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How much salary does a simple forester earn? Russian foresters want to triple their salaries

The place of work, responsibilities and lifestyle of foresters are very different from the everyday bustle of city residents. Because of this, this profession is shrouded in a veil of secrecy, which we will try to lift today.

Plants are the source of air on the planet, which necessitates a number of conservation, planting and green space care. Unfortunately, the level of environmental pollution due to the increase in industrial production and the careless attitude towards nature on the part of humans threatens the preservation of a clean atmosphere. There are also frequent cases of forest fires, illegal cutting of trees or invasions of poachers. Therefore, today the issue of protection and protection of forestry, which is dealt with by foresters, is very urgent.

The place of work, responsibilities and lifestyle of foresters are very different from the everyday bustle of city residents. Because of this, this profession is shrouded in a veil of secrecy, which we will try to lift today.

Who is a forester?

According to the stereotype forester- this is a man who walks through the forest with a gun and lives on the outskirts. However, this understanding is outdated. Today, representatives of this profession must have special knowledge and skills that can be obtained in an educational institution.

Being a full-time employee of the forestry department, which is confirmed by the presence of documents and a special form, the forester performs the duties of inspecting and monitoring a certain area of ​​the forest fund, which is part of the state property. The forester is the guardian of the forest. He is the one who knows what measures need to be taken to prevent dangerous situations and keep trees and other plantings healthy.

The history of the profession begins in the 9th century. It was at that time that the need arose to protect the forest from illegal hunting and logging. Responsibilities for protecting forests were assigned to people living in close proximity to them. Since they were in the service of the feudal lords, who owned not only forest lands, but also fields, reservoirs and pastures, they were called representatives of the forest guard.

In our country, foresters as such appeared in the first half of the 20th century, when a national forest fund, which contributed to the revival and increase in forest area. This fund had several divisions, which included foresters, their assistants, linemen and scouts. Over time, the position of lineman was replaced by the position of forester.

By the way, foresters are often identified with forest rangers, although these are two different professions. The forester plays the role of forest manager and monitors the entire forest area. Foresters walk around and protect the areas of forest entrusted to them and are subordinate to the forest rangers.

The forestry assigns a forest plot to each forester and issues him an individual passport, which includes a list of lands, structures, buildings and everything under his control. forest property. According to this document, the employee carries out a daily walk around the forest, and if any danger is detected, notify management about it.

When conducting a walk-through, the forester must:

  • identify dead wood and trees damaged by pests and diseases, and also take measures to cut them down and treat them;
  • prevent and extinguish fires;
  • prevent unauthorized logging;
  • check availability of hunting licenses;
  • identify areas for planting new trees;
  • carry out housekeeping work;
  • protect animals from poachers;
  • explain to the population the rules of behavior in the forest;
  • monitor the safety of signs, telephone lines and fire stations;
  • monitor compliance with the rules of animal grazing and haymaking.

Sometimes, if there are hunting grounds, in a circle duties of foresters includes performing the functions of a huntsman.

What personal qualities should a forester have?

The specifics of a forester’s work require from a specialist, first of all, a love of nature. Since people in this profession have to deal with all types of green spaces, they must be well versed in botany: be able to treat trees, fight pests, determine their age, and much more. Geography is also useful in forestry, knowledge of which makes it possible to read and draw maps. He must also have a good memory and be attentive.

Good physical fitness and health are of great importance for a forester. This is due to the need to cover long distances on foot every day and in any weather and be prepared for hard manual labor. Any allergies to plants or diseases of the musculoskeletal system will be a contraindication for activities in this position.

The fight against unauthorized logging and hunting requires a specialist to have integrity, courage and determination.

Advantages of the forester profession

Unity with nature for a forester is the main advantage of the job. This profession employs people who like to be in silence and walk to the rustle of leaves and the singing of birds. At the same time, staying away from city smog allows them to maintain good health.

The profession involves working in the public service and gives the right to receive social security. The legislation establishes for forestry employees and his family certain benefits. A forester can count on various bonuses for length of service and bonuses.

Another benefit is the additional leave (besides the annual one) that is granted every three years. For some specialists, the provision of office housing is of great importance. In addition, there are other state guarantees that allow foresters to feel comfortable and receive certain benefits from the profession.

Disadvantages of the forester profession

The profession is not one of the prestigious and highly paid jobs with prospects for career growth, which makes it less in demand among the population. In addition, the salary of a forester in the regions of Russia is only from 8 to 18 thousand rubles (in Moscow 25-30 thousand). Therefore, he does not have to count on a high level of well-being.

Disadvantages also include existing risks to life and health. In the fight against natural disasters and armed poachers, unforeseen situations occur that can negatively affect health forestry worker. In addition, in hunting areas there are cases of attacks by predatory animals.

