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Chicken cutlets baked in the oven. Chicken cutlets in the oven: step-by-step recipe with photos

Step-by-step recipes for preparing minced chicken cutlets in the oven with various additives

2017-12-21 Natalia Kondrashova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

14 gr.

15 gr.


3 gr.

209 kcal.

Option 1: Minced chicken cutlets in the oven - classic recipe

For those who are prohibited from fatty and heavily fried foods, minced chicken cutlets baked in the oven will be an excellent option for a meat dish. It's no secret that poultry meat is often a little dry, especially if it's fillet. Therefore, to make the cutlets juicier, you will need to add a little butter to the composition.

To create a dish you need:

  • 1 kg chicken;
  • 1 onion;
  • several garlic cloves;
  • 1 egg;
  • 70-90 g butter;
  • 2-3 slices of stale bread;
  • salt and spices;
  • confectionery tracing paper;
  • vegetable fat.

Step-by-step recipe for minced chicken cutlets in the oven

Separate the chicken meat from the bones, wash it, and cut it into pieces.

We clean the onion head and garlic cloves, then rinse them in cold water.

Soak slices of white bread in warm water (you can add milk, then the cutlets will be softer).

We pass the chicken, chopped onion, and garlic cloves through a meat grinder, and then squeeze the bread out of the water and twist it too.

Beat the egg into the minced meat, season with salt and spices, mix thoroughly.

We cover the baking sheet with pastry tracing paper, grease it a little, and then begin to form the cutlets, putting a small slice of butter into each.

Place the container in the oven and bake the dish.

Place the finished minced chicken cutlets, baked in the oven, on a dish, sprinkle with herbs and serve. The side dish can be vegetable puree, porridge or boiled potatoes.

Option 2: Quick recipe for minced chicken cutlets with herbs in the oven

When you need to bake cutlets quickly and easily, you should use this simple recipe.

In the process of creating a dish you will need:

  • chicken meat;
  • egg;
  • onion;
  • garlic cloves;
  • 2-3 potato tubers;
  • a bunch of your favorite greens;
  • a few tablespoons of fat sour cream;
  • salt and seasonings;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • baking paper;
  • lean fat.

How to quickly cook minced chicken cutlets in the oven

Rinse the chicken, dry with a towel and cut into cubes.

We peel the onion, potatoes and garlic cloves, wash them under the tap and cut them into slices.

We pass chicken and vegetables through a meat grinder, after which we add chopped herbs, sour cream, salt, seasonings and a chicken egg to the minced meat.

Place tracing paper on a baking sheet and coat it with fat.

We form cutlets from thoroughly mixed minced meat, roll them in breadcrumbs and place them in a container, and then send them to bake.

When the dish is ready, take it out of the oven and serve it with fresh vegetables.

Option 3: Minced chicken cutlets in the oven with quail eggs under a cheese crust

Household members and guests will definitely love minced chicken cutlets filled with quail eggs, baked in the oven under a cheese crust. Preparation will take a lot of time, but the result will not disappoint.

In the process of creating a dish you will need:

  • chicken meat;
  • quail eggs according to the number of cutlets;
  • egg;
  • bulb;
  • cloves of garlic;
  • slices of bread;
  • several sprigs of dill;
  • 100-120 g mayonnaise sauce;
  • hard cheese varieties;
  • salt and seasonings;
  • baking paper;
  • vegetable fat.

How to cook

Place the quail eggs in a saucepan, pour in water, add salt and set to cook, then cool them and remove the shells.

Rinse the chicken meat, dry it with napkins and cut it into pieces.

We peel the onions and garlic cloves, rinse under the tap, and wash the dill here.

Soak white bread in water for a few minutes, then squeeze and grind in a meat grinder with meat, onion, garlic and herbs.

Beat the egg into the prepared minced meat, add salt and seasonings and mix the mixture thoroughly.

Let's start forming portions. To do this, take some minced meat, put a quail egg inside and make a cutlet, after which we put it in a container covered with oiled tracing paper.

When all the cutlets are ready and placed on a baking sheet, grease the top of each portion with mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated cheese and place the dish in the oven.

It is important to remember that chicken meat cooks very quickly, and you can remove the quail egg-filled cutlets when the cheese top has melted.

Option 4: Buckwheat cutlets from minced chicken in the oven with tomato sauce

To make minced chicken cutlets soft and tender in the oven, you can bake them in tomato sauce. Boiled buckwheat added to the composition will help increase the nutritional value of the dish.

