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To help the calculator or zik ​​step by step. To help the calculator or zik ​​step by step Rules for converting from zik 361 to zup

Hello dear blog readers. In this article I will answer the question what is 1C ZUP 8.2 and what problems this software product can solve. I will briefly collect all the information that was presented in a series of publications dedicated to the review main features of the software product "1C: Salary and Personnel Management". Let me remind you that this series includes seven articles:

What is 1C ZUP

1C ZUP - 1C: Salary and Personnel Management ( HRM - Human Resources Management) is a software product from 1C, designed to automate the accounting of personnel data, payroll calculations and the generation of regulated and other reporting. The program takes into account legal requirements, and the configuration is regularly updated as legislation changes.

The most popular edition of the program today 1C ZUP 8.2 edition 2.5. She is the legal successor of the software product 1C Salary and Personnel 7.7, which is still used in many organizations and even large factories. The final release of the new edition was released not long ago 1C ZUP edition 3.0.

The 1C ZUP program has three delivery options:

  • 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8. Basic version(Only for RUB 2,550) – only one organization can be maintained in one database; Only one user can work with the database at a time; the functionality cannot be modified, since the configuration is closed;
  • 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 PROF– allows you to maintain several organizations in one information base; Several users can work with the database simultaneously; the configuration is open for editing, so you can improve the functionality;
  • 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 CORP.

Personnel accounting

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

The 1C ZUP software product offers a full range of objects for maintaining personnel records: documents " Hiring", "Personnel transfer", "Dismissal", "Vacations", "Business trips", "Absences and illnesses". The program also offers services that allow you to track vacation balances, lead staffing table, saving the history of its changes. The program allows you to print "Employment contract", reports on staffing arrangements, personnel movements, cards T-2, T-3, T-4 and so on (Read more about reports in the article:). The program also allows you to conduct military registration and print out regulated military registration forms (form No. 11, 18, 6).

Salary calculation

A wide range of functionality is provided for payroll calculation. Basic documents for calculation, “Absenteeism”, “Payment based on average earnings”, “Registration of one-time charges/deductions”, “Payment for holidays and weekends”, “Payment for overtime hours”, “Registration of downtime”, “Calculation upon dismissal”, “Vacation” child care”, “Employee bonuses”, “Payroll”.

“Pay slips”, “Payment sheet”, “Accrued salary sheet”, “Working time sheet”, “Debt structure” and others. Read more about reports.

The salary calculation section also includes wage payment registration documents: “Salaries payable”, “Payment order”, “Cash outgoing order”, “Deposition”, “Payment of depositors”. Read the main article about salary payments.

Taxes and fees

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:


Generated transactions can be uploaded to an accounting program using a special service or printed using a report “Reflection of wages in regulated accounting”.

Pension Fund

This section of the program contains everything related to the preparation of individual information for the pension fund. The main thing here is the workplace “Preparation of data for transfer to the Pension Fund of Russia.” In March 2014, an update to the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management software product was released, in which the workplace has undergone significant changes. You can read about these innovations in the article.

That's all for today! I'm glad you read my blog. New interesting materials will be coming soon.

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In general, there is an opinion in accounting circles that once upon a time, data of their own free will (coinciding, oddly enough, with the desire of the accountant) freely roamed from one information base to another, but evil programmers introduced St. George’s Day and the transition began to take place only once per year at the beginning of the tax period, and then, through a gradual reduction of rights, the data completely forgot how to transfer at the will of the accountant...

Accounting departments should not be dissuaded that such misconceptions have no place in their heads. But you can (and perhaps should) before carrying out an independent transfer, familiarize yourself with the features and errors identified during the transfer from Zeke 7.7 V ZUP 8 , namely:

1). first of all, you need to update the configurations of the source database and destination database (it is highly not recommended to pull data over the network) and you may be surprised where errors like "The index is not within the bounds of the list of values" ;

2). first calculation after salary transfer discovered double amounts for personal income tax (and not in all databases - the pattern was revealed only when the billing period was not closed in 7.7, i.e. we transfer it to July, but June is not closed - doubling occurs in July) - in this case it is easier to reset the transferred personal income tax data through Operations - Documents - Data transfer;

