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Spelling of prefixes pre- and pr. The use of prefixes “pre-” and “at”

PRE- or PR – it’s not a secret at all

Spelling of prefixes

Lesson objectives:

1) create conditions for showing interest in the topic of the lesson;

2) ensure the research nature of educational activities: observation, comparison, generalization;

3) promote independent work of students with different dictionaries, manuals, textbooks;

4) teach students to distinguish words that are close in sound but different in meaning;

5) enrich the vocabulary of high school students, paying attention to the meaning and spelling of borrowed and native Russian words.


I. Poetic warm-up.

Exercise. Read the poem by heart; explain the spellings in the prefixes; Find examples of artistic tropes in the text. Prepare a poem for writing from memory.

(Don’t) be addicted to miracles –
Watch them, watch them!
(Don't) turn to heaven,
Keep your eyes on them,
Look at the regions,
Listen to the birds
Go to your relatives, -
Nothing (will) happen again.

(V. Shefner)

II. Vocabulary and spelling warm-up.

Exercise 1. Write down in the dictionary the words in which pre- And at- are not prefixes and their spelling cannot be explained by learned rules. Mark the words whose meanings you do not understand.

At-: reason, example, hello, diligent, adventure, nature, privilege (exclusive right), priority (primacy), primitive (simple, uncomplicated), prima donna (actress in the leading roles), fastidious (a person is too picky, with whims and caprices), compulsion.

Pre-: presidium, president, premiere, preparation, claim, contender, prevail (prevail), present (donate), prestige (authority), legend, stumbling block (interference).

Task 2. Determine the lexical meaning of words. Give examples by including words in phrases or sentences; if necessary, refer to L.P.’s dictionary. Krysina: Explanatory dictionary of foreign words. M.: EKSMO, 2005. Mark the words whose meaning you do not understand.

Dissect– prepare any organism or substance for scientific laboratory research;

preamble– introductory, explanatory part of an international treaty, law or other legal act;

presentation– public presentation of the created film, printed publication, enterprise, etc.;

preventive- warning something, protective;

privilege– pre-emptive right, preference.

Task 3. Determine the lexical meaning of phraseological units; if necessary, refer to the “Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language”, ed. A.I. Molotkov. If you can, give your own examples, including phraseological units.

I didn't like it– don’t like, be unpleasant to someone, cause irritation, annoyance.

Uncle Beltov did not like life in St. Petersburg, and he settled in Moscow. (A. Herzen)

Hold your tongue- talk less, chat, reason, keep quiet, shut up.

“You, Markusha, hold your tongue.” I'm the ones[= you] I won't let you lie!(M. Gorky)

Bite your tongue- shut up, refrain from speaking.

Then Ivan Ignatievich noticed that he had let it slip and bit his tongue.(A. Pushkin)

Consign (to) fire and sword- mercilessly devastate, destroying and burning. About the land, country, people.

Turn (turn) into hearing- listen attentively.

- Do you want to tell me something? - Yes. - Okay, I've turned into a rumor.

Task 4. Find synonyms with prefixes for these words pre-, pre-, pre-.

Limitless (limitless), future (upcoming), unfair (biased), exemplary (approximate), sad (regrettable), continuous (continuous).

Edge (limit), spectacle (performance), treason (betrayal), offense (crime), inclination to any activity, talent (vocation), refuge (haven), follower (adherent).

To get, buy (acquire), block (block), finish (stop), interfere (obstruct), be (stay), drive up to the station (arrive), please (like), overcome (overcome), highly praise (extol), devotion (affection), surpass (exceed), cuddle (cling), attract (attract), foreshadow (predict).

Task 5. Replace phrases with synonymous constructions with pre- And at-.

To act treacherously (treacherously), to treat unfairly (biased), to pass freely (unhindered), to go in a continuous stream (continuous), to be at a meeting (to be present), to treat without respect (with disdain), to break fidelity (to betray).

Task 6. Choose antonyms with prefixes pre- And at-, make sentences with them.

