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How much green tea to brew? How to brew green tea correctly: recommendations

Hi all!

Friends, I really love green tea, but I’m always confused about how and what type of tea should be brewed correctly.

In general, I decided to make a small instruction for myself on how to do it correctly.

I hope you find it useful too!

From this article you will learn:

How to brew green tea correctly - important secrets and useful tips

Did you know that green tea has health benefits?

I am sure that in most cases the answer will be positive.

Did you know that if brewed incorrectly, it can cause serious harm to health? Surprised? Then read further carefully.

I’ll try to tell you how to brew green tea, when it is recommended to take this drink, and when it is better to limit its quantity, what components can complement its taste and beneficial properties, how to choose the right one, and much, much more.

What is green tea?

Green tea is tea that has undergone minimal fermentation. Both green and black tea are obtained from the leaves of the same tea bush, but in different ways. Wikipedia

Let's start with the fact that green tea is obtained from several types of bushes.

Basically, these are the same plants that are used to produce black, but there are plantations, mainly in China, India and South America, where a specially bred variety is grown.

This shrub reaches up to 10 m in height, is distinguished by its lush shape and spirally arranged flower leaves, which gives the plant a special charm and attractiveness.

Regardless of the variety (and there are a huge number of them), green tea has almost the same processing (exception)

It consists of heat (frying or steaming can be used) and special twisting, which helps release the juice to the surface of the leaf, thereby providing the benefits that the finished drink will bring to a person.

Unlike black tea, the leaves undergo little or no fermentation.

A lot also depends on the type of tea. Do not think that tea bags filled with boiling water can bring any benefit. Only loose leaf green tea is truly good.

What is the chemical composition of green tea?

The benefits of green tea are difficult to overestimate.

More than 400 organic compounds necessary for normal human life, almost all vitamins, as well as 500 microelements (fluorine, calcium, etc.), but they deserve special attention.

These substances make tea a powerful antioxidant and help in the prevention and treatment of oncology, heart and vascular diseases.

Green tea contains:

  • minerals necessary for the functioning of all systems;
  • alkaloids and the main one is caffeine, which is presented in green tea in the form of theine;
  • a huge amount of vitamin C;
  • there are so many proteins of plant origin that this drink is sometimes compared in terms of benefits to legumes;
  • amino acids and glutamine, which is very important for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

When brewed correctly, up to 60% of the total amount of the listed substances is retained.

It is worth remembering that green tea is a natural mini-laboratory in which chemical processes are constantly occurring. It is recommended to drink one type of tea immediately after preparation, while another is recommended to steep for a while.

To understand all the intricacies, let’s take a closer look at the rules of the tea ceremony depending on the type of green tea.

How to brew green tea - Prerequisites

Before you properly brew a healing drink, you need to carefully prepare for this. There are several factors that must be observed.

  • Water

What kind of water should you use to brew green tea?

In order for the leaves to happily share their beneficial properties, you must first take care of the water. Regular, not suitable from the tap.

“Live” is best suited: artesian or well. If you do not have access to a natural source, or if you are not sure of its quality, you can buy water at the store. If this is not possible, prepare it yourself.

You need to pour 2/3 of tap water into a clean plastic bottle and put it in the freezer until the top 2-3 cm is covered with ice. Then you will need to drain the unfrozen water, and melt the ice and use it for brewing.

  • Kettle

Which kettle is best for brewing green tea?

A clay vessel is best suited for brewing; in extreme cases, you can use ceramics or glass, but under no circumstances.

The second thing you should pay attention to is the mandatory heating of the kettle.

If the leaves inside it are cold, they simply will not release even the minimum percentage of nutrients.

Therefore, before brewing, be sure to first pour boiling water over the kettle.

  • Temperature

At what temperature is green tea brewed?

The temperature at which the water is brewed is also of great importance.

It boils at 100 degrees Celsius, but this is not suitable for us. The ideal heating condition is 95 degrees. Temperature can be determined by external signs.

