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An interesting presentation on the topic of alcohol. Presentation on the topic "about the dangers of alcohol"

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    Alcoholism is a disease caused by the systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages, characterized by a pathological attraction to them, the development of mental (irresistible attraction) and physical dependence (the appearance of withdrawal syndrome when stopping use). In cases of long-term progression, the disease is accompanied by persistent mental and somatic disorders.


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    This problem has become especially relevant for our country in the last 5-6 years, when, in connection with political and economic reforms, the number of patients with this disease has increased sharply. According to VTsIOM, every Russian, including women and children, drinks 180 liters of vodka every year.

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    The following factors play a decisive role in the formation of alcohol dependence:

    1) Social factors: cultural and material standard of living, stress, information overload, urbanization.

    2) Biological: hereditary predisposition. According to Altshuller, up to 30% of children whose parents abused alcohol can become potential alcoholics.

    3) Psychological: psycho-emotional characteristics of the individual, the ability to socially adapt and withstand stress.

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    In the pathogenesis of alcoholism, according to Strelchuk, three stages are distinguished:

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    The ominous signs of the onset of the disease at stage 1 are: the main symptom is an irresistible craving for drinking alcohol, loss of a “sense of proportion” in relation to what you drink, the formation of tolerance to alcohol and a mild form of withdrawal syndrome.

    After taking high doses, amnesia occurs and ability to work decreases. At stage 1, only mental dependence is formed. Already at this time, disturbances in the functioning of some organ systems are possible: alcoholic cardiomyopathies are often observed, neurasthenic symptoms are described - sleep disturbances, fatigue, causeless mood swings.

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    In the second stage, the painful craving for alcohol intensifies. This is accompanied by increasing mental changes: concentration of all interests on alcohol, egocentrism - an extreme form of individualism and selfishness, dulling of the sense of duty and other higher emotions, carelessness, emotional coarsening. A characteristic feature of the second stage is the final formation of withdrawal syndrome. In addition, in the second stage, the increase in tolerance to alcohol, which began in the first stage, continues and reaches its maximum. Among the somatic disorders observed: alcoholic fatty degeneration and even cirrhosis of the liver. From the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, pancreatitis.

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    In the third stage, signs of mental impoverishment, somatic decrepitude and a decrease in tolerance to alcohol (which we often see in homeless people) come to the fore. Amnesia occurs even when taking small doses of alcohol. At the same time, both the nature of intoxication and the nature of the attraction to alcohol change, which turns from an object of savor into a means of maintaining life.

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    General toxic effect

    1) Membrane-destroying effect. Ethyl alcohol disrupts the state of membranes, changing the structure of the bilipid layer, thereby changing their permeability, and grossly disrupts the transmembrane transport system.

    2) Pathogenic effects of ethyl alcohol metabolism products:

    After passing the blood-brain barrier, fusel oils and acetaldehyde enhance release, interact with dopamine and norepinephrine, producing a psychostimulant and hallucinogenic effect.

    3) Change in metabolism:

    Fat metabolism changes - lipogenesis and cholesterol synthesis are activated. The result is atherosclerosis, fatty liver.

    The Krebs cycle is inhibited, gluconeogenesis is reduced, which contributes to hypoglycemia.

    Protein synthesis is blocked, resulting in hypoproteinemia.

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    Effects on the central nervous system

    There are two phases of the effect of alcohol on the central nervous system:

    1) The excitation phase is characterized by euphoria, a feeling of vigor and strength, disinhibition, and a decrease in self-criticism. During this phase, the metabolism of neurons in the cerebral cortex (CMC) is disrupted, the amount of serotonin decreases, the release of adrenaline, norepinephrine, and dopamine increases, which are actively metabolized during this stage; The endogenous opioidergic system is activated: enkephalins and endorphins are released, thanks to which a person’s perception of the world changes.

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    2) The depression phase, euphoria gives way to dysphoria, the reason for this is a decrease in the metabolism of norepinephrine and dopamine, the increased concentration of which causes depression of the central nervous system and depression.

