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Scientific research work on nutrition. Research work "healthy nutrition for schoolchildren"

Research work “Rational nutrition of schoolchildren” Completed by: 4th grade student of the municipal educational institution “Ovechkinsky secondary school of the Zavyalovsky district of the Altai Territory” Natalya Krats Supervisor: primary school teacher Elena Aleksandrovna Yakovenko 2010

The most precious thing a person has is health. Only a healthy, comprehensively developed, educated person is capable of being a true creator of his own destiny and the destiny of his country. Purpose of work: Collection of necessary information in the field of preserving and promoting health Objectives: 1) Developing the ability to work with additional material. 2) Determining the role of rational nutrition in a healthy lifestyle. 3) Raising interest in a healthy lifestyle. Subject of research: healthy lifestyle. Object of study: rational nutrition of schoolchildren. Practical significance: every student can open a job and get acquainted with balanced nutrition.

“People ask the gods for health, but they don’t think about what is in their own power to preserve it.” Democritus. BC e.

Balanced nutrition is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. It ensures proper growth and formation of the body, helps maintain health, high performance and prolong life. Mastering school programs requires students to have high mental activity. A little person who joins the general system of knowledge not only does hard work, but also grows and develops, and for all this he must receive adequate nutrition.

Along with the main components of food - carbohydrates, fats and proteins - in the nutrition of schoolchildren it is necessary to provide for timely and complete replenishment of the body's needs for vitamins, microelements, biological fibers and water. Due to high mental activity and growth, schoolchildren's needs for vitamins and microelements are noticeably increased.

A lack of vitamins in food can lead to various diseases, referred to as vitamin deficiency, in which growth processes are disrupted, memory deteriorates and performance decreases. Vitamins should be consumed in strictly defined quantities. Consumption of a number of vitamins in large doses is just as undesirable as their lack of food.

Healthy eating is great learning! Occupational diseases of students - cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, gastric ulcer. Factors contributing to these diseases: Eating hastily; Dry food; Eating with long breaks; Eating smoked, fried, spicy, hot and cold foods; Chewing gum; Drinking alcohol, smoking.

Always oftensometimesnever How often do you eat vegetables and fruits? 6 people 3 people a __ __ Do you eat foods that contain chemicals? __ __ 9 people - Do you take any medications containing vitamins? 4 people a 4 people a 1 person – Do you have breakfast at home before school? 4 people and 1 person 3 people 1 person Meals for 4th grade students (9 people)

Popular wisdom Like food, so does life. Eat right - and you don't need medicine. Lunch without vegetables is a holiday without music. Greens on the table mean health for a hundred years. Buckwheat porridge is our mother. Onion - from seven ailments. Onion and bath rule everything. Bread and cabbage will not let a dashing person pass. Carrots add blood. Lemon juice is a juice of blessing. He who eats grapes drinks the condensed sun. The most accurate clock is the stomach. Shorten dinner - prolong life. Don't go to bed full - you'll wake up healthy. Eat your fill, work until you sweat. He who is greedy for food will end up in trouble. Eat fish and your legs will be quick. There are a thousand delicacies, but only one health.

Recommendations In nutrition, everything should be in moderation; Food should be varied; Food should be warm; Chew food thoroughly; There are vegetables and fruits; Eat 3-4 times a day; Don't eat before bed; Do not eat smoked, fried or spicy foods; Do not eat dry; Eat less sweets; Do not snack on chips, crackers, etc.;

References: S.N. Zagotova “Valeology. Schoolchildren's reference book." Rostov-on-Don, 1999 - p. 17 M.M. Bezrukikh, T.A. Filippova Conversation about proper nutrition." Moscow, 2002. V.V. Balabanova “Biology, ecology, healthy lifestyle.” Volgograd. “Teacher”, 2004 A.M. Prokhorov “New encyclopedic illustrated dictionary”. Moscow, 2001

Appendix Rational nutrition Rational nutrition is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. It ensures proper growth and formation of the body, helps maintain health, high performance and prolong life. Mastering school programs requires students to have high mental activity. A small person who joins the general system of knowledge not only does hard work, but also grows, develops, and for all this he must receive adequate nutrition

Intense mental activity is associated with significant energy expenditure. In humans, the brain makes up 2% of the total body weight and consumes approximately 20% of the total energy expended by the body at rest. In this case, the supply of nutrients to the brain is replenished due to the breakdown of glucose. A decrease in the content of glucose and oxygen in arterial blood below a certain level leads to a decrease in the intensity of cellular respiration and disruption of brain functions. This may be one of the reasons for a decrease in mental performance and a deterioration in the perception of educational material by students if the working day and meals at school are not organized correctly.

To prevent such undesirable developments, you should switch to “fractional” intake of carbohydrates, distributing most of their daily dose into intermediate meals during the school day (this could be fruit or specially prepared carbohydrate drinks, tea, coffee, various buns, cookies, sweets, etc.), which will ensure a constant supply of fresh portions of glucose into the blood and will stimulate increased mental activity in schoolchildren. It should be noted that rational nutrition of schoolchildren is not limited to “fractional” consumption of carbohydrates. Proper nutrition should ensure that the body receives all the necessary substances: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and microelements in the right quantities and in the right proportions.

In addition to simple sugars, which include glucose, complex forms of carbohydrates, such as starch, dextrins, fiber, etc., also enter the body with food. The total amount of carbohydrates required by schoolchildren for one day is from 300 to 400 g, or on average about 10 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight. The relative share of carbohydrates in the total energy expenditure of the body provided by food reaches % in schoolchildren. The second most important food component needed to meet the energy needs of schoolchildren is fats. They account for 20% to 30% of total daily energy expenditure. But fats are used not only for energy purposes, they are also a necessary element in the construction of cell membranes, enzymes and hormones, and serve as a medium for the dissolution of vitamins A, D, E, K.

Another important component of food is proteins. Their share in the daily diet of schoolchildren usually accounts for no more than 10-12% of the total amount of energy obtained from food. But the main purpose of proteins is not limited to meeting energy needs. Proteins are the main building material of our body, necessary for the growth and maintenance of the most important organs and tissues. With proper nutrition, schoolchildren should receive a set of amino acids that are part of proteins, since their lack in food leads to a weakening of the most important functions of the body and the development of painful conditions. To ensure the supply of amino acids in the required quantities and optimal ratios, the student’s food should be varied and contain proteins of both animal and plant origin. The main sources of protein in human nutrition are meat, milk, eggs, fish, as well as beans, nuts, grains and some vegetables. Proteins of animal origin are more useful for the growing body of schoolchildren, since the amino acid composition better meets its metabolic requirements.

