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A message about Kapiton from the story of Mumu. Essay on the topic: the image of Gerasim in the story and

A serf peasant serving as a shoemaker for a lady is one of the negative characters in the work. Through the image of Kapiton Klimov, Turgenev shows the inhumanity of serfdom.

This yard man studied to become a shoemaker in St. Petersburg. Having tasted the metropolitan life, but being returned back to the wilderness, Kapiton feels underappreciated. He, with some reason, considers himself educated, since he has a useful specialty. Dissatisfaction with the circumstances of life and the inability to even try to change them, due to the state of serfdom, gives rise to passive protest in Capito. He starts drinking a lot. Of course, this addiction, which destroys the life of both the alcoholic himself and those around him, cannot be entirely considered a consequence of social injustice and blame only the landowner for everything. Kapiton is shown as a man who nevertheless made his own choice to go downhill and compensate for his dissatisfaction with life through drinking. Turgenev emphasizes torn shoes, which well characterizes the shoemaker’s attitude to life. His reasoning, during which he blames others for his addiction, is typical self-justification.

The lady, of her own free will, marries Kapiton to Tatyana, who is busy washing her clothes. Her goal is undoubtedly good - the mistress wants to correct the drunkard through family life and gives him a good wife. For the owner, this is only an attempt to protect property that costs money from damage.

Marriage not only does not contribute to the correction of the shoemaker and the abandonment of his addiction, but also ruins Tatyana’s life. She would clearly be better off with the kind and balanced Gerasim, despite his physical disability. However, the wishes of the serf ladies are not taken into account. Turgenev wants to emphasize that a system in which some people can dispose of others like things cannot contribute to the improvement of morals. Violence cannot make a person better. The lady's attempt ends in failure, and she sends Capiton along with his wife to a distant village.

Having created the image of an unsympathetic and spoiled person who has given up on everything, Turgenev makes him one of the involuntary instruments with the help of which the serfdom system destroys people's lives. Kapiton wants to marry Tatiana, but only the will of the lady makes his desire come true. Thanks to her, a drunken shoemaker can destroy not only his own life.

Option 2

Many people who may one day get a taste of a higher or at least more educated society later acquire arrogance and disdain for other people. An example of such a person is Kapiton Klimov, who once studied in St. Petersburg and considers himself an educated person.

In fact, Kapiton is certainly far from educated, because, in fact, he studied a simple craft and nothing more. Nevertheless, he yearns like an intellectual who happens to be in exile or in poverty in the village. It is with this that Kapiton partially justifies his own alcoholism, although in reality he is a simple alcoholic worker, a typical guy who loves to drink and is not particularly eager to work.

The lady takes care of her shoemaker Capiton and eventually passes him off as the laundress Tatyana, thanks to whom she wants to set him on the “true path,” that is, to make him a good working man. The lady succeeds in such an undertaking and as a result he becomes a married man, but this state of affairs does not particularly change the character of the hero.

Klimov continues to drink and drinks even more and eventually ends up in exile in another village, where the lady exiles. Initially, such an outcome was quite possible to assume, since Kapiton was always distinguished by his frivolity and inability to bear responsibility. He talks a lot and wisely, but in reality he knows practically nothing and does not want to build a normal family structure, although he really likes Tatyana and even wanted to take a laundress as his wife.

Turgenev quite accurately describes the psychological portrait of this man and talks with understanding about Kapiton’s true opinion of himself. It is a little difficult to understand whether Kapiton is deceiving himself or actually considers himself unfairly abandoned in the outback, but, one way or another, Kapiton thinks too much of himself.

He considers his situation sad and not allowing him to realize his true potential. In short, he protests against being a worthless hero. Moreover, in fact, he is precisely an incredibly worthless person, and this is the psychological paradox of his personality, which the author so skillfully describes.

Essay about Capito

“Mumu” ​​is considered one of Turgenev’s most popular stories. The book tells about the fate and life of a janitor named Gerasim, who worked for a wealthy lady. Kapiton Klimov worked with him on the estate.

Many people, having been in high or educated society, can become arrogant and treat others poorly. Such a person is Kapiton Klimov. Kapiton considers himself an educated person, since he once studied in St. Petersburg. Klimov is a minor character in the story.

