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The harm and benefits of kebabs made from different types of meat, marinade. Kebabs in different countries of the world (11 photos) Various kebabs


General information:

Beef and lamb are cut into small cubes, pork can be cut quite large, it takes marinade well;

Lamb is the most difficult to cook; it has a specific smell. It is difficult to choose good meat and marinate it so that it is tasty;

- the onions and herbs for the marinade need to be mashed a little with your hands so that it all gives juice;

- meat is marinated in enamel, glass or ceramic dishes;

- when the layers of meat are laid, cover them with a plate on top and put a load (you can put a jar of water);

1. Shish kebab in kefir

For half a kilo of pork you will need about a liter of kefir, onions, salt, pepper, cilantro - to taste.

Place a layer of meat, onions, cilantro in a bowl, add salt and pepper, and pour in kefir. Then again a layer of meat, a layer of onions and so on. Marinate for a day in a cold place.

The meat should be very tender, so this method of cooking is very suitable if children go with you to nature.

2. Shish kebab marinated with lemon and regan (basil)

Basil and regan are two names for one fragrant herb, which is perfect for preparing salads, as well as for marinating kebabs, although not everyone likes its pungent taste and smell.

You will need: tenderloin, a lot of lemons (about one lemon per kilogram of meat), a lot of basil, onions, salt, pepper.

A layer of meat, a layer of onion, a layer of basil are laid out in the pan, all this is salted and peppered. We take one lemon, squeeze the juice out of it, and also throw the lemon itself into the meat. Then the next layer: meat, onion, basil, lemon. Place in the refrigerator for 8 hours. If you store this meat for more than a day, the kebab will have a pronounced lemon flavor, which not everyone will like.

3. Shish kebab in tomato juice

Meat, onions, salt, pepper, tomato juice (in such quantity as to lightly cover the meat).

Place meat and onions in a saucepan, add salt and pepper. Mix everything with your hands, pour in tomato juice, put a weight on top and put it in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

4. Pork in white wine

Tenderloin, onions, salt, pepper, dry white wine (the cheaper the better).

Place all the ingredients in a saucepan, mix thoroughly with your hands, and pour in wine (half a glass per 1 kilogram of meat). Place under load in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

5. Beef in red wine

Tenderloin, onion, salt, ground red pepper, garlic, dry red wine.

Place the meat in a pan, add the onion, cut into rings, and chopped garlic, salt, pepper, and pour wine (half a glass per 1 kilogram of meat). Leave for 3-5 hours in the refrigerator.

6. Caucasian shashlik (lamb)

Place the meat in a saucepan, add salt and pepper, mix with grated onion and chopped garlic, and sprinkle with lemon juice. Place in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

The long-awaited summer has arrived, and now in every forest area you can meet cheerful people with barbecues. However, the tradition of frying meat over coals is not the prerogative of Russians, and in many countries I do it differently.

For those who want to learn something new about kebabs and get acquainted with the recipes of other peoples, we have selected seven interesting options for cooking meat and poultry, as well as a lot of useful information about this dish.

Armenian shashlik


500 grams of pork loin, 100 grams of lamb fat, lemon, three onions, a teaspoon of ground black pepper, 20 grams of salt.


Cut the meat, mix the pieces with pepper, salt, onion, cut into rings, and lemon juice. Place in the refrigerator overnight, then place on skewers tossed with onion rings. Fry until done, brushing with lamb lard. Serve with fresh herbs.

Turkish shish kebab


1 kilogram of lamb, 500 grams of lamb tails, 500 grams of eggplant, 500 grams of tomatoes, 5 onions, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 bay leaves, 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper, tablespoon of salt.


Cut the meat and tails into cubes, mix with salt, pepper, oil and chopped bay leaf. Then skewer mixed with vegetables and fry, constantly turning so that the fat does not drip onto the coals, but is absorbed into the meat.

Korean kebab


1 kilogram of duck meat, 3 cloves of garlic, 6 onions, 10 grams of ginger, one tablespoon each of soy sauce, white wine and sugar and one teaspoon of black pepper.


Chop the duck, chop half the onion and garlic, mix everything with ginger juice and spices, let it sit in the cold for about an hour. Then fry on skewers with the remaining onion rings.

Shish kebab in Serbian style


500 grams of beef, 2 onions, 100 grams of butter, 2 bay leaves, 50 grams of fruit vinegar, one teaspoon each of black and allspice ground.


Chop the beef, season with spices and chopped onions, then add vinegar and refrigerate for a day. Fry, brushing with butter.