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    Mechanisms of development of alcohol dependence

    The mechanisms of development of alcohol dependence have not yet been fully deciphered. It was previously assumed that the formation of addiction is associated with changes in the ratios of chemicals in the brain. The decrease in the level of serotonin and morphine-like substances was seen as the main cause of withdrawal syndrome, which is a trigger for “self-stimulation” with alcohol.

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    However, in comparison with clinical experience, this theory was not fully confirmed: It would seem that with the introduction into practice of pharmacological drugs that normalize the content of serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, enkephalins and their receptors in brain tissue, the problem of treating alcoholism would have to be solved, but how Previously, the relapse rate of the disease remains high.

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    As it turned out recently, in addition to changes in brain chemistry, changes occur in its electrical activity and morphology in formations related to the limbic system. And it is the combination of chemical, morphological and electrophysical changes that leads to the establishment of persistent alcohol dependence.

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    Effects on the reproductive system

    Alcohol undoubtedly has a harmful effect on the testicles and ovaries. At the same time, both frequent intoxication and systematic intake of significant quantities of alcohol are equally harmful. Under the influence of alcohol abuse, fatty degeneration of the seminiferous tubules and proliferation of connective tissue in the testicular parenchyma are observed in persons suffering from alcoholism. Beer has a particularly pronounced toxic effect on the glandular tissue of the testicle, which penetrates the blood-testis barrier much more easily than other alcoholic beverages, causing fatty degeneration of the glandular epithelium of the seminiferous tubules.

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    Along with the direct toxic effect of alcohol on the testicles, the dysfunction of the liver and its ability to destroy estrogen that develops in those suffering from alcohol addiction is of known importance. It is known that with liver cirrhosis, the amount of estrogen significantly increases in both men and women, which leads to inhibition of the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland and subsequent atrophy of the gonads.

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    It should be pointed out that with alcohol abuse, sooner or later, depending on the individual characteristics and endurance of the body, sexual potency is also impaired, which is associated with a decrease in conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, as a result of the inhibitory effect on the subcortical centers.

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    Women experience irregularities in the regularity of the menstrual cycle. Due to the toxic effect on the adrenal glands, alcohol inhibits the production of androgens in them, which determine sexual desire, the price for abuse is a decrease in libido, and in advanced cases, the development of secondary frigidity is possible. When drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy, terratogenic properties are detected, and it is possible that the unborn child will develop a genetically determined hereditary tendency to alcoholism.

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    The problem of alcoholism is extremely urgent for our country. The etiology and mechanisms of the disease require additional study. As you know, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it, therefore, in addition to treating the disease, which is currently ineffective (up to 80% of relapses), it is necessary to eradicate the causes of this problem. A relatively simple way out of this situation would be to radically increase the prices of alcoholic beverages, which would reduce their availability. And some doctors, speaking about alcoholism, wanted to advise:

    everything is good - if in moderation!

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Drinking alcohol is extremely dangerous for children and adolescents, as well as for adults, if there is frequent addiction to alcoholic beverages or a constant increase in the amount of product consumed. The presentation “Alcohol” is a small, honest story with pictures about how harmful alcoholic drinks are. The truth about alcohol is often hidden from children. Kids see holidays celebrated before their eyes, where adults are having fun after drinking a few glasses of strong drinks. A presentation on the topic of alcohol says that it is in such a cheerful state that many crimes and road accidents are committed, when a person ceases to control his behavior.

On our portal, any teacher or parent can download a presentation on the topic of alcohol completely free of charge in order to confidentially talk with a child about the problem of alcoholism in the country, in the world, and even in a family where it may exist. Don’t be afraid to tell your children that excessive consumption of alcohol leads to human degradation, destroys his brain, poisons his organs, and deprives him of his family.

You need to talk to your child before it is too late. Hurry up to download a presentation for teenagers on the topic “Non-alcoholic cocktails” and have a heart-to-heart talk with them about whether advertising always tells the truth about these drinks, whether they are healthy and whether they are worth getting carried away with.