Don’t miss the moment when bubbles begin to rise from the bottom to the surface, and turn it off immediately. Some types of tea are recommended to be brewed at a lower temperature. Sometimes 60 degrees is enough, so it all depends on the type of tea.

  • Subsequence

The order in which you brew green tea is of great importance.

  1. After the kettle has been doused with water and it has reached the desired temperature, you need to pour tea into it with a dry spoon. Fill with water and literally immediately drain this water.
  2. Then you can pour the required amount. The ratio is one teaspoon per 200 ml of water, but this may vary depending on the variety, so be sure to check the information on the packaging.
  3. Cover with a lid and leave to infuse. This will take approximately two to three minutes, but you can also look at the packaging for more accuracy.
  4. Now you can pour the tea and taste it. Do not hurry. The stream should be slow, and it is better to fill the cups in a circle.

These are general rules.

Let's take a closer look at the features of the most common varieties.

Green tea with milk - preparation rules

Green tea prepared with milk, or Masala tea as it is also called, was first prepared in India and only after a long time did it spread throughout the world.

A drink prepared according to the rules gives:

  • health and longevity;
  • warms;
  • increases tone;
  • gives vigor;
  • cleanses of toxins and impurities;
  • improves mood, etc.

Milk tea is very nutritious. Just one cup can replace dinner and due to this it is often used for weight loss.

Preparing tea is not particularly difficult, you just need to follow the above mandatory conditions, but the main thing is to purchase a special Masala mixture. It consists of pepper, cinnamon and some other spices and gives a unique flavor to the finished drink.

To prepare this tea you will need:

  • 1.5 liters of milk;
  • two teaspoons of tea;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • about half a finger's worth of ginger root;
  • half a teaspoon Masala.

Place the milk on low heat until it starts to boil, you can peel and finely chop the ginger. Pour ginger and tea leaves into boiling milk, stirring constantly.

Bring to a boil again and add spices. Let it brew for 3-4 minutes. Milk green tea is ready.

Ginger with green tea or green tea with ginger

By themselves, each of the components is very beneficial for human health, but in combination they give a simply amazing effect.

Green tea with ginger:

  • contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements;
  • tones;
  • relieves hunger for a long time;
  • increases performance, gives energy;
  • has good anti-inflammatory and analgesic characteristics, therefore it is often used to treat colds and infectious diseases and to improve immunity;
  • controls cholesterol levels;
  • is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • normalizes metabolism, increases the absorption of beneficial components of other products;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • tidies up glucose levels, etc., and it’s also very tasty.

Making tea couldn't be easier. You just need to add a little to the teapot with green tea prepared according to the rules. The ratio is approximately a teaspoon of ginger to 2 tsp. tea leaves.

Green tea for weight loss

Green tea is one of the most effective and safe means of losing weight.

The essence of this method is to normalize metabolism, eliminate toxins and waste, reduce appetite and satisfy hunger.

It is worth noting the acceleration of fat burning due to improved heat transfer. Any variety is suitable for losing excess weight.

The main thing is to follow the rules for brewing it and drink it every time 20-30 minutes before eating.

Read more about how I lost weight on green tea.

Tile green tea

Pressed, or as it is also called, slab tea is produced in almost all countries and it does not depend on the type of plant.

The essence is the processing, as a result of which the tea becomes stronger and more useful for humans, since more juice is squeezed out of it under pressure.

Green tea with jasmine

Complementing the benefits of green tea, jasmine in its composition accelerates the removal of “bad” cholesterol from the body, provides an antioxidant effect, relieves nervous tension and fatigue, and gives vigor without fear of increasing blood pressure.

You need to brew green tea with jasmine following the basic recommendations and rules.

Matcha green tea

I wrote a whole article about this tea; you can learn more from this.

Puer tea - secrets of preparation

This tea is a true asset of Chinese culture.

It is also called live due to the fact that special processing preserves the natural fermentation processes in the leaves.