Where can I get a profession as a forester?

Unlike a forester, who needs to obtain a higher education to work, a future forester only needs to undergo training at a college or forestry technical school in the specialty “Forestry and forestry management.

Other options for obtaining this specialty include training in special courses, which in a short time will allow you to obtain a basic set of necessary knowledge and skills.

If desired, a forester can take advanced training courses while maintaining his job. Despite the fact that this profession does not provide for career growth, upon graduation from a university he can retrain as a forester, which to some extent implies the acquisition of a higher position.

Complete training in specialties " Forestry" and "Forestry" is possible in such universities as:

  • Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after. P.A. Kostycheva;
  • St. Petersburg State Forestry Academy named after. S. M. Kirov;
  • Mari State Technical University;
  • Voronezh State Forestry Academy;
  • Russian State Agrarian University.

Image sources: litsey-zhitkovichi.schools.by, opis.pro, fb.ru, webmechta.com

Game guides earn 35,000 rubles. ($608), and forest cutters - 34,000 rubles. ($590). The minimum salary for a forester in Mordovia is 10 thousand rubles. ($173). 2,317,008 vacancies in Russia Katerina Brittsova Article “16,000 rubles for forest protection” from issue 051 of March 25, 2011. Published 00:29 March 25, 2011 Rosselkhoz is adopting legislation to return foresters to the status of key figures in the forests: their salaries are being increased. "Trud" found out what these specialists get their money for. A forester and a forester are a big difference. A forester is a person with a higher education, he manages the entire complex of work on the rational use, reproduction, protection and protection of forests in the forestry.

Kazakhstan In order to attract young specialists, the government of the country promises to increase the income of foresters by 25%. In addition, local authorities were allowed to provide workers with areas for mowing and grazing livestock. USA Even in such a developed country as America, the profession of a forester is not particularly popular; his income corresponds to:

  • minimum – $24,580 per year or $2,048 per month;
  • maximum – $116,897 per year or $9,741 per month;
  • the average level is $33,750 per year or $2,812 per month.

Czech Republic The country offers work as an assistant forester for young and strong men and women, as well as married couples.

As part of this law, the requirements of the Federal Headquarters in 2017 moved from the rank of advisory to mandatory, which significantly improved indicators in terms of protecting forests from fires. Speaking about forest fires, the head of Rosleskhoz noted that in 2018 it is necessary to ensure the regulatory frequency of aviation patrols of forests during fire danger periods. He also stated the need to empower the Avialesookhrana with the powers to extinguish forest fires in conditions of high and extreme flammability.
Primary requirements:

  • age from 20 to 50 years;
  • good health;
  • without bad habbits;
  • no work experience.

Responsibilities include following the instructions of the forester - caring for trees, planting seedlings, cleaning the forest.

Salaries in forestry in 2018

The issue of changing approaches to establishing payment rates for the use of forests was determined by instructions from the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation. Considering that forests are federal property, Ivan Valentik named the transfer of powers for forest management and maintaining the state forest register to the federal level as a promising direction for further improving the system of organization and management of forestry. The principle of preliminary maneuvering by the Air Forest Protection forces is used.
As a result, over the past year the area of ​​forest fires has decreased by 51%. Damage from forest fires is more than 2 times. Of course, we are grateful to our colleagues from the Federal Assembly for their support of Federal Law 218,” said Ivan Valentik, head of the Federal Forestry Agency.

Salaries of foresters in 2018

  1. Support and engineering workers who maintain buildings and equipment.
  2. Employees of budgetary organizations that are not related to science and the social sphere.
  3. Social psychologists
  4. Social work specialists
  5. Complex rehabilitation specialists

Good news! In 2019-2020, there will also be an indexation of salaries of public sector employees by 4%. This was stated by the Minister of Labor M. Topilin. He also said that from January 1, 2018, the minimum wage will increase by 21.7% to 9 thousand 489 rubles. Important This means that those who work the standard (full time) 40 hours a week will not be able to pay wages below this amount.

Dynamics of wage growth in Russia over the past 10 years Today, the cost of living is 10,300 rubles.

Salary of a forester in Russia


  • Review of salary statistics for the forester profession in Russia
  • How much does a forester earn in Russia, CIS + America
  • Russian foresters want to triple their salaries
  • Salaries of foresters in 2018
  • Forester
  • 2,317,008 vacancies in Russia
  • Salary of a forester in Russia

Important Basic requirements:

  • age from 20 to 50 years;
  • good health;
  • without bad habbits;
  • conscientiousness and diligence;
  • no work experience.

Responsibilities include following the instructions of the forester - caring for trees, planting seedlings, cleaning the forest. They are employed officially, on a Polish work visa. They promise wages of 90 crowns per hour ($4.21). The cost of living is 2500 CZK ($117).