Move away (get closer); very little (very much); add (add); very evil (pre-kind); respect (despise); move away (bring closer); ugly (beautiful); subsequent (previous).

III. Updating previously acquired knowledge.

Remember the meanings of the prefixes, compare columns A and B.

A. Meaning of the prefix pre- B. Meaning of the prefix at-
1.The highest degree of quality or action, “very”: good, most skillful, wonderful, prosper.

2. Value close to the value of the prefix re-: cessation, crime, stop, overcome, transformation.

3. Something new resulting from change, transformation

1. Accession, addition: sew; communion; involved.

2. Approximation: come, move.

3. Proximity to something: suburb, coastal.

4. Incomplete quality or action: open, suspend, hide, fancy, fastidious.

5. Bringing the action to completion: cook, come up with.

6. Related action: whistle, stamp.

7. Adaptation to something: pretense, addiction, habit, get used to, get used to

Exercise 1. Make up phrases with these words. Select the value of the prefix from the previous list, write it down in the table, indicating the number.

For example: a passing phenomenon – A2.

Task 2. Mark and remember the words where it is difficult to identify the prefix, as well as determine its meaning. Write down words of foreign language origin separately.

Obstacle, obstacles, hell, sin, neglect, contradict, bicker, throne, perverted, notorious, deceive, advanced, repose, persecute, teacher, present, limit, convey, reverend, adulterer, stumbling block, grovel, dissect, preamble, prelude , premiere, prestige, president, claim, prerogative, prevail, presidium, contender, precedent, prefect... Joke, fastidious, handsome, device, decency, decent, boring, order, adventure, take a nap, oath, oppress, hangout, reason, quirk, claim, nature, example, hairstyle, regrettably, freedom, trailer, sign, follower, diligent, pleasant, private, primates, primitive, prima donna, privilege, priority...

IV. Practical work.

Exercise 1. Compose a text (no more than 10 sentences). Give it a title. Use words with prefixes pre-, pre-.

Task 2. Form nouns from these verbs and create phrases with them.

Sample. Get closer – spring is approaching.

Transform, join, touch, teach, force, welcome, land, hinder, transform, bicker, stop, pursue, overcome, neglect, try on.

Task 3. Sort out the words according to their composition.

Extol, redistribute, inviolable, surpass, overcome, overflowing, joined, impartial, unceasing, uninterrupted, unadapted, prejudice, intended, predawn, contact, assumption, continuous, unyielding, impregnable, implacable, boundless, unstoppable, impervious, satiation.

Task 4. Replace words with a prefix pre- similar words with the prefix re- and make up phrases.

Sample: overcome - to overcome oneself, to transform - a revolution.

Endure, criminal, betray, satiety, tradition, interrupt, stop, limit, incessantly, transform, exceed, transient, transform, surpass, predominance, do not stop.

Task 5. For these verbs, select the same root nouns, adjectives, adverbs (where possible) so that they retain prefixes pre- And at-. Make up a phrase with each word.

Sample: greet - send greetings, a friendly person, greet warmly, a solemn greeting.

Interrupt, call, hinder, attract, neglect, bow, transgress, force, transform, despise, land, reconcile, do not interrupt, betray.

Task 6. Sometimes prefixes are mixed pre- And at- with a pretext at. Open the brackets, indicate prepositions and prefixes.

1) Pavel served in the (at) station buffet. (At) the station buffet there was a cupboard. 2) People dreamed of (transforming) nature. (When) a new substance is formed, the temperature drops sharply. 3) It was an unexpected (transformation). (When) the ball rotates, the thread is stretched. 4) The photographs were developed (under) red light. We rested in a (beautiful) holiday home. 5) Everything happened (under) strange circumstances. He was a (very) strange man.

Make up similar pairs of sentences with the words:

when enlarged - exaggeration; if interesting - very interesting; with the following - pursuing; with the wise - wise; for road – roadside; for front-line - front-line; at the estate - homestead.