Along with the main components of food - carbohydrates, fats and proteins - in the nutrition of schoolchildren it is necessary to provide for timely and complete replenishment of the body's needs for vitamins, microelements, biological fibers and water. Due to high mental activity and growth, schoolchildren's needs for vitamins and microelements are noticeably increased. A lack of vitamins in food can lead to various diseases, referred to as vitamin deficiency, in which growth processes are disrupted, memory deteriorates and performance decreases. Vitamins should be consumed in strictly defined quantities. Consumption of a number of vitamins in large doses is just as undesirable as their lack of food.

A special issue in the nutrition of schoolchildren is the use of so-called food additives in food preparation, which include preservatives (antimicrobial agents), antioxidants (antioxidants), mixers, stabilizers and dyes. These substances are added to food to give it the necessary consistency, taste and smell. But they are never consumed separately and are not an integral part of food. Many of the currently used food additives, such as salt, vinegar, gelatin, pepper, have been used for many centuries, they are known to everyone, and no one doubts their safety in cooking. In this area, dramatic changes for the better can only be achieved through the industrial preparation of standardized school breakfasts, as well as special foods and drinks that would meet the requirements of modern science of human nutrition.

1.2. Healthy eating is great learning! Food is a source of energy for humans, and its excess or deficiency is a problem. You need to learn from a young age to maintain the “golden” mean, avoiding overeating or undereating, otherwise you can develop serious illnesses. You must live in harmony with yourself and with the products around you! Pain is the body’s “signal” about a possible disease, and if you neglect this, then after a while you can get many serious chronic diseases. Occupational diseases of students - cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, gastric ulcer. Factors contributing to these diseases: Eating hastily; Dry food; Eating with long breaks; Eating smoked, fried, spicy, hot, cold food; Chewing gum; Drinking alcohol, smoking.

Irina Khitsenko
Design and research activities “The ABCs of proper nutrition”


Unfortunately, in our fast-paced age of new technologies, research and development, the problem of maintaining health is very acute. In recent years, negative processes have begun to threaten the health of the nation. Almost all indicators of health and social well-being have undergone a sharp deterioration. The physical development and health status of the younger generation are of particular concern. More than 60% of children aged 3-7 years have abnormal health conditions.

How to help a growing child realize his right to health and a happy life?

One of the ways to solve this problem is to organize work to cultivate a conscious attitude towards one’s health. Health and physical education are interconnected links in one chain. It is important and necessary to turn to the system of physical education of preschoolers in order to identify the main tasks and methods of raising a healthy child and the place, the role that was assigned to the preschooler himself in his own health improvement.

Health is a priceless gift; if you lose it in youth, you will not find it until old age. This is what folk wisdom says.

Many reasons are beyond our control and we cannot change anything.

But there is one, in my opinion, very important - this is the formation in preschool children of the need to preserve and strengthen their health.

To implement this direction, I developed the “ABC of Proper Nutrition” project.

Objective of the project

Formation of ideas in preschoolers about a healthy lifestyle, the ability to take care of their health.


1. Establish the relationship that health depends on proper nutrition (food should be not only tasty, but also healthy);

2. Clarify and enrich the knowledge of children and parents about the benefits of vitamins, how vitamins affect the human body;

3. Contribute to the creation of an active position of parents in the desire to eat healthy foods;

4. To instill in children and parents a correct attitude towards nutrition as an integral part of maintaining and strengthening their health.

Project stages

1st - preparatory: Study of popular science, methodological and fiction literature on this topic; select illustrated material and attributes for theatrical and cognitive activities of children; draw up a plan for working with children, select a card index of games on this problem; involve parents in joint work to foster a culture of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

2nd - main: Carrying out educational work with children, working with parents on this problem, equipping a subject-development environment.

3rd - final: Systematization of the work done.

Calendar and thematic planning

Joint activities of teacher and children

Conversations:“The benefits of vegetables and fruits”, “Lessons in proper nutrition”, “The benefits of dairy products”

Experimental activities:“What’s inside”, “Guess the taste”, “Transformations of milk”, “Why does an apple turn dark”;


“The ABCs of Healthy Eating”, “Cooking Duel”

Productive independent activity of children

Making posters about a healthy lifestyle; Still life drawing; Modeling from salt dough; Application from bulk products.

Working with parents

Baby book competition: “Vitamins from the garden”, “Healthy and harmful foods”, “Fruit treats”, “Riddles about foods”

Information booklets:“Nutrition for children in winter”, “How to diversify the children’s menu”, “Products for the protection of health”

Making a photo newspaper:"On guard of health"


1. Children have formed an idea of ​​the need to take care of their health, take good care of their body, an idea of ​​what is harmful and what is good for health, and how vitamins affect the human body.

2. Parents have an idea of ​​the basic principles of food hygiene, the need and importance of regular nutrition, and the most suitable dishes for preschoolers.

3. Parents paid attention to their children’s diet, changed their menu, making it more fortified and healthy.

4. In the process of implementing mini-projects with children, teachers expanded their knowledge about proper nutrition.

The most promising way to update the content of work on organizing proper nutrition is to create a unified information space for teaching the basics of healthy nutrition, creating motivation for it in both children and parents.

Publications on the topic:

Project "Garden on the Window" It is known that preschool age is a favorable period for the development of all aspects of speech, expansion and enrichment.

Abstract of the educational activity “Secrets of proper nutrition” (senior group) Goal: To form children’s ideas about proper nutrition and the benefits of vitamins for human health. Hod: Guys, today we got it.

No one knows or feels their child as well as parents. Their love and intuition, as well as family traditions, help to educate.

Design and research activities as the basis for the development of children’s cognitive interests Pedagogical experience. 1.1. The history of the topic of teaching experience in pedagogy and this educational institution. Increasing attention of modern.

Long-term planning for creating a culture of proper nutrition “Where is health born?” Month Topic Goals September Conversation “Where Health is Born.” Excursion to the kitchen block to show where food is prepared. Didactic.

Design and research activities in kindergarten. According to the program "From birth to school" MKDOU "Karachel Kindergarten" - branch of Galkinsky Kindergarten Project "Acquaintance with folk culture and traditions" Explanatory.

Let's get acquainted: my name is Sasha Podgaevskaya. This year I went to school. Now I am a student of 1st "A" class. I want to study well and actively participate in school and class activities. What is needed for this? You need to be healthy, because it’s not for nothing that they say: “If you’re healthy, you’ll get everything.” One of the rules for maintaining health is healthy eating. There is a proverb: “A man is what he eats.” This is how important food is in a person’s life.

In the summer, my grandmother read me Sergei Mikhalkov’s book “The Holiday of Disobedience.” The heroes of this book are junior schoolchildren who did not listen to their parents. The parents left the city out of despair, and the children were left alone. I advise children to read this book to find out how the independent life of the heroes of this story ended. What happened to children when they began to eat only those foods that they liked?

I decided to find out how primary schoolchildren should eat properly in order to be healthy and study well.