There is a very beautiful legend about this tea. When a child was born into a family, his parents collected the leaves, steamed them, pressed them into a cake and put them in a secret place.

And when the time came for the child to get married or get married, the tea was taken out and sold. The money that was received for the sale was just enough for the celebration, because... The price of tea increases depending on its age.

Brewing in a teapot occurs quite traditionally - pu-erh is poured with hot water at a temperature close to boiling. Variations are also possible regarding the infusion time. It is often recommended to infuse the first brew (the first two brews) of earthen tea for just a few seconds, then immediately drain the infusion, and when repeated brewing, increase the brewing time by 15-30 seconds each time.

Oolong tea - brewing rules

This type of tea is the rarest.

It is grown only in certain provinces of China, and the resulting flavor depends on the area and environmental conditions. Tea differs in the complexity of processing. It begins when the leaves are still on the plant.

They are treated with a sugar cane solution, then sprinkled with rice husks, left for several days, collected and carried out through several more stages, including soaking in milk, etc.

The tea should be brewed like other varieties or according to the recommendations on the package.

And finally, a few more tips:

  • Green tea can be brewed multiple times.
  • But drinking iced tea is not recommended. It not only loses its composition, but can also cause harm to humans.
  • It is advisable to store dry green tea in hermetically sealed opaque containers.
  • It is not advisable to prepare the drink in a thermos, unless you drink it immediately after preparation.

Where to buy real green tea?

Lately I've been buying organic green teas from Tao of Tea, you can find a large selection Here

Well, friends, now you know how to brew green tea correctly, how many minutes and how many times to brew green tea, how to use it for health, which variety is most suitable for a particular situation.

Therefore, without delay, start preparing this aromatic and very healthy drink.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!


The culture of tea drinking requires strict adherence to many specific subtleties, especially for green tea. Organize a peaceful tea ceremony, enjoy taste and aroma of the drink, you can feel all the benefits if you know how to brew green tea correctly, how much leaves and water are needed, whether it is possible to sweeten the drink with sugar, as they drink it in their homeland - in China. There are a huge number of nuances, let's figure it out together.

There is no clear recipe or answer to the question of how best to prepare green tea. It all depends on the chosen variety, the characteristics of the recipe and accompanying components. If you buy tea leaves in a specialized store, it is best to ask the seller about the nuances brewing a specific variety of green tea at home. However, there are generally accepted recommendations on how to brew green tea and how to prepare not just a treat, but an elixir of youth and health.

  • water quality;

  • temperature;

  • number of tea leaves;

  • duration of brewing the drink.

The amount of loose leaf tea directly depends on the size of the tea leaves and the desired richness of the finished drink. Optimal proportions - one teaspoon of tea raw materials per glass of water.

In this matter, you need to consider what quality of tea you want to experience. The water is saturated with theine, which helps to invigorate the body, in the first minute and a half after brewing, then only tannins enter the tea.

If you are preparing green tea in the morning, when you need to get a lasting boost of energy for the whole long working day, you need to prepare the drink according to the time indicated on the package. If you are interested in a quick tonic effect, you need to reduce the brewing time to one and a half minutes. It is best not to drink tea on an empty stomach, but cook it between meals.

The longer the loose leaf tea is brewed, the more bitter the treat will be; any sweetener will not save the situation (sugar is excluded).

  • the best choice is spring water, but in urban areas it is difficult to get;

  • Can use filtered water;

  • as a last resort, it is permissible to use tap water settled water.

  • You cannot brew green tea with distilled water and boil it again.

The main rule to remember is that you should not pour boiling water over tea leaves. It is better to use hot water no higher than 90 degrees.

How to check the water temperature at home: you need to boil a kettle of water, turn off the heat and carefully open the lid. When you can hold your palm over the kettle without burning yourself, start preparing the drink.

The best choice is dishes that retain heat for a long time, such as ceramic or porcelain. Traditional Japanese teaware is made of enameled cast iron. Glassware looks stylish and beautiful, but is not able to preserve temperature. But you can watch the brewing process through it, and the drink looks good in it.

