everything and understand how to achieve their goal. On the other hand, they are practically unable to accept opinions that contradict their own, they take criticism hard, and feel unhappy in a subordinate position. They treat what they earn pedantically, but only until they achieve financial independence, when they begin to handle money carelessly and risk quickly wasting everything they have earned.

Those born in the year of the Rooster are loving, and already in their youth they can boast of a large number of novels. They love to be the center of attention, know how to court and accept courtship, charm, create a romantic atmosphere, receiving true pleasure from the very process of getting to know another person. At the same time, Roosters cannot be called frivolous - they are capable of deep feelings, and expect reciprocity, honesty, encouragement and approval of their every action from their chosen one. Not getting what they expected, they have difficulty coping with disappointment. The difficulty in a long-term relationship with the Rooster is that his interest must be constantly warmed up and maintained, otherwise he is capable of betrayal, but if the Rooster’s partner is an inventive person, the couple is guaranteed a happy married life. When the Rooster realizes that he has met “his” person, he will never let him go. The best compatibility of Roosters is with those born in the year of the Ox or Snake, but it can be difficult for Roosters to find a common language with Tigers, Rats, Rabbits and Horses.

Prepared by Alexander Rempel

About favorable or unfavorable days in the month. And of course, it gives a forecast for June for each zodiac sign.

FEATURES June 2017

June (the period from June 5 to July 7, 2017) is the month of the Fire Horse. June is the middle of Fire season. The fire will be strong, so we expect the month to be dynamic, active, active and eventful.

It's time to start something new, launch projects and ask for help. The hardest thing is keeping emotions in check. After all, Fire is temperament.

If you are planning a vacation in June, then choose countries with a cool climate. Excessive heat will cause harm (and sunburn too), especially if Fire is not good for you.

Chat, meet new people, make new connections. The month is good for accidentally dropped phrases, from which something significant and important can then grow. For example, a new acquaintance may be useful for your project. Or someone may come up with a good idea that you can successfully implement together.

And the energies are such that they will push you on adventures, movements, trips, adventures. If you are an adventurous person, think about safety and take precautions.

relationship in June

Relations will develop quite constructively. Contacts bring opportunities, so it will be easier to negotiate, find a common language, make projects, embody new ideas and creative impulses.

Will be drawn to romance. But the most successful in terms of new love acquaintances will be people born in the days and/or years of the Rooster, Snake and Bull. For them, the mistress of the month, the Horse, is the patroness of sensual themes. So if you are looking for your soul mate, go out more often, communicate, expand your circle of acquaintances.

This month will also be favorable for weddings, conception, cooperation, and opening new businesses. So feel free to realize your ideas, desires, plans.


The Rat will encounter troubles, obstacles, and delays. Don’t go ahead, it’s better to calm down and relax. You still won't beat fate. At the same time, a very favorable star “Luck from Heaven” comes to you, which means the patronage and protection of people higher in status - so you can count on the support of your superiors or unexpected wins.

The star of Love comes to you. If you are looking for your other half, then hang a picture of peonies in the northeast of the apartment. Better yet, place a vase with fresh flowers in the southern sector of the apartment; as soon as the flowers begin to fade, you need to replace them with new ones, and so on throughout June.

In June, an excellent star of success in studies and love comes to you. It is good to plan a vacation for June, as any trips will be very successful. If you are surrounded by people born in the year of the Dog, then team up with them to solve problems and do business.

You will feel like you are being forced to act against your will. These are energies of destruction, and during this period we must try to get rid of the old and outdated. But the money star comes to you: try to do and accomplish as much as possible! To enhance money luck, place a money tree in the east of the apartment.

It's time to take care of your health - the energy of the month is conducive to overcoming ailments. So all the diseases in the dragon horoscope will turn into ashes. It is useful for you to travel for health - go to a sanatorium, undergo an examination and some procedures. It will be useful for you to attend yoga seminars with a spiritual focus. Or you can just go to India to meditate.

The month will be emotional and anxious for you. It will seem that someone is plotting against you or putting a spoke in your wheels. Calm down, take a breath and just do your thing. Justice will prevail, the truth will be on your side. And by not being led by your emotions, keep your cardiovascular system intact.

A horse can create problems out of nowhere and make mistakes. Eliminate extreme sports, take care of your health, try to postpone all planned changes until another time. The saying “measure 100 times, cut once” should be your motto during this period.

This is a positive month for you. Even if at first it seems that everything is not going according to plan, in the end everything will turn out well and favorably. Many pleasant events, adventures, travel and acquaintances await you. For the rest, rely on fate - what needs to be changed will be changed.

Good prospects in career and business matters. You can strengthen what already exists and start new projects. Excellent prospects for making new useful connections, finding patrons and helpers, good friends. The energy of the month promotes self-immersion and a feeling of loneliness, it is favorable to engage in spiritual practices

Not the best month, as the star of quarrels comes. Be patient and plan your steps carefully. Engage in your improvement. It's better not to travel long distances. At work and in relationships with friends, try to stay in the background and not take on any new obligations. Even the best intentions can turn against you.