Task 7. Remember the names of words that are pronounced the same but spelled differently depending on their meaning (homonyms). Find a homonymous pair. Fill in the 2nd column of the table (see words for reference).

Come up with and write sentences with these words.

Words for reference: arrive (arrive), add (add), chapel (side altar in a church), receiver (apparatus), proceed (begin), pretend (cover), pretend (take on a different appearance), bow down (approaching something), gatekeeper (watchman), get used to (get used to), coming (coming for a while).

V. Explanatory cheating.

Exercise 1. Insert the missing letters.

Don’t ignore the twists and turns of fate: everything passes. The claims and claims of the candidate for the post of the candidate are unprecedented. The stumbling block seemed to him to be the fastidiousness of the young lady, from whom he had suffered a lot. Passionately and relentlessly overcome obstacles and obstacles.

Un_passionate, pr_strange, pr_gatekeeper, pr_endure, pr_close, pr_succeed, pr_zent, pr_mier, pr_mer, pr_put, pr_presented, pr_put, pr_stav, pr_vatization, pr_merivat, pr_reconcile, pr_serve, pr_conduct, pr_unpleasant, pr_vi legions, advantages, pr_raise, pr_whisper, pr_em, pr_n_rovit, greatly reduce, slightly reduce, increase, multiply, pro_decorate, indecency, hostility, pr_close, pr_raise, pr_offer, pr_raise, primitively, adventure, sin, underworld, misdemeanor, neglect, refuge, pr_kaz, pr_stizh, pr_predity, pr_kaz, pr_pretsya, pr_miracle, bring to life, creatively, follow the criminal, get to the point, old, kneeling, advanced age, lasting values, lasting pain.

Task 2. Copy the text, insert the missing letters, highlight the prefixes at- And pre-.


At the reception with the company's president there were many top specialists. The President was warmly greeted. The President sat down in a wonderful chair. The meeting of the presidium has begun. Everyone screamed and got up from their seats. Then the president adjourned the meeting and resumed it when everyone was silent. The President expressed his gratitude to the excellent architects for the reconstruction of the Presidential residence. Those present applauded so much that the President jumped up from his fancy chair. When everyone had left, the president lay down to rest on a huge, soft, soft sofa.

Try to write your own story with lots of words pre- – at-. Whose text contains the largest number of words with prefixes pre- And at-?

VI. Interesting task.

Let us recall the spelling song of F. Krivin (radio program “Baby Monitor”). Formulate the rules that the song reminded you of, and, if necessary, tell them to yourself or each other.

At- or pre-? Pre- or at-?
This is not a secret at all.

You will get an answer right away.

Has the train arrived, has the ship sailed,
An astronaut flew from the Universe -
About everyone who will come, fly, sail,
It is written at-, undoubtedly.

At- or pre-? Pre- or at-?
This is not a secret at all.
Look at the content of the word -
You will get an answer right away.

Screwed the screw, screwed the wheel,
Glued, sewed skillfully -
Remember what is written at- about everything,
What good hands did.

At- or pre-? Pre- or at-?
This is not a secret at all.
Look at the content of the word -
You will get an answer right away.

I bit my tongue, but didn’t quite bite it off,
Burnt does not mean it is burning.
Remember what's done, but not quite,
They write with a prefix at-.

At- or pre-? Pre- or at-?
This is not a secret at all.
Look at the content of the word -
You will get an answer right away.

Predlinny will reach the roof with his hand,
The greedy person will not give you candy.
Who is very this or very that -
Pre- we will write about it.

It rains continuously in October,
But rain is not a barrier for the literate.
Where they are very similar re- And pre-,
There's only pre- must be installed.

At- or pre-? Pre- or at-?
This is not a secret at all.
Look at the content of the word -
You will get an answer right away.

VII. Consolidation of knowledge.

1. Vocabulary dictation.

Elderly representative, unhindered stay in the city, acquire a radio, overcome obstacles, bizarre clouds, unquestioned authority, a very pleasant story happened, turn into an impartial observer, attend a reception, burnt seasoning, stop continuous negotiations, think about this legend, ignore the warning, quiet seaside town, incessant nagging, getting sick and lying down, a lovely garden plot, pursuing a criminal.

