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Sample of filling out a payment request for the Republic of Belarus. Payment request and payment order: differences and conditions of use Payment request without acceptance sample filling

Payment for goods and services can be made in various ways. In the coming year, quite noticeable changes occurred in the legislation, which led to the revision of such a document as a payment request. That is why, before proceeding with registration, it is necessary to study a sample of filling out a payment request in 2019.

Basic information

When paying for goods and services provided, a payment request is used. It is this that is drawn up by suppliers/sellers in order to instruct the bank to debit the agreed amount from the buyer’s account.

How to fill it out

Filling out this paper can be done in different ways. So, it depends on whether the funds are written off with or without the payer’s consent. The type of payment is also taken into account. It could be:

  • insurance payment;
  • tax;
  • other fees (for example, penalties).

Each payment request must be issued under a specific number. The next column records exactly when this document was drawn up. As for the type of payment, the example presented to your attention clearly demonstrates that this column is not filled in immediately, but only after instructions from the Bank of Russia.

In addition, the requirement defines the conditions, as well as the deadline for making the payment. The amount to be paid is first entered in words and then in figures in a separate field.

The necessary data is also provided about each participant in the described procedure: banks (payer and recipient), BIC, account number, etc. It is important to note that all names of organizations are written in full.

The described form also includes a table that serves as confirmation of payment made in full or in part. After receiving the funds by the addressee, the document is sent to the card index. The date of placement in the file cabinet is recorded.

The payment request, a sample of which will be described in the article, acts as a payment document. It contains the debtor’s obligation to pay a certain amount through a banking organization. Let's look further at how to fill out a payment request.

General information

A payment request (form 0401061) can be used when paying for goods supplied, services provided, or work performed. The document is also applied in other cases provided for in the main agreement between the debtor and the creditor. The paper is issued by the supplier.


The supplier may issue a payment request with or without acceptance. The latter option is used in cases provided for by law or established in the main agreement between the parties. When included in the agreement, the bank providing services to the payer must have the right to write off funds from the account without his consent. The payment request can be urgent or early. The first ones are used when making:

The transfer can be carried out in two ways. If the required amount is not available in the payer’s account, partial repayment of the debt is allowed. This is noted on the payment document. In other cases, full payment is made accordingly.

Calculation scheme

  1. The buyer submits a payment request to the bank in 4 or 5 copies. He receives one of them back as a receipt from a financial institution.
  2. Based on the first copy of the document, the required amount is debited from the account.
  3. The bank servicing the buyer sends a payment request in 2 copies and the funds themselves to the lender's financial institution.
  4. The amount is credited to the account of the supplier (recipient).
  5. Banks issue relevant statements to clients.

Demand with acceptance

The payment document contains the column “Terms of payment”. In it, the recipient (supplier) puts “with acceptance”. The deadline for its acceptance is established by the parties to the transaction in accordance with the terms of the agreement. However, this period should not exceed five days.


When entering information into the payment request, the recipient in the “period for acceptance” column enters the number of days determined by the parties. If there is no agreement on this period, it is taken as five days. On all copies accepted by the servicing bank, the authorized employee in the “Expiration” column enters the date upon which the period for accepting the supplier’s offer expires. Calculation is carried out on working days. In this case, the date on which the payment request was received by the bank is not taken into account. The last copy of the settlement document is used as a notification to the debtor about the receipt of paper. It is transferred to the payer for acceptance no later than the next day from the date of its acceptance by the banking organization. The document is sent to the debtor in the manner established in the bank account agreement.


The payment request is placed by the servicing bank in the file cabinet of settlement documentation awaiting repayment. It is kept there until a response is received from the debtor (refusal or acceptance) or until the end of the established period (5 days). During the prescribed period, the payer provides the banking organization with a document confirming the acceptance of the request or a partial/complete refusal of it. The grounds for the latter action are provided for in the main agreement. These include the discrepancy between the payment method used and the terms of the transaction agreement. The debtor in his response refers to the clause, date, number of the contract and indicates the reasons for his refusal.