Childhood alcoholism develops much faster than adults and children have the right to know about it. A teenager's liver decomposes faster than that of an adult alcoholic. The development of schoolchildren who start drinking alcohol is inhibited. A child must learn to say “No!” when his peers suggest that he celebrate a holiday with alcohol or drink a little wine or beer before visiting a disco. Timely refusal of alcohol is his right to a happy life, but schoolchildren must be taught this. It is impossible to talk about these and many other topics from scratch, but if you download a presentation on life safety or a class hour on the topic “Alcohol,” the conversation will turn out to be confidential and convincing.

No one wants their child to grow up to be an alcoholic, so devote part of your class hours to the topic of fighting alcoholism.

Childhood is a time of passion and discovery, but it is at this time that it is necessary to tell schoolchildren about the dangers that can overtake them. A presentation on the topic “Alcoholism,” which can be downloaded for free, with 32 slides talks about the dangers of this phenomenon, which for many becomes a disease.

There are several stages in the development of alcoholism. A simple habit develops into a terrible addiction when it is impossible to live a day without alcohol. Children should know about all this. The teacher just needs to download a presentation on the topic of alcoholism, and the children need to get enough information about this harmful phenomenon so as not to ruin their lives. Particularly scary is childhood alcoholism, which the presentation also talks about.

A presentation on the topic of alcohol for class in grades 7, 8, 9 will tell you that alcoholic drinks are the same drugs, only their effects are slightly different. And if drugs are not cheap today, many people can afford to buy alcoholic beverages. A class hour on the topic of alcohol with a 45-slide presentation will help students develop the right attitude towards this product, which some use first to lift their spirits, and then fall into its power forever. Particular attention in class when viewing the presentation should be given to the problem of the relationship between a teenager and alcohol.

Much has been said about the dangers of alcohol, but let the presentation on the topic “The Effect of Alcohol on the Human Body” once again remind you of what happens to a healthy, promising young man who begins to abuse alcohol. From slide to slide, the presentation traces the harm and effect of alcohol on the body: it kills the nervous system, depletes the brain, dehydrates the body, and destroys the liver. A presentation on the topic of how alcohol affects the human body can be downloaded for free on our classroom portal to show to students in grades 8, 9, 10, 11.

The presentation “About the dangers of alcohol” answers those questions that children are so often interested in, but they cannot always ask their parents: How does alcohol affect the body and health? How does alcohol poisoning manifest? How does wine and beer affect teenagers? All you need to do is download a free presentation about the dangers of alcohol on health and schoolchildren will receive answers to their questions. In addition, they learn in class how alcohol is harmful to health. You can add a class hour with a presentation about the dangers of alcohol by watching a 7-minute video “The Whole Truth About Alcohol,” which is best watched online.

The presentation will tell elementary school students about the connection between alcohol and health in 13 slides. Already at this age, students can correctly evaluate actions, so a presentation created for elementary school on the topic “Alcohol and its effect on human health” can even clearly explain to 2nd grade students that they should not poison themselves with alcoholic beverages. There are many interesting things to do in life. Sports and studies, travel and studio classes are much better than drunken parties.

In a civilized society that is capable of creating smart machines, drunkenness reigns and people are constantly getting younger. Maybe a presentation on the topic “Drunkenness” will open children’s eyes to this terrible problem and turn them away from this evil. Using the example of the work of Russian and foreign writers, the presentation on drunkenness shows the attitude of society towards this problem at different times. Here are quotes from Pushkin, statements by Tolstoy, excerpts from Griboyedov, Nekrasov, Leskov.

The material contains a presentation for the class hour "Beer alcoholism among young people." The event should be held in high school. During the class hour, students will become familiar with the history of beer, as well as the concept of “beer alcoholism.”

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The effect of alcohol on the human body

Performers: Anton Porotnikov, Roman Paklin, 8th grade students.

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It is a protoplasmatic poison, primarily having a detrimental effect on the endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and reproductive systems. Even with single doses it can cause serious harm to the body. Chronic use can lead to severe illness leading to death.

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The most terrible drug

Alcohol affects the body 4-5 times stronger than nicotine and 2 times stronger than the drugs themselves. But unlike them, intoxication occurs only with large doses

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Biochemical mechanism of action on the body.

