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Diplomas and universities can be checked in a single register. Checking the authenticity of a diploma - all possible ways

After reading the article in full, you will be able to find out all the possible ways to check whether a diploma is in the registry online and without unnecessary fuss.

Especially for convenient use and to effectively combat fake diplomas purchased from scammers, the Federal Register of Information with document data was created. Using this free service is much faster and more effective than the traditional method. The latter consists of a request to the register of diplomas of the universities in which the document was received.

Following the example of Western countries, in 2013, at the state level, the correct decision was made to organize a unified register of graduates of secondary and higher institutions, according to which one can check the registration of a diploma in it and find out its authenticity.

In order to create a full-fledged unified system, back in 2009, the official website of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science began accumulating information on diplomas of higher and secondary education, academic degrees and scientific titles, and Unified State Examination certificates. Thanks to this, the most extensive database of diploma authenticity in the country has been formed.

According to the creators of the database, the lower time limit for collecting information was 1960, and new data from documents appears every day to this day. Since 2013, the diploma verification database has been open free of charge for verification both by regulatory authorities and upon request for all individuals.

At the time of launch, information about more than two million data was added to the register of diploma numbers. In 2016, the amount of information on educational documents more than doubled and, according to information as of November 13, 2016, there were 6,999,330 documents in the register.

According to official data presented on their website, by 2023 the register of educational diplomas should be replenished with absolutely all educational documents of graduates received since 1992 inclusive.

How to check the authenticity of a diploma in the registry

To check a diploma of education in the database on the website of the Russian education supervision (Rosobrnadzor), you need to know not only the diploma number, but also other information about the recipient of the document. Therefore, it is impossible to verify a diploma by number without having additional data. This is done in order not to disclose confidential information.

Without the document in hand, it will be impossible to fill out a special form and send a request for verification to the diploma verification website. Only if the conditions for accurately filling out the details specified on the document form are met will a correct analysis of the database be possible. Thanks to this, confidential data will remain safe from ill-wishers.

Step-by-step instructions for checking your diploma in the registry


Step 2. We find and click on the section “Federal Register of State Documents on Education, Academic Degrees and Academic Titles (FRDO).”

Step 3. In the register you can find important information from Rosobnadzor on current legislation, as well as frequently asked questions about working with the register. To check your diploma, click “Check document information”.

Step 4. Fill in the required search fields and click “Check for availability of information in the FDDO.”

What data is needed to search for information?

In a special form on the official website you will need to enter the following data:

  • Level of education (higher or secondary);
  • Name of the educational institution and its code according to the All-Russian Classifier;
  • Last name, first name and patronymic of the diploma recipient;
  • State series and number of the form on which the document was issued;
  • The date of its issue.

Extended diploma verification

On the Rosobrnadzor website, it is also possible to check the authenticity of a diploma through an advanced search. Here you will need to enter data that is not mandatory, but required to be filled out. This will help avoid mistakes and make it easier for the system to search through a huge information base. You will need to enter information such as:

  • Title of the document (diploma, certificate);
  • Document status (original, duplicate or lost);
  • Registration number of the document (located under the inscription Diploma);
  • Qualification (bachelor, master, specialist);
  • Specialty (as indicated in the diploma);
  • Year of graduation from educational institution.

Test results

Verification of the authenticity of Rosobrnadzor diploma is fully automated and, if the entered data matches, the site will quickly return a positive result. New documents are added to the electronic list around the clock and entered into the database no later than sixty days from the date of their official issue.

However, it is impossible to add a diploma to the register on your own. To add information, you can only send a request to the organization that issued your educational document. The register of higher education diplomas can only be supplemented by the educational institution itself.

It should be borne in mind that this type of data analysis does not provide a one hundred percent guarantee of the information provided. This is stated in an additional footnote at the end of the check, because some errors in data entry or inaccuracies in their processing cannot be ruled out.

If there is no information when processing a request such as “check a diploma of secondary vocational education,” the document may not be a fake. There is a possibility that it was received quite recently and has not yet been entered into the register of secondary education diplomas.

Registry restrictions you need to be aware of

The register includes a huge amount of information about higher education. However, verification of a higher education diploma is not possible for documents issued by government institutions under the jurisdiction of the Federal Security Service, the Federal Security Service and the Foreign Intelligence Service.