To create these cutlets you will need:

  • 1 kg of bird;
  • 0.15 kg of cereal;
  • one onion;
  • carrot;
  • garlic cloves;
  • egg;
  • salt and seasonings;
  • chicken broth or water;
  • several large tomatoes or tomato paste;
  • vegetable fat for frying.

How to cook

We sort the kernels, wash them and boil them in salted water until tender. Then we place it on a flat dish to cool faster.

We wash the chicken meat, cut it into pieces and grind it in a meat grinder.

We clean and wash the onion, carrots, garlic cloves and also put them in a meat grinder, after which we add the egg, cooled egg, salt, seasonings to the minced meat and mix carefully. Boiled buckwheat can also be ground before adding to the base for cutlets, then they will turn out homogeneous and tender.

We form “grechaniky” and fry them in a frying pan until golden brown, and then put them in a deep baking container.

In the same frying pan where the “Greeks” were fried, heat the water or chicken broth, add salt and pepper, add tomato paste or chopped tomatoes, and when the mass becomes homogeneous, pour it over the cutlets laid out in a deep container and send them to bake.

“Grechaniki” are good because you don’t have to prepare any side dish for them, but simply serve them for lunch or dinner, sprinkle with herbs, pour over the sauce and place the sliced ​​vegetables on a separate dish.

Option 5: Mushroom cutlets from minced chicken with cream sauce in the oven

Another version of this dish is tender minced chicken cutlets with mushrooms in a creamy sauce, baked in the oven.

During the cooking process you will need:

  • 1 kg chicken;
  • 0.5 kg of any fresh mushrooms;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • egg;
  • butter;
  • salt and seasonings;
  • filtered water or chicken broth;
  • 100 ml cream;
  • fat for frying.

Step by step recipe

We clean and wash the mushrooms, carrots and onions in running water.

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots, and chop the mushrooms into slices, then put the ingredients in a deep frying pan and fry, adding a slice of butter.

We wash the chicken, cut it into slices and grind it through a meat grinder, then season the meat with salt and spices, beat in the egg and add the mushroom fry.

Knead the minced meat thoroughly and form cutlets, which we place in a deep baking container, greased with a fatty mixture.

Heat water or chicken broth in a frying pan, pour in the cream and cook for a while, then pour this mixture into portions and send the dish to the oven.

Mushroom cutlets made from minced chicken with creamy sauce should be baked in the oven for about half an hour, after which they should be taken out, placed on plates, sprinkled with herbs and served.

When preparing chicken cutlets, you can add any cereals, vegetables, herbs to the dish, and come up with various sauces. By showing a little imagination, you will get a new dish every time and delight your family with culinary delights.

For the recipe with photos, see below.

These tender chicken cutlets My mother cooks often. On my last visit to my parents, while mom and dad were preparing cutlets, I managed to take a few photos. Well, my mother described in detail all her actions - and this is how this step-by-step recipe with photographs turned out.

Mom never fries cutlets in oil, because fried and fatty foods are very harmful to the liver and health in general. Mom’s favorite way to prepare cutlets is to bake them in the oven on a baking sheet. As an option, these cutlets can also be steamed; they will turn out very tasty and healthy. Sometimes my mother cooks - I already told you about this recipe.

To prepare the cutlets, my mother uses only chicken, without adding lard or fatty meats to the minced meat. Due to this, the cutlets are not only tender in taste, but also dietary. When eating these cutlets, you don’t have to worry about your figure and health. And also this very, very tasty! So, I’m telling you how my mother prepares tender chicken cutlets.

  • 1 chicken;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 large potato;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1/3 cup semolina;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

We use chicken meat for minced meat, and to prevent the cutlets from turning out dry, we will roll the chicken meat together with the skin. If the chicken carcass is frozen, then first melt it. Then you need to separate the meat with skin from the bones. Chicken bones can be used to make broth, which can then be used for or. If there is fat, remove it too, leaving only the meat and skin.

Grind the chicken meat together with the skin, as well as onions and potatoes in a meat grinder. The resulting minced meat should be salted and peppered, add semolina, add an egg and knead thoroughly with your hands. We form small cutlets 1-1.5 cm thick. If you do not plan to cook them immediately, then the cutlets can be frozen for later. And if you cook right away, then turn on the oven to heat up, and pour a little water on the baking sheet so that the cutlets do not stick.