To do this I need to answer the following questions:

1.What does our food consist of?

2.What nutrients are contained in various foods and how do they affect the health of a child’s body?

3. Determine which foods are harmful to our health and which ones help us.

Let's imagine that primary schoolchildren will eat only those foods that they like.

My research was carried out in the following sequence:

1.Reading books about healthy food

2. Conversation with the head of the school canteen.

3. Conduct a survey in your class

4. Compare research results

Place research: home, school.

From books I learned that our food includes: water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, various mineral salts and vitamins. It is important that all these components are present in human nutrition. A deficiency or excess of one of them can lead to disruption in the development of the body. One day, the road to the mountain lodge was cut off by a snowfall. A caretaker was provided for everything, but there was a trifle missing - salt. But when three months later they managed to get to the hut, the watchman lay unconscious. And all this is due to the lack of salt. Many sea voyages ended in the death of the crew. Meanwhile, in the holds there were sacks of grain, barrels of lard, and only vegetables were missing. Hardy sailors suffered from a fatal disease - scurvy. More than a hundred years ago, in Russian villages in the spring, when supplies of meat and vegetables ran out, a widespread disease began - night blindness. Therefore, in order for the body to develop properly, nutrition must be varied. This is especially important for kids who have just started school. From a reference book on children's diet, I learned that at the age of 7-9 years, intensive growth of the whole organism occurs. All major systems are developing: musculoskeletal (especially the skeleton), muscle mass is increasing, cardiovascular and nervous systems,

A student simply needs to eat properly in order to receive the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins from food. For a child 7-10 years old, it is necessary to consume 80g of protein, 80g of fat, 324g of carbohydrates per day.

Squirrels are building materials for the construction of cells. The main manifestations of life are associated with them: the ability to grow, move, think, and protect themselves from pathogens. Most proteins are found in meat, fish and dairy products. Proteins are found in products of plant origin: beans, buckwheat porridge, nuts.

Fish is a source of complete, easily digestible protein. Scientific studies have confirmed that children who eat a lot of fish have good physical and mental health and rarely have problems with learning and behavior. Fish is a rich source of phosphorus (an important component of bone tissue that ensures its strength). Chum salmon, perch, and trout are especially rich in it. Fish is also rich in vitamin D, which makes phosphorus “work.” Fish is practically the only source of vitamin D; herring, salmon, and sardines are especially rich in it. It is useful to include fatty salted fish in a schoolchild's menu, since without heat treatment it retains vitamin D well. Fish improves immunity. Children who regularly eat sea fish are less likely to get colds. Fish is a source of fatty acids that improve attention, memory, and vision. I concluded that fish must be on a schoolchild’s menu.

Fats necessary for any person, they are the main source of energy. Without it, a person would not be able to work, study, or play sports.Fats contribute to the formation of subcutaneous fat, which regulates body temperature and helps the child survive cold or extreme heat.

Body fat is energy reserves that the body uses when it needs it. This is especially true for children who spend a lot of energy. Fats help the body resist disease. There is a lot of fat in oil. Butter and vegetable oil consist entirely of fats. Fats are also found in dairy products, meat, and fish. Fatty foods help the stomach better absorb vitamins. Fats are responsible for brain function. Healthy skin is the result of fats

Carbohydrates, Just like fats, they are a source of energy for our body. There are many of them in fruits, vegetables, berries, honey, bread, pasta, and cereals.

Vitamins are a vital component of a healthy diet. Vita means life in Latin. Most vitamins enter our body with plant foods.

Vitamin A: needed to strengthen vision. It can be found in carrots, lettuce, spinach, caviar, dairy and fermented milk products. At the beginning of school, a student’s eyes are exposed to heavy loads; they need to be supported. To do this, children must eat carrots, cabbage, and lettuce in the summer. This vitamin is also called growth vitamin. And children who want to grow up quickly should definitely eat carrots every day.

Vitamin B: with a lack of this vitamin, cracks, ulcers in the corners of the mouth, and peeling of the skin form. They can be found in bread, cereals, cottage cheese, cheese, and eggs.

Vitamin C is the most popular vitamin. If the body lacks this vitamin, the body ceases to resist colds and infectious diseases, immunity decreases. There is a lot of this vitamin in black currants, rose hips, oranges, and lemons.

Minerals that are very important for health are found in almost all foods. Cottage cheese is rich in calcium, which strengthens bones and teeth. Cottage cheese must be present in the diet of a primary school student, since children grow rapidly at this time.And a lack of calcium impairs the development of bones and the nervous system. We should not forget the importance of foods containing iodine. Everyone knows that we need iodine for mind, health, and growth. Seafood and fatty sea fish are rich in iodine. In school canteens, it is useful to add sea salt to cooked dishes.

Children, like growing flowers, need sufficient water for normal development. Water and fiber foods cleanse the intestines. Water is needed for running. Muscles are 70-75% water; even slight dehydration can lead to fatigue and slowness in a child. Water helps us think, since the brain consists of 70-75% water. A sufficient amount of fluid improves concentration, while its lack causes headaches. If a child weighs 25 kg, then he needs to drink 1.5 liters of liquid every day

Now I can conclude that in order to be healthy and study successfully, children must receive food that is nutritious in terms of nutritional content.

The first half of the day I am at school. The first time I have breakfast is at home, the second breakfast is at school. Some of my classmates who attend an extended day group have lunch at school. Therefore, I asked the head of the school canteen, Svetlana Aleksandrovna: “What products do they choose for preparing school breakfasts and lunches?” Svetlana Aleksandrovna told me that the diet of hot breakfasts and lunches is varied. These are porridges from various cereals, butter, eggs, cheese, meat cutlets, sausages, pasta, compotes, jelly, cocoa. Svetlana Aleksandrovna said that hot meals are especially important for schoolchildren. After all, many children do not have breakfast at home in the morning, which is harmful to their health. Therefore, the school strives to feed as many children as possible with hot food.

And indeed it is. I often observe how some students in our class refuse breakfast and eat kirieshki and chips. Such foods with a high salt content are harmful to baby food.

Sweet carbonated drinks that children drink instead of water are also harmful to the health of schoolchildren. Such drinks are called water stealers; they do not replenish water reserves, but deplete them. Substances found in carbonated drinks cause the kidneys to secrete water. From this I concluded that carbonated drinks are harmful to our health. My mother also read to me that carbonated drinks wash calcium from teeth and bones: this causes teeth to fall out and bones to become as fragile as a dry twig. Sugar, sweets, and chocolate in large quantities are harmful to a student’s health. There are also products that do not cause harm, but are not useful or necessary for health. This is white bread, buns, cakes. All healthy foods supply the body with energy so that you can move, play, exercise, help the body grow, and nourish it with vitamins. I used the information received about healthy and harmful products to compile a table in which all products would be designated, depending on their health benefits, with three traffic light colors. The green color of the traffic light corresponds to healthy products; yellow - foods that should be eaten with healthy food; red - those products that may harm your health.