2. Explanatory dictation.

The geography teacher suggested that we study the nature of our native land. We do not have inaccessible mountains or impenetrable swamps, but we do have lovely picturesque corners, endless forest expanses, places associated with ancient legends.

Contact with nature is always wonderful! Wandering through the forest, we pick up oddly shaped roots and don’t neglect pine cones and feathers: all this will be useful for making toys. At rest stops we collect brushwood, build a huge fire, try to cook tastier food, but on a hike even burnt porridge is tasty. Then, having tidied up, making sure to keep the fire burning, we quieted down and listened to the sounds of the forest.

The teacher checks the degree to which students have mastered the topic and analyzes mistakes made in the dictation.

The results of the joint work are summed up.

VIII. Homework.

Exercise 1. Learn (if you forgot) the basic rule for spelling prefixes pre- And at-. Think about the meaning of the prefix.

Task 2. Remember the exception words (dictionary words) both borrowed and native Russian. Write these words in your notebook in the form of phrases in two columns.

Pre- At-
overcome, contradict, unquestioning, neglect, grovel, obstacle, notorious (widely known, sensational, but doubtful), advantage, claim, presidium, president, contender, premiere, drug, punctuation (marks), throne, prestige, prelude claim, claim, swear, oath, pick, fastidious, reconcile, irreconcilable, time, whimsical, unpretentious, priority, privilege, privileged, primitive, primitive, embellish, nature, deplorable, reason, example, hairstyle, decent, fancy

Task 3. Remember the spelling of which words is associated with differences in their meaning. Make lists of these words with examples. Determine their meaning.



Give - betray;

proceed - transgress;

bow down - bow down;

pretend - pretend;

pretend - pretend;

aisle - limit;

receiver - successor.

Remember that exaggerate written only with a prefix pre-.

Remember the spelling of words with prefixes pre- And at- in phrases: elderly(“approaching old age”) age, unapproachable(from attack) fortress, stumbling block(“interference, difficulty”), immutable law(“not subject to change, indestructible”), enduring significance(“durable”), vicissitudes of fate(“misadventures, changes, turns in events”).


To decide how to correctly write the prefixes pre- and pri-, you need to learn to distinguish what lexical meaning they give to a particular word. This is in most cases.

Because there are also words that you just need to remember or check in a dictionary.

Pre- and pre-. Their semantics

1. The prefix pre- means:

a) The highest degree of quality (action) with the meaning “very” or “very”. For example: very much, exaggerate, elderly.

b) The meaning of the prefix pre- is almost the same as that of the morpheme re-. For example: overcome (overpower), block (block), transform (rebuild).

2. The prefix pri- means:

a) Adding to something. For example: additional payment, addition.

b) Approaching or being close to something. For example: suburb, coastal.

c) An action that occurs at the same time as another action. For example: sing and dance.

d) Incompleteness of action. For example: open slightly, sit down.

e) The perfect form of a verb formed from the imperfect, if its meaning does not change. For example: beat-nail, think-invent.

More examples

The examples given below eloquently demonstrate the need (for the correct spelling of words) to distinguish what the prefixes pre- and pri- mean. Despise (shelter) and despise (consider insignificant, unworthy), arrive (arrive) and abide (be somewhere), give (add) and betray (change), receiver (apparatus that receives electric current, etc.) and successor ( heir), proceed (begin) and transgress (violate), pretend (cover) and implement (carry out in reality).

However, there are words in which the prefixes pre- and pre- have unclear meaning. For example: freedom, neglect, habit, welcome, sentence, adventure, picky, apply, decent, swear. This also applies to words of foreign origin: privilege, drug, president, priority. Their spelling should be checked in a dictionary or memorized. In addition, there is a group of words in which the prefixes pre- and pre- were previously identified as a separate morpheme, but now they are not. These include: subject, advantage, limit, contradict, preclude, deceive, obstacle, punctuation (signs), bicker, obstacle, satiate, notorious, stumbling, abhor, fastidious, device, order, comely, primitive, decent, take communion, claim , affection, reason.