Place the cutlets on a baking sheet and place in the oven to bake. During baking, the cutlets can be turned over once. The finished cutlets are a pleasant golden color with a very appetizing aroma. I cannot give an exact answer to the question of how long to bake the cutlets in the oven. It depends on the power of your oven. Approximate cooking time for tender chicken cutlets is 30 minutes.

One medium-sized chicken makes 18 cutlets. The inside of the cutlets turns out juicy, they have a very delicate taste and a pleasant aroma. The best side dish for chicken cutlets is fresh vegetables and herbs, as well as boiled zucchini or rice. Bon appetit everyone!

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Tender chopped chicken breast cutlets

And we have another simple meat dish. Cutlets are generally simple, and if you cook them from chicken, they are also very tender and not as high in calories as, for example, pork or beef.

How many recipes do you think we will prepare today? Three? Six? We will prepare five different versions of chicken cutlets, and all of them will be baked in the oven. You know it's lower in calories, right?

This, as usual, will be a classic recipe, there will also be a dietary one, with cheese, minced meat and gravy. Have you already presented all five options?

  1. A classic - everyone loves it and it remains unchanged. Therefore, if you are a special lover of experiments and new things in your kitchen, this is the recipe you need;
  2. Minced meat cutlets are pure meat without fat, which is crumbled into minced meat with a sharp knife. This is exactly how cutlets are made in restaurants and high-end establishments. And that’s exactly how they make a lot of fast food cutlets;
  3. Next is the dietary option. For those who are very careful about their figure or are on a diet due to health conditions. This version of cutlets is simply ideal for you - no flour, grated zucchini and a little light cottage cheese. Be careful because these cutlets are so delicious it will be hard to stop eating;
  4. With gravy - it’s already a little like meatballs, but still these are cutlets that you definitely need to try. The aromatic sauce makes the cutlets even more tender, making them simply melt in your mouth. Don't miss such bliss;
  5. Cutlets with cheese are something new for you and your family. If the meatballs are still hot, and there is a soft type of cheese inside, it will stretch, and thereby drive your taste buds crazy.

Having chosen those same cutlets, look below for the recipe and recommendations for it and hurry to the kitchen to prepare this yummy.

What you need to know to prepare

To make delicious cutlets, you need to choose the right ingredients for them. What does "correct" mean? This means that you will have to carefully select the freshest minced meat of the highest quality.

  1. Since we are preparing chicken cutlets, the color of the minced meat should be pale pink and white. If it is a little grayish, then it has already started to deteriorate or is already spoiled. Take minced meat that looks appetizing in appearance;
  2. To select minced meat by smell, ask the seller to smell it. Spices are often added to spoiled minced meat to kill the smell. Be sure to pay attention to this;
  3. The tray or other container on which the minced meat lies should not be in a pool of blood. But it shouldn’t be dry under the meat either. If it is dry, a lot of cartilage has been added to the minced meat and it will not be edible. If there is a lot of blood, then the minced meat has been standing for a long time, which is why it “floated” so well;
  4. Minced meat should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature between zero and four degrees Celsius. It can be stored this way for no more than five days.

When you have chosen a good mince, you can get to work. Ready to get started?

Chicken cutlets in the oven

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

Again, a classic that everyone loves and knows. These cutlets hide behind their back the simplest recipe, according to which not only a beginner, but also a child can prepare the dish.

How to cook:

Tip: to prevent the cutlets from drying out on top, you can grease them with a little vegetable oil.

Diet chicken cutlets

These cutlets, as we have already said, are suitable not only for those who are watching their figure or on a diet, they can be eaten just like that, because they are incredibly tasty and unusual.

What is the calorie content - 114 calories.

How to cook:

  1. The zucchini needs to be washed, peeled, cut off the stalk and removed all the seeds. If it is a young fruit, then you can use both the peel and the seeds (they are practically absent in this case). The vegetable needs to be grated;
  2. Use your hands to squeeze out the juice from the grated mass;
  3. The already dry pulp needs to be mixed with the minced meat; it is better to do this also with your hands for more uniform mixing;
  4. Add cottage cheese to the mixture. If it is a single piece, you can grind it in your hands or using a grater into smaller grains. You should not expect complete dissolution;
  5. Add starch and beat in the egg. Mix the mass very thoroughly;
  6. Peel the husks from the garlic, pass it through the press directly to the meat;
  7. Wash the dill, separate the large branches, finely chop the rest of the greens and also add to the minced meat;
  8. Season the mixture with spices and mix thoroughly with your hands again. The consistency should be quite soft;
  9. The baking sheet should be covered with foil over the entire surface;
  10. Wet your hands in cold water and roll them into equal balls. They need to be laid out on the foil at an equal distance. The best size for balls is up to about 2.5 cm in thickness. Your hands need to be wetted every time so that the minced meat does not stick to your palms;
  11. Preheat the oven to 180 Celsius and only then place the form with cutlets in it;
  12. Bake for about 35 minutes, periodically you can unfold the baking sheet for an even result, especially if the oven heats less on one side;
  13. After the time has passed, you need to turn off the oven and leave the cutlets in it for another 15 minutes so that they are finished baking and do not lose their juice;
  14. The resulting cutlets can be served immediately; they should have a pleasant light brown color.