By exercising this right, they are exposed to danger, but the provisions of the law “On State Protection of Judges, Officials of Law Enforcement and Control Bodies” do not apply to forest guard employees. “Taking into account the complexity and increased risk of the functions performed by forest guard employees, it is necessary to legislate their right to ensure state protection of life, health and property,” the Ministry of Natural Resources said and clarified that specific measures will be established by the government of the Russian Federation. The bill also envisages increasing the social status and improving the financial situation of forest guard employees. According to the Ministry of Natural Resources, now in most regions, foresters and inspectors are only covered by the guarantees provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Industry Agreement on Forestry, and this is clearly not enough.

Salary of a forester in Russia

He also supported the work of the Federal Forestry Agency to attract volunteers to reforestation activities. “We need to more actively use the well-proven mechanism of attracting the population to various volunteer and tree planting events. Now we have the Year of the Volunteer and the Volunteer, last year was the Year of Ecology and many people with their whole families came to plant trees,” said Sergei Ivanov. Salaries in 2018: who will get a raise? Forester (state forest protection inspector) from 20,000 to 20,000 rubles State institution of the Komi Republic “Pechora forestry”, Komi Republic, Pechora, Leningradskaya st., no.

  • Who will have their salaries increased in 2018? full list of professions
  • Salaries of foresters in 2018
  • Dalniilh
  • How much does a forester earn in Russia, CIS + America
  • Review of salary statistics for the forester profession in Russia
  • The forestiest country in the world has run out of forests. How to fix it?
  • Salaries in 2018: who will get a raise?
  • Who will be affected by the increase in salaries for public sector employees in 2018?
  • Increase in salaries for public sector employees, doctors, teachers in 2018
  • Salaries in forestry in 2018

Who will have their salaries increased in 2018? full list of professions Salaries of foresters in 2018 More than 5.5 million people took part in all-Russian forest planting events last year.

Attention: Compared to salaries in other sectors of the economy, the income of forestry workers in the country as a whole is 1.6 times lower. The Federal Forestry Agency made a detailed analysis of the wage situation for various categories of workers employed in forestry. According to the department, the average wage in forestry in 2010 was 14.9 thousand rubles, and in 2011 – 16.4 thousand rubles.

Thus, wages in the industry increased by 10% over the year. The maximum increase in income was noted in the Penza region (from 8.9 to 13 thousand rubles, or by 45.6%), in the Altai Republic (from 11.1 to 15.9 thousand rubles, or by 43%), in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (from 29.3 to 39.8 thousand rubles, or by 35.8%) and in the Volgograd region (from 13.4 to 18.1 thousand rubles, or by 34.8%).

What personal qualities should a forester have? The specifics of a forester’s work require from a specialist, first of all, a love of nature. Since people in this profession have to deal with all types of green spaces, they must be well versed in botany: be able to treat trees, fight pests, determine their age, and much more. Geography is also useful in forestry, knowledge of which makes it possible to read and draw maps. He must also have a good memory and be attentive. Good physical fitness and health are of great importance for a forester. This is due to the need to cover long distances on foot every day and in any weather and be prepared for hard manual labor. Any allergies to plants or diseases of the musculoskeletal system will be a contraindication for activities in this position.

Review of salary statistics for the forester profession in Russia

Rating of similar vacancies by salary level in Russia Among similar professions in Russia, Flotator is considered the highest paid. According to our website, the average salary is 55,000 rubles.

In second place is a Lumberjack with a salary of 50,000 rubles, and in third place is a Zoo Engineer with a salary of 50,000 rubles. Similar vacancies Forester (state forest protection inspector) from 10,000 rubles State government institution of the Pskov region "Nevelskoe forestry", Pskov region, Nevel, Nevelsky district, lane K ...

Forester (state inspector for forest protection) from 10806 to 10806 “rub.” State government institution of the Kaluga region “Zhukovskoe forestry”, Kaluga region, Zhukov, Zhukovsky district, Leni street ...

How much does a forester earn in Russia, CIS + America

Kazakhstan In order to attract young specialists, the government of the country promises to increase the income of foresters by 25%. In addition, local authorities were allowed to provide workers with areas for mowing and grazing livestock.
USA Even in such a developed country as America, the profession of a forester is not particularly popular; his income corresponds to:

  • minimum – $24,580 per year or $2,048 per month;
  • maximum – $116,897 per year or $9,741 per month;
  • the average level is $33,750 per year or $2,812 per month.

Czech Republic The country offers work as an assistant forester for young and strong men and women, as well as married couples.

Russian foresters want to triple their salaries

He is the one who knows what measures need to be taken to prevent dangerous situations and keep trees and other plantings healthy. The history of the profession begins in the 9th century.


