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Analysis of the poem spring in the parsnip forest. Poem "Spring in the Forest" Boris Leonidovich Pasternak Analysis of Pasternak's poem "Spring in the Forest"

"Spring in the Forest" Boris Pasternak

Desperate cold
Delays melting.
Spring is later than usual
But also more unexpected.

In the morning the rooster is amorous,
And there is no way for the chicken.
Turning your face to the south,
The pine tree squints in the sun.

Although it soars and bakes,
Another whole week
The roads are frozen
Blackened bark.

In the forest there is spruce debris, trash,
And everything is covered with snow.
Half the water and the sun
The thawed patches are flooded.

And the sky is covered in clouds like fluff
Above the dirty spring slurry
Stuck in the branches above
And it doesn't move because of the heat.

Analysis of Pasternak's poem "Spring in the Forest"

The poetic images created by Boris Pasternak are very bright and varied. However, unlike many other poets, he never embellished reality. Therefore, the landscape lyrics of this author are distinguished by their realism, although in each work, designed in a similar vein, one can find its own charm and charm.

The last years of Pasternak’s life were spent in the famous writer’s village of Peredelkino, where the poet was hiding from the persecution of his opponents. It was here in 1956 that the poem “Spring in the Forest” was written, light, sublime and not devoid of romanticism. The poet notes that this time the change of seasons occurs somewhat later than usual, and at a time when everything around should already be blooming and fragrant, “desperate colds delay the melting” of the snow. However, spring is already on the way, and this can be determined by many indirect signs. Despite the frosts, the poet sees how “the rooster is amorous in the morning,” having started a real hunt for the neighbor’s chickens, and at the edge of the forest “a pine tree is squinting in the sun,” as if anticipating the coming warming.

It would seem that such a lyrical mood, set at the very beginning of the work, needs to be maintained and developed. However, Pasternak has a completely different opinion and prefers to realistically reflect the world around him. It would seem that it costs him nothing to tell how the forest is preparing for the arrival of spring and is filled with life. But instead the poet focuses on the unpleasant details that we all encounter after the snow melts. The author notices “spruce debris, rubbish” in the forest, which appears through the blackened and melted snowdrifts. The bright spring sun, in his opinion, seemed to be stuck above the “dirty spring slurry” that covered all the forest thawed areas. But even such an unattractive landscape cannot overshadow the joy of waiting for fine days, when the whole world will change beyond recognition and will be filled with spring smells and sounds.

The poet, who has repeatedly seen the arrival of spring, never ceases to be amazed at how confidently it is reclaiming its rights from winter. The more the latter persists, the more obvious its defeat will be, and the more pleasure the expected changes will give the author. But at that moment, when there is still snow in the forest, a slight trembling of the sun-warmed air indicates that spring is just around the corner, and it’s time to prepare to meet this capricious beauty.

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak

Desperate cold
Delays melting.
Spring is later than usual
But also more unexpected.

In the morning the rooster is amorous,
And there is no way for the chicken.
Turning your face to the south,
The pine tree squints in the sun.

Although it soars and bakes,
Another whole week
The roads are frozen
Blackened bark.

In the forest there is spruce debris, trash,
And everything is covered with snow.
Half the water and the sun
The thawed patches are flooded.

And the sky is covered in clouds like fluff
Above the dirty spring slurry
Stuck in the branches above
And it doesn't move because of the heat.

The poetic images created by Boris Pasternak are very bright and varied. However, unlike many other poets, he never embellished reality. Therefore, the landscape lyrics of this author are distinguished by their realism, although in each work, designed in a similar vein, one can find its own charm and charm.

The last years of Pasternak’s life were spent in the famous writer’s village of Peredelkino, where the poet was hiding from the persecution of his opponents. It was here in 1956 that the poem “Spring in the Forest” was written, light, sublime and not devoid of romanticism. The poet notes that this time the change of seasons occurs somewhat later than usual, and at a time when everything around should already be blooming and fragrant, “desperate colds delay the melting” of the snow. However, spring is already on the way, and this can be determined by many indirect signs. Despite the frosts, the poet sees how “the rooster is amorous in the morning,” having started a real hunt for the neighbor’s chickens, and at the edge of the forest, “the pine tree is squinting in the sun,” as if anticipating the coming warming.

It would seem that such a lyrical mood, set at the very beginning of the work, needs to be maintained and developed. However, Pasternak has a completely different opinion and prefers to realistically reflect the world around him. It would seem that it costs him nothing to tell how the forest is preparing for the arrival of spring and is filled with life. But instead the poet focuses on the unpleasant details that we all encounter after the snow melts. The author notices “spruce debris, rubbish” in the forest, which appears through the blackened and melted snowdrifts. The bright spring sun, in his opinion, seemed to be stuck above the “dirty spring slurry” that covered all the forest thawed areas. But even such an unattractive landscape cannot overshadow the joy of waiting for fine days, when the whole world will change beyond recognition and will be filled with spring smells and sounds.