The main thing is that foreign, unpleasant odors do not appear; for this, it is useful to rinse the kettle with boiling water every time before preparing a drink. If after brewing a yellowish coating forms on the walls of the kettle, it is better to leave it and not wash it off. This film is necessary to neutralize negative external influences.

Tea is poured and drunk in equal portions so that the taste of the drink in each cup is the same. It is not customary to offer sugar as a sweetener; instead, you can use dried fruits or honey.

If you use a cold kettle for preparation, the drink in it will quickly cool down and lose its taste.

As a rule, people who drink green tea regularly in the morning brew the drink directly in the glass. The required amount of leaves is no more than one teaspoon, and the infusion time is no more than two minutes. The formation of foam on the surface of the glass is normal and indicates the readiness of the drink.

  1. You cannot add sugar to a cold drink - this leads to disruption of metabolic processes;

  2. Do not drink a hot drink with ice cubes - extreme temperatures destroy tooth enamel.

  • the degree of brewing should be greater, since the finished treat is often diluted with juice;

  • Warm boiled water should be used;

  • instead of sugar, it is better to sweeten the treat with honey, syrup or condensed milk;

  • To make tea not just tasty, but to turn it into an elixir of health, spices are added to the recipe.

The answer to the question - how many times to brew green tea leaves - depends on individual preferences. If you are preparing the drink several times, increase the brewing time by a few minutes with each brew.

On the question of whether it is possible to drink green tea all the time, the views of doctors are divided. Some people believe that brewing a drink every day is harmful, while others recommend drinking it constantly. In any case, you need to stick certain restrictions.

  • A very hot drink can damage the stomach, causing it to burn.

  • The best time for a tea ceremony is an hour before a meal or a few hours after a meal. If you drink tea while eating, you will not taste the cooked food.

  • If you have nervous exhaustion, you should not drink more than two cups a day, preferably in the morning. Green tea at night is the cause of various sleep disorders.

  • Green tea is contraindicated for stomach ulcers.

  • The drink should not be drunk on an empty stomach. Tea drunk on an empty stomach causes ulcers or gastritis.

Also a contraindication to drinking green tea is pregnancy. hypotension and hypertension, periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Be careful, if instead of real green tea you bought a fake, the body may react unpredictably to a dubious product.

Julia Vern 16 807 1

The most popular drink in the east is green tea. It is part of the culture of China and Japan, countries associate their philosophy with it. It influences the way of life of entire nations. Do we know how to appreciate the drink in the same way as in the homeland of its origin? Do we know how to brew green tea correctly? What is the true taste and secrets of a specific ritual?

There are a great many varieties of green tea. Taste and aroma differences are due to:

  • location of the plantation;
  • nuances of collection;
  • secrets of processing raw materials;
  • brewing features.

Some varieties of green tea should be brewed more than once, and each time the drink will have a unique combination of aroma and taste and will fully impart its beneficial properties.

This type of tea is the culture and philosophy of several peoples

Classic brewing techniques are applicable for regular tea drinking. They do not require additional preparations or unnecessary accessories.

A teaspoon of high-quality dry green tea is enough for 150 g of water. If you plan to drink several cups of the drink, dry tea is taken in a larger proportion, and the number of repetitions of the brewing procedure increases.

The higher the quality of green tea, the lower the water temperature - up to 70°. For simpler varieties, use water at 80-85°. Neither variety is brewed for too long.

If you keep tea in hot water, it acquires unpleasant astringency, bitterness, and loses the taste and aroma characteristics inherent to the variety. The shortest brewing time for green tea is 30 seconds. Each subsequent infusion increases in time. It is not recommended to steep tea leaves for longer than 4 minutes.

Boiled water is cooled to the desired temperature. The bowl, teapot or other brewing utensils are preheated. This allows you to keep the drink warm for a long time. The required amount of tea is poured, hot water is carefully poured in. The required time is waited, the drink is poured into a cup and slowly drunk. You can brew tea leaves until the taste of the drink is felt.