The star of diseases is coming, refrain from heavy exercise. If you know Tigers, then at this time they can provide you with invaluable help. At a minimum, listen to their advice, or better yet, choose representatives of this horoscope sign as partners in any activity. This alliance will also be very useful for them.

You should not go on extreme trips or engage in dangerous sports. The sphere of feelings for most representatives of this horoscope sign will in any case become exciting. Many Pigs will have to sort things out. This month you can count on significant support and help from family and friends.

June 2017: HEALTH

With such strongly manifested Fire, it is worth remembering about proper nutrition.

This is not a particularly traumatic period, but you can get burns, chronic diseases will make themselves known, you can catch an infection, your teeth will remind you of themselves. Monitor the load on your cardiovascular system. It definitely shouldn’t be overloaded - both by those who have a lot of Fire in their chart and by those who have almost no Fire.

Jogging, walking in fresh air, adequate sleep and a balanced diet are the key to good health in June. There should be no excessive physical activity!

June 2017: business and finance

The energy background of the month supports determined, imaginative and creative people. Declare yourself, prove your professionalism and competence. Everything will be noticed by partners and/or superiors, and you will reap the benefits.

Despite the fact that the month is Fiery, he does not want to support the advertising and Internet industries. Therefore, beautiful presentations, videos and promises will need to be supported with something like gifts, souvenirs, and tokens of attention.

If you need to cajole someone, give them at least something. Such offerings will open doors for many this month.

GOOD DAYS In June 2017

Favorable days in June are 14, 15, 16, 27 and 28.


Unfavorable days in June are 5, 6, 9, 11, 18, 20 and 30.


Days favorable for starting diets, for fasting days, for giving up bad habits. For haircuts. The energies of these days make it easy and simple to limit yourself in some way or to easily start a new and healthy lifestyle, go in for sports.

Unfavorable days to start dieting: 1, 5, 6, 11, 14, 18 23, 26, 30 June. Don't start a diet these days. The efforts will be useless.

Favorable dates for haircuts in June

2 June, except for those born in the year of the Rat, Tiger and Rabbit. Haircut leads to health.

June 7, except for those born in the year of the Rabbit, Snake and Horse. Haircut leads to well-being.

June 8, except for those born in the year of the Ox, Goat, Dragon and Dog. Haircut leads to increase in benefits.

June 13, except for those born in the year of the Goat, Monkey and Rooster. Haircut leads to spirituality.

June 17, except for those born in the year of the Rat, Rooster and Pig. Haircut leads to wealth.

June 20, except for those born in the year of the Goat, Rooster and Monkey. Haircut leads to luckily.

27th of June, except for those born in the year of the Ox, Dragon and Rooster. Haircut leads to health.

June 28, except for those born in the year of the Snake, Horse and Monkey. Haircut leads to wealth.

The effect of nourishing facial masks will last as long as possible if you use them on June 8, 9, 26, 27.

The effect of rejuvenating and restorative agents will be especially strong - June 5,9,17,21,26.

IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT ADVISABLE TO DO BOTOX, RESTYLINE, DYSPORT INJECTIONS - June 1,2,3,7, 11,12, 13,14,15,16, 21,22, 23,24, 26,27, 29,30.

Such procedures on these days will not give the necessary long-term effect and can lead to the appearance of tumors on the face, neck and severe pigmentation in the future.

Hair styling and straightening will be most effective on June 1, 2, 11, 12, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30. But it should be noted that these days you need to use fixatives with restraint.

The perm will last better if done on June 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 26, 27.

Hair coloring will be most permanent if done on June 6, 9, 23, 28.

Shampoos are not worth buying and starting to use - June 10,11,12, 26,27,28

Mystery of the Trinity and Spiritual Day

On June 4, 2017, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Trinity.

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Manicures and pedicures are best done on June 3, 4, 5, 18, 19, 24, 25. If a manicure or pedicure requires mandatory cutting of all nails, then it is better to focus on the dates for cutting nails, which are indicated in the topic “Cutting nails”.

It is not recommended to extend nails: June 7,8,9, 13,14,15,17, 18,19,23,24. Since this action will lead to the development of infectious diseases and the appearance of fungal diseases.

Removal of calluses, healing foot baths are most favorable - June 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 22, 23, 28, 29.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is most favorable on June 28. In Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai, the probability of successful IVF procedures in JUNE is 8 percent.

Depilation, hair removal from legs, especially effective - June 11, 12, 20, 21. If you remove hair from your legs for 3 years on these very days (the most effective days of each month), then eventually the hair on your legs stops growing.

Removing hair from legs is strictly prohibited - June 6 and 7. However, if you want to have hairy legs, then hair removal is exactly what you need to do these days.

Products that protect and protect the skin from chapping are especially relevant - June 3,4,5, 13,14,15, 22,23.

Cleansing procedures for facial skin are most effective - June 6, 7, 16, 17, 24, 25. Don't miss these days.