The poet, who has repeatedly seen the arrival of spring, never ceases to be amazed at how confidently it is reclaiming its rights from winter. The more the latter persists, the more obvious its defeat will be, and the more pleasure the expected changes will give the author. But at that moment, when there is still snow in the forest, a slight trembling of the sun-warmed air indicates that spring is just around the corner, and it’s time to prepare to meet this capricious beauty.

B. L. Posternak was very good at conveying images of the surrounding world in his works; they came out truly alive and bright. But the author never liked to exaggerate reality, because his works are simple and airy, which betrays a certain charm and beauty.

Before passing away, the poet spent some time in the well-known writing village of Peredelkino. And it was here, in 1956. His another work was created called “Spring in the Forest”, a simple work with notes of romanticism. The author notes that this time spring was slightly delayed, and at the moment when it should be playing with the rays of the sun with all its might, “desperate cold is delaying the melting of the snow.” But still, the long-awaited period will soon come, and spring will surround us with its warmth, and nature will wake up from hibernation, “the rooster is amorous in the morning,” soon he will begin hunting for his chickens that are in the neighboring yard, “the pine tree squints in the sun.” , this gives us a feeling of approaching warmth.

And reading these lines, you think that the entire work will emanate from the warmth of the sun, the awakening of the surrounding world, that everything will soon sing, but the author at the same time begins to notice what we encounter every year when the snow turns into water and remains after it “ spruce debris, trash." And the brilliant warm sun seemed to linger in the “dirty spring slurry,” but even the description of not so pleasant details does not sadden the arrival of the long-awaited spring.

Analysis of the poem Spring in the Forest according to plan

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"Spring in the Forest" Boris Pasternak

Desperate cold
Delays melting.
Spring is later than usual
But also more unexpected.

In the morning the rooster is amorous,
And there is no way for the chicken.
Turning your face to the south,
The pine tree squints in the sun.

Although it soars and bakes,
Another whole week
The roads are frozen
Blackened bark.

In the forest there is spruce debris, trash,
And everything is covered with snow.
Half the water and the sun
The thawed patches are flooded.

And the sky is covered in clouds like fluff
Above the dirty spring slurry
Stuck in the branches above
And it doesn't move because of the heat.

Analysis of Pasternak's poem "Spring in the Forest"

The poetic images created by Boris Pasternak are very bright and varied. However, unlike many other poets, he never embellished reality. Therefore, the landscape lyrics of this author are distinguished by their realism, although in each work, designed in a similar vein, one can find its own charm and charm.

The last years of Pasternak’s life were spent in the famous writer’s village of Peredelkino, where the poet was hiding from the persecution of his opponents. It was here in 1956 that the poem “Spring in the Forest” was written, light, sublime and not devoid of romanticism. The poet notes that this time the change of seasons occurs somewhat later than usual, and at a time when everything around should already be blooming and fragrant, “desperate colds delay the melting” of the snow. However, spring is already on the way, and this can be determined by many indirect signs. Despite the frosts, the poet sees how “the rooster is amorous in the morning,” having started a real hunt for the neighbor’s chickens, and at the edge of the forest “a pine tree is squinting in the sun,” as if anticipating the coming warming.

It would seem that such a lyrical mood, set at the very beginning of the work, needs to be maintained and developed. However, Pasternak has a completely different opinion and prefers to realistically reflect the world around him. It would seem that it costs him nothing to tell how the forest is preparing for the arrival of spring and is filled with life. But instead the poet focuses on the unpleasant details that we all encounter after the snow melts. The author notices “spruce debris, rubbish” in the forest, which appears through the blackened and melted snowdrifts. The bright spring sun, in his opinion, seemed to be stuck above the “dirty spring slurry” that covered all the forest thawed areas. But even such an unattractive landscape cannot overshadow the joy of waiting for fine days, when the whole world will change beyond recognition and will be filled with spring smells and sounds.

The poet, who has repeatedly seen the arrival of spring, never ceases to be amazed at how confidently it is reclaiming its rights from winter. The more the latter persists, the more obvious its defeat will be, and the more pleasure the expected changes will give the author. But at that moment, when there is still snow in the forest, a slight trembling of the sun-warmed air indicates that spring is just around the corner, and it’s time to prepare to meet this capricious beauty.

Philosophical motifs predominate in the lyrics of Boris Leonidovich Pasternak, striking in their impact on the reader. Each phrase is full of unsinkable energy of life, stunning with the special atmosphere created by the poet. Pasternak's work is characterized by the animation of natural phenomena, giving them the main role in the work. The dynamics and composition characteristic of his poems, the unique structure and means of expression, immerse him in a separate world full of poetry and romanticism.