3). Also, data on employees for whom personal income tax records were kept before 2011 were not transferred. in form 1-NDFL, and later in the tax register for personal income tax - in this case, manual entry of the document “Accounting adjustments for personal income tax, insurance contributions and unified social tax”, which can also be used to enter initial balances and restore accounting when implementing the program;

4). incompleteness of the production calendar is not an error during the transfer, but this nuance is often not taken into account during the first payroll calculation after the transfer;

5). When completing a certificate using Form 2-NDFL, an error is given and the document is not processed due to the fact that the “Address of an individual outside the Russian Federation” detail is not empty (the comma must be removed), although in 7.7 the address in the country of residence was not filled in;

6). The report "Debt Structure of Organizations" issues debts for long-term laid-off employees , the calculations for which are closed in Zik (on one of the well-known 1c forums, the reason was indicated as an incorrect payment, manually indicating the amount upon dismissal, and not calculating the full payment), and because these amounts are not the depositor, then the corresponding register entries are deleted from the “Data Transfer” documents;

7). Do not, under any circumstances, copy documents automatically generated by transfer processing to create documents reflecting the fact that wages have been paid (the payment will not appear on the payslip).

to be continued...))

  1. ZiK is still alive and regular configuration updates are released. It's a good news. However, there are not always rules for exchanging with other configurations.
  2. Briefly about the essence of payroll calculations. I'll be as brief as possible. Everything is done in the end to obtain a “payslip” report - this is a report showing how much has been accrued and withheld for each employee, and the “Accruals Settlement” report is an analogue of a payslip, but summarized for all employees.There are generally two types of settlement movements - accruals and deductions. Accrual - this can be “salary”, “bonus”, various allowances. Deductions are professional contributions, income tax, etc. Also, deductions can conditionally include payment of wages. As a result, simple arithmetic: initial debt + accruals - deductions = final debt (balance). Salaries are usually calculated monthly.
  3. From a technical point of view, there are two periods in wages - the “settlement period” and the “action period”. Just remember this.
  4. In ZiK, for normal calculation it is necessary to “open a period”, or “make a transition to a new period”. In this case, all movements in old periods become available only for viewing, and it is no longer possible to correct the calculation results in the usual way. That is, before the start of a new billing period, for example, when we want to calculate the salary “for January”, we need to make sure that “January of this year” is “open”.
  5. If you suddenly need to adjust the records of an old period, you need to remember this. There are two types of edits: a) retroactive edits, when we simply correct the records of an old period because they differ from our paper records. This is the only reason why the calculation is corrected retroactively. b) corrections for the current period, when it is discovered that the calculation of the previous period was incorrect, but everything matches the papers, and the reporting has already been submitted and signed. That is, it is impossible to edit retrospectively, therefore, in the current period, corrective records of the previous period are made. For example, in January we make an adjustment “for December of that year.” To correct it “retroactively”, check whether the old period is still open, or whether a “change to a new month” has already been made. If the old period is open, everything is clear, we adjusted it, and moved on. If the period is “closed”, then you can open it in the standard way, but this is fraught with serious consequences - the records of the old period being opened will be marked as “not calculated”, and they will have to be recalculated. This is very bad, since the accountant often and haphazardly makes adjustments to calculations (and then does not remember this), as a result of which recalculation cannot be done just like that - manual adjustments will be lost. Use the “Soft Rollback” treatment to go to the old period, and then “roll back” to the current period. For example this one
  6. You cannot correct the base of calculation types and accruals if they have already been used (this applies to secondary calculation types such as “Bonus”, etc.). This is important for calculations “on average” - all sorts of sick leave, vacation pay, “downtime”, etc. After this, all this will begin to be considered incorrectly, taking into account adjustments. If it turns out that the database was configured incorrectly, it is better to create a new type of calculation, and “close” employees’ accruals for the old type of calculation and add them a new created type, which is already configured “correctly in a new way.”