Daily consumption of green tea protects against the risk of heart disease, increases brain and physical activity, and improves immune resistance. The substances present in the drink stimulate fat oxidation, but do not increase the number of heart contractions.

Drinking this type of tea has beneficial effects on health

Traditions of Chinese tea drinking

The Chinese are sensitive to their own needs in life. Tea occupies one of the dominant positions in the mandatory daily routine. Official events, friendly meetings, and religious rituals are not complete without tea drinking.

There are many known ways to brew Chinese tea. The process is influenced by the type of tea, the wealth of the family, and the circumstance for which the tea party is organized. It is believed that the taste of the drink is largely determined by the container in which it is prepared. Porcelain, clay, earthenware large teapots or portion cups with a lid are considered traditional.

Large dishes are used to treat a whole company. The teapot for brewing has its own secret - a small, closable, holey cup made of the same material. For convenience, the tea leaves are poured there, and the glass is inserted inside the kettle. Fill the glass halfway or less, as the tea leaves greatly increase in volume. Heated water is poured through this kind of strainer, washing and warming the tea leaves. For better strength, it is permissible to lightly squeeze the brewed tea. No matter how many times you brew green tea in a teapot, the number of times you get a drink with a new taste. Repeated re-brewing is only allowed for high-quality teas.

In everyday situations or cases when you need to choose tea when purchasing, a set is used for brewing: cup, lid, saucer. You can combine this method with regular tea cups. It is convenient to evaluate the color of the infusion, its primary and secondary aroma, the size of the opened leaves, the impression of taste: the main characteristics of tea. And again pay attention to the brewing temperature. It always depends on the chosen variety.

The tradition of Chinese tea drinking has ancient roots.

Gongfu Cha is considered one of the most popular. It is used more often for individual tea drinking or treating one guest. Predominantly semi-fermented turquoise oolongs are used. The ceremony is revered as a separate art form:

  • The water heats up to 95°.
  • Hot water warms up all utensils for preparing the drink: kettle, cups. All manipulations are performed on a special table with a tray. The teapot is wiped with a tea brush.
  • Pour the tea leaves into a separate bowl, get acquainted with the composition, and smell.
  • Pour the required amount of tea into the teapot.
  • Wrap the kettle in a towel and gently pat the bottom with your palm for a minute. The preparation stage is needed to get rid of tea dust and small fallen particles.
  • Pour heated water into the kettle from a great height and drain immediately. The first water is not drunk.
  • Refill the kettle with water. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds - depends on the variety.
  • Pour into a separate teapot of the same volume with a strainer, and from there - into cups.
  • Use tea pairs with tall cups, they are responsible for the aroma.
  • Next, the long cup is covered with a wide cup and turned over with a quick, gentle movement. Wide cups are responsible for color and taste. The pair is served on a stand - an elongated saucer.
  • Carefully remove the long cup, breathe in the steam from it, and feel the aroma.
  • Assess the color of the infusion and drink from the second cup.

The ceremony is carried out in a state of complete peace and tranquility. All stages are followed; special utensils are required for use. It is allowed to brew oolongs up to 10 times in a row.

In Japan, the aesthetics of tea drinking are truly cultivated. It is associated with many cultural phenomena. For the tea ceremony, a specially selected place is equipped, which includes a whole complex of buildings and a garden. The tea garden is thought out and designed in such a way that the impression of natural disorder and the natural state of things always remains. The tea ceremony also has shortened variations, when in the absence of a separate pavilion or room you can get by with one table.

The utensils form a single artistic ensemble. A wooden box is used to store tea. Water for tea is heated in a cast iron boiler. Drinking tea together precedes many stages: consuming light food, contemplating the surroundings, listening to the crackling of the fire and the boiling of water in the cauldron, reading scrolls with sayings: a calm and pleasant pastime.