“Golden Autumn” and “Summer in the City” can easily be considered similar creations. All works of this nature describe nature and life phenomena. The special atmosphere created by the poet paints a complete picture of the time of year described in the poem. The lyrical work “Spring in the Forest” was created during a period of heightened competition between Pasternak and the society of writers. That is why the author strives to reflect an extremely realistic picture of what is happening, focusing on such negative details and phenomena as “spruce debris, trash.” The theme of the poem reflects the arrival of spring. The lively, impetuous onset of spring, constantly surprising Boris Leonidovich, is shown from all sides - unobtrusive, but swift and not without significance.

We are accustomed to poets' enthusiastic descriptions of nature. But with Pasternak everything is different. He does not consider it necessary to embellish reality. The poet plays on contrast, achieving the most lively reaction from the reader. Even unsightly pictures, such as the sun stuck above the “dirty spring slush,” are not able to darken the joy of waiting for clear days. You can feel the nearness of change in the air itself: a little more, and the world around you will be transformed, sparkling with new bright colors, filled with the sounds and aromas of spring.

The poem is written in iambic tetrameter with emphasis on the second syllable, which is typical for the works of Pushkin and Fet due to its rich expressive possibilities. Therefore, the poet used cross rhyme in all five stanzas, without exception. Among the means of artistic expression, epithets (the second, third and fourth stanzas) are most clearly expressed. There is also a metaphor (third and fourth stanzas). At the end of the poem, the poet uses hyperbole (fifth stanza).

In general, Boris Pasternak's lyrics can be recognized by the main theme, which is given to nature. The poet reveals the very essence of natural phenomena and shows the diversity of life. One can note the animation of nature, characteristic of the poet’s work, endowing it with special qualities.

Pasternak's work had a striking influence on my worldview. While reading his poems, new aspects of the life of nature were revealed to me. Each work is a special story that carries its own morality and meaning for me. Like bright paintings, a separate world is drawn, revealing to me its unique image and meaning.

Desperate cold
Delays melting.
Spring is later than usual
But also more unexpected.

In the morning the rooster is amorous,
And there is no way for the chicken.
Turning your face to the south,
The pine tree squints in the sun.

Although it soars and bakes,
Another whole week
The roads are frozen
Blackened bark.

In the forest there is spruce debris, trash,
And everything is covered with snow.
Half the water and the sun
The thawed patches are flooded.

And the sky is covered in clouds like fluff
Above the dirty spring slurry
Stuck in the branches above
And it doesn't move because of the heat.

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Select poems... August Balashov Ballad (Sometimes, as a courier on a greyhound...) Untitled (Touchy, quiet in everyday life..) Diseases of the earth To Boris Pilnyak Bryusov Being famous is ugly... In the hospital Venice Spring rain Spring (Spring, I from the street...) Spring (Everything is special this spring...) Spring (What buds, what sticky...) Spring in the forest Wind (Who should be alive...) Wind (I'm finished...) In all of me I want to get there... Opportunity Station Waves Everyone will put on a coat today... Rising from the rumbling rhombus... Second ballad Hamlet For years, someday in the concert hall... Instant thunderstorm forever Let's drop the words... Courtyard Girl Decade Presni Dick reception there was a wild arrival... Before all this there was winter Rain Road Bad dream Soul (My soul, sad one...) Soul (Oh, freedwoman...) Waving a fragrant branch... Eve The only days of Winter Stars in summer Mirror Winter Winter Winter sky is approaching Winter night (Shallow, shallow all over the earth...) Winter night (Can't fix it...) Golden autumn Iwak From a poem From superstition There was Improvisation Frost July July thunderstorm Like a brazier with bronze ash... Like theirs When it clears up The end (Is it all real?..) My beauty, all become... Mincing cotton wool all around... Lilies of the valley Ice drift Summer in the city Linden alley Favorite - horror! When a poet loves... Beloved, - sweet rumors... To love - to go, - the thunder did not stop... To love others is a heavy cross... Lyubka Magdalena Marburg March Mills Snowstorm I want to go home, to the vastness... On the boat On early trains Don't worry, don't cry, don't work... Not like people, not weekly... Don't touch Tenderness No one will be in the house... Nobel Prize Night Oh, I wish I knew that this happens... Sample Explanation Definition of the soul Definition of poetry Spring again Autumn (I let my family leave...) Departure Through the thaws from the shops... In memory of the demon In memory Reisner Change Petersburg Roosters Feasts Weeping garden Mushroom picking Under the open sky Imitators After the thunderstorm After the rain Afterword (No, not me caused you sadness...) Poetry About these poems Separation Uninhibited voice Tall shooter, cautious hunter... Date Policemen's whistles Today we will fulfill his sadness... Today they will rise at first light... My sister is life... Lilac Composed oars Death of a poet Snow is falling Dream Pines Stacks Swifts Theme with variations Silence Melancholy Grass and stones Three options You are in the wind, testing a branch... You played this role so well! .. Ural for the first time English lessons February. Get some ink and cry!.. Shakespeare Echo I understood the purpose of life and honor... I grew up. Me, like Ganymede...