Kapiton is a real drunkard, a spoiled and frivolous person. He worked on the estate of a lady and constantly complained about his bitter fate. The estate was located on the outskirts of Moscow. Klimov believed that he deserved a better life. At the behest of his mistress, the shoemaker married the washerwoman Tatyana. The marriage did not bring any happiness, and Klimov began to drink even more. The poor woman was doomed to suffer for the rest of her life. Tatyana could have married Gerasim, who was in love with her. The lady saw the shoemaker as a good person and hoped that he would improve after his marriage. Klimov himself did not want to work in the outback, but wanted to live and work in St. Petersburg.

Despite studying in St. Petersburg, Klimov was far from educated. Because he was learning the simple craft of a shoemaker. The need for money forced the hero to become a simple shoemaker. Kapiton justified his alcoholism by his unfortunate fate. And he said that another person introduced him to alcohol. The shoemaker was a man of mature age who did not strive to do his job. After he began to drink even more, the owner sent Klimov to another village with his wife. In addition to his frivolity, the shoemaker was distinguished by his irresponsibility. The hero could talk a lot, uttering wise words. But in reality he did not know how to do anything. He did not particularly try to become a good husband, although he had warm feelings for Tatyana.

For his drunkenness, he constantly received punishments and cuffs. Gavrila's manager called him a slacker who eats his bread for nothing. Klimov constantly told Gavril how he lived in the capital and what he studied. The shoemaker loved to speak colorfully and beautifully. Eloquence was the hero's main weapon. Every day he wore an elegant style - a tattered frock coat and old trousers, holey and long boots.

In the work, the author accurately described the portrait of Capiton. It is difficult for the reader to understand Klimov's real intentions. It is also impossible to understand in his behavior whether he is deceiving or telling the truth. Klimov believed that his pitiful situation prevented him from revealing his true potential and skills.

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During his life as a writer, Ivan Vasilyevich Turgenev was able to write many works, but not many were well received by readers. One of the best works, according to readers, is “Mumu”.

The main character of this work is a deaf-mute man whose name was Gerasim. He was alone and lived in an old hut. But not everything was so simple. He was, like all peasants, a serf. He worked on the farm of a Moscow lady. He always did the most difficult and difficult work.

All the peasants who worked with Gerasim gave him the nickname Bogatyr. This was not at all accidental, since he was tall and very strong. He did not feel tired from work and very often helped other serfs. He worked from day to night, doing a very large amount of work on the estate. He plowed and chopped wood.

One day the lady noticed Gerasim as a good worker and thought of transferring him to Moscow. She took him from his village and took him with her to Moscow. This is probably due to the fact that he was a real honest worker. Upon arrival at his new home, he received new clothes and a new job. He used to be a plowman, but now he is a watchman and janitor.

The work was easy for him, as he was accustomed to hard physical labor. Here he did a small number of things. He cleaned the yard, carried water and chopped wood, and guarded the estate at night. He managed to get all his work done in two hours and it turned out that he had almost the entire day free. Every night in his lodge he missed his village. Even though his hut was not in the best condition, he still got used to it.

The city serfs did not like Gerasim from the very beginning. They feared him because of his strength and constant silence. And because of this they nicknamed Gerasim Leshim.

One day he found a puppy, which he took in as his own. He fed him and sheltered him. This puppy has become your best friend. He gave her the nickname Mumu, since there is nothing other than that for Germans. Then all the serfs saw how caring Gerasim was. He gave her his love, and Mumu always and everywhere listened to him.

Option 2

According to researchers, the story of the Russian writer I.S. Turgenev “Mumu” ​​is based on real events that took place in the Moscow house of the writer’s mother V.P. Turgeneva. Gerasim, who occupies a central place in the work, was taken on the basis of a real person.

The prototype of this character was the serf peasant Andrei, nicknamed Mute. It is interesting to note their main and significant difference from each other. So, if Gerasim, after fulfilling the lady’s order to drown the dog, fulfills it and immediately leaves her, then Andrei Nemoy continues after this to faithfully serve his mistress. This all increases interest in the writer’s story.

The main character of the story, Gerasim, is a janitor, tall and powerfully built, whom the lady took from the village with her to Moscow. He quickly and skillfully, with great diligence, carried out all the work entrusted to him. It was not difficult for him to constantly maintain order in the yard, because in the village, while still a peasant, he did not such work. The character was very homesick for the village; in the city he felt imprisoned in a cage. His housing corresponded to this feeling. It was a cramped closet above the kitchen, which he constantly locked. And so he turns out to be a deaf-mute man. He can only moo, in fact, partly because of this, the story has such a title. Mumu is the puppy’s nickname, given to her by Gerasim due to her owner’s illness.