The process of brewing thick green tea takes place in complete silence. The owner symbolically prepares the utensils for the sacred rite and begins cooking. Powdered green tea is poured into a deep ceramic bowl and poured with a small amount of boiling water. The bamboo mixer helps to turn everything into a homogeneous mass. Stir until a matte foam appears. Boiling water is gradually added and the drink is brought to consistency. It is the brewing temperature that helps achieve the desired thickness and plasticity of the contents.

The cup of drink is presented to the guests one by one, according to seniority. Symbolic unity occurs. From this moment on, light tea is prepared for guests in personal containers. Allowed to start a conversation.

Entire books could be written about Japanese tea ceremonies.

Generally accepted rules

Europeans gratefully accept the Eastern offering: green tea. They learn to appreciate its unique properties and benefits for the whole body.

In order not to get a strange bitter drink instead of aromatic tonic tea with a beautiful shade, you need to follow the basic brewing rules:

  • Do not brew with boiling water. As the Chinese say: “Away, element of fire.”
  • Do not keep fresh tea leaves in water for more than half a minute. This way you risk getting a bitter drink. Subsequent brewing can be slightly increased in time.
  • If you want to take a thermos of green tea with you, fill it with freshly brewed tea and strained through a strainer.
  • Green tea should not be drunk cold. All essential oils evaporate and their properties disappear. The drink becomes useless.

Drink green tea correctly and let your peace of mind please your friends.

In the east, green tea is considered not just a drink, but also a medicine, a real philosophy. And this is not surprising; green tea contains a huge amount of beneficial substances. Unlike black tea, green tea is not subjected to oxidation, due to which it retains maximum benefits. Few people know, but green tea contains more than 500 microelements, almost all vitamins and more than 400 organic acids. In addition, green tea is incredibly tasty and can energize a person for the whole day.

Benefits of green tea

Here are just some of the beneficial properties of green tea for the human body.

  1. It has been scientifically proven that green tea accelerates metabolic processes and therefore improves metabolism. This drink is the first assistant in losing weight.
  2. Tea reduces cholesterol levels, prevents the deposition of fats on the walls of blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots.
  3. Fresh green tea contains a lot of tannins. The solution relieves inflammation, disinfects, and cleanses of germs. That is why tea is used to wipe wounds and abrasions, treat burns, and wash eyes.
  4. Green tea contains a lot of calcium, fluorine and phosphorus. This suggests that the drink has a beneficial effect on tooth enamel, unlike coffee and black tea, which make the smile gray and ugly.
  5. Green tea with lemon is great for lowering blood pressure. Therefore, hypertensive patients need to drink this drink more often. But those who suffer from low blood pressure need to be careful with green tea.
  6. Green tea has a local analgesic and disinfectant effect. They can be used to gargle with sore throat, in the mouth with stomatitis and an aching tooth. And if you chew a handful of dry tea leaves, you can quickly get rid of bad breath.
  7. This drink cleanses the body, removes stones and salts from the kidneys, eliminates toxins and waste, and is even a real prevention of cancer.

Green tea, along with ginger and ginseng root, is considered one of the best foods for health, beauty and longevity. But how should you drink tea to get the most out of it?

To brew, you will need high-quality green tea. Choose large-leaf varieties - they have more benefits, and besides, this brewing produces tea with a deep and rich taste. To brew tea you need to use clean water. It is better if it is bottled or filtered. As a last resort, you can use settled water. Do not pour tap water into the kettle - it may be chlorinated, and this will completely kill the taste of the drink. And yet, you cannot use re-boiled water for tea; pour fresh water each time.

Put the kettle on the fire, but be prepared to turn it off in time. The Chinese, who are experts in the tea ceremony, claim that the water for the drink must be alive. That is, the actively bubbling liquid is already dead. But the water must be hot for the tea to brew and disinfected for the drink to be safe. What to do? Nothing complicated! You just need to watch the water very carefully when boiling. When the first tiny bubbles appear, it’s time to turn off the water. Typically this corresponds to a temperature of 95-96 degrees.