  7. Directory "Employees". If an employee was fired and is rehired, you cannot create a new directory element, you must use an existing one (this is a feature of ZiK 7.7, in 8 versions it’s the other way around), otherwise there will be errors when submitting reports. The only acceptable and correct option when duplication is needed is to accept the same employee, already working, for a position as a part-time employee. Then two elements should appear in the directory. If you look at it from a technical point of view, the main employee will have the “Main Element” field filled in - a link to himself, and the part-time employee will have the “Main Element” field filled in - a link to the main employee. Use the employee input assistant. If an employee is duplicated, it will not be possible to submit reports for the year. We'll have to write the processing.
  8. ZiK uses a lot of details that change over time - periodic details. Often an accountant experiences difficulties with his work because of them. You should use the "History" button.
  9. The global module is huge. It's very easy to get confused. You should install OpenConf for ease of working with the configuration. Due to the large number of global lines, debugging modes can also slow down. To debug the globalizer, you should not use breakpoints, but set stubs of the “Warning” type, and then proceed to debugging.
  10. Do not debug long-running modules on the production base when users are working via RDP, since all users will also experience a code stop (they will feel stuck).
  11. To calculate transactions, a dynamic scheme is used, that is, transactions are calculated anew each time the “Report on transactions” or “Upload transactions” is launched. In the global book, the “Glav Transactions for the Period” procedure is responsible for calculating transactions. It is large and only a professional can make changes to it.
  12. On large databases, the “Period Postings” can work for hours, which irritates accountants. There is a simple optimization method; only a few lines are changed, which allows you to speed up the work several times. This is described in one of the articles. Additional technical specifications are used. A typical algorithm does this: Salary Accounting TableNNP.Unload(Salary Accounting TableNNP); You need to add the required number of lines to the statement of work, and only then copy the lines to the statement of work, without completely unloading and loading.It’s described here, although the article has been undeservedly forgotten and abandoned.
  13. Tax calculation. The “personal income tax” tax is calculated immediately when calculating wages, but there is also the “social tax”, which is calculated separately.
  14. To store records of calculations, there is a “Calculation Journal”. There are two main ones - “Salary” and “Insurance Contributions”. There is also “Additional”, where management salaries are sometimes considered.
  15. To set up accounting entries, use the “Accounting template” attribute for the employee. You can also not specify it; in this case, set up a “posting template” for the department in which the employees work. Or if the posting is standard for all employees, we use the “Default posting” constant
  16. Sometimes it is not clear whether personal income tax has been calculated correctly or not. It is important that personal income tax is calculated on an accrual basis throughout the year, so you need to look at the period from January to December. There are also complex cases - for example, the previous period may be included in the calculation, for example, “in December of last year, vacation was accrued for January of the current year.” For ease of control, you can use useful reports on accruals on an accrual basis, or reports such as “pay slip from the beginning of the year,” etc.
  17. Also for insurance premiums, control can be done using summary special reports. To control insurance premiums, it is important to remember that there is a percentage scale, and you can check whether the tax has been calculated correctly by simply multiplying the base by the percentage. However, you need to keep track of “from what base the accrual came from.” You can also find out the database by running special reports that are not included in the standard ZiK and are written by independent developers. For example, this report:
  18. Sometimes the calculation journal becomes so tangled for an employee that the accountant cannot make an automatic calculation, and he cannot correct the entries (sometimes the system blocks manual adjustments). To solve this problem, download the “Calculation Journal Editor” processing. For example this one: . Of course, you need to make a copy before using it. A beginner or even an average developer will not be able to write an analogue of this processing, since a clear understanding of working with the calculation log programmatically is important. This processing allows you to do whatever you want with the calculation log.
  19. When making changes to Zik, remember that this is a “Calculation” component; you do not need to add a chart of accounts and operational accounting registers there, since the customer may not have licenses for them. For those working with 8.x versions, this may not be trivial, and I have seen such solutions.
  20. In service\parameters, enter the date representation in 4-digit form “11/19/2014”, not “11/19/14”. Then avoid confusion with different grandparents born in the 40s, 50s
  21. When making calculations, ZiK works with tables of values, as well as (!) nested tables of values ​​within tables of values, especially when calculating taxes. It is useful to find and download some kind of processing for 7.7 like “View Table of Values”. You can, of course, use the “Select Row” method, but this is not suitable for viewing large or nested technical specifications. If anyone knows a good viewing processing, write, I will attach a link. I myself have been using the “PreviewTSZ” processing for a long time, but I couldn’t find it on the IS.