Norwegian kebab


500 grams of Norwegian salmon, 10 small onions and 1 leek, half a lemon, 30 grams of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of salt, thyme.


Leeks and salmon are cut into cubes and placed on skewers mixed together; a small onion is placed on the end of each skewer. Everything is greased with vegetable oil, quickly fried, sprinkled with lemon juice and served with herbs.

Japanese style shish kebab


800 grams of chicken, one sweet pepper, 1 leek, 100 grams of red table wine, 100 grams of soy sauce, one teaspoon each of grated ginger and sugar.


First, the marinade is prepared, for which wine, sauce, ginger and sugar are mixed, and the resulting mixture is brought to a boil. Sliced ​​chicken is poured with hot marinade and strung on skewers along with leeks and sweet peppers. Fry quickly, 3 minutes on each side, over an open fire, not over coals.

Indian style shish kebab


1 kilogram of lamb, 500 milliliters of sour milk, 100 milliliters of vegetable oil, 3 onions, one tablespoon each of salt, curry, ground coriander, 4 clove buds, 1 teaspoon each of ground cinnamon and cardamom, half a teaspoon of ginger powder.


Cut the lamb, pour in the marinade of milk, ginger and salt, leave for 3 hours. Then simmer the meat with all the spices in vegetable oil for 5 minutes (in a cauldron or deep frying pan). Cool, skewer and fry over the fire, turning constantly. Serve with boiled rice.

Some interesting facts about kebabs

  • The longest lamb shish kebab was prepared in 2009 in Karachay-Cherkessia, its length was 120 meters (the meat of as many as 30 lambs was used for its preparation).
  • The largest kebab (beef skewers) was made in Japan in 2011 and reached 107.6 meters in length.
  • In Russia there is a specialized magazine “BBQ”, which writes exclusively about shish kebab and barbecue.
  • In addition, our compatriots organized the “Russian Barbecue Society,” which promotes barbecue and a healthy lifestyle.
  • Six large-scale open kebab festivals are held annually in Russia. The largest of them are held in Vladimir, Omsk, Uglich and Voronezh.

And now, having chosen a new recipe or given preference to your traditional method, you can wait until the next weekend and get out into nature to fully enjoy the summer, the sun and delicious barbecue.

Shish kebab... Yes, with smoke. Well, who isn’t attracted to this wonderful smoked meat aroma? But the most important thing is the preparation of this dish, and before that, the method of marinating it is no less important.


There are hundreds, then dozens of such recipes for sure. Some marinades best emphasize the taste of chicken, rabbit meat, others pork, others - lamb, beef. Each owner has his own types of favorite marinades for different types of meat. The right marinade will soften the meat and give it aroma and its own taste.

If you don’t have your favorite types of marinade, then for the first time we can offer a classic universal marinade, suitable for all types of meat and proven by more than one generation of eaters. A classic of the genre is a marinade with a lot of chopped onions, lemon juice, salt and spices. You can add spices such as ground aromatic pepper, red or black, basil, bay leaf, garlic and others.


It is very important to follow the cooking principles. As a rule, this dish is prepared on a grill using coals or firewood. Not all types of firewood are suitable - it is completely wrong to use maple, spruce, pine, alder, the smoke from these types of trees will fill the meat with carcinogenic harmful substances. Cherry, ash, pear, birch or oak are perfect.
Try to use only dry firewood and do not pour chemicals on it for better ignition.

The firewood must burn out. And you need to fry the meat not on an open fire from wood or on its smoke, but on red-hot coals. Move the skewers closer to each other on the grill. While frying, baste the meat with the remaining marinade, water or white wine. This will prevent the meat from drying out, and the firewood will extinguish unnecessary flames during frying. If a flame flares up during cooking, you can sprinkle the coals with salt - the fire will go out.


To check readiness, cut one of the pieces of meat on a skewer lying on the edge of the grill with a knife. If there is no red juice or blood inside, then the dish is ready.
Coarsely chopped vegetables, salads and fresh herbs are suitable as a side dish.
The most suitable drink for ladies is wine, for men - beer, vodka, cognac, for non-drinkers - Borjomi mineral water, tomato juice.

Have a nice picnic!

How to cook the right shish kebab? Man mastered the art of roasting meat over a fire, and later over the heat of hot coals, back in ancient times. This simple principle was gradually supplemented with new elements that improved the taste of the dish, until kebab appeared in the form as we know it. The word "kebab" or "shishlyk" is of Turkic origin. It was brought to the Caucasus and Russia around the 18th century from the Crimean Tatars. In the Caucasus, different peoples call shish kebab in their own way: Azerbaijanis - kebab, Armenians - khorovats, Georgians - mtsvadi, in Turkey - shish-kebab.