It is best to brew tea in porcelain containers. This material retains heat well and will allow the liquid to absorb the beneficial properties of green tea. Rinse the kettle with a little boiling water to warm it up. Pour some tea leaves into the teapot container. Here you need to focus on your own preferences - some people like strong tea, others prefer a weak drink. After this, pour “live” water into the kettle and close the lid. During the cold season, you can cover the top with a warm towel to prevent the tea from getting cold.

Green tea is brewed for 3-5 minutes. After this, pour the tea into cups, having previously carried out one procedure common in the east. Pour some tea into a cup and pour it back into the teapot. Repeat this three times, and then wait about another minute. This is done to ensure that the tea is well brewed and smooth. In Central Asia, such manipulations translated into Russian are called “get married.” That is, they combine tea leaves and water to make the tea excellent.

True connoisseurs of green tea say that additional ingredients only spoil the taste of the drink, especially sugar. But everyone drinks tea the way they like - with sugar, honey, milk, lemon or ginger. There are several more rules regarding the use of green tea, let’s get to know them.

  1. Green tea should not be drunk on an empty stomach. The special substances in its composition will force the stomach to digest itself. In addition, green tea increases acidity. But drinking tea after a meal is a pleasure. A hot drink makes it easier to digest food, especially fatty foods.
  2. Do you know that before you drink a drink, you need to enjoy its aroma? Green tea vapors and oils are beneficial for both the skin and respiratory organs. For many, the tea ceremony is a time for meditation.
  3. If you drink green tea for weight loss, drink the hot drink with every meal. This will not only speed up your metabolism, but also give you a feeling of fullness with zero calories.
  4. To reap the benefits of green tea, you should drink the drink daily.
  5. Drink tea in the morning. A green drink helps you wake up and invigorate just as well as coffee.
  6. Under no circumstances should you reheat tea that has already been brewed several hours ago. In the east this is considered blasphemy. This drink should be poured out, but it is better to enjoy the taste of cold green tea. If you add berry and fruit juice to it, you get a refreshing drink for a hot day.
  7. Green tea with milk is good for nursing women - this combination increases lactation.
  8. You should not drink green tea with alcohol. This tandem puts a lot of stress on the kidneys.
  9. Green tea should not be taken with medications. Since the drink removes all toxins and waste, tea can reduce the effectiveness of medications.
  10. Don't drink green tea in bags. In addition to the fact that second-class raw materials are used in the manufacture of this product, tea in transparent bags oxidizes in air, losing its beneficial properties. If you buy loose tea, rub the green leaves in your hands. If they crumble and turn into dust, it is a poor quality product. Good tea has elastic and moderately soft leaves.
  11. Good quality tea can be re-brewed (infuser). Some connoisseurs of this drink claim that the second brewing produces a more open and deeper taste.

These simple rules will help you not only get the benefits of this drink, but also enjoy the rich taste and tart aroma of real green tea.

Few people know that black and green tea are collected not from different bushes, but from one. The difference in names is only due to the way the plants are processed. Green tea is the second most popular drink after water. The largest consumer of tea is China. Three billion cups of various types of tea are drunk around the world every day. Isn't this a declaration of love from the planet to a healthy and tasty drink? Strengthen your health and get a dose of good mood every morning with a cup of hot green tea!

Video: how to lose weight with green tea

The culture of tea drinking requires strict adherence to many subtleties, especially when it comes to green tea. Is it possible to organize a peaceful tea ceremony at home, enjoy the taste and aroma of the drink, and experience all its benefits? Yes, if you brew green tea, following the basic recommendations, know whether it can be sweetened with sugar and how much leaves and water you need.

There is no clear answer to the question of how best to prepare green tea. It all depends on the variety, recipe and accompanying components. When purchasing at a tea store, you should ask the seller about the nuances of brewing the variety at home. As a rule, the packaging is supplemented with a sticker with instructions.