It is necessary to walk more and ventilate the room - June 8,9,10, 18,19,26,27.

June 8,9,10 – on the full moon, and in the days closest to the full moon, fat deposition in the body occurs more actively. Arrange fasting days on vegetable juices or not too sweet fruits.

The best period to visit the bathhouse to improve your health is from June 1 to June 8.

Ears should be pierced on June 19 and 26.

The first visit to the dentist is best timed to coincide with June 3, 4, 5, 24, 25. It is on these days that it is best to begin procedures, treatment, removal, restoration and filling of teeth. You can continue treatment any day.

It is best and most effective to take things to dry cleaning from June 9 to June 24.

It is best to start renovations in an apartment or house from June 9 to June 24.

General monthly cleaning is best done from June 9 to June 24.

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Start a business, move into a new office, open a store, etc. 22nd of June.

The best time to contact your superiors with requests for a pay increase and a promotion is June 18,19,26,27.

The best time to buy a car is June 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 23. Purchasing a car is strictly not recommended – June 2, 3.

Count money to improve your financial situation - June 13.

Buy a wallet to eventually get rich - June 2. The wealth aspect develops over 3 years.

Do not lend in view of the threat of not returning the borrowed funds to you - June 7.

Set aside at least a little money to attract an improvement in your financial situation - June 3. According to tradition, you need to save money either under the tablecloth on the table or in a box. But the money set aside cannot be taken out during the year. They should accumulate throughout the year (you report them monthly).

And if you adhere to this rule, then in subsequent years your well-being will improve radically. A year from the start of the ritual, the money can be taken out and used, and if you want, you can start saving it again.

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Refrain from paying off debts in order to improve your financial situation - June 19.

The best time to get a new job is June 27th.

The most suitable time for negotiations, concluding contracts, agreements, financial transactions in order to obtain better financial opportunities is June 26.

The best time to apply for loans is June 20th.

Buy apartments, land - June 1,2,3,4, 5,7,9,10, 11,12,14,15, 16,18, 20,21, 22, 23,24,25, 27,30

Do not make purchases - June 19, 28.




The best days to start traveling or moving to another city or country are 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10, 11,14,15,16,18,19, 20,24,25,28,30 June.

The best day to perform magical rituals is June 4th.

The most successful days for cosmetic surgeries to remove or smooth out wrinkles are June 6th.

Plastic surgeries to change the shape of the eyes are prohibited on June 14,15, 16,17,19, 22,24,27.

You cannot have plastic surgery on the neck or surgery to change the shape of your lips on June 16,17,18, 22,23,25,26, 27,28,29,30.

Surgeries to change the shape of the breast and breast enlargement are prohibited on June 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

Astrologer Alexander Rempel

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The well-being of girls can change along with changes in the lunar calendar and this concerns not only women’s health, but also the body as a whole. For example, Rempel's hair cutting calendar will help you choose the most favorable day for a visit to a beauty salon. It was compiled by the famous astrologer Alexander Ivanovich Rempel.

Favorable lunar days for haircuts according to the Oracle calendar

Astrologers believe that stars can bring good luck or, conversely, scare it away. For example, cutting, dyeing or extensions are recommended to be carried out in strict accordance with the stellar cycle.

Favorable days according to the lunar calendar include the growth and full phase of the moon. On unfavorable days - decrease.

There are also days in the lunar calendar that do not in any way affect either the haircut or the future fate. They are called neutral. On such days, it is worth following general recommendations - visiting a beauty salon on a certain day of the week, keeping track of which zodiac sign the moon is in and following some rules, for example, not cutting your hair yourself. More on all this below.

Haircut according to zodiac signs

The position of the moon in the signs of the Zodiac, according to A. Rempel, has no less influence on hair cutting than the waning or waxing moon:

The remaining signs do not have a significant impact on the haircut, or this sign is neutral for a visit to the salon.

What day of the week should I get my hair cut?

According to experts, all days of the week except Sunday are suitable for cutting your hair and making other pleasant changes to your appearance.

But it’s worth taking a closer look at each day:

On Sunday you should refuse to change your appearance.

It is best to spend this day on new experiences from meeting friends, spending quality time with your loved one.

Who is Rempel

Alexander Ivanovich Rempel is a famous astrologer. Interest in astrology appeared during my student days. One day A. Rempel was translating an article on an astrological topic and realized that he was interested in this science. The next step was obtaining a diploma as a professional psychologist and the title of Master of Occult Sciences.

People learned about Alexander Rempel from newspapers in the Primorsky Territory and from radio and television programs. He is a participant in expeditions to Tibet, Stonehenge, and Egypt to the pyramids.

Currently he is engaged in compiling astrological forecasts, creating talismans and studying unidentified and inexplicable phenomena. He has written many books in these areas.

Since 1992, he has been editor of the Gentry newspaper, which publishes:

  • articles by authors on all unusual, unidentified and mysterious phenomena;
  • calendar of lunar days according to Rempel, where you can see favorable days for cutting hair.