To run a successful business in modern realities, competent management of labor resources is important. Personnel labor is an economic resource that needs to be managed quickly and as efficiently as possible. In a fast-growing world, if a company wants to keep up with modern trends, it absolutely cannot do without automating specialized HR workflows.

The benefits of purchasing an automation system for a developing company are significant:

  • Routine work with papers and primary documents is reduced, which frees up staff time for more “creative” work, for example, promoting corporate ethics;
  • Automatic information processing reduces the human factor and possible errors, which eliminates employee dissatisfaction with the work of “personnel”, for example, due to incorrect calculations;
  • The calculation of vacation pay, sick leave, and other accruals is simplified. HR employees can always promptly respond to requests and generate the necessary documents;
  • Makes it possible to generate a large number of various regulated and management reports, excluding fines and penalties from regulatory authorities.

Options for 1C programs and products for automation

When deciding to purchase a system based on the 1C:Enterprise platform for timely work with personnel on the market, there is a choice between two configurations: “1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7” (1C: ZIK) and “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8”.

The 1C: Salaries and Personnel 7.7 program was developed in the 90s and gained great popularity in its time. Then, with the development of modern technologies, the popular 7.7 platform was replaced by a functional and promising platform - “eight”. The 7.7 configuration update has since been stopped. Currently, programs based on the 7.7 platform can be purchased by filling out a special application from 1C franchisees.

1C:ZUP works on a new, constantly improved and updated platform - “1C:Enterprise 8” (today – version 8.3). The advantages of 1C:ZUP* are largely based on the use of all its capabilities:

  • Increased operating speed;
  • Fast query construction and data selection;
  • Easy scaling;
  • Quick and easy setup of data display in lists, sorting and printing of lists;
  • Ability to configure synchronization between configurations;
  • Supports the largest possible number of file formats for exchange;
  • Unlimited number of distributed databases;
  • Support for various types of databases;
  • Availability of roles, user profiles for setting up and configuring rights;
  • Work through a web application, mobile client, etc.

*Of course, all this contributed to the popularization of the newer configuration. At the same time, we should not forget that personnel records also imply regulated work, therefore the release of ZUP updates (and the lack of such in the ZIK), reflecting new legal requirements, is the main point in the transition of users to a new product.

1C:ZIK and 1C:ZUP

The 1C personnel program on the 7.7 platform made it possible to organize records of personnel and employees of the enterprise, control internal movements of personnel, and calculate the company’s salaries in accordance with current legislation. The program could implement any form of required reporting. ZUP has become a worthy successor to the glorious traditions of accounting, but also received expanded functionality:

  • Work in budgetary organizations and self-supporting companies;
  • Comprehensive comprehensive automation of various processes of personnel movement, control of personnel movement;
  • Analysis of the quality of working employees, personnel qualifications;
  • Analysis of employee workload;
  • Calculation of personnel requirements, personnel reserve;
  • Analysis of personnel costs, preparation of planned personnel budgets, analysis of budget execution;
  • Drawing up a personnel plan, accumulating information about candidates, generating personnel training plans and analyzing the obtained training results;
  • Payroll calculation, vacation calculation and planning;
  • Calculation of necessary taxes to government agencies and funds;
  • Generation of complete and comprehensive reporting with various analytics, details and sections for submission to government agencies, as well as for managers of the company and departments.

Figure 1. Program interface

Options for automation systems based on platform 8:

  • Salaries and personnel of government agencies (for state-owned enterprises), CORP version, basic version.
  • 1C: ZUP 8 versions of KORP (comprehensive professional management at enterprises with geographically distributed branches, to evaluate employees from all sides at a professional level), PROF (for small firms and large companies with structural divisions), Basic version (for accounting in a small company with the possibility of working in a one-employee program).

