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How to make coconut liqueur. Recipe for Malibu liqueur with homemade vodka

Coconut liqueur– this is not only the notorious Malibu, the preparation of which our readers are already aware of. If you leave the tired world brands alone, you can easily and without any special material costs prepare a completely soulful version of a dessert or cocktail coconut drink in your own kitchen.

The alcoholic base for it, as in most cases, can be good vodka or a 45-proof aqueous-alcohol solution. But, if you have the necessary financial opportunity and the corresponding desire, it is best, after all, to use light rum.

Easy coconut liqueur recipe

The implementation of this economical option is available even to a novice alcohol maker in the kitchen of a student dormitory.

List of ingredients

  1. Coconut flakes – 400 g
  2. Condensed milk – 2 cans
  3. Pure still water (optional) – 400 ml
  4. Vanillin - on the tip of a knife

Cooking method

  1. Place the shavings in a jar and fill them with alcohol.
  2. Leave the tightly closed container for a week in a warm, dark place, remembering to shake it once every two days.
  3. After the mentioned period has expired, strain the liquid and squeeze the chips thoroughly into it (the spent chips can be used for cocktail or confectionery purposes).
  4. Add condensed milk, vanillin to the alcohol and, if necessary, reduce the strength of the drink - drinking water; then mix everything and close the container again.
  5. Place the jar in the refrigerator for 4 days.
  6. Then, drain the liquid using a straw without disturbing the fatty film formed on the surface.
  7. Return the drink to the refrigerator for another week.
  8. Drain it again, thereby freeing it from the remaining fatty component.
  9. Pour the result into bottles, seal them tightly and store cool.

P.S. If you find this liqueur too sweet, replace one of the cans of regular condensed milk with unsweetened condensed milk.

Spicy tropical liqueur

The proposed drink is best suited for cocktails. But even in its pure form (especially with a rum base) it’s also not bad at all. The ratio of syrup and alcohol can be varied based on your own preferences. Spices can also be added selectively.

List of ingredients

  1. Alcohol (vodka/45 proof alcohol) – 1 l
  2. Coconut flakes – 400 g
  3. Dried bananas or dried melons – 200 g
  4. Water – 400 ml
  5. Sugar – 400-600 g
  6. Cinnamon – 2 sticks
  7. Vanilla – 1 pod
  8. Cardamom – 2 pieces

Cooking method

  1. Cut bananas or melons into small pieces.
  2. Place the fruits, shavings and spices in a suitable jar, then fill with alcohol.
  3. Keep the container tightly closed for 10 days in a warm, dark place, shaking once every 2-3 days.
  4. When the infusion has matured, start preparing a simple one.
  5. Cool the syrup to room temperature.
  6. While the syrup is cooling, strain the coconut infusion and carefully squeeze the remaining mass into it.
  7. Mix sugar solution with alcohol.
  8. The resulting drink is bottled and stored in a cellar or refrigerator. Start active tasting no earlier than in a month.

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The recipe for the preparation and production of coconut liqueur was invented and developed on the island of Barbados, where rum has been produced for over 350 years. Light rum is the basis for the production of the famous coconut liqueur “Malibu”. Rum has been known since 1980.

There is a version that a coconut accidentally fell into one of the barrels of light rum, which after a certain time gave the drink a special taste. Rum producers took advantage of the chance experience and began experimenting with various additives. The result of these experiments is the Malibu line of rum-coconut liqueurs.

At the last stage of production of this liqueur, light rum is mixed with natural coconut extract and high-quality cane sugar. Other options add extracts of mango, pineapple, banana or passion fruit.

You can make coconut liqueur at home. Of course, for this you need to use high-quality light rum or at least high-quality vodka with a neutral taste, as well as cane sugar and natural coconut (or at least coconut flakes).

Coconut Liqueur Recipe


  • white rum or vodka – 600 ml;
  • small coconut flakes (or fresh coconut pulp) – 250-300 g;
  • coconut milk – 400 ml;
  • brown cane sugar – 100-150 g.


Pour rum into a bottle and place it in hot water - it should warm up well. Pour sugar and coconut flakes into a glass jar, add rum, stir until the sugar is completely dissolved and leave for a week, stirring occasionally. Sugar must be completely dissolved.