Since 2011, the newspaper has had its own website, thanks to which materials have become available all over the world where there is Internet, and not just in the Primorsky Territory.

Hair cutting according to Rempel

Hair cutting according to Rempel involves not only a visit to the hairdresser on a certain day, but also compliance with a few simple rules.

In order for haircut, coloring or lamination to bring the desired result, you need to follow the tips:

Favorable days for haircuts in all months of 2019

Speaking about successful days of the year, it is worth remembering those when a visit to the master should be cancelled. Such unfavorable days include the 9th, 15th, 19th, 23rd and 29th days of the lunar calendar and the days of an eclipse, whether lunar or solar.

In addition, you should not get a haircut on your birthday.

January January is not the best time to visit a hairdresser.

A January haircut will not only not benefit your hair, but will also negatively affect relationships with loved ones and colleagues.

But this does not mean that you do not need to take care of your hair for a whole month. For example, you can make nourishing masks. If a haircut is necessary, then you need to plan a trip to the salon for the last week of the month - January 22, 25, 27, 28 and 30.

According to Rempel, cutting your hair on the 22nd promises an improvement in material well-being, and for some, the purchase of a car and real estate. Wealth will also come to those who go to the salon on January 25 and 30.

Moon phases for hair cutting in January 2019. Rempel's horoscopeDayDay of the weekLunar day numberZodiacPhase
1 Favorable and unfavorable days24, 25 WScorpionWaning moon
2 Unfavorable day. January 1 is an unlucky moon phase for “going to the salon.” We are looking for other delights of life.25, 26 WedSagittarius
3 Today is not the time to visit an arboretum, zoo or planetarium. Rempel's website's haircut forecast for January is successful. Lunar calendar... that's what it is.26, 27 Thu
4 Today is a lucky day, January 2nd. It’s worth treating yourself and your loved ones with a new look. By the way, tomorrow...27, 28 FriCapricorn
5 Today is the best moon phase for shortening your hair. We are not waiting for other horoscope tips for January28, 29 Sat
6 Industry curls? It's time to visit the stylist. Today you can do anything, even get a haircut. The calendar gives the green light.29, 1, 2 SunNew moon
7 And on January 3, we bypass the salons, looking for other delights of life. Clubs, shops, family and children are waiting for you. Cutting your hair according to Rempel's horoscope on this day will not bring good luck2, 3 MonAquariusWaxing Crescent
8 Favorable and unfavorable days3, 4 Horoscope predictions, and what Rempel reports, are all against a haircut on January 7th. Apparently it’s not the right phase...
9 Unfavorable day. January 1 is an unlucky moon phase for “going to the salon.” We are looking for other delights of life.4, 5 Favorable day for a haircut. Today is the best phase of the moon to go to salons. We are not looking for other delights of life.Fish
10 Today is not the time to visit an arboretum, zoo or planetarium. Rempel's website's haircut forecast for January is successful. Lunar calendar... that's what it is.5, 6 Today, according to Rempel, there is no need to cut your hair, unless, of course, the time has come and you are guided by the lunar phases. Tomorrow, by the way, you can’t visit the master either.
11 Today is a lucky day, January 2nd. It’s worth treating yourself and your loved ones with a new look. By the way, tomorrow...6, 7 An extremely unfavorable day. Based on the phases of the moon and Rempel's forecasts, we can say for sure that today is a bad day for cutting hair.
12 Today is the best moon phase for shortening your hair. We are not waiting for other horoscope tips for January7, 8 AriesUnfavorable day. To the question “is it possible or not to cut your hair today,” the answer is negative. You and the moon are not in the same phase.
13 Industry curls? It's time to visit the stylist. Today you can do anything, even get a haircut. The calendar gives the green light.8, 9 According to the January calendar, the time for a haircut is not the best. Take a crossword puzzle or a women's magazine and get in line, but not to the master.
14 And on January 3, we bypass the salons, looking for other delights of life. Clubs, shops, family and children are waiting for you. Cutting your hair according to Rempel's horoscope on this day will not bring good luck9, 10 TaurusThe Moon phase welcomes the desire to cut hair, and Rempel’s predictions are not against going to the hairdressers.
15 Favorable and unfavorable days10, 11 On January 9, you can treat yourself to a trip to the masters. Today you can cut your hair
16 Unfavorable day. January 1 is an unlucky moon phase for “going to the salon.” We are looking for other delights of life.11, 12 Today, January 10th, is a good day for cutting your hair. Don't miss the opportunity to radically change your image.
17 Today is not the time to visit an arboretum, zoo or planetarium. Rempel's website's haircut forecast for January is successful. Lunar calendar... that's what it is.12, 13 TwinsToday we visit the master, and only then we watch TV, walk, eat... lose weight. We repeat, don’t wait for tomorrow, let’s go today.
18 Today is a lucky day, January 2nd. It’s worth treating yourself and your loved ones with a new look. By the way, tomorrow...13, 14 Today is a good moon phase to shorten your hair. The master’s visit schedule from Rempel’s website gives the green light.
19 Today is the best moon phase for shortening your hair. We are not waiting for other horoscope tips for January14, 15 CancerToday is not the best phase of the luminary for cutting hair. The pause until January 26 will fly by quickly. We wait, we believe, we do our hair at home.
20 Industry curls? It's time to visit the stylist. Today you can do anything, even get a haircut. The calendar gives the green light.15, 16 According to the Moon calendar and the recommendations of Rempel's website, the day is not created for haircuts. The phase of the Moon for this day also recommends postponing a trip to the specialists. There will be a long wait until better days.
21 And on January 3, we bypass the salons, looking for other delights of life. Clubs, shops, family and children are waiting for you. Cutting your hair according to Rempel's horoscope on this day will not bring good luck16, 17 a lionFull moonToday is not a day for a haircut. The phase of the moon does not guarantee a successful trip to the masters and stylists.
22 Favorable and unfavorable days17, 18 ScorpionUnfavorable day, moon phase does not recommend hair cutting. Rempel's website horoscope agrees. Must wait.
23 Unfavorable day. January 1 is an unlucky moon phase for “going to the salon.” We are looking for other delights of life.18, 19 VirgoThe lunar calendar again strongly advises you to think about a new haircut before the end of January. You can visit a stylist today.
24 Thurs.19, 20 Hurry up. Today is a good time when you can and should cut your hair in January.
25 Fri.20, 21 ScalesJanuary 21 is a fairly favorable day for cutting hair. It is worth postponing visiting the library, shoe repair, studio and bathhouse. Visit the salon. There is no need to tempt fate, we do everything on the most appropriate days.
26 Sat.21 Auspicious day. The lunar calendar again strongly advises you to think about a new haircut before the beginning of February. You can visit a stylist today or tomorrow.
27 Sun.21, 22 WNeutral day. Today is an unclear moon phase for haircuts in January. To please yourself and your loved ones with a new look, you have to wait. But tomorrow...
28 Mon.22, 23 Today, everyone who believes in the lunar calendar simply must remember to visit salons. You can call the master and make an appointment. You can also get your hair cut on January 30th.
29 Tue.23, 24 WedToday is a day made for cutting hair. Lunar calendar based on the phases of the moon, it’s like this... Are we waiting for February?? Of course not.
30 Wed.24, 25 No need to cut your hair today. Wrong phase, wrong time, not the best advice from Rempel. We won't have to wait long, we'll see off February with an old haircut
31 Thurs.25, 26 There's no need to wait today. The meeting with the stylist is already close. Today everything is possible... And then, silence... February