Bank Law

The debtor may provide the servicing financial institution with the opportunity to write off claims against creditors. These can be any suppliers or only those specified by the buyer. The bank can exercise this right if the debtor fails to receive a document of acceptance (partial or full) within the specified period.


Upon acceptance, two copies are drawn up. The first is certified by the signatures of employees who have the appropriate authority, as well as by the debtor’s seal. In case of complete/partial refusal, the application is drawn up in 3 copies. The first two are certified by the signatures of persons with the appropriate authority, as well as the payer’s seal. The responsible employee servicing the account checks the completeness and correctness of the information in the application, the presence of grounds for refusal, references to the date, number, clause of the main agreement, where they are provided for. In addition, the correspondence between the number and the number specified in the requirement is established. After checking, the employee puts a stamp, his signature and date on all copies. The last copy is handed back to the buyer and acts as a receipt for receipt of the application.

Posting amounts

The accepted demand, no later than the day following the date of receipt of the application, is debited from the off-balance sheet account for recording the amounts of settlement documentation awaiting payment, using a memorial order. A copy of the application and the first copy of the supplier’s paper are placed in the card index of the day as grounds for withdrawing the amount from the account. In case of complete refusal to accept, the claim is written off in the same way. Then, no later than the business day following the date of acceptance of the application, the amount is returned to the issuing bank. Documents are placed in a file cabinet as grounds for debiting funds from an off-balance sheet account and returning the payment paper without payment. In case of partial refusal, the amount is written off no later than the next day in full by memorial order. Then the payment requested by the debtor is made. The amount of the payment document is circled and another one to be withdrawn is placed next to it. This entry is certified by the signature of an authorized bank employee. One copy, along with the first copy of the request, is placed in the documentation as grounds for debiting funds from the account. Another application form no later than the next working day. days after its acceptance, it is sent to the issuing bank, where the funds are transferred.

Payment request: sample

The basic requirements are established in the Central Bank Regulations dated October 3, 2002 N 2-P. According to clause 2.10, the settlement paper indicates:

  1. Document name and code according to OKUD OK 011-93.
  2. Request number, date of issue.
  3. Type of calculation.
  4. Payer's name, KIO or TIN, account number.
  5. Name and location of the bank, BIC, subaccount number or corr. accounts.
  6. Recipient's name, TIN, account number.
  7. Name and address of the supplier's bank, BIC, subaccount or corr. check.
  8. Purpose of payment.
  9. Amount (indicated in numbers and words).
  10. Sequence of payment.
  11. Type of operation (indicated according to PBU).
  12. Signatures of authorized employees, seal impression (in prescribed cases).

In addition to the above details, the payment request contains:

  1. Payment terms.
  2. Acceptance period.
  3. The date of delivery (sending) to the debtor of the documents provided for in the main agreement (in certain cases).

In the “payment purpose” column, the name of the product/service or work, the date and number of the contract, details of the documents confirming delivery and other essential information are indicated.

Download Payment Request

A payment request is a document drawn up by the creditor (recipient, supplier) addressed to the debtor (payer), containing a demand for the repayment of the debt by transferring the amount to a bank account. Regulation No. 2-P on non-cash payments in the Russian Federation dated October 3, 2002 regulates the use of payment requests as payment documents for the supply of goods, performance of work or services and other conditions specified in the main agreement. Acceptance of payment requests as settlement constitutes a banking transaction for collection.

According to the standards set out in the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation OK 011-93, in the class “Unified Banking Documentation”, form 0401061 is used to draw up a payment request. Appendix 12 of Bank of Russia Regulation No. 2-P “On non-cash payments in the Russian Federation” dated October 3, 2002 describes the line-by-line completion of this form. The payment request form must be filled out according to the rules, without errors, corrections, erasures or erasures; in addition, it must not contain information in fields with missing details.