Strain the resulting strong infusion and pour coconut milk into it. You can add natural cream or milk. Pour into bottles and seal them. We place them in the refrigerator. After 4-5 days, the liqueur is ready for consumption.

Caribbean Rum Malibu (Caribbean rum Malibu) is actually not really rum, but a cocktail rum liqueur. Although, of course, it couldn’t be done without rum.

Brief history of the drink

Malibu coconut liqueur was created in 1980 to make the workdays of bartenders easier. It was originally intended for use in the Pina Colada cocktail, where it simultaneously replaced rum and coconut milk taken separately. Subsequently, he gained his own admirers and lived his own life.

After a peculiar cruise through the Antilles, the liqueur production, taken over by the house of Pernod Ricard, settled in Jamaica. The mentioned drink is bottled on the other side of the Atlantic - in Scotland.

Malibu liqueur strength

Malibu can be classified as a medium strength drink. The alcohol content in it is 21 degrees.

Composition of Malibu liqueur

The islanders produce the classic version of the Caribbean drink from improvised materials. It consists of refined Barbadian light rum, cane sugar, local organic water and coconut milk. The result is a somewhat cloying, slightly whitish substance, whose cloudiness is concealed with the help of white frosted glass bottles. By the way, these same bottles can hide from the consumer’s eyes the unnatural transparency of the liqueur caused by the replacement of the natural coconut component with artificial essences and flavors.

In addition to the classics, there are several derivative modifications of the drink obtained by replacing the coconut ingredient with extracts of various tropical fruits. Such modifications include the following options:

  1. Banana– sold in bottles with a yellow neck;
  2. Pineapple– recognizable thanks to the orange neck of the bottle;
  3. Mango– bottled in containers with a red neck;
  4. passion fruit– placed in vessels with a purple neck.

What and how to drink Malibu liqueur with

There are not so many people who like to drink the Caribbean drink in its pure form, but nevertheless, they exist. In this case, classic liqueur glasses are used. The substance itself is cooled to a temperature of 8-10°C. At the same time, all kinds of fruits (from apples to passion fruit), creamy desserts and, of course, ice cream are used as a snack for this overly sweet liqueur.

In addition, the liqueur we are interested in can be a very pleasant addition to strong coffee and hot chocolate.

At the same time, the Malibu drink, first of all, remains a mix and cocktail component. It can and should be mixed in arbitrary proportions with sweet and sour juices: apple, orange, pineapple, etc.

As for cocktails, they include not only the famous aforementioned Pina Colada, but also drinks such as Banana Daiquiri, Mystery, Oligarch, Tropical Kiss, and many others.

Homemade Malibu liqueur recipe

Making your own analogue of the Caribbean drink is quite simple. Moreover, we are not talking about vodka-condensed milk disgrace, but about real rum liqueur. The only problem in this case may be the financial side of the issue.

List of ingredients

  1. Light rum (ideally Barbados) – 500 ml;
  2. Canned coconut milk – 400 ml;
  3. Water – 350 ml;
  4. Coconut flakes – 250 g;
  5. Cane sugar – 350 g;
  6. Vanillin – 1 g (or vanilla sugar – 1 sachet).

Cooking method

  1. Pour the shavings into a glass jar and fill with rum.
  2. Keep the tightly closed container for 10 days in a dark place at room temperature, shaking it every 3-4 days.
  3. Filter the rum and set aside while preparing the syrup (the shavings can be discarded or used for confectionery needs).
  4. Cook the syrup over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved (do not allow the substance to darken). A few minutes before removing from heat, add vanillin to the liquid.
  5. Mix the rum and coconut milk thoroughly, then add the sugar solution that has cooled to room temperature (ideally, the final strength of the drink should be 21 degrees).
  6. Place the result in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
  7. Using a straw, pour the drink into another jar without disturbing the fatty film that has formed on top (under no circumstances should it get into the poured liquid).
  8. Keep the liqueur in a cool, dark place for a week, and then bottle it.

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The homemade interpretation of the famous coconut liqueur Malibu in the CIS has several preparation options, the most popular option is with the addition of condensed milk. Homemade Malibu prepared in this way is also a ready-made cocktail drink. In this note I will describe it with the addition of condensed milk.