Spelling: prefixes pre- and pr-

The rule again depends on the semantics of these morphemes.

Meaning of prefixes


The prefix pre- means:

"very", "very"

prosper, calm, fine, downplay

the same as the prefix pere- (“in a different way”, “through”)

undergo, transformation, transitory

The prefix gives the following meaning:


dowry, profit, appendage


arrival, affection, counter

incompleteness of action

lift, hold, smooth, press

formation of the perfect form of the verb from the imperfect while maintaining the meaning of the word

run, sew, invent

action happening at the same time as another

to smack, to smack, to smack

doing something in the interests of someone

save, hide, embellish

The writing of these prefixes follows a general rule; both prefixes occur under stress: cf. tether, attack, sound, whistle, arrived, given, called And interrupted, betrayed. The application of a general rule requires taking into account the different meanings of these prefixes.

The prefix PRE- is written in cases:

1) when she gives words action limit value exceeding any measure, or the highest degree of quality: extol, exceed, exaggerate, excel, excel; excellent, very pretty, very nice, very nice;

2) when she has the meaning of the prefix re -: block (block), transform, stop, tradition (transmit), transgress (step over), perverse (inverted), successor (adopt).

The prefix PRI- gives meaning to words:

1) spatial proximity , adjacencies: seaside, Amur region, coastal area, station, household;

2) addition, approximation, accession : bend, drive, bring, tie, freeze, fasten;

3) incompleteness of action : attach, open, lie down, lower, subside;

4) bringing an action to completion, to a certain result : find, finish off, muffle ("muffle completely"), accustom, invent, kill;

5) taking action in one's own interests , enhanced manifestation of action: take a closer look, pocket, lure, dress up, hide, appropriate, listen;

6) accompanying action : hum, whistle, dance.

Note 1. The prefix is ​​of Old Slavonic origin. In Russian, it corresponds to a prefix with a full-vowel combination of re-, cf.: barrier - partition, betray - hand over.

Note 2. It is necessary to distinguish between the spellings of words that are similar in sound but different in meaning with the prefixes pre- and pre-; Wed: despise(hate) and despise(give shelter); Wed Also: contempt And charity; bow down(head) and bow down(branch to the ground); implement(dream into reality) and pretend(door), pretend(sleeping); endure(inconvenience) and get used to it(to inconvenience); transient(moment, cf.: transitory) and coming(postman, participle of come).

Note 3. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of words multiply(“multiply greatly”) and increase(“add a small amount”), although these meanings are often difficult to distinguish.

Note 4. In the following words, the former prefixes are no longer distinguished: limit, item, advantage, contradict, deceive, pass over, (punctuation marks), obstacle, hindrance, bicker, notorious, satiate, abhor, stumbling block (stumbling block), device, fastidious, handsome, order, decent, primitive, claim, communion, reason, affection.

Note 5. In borrowed words the prefixes both pre- and pri- are written: preamble, prevail, president, presidium, drug; private, prima donna, privilege, primitive, priority.

It happens: a child finished 5th grade in one school, and in 6th grade he went to another, more advanced one. And there is another program in the Russian language, and all the spelling has already been studied (but he has not yet). How to catch up? For similar purposes - to remember what has been passed or to study what has not been covered, to structure fragmentary information - there is now a “Non-Textbook on the Russian Language”. These are fun and useful books, written with great respect for the reader. Here is an example of a chapter on the prefixes pre and pr.

Boring story

On this side of the hill Sigismund the Precious ruled, at the top was Vasily the Beautiful, and behind the hill was Arthur the Precious.

Sigismund had only one courtier left, the rest fled to Vasily. Everyone fled from Arthur to Vasily. Well, Vasily ended up with 29 courtiers.