Sample of filling out a payment request

Repayment of debts using payment requests can occur either with prior acceptance or without acceptance, in an indisputable manner. Acceptance should be understood as the consent of the person in debt to transfer a known amount to the supplier’s account. Settlement of payment requests on acceptance terms in the document is indicated by the mark “with acceptance” in the “Terms of payment” column. In this case, in the “Term for acceptance” section, a note is made about the number of working days provided for the response to the payer; this period is usually specified in the contract and is at least five days.

Direct collection of payment is carried out in accordance with the conditions specified in the main agreement, or on the basis of a court decision in accordance with the law. The option for direct debiting of amounts from accounts must be included in the agreement between the payer and the bank, or formalized in an additional agreement. The direct payment scheme is based on the information provided by the payer about the categories of goods and services paid according to the requirements and details of contracts containing clauses with write-off conditions, as well as in accordance with the lists of suppliers who have instructions for direct payment of debts. In this case, when filling out the request, the line “Terms of payment” must contain the mark “without acceptance”, and the mention of the relevant legislative norm requires the creditor to additionally indicate the article of the law and its details in the same column.

The section “Purpose of payment” is filled out in accordance with the type of service for which the payment is made. For example, debt for utility services involves recording data on meters and calculating amounts payable according to current tariffs. Payment of fines and freight charges, write-off of excess amounts under contractual relations, as well as reimbursement by the debtor of amounts for claims under the law can be made without acceptance.

After statement, the payment request must be submitted to the bank within 10 calendar days (excluding the day of registration).

A settlement agreement is an agreement concluded between the buyer and the supplier, which involves payment for goods delivered or for work performed. It is drawn up in writing and concluded in cooperation with a bank employee. Settlement agreements are the following documents: payment orders and claims, bank checks, letters of credit.

  • Payment order- one of the forms of non-cash payments, which is an order submitted by the account owner to the bank where his money is stored for the transfer of funds to another person.
  • Bank payment request- manifests itself as follows: the supplier requires its buyer to pay the cost of the purchased product or service performed. In this case, the invoice is issued by the supplier, and the buyer must pay it.

Main difference payment order from a payment request is that in the first case, the payment occurs by personal order of the account owner, and in the second, the payment occurs by decision on the part of the recipient.

Settlements via payment request-order

These calculations are performed for purchased products or for services performed by the recipient of funds.

The advantages of this method of calculation:

  • Cost reduction, due to easier and less filling out of various papers.
  • Responsibility for performing settlements with the supplier and buyer increases significantly.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • There is no 100% guarantee of payment from the payer.
  • Debts may arise on both sides.

Nowadays, the current method of settlement agreements is not in demand, thanks to the development of commercial lending and the introduction of prepayment. This type of settlement was preserved only in collection orders.

Payments under a payment obligation can occur with or without the consent of the payer.

Acceptance is consent to conclude a transaction on the part of the person to whom the papers have been sent to make payment for the purchased product or for the service provided to him.

Without consent to payments, payment can be made using this method only in the following cases:

  • If the case is provided for by law and the recipient has a court order.
  • If these points are specified in the concluded obligation.

Payment request with acceptance:

  • To conclude it, it is necessary to indicate in the “Terms of payment” field in the document being drawn up - with consent.
  • All payment requests concluded with the bank are placed in a special file cabinet until the consent period expires.
  • The payer may present to the bank employee a decision on consent or full or partial refusal, in accordance with the grounds specified in the main agreement.
  • Complete refusal - in this case, the payment request is completely written off from the account of settlement papers, which are awaiting a decision from the payers. The documents are returned to the creditor without payment.
  • Partial refusal - in this situation, the entire amount of funds is written off from the payment document account and a new amount is entered, which was accepted and agreed upon by the payer. This document is confirmed by the signature of the bank employee responsible for filling out these documents.
  • One copy of the agreement is sent to the payer within one business day from the moment the payment request is made.

What is the acceptance period?