If you need luck, keen senses and insightful mind, you should make an appointment at the salon on January 27 and 28.


Favorable days are February 2 and 3. Despite the fact that the Moon is waning, its presence in Virgo softens the negative side of this day and makes visiting the salon possible. It is worth considering that although the hair will grow back slowly, it will become stronger and stronger. This day is also good for coloring and laminating - the effect will last longer than usual.

The same result can be obtained if you visit the salon on February 5, 6, 8, 11 and 12. On all these days, the moon is waning, but the negativity is mitigated due to the satellite being in Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn, respectively. You should definitely visit the salon on February 22. According to the Rempel hair cutting calendar, this is a very favorable day for changing your image.

The reason is that the moon is waxing on this day and is in Taurus. If your hair has become lifeless and dull due to the use of a hair dryer or sudden temperature changes, then it’s time to prepare it for spring. Even if a haircut is not needed, you should ask the hairdresser to shorten them by 3 millimeters or more. The effect will be amazing.

The same positive result can be obtained if you get a haircut on February 21, 25, 27 and 28.


If you couldn’t make it in time for a haircut in February, then March 1 is the ideal time. The waxing Moon in Virgo will help maintain your hairstyle for a long time and prevent the appearance of split ends. On March 5, 8, 10, 11, 15, it is best to take care of your hair - make masks, massage your head. The moon is waning these days and will allow you to maintain the results for a long time.

According to astrologers, the most favorable day of the month is the 24th. On this day, all hair manipulations will be successful. A little less, but still a positive effect will be on March 21, 28, 29 and 30. The moon is waxing these days and is in Leo, Virgo and Libra, respectively.


Until April 15, the moon is waning and therefore girls who dream of growing long and thick hair should avoid visiting the salon. But you can do coloring, perm or masks suitable for your hair type. April 4, 5, 7, 8, 12 and 13 are recognized as favorable days for these actions. The remaining days are either unfavorable or neutral.

If the image is not enough for long and luxurious hair, then it’s time to make an appointment with a specialist for extensions or just to trim the grown ends on April 17, 19, 25, 26, 27 and 28. The moon is waxing these days and the effect on your hair will last for a long time. The most favorable day in April is the 22nd.


If the haircut was done on April 22, then in order for the hairstyle to delight you with its beauty for a long time, it’s time to take care of your hair on May 3, 4, 5, 13, 14 and 31. The moon is waning these days, but its presence in Sagittarius, Capricorn and Taurus softens the negativity of the waning moon and allows you to preserve the effect of masks, head massages and other actions with hair for a long time.