Another in Vasily’s place would have long ago conquered two neighboring kingdoms. With such an army! But Vasily didn’t even think about it. He also released criminals from prison. A strong king, an army almost thirty times larger than the enemy's...!

The Minister of Defense said a hundred times at the military council that descendants would not forgive Vasily such a boring story. "What will they teach in history lessons at school! Not a single war!" - the Minister of Defense got excited.

But Vasily doesn’t care. He stomps on the minister, just to make him fall behind, and again runs after his mice. Enthusiasm. They would bring him as many of these mice on a golden tray as you want - no, he runs around on his own.

The fur is on end, the tail is like a pipe - so beautiful.

In the story by Arthur Givargizov, prefixes in words terrible, greedy, on the one hand, and stomp, courtier, bring- these are two different prefixes, and you need to learn to distinguish them.

You need to distinguish them by meaning, but the trouble is that each prefix has several different meanings. The prefix is ​​especially rich in them. Here are its most important meanings.

The first is related to the idea of ​​contact, rapprochement, connection: run, tie, land, come, stick, bring, attach, pull, sew and etc.

With verbs of movement, the idea of ​​contact is most often specified as getting somewhere or to someone: Today the children brought paint to school or Guests came to us.

The idea of ​​rapprochement is often specified as a connection with something larger: To send a letter, you need to put a stamp on the envelope, or Mom sews a button on your shirt.

The second important meaning of the prefix when is related to incompleteness, weak degree: get sick, muffle, lie down, hug, sit down, sprinkle etc. So, sit down differs from sit down the fact that it is either not for long, or somehow not completely, for example, on the edge of the sofa, or simply a person is ready to jump up at the first request: Petya sat down in a chair and looked at Yasha, who sat hesitantly on the edge of the chair. A hug means hug loosely, bringing it a little closer to you. This is the meaning of the prefix at often combined with words a little, a little, not completely, not for long: to be a little sick, to muffle the sound a little, to lie down for a while.

Both of these meanings are characteristic of verbs, but with adjectives and nouns the prefix at can also mean proximity or contiguity: Urals(the area around the Ural Mountains), Amur region(area around the Amur River), Primorye(area near the sea), seaside(located near the sea or in a suitable area), coastal(located near the shore or in the appropriate area), etc.

Prefix meanings

Console pre also has several meanings. She adds an idea to adjectives and adverbs. high degree: kind, dear, most unpleasant, most boring etc., that is, equal in meaning to the word very. Disgusting- This very nasty.__

With verbs, the prefix pre can also denote a high degree and even excessive action: extol, exaggerate, satiate xia, etc. In addition, it can mean moving through something: overcome, transgress- And division or termination: block, break, interrupt.

These last two ideas are also typical for the console re, with which they are related: for example, to step over, as well as to block and break. Verbs with the prefix pre are more archaic, often have not a physical, but figurative meaning: break the law, block a path, break off a relationship I.

If nouns and adjectives are formed from verbs, then they, of course, keep the prefix: to transgress is a crime; surpass - superiority, excellent; arrive - arrival, visitor.

Let us turn once again to Arthur Givargizov’s story “A Boring Story,” where there are several words with these prefixes.

With letter And words are written will stomp And courtier. The first of them means “to stomp lightly,” that is, it contains the prefix at. The second can be either an adjective or a noun and denotes proximity to royalty and the royal court. These words also contain the prefix at, which has the meaning of proximity not so much in terms of physical status as in terms of social status.

With letter e words are written terrible, greedy and criminal. They contain a prefix pre, because the first two words have high degree value: "very scary" And "very greedy", A criminal- This "one who has broken the law" .

Two more comments need to be made.

Firstly, with pre And at In the Russian language there are many words borrowed from other languages, for example: president, present, prestige, privilege. In the Russian language, prefixes are not distinguished in them, and they do not obey the rule. Such words need to be checked using a dictionary and memorized.