Comparison of supplies 1C:ZUP 8

Advantages of version 8 compared to 7.7

If we do not take into account the loss of relevance of the ZIK, which we have already mentioned, in the extended versions of 1C:ZUP the following has been implemented:

  • Maintaining personnel and salary records for several enterprises with a general composition of directories and analytical information.
  • The 1C:ZUP configuration implements accounting for several work schedules, individual time sheets, arbitrary formulas for calculating accruals and deductions, and calculating only the first half of the month.
  • Reporting is possible in the form of graphs and diagrams. All printed forms of unified standardized reporting and T-7/T-10/T-10a have been introduced.
  • Organized the display of a list of tasks about upcoming or uncompleted actions, the display of reminders about birthdays.
  • The changed interface has become much more convenient and informative. There is now the possibility of group data processing and various tools for working with printed forms.
  • The popular ability to set a ban date for data editing and other advantages has been implemented.

The conclusion suggests itself that in order to implement the full functionality of the platform and to automate the maximum number of business processes of the organization, personnel records and payroll should be kept in a modern 1C: ZUP configuration that is constantly supported by the developer. Also, in conclusion, I would like to note that personnel programs undergo serious modifications only in exceptional cases, and if the configuration has more or less standard functionality, the transition to a new version and platform will not take much time and will pay for itself due to simpler, and therefore cheaper, maintenance .

Many users have already appreciated the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 program, which automates the processes of managing human resources data, and also allows you to maintain personnel records, payroll calculations and generate reporting on taxes and contributions in accordance with legal requirements. In the article, 1C methodologists offer detailed step-by-step instructions. It will help you correctly transfer data to the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 program and avoid errors in the future when calculating wages.

  • availability of military registration;
  • maintaining a vacation schedule;
  • and much more.

Is it necessary to walk?

The advantages of “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8” over “1C: Salaries and Personnel 7.7” (hereinafter referred to as ZiK) are obvious and numerous, but some effort should be made to fully appreciate them.

Among the main advantages are the following:

  • the ability to maintain records of several organizations in a single information base;
  • a mechanism of properties and categories that allows you to arbitrarily expand the stored information about employees without configuration;
  • expanded capabilities of regulated personnel records;
  • availability of military registration;
  • maintaining a vacation schedule;
  • accounting for the use of working time (part-time, work schedules, time sheets);
  • lack of strict regulations for the transition to both subsequent and previous billing periods;
  • many built-in calculation algorithms, you can enter arbitrary formulas when setting up charges and deductions;
  • various options for forming an advance payment;
  • wide possibilities of regulated and arbitrary reporting;
  • availability of service mechanisms, means of sharing access to data, means of protecting personal data;
  • and much more.

In order to painlessly switch to the “1C: Salary and HR Management 8” program, you need to take several steps sequentially.

Let's take the first step - prepare an information base

Let's put in order the initial database of the 1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7 program.

Important! In order for the actions to be reversible, so that they can be repeated again, so that nothing causes disappointment, we begin any actions on the database (DB) by creating a backup copy.

To do this, launch “1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7” in mode Configurator. Select from the menu Administration - Upload data.... We give the archive a name so that it is easy to understand later (for example, “before uploading to ZUP”). After that:

  • We close the billing period for which we transfer the data (for example, December 2011). We delete all documents related to the following periods that have already been entered. They need to be entered into the ZUP again;
  • Considering the reference book Divisions. Divisions located on a dedicated balance sheet in the ZUP are considered Organizations. All separate ZIK units with completed checkpoint details will be transferred to the directory Organizations ZUP configurations. Separate regulated reporting will be generated for them. If it is necessary for the ZiK units in the organization structure in the ZUP to be transferred to the directory Organizational divisions, clear it in the directory Divisions props checkpoint and remove the checkbox Apart e division with a dedicated balance sheet;
  • Let's do it Deleting marked objects. By the way, this is a reason to deal with objects that are not deleted. Perhaps they really cannot be deleted - and then uncheck the deletion mark. Or you need to delete both these objects and other objects associated with them;
  • Next in mode Configurator let's do it Testing and fixing the database.....Pay attention to the action flags. You need to install everything, including the last one. The process may be lengthy. You can repeat it, run it twice: first the first three actions, and upon completion - the rest;
  • Make sure that the V7Plus.dll and V7Plus.als files are in the ZiK database directory;
  • Check that the configuration release is up to date. Update it if necessary;
  • We exit the ZiK database.