Key factors that affect the properties of green tea:

  • water quality;
  • temperature;
  • number of tea leaves;
  • brewing duration.

What water to use

Here are some simple tips:

  • the best choice is spring water, but in urban areas it is difficult to get;
  • You can use filtered or bottled water; you can use settled tap water.

Note: Do not brew green tea with re-boiled water.

What should the temperature be?

When brewing green tea, water of different temperatures is used, but the main rule is that you should not pour boiling water over the tea leaves.

The temperature depends on the selected variety. For example, for Alishan oolong it will be 90°C, for the recommended 80-85°C, and for Japanese Kabusecha tea – 65-75°C. The average value is about 80°C, for basic varieties 85°C.

An incorrectly chosen temperature will cause the taste to deteriorate and the tea to turn out devoid of aroma and tasteless.


The amount of loose leaf tea directly depends on the size of the tea leaves and the desired richness of the finished drink. If there is a lot of tea leaves, then it will turn out to be too strong with a bitter-astringent taste, and if there is not enough, then its flavor and aromatic properties will not be revealed.

On average, the optimal proportions are one teaspoon of dried leaves per glass of water or 2-3 g for each serving (if the teapot is designed for several cups).

Brewing duration

The longer the loose leaf tea is brewed, the more bitter the treat will be; any sweetener will not save the situation (sugar is excluded).

The first brewing time is 30 seconds, with subsequent brewing times increasing by 5-10 seconds. On average, it takes 1 minute per serving.

You should not expect the infusion to take on a certain color. It is different for each variety. For example, Tai Ping Hou Kui is translucent with a yellowish-green tint, and the Huang Shan Mao Feng infusion is transparent light emerald.

What utensils are needed

The best choice is dishes that retain heat for a long time, such as ceramic or porcelain. The traditional Japanese tea bowl is made of enameled cast iron. The glass one looks stylish and beautiful, through it you can watch the process of how the tea leaves “dance”, rising and falling to the bottom.

Note: before preparing the drink, it is recommended to rinse the kettle with boiling water, heating the walls evenly. You also need to prepare cups or bowls.

Brewing procedure

Classic method for base varieties:

  1. Warm up the kettle (rinse with boiling water).
  2. Add tea leaves (2-3 g per serving). It is recommended to drain the first brew literally after 3-5 seconds, this will wash and moisturize them.
  3. Fill the kettle with hot water 85°C.
  4. Leave for 30 seconds and you can pour the treat into cups.

Pour in equal portions so that the taste in each mug is the same. It is not customary to offer sugar as a sweetener; instead, you can use dried fruits or honey.

Note: if the kettle is not prepared and it is cold, the tea leaves will heat up unevenly, the drink in it will quickly cool down and lose its taste.

There is also a distinction between top and middle brewing. In the first case, dry leaves are poured into a container that has already been heated and filled with hot water. The method is suitable for preparing Bi Lo Chun.

The median is also applied to high-quality green teas (for example, Huang Shan Mao Feng). Pour the tea leaves into a heated container and add a small amount of hot water at the desired temperature, so that it just covers it. This is done to moisten the leaves. Next, the kettle is filled to the required volume.

How many times should I brew? The number of repeated brews depends on the selected variety. If you are preparing the drink several times, increase the cooking time by a few seconds each time.

How to drink

Green tea should not be drunk on an empty stomach. The best time for a tea ceremony is an hour before a meal or a few hours after. The time of use also depends on the variety.

Sometimes green tea at night is the cause of various sleep disorders. For example, or Taiwanese oolong Alishan have a refreshing and invigorating effect. It is better to drink them in the morning or before lunch. On the contrary, Huang Shan Mao Feng will help you relax after a hard day at work, find peace and clarity of thinking.

Tea must be of high quality and fresh, and then it will delight you with a beautiful shade, pleasant aroma and delicious taste.

photo: depositphotos.com/Roxana, asimojet, joannawnuk