Tip: you can serve it with a fresh vegetable salad topped with, for example, yogurt.

Chopped chicken cutlets

For such a meat dish, you will have to prepare the minced meat yourself. The most popular way is to chop with a sharp knife. But you can try other methods as well.

How long is it - 1 hour.

What is the calorie content - 174 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Chicken fillet must be cleaned of excess film and veins. Then you need to chop it with a knife as finely as possible;
  2. You need to peel the onion and chop it finely;
  3. Soak the bread in milk and then squeeze it out. It is better not to use hard crusts, only the soft part is needed. It is best to use a fresh loaf;
  4. In one container, mix minced meat with bread, break an egg into it and add chopped onion;
  5. Add all the spices here and mix the mass well with your hands;
  6. The oven needs to be preheated to 200 Celsius;
  7. Place a sheet of parchment on a baking sheet and grease it with sunflower oil on top. Place the cutlets formed with wet hands on it. You definitely need the cutlets to be the same size so that they bake evenly;
  8. Bake in an already hot oven for twenty minutes. Then take out the cutlets, turn them over to the other side and bake for another ten minutes;
  9. The cutlets will be ready when they turn golden. They can be served immediately.

Tip: the fillet can also be chopped with a meat grinder or using a blender.

Recipe with gravy

Tender, airy meat coated with aromatic dressing that simply melts in your mouth. Introduced? Then run to the kitchen and let’s cook some meaty goodness!

What time is it – 2 hours.

What is the calorie content - 106 calories.

How to cook:

  1. The pulp of the bread must be separated from the peel. It needs to be soaked in milk, and then squeezed out and added to the minced meat;
  2. You also need to add finely chopped onion to the meat mixture. Alternatively, you can mince all three ingredients together and then it will be easier to mix them;
  3. Beat in the egg and add spices, mix again with your hands;
  4. With wet hands, form cutlets and roll them in a small amount of flour;
  5. The finished balls need to be fried in sunflower oil until a crust forms. Then they need to be transferred to a ceramic baking dish;
  6. The second onion also needs to be peeled and finely chopped, then fried in a frying pan along with tomato paste. When the mixture boils, you need to pour water into it. Next, dilute the flour with a little water and add to the tomato sauce;
  7. Add spices to the mixture and stir continuously;
  8. Pour the prepared sauce over the cutlets;
  9. Place a ceramic dish with a dish in a cold oven and bake until fully cooked. This takes about an hour. Can be served immediately.

Tip: To make the sauce spicy, add your favorite spices like marjoram, basil or rosemary.

Tender chicken cutlets with cheese

Something unusual compared to what we are used to. If you take soft cheese, then when you bite into a piece of the cutlet, it will begin to stretch, and will drive you even more crazy.

How much time - 45 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 185 calories.

How to cook:

  1. The loaf slices need to be soaked in water, then they need to be squeezed out and added to the minced meat;
  2. You also need to beat in an egg, add spices to taste and mix all the ingredients with your hands;
  3. Finely grate the cheese and add to the total mass, mix evenly with your hands again;
  4. With wet hands, you need to form identical cutlets, and then roll each one in breadcrumbs;
  5. The baking sheet or mold should be slightly greased with sunflower oil, and the oven should be preheated to 200 Celsius;
  6. Place the cutlets in the pan at an even distance and bake for about 25 minutes, a beautiful crust should form. Can be served immediately.

Tip: You can also cut the cheese into cubes and place it in the center of each cutlet.

To make the meat juicier, bake it exactly for the specified time. Otherwise, you risk drying out the cutlets, and the juice will disappear from them.

To make the meat aromatic, add your favorite spices when you knead the minced meat, and to make it more tender, soak the bread/bun in milk instead of water.

If you want a crispy crust, don’t forget to finally coat the cutlets in your favorite breading. These can be nuts, crackers, sesame seeds, coconut and so on.