Dishes similar to shish kebab can be found in different parts of the world. In Europe, this is a barbecue (also a word of Turkic origin) - pieces of meat or sausages are fried over coals on a metal mesh or rods, constantly turning. In Brazil - Shurasco - large pieces of meat are fried on spits, as in medieval European castles, and as they cook, the top fried layer is cut off. In Japan, shish kebab is prepared from fish and various seafood, and pickled ginger is served along with the finished dish, which, according to the Japanese, takes away the smell of the coal on which the dish was cooked. In some African countries (especially in that part of the continent where there is vegetation), shish kebab is cooked on aromatic branches of saxaul and boxwood. Korean duck skewers are called orikogikui. The whole duck is stuffed with spices and herbs and cooked on a spit or in the oven.

Meat selection

From numerous films, stories and recipes of Caucasian cuisine, it is known that lamb is ideal for barbecue. Indeed, the right lamb kebab has a certain attractive power. The aroma and taste of meat, seasoned with delicate and spicy sauces based on berries and fresh tomatoes, and complemented with dry wine, convinces you to choose lamb. However, there is a huge selection of meat, the kebab from which will be no worse. Each type of meat has its own advantages and disadvantages, so choose your meat based on your needs and desired results. And don’t forget that in many countries the meat of large fish or birds is used for barbecue. If you still decide to stick to lamb, then try to follow simple rules for choosing meat. Lamb should be young and lean. If possible, buy a young (up to 10 kg) whole lamb. Trim off any excess fat and cut the meat into small pieces.


Most often, barbecue meat is marinated to give it softness or a special aroma and taste. If the meat is fresh (that is, really fresh, and not just bought at the market), and especially from a young lamb, then it does not need to be marinated. In other cases, especially if the meat is from an adult or old animal, or if it is beef or chicken, a marinade is necessary. There are many options for barbecue marinades to suit every taste.

In Crimea, Tatars marinate meat in milk; in the Caucasus, they are marinated in wine or in a mixture of vinegar, minced onion (not chopped onion rings, but minced meat), pepper and salt. Typically, meat is marinated for 15 minutes to 2 hours, and only in exceptional cases (for example, to add extra spiciness) is it left overnight. It has been noted that vinegar and wine dull the natural taste of meat, so it is not recommended to make an “overnight” marinade with these ingredients. Carbonated mineral water softens meat very well. Sour juices are good for marinade, especially pomegranate juice. Tough meat can be softened with kiwi pieces. In Australia, barbecue meat is marinated in strong tea leaves. Some experimenters marinate meat in mayonnaise (industrial production), ketchup and beer. But, given the composition of modern mayonnaise, ketchup and beer, this can be considered blasphemy towards meat and one’s own stomach.

Coal preparation

Proper shish kebab is cooked not over an open fire, but in the heat from charcoal or burnt twigs and logs. There is an option to buy ready-made coals in a store and just heat them, or you can cook your own coals. Any species of deciduous trees are suitable for raw materials. It is best to use medium-sized dry branches (small ones will quickly burn out, turning into ash, while large ones will burn for so long that it may be critical for your appetite). The ideal raw materials are cherry, apple and pear branches. Just don't try to burn them raw! Find dry branches of a suitable thickness (3-7 cm in diameter), light a fire in the grill and let the branches burn out, filling the bottom of the grill. At the bottom there should be the thickest branches, which can be “fed” with smaller ones.

Under no circumstances should you cook barbecue over coals made from coniferous trees - spruce, pine, fir, thuja larch. And also from ash, poplar, maple, oleander, and alder firewood. Their wood contains poisonous resins and can, at a minimum, spoil the taste, and if you overdo it with smoke, it can send you to the hospital with poisoning. Particular attention should be paid to oleander - the smoke of this beautiful shrub with beautiful flowers is very poisonous! It is also not customary to use rowan, willow, aspen, acacia and elms for a fire, and therefore for barbecue.

The grill (a container for a fire and subsequent coals) and skewers (meat skewers) can be of any size and design, based on your needs. Many modern peoples, not to mention the ancients, use a stone hearth and sticks soaked in water for these purposes. In Asia, shish kebab (sate) is still fried on bamboo or palm sticks soaked in water.