I wanted to know if my classmates know what foods are good for a primary school student? What foods are harmful to health?

I created a questionnaire asking children to list their favorite foods. In the second part of the questionnaire, children chose from the proposed products the ones they would like to eat.

My observations were confirmed by the results of a survey of students in our class. Of the 25 children surveyed, only 7 people chose fish, and 8 people want to eat meat products. 18 students want to eat vegetables and fruits, berries. 17 students want to eat milk. Only 12 students chose cottage cheese for their diet. One student in our class considers buckwheat porridge his favorite food. 7 students in our class want to eat only chips, kirieshki, and Fanta.

The results of the survey, in accordance with the traffic light I compiled, look like this:

7 students do not break the rules - they choose healthy products;

11 students - choose products from all three columns;

7 students violate nutrition rules: they chose only unhealthy foods for their diet.

After doing the research, I found out which foods are good for me and which ones I should eat less often. I hope that if I tell the kids in our class about this, they will all choose proper nutrition for themselves. It’s good that we are talking about proper nutrition now, at the beginning of our school life.

A person needs to eat
To stand up and to sit down,
To grow and develop,
To jump, to tumble.
Sing songs, make friends, laugh.
To grow and develop
And at the same time not to get sick,
You need to eat right
From a very young age be able to.


    Favorite foods.

    Choice of food products by primary schoolchildren.



Pastry, cake

Fresh berries

Chips, kirieshki



Cottage cheese

Buns, fresh pastries


Pepsi-Cola, Fanta

Boiled meat, liver


Questionnaire for junior schoolchildren.

1Favorite foods.


2Choice of food products by primary schoolchildren.



Pastry, cake

Fresh berries

Chips, kirieshki



Cottage cheese

Buns, fresh pastries


Pepsi-Cola, Fanta

Boiled meat, liver

Starchaus Sergey

Research work on instrumental research methods. The role of proper and high-quality nutrition for a growing body.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

Basic secondary school No. 19 of the village of Aleksandronevskaya

Municipal formation Vyselkovsky district

Research work

on the topic of: Correct and high qualityschool meals –

guarantee of the health of children and adolescents.

Starchaus Sergey Sergeevich, 7th grade

head Starchaus Olga Vasilievna

teacher of chemistry and biology MBOU secondary school No. 19

Art. Alexandronevskaya



introduction 3

Chapter I. Review of information sources 4-8

Chapter II. Research methodology 9

Chapter III. Results and discussion 10

conclusions from the work "Correct and high qualityschool meals –


list of information sources used 14

applications 15


Relevance: A significant number of modern problems in the general education system are associated with the negative dynamics of the health of children and adolescents. Of particular concern is the very nature of the disorders, which are often the result of overstrain of the child’s body in the process of adaptation to the quality of the educational environment. Such disorders are called “school pathology.” Experts note that “school pathologies” manifest themselves in the development of the musculoskeletal, digestive, and cardiovascular systems, the growth of neuropsychiatric diseases, respiratory diseases, and vision. As a result, there is a general decrease in the level of psychological comfort in children and adolescents. And as a general manifestation - the negative dynamics of social activity, which manifests itself in inertia in educational and work activities, and often leads to inappropriate and even aggressive behavior. According to the World Health Organization, the number of children with deviations in development, health, behavior and in need of correctional assistance is constantly growing, today reaching 70% of the total number of schoolchildren in Russia. The prevalence rate of chronic pathology among students in grades 1-9 is 616.5 per 1000 students, but by grades 10-11 it is 976.0 per 1000 people. At the same time, diseases of the digestive system account for 9.5% percent. At the same time, there is an increase in the number of diseases associated with malnutrition: anemia by 2 times; obesity by 27.2%; gastritis and duodenitis by 15.5%; functional stomach disorders by 5.2 times. The health of schoolchildren, the processes of growth and development, and the level of morbidity are largely determined by the nature of nutrition, including school nutrition. The way out of this situation will be to switch schoolchildren to healthy, balanced, hot meals. Proper school nutrition is of particular importance given the fact that in recent years children have been spending more and more time at school with a very intensive nature of training, and the low socio-economic level of many families does not allow them to provide children with adequate nutrition. The relevance of the relationship between health indicators and hot meal coverage indicators is obvious.

Goal of the work: To find out whether conditions are being created that promote the health of schoolchildren at MBOU secondary school No. 19,Is the organization of healthy nutrition for children and adolescents a priority activity of our school?

Tasks: 1 .Get acquainted with the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and mineral salts for a child’s growing body.

2. Conduct research on the implementation of healthy and high-quality nutrition for students at MBOU secondary school No. 19.

3. Find out the meaning. the ongoing gubernatorial program. “Milk for Kuban children” to provide schoolchildren with complete and healthy nutrition.

4. Determine whether the organization of school meals for students in MBOU secondary school No. 19 meets sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

5. Draw a conclusion about the importance of healthy nutrition for the growth and development of children, using general scientific experimental methods - observation, questioning.

Practical significance:Healthy nutrition is nutrition that ensures the growth, normal development and vital activity of a child, promoting his health and preventing diseases. Only a healthy child is able to successfully and fully master the school curriculum.

Chapter I. Review of information sources

1. The needs of a growing child’s body for nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

A healthy diet is a diet balanced in the ratio of carbohydrates - proteins - fats, containing enough vitamins and minerals. The modern model of rational nutrition has the shape of a pyramid: products in it are arranged from base to top as their usefulness decreases.

(Annex 1).

The first brick of the food pyramid is grain

The base of the pyramid is formed by whole grain products, the importance of which is often underestimated and the content of which in our menu is usually insufficient. Admit it, how often do you eat porridge - buckwheat, oatmeal, wholemeal bread, durum wheat pasta? And there should be from 6 to 9 servings in your daily diet! 1 serving of grain products is 1 slice of whole grain bread or 1.5 cups of cooked pasta or 1.5 cups of cooked rice. Cereals (buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal) contain a lot of vitamins A and E, and the vitamins in them are not destroyed over time as intensively as in vegetables and fruits. Of course, a certain percentage of the population eats muesli for breakfast, but it is still worth thinking about bringing back such traditional dishes as porridge with various additives - mushrooms, pumpkin, turnips. It is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. Please note: this does not include sources of “empty” carbohydrates that are present in our diet: white bread, rolls, cakes.