  • In accordance with the law, the time for consent must be at least five working days. However, the maximum period is not specified, so the recipient can set it independently in the main agreement.
  • If the contract does not specify the date for making a decision, then it will be set according to the standard - that is, for five working days.
  • In each document, the bank employee is required to indicate the end time for making a decision. In this case, the day of drawing up the contract is not included in the calculation. Also, only working days are counted. Time begins to count from the day the payment request is received by the payer.
  • If within the accepted time the banking organization has not received consent or refusal, then the payment request is terminated and returned to the creditor. In the future, both parties can resolve all their problems by resorting to adopted laws.

Payment request - example of filling out the form

When concluding a payment transaction, you must specify the following parameters:

  • Condition of payment - here you can specify with or without the consent of the payer.
  • Time for consent - this field can be left blank, or you can specify the required time, but it should not be shorter than five days.
  • The day on which the document was presented to both parties - the exact date of receipt is indicated. If the papers were not transferred to their destination within the accepted time frame, then they are returned back to the bank.
  • Information about the product or work performed - you must provide documents that confirm delivery of the product to the buyer.
  • It is necessary to indicate all information about the delivery of goods in the appropriate field.

Filling example:

Sample filling out a payment request order

In what cases will all requirements be successfully met?

  • The main condition for fulfilling a payment request is whether the payer agrees to fulfill it.
  • The payer also decides whether to fulfill the obligations in whole or in part. All information about the decision made is filled in in the accepted document by the employee of the banking organization responsible for concluding the transaction.
  • Payment settlement will be refused if the payer provides an acceptance with information different from the information that was specified in it by the recipient.
  • You must fill out all the requirements. Corrections in the text, as well as the use of various means to cover up errors, are not allowed. If these rules are violated, the service will be refused, and all papers will be returned to their owner.

Watch the video tutorial 1C 8 3 on how to make a payment request:

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Business relationships are not possible without document flow. Relationships between business people require documentary evidence and registration. In this way, transactions, contracts, agreements acquire a noble, orderly appearance. The work process proceeds in accordance with the assigned standards, points, and requirements.

The negative aspect, the other side of the coin of documenting business relations, is excessive bureaucracy. The phenomenon has a very detrimental effect on work processes. No matter how burdensome the need to maintain documents may seem, no other way to ensure normal, orderly relations in business and affairs has yet been invented.

Paperwork, the notorious bureaucracy, which modern democratic society so often complains about, is mandatory. There is a list of documents, the absence of which is evidence of a violation of current federal legislation. These include forms, forms, acts, payment requests, receipts, etc.

Payment request in form 0401061 is a document required for the financial well-being of any enterprise, facilitating business and financial relationships.

What is a payment request? Document from the settlement class. It reflects the claims of the creditors (recipient of funds) under the loan agreement to the borrower (payer of financial obligations) for a specific amount of funds by involving a banking organization or financial company.

The main scope of application of the payment request is payment for goods/services/work performed and other benefits specified in the agreement. The use of a payment request increases the level of comfort in making payments without or with acceptance. Without acceptance, the payer makes payments through payment requests in such cases as:

  • in cases prescribed by the current procedure of the Federal Law of Russia;
  • in cases provided in advance by the borrower and the lender servicing the borrower, write off funds from the payer’s current financial account, including without his certificate of this right.

A payment request is drawn up on the approved form of form 0401061. The document indicates the details specified in clause 2.10 of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation 03.10.2002 N 2-P, as well as the following information:

  • the conditions under which payment must be made;
  • deadlines for acceptance;
  • deadlines for issuing/sending/delivering documents to the borrower specified in the agreement, in the conditions if the listed documents were transferred/handed/sent by him to the bank;
  • all types of work/goods/services, the date of conclusion of the agreement, the number of the agreement, the number of all papers evidencing the completion of work, the provision of services, the provision of goods, the method of supply of products, and other data are specified. The information is provided in the “Purpose of payment” section.

The payment request adds to the list of important mandatory papers. Experts say that in the business circulation of documents, papers are no more important.

In this regard, it is necessary to fill out the document with the utmost care. It is important to use the payment request correctly. Otherwise, document flow at the enterprise will flow in a distorted form, which will lead to chaos and harm the business and the activities of the company/organization.