Types of kebab

The classic proper kebab is made from lamb, less often - beef, even less often - pork. Let's focus on the lamb version as the standard one. So, for lamb kebab you will need fresh meat (it is very important that the meat is not frozen). The meat is cleaned of veins, excess fat and films. For the marinade you will need onions (a lot), salt, pepper, fresh tomatoes. Prepare a marinade from onions minced through a meat grinder (half the total amount of onions), coarsely chopped onions, tomatoes and spices. Cut the meat into fairly large pieces (small pieces can “burn” or quickly overcook, and the kebab will be dry). For beef, it is recommended to prepare the marinade in sparkling mineral water. Let the meat marinate in a cool place for an hour or two, and during this time you can start preparing the coals. When the coals are almost ready and there is less and less open flame, you can heat the skewers. This is done so that when the meat is pierced onto the skewer, juice does not leak out. When meat comes into contact with hot metal, the meat in these places is fried, and all the juice remains inside. When there is no longer an open flame left and the skewers are hot, you can prick pieces of meat, onions and tomatoes one by one and place the skewers on the grill. Turn the skewers from time to time and pour the marinade over the meat (in small quantities). Lamb takes 15-25 minutes to cook (depending on the size of the pieces), beef, on average 5-10 minutes longer. Determine readiness by piercing the meat with a needle. If the needle passes through freely and does not leave a bloody mark, but is colored with clear juice, the kebab is ready. Also a sign of readiness is a brown “tan” on the outside of the meat and a soft pink color on the inside.

Pork shish kebab- the simplest option, since pork is initially soft, fatty, cooks quickly, and can not be marinated for so long (up to 2 hours). In addition, pork is affordable and easy to find in markets. The downside of pork is its fat content. Pork kebab is very high in calories and contains a lot of fat, so it requires a special sauce. A medium-spicy sour berry sauce goes well with pork.

Poultry shashlik. When talking about poultry, we primarily mean chicken. Many peoples prepare shish kebab (or similar dishes) from chicken. Poultry meat is marinated in the same way as other types of meat, but a little longer (3-4 hours). It is better to serve dry white wine with chicken kebab, after cooling it to 10-14°C.

Fish kebab found in Asian countries, coastal areas of southeast Asia, Japan and other countries where fish often replaces meat. Fish kebab is also popular near large rivers, and locals traditionally eat more fish than meat. Beluga, sturgeon, salmon, cod, and tuna meat are suitable for barbecue. If the fish is fatty, then you should not marinate it, but only sprinkle it with lemon juice from time to time. But for dry types (for example, cod), you need a marinade (for example, sour cream). Side dishes of vegetables or potatoes baked in foil go well with fish kebab.

Satay - Malay relative of kebab. Perhaps the only thing that satay has in common with kebab is that it is pieces of meat strung on sticks and fried over coals. This is where the similarities end. Any type of meat is suitable for preparing satay - beef, lamb, pork, chicken and fish. Most often it is beef or chicken. As with any kebab, the meat is soaked in the marinade. Marinade for satay is prepared from a mixture of a wide variety of spices and herbs. Usually these are onions, garlic, cumin, turmeric, coriander, ground with sugar and salt, while the main element of the marianade is turmeric. This bright yellow spice gives a golden yellow hue when marinated. The kebab meat is cut into very small cubes and marinated for several hours. The pieces are then strung on bamboo sticks soaked in water. The wood is soaked so that it can withstand the temperature of the coals during cooking. Of course, the aroma of bamboo further saturates the meat, and the slightly smoldering tips of the sticks add a smoky flavor. Sate is fried, like regular shish kebab, on coals. But the most important thing in cooking is sprinkling it with a mixture of condensed milk (no sugar!) and vegetable oil when cooking. This is done using a brush made from a lemongrass sprig. Sate fries very quickly, so you need to monitor the degree of readiness and not overcook (that is, do not char) tiny pieces of meat. Properly cooked sate is fairly soft meat with a light crust, with the aromas of spices and bamboo. An important part of serving satay is a rather spicy sauce, which includes peanut butter, common in Asia, hot chili, garlic, onion, milk and salt. In Asia, sate is usually eaten in small eateries or at home with guests, when there is enough time to enjoy the cooking process.

Salt barbecue meat sparingly. Remember that salt dries out the meat, the juice disappears, and the pieces become covered with an unsightly hard crust. Try adding salt to sauces. If you like highly salted meat, you can salt it separately after cooking. Also, you should not use vinegar, wine and mayonnaise in marinades to soften meat (it contains a lot of vinegar and other elements alien to barbecue). Carbonated mineral water and sweet and sour juices (for example, pomegranate) soften meat very well. Don’t forget about coniferous and poisonous wood, make sure what kind of firewood will be used as the basis for your coals.