Disturbances in metabolism and energy balance lead to changes in the control and regulatory function of nerve cells. About 85% of the alcohol that enters the body is destroyed in the liver, partially oxidizing to acetic acid. With the systematic consumption of alcohol, the body's resistance to infections and the influence of toxic substances decreases. Under the influence of alcohol, some medications begin to exhibit completely unexpected properties: the treatment does not have a positive effect, and the condition worsens.

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Degrees of alcohol poisoning:

Due to paralysis of the brain centers, a person experiences mild mental agitation and increased motor activity. 2) There is severe psychomotor agitation, loss of coordination of movements and the initial phase of confusion. 3) The person is unconscious, but his reflexes are preserved and his respiratory and cardiovascular systems are still in normal condition. 4) The person becomes very pale due to a sharp drop in blood pressure and weakening of breathing, he falls into a coma, and this can end in death.

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The effect of alcohol on the teenage body

During the formation of the body, the toxic activity of alcohol increases by 40%. Despite this, Russia leads the world in teenage alcoholism.

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Body systems affected by alcohol

Cardiovascular Endocrine Nervous Reproductive Digestive

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The cardiovascular system

Chronic alcohol poisoning creates favorable conditions for the occurrence of hypertension and worsens it. The development of Atherosclerosis accelerates. Atherosclerotic lesions of the cerebral and cardiac arteries often cause death as a result of a heart attack or stroke.

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With constant consumption of alcohol, the heart rhythm initially becomes disrupted, progresses to permanent severe disorders and ends in heart failure. One of the early manifestations of damage to the heart muscle is a disturbance in the rhythm of its contractions and the conduction of nerve impulses.

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Heart attack

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The scientist found that alcoholics develop cardiovascular diseases faster and earlier than normal people. And death occurs earlier and more often in drunkards than in people with the same problems.

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Endocrine system.

Damage to the endocrine system means damage to the glands and all organs where these glands are located.

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Alcohol is harmful to a growing body primarily because it does not allow the pituitary gland to control the growth of the body, and therefore does not allow it to develop.

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Nervous system

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Alcohol has a pronounced depressant effect on the entire brain, on all types of human mental activity. There is a violation of coordination of movements, a lack of harmonious interaction between mental and motor functions.

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Reproductive system

Disorders of the reproductive system are associated with disruption of the endocrine and nervous systems. Alcohol affects not only nerve cells, but also the gonads, pituitary gland, hypothalamus and adrenal glands, which exercise endocrine control over sexual activity and the production of offspring.

Alcohol addiction

  • Alcohol addiction develops gradually. At first, a person simply enjoys drinking alcohol, then a stable association is formed in the brain: alcohol-pleasure.

It is undeniable that alcohol is a narcotic substance, to which property alcohol mainly owes its distribution." V. M. Bekhterev


Alcoholism- drug addiction, characterized by a painful addiction to drinking alcoholic beverages (mental and physical dependence) and alcohol damage to internal organs. Alcoholism causes degradation of a person as an individual.

In everyday life and historically, alcoholism is a condition that leads to the constant consumption of alcoholic beverages, despite health problems and negative social consequences.

The modern definition in medicine describes alcoholism as a disease and drug addiction that leads to systematic consumption of alcohol, despite negative consequences.

Famous traveler N.N. Miklukho Maclay

observed the Papuans of New Guinea who could not

still making fire, but already knew the techniques

preparation of intoxicating drinks.



product, as well as

good remedy

for raising




and treatment



means for

warming up

in reality, alcohol has no

one such action.

2. Critical

phase: loss

control over

myself after

first sip.



3. Chronic phase:

Daily hangover, decay

Personality, memory loss.

White fears develop

fever and other psychoses.

  • Initial phase: intoxication

with memory loss, “eclipse”.

Greed for alcohol develops.

Desire to follow


"For Courage"

Take off


The effect of alcohol on the human nervous system.


alcohol in%


The cerebral cortex turns off, the person loses control over himself.

The deeper parts of the brain that control movements are inhibited (causeless joy).

Affects areas of the brain that control a person’s emotional behavior (sudden aggressiveness).

Although he is conscious, he does not understand what he sees and hears.

Leads to loss of consciousness.

Death may occur.

Of the 366 people receiving

alcoholic drinks regularly,

183 people have stomach ulcers.