Chicken cutlets are a tender meat dish that can be eaten at any time of the day, because they don’t have that many calories. They are juicy, aromatic and just beg you to cook them as soon as possible.

Publication date: 07/01/2017


Chicken meat is very popular in preparing various types of dishes. They prepare soups, casseroles, bake them in the oven, and make all kinds of fillings. Chicken dishes are very tasty. Due to its availability and the lowest price per kilogram among all types of meat, chicken is an integral part of any kitchen.


  1. Chicken cutlets in the oven
  2. Preparing juicy chopped
  3. Steamed cutlets
  4. Add zucchini
  5. Video on how to cook with cheese

And today we’ll just talk about chicken cutlets and how they can be prepared at home easily and simply. I also advise you to read the previous article, in which we discussed potato zrazy with minced meat.

Recipe for delicious chicken cutlets: let's look at an example in the oven

Sometimes you really want to cook something delicious, but at the same time it won’t cost you too much. This culinary creation comes to the rescue. First I want to show you how to cook them in the oven. Because some people don't like fatty foods. If you fry in a frying pan, some of the vegetable oil is still absorbed by the meat product. Chicken cutlets are very good served with new potatoes, boiled in their skins.

We will need:

  • Chicken fillet - 1 kilogram
  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Spices for chicken - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Butter - 100 grams
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces
  • Onions - 1 onion or half a large one
  • Green onions - a couple of feathers
  • Carrots - 1 small piece
  • Loaf - 60 grams
  • Milk - about 100 milliliters

Let's start cooking:

1. Let's start with a loaf. Soak it in milk. We tear it into small pieces with our hands and put it in a bowl of milk. While it lies in the milk, we will scroll through the chicken meat, onions and carrots. And then twist the loaf in the same way.

We twisted the meat through a large wire rack. But bread, carrots and onions through small ones.

2. Now we combine everything in one bowl. Add all the chopped ingredients to the meat. So salt, spices, eggs and butter.

The eggs must first be beaten with a fork or whisk. And the butter can be slightly melted in the microwave for 30-40 seconds.

Mix everything well. And then repeat the same procedure with your hands.

3. The minced meat needs to stand for about 15 minutes for it to ripen.

4. 15 minutes have passed. For breading we will use ground homemade crackers.

If you don't have any at home, you can buy them at the store. And even if you don’t have these, you can simply roll them in flour.

Let's start making cutlets. Wet our hands with water. And we sculpt, giving them the desired shape. Then roll in breadcrumbs. Place in the container in which we will bake.

Place our cutlets in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about an hour.

Chicken cutlets are ready in the oven. They turned out very tasty. Bon appetit!

Chicken cutlets: recipe for juicy and chopped

An unusual version of cutlets. It is not simple, but festive. With unusual filling. There will be two options. The second one is more experimental. One is more traditional, and the second is experimental. Try it to your taste. I think many people are familiar with this recipe for chopped cutlets. They turn out very very juicy.


  • Chicken breasts - 2 large (or 4 fillets)
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Natural yogurt (or sour cream or kefir or mayonnaise) - 15 milliliters
  • Starch - 2 tablespoons
  • Salt, pepper to taste

For filling:

  • Canned corn - 2 tablespoons
  • Tomato - 1 piece
  • Green onions - half a bunch
  • Sweet and sour grapes - 50 grams
  • Suluguni cheese - 70 grams


1. Cut the chicken meat into cubes.

It's easier to cut when it's a little frozen.

2. Add salt to the same bowl. Salt it properly. There's also ground black pepper. Break two eggs. Corn or potato starch.

Add yogurt. It makes about 5 tablespoons. Mix this whole thing thoroughly. Then put it in the refrigerator for half an hour, or better yet, an hour. The resulting mass should brew well. It is acceptable that they can be fried immediately if you do not have time.

But you can replace yogurt with sour cream, kefir or mayonnaise. Only kefir should not be strong liquid.

Once it sits in the refrigerator, divide it into two parts, since we will have two fillings. But you don't have to if you use one of the two.

3. The first filling includes green onions, tomato and corn. And secondly, grapes and cheese. Cut the onion, tomato and cheese into small cubes.

Grapes that no longer have seeds are better suited. And you can use any cheese you want.

Mix all ingredients together and mix well. Now heat the frying pan well, after pouring vegetable oil. And lay them out like pancakes. Using a spoon, spoon into the pan. You can also use metal molds.