Interestingly, some of these words contain a Latin prefix. Word the president spelled with a letter e, therefore it goes back to the Latin word praesidentis, in which the prefix prae means "ahead" and sidentis- "sitting". It is easy to notice that in meaning this Latin word corresponds to the Russian word chairman, which consists of morphemes that are close in meaning.

Secondly, there are words in which it is very difficult to determine the meaning of the prefix. For example, here are the words whimsy, adventure or neglect were once formed using one of our two prefixes. But gradually the meanings of the prefix and the root merged so much that they can no longer be separated. Even the prefix can not be isolated, but considered part of the root.

In the fairy tale by Arthur Givargizov, King Vasily is named twice wonderful. Once upon a time a word red was the same root as the word Beautiful- they had a common root kras and the meaning was the same. So, a beautiful maiden meant the same thing as beautiful girl. Yes and Red Square it is called so because of its beauty, not because of its red color.

The adjective beautiful was formed from the word red(“beautiful”) using the prefix pre to mean a high degree. Time passed, and the adjective red acquired the meaning of color, and now the root is highlighted in it red. And in the adjective beautiful it is already difficult to separate the prefix and the root, especially since its meaning has changed: it means not only “very beautiful”, but also “very good”, for example great solution.

The spelling of such words must be memorized, and in doubtful cases, seek help from a dictionary. Here are some examples:


Let's pay attention to pairs of words that differ in prefixes. Yes, in pairs arrive and abide the first verb is associated with the idea of ​​arrival (arrival, coming), that is, approaching: The train arrives at the station, and the second - with the idea of ​​staying (being): The theater is on tour.

In the pair give and betray, the first verb is associated with the idea of ​​connecting, fastening and ultimately creating ( give meaning or form to something), and the second is associated with betrayal, extradition, that is, in the original meaning, the transfer of someone to someone or something to something ( betray a friend).

Exercise 1. Which explanation is incorrect?

  1. In the word (antique) prop_danie letter is written e, since the prefix used to have a meaning close to the meaning of the prefix pere. Tradition is a story that is passed down from generation to generation.
  2. In a word weird(sound) a letter is written in place of the gap e, since the prefix in this word means “very”.
  3. In a word pr_mute(sound) letter is written And, since the prefix in this word means “approximation”.
  4. Word pr_neglect spelled with a letter e. It is difficult to determine the meaning of the prefix in this word, so the basic rule cannot be applied. The correct spelling needs to be found in the dictionary and remembered.

Exercise 2.| Which example in each line would be superfluous?


Pr_rich, pr_big, pr_keep silent, pr_flattering. All words, except the word to become silent, have the prefix pre with the meaning “very”. This means that the word “shut up” is superfluous: there is a different prefix.

  1. Pre_warm, pre_hold, pr_cut, pr_pocket.
  2. Bring a kettle, drive a horse, bring a friend, bring a son.
  3. Pr_rude, pr_sea, pr_evil, pr_sweet.
  4. Squint, limp, get sick, squint.
  5. Huge, homely, harmful, unpleasant.
  6. Flying, sticking, flowing, flowing.
  7. Pr_powdered, pr_covered, pr_puffy, pr_wise.
  8. Pr_raise, pr_boil, pr_prick, pr_semolina.
  9. Pr_dirty, pr_Volga, pr_excellent, pr_curious.
  10. Pr_cut, pr_attach, pr_sculpt, pr_twist.

Exercise 3. In each paragraph, phrases are chosen to illustrate the different meanings of the prefixes pre or at. In addition, in the exercise there are words in which the prefix is ​​not highlighted, for example, borrowings or words that have changed meanings.

Insert the missing letters.