Data about these diplomas is not entered into the database, since the activities of these institutions and scientific organizations are a state secret and are protected by the relevant authorities. Therefore, for those who received their education in such places, it will be impossible to check the authenticity of the higher education diploma number.

Thus, in Russia for several years there has been a unified information database of issued documents on obtaining education. It will not be difficult for employers or federal services to check the authenticity of the diploma number in the registry. And it is now increasingly difficult for owners of fake documents to find work. In order to check the accuracy of the education documents submitted to them, it is necessary to know complete information, and not just the diploma number.

How to check the authenticity of a diploma of higher and secondary education in the registry updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru


With the start of the Unified State Exam, the number of visitors to the Federal Database, created by specialists from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering (MIEM), is increasing. It is there that all information about the participants and the results of the Unified State Exam is received from the Testing Center of the Ministry of Education. From the MIEM database, university admissions committees obtain information not only about the scores scored by applicants, but also about many other things that, at first glance, are not related to the Unified State Exam. Our questions are answered by one of the database developers, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics at MIEM, member of the working group for the Unified State Exam Alexey PROTASOV.

- How many years has your database existed? Why have we never heard of a tender for its creation?

There was no tender. There was a competition for research papers among universities. Our database was prepared by scientists from MIEM. Look: if a university has received a certificate of passing the Unified State Exam, the admissions committee will want to check its authenticity. It's the same with school certificates. An idea arose: to create a single database, like, say, in the traffic police, which checks car license plates. Everyone who has the right (primarily university admissions committees) will be able to conduct an examination of a certificate of passing the Unified State Exam or, for example, a school certificate. The latter turned out to be in demand: now, at the request of one of the regional education departments, we are adding information about invalid school certificates to our database...

Previously, one of the departments of the Ministry of Education compiled lists of lost school certificate forms and sent them to university admissions committees. The trouble is different - no one looked at this list in the selection committees. Are you sure your program won't suffer the same fate?

Previously, admissions officers had to read a long list received from the ministry and compare the numbers on it with the numbers of accepted certificates. Now it’s enough to make one file - after all, university admissions offices always have their own applicant registration program - and transfer it to us via computer. The file will go into the database, and in two to three minutes customers will receive a response. For example, these certificates are genuine, but this one is listed as lost...

- Why didn’t such a database exist before?

In principle, such a service should exist wherever strict reporting documents are used (these are educational documents). But five years ago this would have been too expensive - there were not enough powerful servers. Now we can afford it.
Russia should have a database of educational documents. After all, what difficulties arise with the verification of higher education diplomas! For example, where does a personnel officer turn when he has suspicions about your diploma or academic degree received from an unknown university?..

- He must request the Higher Attestation Commission. But in general, personnel officers rarely do this...

That's it! You need to write to the Higher Attestation Commission a request: whether the diploma of a candidate or doctor of sciences was really issued. And wait several months for an answer. And the personnel officer needs to decide on the spot whether to hire a person or not. It’s another matter when a personnel officer or admissions officer sees all the information on a computer screen. With an online request, you can check three hundred or even a thousand education certificates at once. This is the opportunity that our database provides.

Unfortunately, today a person cannot be refused if he brings a false certificate to the admissions committee. That is, theoretically this should be done, but in practice it is never done...

Now universities have other ways to “wrap up” a person who brought a fake certificate to the university. And when we act according to the law, it will no longer be possible to use such methods.

But there is no law...

There is a law! The Law “On Electronic and Digital Signatures”, which was adopted two years ago. According to this law, “certification centers” with certified software must be created.

But the status of the education certificate database must be legally defined: if the presented education document turns out to be inauthentic, the university will be able to invite the bearer to go to court. If the “certification center” gave an incorrect conclusion, then you can sue it too. And that would be fair.

- What are the most common difficulties when collecting data on the Unified State Examination and can they interfere with the work of the database?

The federal certificate database has been operating for four years. During the Unified State Exam, we receive up-to-date data from the Testing Center every day and load it into the database. The biggest difficulty is appeals.