You don’t need to spread it in a layer that’s too thick, otherwise the cutlets won’t cook through. Fry over medium heat. Once the crust has formed, turn it over and fry on the other side. And thus fry the meat mass with the second filling.

How long to fry chicken cutlets in a frying pan?

Some readers ask this question. There is no clear answer. It all depends on the consistency and thickness of the layer. Basically you need to focus on the formation of a golden crust. It can be seen around the edges. If it is not formed, then it will be difficult for you to turn the cutlet over. This is another indicator of readiness.

Thanks to the starch, the shape holds perfectly. Despite the fact that we added tomatoes, which in turn are watery.

4. As a result, you get very juicy and flavorful cutlets. They will decorate any table. An excellent addition to main courses. They are very easy to prepare!

I would like to suggest you read an article by a wonderful author. We explain in detail how you can prepare delicious minced hedgehogs with rice and gravy. It's like meatballs, but baked in the oven. It turns out very fragrant. And guests will be very happy with such a masterpiece.

Steamed chicken cutlets: tasty and simple

This recipe is suitable for those who watch their figure. And as you know, steamed dishes are more dietary. After all, we will not fry them in vegetable oil. And chicken, or rather chicken breast, in addition contains very little fat, we can say that it is absent. We will cook steamed chicken cutlets in a slow cooker. It is very easy to use and almost every housewife has one. It’s rare to find people who buy a pure steamer. A step-by-step recipe with photos will demonstrate the entire cooking process from start to finish.

The result will be not only tasty, but also healthy. If desired, these minced chicken cutlets can be fried in a frying pan.

We will need:

  • Chicken fillet (breast) - 2 pieces or 900-1000 grams
  • White bread - 3 slices
  • Onions - 1 onion
  • Milk - 1/2 cup
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Greens (onion, parsley) - to taste
  • Salt and pepper - also to taste


1. Let's start by preparing the minced meat. You can take a ready-made one, but we will make it ourselves. To make it easier to cut and twist in a meat grinder, the meat should be slightly frozen. Cut the fillet into pieces. Peel the onions and cut them into pieces that can easily fit into a meat grinder.

All ingredients are ready. Now we pass them through a meat grinder. First the fillet, then the onions and lastly the bread.

2. Add two eggs to the minced meat. Salt and pepper to taste. Add greens. Mix well until smooth.

3. Using a tablespoon, form cutlets from the prepared minced meat. And put it in a multi-cooker rack. Pour water into the multicooker, preferably hot, so that you wait less time. Fill the bowl with a little less than half the capacity.

4. Install the cutlets. Set the “Steam” mode for 25 minutes. The cutlets are ready. As you can see, they are easy and simple to prepare. Bon appetit!

Chicken cutlets with zucchini: a simple step-by-step recipe with photos

Now I’ll show you how to cook something delicious. We will prepare zucchini-chicken cutlets. Summer is the season for vegetables, so they start to get cheaper in the store. By mid-summer they will be ripe. You can cook a lot of things from zucchini. Previously, an article was published on the blog, which discussed a recipe for vegetable stew, which contains a universal vegetable.

Cooking process:

1. For cooking, we used minced chicken, but this is not necessary. You can take pork, beef, or whatever you want. Let's start with zucchini, perhaps. And we pass it through a coarse grater.

If you have a young zucchini, then you can use it straight with the skin. No need to clean.

2. Salt the grated zucchini and stir so that the juice begins to release intensively. Excess juice will need to be squeezed out. Leave them in a colander for 5-10 minutes. During this time, a small amount of liquid was released. Now we need to squeeze it further.

It seems to me that everyone, without exception, loves cutlets, and everyone has their own version. Some people only like pork cutlets, some only like beef cutlets, and some only like chicken cutlets. Today we will cook minced chicken cutlets in the oven - unusual and very tasty.

To prepare minced chicken cutlets in the oven, take the ingredients from the list.

In a deep bowl, mix the minced chicken with the egg, add salt and pepper, and stir. Grate the potatoes and cheese on a coarse grater and add to the minced meat.

Mix the minced meat well until smooth. By the way, for greater juiciness, you can add very finely chopped onions.

Wet your hands in water, form the minced meat into cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs.

The first is to heat a frying pan, pour in a little vegetable oil and fry the cutlets for one minute on both sides until the breadcrumbs are slightly golden brown.

Or simply place the cutlets on a baking dish. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and cook the cutlets for 20 minutes in the upper and lower heating mode. Then turn on the convection mode and brown the cutlets for 10 minutes. Unfried cutlets need to be turned over during cooking to ensure a juicy crust.