You can again go for a haircut according to the lunar calendar on May 19, 23, 25, 27, 28. The moon begins to grow on these days, which will have a positive effect on your hair. The most favorable day of the month is May 22.


If you were unable to go to the master in May, you will have to wait until June 20, 22, 26 and 27. According to the calculations of astrologers, the most successful day of the month is the 17th. The next month is not so rich in days favorable for haircuts. Therefore, if important events await in July, then you should definitely plan a visit to the master in June.

Astrologers consider the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 13th days to take care of your hair. At this time, the moon is waning and you can safely do coloring, lamination, perm and other procedures not related to haircuts.


Favorable days for cutting hair according to Rempel this month are the 16th, 19th, 22nd, 25th and 26th. If you don’t need a haircut, you can do salon treatments - perm, keratin straightening, coloring. The waning moon on 8, 9, 10 and 11 will help maintain the effect for a long time. The negativity from the waning moon reduces the presence of the satellite in Taurus and Gemini.

You should avoid visiting the salon on the 12th and 13th, during the new moon.


Those who want long and thick hair should visit the salon on August 20, 21 and 22. These days are recognized as the most favorable days of the month, since the moon is waxing and is in Sagittarius and Capricorn. According to astrologers, getting a haircut these days will help you achieve success in your career, improve relationships with business partners and have a positive impact on the work process.

Other days when you can visit the salon include the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 10th. If your hair is not happy with its thickness, then you should definitely visit the salon on August 10 - at this time the moon is in the sign of Leo and is waning, which will allow you, albeit slowly, to grow thick hair.

An important role here is played by various masks to stimulate hair growth, for example, pepper, as well as head massage with various oils - burdock, sesame.


September 2019 promises to be fruitful not only literally, but also figuratively, as there are many favorable days for haircuts. According to calculations, you should definitely make an appointment with the master on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th and 8th.

At this time, the moon is waning, but its negative influence is reduced due to its presence in Taurus, Gemini and Leo, so it is important to do masks, head massage and other procedures not related to hair cutting. If you need rapid growth, then you need to sign up for a salon after the middle of the month - 13, 15, 17, 18 and 30.

The most favorable day is September 16th. A haircut on this day promises success not only in your career, but also an improvement in your personal life.


A change of image in October should be planned for the 7th, 12th, 15th, since at this time the moon is growing and is in the signs that have a positive effect on any business - Virgo, Sagittarius and Capricorn. The 1st, 5th, and 6th days of the month are considered no less favorable.

At this time, the moon is waning and it is best to visit a beauty salon for girls with short hair - the hair will grow more slowly and the hairstyle will please with its shape for a long time. 2, 4, 8. 9, 13, 19, 25 and 31 are suitable for hair care or other procedures not related to haircuts - lamination, keratin straightening, perm. You can treat yourself to a head massage with healing oils.


On November 3, 4, 5, the moon is waning, but the presence of a satellite in the signs of Virgo and Libra makes these lunar days favorable for visiting a beauty salon. The best of these days is the 2nd, since Virgo is the zodiac sign that patronizes all matters related to beauty.

You should definitely do procedures on this day, the positive effects of which you want to preserve for a long time. For example, trendy dyeing in fiery red or ash blonde. On November 11, 27, 28, 29 and 30, the moon is waxing and you can safely make an appointment with the master for a new look.

But do not forget that hair will grow very quickly. Therefore, it is advisable to abandon short haircuts, such as bobs.


Taking care of your hair needs to start from the very beginning. Until the 11th the moon is waning. The most favorable day to get a haircut is the 3rd. But it is worth refusing to radically change the image, since the moon is in one of the most changeable signs - Libra, and what you liked on the day of the haircut may not be liked the next day.

The 19th, 20th, 28th, 29th and 30th are very good days for all hair related procedures. The moon is growing, and you can dare to radically change your image on the 19th, 20th and 28th of the month, since the satellite is in the stable zodiac signs - Taurus and Virgo. 29 and 30, it is best to do standard procedures - updating your hairstyle, dyeing or laminating.

According to the Rempel calendar, hair cutting on these days will be especially successful.

Those who adhere to favorable and unfavorable dates note that the quality of their hair has noticeably improved.

Video: hair cutting according to Rempel 2019

How to choose a good day to cut your hair according to Rempel:

Moon and hair: best days for cutting and coloring:

June is the month of the fickle Gemini. On the one hand, it will be fun, dynamic and full of interesting events. But, on the other hand, unexpected, unpredictable incidents and instability may await us. This state is especially emphasized by the conjunction of Venus with Uranus in Aries - an aspect that promises financial instability - both ups and downs. For some signs, especially fire signs, this can be a time of success and happiness. They can achieve great financial success. But for others, including those from Earth, this may be a period of great loss. In this regard, it is necessary to be careful in spending and not make risky purchases.