The next level of the pyramid is vegetables and fruits (2 separate groups). There should be an average of 5 servings of vegetables in the daily diet. Fruits - from 3 to 5. 1 serving of fruit is 1 medium fruit (orange, apple) or 1 cup of chopped fruit, or 1.5 cups of juice, or 1 cup of dried fruit. As a source of vitamin C, a decoction of dried rose hips, leafy greens, red pepper, frozen black currants, citrus fruits and sauerkraut are recommended. When the immune system is weakened, it causes an exacerbation of various chronic diseases. So maintaining immunity is a top priority. It is very important to include bright yellow, orange and red vegetables and fruits (tomatoes, pumpkin, bell peppers) in your diet. They contain water-soluble beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, which is converted into fat-soluble vitamin A in the body. And drink freshly squeezed juices, not only fruit, but also vegetable! Please note: If fresh fruit is not available, purchase frozen mixed vegetables and fruits, as well as dried fruits.

Brick 4 of the food pyramid – meat

The diet must contain high protein foods containing essential amino acids: lean meat, poultry, fish. By the way, nutritionists include cottage cheese in the same group (and not in the group of dairy products). These foods should be consumed in 4 to 8 servings (1 serving: 30 g cooked meat, poultry or fish, 1 cup beans, peas or lentils, 1 egg or 2 whites, 30-60 g low-fat cheese, 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese). Meat contains iron, which is an immunomodulator, and B vitamins (mainly in pork). But sausages, small sausages, and boiled sausages are not included here - there is not much meat in them, but there is plenty of fat and calories! To get enough trace element selenium, eat seafood (a source of omega-3 and omega-6 acids). Please note: vitamins and microelements from different types of foods are absorbed at different rates.

Brick 5 of the food pyramid is milk.

Every day you should have dairy products on your table - a source of vitamins A and E. Fermented milk products containing live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which are necessary for the prevention of intestinal dysbiosis, will help support your immune system. There should be 2 servings of dairy products in the daily diet (1 serving - 1 cup of skim milk or low-fat yogurt, kefir). Please note: limit the intake of foods containing a lot of animal fats as a source of hidden fat (cheeses, ice cream, sour cream, fatty sauces, mayonnaise).

Brick 6 of the food pyramid is fat-containing, but not greasy.

And at the very top of the pyramid is a group of fat-containing foods, which includes nuts, animal and vegetable oils. The latter are a source of heart-healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids. Butter is included in this group, but its consumption should be limited.

1. A balanced diet includes carbohydrates, fats and proteins. If, for example, you consume less food containing carbohydrates, then proteins and fats will predominate in the body, which, when broken down, form harmful substances that can poison the body.
2. If you limit your protein intake, your immune system suffers, which immediately affects your health - endless colds, dry skin, brittle hair and nails. And weight loss occurs due to loss of muscle protein.
3. The body cannot live without fats either. They are needed for the liver. Fats in food should be no more than 25% of the daily food intake. Fats can be harmful and healthy. Try to stick to seafood and vegetable oils rather than fatty meats, milk and fried foods.
4. It is better to cook and stew food in order to retain the maximum amount of nutrients in it. Fried foods are not recommended for consumption.
You can also adhere to the “traffic light” principle. Green: allowed foods are wholemeal bread, cereals, fruits and vegetables. Yellow: can be consumed in small quantities - meat, fish, low-fat dairy products. Red: Foods to watch out for are sugar, oil and confectionery.
Unfortunately, at work we most often snack on sweets or fatty, salty foods, like chips. This is harmful to both digestion and appearance. It is better to contact an office lunch delivery company and order healthy meals.
But you can’t constantly limit yourself to prohibited foods?
For example, caviar. A little bit of it can be consumed and even beneficial. Caviar contains easily digestible protein, fats, minerals and vitamins. But caviar contains a sufficient amount of cholesterol, despite this, almost all of it is compensated by the lecithin it contains, which is extremely important for the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, you can consume caviar, but within reasonable limits.
Healthy foods include fish and seafood. Fish protein is well absorbed by the body; our cells are built from it. Some fish, such as salmon and herring, contain fatty acids that burn excess fat. Any fish contains a lot of vitamins and microelements. Good chefs know a lot of ways to prepare delicious fish dishes. Browse the lunch delivery company's menu and you're sure to find some great fish dishes.
Vegetables prolong life. Vegetables contain fiber, which plays an important role in normalizing digestion processes. And our health depends on it. Vegetables are a source of vitamins C, A, organic acids, minerals, and essential oils. Almost all vegetables contain potassium salts and microelements, such as iron, magnesium, zinc and others, necessary for the body to function.
Fruits. Everyone knows that fruits are healthy. But not everyone knows why. They contain carbohydrates. Apricots, peaches and cherries contain a lot of glucose and sucrose. Pears and apples contain fructose. All fruits contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. Bananas, peaches and apricots contain high amounts of potassium, which is essential for the heart and helps regulate heart rate. Bananas restore strength after exercise.
And don’t forget to always stick to these foods and implement them into your lifestyle to stay healthy and energetic.

2 . One of the most important tasks of the school in accordance with the goals of modern education reform in Russia is to preserve and strengthen the health of students.
This work is a priority activity of our school and is aimed at creating a culture and organizing healthy nutrition for children at school and in the family. Healthy nutrition is nutrition that ensures the growth, normal development and vital activity of a child, promoting his health and preventing diseases. Only a healthy child is able to successfully and fully master the school curriculum. During a school day lasting 5-6 hours, a student spends about 600 kcal, i.e., more than a quarter of energy expenditure per day. The child’s body, even at rest, consumes energy. With muscular and mental work, metabolism increases. Energy expenditure varies depending on the age of the children. The body of schoolchildren aged 7-10 years spends an average of 2300 kcal per day. This energy can only be replenished through nutrition. For food to bring maximum benefit, it must contain all the substances that make up our body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins and water. Most vitamins are not produced in the body but must be obtained from food.
Changing stereotypes in cultural traditions and food habits is only possible through the joint activities of organizations providing school meals, teaching staff, and families. A school catering enterprise is a canteen at the place of study - a school canteen designed to provide mass-market products (breakfasts, lunches) to students this school. However, there are a number of reasons why not all children eat in the school canteen: - some schoolchildren do not like set menus, where a certain set of dishes is imposed, which may not always be to their taste; - they may not like the quality of cooking or their registration; - some children need dietary nutrition due to certain diseases; - they simply have a sweet tooth; instead of a hot breakfast or lunch, they will spend a significant amount on chocolates in the buffet, without thinking about the benefits of hot meals
. Recommended range of food products for sale in school cafeterias. NThis document was developed in accordance with the Concept of state policy in the field of healthy nutrition of the population of the Russian Federation, indicating that the organization of nutrition for schoolchildren is among the priority areas of activity of health authorities, the state sanitary and epidemiological service and educational authorities, as well as in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation and the order Head of the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare No. 54 dated February 27, 2007 “On measures to improve sanitary and epidemiological supervision of catering in educational institutions.” The sale of products through school buffets is, along with hot school breakfasts and lunches, one of the most important factors in meeting children’s individual needs for basic nutrients and energy in conditions of free choice and serves as a significant addition to the developed school breakfast and lunch menus.