Let's take the second step - download the data

At this stage:

  • Let’s make sure that the “1C: Salary and HR Management 8” program is installed and the configuration release is up to date;
  • If the download is not made to a new clean database, but to one containing some information, check that it is not installed No editing date, and also before starting the download, be sure to stock up on a backup copy, so that you have the opportunity, in case of failure, to repeat the download process again;
  • Let's define the transfer method. Select from the menu (Fig. 1):
    • download data from the infobase;
    • load data from file.

Rice. 1

Method Load data from the infobase preferable. To use it, the ZiK and ZUP databases must be on the same local network.

If this is not possible, then you will have to use the second method.

...loading data from the infobase

  • Let's select the ZiK database from which we want to transfer data (Fig. 2):

Rice. 2

It is necessary to immediately determine the policy for conducting mutual settlements. If you check the box Mutual settlements for salaries are carried out in the context of the months of its accrual , then salary arrears will be transferred with details by month (otherwise - only the total amount).

Checkbox Reset transferred salary arrears It is convenient to display when a decision is made to take into account all debts in the ZiK, without transferring them to the ZUP for the transparency of payments for the first month.

  • Press the button Further..

If users have already been created in the “1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7” database, an authorization window will appear on the screen in which you need to select a user and enter a password (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3

After this, the process of transferring data from ZiK to ZUP begins. Please note - it may take a long time. If errors are found during the transfer process, they must be analyzed, the appropriate corrections made in ZiK and the download repeated. You will receive a message on the screen indicating successful downloading.

...or load data from a file

If there are reasons that do not allow loading data from the information base, we will use the second method:

  • In the ZUP database, select the menu Operations - Directories - Conversion from information bases 1C:Enterprise 7.7(Fig. 4);

Rice. 4

  • Selecting an icon Burn conversion files to disk. In this case, the processing file Transition Assistant to Payroll and HR Management, version 2.5 and it is advisable to save the rules file for the selected configuration in the “ExtForms” directory of the ZiK database directory from which the data is downloaded;
  • We launch ZiK in mode Company;
  • Next, select from the menu Service - Additional features - Assistant for transition to 1C salary and personnel management 8.
    If this menu item does not contain the specified processing, click the button Update. If the specified processing does not appear, it means that you saved it in another directory and you can run it from the menu File - Open, selecting a file PrB_Wiz.ert(Fig. 5).

Rice. 5

  • And further, following the instructions , indicate the conditions for uploading and the name of the file of the transferred data;
  • Upon successful completion of unloading, we will move to the ZUP;
  • On the menu Service - Transfer of data from information databases "1C:Enterprise 7.7" choose Load data from a file. Specify the path and name of the transferred data file. You will receive a message on the screen indicating successful downloading.

Third step - analysis of the transfer results

Data has been transferred. You need to make sure that the 1C: Salary and HR Management 8 program is ready for payroll calculation:

  • Let's make a backup copy of the transferred data. To do this, in the ZUP configurator mode, select Administration, Upload information base... We give the archive a clear name (for example, “immediately after loading into the ZUP”);

Let's check the reference book Individuals. Data could “multiply” as a result of transfer, especially from several databases. Connect them using processing SearchAndReplaceValues.epf from the ITS disk (Fig. 6);

Rice. 6

  • Work with the reference book Employees.“Put the fired people into the archives.” For clarity, include in the menu Actions directory Employees set mode Show employee archive. Place the cursor in the list on the dismissed employee. IN menu Actions directory Employees select Place an employee in the archive. This action is reversible, and you can always use the command Extract an employee from the archive. If you mistakenly archived an employee, the command Extract an employee from the archive will become available only after you move the cursor to another employee and then return to the desired one. If you did not move the cursor, then according to the command Archive an employee you can select a button Extract from archive;
  • Complete the production calendar and work schedules;
  • Check the balance sheets. Analyze their differences. Document Adjusting accumulation register entries make changes as necessary to the registers Mutual settlements with employees of organizations And Personal income tax for credit.