  1. High city, building next to the house, bad weather, nowhere to sit, space adventures.
  2. Ugly view, breaking bread, lying a little, station buffet, following the enemy.
  3. Price_list for new goods, put screws back to the ceiling, bend your head, electric breaker, nasty weather.
  4. Pr_stand on tiptoes, pr_long conversation, terrible vision, criminal plan, bottom fish.
  5. Deep canyon, overcome difficulties, sprinkle with snow, Siberian freedom, successful landing.
  6. The potatoes were burning, the light was refracting, the film was long, staring at you, imagining a fairy tale.
  7. The sun is warming, a dangerous obstacle, the root layer of the earth, a terrible monster, stopping the outrages.
  8. Block the road, hit yourself hard, shout at the horses, lady of the court, pick at little things.
  9. Pr_steep slope, somewhat late, sliding table, rust converter, medicinal product.
  10. Open the window, stern speech, stop traffic, funny incident, stop work.


It’s a pity, I don’t remember exactly how they explained it to us in distant Soviet times. the meaning “very” was definitely there, and I remember about the approach, the rest was forgotten. However, I am writing correctly. explained it to us well. Why change a proven method and create an incomprehensible garden, at the end citing a bunch of exceptions?

In order to write words starting with PRE- or PRI without errors, you need to learn the following rule.

In most words, the choice of vowel I or E depends on the meaning of the prefix.

The prefix PRI- can mean:
1. Spatial contiguity, proximity: COASTAL, SCHOOL.
2. Approaching, joining: ARRIVE, LEAN, STICK.
3. Incomplete action: CLOSE THE DOOR, BEND, DECORATE.
4. Bringing the action to an end: SHOOT, IMAGINE.

The prefix PRE- can express:
1. A high degree of quality or action and have a meaning close to the meaning of the word “very”: WORST, PRECIOUS, PREVAIL.
2. A meaning close to the meaning of the prefix PERE-: TRANSFORM, TRANSFORM, BARRIER.

This rule has two notes:
1. It is necessary to distinguish between the spellings of words that are similar in sound, but different in meaning:
DESPITE (hate) – DESPITE (give shelter), BEND (kneel) – BEND (branch), SUFFER (difficulties, misfortunes) – BEAR (to circumstances), TRANSIENT (moment) – COMING (postman),
STAY (be) – ARRIVE (approach).
2. There are words in which the spelling of the vowel cannot be explained by the rule stated above. These are Russian words in which the prefix is ​​no longer singled out (for example, NATURE, REASON, CLAIM, DEVICE, PRELESTCHAT, PREPONA, PREPOSVOVITI), as well as borrowings (PRESIDIUM, PREAMBLE, PREPARATION, PRIVILEGE, PRIMITIVE, PRIVATE, PRIORITY). In such cases, to avoid mistakes, you need to use a dictionary.

Prefixes “pre” and “at” in some words

1. Contempt/contempt

Everything is clear with the first word, but the second is used much less often. Contemplation is caring. To look after means to give shelter and food. In the dictionary this verb is marked “obsolete.” In the 18th–19th centuries, a charity house was an institution that dealt with guardianship and trusteeship.

The second word is easy to explain. There is a connotation of approaching, accepting, joining.

2. Betray/give

You can (but don’t need to) betray a friend, but give it meaning. In the second case, the motive of accession is again visible.

3. Bow/bow

You can bow your head or knees. And bend, for example, a branch to the ground (bring it closer, therefore at-).

4. Convert/pretend

You can make your dream come true. And here the prefix is ​​similar in meaning to re- (the dream is reborn and becomes reality). But you can close the gate (COVER, motive of incomplete action: close, but not completely).

5. Endure/endure

To endure is almost the same as to ENDURE. That is, to endure, wait out, survive. This means that a prefix is ​​needed.
And to be patient is to bring the action to an end and (again) to become closer to what you are enduring.

6. Transient/coming

Transient is that which passes, passes.
And the one who comes is the one who comes, approaches. For example, a train arriving at this platform. Or a child coming to kindergarten.

7. Multiply/multiply

These words are very difficult to distinguish; this is noted even in reference books. It is believed that to multiply is to multiply a lot, and to multiply is to add a little. But these are rather shades of the same meaning, so they are often confused.

8. Successor/Receiver

Dmitry Medvedev was once called the successor of Vladimir Putin - the powers of the president were transferred to him. But not a receiver! Remember: the receiver is a device, not a person.