Turgenev loved to show how sometimes, behind a rough and tough appearance, there hides the kindest and most sensitive soul. The story “Mumu” ​​can also be attributed to this writer’s love. To those around him, Gerasim is gloomy, callous and insensitive; Everyone shuns him, although they respect him. But thanks to the dog, we see a compassionate person with a big heart.

When reading it, I was very struck by how, at the behest of the lady, the main character personally gets rid of what is most dear to him, the poor dog Mumu... a very touching scene. After this tragic event, Gerasim finally withdraws into himself and goes back to the village. He will never let anyone near him again.

Essay about Gerasim

The story of I. S. Turgenev is based on a real event that took place in the house of Varvara Petrovna Turgeneva, the writer’s mother.

The story “Mumu” ​​describes a Moscow house in which an elderly lady lives. She had a large household, among which Gerasim, who worked as a janitor, stood out. Gerasim is a healthy, strong man, a real Russian hero. From birth, Gerasim had one ailment - he was deaf and dumb. This hero was originally from a village, where he was considered the most serviceable of the village men. Possessing exorbitant strength, Gerasim worked for four people, doing all the peasant work. It was pleasant to watch him when he worked, such was his strength and power, it seemed that he did everything playfully, without making any effort.

Everything changed after Gerasim was taken from the village to the city. They sewed him new clothes, gave him a broom, and put him to work as a janitor. Gerasim did not like the city; since childhood he was accustomed to breathing free air, he loved the space, the hard peasant labor to which he had been accustomed since childhood. He was burdened by the urban environment, and the work Gerasim did for his mistress seemed comical. Once in the city, he was bored and sad for a long time, but over time a person gets used to everything, and Gerasim got used to it. He diligently and carefully performed his work, he was accustomed to order, and demanded the same from everyone. Gerasim communicated with the rest of the courtyard people using gestures, and since he was a strict and serious man, everyone was afraid and respected him. He lived separately from everyone in a closet, which he arranged himself, and always locked it with a key, because he did not like anyone to come to him.

Among the lady's servants lived a girl, Tatyana, for whom Gerasim began to show feelings. But the lady suddenly got the idea to marry her off to Kapiton, also a servant. Fearing the unpredictable actions of the mute, the manager and the servants did everything possible to turn Gerasim away from the girl. A year after her departure, a mute man rescued a puppy from the water, which he brought into his closet. Gerasim gave all his love and tenderness to this little dog, he became attached to her with all his heart. Mumu, as Gerasim called the dog, repaid him with the same love and affection. But even here misfortune awaited Gerasim: the lady got mad at the little dog and ordered to get rid of it. Serfdom was so deeply ingrained in the souls of the peasants that Gerasim unquestioningly carried out the will of the lady and drowned his dog. And only after such an act a turning point occurred in his soul, and he rebelled. Gerasim collected his things and went to the village, thus expressing his protest against the system.

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Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev wrote the story "Mumu" in 1852.

According to contemporaries, it is based on real events that took place in the Moscow house of the writer’s mother, Varvara Petrovna Turgeneva.

This incident made a huge impression on the writer, and he created a small thing. For many critics, she seemed very nice: calm, kind and very sad. A sort of Christmas story, a must-read for children. But this story is truly terrible for Turgenev.

The main character of the story "Mumu" is the janitor Gerasim. He served in the city with an old lady “...Gerasim carried firewood into the rooms...”, did housework, in the yard and stable, and kept watch at night.

Gerasim village peasant, serf:

"...was considered perhaps the most serviceable draft man...".

He is naturally deaf and dumb:

"...Gerasim heard nothing... for him the noisiest day was silent and soundless, just as not even the quietest night is silent for us..."

At the same time, he is a huge Russian hero, of incredible strength:

"...a man twelve inches tall, built like a hero..."

"...he cleaned and rubbed his horse so hard that it staggered like a blade of grass in the wind..."

Gerasim is very gloomy and withdrawn, even his face does not express any emotions:

"...His face, already lifeless, like that of all deaf-mutes..."

His severity was innate, as was his deafness:

"...In general, Gerasim was of a strict and serious disposition, he loved order in everything; even the roosters did not dare to fight in his presence..."

Gerasim didn’t understand the joke either:

“...However, not everyone decided to mock Gerasim: he didn’t like jokes.”

And such a person serves calmly and sedately, working for four people. However, this is not enough for the lady; she wants to control the lives of her servants. First, she passes off the maid Tatyana, whom Gerasim loved, as a drunken shoemaker, and then orders the dog Mumu, in whom Gerasim doted, to be removed because of a simple whim.