3. Since November 2012, on the initiative of the Governor of the Krasnodar Territory A.N. Tkachev, in order to improve the health and quality of nutrition, schoolchildren of the Krasnodar Territory receive milk. The milk is supplied in aseptic packaging; a tetra-pack cardboard bag protects the product from light and is absolutely sealed, therefore helping to preserve its beneficial properties.The “School Milk” program - as an additional source of calcium, so necessary for a growing child’s body.

4. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2008 No. 45 “On approval of SanPiN” approves SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of meals for students in general educational institutions, primary and secondary vocational institutions Education" and puts these sanitary rules into effect on October 1, 2008.

SanPiN was first developed and aimed at ensuring the health of students and preventing the occurrence and spread of infectious (and non-infectious) diseases and food poisoning associated with catering in educational institutions, including schools, boarding schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, cadet corps and other types, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education.

This document establishes sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of meals for students in educational institutions and contains requirements for the sanitary and technical support of catering organizations of educational institutions, their placement, space-planning and design solutions, for the organization of healthy nutrition and the formation of a sample menu, the organization of services for students hot meals, to the conditions and technology of manufacturing culinary products, to the prevention of vitamin and microelement deficiency, to the organization of drinking regime, to the organization of meals in small educational institutions, to the working conditions of personnel. (Appendix 3)

5. The importance of healthy nutrition for the growth and development of children.

Nutrition provides the basic vital functions of the body. These primarily include growth and development, as well as continuous tissue renewal (the plastic role of food). Food supplies the energy necessary for all internal processes of the body, as well as for external work and movement. Finally, with food a person receives substances that are necessary for the synthesis of compounds that play the role of regulators and biological catalysts: hormones and enzymes.
Therefore, the main requirement for nutrition is that the quantity and quality of food meet the needs of the body.
We highlight the basic principles of rational nutrition:

3. A balanced ratio of nutrients in the diet (proteins, fats, carbohydrates).
4. Variety of food products used (wide range, including vegetables, fruits, berries, various greens).
5. Correct culinary and technological processing of products in order to preserve biological and nutritional value.
The child’s body, even at rest, consumes energy. With muscular and mental work, metabolism increases. Energy consumption varies depending on the age of the children. This energy can only be replenished through nutrition. For food to bring maximum benefit, it must contain all the substances that make up our body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and water. The most important component of nutrition is proteins. The most important sources of protein are the following products: meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, bread, potatoes, soybeans, peas. Insufficient intake of fat into the body can lead to disruption of the central nervous system, weakening of immunobiological mechanisms, changes in the kidneys, skin, and visual organs . Fats are found in sufficient quantities in foods such as eggs, liver, meat, lard, fish, and milk. For baby food, butter is a very good source of fat. Vegetable fats are also valuable. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. People engaged in mental or light physical work require a small amount of carbohydrates; When performing significant physical work and playing sports, the need for carbohydrates increases. People who are prone to obesity can reduce the amount of carbohydrates in their diets without much harm to their health. The richest carbohydrates are plant foods: bread, cereals, pasta, potatoes. Sugar is a pure carbohydrate. Vitamins are substances that are absolutely necessary for the body in minimal quantities to maintain life. A long-term lack of vitamins in the diet leads to vitamin deficiency, but hypovitaminosis, the development of which is associated with a lack of vitamins in food, is more common; this is especially noticeable during the winter and spring months. Most hypovitaminosis is characterized by common symptoms: increased fatigue, weakness, apathy, decreased performance, decreased body resistance. The human body also needs a systematic supply of mineral salts. Among them are salts of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, which are considered microelements, since they are needed daily in relatively large quantities, and iron, zinc, manganese, chromium, iodine, fluorine, which are needed in very small quantities . Berries. Fruits and vegetables are sources of many important substances for the body: vitamins, especially vitamin C, mineral salts. The need of a child’s body for water is higher than that of an adult, since cell growth is possible only in the presence of water. An adult needs 40 ml of water per day per 1 kg of body weight, and a child 6-7 years old needs 60 ml. Therefore, the diet should be designed so that the child receives one liquid dish at each meal. Thus, the more varied the diet is, the wider range of food products it includes, the more likely it is that the body will receive everything it needs. substances. When preparing food, it is very important to take into account the type of culinary and technological processing of products. The most gentle, preserving valuable substances, are such processing methods as boiling without draining, poaching and sauteing for plant products, boiling and stewing for meat, baking for dairy and fish products. For the normal development of children's bodies, the correct diet is of great importance. The concept of “diet regimen” includes regularity of meals, frequency of meals, distribution of the daily ration according to energy value, chemical composition, food set and weight into separate meals. If a child is accustomed to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at a certain time, then by this time he will develop an appetite , as the body begins to secrete food juices. Failure to comply with the diet can be the cause of many diseases, the consequences of which do not always appear immediately. It is harmful if children “intercept” a piece of bread, pie, cutlet, etc. on the go. The main food is then eaten without pleasure and in smaller quantities than necessary. Violation of the diet can lead to a complete lack of appetite and indigestion. The number of meals is set depending on the age and daily routine of the students. For younger schoolchildren, 4 meals a day are recommended, and 5 meals a day are also possible. In the morning, the child’s body intensively consumes energy, since at this time it works most actively. In this regard, breakfast should contain a sufficient amount of nutrients and include hot meat, cereals, vegetables, cottage cheese or eggs, as well as milk, coffee or tea with bread and butter. Lunch should consist of two or three dishes: borscht with a side dish and compote or jelly, fruit. For afternoon tea and second breakfast, fruits, juices, milk or kefir with light snacks are excellent. Dinner is recommended 1.5 - 2 hours before bedtime; it should mainly include light cereal or vegetable dishes with butter, milk or yogurt. Before going to bed, it is not recommended to eat foods containing a lot of proteins, as they have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, increase the body’s activity and linger in the stomach for a long time. At the same time, children sleep restlessly and do not have time to rest during the night.