For example, a graduate wrote an appeal against the Unified State Examination decision. The results of his appeal may have influenced the results of other children who solved the same problems. This means that changes in many information in the database depend on the outcome of one appeal. This year, we are placing a checkbox next to the name of such a child: this means that before July 15, the final deadline for submitting results, the details of this applicant may change. A special article is distortion of first and last names. The child writes his name on one form as Natalia, then as Natalia. The computer perceives Natalia and Natalia as two completely different people. And there are inconsistencies: the same applicant has results in mathematics, but no results in physics. The key is broken, the database refuses to load. That is why we had a very difficult time in the first year of the base’s existence.

- Are the main difficulties in such little things?

We even had to rework the database so that it would issue for one person not one, but two or three certificates of passing the Unified State Exam. According to the law, there must be only one certificate, but a child should not suffer because of his mistakes! In fact, in order to avoid such misunderstandings, children must be registered before the start of the Unified State Exam. We explained this from the first year of the existence of the unified state exam. The graduate must bring his data in advance, back in March-April, certified by the school director. True, according to my observations, after a number of mistakes, thanks to the Unified State Exam, people begin to be more or less meaningful about what they write and sign. The Unified State Exam increases the information culture of the population. This is a 100% positive effect.

- What else could your database be used for?

Very interesting information is collected in databases (federal and regional). When a graduate has passed the Unified State Exam, his annual grade, certificate grade and Unified State Exam grade remain in the database. In the regions, we are asked to collect information about the child’s learning conditions at school: what his major was, who taught him, what textbook he used, the experience of his teachers, detailed information about the teachers. Based on this order, we made a special format - it collects information tied to a specific graduate: a student and his teacher, a student and his textbook. Through these simple data you can understand a lot: for example, understand the problem of teacher migration. But this information had to be collected regardless of the Unified State Examination.

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School certificate: authentication check

A database is being created in Russia where you can check any educational document

With the start of the Unified State Exam, the number of visitors to the Federal Database, created by specialists from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering (MIEM), is increasing. It is there that all information about the participants and the results of the Unified State Exam is received from the Testing Center of the Ministry of Education. From the MIEM database, university admissions committees obtain information not only about the scores scored by applicants, but also about many other things that, at first glance, are not related to the Unified State Exam.
Our questions are answered by one of the database developers, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics at MIEM, member of the working group for the Unified State Exam Alexey PROTASOV.

– How old has your database been? Why have we never heard of a tender for its creation?
- There was no tender. There was a competition for research papers among universities. Our database was prepared by scientists from MIEM. Look: if a university has received a certificate of passing the Unified State Exam, the admissions committee will want to check its authenticity. It's the same with school certificates. An idea arose: to create a single database, like, say, in the traffic police, which checks car license plates. Anyone who has the right (primarily university admissions committees) will be able to conduct an examination of a certificate of passing the Unified State Exam or, for example, a school certificate.

The latter turned out to be in demand: now, at the request of one of the regional education departments, we are adding information about invalid school certificates to our database...
– Previously, one of the departments of the Ministry of Education compiled lists of lost school certificate forms and sent them to the admissions committees of universities. The trouble is different - no one looked at this list in the selection committees.

Are you sure your program won't suffer the same fate?
– Previously, admissions officers had to read a long list received from the ministry and compare the numbers in it with the numbers of accepted certificates. Now it’s enough to make one file - after all, university admissions offices always have their own applicant registration program - and transfer it to us via computer. The file will go into the database, and in two to three minutes customers will receive a response. For example, these certificates are genuine, but this one is listed as lost...
– Why didn’t such a database exist before?

– In principle, such a service should exist wherever strict reporting documents are used (these are educational documents). But five years ago this would have been too expensive - there weren’t enough powerful servers. Now we can afford it.
- That's it! You need to write to the Higher Attestation Commission a request: whether the diploma of a candidate or doctor of sciences was really issued. And wait several months for an answer. And the personnel officer needs to decide on the spot whether to hire a person or not. It’s another matter when a personnel officer or admissions officer sees all the information on a computer screen. With an online request, you can check three hundred or even a thousand education certificates at once. This is the opportunity that our database provides.

“Unfortunately, today a person cannot be refused if he brings a false certificate to the admissions committee. That is, theoretically this should be done, but in practice it is never done...
– Now universities have other ways to “wrap up” a person who brought a fake certificate to the university. And when we act according to the law, it will no longer be possible to use such methods.