But Gerasim is not only not talkative, but also not accommodating:

“After all, you can’t talk to him; after all, you can’t persuade him... in any way...”

And he goes and simply drowns his dog, and then, without looking back, he leaves the master’s house for his village and lives there as a bob until his death.

That seems to be all, a simple story in the spirit of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and his:

"We are responsible for those we have tamed."

But why is Turgenev and his Turgenev girls so creepy:

“...after all, he will kill me, by God, he will kill me, like swatting some fly... After all, he is deaf, he hits and does not hear how he hits! It’s like he’s waving his fists in a dream...”

Turgenev sees the Russian serf people in the image of the deaf-mute Gerasim. Just as silent, stern, doesn’t understand jokes, hard-working, huge, infinitely strong and ferocious. And in fact, no one tamed anyone. Nobody knows what thoughts the deaf and dumb people are thinking - Gerasim. He is silent.

But today he drowned his beloved dog without flinching, and tomorrow he will throw a rope around the neck of the lady and the landowners. And he will only say affectionately - “Mumu.”

Among writers, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was distinguished by great courage, and his works were often subjected to severe censorship. Turgenev's story "Mumu", which is taught to 5th grade students, was banned for a long time. And only thanks to the diplomatic character of the writer, the world learned about this tragic and incredibly touching story. Among the main characters of “Mumu” ​​there are not only people, but also a small dog, after which this work is named.

Characteristics of the heroes of “Mumu”

Main characters


The main negative character: a capricious, stubborn, wayward old woman with frequent mood swings, on whose whim the tragic events of the story played out. At the same time, she is very economical and demanding, and manages a large house well. Her main feature is her passionate desire to control the destinies of people who are in her complete power. Because of the despotic habits of the old lady, many human destinies were ruined.


A closed, unsociable middle-aged man, whose difficult character is explained by a congenital illness, Gerasim has been deaf and mute since birth. This is a real Russian hero, possessing remarkable strength, diligence and hard work. He is connected by invisible threads to the earth, Mother Nature, but at the whim of his mistress he is forced to live in a city he does not understand and hate. Calm and flexible by nature, he dares to show rebellion after all the misfortunes that happened to him through the fault of his lady.

Mu Mu

An affectionate and devoted dog, saved by Gerasim from certain death. The only consolation of the main character in his joyless life. Enjoying the great love of all the servants, Mumu fears and openly dislikes only the old angry lady. Having accidentally caught her eye, Mumu refuses to obey her and thereby incurs terrible anger. By order of the lady, Gerasim is forced to drown his pet, and this event leaves a big imprint on his future fate.

Minor characters


A young laundress, a poor and unrequited girl who is forced to endure endless humiliation and bullying. Unexpectedly for herself and all the courtyard servants, she becomes an object of care and tender affection on the part of the janitor Gerasim. However, by the will of the lady, the girl is forced to marry the drunkard Kapiton, which completely ruins her already joyless life.


A shoemaker at the lady's court, a bitter drunkard. Being an intelligent and even educated man in his youth, over time he quickly became an alcoholic. Wanting to set him on the right path, the old lady forcibly marries her shoemaker to the washerwoman Tatyana. However, this does not change the situation, and Kapiton drinks even more. The lady gets rid of the drunkard, sending him and his young wife to the village.


The lady's butler, a simple peasant, ready to resort to extreme cunning for his own benefit. Being by nature a good-natured person, he is nevertheless capable of committing outright meanness, just to please his extravagant mistress. At his instigation, the lady separates Gerasim from Tatyana, and it is he who orders the janitor to deal with Mumu. This is how the negative essence of this character manifests itself.

In Turgenev's story "Mumu" the characters are presented very vividly and vividly, with complete characteristics that will be most useful when writing an essay on a given topic. For the reading diary of inquisitive students, it will be useful to know that in the creative piggy bank of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev there are not only novels and short stories, but also wonderful fairy tales for children.

The work “Mumu” ​​was written by Turgenev in 1852. According to the testimony of the writer’s contemporaries, it was based on real events that took place in the house of Varvara Turgeneva, the mother of the writer himself. This incident made an indelible impression on the author. And after that he created a small work that critics found very sweet, sad and touching. But for Turgenev himself this story was truly terrible.

general characteristics

The description of Gerasim from the story “Mumu” ​​can begin with getting to know the main character. The main character of the work is a deaf-mute janitor named Gerasim, who serves an elderly lady. Almost from the first lines of his work, the writer distinguishes Gerasim from the rest of the servants. Describing his character, Turgenev emphasizes such qualities as hard work and strength. He does all the work around the house, in the yard, and also in the stable, and at night he does guard duty. Gerasim is an ordinary village man. He is a serf peasant.