Alcohol and


Alcohol abuse

destroying a woman's body,

depletes her nervous and endocrine

system and ultimately leads to infertility.

The fight against alcoholism is the largest

social and medical problem

any state. The harm of alcohol

proven. Even small doses can

cause big trouble

or misfortunes: injuries, car accidents,

incapacitation, decay

family, loss of spiritual needs

and strong-willed traits of a person.

Alcohol and people

The effect of alcohol on the human body

Alcohol -

This is protoplasmatic poison,

first of all destructive

affecting the endocrine

nervous, cardiovascular

digestive and sexual

system. Even with single

doses may cause serious

harm to the body. Permanent

use may lead to

to a serious illness,

leading to death.

The most terrible drug

Alcohol affects

the body is 4-5 times stronger,

than nicotine and 2 times stronger,

than the drugs themselves

facilities. But unlike

them, intoxication occurs

only at high doses

Biochemical mechanism of action on the body.

  • Disturbances in metabolism and energy balance

lead to changes in control and regulatory

functions of nerve cells.

  • About 85% of alcohol that enters the body is destroyed

in the liver, partially oxidizing to acetic acid.

  • With systematic alcohol consumption, it decreases

the body's resistance to infections and influences

toxic substances.

  • Under the influence of alcohol, some drugs begin

exhibit completely unexpected properties: treatment

does not give a positive effect, and the condition worsens.

Degrees of alcohol poisoning:

  • Due to paralysis of the brain centers in humans

slight mental agitation and

increased physical activity.

2) Strong psychomotor agitation is observed,

loss of coordination of movements and the initial phase

clouding of consciousness.

3) The person is unconscious, but he has reflexes

preserved and still in good condition

The respiratory and cardiovascular systems are located.

4) A person turns very pale due to a sharp fall

blood pressure and decreased breathing, he

falls into a coma, and this can end in death.

The effect of alcohol on the teenage body

During formation

body, poisonous

alcohol activity

increases by 40%.

Despite this, Russia

leads the world in

teenage alcoholism.

Body systems affected by alcohol

  • Cardiovascular
  • Endocrine
  • Nervous
  • Sexual
  • Digestive

The cardiovascular system

Chronic alcohol poisoning

creates favorable conditions for

occurrence of hypertensive

illness and worsens it. Accelerates

development of atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerotic lesions

cerebral and cardiac arteries often

cause death as a result

heart attack or stroke.

At constant

drinking alcohol at the beginning

the rhythm of the heart is lost,

turns into permanent severe disorders and

ends cardiac


One of the earliest manifestations

heart muscle damage

is a violation of its rhythm

contractions and conduction

nerve impulses.


The scientist found that alcoholics

cardiovascular diseases

develop faster and earlier than

in normal people. And death

occurs earlier and more often in drunkards,

than people with the same problems.

Endocrine system.

Damage to the endocrine system means damage

glands and all organs where these glands are located.

Alcohol is harmful to growing children

body first

what does not give to the pituitary gland

control growth

bodies, therefore

doesn't let him


Alcohol has a pronounced depressant effect

effect on the entire brain, on everything

types of human mental activity. Violation ensues

coordination of movements, lack of harmonic

interactions between mental and motor


Reproductive system

Reproductive system disorders are associated with

endocrine and nervous systems. Alcohol does not affect

only nerve cells, but also the gonads, pituitary gland,

hypothalamus and adrenal glands, which carry out

endocrine control of sexual activity

and the production of offspring.

Mental retardation and ugliness

This may occur in offspring, parents

who have either consumed alcohol or are still

are drinkers.

Digestive system

Alcohol affects the most

on the digestive system,

because if swallowed

first passes through the liver

and stomach, which take

everything that is poisonous to oneself

action. Therefore with alcohol

such a terrible disease is associated

The worst defeat

Since the end of the Second World War, which

killed 30 million people, Russia due to drunkenness

lost about 17 million people.

Alcohol is not just poison, it is the worst thing

what did a person come up with to relieve stress and

loneliness. Alcohol is dangerous in any


We need propaganda to combat

alcohol to expel from society

this habit of “drinking poison”!