- But there is no law...
- There is a law! The Law “On Electronic and Digital Signatures”, which was adopted two years ago. According to this law, “certification centers” with certified software must be created.
But the status of the education certificate database must be legally defined: if the presented education document turns out to be inauthentic, the university will be able to invite the bearer to go to court. If the “certification center” gave an incorrect conclusion, then you can sue it too. And that would be fair.

– What are the most common difficulties when collecting data on the Unified State Examination and can they interfere with the work of the database?
– The federal certificate database has been operating for four years. During the Unified State Exam, we receive up-to-date data from the Testing Center every day and load it into the database. The biggest difficulty is appeals.
For example, a graduate wrote an appeal against the Unified State Examination decision. The results of his appeal may have influenced the results of other children who solved the same problems. This means that changes in many information in the database depend on the outcome of one appeal.

This year, we are placing a checkbox next to the name of such a child: this means that before July 15, the final deadline for submitting results, the details of this applicant may change.
A special article is distortion of first and last names.

The child writes his name on one form as Natalia, then as Natalia. The computer perceives Natalia and Natalia as two completely different people. And there are inconsistencies: the same applicant has results in mathematics, but no results in physics. The key is broken, the database refuses to load. That is why we had a very difficult time in the first year of the base’s existence.
– Are the main difficulties in such little things?

– We even had to rework the database so that it would issue for one person not one, but two or three certificates of passing the Unified State Exam. According to the law, there must be only one certificate, but a child should not suffer because of his mistakes!

We will be grateful if you find the time to express your opinion about this article and your impressions of it. Thank you.

"First of September"

The production of certificates by special organizations has become very popular. Specialists with diplomas are the most in demand among modern employers. When finding a job, a diploma is the main ticket to entry and gives you a better chance of getting a job. In fact, a diploma is the result of hard work on oneself, long study and practice at a university or college. It characterizes the level of professional skills of the graduate, his achievements during his studies at the university.

If you need to urgently obtain a diploma, you can seek help from an organization that specializes in their production. The certificate form can be either a printed form or an original Goznak form. When producing the certificate, all standards accepted in the original forms are observed.

How to get a quality school certificate

Education is an extremely complex thing. Innovations in the education system do not always benefit students. Parents are nervous and worried about their children, who are about to take final exams in the form of the Unified State Exam. Children are no less puzzled than their parents, because passing the Unified State Exam requires a lot of work. What is important here is the systematization of knowledge, practical skills, and the ability to think correctly and quickly. Often, after studying the main techniques of the Unified State Exam system, you can fall into a new trap. Therefore, preparing for the exam takes an incredible amount of time and effort. Not everyone can cope with this, so parents often have the idea of ​​buying a certificate.

Many clients are interested in the question of how to check the authenticity of a certificate. To do this, employers make a corresponding request to educational institutions, but this is not so simple, since this information is confidential, and not every employer has the opportunity to check it. It must be remembered that, despite the fact that a certificate can be purchased, the applicant must still have skills and knowledge, otherwise his education is called into question.

Do I need to purchase a certificate?

You need to buy a certificate if you need a good job. Most likely, no one will refuse this. To support yourself and your family today you need to spend a large amount of money every day. Where can you find a job if you don’t even have the necessary documents? Many may not have even seen what a certificate looks like, which is why they did not see normal work and a decent position. It happens that you don’t have a certificate through no fault of your own. It could have been accidentally lost or stolen along with valuables. Such an incident should not deprive a person of a normal future. Restoring a document is very long and tedious, but you can buy it very quickly.

Have you ever had a situation where you couldn’t come to terms with your grade in a certain subject at school or university? Everyone has had such situations. However, such problems cannot always be successfully resolved. At the moment when the teacher follows the principle and does not agree to give a good grade, it seems that all the time spent on studying has been wasted.

But don’t worry about one small number on your certificate. You just need to know where and how to get a certificate. By resolving this issue, you can feel more free and capable of more. You will find a decent job no matter what. All you need to do is a small order for the production of the necessary document with the necessary marks to open the road to a successful future. Sample documents cover periods from 1990 to 2011. Think about it, maybe today is the time to change everything and not reproach yourself for poor success at university or school.

How to check the authenticity of a diploma, is of interest to many employers who want to ensure the accuracy of the documents presented to them. We will tell you in this article how to check the authenticity of a diploma, whether it can be done online and how to do it if the document number is unknown - it outlines all the available verification methods and provides instructions for their implementation.