Chapter II. Research methodology

The use of a number of methods allows for a comprehensive study of the problem under study, all its aspects and parameters. To carry out research work, I used such experimental general scientific methods as observation and questioning.Observation is a purposeful perception of a phenomenon, during which the researcher receives specific factual material. At the same time, records (protocols) of observations are kept. Observation is usually carried out according to a pre-planned plan, highlighting specific objects of observation.
The following stages of observation can be distinguished:
- determination of tasks and goals (why, for what purpose is the observation being carried out);
- choice of object, subject and situation (what to observe);
- choosing an observation method that has the least impact on the object under study and most ensures the collection of the necessary information (how to observe);
- choice of methods for recording what is observed (how to keep records);
- processing and interpretation of the information received (what is the result).
A distinction is made between included observation, when the researcher becomes a member of the group in which the observation is being conducted, and non-involved observation - “from the outside”; open and hidden (incognito); continuous and selective.
Observation is a very accessible method, but it has its drawbacks due to the fact that the results of observation are influenced by the personal characteristics (attitudes, interests, mental states) of the researcher.
Survey methods - conversation, interview, questionnaire. A conversation is an independent or additional research method used to obtain the necessary information or clarify what was not clear enough during observation. The conversation is conducted according to a pre-planned plan, highlighting issues that require clarification. It is conducted in free form without recording the interlocutor’s answers. A type of conversation is interviewing. When interviewing, the researcher adheres to pre-planned questions asked in a certain sequence. During the interview, responses are recorded openly.
Questioning is a method of mass collection of material using a questionnaire. Those to whom the questionnaires are addressed provide written answers to the questions. Conversations and interviews are called face-to-face surveys, while questionnaires are called correspondence surveys.
The effectiveness of conversations, interviews and questionnaires largely depends on the content and structure of the questions asked. The conversation plan, interview and questionnaire are a list of questions (questionnaire). Designing a questionnaire involves determining the nature of the information to be obtained; formulating an approximate series of questions that should be asked; drawing up the first plan of the questionnaire and its preliminary testing through a pilot study; correction of the questionnaire and its final editing.
Questioning as a research method allows you to obtain in a short period of time the maximum possible amount of information about any product, find out public opinions on certain issues and in other similar cases. As is clear from the name of the method itself, it is based on the main means that records all survey data, that is, questionnaires. If you turn to an explanatory dictionary for help, you can get the following definition of this word: a questionnaire is a set of questions (necessarily interrelated), to each of which the interviewee (respondent) must give a clear answer. Questions in questionnaires may require precise answers (mathematical) or expressing a specific opinion (sociological and psychological). Based on these answers, they draw appropriate conclusions on the problem of interest to them. Firstly, the purpose of the study should be correlated with the total number and content of questions in the questionnaire in order to be able to analyze the results of the questionnaire.

Chapter III. Results and its discussion

Thus, nutrition is the most important environmental factor affecting the state of a growing organism and its development. For the proper functioning of a growing organism, it is necessary that nutrition be rational, correct, and physiologically complete. This means that both in quantity and in its qualitative composition, food must meet the physiological requirements of the student’s body.

The results of the study showed:A healthy diet is a diet balanced in the ratio of carbohydrates - proteins - fats, containing enough vitamins and minerals(Appendix 1-3). At MBOU secondary school No. 19, the basic principles of rational nutrition are followed: a 10-day balanced menu (Appendix 4).

In MBOUOOSH No. 19 The governor’s program “Milk for Kuban Children” is being implemented.It contains all the nutrients a person needs; milk protein is absorbed by the child’s body better than meat protein. Milk also contains fats, lactose (milk sugar), calcium and all known vitamins and enzymes. Milk is especially rich in vitamins B and D. It is also rich in potassium, phosphorus, iodine, and zinc.Students enjoy using it, as it is also safe for health.

ABOUT The organization of nutrition at school is aimed at ensuring the health of students and preventing the occurrence and spread of infectious (and non-infectious) diseases and food poisoning. The food is healthy, high quality and nutritious. All SanPin standards are observed.

Having conducted a survey of students at our school using a questionnaire (Appendix 5), I concluded: the vast majority of school students know about the benefits of proper and high-quality school meals as a guarantee of their health, and in addition, they think that it is also delicious! They know that the most valuable thing we have is health. You can’t buy it, you have to take care of it from a young age. That’s why our school has such a high percentage of hot meals (80%), and in the future we can reach 100% of the result. Work is underway with the remaining 20%. School students are active, physically, mentally and spiritually, participating in competitions, Olympiads, and extracurricular activities.

Conclusions from the work "Correct and high qualityschool meals –

guarantee of the health of children and adolescents.”

Table 1.



1. Get acquainted with the necessary nutrients, vitamins, mineral salts for a child’s growing body

A healthy diet is a diet balanced in the ratio of carbohydrates - proteins - fats, containing enough vitamins and minerals, as well as high-quality products. The daily diet of schoolchildren should include nutrients (nutrients) in a balanced form. This is ensured by an optimal ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and essential components such as amino acids, vitamins, sometimes supplemented with pure (essential) components.

2. Conduct research on the implementation of healthy and high-quality nutrition for students at MBOU secondary school No. 19.

In the 2014-2015 academic year, the coverage of children with hot meals in MBOU secondary school No. 19 was at least 80% of the payroll. For

3. Organized educational and outreach work on healthy eating issues.

At MBOU secondary school No. 19, the basic principles of rational nutrition are followed:
1. Correspondence of the calorie content of the diet to daily energy expenditure.
2. Correspondence of the chemical composition, calorie content and volume of the diet to the age needs and characteristics of the body.
3. Balanced ratio of nutrients in the diet (proteins, fats, carbohydrates).4. Variety of food products used (wide range, including vegetables, fruits, berries, various greens).5. Proper culinary and technological processing of products in order to preserve biological and nutritional value.

The proof of this is the menu (Appendix 4)
Improving appetite and digestion of food is facilitated by beautiful presentation of dishes and table setting. The temperature of food should not be too high or low, which is fully observed at school.

3. Find out the meaning. the ongoing gubernatorial program. “Milk for Kuban children” to provide schoolchildren with complete (healthy) nutrition.

In MBOUOOSH No. 19 The governor's program “Milk for Kuban Children” is being implemented.Milk is tasty and nutritious. Milk is supplied in aseptic packaging; a tetra-pack cardboard bag protects the product from light and is absolutely sealed, therefore helping to preserve the beneficial properties of milk. “School milk” is produced only from fresh, natural cow’s milk of the highest quality. Ultra-pasteurization allows you to destroy harmful microbes and preservemilk fresh and tasty, extend the shelf life of the product. Why milk? The composition of milk is unique. It contains all the nutrients a person needs; milk protein is absorbed by the child’s body better than meat protein. Milk also contains fats, lactose (milk sugar), calcium and all known vitamins and enzymes. Milk is especially rich in vitamins B and D. It is also rich in potassium, phosphorus, iodine, and zinc.

4. Determine whether the organization of school meals for students at MBOU secondary school No. 19 meets sanitary and epidemiological requirements and the quality of food products.

As a result of a thorough study of regulations(SanPiN, observations, I came to the conclusion that the organization of nutrition in our school is aimed at ensuring the health of students and preventing the occurrence and spread of infectious (and non-infectious) diseases and food poisoning. The food is healthy, high quality and nutritious. ForTo create a system of high-quality healthy nutrition, our school has accomplished the following:

1. Brought the material and technical base of the power supply unit, which ensures the school nutrition process, in accordance with modern developments and technologies;

2. Ensured the quality, accessibility and variety of school meals;

5.Draw a conclusion about the importance of healthy nutrition for the growth and development of children, using general scientific experimental methods - observation, questioning.