Barbecue sauces

To properly perceive the taste of kebab, you need an appropriate sauce. This is the vector for changing the taste of kebab, which emphasizes the advantages of fried meat, but at the same time does not overwhelm it with its own taste. The general rules for sauces are that they highlight the taste of meat, do not put pressure on it, and in no case replace it with your own. The sauce should not be overly peppery or disproportionately salty. At the same time, the sauce must be made spicy, with a slight sourness. The ideal sauce for barbecue is the Georgian plum sauce “tkemali”; good options are garlic sauces made from fresh tomatoes, creamy lemon, mushroom or Dutch sauce made from yolks and butter. All barbecue sauces have one thing in common - moderation of taste and aroma.

A side dish for barbecue is a pretty important addition. The best garnish is greens: lettuce, parsley, dill, cilantro and other available herbs. You can use vegetables: fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. Or eggplants, sweet peppers, tomatoes baked in foil or on coals. Potatoes, rice and other hearty side dishes are not recommended.

Dry red wine goes well with any meat, especially fried meat. It should be at room temperature (if in the fresh air, then no higher than 20-23°C). Dry white wine is more suitable for poultry or fish meat. White wine is usually cooled to 10-14°C. Beer doesn’t go well with barbecue, and vodka and other strong drinks don’t go well at all. Fans of strong drinks may object, but you can’t argue with the facts: vodka burns the receptors of the tongue and it doesn’t matter what you eat - skillfully prepared lamb shish kebab or sausages fried over a fire.

Summer is picnic season, and it’s hard to imagine an outing without barbecue. Fragrant, appetizing meat dishes cooked on the grill are loved by adults and children. It is only generally accepted that delicious food is harmful. This statement is also typical for kebabs. Still, a lot depends on the choice of meat, marinade and proper preparation.

Beneficial features

Kebab is not included in the category of healthy food. This is a fried and fatty food, but it has beneficial properties.

It is believed that when properly prepared, kebab reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and arthritis. This dish also contains more vitamins and microelements than regular fried beef or chicken. And meat cooked over charcoal is lower in calories. Real shish kebab is a dietary dish that is baked and not fried.

Possible harm

The harm of kebab is associated with the presence of carcinogens in it - substances that provoke the development of cancer. They are contained in the fumes produced when fat hits hot coals. Benzopyrene, which is hazardous to health, rises and settles on pieces of meat. Therefore, it is not recommended to eat dark, overcooked crust - it contains the largest amount of dangerous substances.

There are those who refute the claim that kebab is carcinogenic. Carcinogens are actively formed when meat is fried in a frying pan in a large amount of oil. They also appear in the oil itself when it is heated, especially repeatedly. So meat cooked without oil contains much less carcinogens. Accordingly, the risk of developing cancer is lower.

The marinade in which meat is soaked is also not the healthiest product. The fact is that vinegar is often used. It softens meat fibers and protects against harmful microorganisms, since many of them die in an acidic environment. This reduces the risk of poisoning, but you should not eat such kebabs often or in large quantities. Vinegar is harmful to the stomach and pancreas, liver, and kidneys.

If overcooked meat is dangerous because it contains carcinogens, then poorly fried meat contains pathogens of various infections, E. coli, which provoke the development of dysbacteriosis.

Video: Stalik: lamb shish kebab


Lamb is difficult to digest, so people with gastrointestinal diseases are better off grilling other types of meat over charcoal. If the acidity level is unstable, you should not abuse kefir marinade. It leads to bloating and heartburn. In this case, you should not drink wine either - it will slow down the digestion and absorption of meat, which can also cause an upset stomach.

If you have a stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer or liver disease, you should not eat kebabs with hot seasonings or ketchup; you should also avoid lemon marinade. Doctors do not recommend eating kebabs often for elderly and kidney patients, but they can be enjoyed occasionally.

What meat makes the healthiest kebab?

The European Dietetic Association published the results of a study in which rabbit meat was named the most dietary type of meat. Scientists have proven that it is easiest for the body to absorb. Modern pediatricians recommend feeding children meat regularly, and, in their opinion, it is necessary to start with rabbit meat. It cannot be called completely hypoallergenic, but it provokes allergies much less frequently than chicken dishes.