Malibu liqueur recipe

  • Vodka or purified moonshine - 0.5 l.,
  • Coconut flakes - 160 g.,
  • Vanillin is on the tip of the knife,
  • Condensed milk - 1 can,
  • Water - 200 ml.

Making Homemade Malibu Liqueur

Oddly enough, coconut flakes, which are sold in spice departments, are better suited for making homemade Malibu than fresh coconut pulp. Pour the shavings into a container and fill with vodka. Moonshine is also suitable for an alcoholic base, but purified and without a strong aroma; I personally recommend using grain distillate from wheat. Place in a dark place for 7 days; for better extraction, you can infuse it in a warm place.

Afterwards, filter the infusion using 2 layers of gauze, squeeze the pulp well, and if necessary, pass it through a cotton filter. Next, add a can of good condensed milk, a little vanillin, and water to the infusion, so that the strength is approximately 20-21%, mix well until smooth. We try, if the sweetness of the condensed milk is not enough, then you can add sugar to taste.

Homemade Malibu needs to rest in the refrigerator for a few more days so that a crust of coconut oil forms on top. Afterwards, using a straw, carefully pour the liqueur into another bowl, so as not to catch the top layer of oil. We sample the liqueur and decide to send it on vacation or have a full tasting. I note that over time, a fatty layer will form on the surface of the Malibu; you can get rid of it by pouring it with a flexible tube.

Home coconut liqueur Malibu is ready, of course such a drink cannot claim to have an original taste, but it is quite tasty and appetizing to drink in its pure form, and can be added to coffee.

The cocktail version of this liqueur is prepared without adding condensed milk, but with the addition of sugar syrup in a ratio of one to one to the alcoholic infusion. For example: we got 400 ml. infusion, you need to add 400 ml. sugar syrup prepared with 350-300 ml. water and 100-200 g of sugar.

I especially recommend that you familiarize yourself with the recipes for homemade sambuca and baileys liqueurs. Below is a video recipe for Malibu liqueur at home from the author of the blog.

How much does coconut liqueur cost (average price for 1 liter)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

Coconut liqueur is popular not only in tropical countries, where coconut essentially grows, but throughout the world. This aromatic drink can be either a cloudy, slightly viscous liquid or a rich, thick, white drink. In the latter case we are talking about coconut cream liqueur. Be that as it may, coconut liqueur is a very tasty and aromatic alcoholic drink, which is preferred by many lovers of sweet alcohol.

Today, the most famous coconut liqueur is considered to be Malibu liqueur, which is made from natural coconut extract and strong rum on the island of Barbados in the Caribbean. However, in addition to this branded drink, other brands of coconut liqueur are no less popular.

First of all, it is recommended to drink coconut liqueur according to the same rules as other liqueurs - using special glasses, small sips and very slowly. The best time to serve coconut liqueur is after lunch as a dessert. It is noteworthy that you can drink coconut liqueur not only in its pure form (undiluted), but also in combination with other drinks - like a cocktail.

Cocktails based on coconut liqueur can be simple or multi-ingredient. Many people like the combination of coconut liqueur with cola, milk, pineapple juice, and tonic. In addition to light cocktails, there are also “killer” options - coconut liqueur with vodka, cognac or whiskey. The proportions of such cocktails are mostly arbitrary and depend solely on individual preferences.

Complex cocktails with coconut liqueur are more common and popular today. The most famous and popular cocktails are Banana Daiquiri, Malibu Margarita and Tropical Kiss. But the most famous cocktail is rightfully the Pinacolada - a traditional Caribbean alcoholic drink that consists of a mixture of coconut liqueur and pineapple juice.

Of course, coconut liqueur can also be used as a syrup - this is typical for culinary matters. Just a couple of spoons of this drink will give a new taste and unforgettable aroma to desserts and other sweet dishes. This wonderful drink goes well with ice cream and almost any fresh fruit: lemons, oranges, pineapples, grapes, apples, pears.

To experiment, you can make coconut liqueur yourself. The required set of products consists of coconut, rum, sugar and water. The nut pulp is freed from the hard peel and crushed, after which the pulp is poured with strong rum and infused for several days. The resulting infusion is carefully filtered and then mixed with sugar syrup prepared in advance. They say that homemade coconut syrup turns out almost identical to the store-bought version of this drink.

Calorie content of coconut liqueur 184 kcal

Energy value of coconut liqueur (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).