June is a time of political and economic reforms, when significant fluctuations in world market prices (and, as a consequence, regional prices) are likely, primarily due to fluctuations in prices for raw materials. Politically, the month could be quite turbulent. It will be a busy and fruitful time. Interesting ideas will come to us that can be brought to life. The emphasis on Gemini will make us more mobile and sociable than usual. Mercury's influence will help to persuade others, which helps advance one's own interests. For most, June will be a very favorable month. This is a good time for travel and sports, communication with nature. The planets will create a favorable background for any event - the opening of new enterprises or businesses, attempts to increase salaries, the search for new opportunities to generate additional income.

Uranus in conjunction with Venus creates favorable conditions for creativity and art. The planets will bring revival of business activity. Partnerships will become more important. In general, the month will go very smoothly, many people will be able to achieve their goals. It is favorable to begin to implement long-cherished plans.

Try this month, while being carried away by business (which, of course, is becoming especially important), not to miss the situation at home, to pay the necessary attention to the hearth and your loved ones, household members, children, otherwise problems may arise. The same can be said about personal relationships, which, of course, would be nice to somehow streamline, define, and make as clear and definite as possible for both parties. In June, business will pick up, business meetings will be very productive, and real estate transactions will be crowned with success. Thanks to the good aspects of Jupiter, this will be a time for making new alliances, defining goals and really starting many long-term programs.

June will be successful for all sorts of undertakings: starting a business, concluding deals, starting construction and repair work, finding new partners, etc. Marriages registered during this period will be especially strong. Significant creative growth is expected among representatives of the arts, new ideas and extraordinary creative solutions are possible.

Venus will bring great luck in love, endows us with seductiveness and a special charm that is not easy for the opposite sex to resist. This is a good time to start new relationships and marriage, since the relationship between Venus and Uranus favors strong love and marital unions. Those who have experienced some kind of conflict have good opportunities to restore relationships. If desired, you can establish business partnerships with friends. The period is favorable for social activities, planning, realizing prospects, and establishing new contacts. All signs, but especially Aquarius, Aries and Gemini, will be characterized by eccentricity and a desire to stand out with something unusual, freedom in self-expression. We are expected to receive unexpected benefits, one-time payments, gifts, and the opening of new financial and social opportunities. This will be a great time for sudden and interesting acquaintances. Passion and sexuality intensify, intimate connections are activated.

Unexpected events of a positive nature are possible in the family, but accompanied by troubles and the need for some changes. In June it is good to solve old problems, restore lost contacts, and achieve harmony in relationships with others. The month will bring many interesting events, increased income and profit. You should be active in both business and love, especially in the middle of the month. During June there will be only two periods when troubles, relationship problems, misunderstandings, deception and road accidents are possible.

From June 1 to June 3, people may show insincerity and will strive to deceive each other. Try not to do anything in your personal life during this time. Let everything remain as it is. Abrupt changes, breaks or clarifications will have serious consequences. Pay attention to everyday details, try to surround yourself with comfort and not be physically overloaded.

Don't get too carried away with spending on small pleasures. It is also important to take care of your own health and wellness. Pay attention to healthy eating and dieting, do not overeat. At the beginning of June, the likelihood of conflict situations and various surprises is increased. The end of the month will also be difficult, namely the period from June 24 to June 30. Accidents related to equipment and transport are possible. Moreover, these incidents can affect large numbers of people. Minor financial difficulties are also likely, but in July they will be fully compensated. There may be conflicts and difficulties in relationships with loved ones, friends and acquaintances. Information will not be absorbed well enough, and minor misunderstandings due to haste or inattention can lead to annoying mistakes. In this regard, I do not recommend devoting this period to important matters. It's better to postpone them until July. It is recommended to carefully check the correctness of documents and avoid illegal financial activities.

The “kings of position” in June will be Aries, Cancer, Leo and Libra. They expect significant changes in their personal lives, as well as unexpected and even extraordinary acquaintances. The situation will be less successful for Sagittarius, Aquarius and Capricorn, who will find themselves under the strict control of their superiors. They will be haunted by misunderstanding on the part of others and relatives, which can cause quarrels and conflict situations. These signs should be patient and under no circumstances commit illegal actions. They should pay attention to dreams and try to correctly interpret current events.

People of the fire signs of the Zodiac (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) in June will discover new opportunities for themselves in familiar circumstances. The harmonious aspect of Mars to the White Moon supports the desire to achieve your goal. Many will become bolder and more self-confident, and decide to do what previously seemed unthinkable. They have a huge reserve of energy, but it is better to use it not in entertainment, but to direct it to more reasonable and practical activities.

Representatives of the Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) will be lucky in love. And even if you have to endure temporary disappointment, do not worry - in the end everything will happen in the way that is best for you. In general, relationships, not only love, but also business, family, and friendship, will develop well.

Signs of the Air element (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) will achieve a lot at work and in the financial sphere. With Jupiter on your side, there is an excellent chance of success. This is a good time to travel; good luck may await you in distant lands. Rely on the support of the stars, but do not forget that personal contribution is also necessary. In other words, if you do nothing, it is unlikely that anything will happen.