The need to verify the authenticity of the diploma

Most often, the question of how to verify the authenticity of a diploma arises for an employer when hiring a new employee for a vacant position. In this case, the algorithm of actions is fully regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and any deviations from it will be considered illegal.

However, the need to check your diploma is sometimes caused by other reasons. Especially now, when the Internet has become, if not the only, then the main source of recruiting household staff, a private provider of educational services, and even a life partner. For example, vigilance will not hurt when looking for a tutor or nanny for a child, as well as when collaborating with freelancers whose work requires special knowledge.

Verifying a diploma for authenticity: methods

How to check the authenticity of a diploma if you have doubts? There are several ways to do this, but only a few of them will provide a hundred percent result. So, if we are talking about establishing the reliability of the data that an applicant for a vacant position reported about himself, the employer, if he wants to follow the letter of the law, must perform the following actions:

  1. Inform the owner of the diploma of the intention to conduct an inspection and obtain his written consent to this (otherwise there is a possibility of being held liable for the illegal use of personal data). Only law enforcement agencies have the unconditional right to check diplomas and other information about citizens.
  2. Send an official request to the educational institution that issued the diploma. When the latter is dissolved, the request is sent to the address of the legal successor.

Important: not all educational institutions are willing to provide such information, but they are obliged to do this when the graduate himself applies. Therefore, if confirming the authenticity of a diploma is in the interests of its bearer, it is better to entrust this to him. The proof will be an official certificate certified by the head (rector) of the educational institution.

During a secret verification of a diploma, there can be no question of any request: at best, the management of the university/college will ignore it, at worst, they will report to law enforcement about an attempt to illegally obtain confidential information.

Therefore, it is much easier to take advantage of the Internet and check your diploma by number online.

Don't know your rights?

Checking diploma authenticity online

How to check the authenticity of a diploma without having special powers, and is it possible to do this at all? It is possible if you know the document number. Many educational institutions today post applications on their Internet resources that allow you to complete this procedure.

To do this, you need to go to the website of the educational institution that issued the diploma, find a special service and enter the diploma number. If the document was actually issued, the user usually has access to the owner’s data, information about the period of study and other information (for example, the name of the faculty).

If the diploma is fake, the service will not provide any data. Although in this case there is a possibility that the information simply did not enter the database or there were technical flaws in the application. However, in most cases, this means that the diploma was either not issued to the owner at all, or was issued, but in a not entirely legal way (for example, it was purchased).

How to verify the authenticity of a diploma if the educational institution does not have its own Internet site or does not have a database of graduates? In such a situation, you can use the federal register of information on documents on education, training and qualifications, posted on the official website of Rosobrnadzor.

When checking a diploma in this way, you cannot count on an instant result, since all information is provided after a certain amount of time and only after checking the validity of the request. True, avoiding refusal is quite simple - to do this, when creating an application, you just need to introduce yourself by the name of the diploma holder or a potential employer.

Before sending a request, you need to register, for which you will have to complete the following steps:

  1. selecting an educational institution from the drop-down list (all educational institutions in the country that have state accreditation are available);
  2. indication of the connection diagram to a secure corporate network (you also need to select from the drop-down list, it is better to choose the “no” option);
  3. indicating your own data (last name, first name, patronymic and contact phone number); if the verification is carried out on a one-time basis, then you can enter the data of the diploma holder.

Registered users have access to the education document verification service and can check the authenticity of their diploma online.

How to check the authenticity of a diploma: alternative methods

What to do if the diploma number is unknown and its authenticity is in doubt? You can try to verify the fact that a person has the education he declared using alternative methods.

Almost all social networks operating today provide the opportunity to provide a lot of information about yourself, including information about your education. Of course, the mere indication of past training in a particular educational institution does not indicate the authenticity of the diploma, but indirect evidence of this can be found. For example, if the person you are interested in has graduates from the same university as friends.

Information about the educational institution

Any student, even a former student, is well aware of his alma mater and can tell about the teachers, the teaching order, the location of classrooms, educational buildings, etc. Therefore, it makes sense to obtain such information in order to then compare it with what a citizen reports about himself, raising doubts about the reliability of the education information provided by him.