Despite the natural disadvantage of a man, he has great physical strength, which must be mentioned in the description of Gerasim from the story “Mumu”. He is usually withdrawn and gloomy. Even from his face it is difficult to determine what he is going through. And his severity, apparently, was as innate as his deafness. Also, the main character did not understand the jokes of those around him. The description of Gerasim from the story “Mumu” ​​in this regard can be supplemented with a quote from the work. “Not everyone dared to mock him: he didn’t like jokes.” Even the servants were afraid of the janitor. The main character loved order in everything. And even the roosters did not dare to get into a fight under Gerasim. He lives in a small closet located above the kitchen. He arranges everything in this closet to his own taste.


The description of Gerasim’s appearance from the story “Mumu” ​​should contain the information that the writer gives in his work. Turgenev describes the main character as a sedate and important hero. His height is 12 inches (or 195.5 cm). Turgenev describes Gerasim’s gait using the following definitions: “firm”, “heavy-footed”, “wrong”. His face can be “joyful”, or “lifeless”, “petrified”. Gerasim is dressed in a caftan, sheepskin coat, and boots.

Description of Gerasim from the story “Mumu”: character traits

Throughout the entire story, the reader has the opportunity to observe that in every situation the main character retains his best qualities - honesty, love of work, the ability to sincerely love. Gerasim always keeps his word to the last. He is also endowed with a deep sense of self-worth. This is his moral and spiritual superiority over the other inhabitants of the court.

To whom was Gerasim's soul attached?

A brief description of Gerasim from the story “Mumu” ​​should also contain a short essay about his spiritual affections, because this testifies to the ability to love inherent in the main character. Of all the inhabitants of the yard, Gerasim likes Tatyana the most - a woman with a kind and gentle character, whose age is about 28 years. Gerasim treats her kindly, showing signs of attention and not letting anyone offend her. After the evil lady ordered that Tatyana be married to a drunkard, Gerasim became completely sad. He finds a puppy with an interesting color - a white dog covered with black spots. Only with this puppy does Gerasim feel happy. He names the dog Mumu. Gerasim takes care of her as if he were his own child.

Brief description of Gerasim's closet from the story "Mumu"

A lot can be said about the main character based on the description of his closet. Turgenev writes that Gerasim built a bed for himself from oak boards. The writer calls her “truly heroic.” There is a table in the corner, and near the table there is a sturdy “three-legged chair.” The chair is so solidly made that Gerasim himself sometimes picks it up, drops it on purpose and grins. There is a heavy chest under the bed. The serf's closet is locked.

The main character's actions

Typically, the time when schoolchildren are assigned to prepare a description of Gerasim from the story “Mumu” ​​at home is 5th grade. At this age, students can already understand those difficult events from the life of a Russian peasant, which Turgenev’s work tells about. A serf works for four. Despite such work, the lady is not even satisfied with this. She wants to have complete control over the lives of her serfs.

First, she marries her maid named Tatyana to a shoemaker who abuses alcohol. And then he demands that Gerasim’s beloved dog Mumu be removed. However, the main character, although deaf and mute, shows his intractability. He drowns his beloved dog and then leaves the master's house without even asking the master's permission. Until the end of his days, Gerasim lives as a bob in his village.

Character's moral superiority

Despite the fact that Turgenev made his main character mute, in fact all the other inhabitants of the court can be called mute. After all, they had no personal desires. They also had no sense of self-worth; they were more like slaves. Despite this, Gerasim is on good terms with his servants.

Describing the character of his hero, the writer emphasizes his moral superiority over others. In the essay “Description of Gerasim from the story “Mumu,” a student can indicate: Turgenev compares the main character with a young bull, a sedate and proud gander. In order to describe the appearance of his hero even more clearly, Turgenev uses the technique of hyperbole. For example, Gerasim mows down so devastatingly that he could “at least sweep away a young birch forest from its roots...”. And if the writer compares his main character with a powerful hero, then the rest of the servants are called “little people” by Turgenev. All the inhabitants of the courtyard tried to please the lady in everything. They thoughtlessly followed any of her orders, even if these actions humiliated them or those around them.