People of the water element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are full of energy. New prospects for growth open up for you, but responsibility also increases. Not everything will unfold as planned because there is an element of uncertainty. Change is inevitable and, most likely, it is for the better. There is a good chance that your dreams will come true.

Now let's see what the first summer month of June will bring to each of the zodiac signs

ARIES. It’s good if in June you can relax in nature with your family, work in the garden, or achieve good results in sports. Any major changes are unlikely. The overall energy of this period is rather positive. Throughout June you will have to work on new projects. The problems that have begun in your own home (perhaps this is just repairs) will last until the end of June. At the same time, Venus will give you brilliance and charm; an inexplicable charm will attract the opposite sex, like butterflies to a fire. Working with documents and signing contracts in June may bring you success, but inappropriate situations may arise with love.

CALF. A good month to work in finance and to find new business partners. True, the results of your efforts will be noticeable only next month. On the 3rd and from 8 to 11 June, avoid conflicts, especially over money. During these days, be careful in your intimate sphere. Apparently, June will be a month of strong passions for you. If you have not yet started a family, then the whole of June is a great time to organize your personal life. Family Taurus will spend their second honeymoon during this period.

TWINS. June presents Gemini with many new opportunities. This month is favorable for love and for the manifestation of your abilities. In the middle of the month you will communicate a lot. These contacts can grow into long-term relationships that will become very dear to you. Conflict periods are from 8 to 11 and from 15 to 17 June. The third decade can be very successful. During this period, pay full attention to business and personal contacts. In June, you will be able to have a good rest by traveling to distant countries. The time from mid-June to the end of the month will be very favorable for relaxation.

CANCER. In the first half of the month, try to lead a calm, measured life, rest more, and do not strive for high achievements. We do not recommend starting new businesses until June 18th. The third decade can be used for work and travel, as well as for leisure. It is especially good to start important things before June 28th. During this same period, much attention is paid to household and family affairs, with nutrition and health becoming the main concern. There are also changes for the better in business.

A LION. At the beginning of the month, the planets will help you in spiritual pursuits and creativity. Relaxing in nature, especially near the water, will make you forget about endless problems. At the end of the first and beginning of the second decade, not everything will go smoothly in your business. In mid-June, your circle of partners may change. The beginning of June - everything pleases the eye: the sympathy of others, the warmth of the sun, flowers, but the conjunction of the two opposing planets Mars and Saturn around June 17th can disrupt the idyll of summer. The most difficult moment of this period is mid-June, when a variety of troubles can fall on Leo’s heads, so we advise them to be very careful.

VIRGO. The beginning of the month will be difficult regarding work and travel. You will encounter unexpected obstacles. In the second decade, it is better to solve problems one by one. In the third decade, everything will begin to work out for you, things will actively move forward, and communication with friends will be both pleasant and useful. At the end of this month, the guidelines will shift towards Virgo’s career, all efforts will be aimed at maintaining authority and gained positions

SCALES. At the beginning of the month, studies and social work will be difficult to progress. The trip can be ruined by long delays along the way and annoying accidents. The beginning of the second decade is favorable for love. In June, the stars will be entirely on your side, and your charm will easily allow you to achieve reciprocity in any case. A very successful period - from the beginning of the month - to June 21: receiving dividends, personal life will be full of pleasures, high-ranking friends will appear among you. With the arrival of the summer heat, the time of formation will come, that is, many Libras will climb a step higher on the ladder of success.

SCORPION. In the first half of the month, difficulties await you in financial matters, negotiations, relationships with influential people, and in your personal life. At the same time, this time is great for non-business trips, especially long-distance ones, and scientific work. The third decade is favorable for any type of activity. At the end of June there will be a desire to go abroad, but this will only be possible after June 23.

SAGITTARIUS. In the first two decades of June you will have problems. They will seem very serious to you, although in reality they are not. Some partners may leave you, others will take their place. The third decade is good for travel. It's time to go on vacation. Your personal life will be very eventful. For young Sagittarius, this is a time of passion. You are very attractive during this period, your relationship will develop and will be associated with long-distance travel. On June 4 you may have a very large purchase. At the end of the month, your deepest desire may also come true.

CAPRICORN. There are no intense planetary influences associated with your sign. The first two decades can be devoted to health-improving activities. The third decade is most favorable for communication and strengthening relationships, both with business partners and with loved ones. Expect good news on June 27 and 28. Almost all of June, small matters will absorb the attention of Capricorns. With the entry of the Sun into the sign of Cancer (late June), Capricorns will begin a period of cooling in their partner life. They will have a desire to relax and go somewhere to the mountains.

AQUARIUS. On June 8-10, obstacles in business are possible. Avoid conflicts with children and loved ones. The remaining days are favorable for personal life, family and home affairs, recreation and sports activities. The connection with family, friends and relatives is strengthened. The third decade is very suitable for traveling and working with information. In your personal life, everything should be fine. Throughout June, Aquarius will be good with money. This month is especially successful for stock exchange games and financial transactions. There will be a lot of work at this time.