I conducted a diagnostic of our school students’ ideas about proper and quality nutrition. Children were asked to answer 6 questions:

1. How many times a day do you eat?

2. Do you eat your first course every day?

3. Do you eat fresh vegetables (fruits) every day?

4. What products do you like the most?

5.Do you like the food in the school canteen?

6. In your opinion, is school nutrition correct, of high quality, and rational?

After processing the results, I came to the conclusion that children generally eat 3 times a day, only 36% eat the first course every day, and not everyone has fresh vegetables and fruits in their diet every day. School meals fill these gaps. They like the food at our school. In MBOU secondary school No. 19Much attention is paid to organizing educational work on healthy and high-quality nutrition.

It is gratifying to note that all the children consciously chose nutritious hot meals. The students concluded that not everything that is tasty is healthy, that nutrition should be balanced and food should be taken at a certain time (follow a diet). And don't worry about the quality of the products.

Therefore, when answering the question: “In your opinion, is school nutrition correct, of high quality, and rational?” answered in the affirmative.In the future, the organization of rational nutrition for schoolchildren at MBOU secondary school No. 19 will allow:
- improve the health status of schoolchildren;
- reduce cases of obesity, dystrophy and other diet-related diseases, and in the long term - improve reproductive health;
- reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular, endocrine, gastrointestinal diseases during school and throughout life;
- improve student performance;
- increase their general cultural level.

List of information sources used

1. Borovskaya E.I. Healthy nutrition for schoolchildren: M. “Eksmo”, 2010.-328 p.

2. Voronina G.A. Physiology and food hygiene: Guidelines for students and teachers. – Kirov: VSPU, 2006. - 41 p.

3. Baby food - M.: ZAO Tsentrpoligraf, 2010.

4. Illustrated encyclopedia for schoolchildren - M.:AST: Astrel, 2011.-176p.

5. A book about healthy eating - the best recipes - M.: LLC TD "Publishing House World of Books", 2010-224s

6. Resolution No. 45 of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2008 on the approval of SanPin

7. Student's Handbook. 1-4 “About healthy eating.” –M.:AST-PRESS BOOK, 2011.-234 p.

Internet resources


2. http://www.e-mama.ru/freed:nd/527.html

RESEARCH WORK ON THE TOPIC: HEALTHY FOOD FOR TEENAGERS. Presentation by Maria Shishkina, 9th grade. With the support of Tatyana Igorevna Sinitskaya and Yulia Shamshina

OBJECTIVES OF THE WORK: Find out what teenagers eat nowadays, their preferences. What proper balanced and tasty nutrition should teenagers have?

RESEARCH PLAN. 1. What do teenagers eat? 2. Preferences of teenagers. 3. Proper balanced nutrition related to the preferences of adolescents. 4. Study the diet in the canteen of the Federal Children's Center "Smena" 5. Conclusion about proper nutrition.

CHAPTER 1. PROBLEMS IN MODERN NUTRITION OF ADOLESCENTS. According to experts, in the diet of teenagers there is too much food that is not intended for constant consumption - chips, chocolate, cookies. Every fifth teenager may not receive fruits and vegetables for weeks, content with fast food and breakfast cereals. Children from the age of seven become sedentary. Most teenagers consume too much salt in their diet and abuse vitamin and mineral supplements. More than half of teenagers over 15 years old drink alcohol at least once a week. Such nutrition in the future leads to diseases such as intestinal cancer, obesity, gastritis, ulcers, metabolic disorders and liver diseases.

CHAPTER 2. PREFERENCES OF TEENAGERS ü We compiled a survey: “What do you most often buy in a store?” ü The majority buys sweets - various cookies, croissants, rolls, snacks, candies; ü The next most popular purchases are ice cream and sweet carbonated water; ü In third place are Rollton and his “comrades”; ü Some guys buy chewing gum; ü There are adherents of a healthy diet who buy kefir!

Row 1 70 60 50 40 Row 1 30 20 10 0 sweets ice cream soups and cereals and water b. p kefir chewing gum THE DIAGRAM SEEES THAT HEALTHY FOOD IS IN LESS...

CHAPTER 3. PROPER NUTRITION. Rational nutrition is a properly organized, quantitatively and qualitatively balanced diet that ensures proper growth and development of the body.

Food is one of the sources of energy and “building material” for the body, however, the factor of enjoying food is also important in human nutrition. Food contains the components necessary to maintain life: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins. but, as it turns out, not everyone likes the food in the canteen

FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ARE A SOURCE OF VITAMINS. Each person should eat at least 106 kg of a variety of fruits per year, which is almost 9 kg per month! The benefits of vegetables and fruits lie in their ability to prevent disease and maintain health over time. They are a valuable source of fiber, minerals and vitamins, especially the antioxidants beta-carotene and vitamin C, which protect cells from aging and disease.

RECOMMENDED ENERGY CONSUMPTION VALUES (KCAL/DAY) Daily calorie content of dishes in the canteen of the Federal Children's Center "Smena" September 3 - 3414 kcal September 4 - 2767 kcal September 5 - 2413 kcal September 6 - 3059 kcal September 7 - 3165 kcal Age, years calorie content 11 - 13 (girls) 2450 11 -13 (boys) 2700 14 -17 (girls) 2600 14 -17 (boys) 2900

As can be seen from the last two slides, the norm of daily consumption of kcal. was not violated and even sometimes exceeded the norm, but the vacationers were still not full during the day. Why? There are 3 reasons 1. malnutrition. (not eating all the dishes offered) 2. too long a break between meals 3. Increased physical activity throughout the day

PROBLEM ONE. On one day, out of 160 people, 70 did not pour porridge, that is, 44% of 110 people did not pour soup - 64, that is, 58%.

PROBLEM THREE Increased physical activity increases the daily requirement required for the body, therefore you need to consume more food, and this was not always provided for in the canteen

BALANCED NUTRITION FOR ADOLESCENTS. FOR EXAMPLE: Breakfast Lunch Dinner Dream Interpretation Milk porridge, chicken dish/sausage with side dish, egg, bread, butter, cheese, coffee/cocoa Soup, vegetable salad/vinaigrette with sausage, meat or fish dish with side dish, compote, apple/pear Appetizer, meat/fish dish with side dish, cottage cheese dish/pancakes/dumplings, tea, juice, pastries/cookies/gingerbread

FOOD RULES. Eat a variety of foods, including foods from different food groups. Eat small portions of food. Eat regularly. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Limit your intake of fat, table salt and sweets.

CONCLUSIONS: For a growing body, balanced nutrition is extremely important; The diet should be balanced depending on age, gender, nature of activity, and amount of physical activity.