If you are going to use beef for making barbecue, choose young meat. The old can have time to accumulate harmful substances and saturated fats, which provoke oxidation reactions and accelerate the aging process.

Young beef and veal are especially rich in complete, highly digestible proteins, and these are building materials for the body's cells. They also contain a lot of iron and vitamin A. Old meat

Calorie content of 100 g of young beef kebab is 250 Kcal.


Sexologists advise eating pork kebab. Only in the fat of this type of meat is there

arachidonic acid. It is necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones in men and women. Among all products, only lard does not accumulate radionuclides.

However, pork is dangerous for the figure due to its high content of saturated fats, which quickly cause weight gain. To curb this effect, it is worth soaking the meat in lemon juice. It activates metabolism and slows down fat absorption. Lemon juice can be diluted with mineral water, adding a little mustard. This will make the kebab more tender.

Calorie content of 100 g of pork ham kebab is 280 Kcal, from ribs - 320 Kcal, from neck - 340 Kcal.


It is believed that this type of meat is very fatty and difficult to digest. This statement is only partly true. Of all the meats, only lamb was included in the “energy” diet, which is so popular among Americans. The essence of such a nutritional system is the use of foods that help convert consumed calories into energy, which supports the body when playing sports.

Lamb is also rich in lecithin. This substance improves brain activity and regulates the release of insulin into the blood. Only this type of meat contains fluoride, which is important for strong teeth.

Calorie content of 100 g of lamb shish kebab is 320 Kcal, from a shoulder blade - 280 Kcal. It is recommended to eat such dishes once a week, not more often.

Chicken and turkey

Poultry kebabs are good for the heart. Only nowadays it is difficult to find chicken that is not stuffed with antibiotics. Good chicken also contains a lot of vitamin B6, more than other types of meat. It is also rich in proteins, which support the functioning of the nervous system, strengthen the immune system and help resist stress.

Turkey is a dietary product that is recommended for those who are overweight. It is similar in phosphorus content to fish, and this element makes bones and joints strong. Recently, scientists have found that this type of meat contains a substance that improves the synthesis of melatonin, a hormone responsible for sleep. If you have problems falling asleep at night, it is useful to occasionally treat yourself to turkey kebab.

Calorie content of 100 g of shish kebab from chicken breast is 100-120 Kcal, from turkey breast - 150 Kcal, from ham - 160 Kcal, from wings - 180 Kcal.

It is recommended to eat up to 250-300 kebab per day. Any excess will not only be deposited in the form of extra pounds on the hips and waist, but will also increase the risk of getting gout. Meat is rich in purines. They are broken down in the body into uric acid, the excess of which causes inflammation and swelling of the joints.


Instead of vinegar as a marinade, doctors recommend using mineral water, yogurt and kefir (if everything is in order with the acidity in the stomach), and dry wine. The meat is also tasty when cooked in its own juices. You can add onions, lemon, even kiwi. Adding one of the following spices - galangal, Chinese ginger or turmeric - will help make the kebab more healthy.

What to eat and wash down the dish

Beef, lamb, and pork should not be eaten with foods that contain a lot of starch. These are potatoes, pumpkin, corn, squash - you cannot serve them with barbecue. The starch contained in such vegetables binds protein. As a result, it becomes difficult to digest meat.

But kebab goes well with green vegetables, white and red onions, fresh cilantro, parsley, wild garlic, lettuce, and dill. They reduce the harm of meat cooked on charcoal and make it easier to digest.

Before a picnic, do not fill up on fast carbohydrates, otherwise you will then feel an acute feeling of hunger and eat too much kebab. Do not serve sausage, cold cuts, sprats and other “heavy” snacks that contain a lot of fat and salt with the main course. If you have stomach problems, hot seasonings, ketchup, spices, and lemon juice can be replaced with pomegranate juice or tomato paste.

Key preparation points

Before cooking, the meat must be thoroughly marinated. Soaking in a good marinade (especially sour) protects against germs, carcinogens and poisoning. Harmful microorganisms do not survive in an acidic environment.

It is better to grill shashlik not on coals, but on wood. Start cooking 20-25 minutes after using lighter fluid - during this time its vapors will disappear.

Many people like to drink barbecue with alcohol. This combination destroys the liver, but to improve the breakdown of fats, you can wash down the meat with 100 g of vodka, and ideally it should be replaced with red wine. If you wash down the kebab with water, let it be non-carbonated. Still, it is better not to drink at all during meals. Water dilutes gastric juice, and because of this, food is digested more slowly.