It was at that time that the need arose to protect the forest from illegal hunting and logging. Responsibilities for protecting forests were assigned to people living in close proximity to them.

Since they were in the service of the feudal lords, who owned not only forest lands, but also fields, reservoirs and pastures, they were called representatives of the forest guard. In our country, foresters as such appeared in the first half of the 20th century, when a national forest fund was formed, which contributed to the revival and increase in forest area. This fund had several divisions, which included foresters, their assistants, linemen and scouts.

Salaries of foresters in 2018


Where can I get a profession as a forester? Unlike a forester, who needs to obtain a higher education to work, a future forester only needs to undergo training at a college or forestry technical school in the specialty “Forestry and forestry management. Other options for obtaining this specialty include training in special courses, which in a short time will allow you to obtain a basic set of necessary knowledge and skills.

If desired, a forester can take advanced training courses while maintaining his job. Despite the fact that this profession does not provide for career growth, upon graduation from a university he can retrain as a forester, which to some extent implies the acquisition of a higher position.



Forester (state forest protection inspector) from 20,000 to 20,000 rubles State institution of the Komi Republic “Pechora forestry”, Komi Republic, Pechora, Leningradskaya str., Lesnik village (state forest protection inspector) from 12204 “rub.” State government institution of the Pskov region “Plyusskoye forestry”, Pskov region, Plyussa district, Plyussky district, Shko street ...

Forester (state forest protection inspector) from 10,000 rubles State government institution of the Pskov region "Nevelskoe forestry", Pskov region, Pustoshka, Pustoshkinsky district, ... See all similar vacancies There are no statistics for your request © 2018 Trud.com All rights reserved.

2,317,008 vacancies in Russia

He must monitor whether there are documents for the right to cut down forests, graze livestock and make hay. It is he who draws up acts on unauthorized logging, hunting rules and detains those responsible for fires. It is he who monitors the safety of bridges, fire towers, telephone and electrical networks. And when he discovers harmful insects and tree diseases on his site, he is obliged to notify the forestry department.
Planting and sowing forests is also the work of a forester. Forester's salary Now the salary of a forester in the regions is 5 thousand rubles. But the head of Rosleskhoz, Viktor Maslyakov, announced the need to increase the salaries of foresters to 15-16 thousand. In his opinion, this will raise the status of the forester and increase the number of people willing to take this position.

Salary of a forester in Russia

In addition, there are other state guarantees that allow foresters to feel comfortable and receive certain benefits from the profession. Disadvantages of the forester profession The profession is not one of the prestigious and highly paid jobs with career prospects, which makes it less in demand among the population. In addition, the salary of a forester in the regions of Russia is only from 8 to 18 thousand rubles (in Moscow 25-30 thousand). Therefore, he does not have to count on a high level of well-being. Disadvantages also include existing risks to life and health. In the fight against natural disasters and armed poachers, unforeseen situations occur that can negatively affect the health of forestry workers. In addition, in hunting areas there are cases of attacks by predatory animals.

The fight against unauthorized logging and hunting requires a specialist to have integrity, courage and determination. Advantages of the forester profession Unity with nature for a forester is the main advantage of the job.

This profession employs people who like to be in silence and walk to the rustle of leaves and the singing of birds. At the same time, staying away from city smog allows them to maintain good health. The profession involves working in the public service and gives the right to receive social security. Legislation establishes certain benefits for forestry employees and their families.

A forester can count on various bonuses for length of service and bonuses. Another benefit is the additional leave (besides the annual one) that is granted every three years.

For some specialists, the provision of office housing is of great importance.
In the Rostov region, the level of wages for forestry workers is 20% higher than in other sectors of the economy. The region's budget accounts for slightly more than half of the funds allocated for salary increases.

In the Leningrad region the excess is 10%, and the financial contribution of the regional budget is 65.2%. In accordance with the agreements concluded between Rosleskhoz and Russian governors for 2012, wage obligations are fully met in the Belgorod, Vladimir, Kostroma, Kirov, Volgograd, Omsk regions and the Republic of Buryatia.

Currently, the salaries of forestry workers are 79.7% financed from the federal treasury and 20.3% from regional budgets.

Many people think that “forester” and “forester” are the same position, but they are mistaken. These are completely different professions.

The forester is the guardian of the forest, and the forester is its “master”. This means that he carries out management and economic activities.

Profits of professionals

Forest ranger salaries in Russia are very low compared to the degree of responsibility and risk they bear.

The minimum salary for a young specialist does not exceed 19,000 rubles. ($333).

The average income is 23,000 rubles. ($403) .

The revenue of experienced professionals reaches 45,000 rubles. ($789).

Despite such small salaries, each worker is allocated a plot of up to 200 thousand hectares of forest.

He bears full responsibility for everything that happens in this territory.

The Russian Ministry of Natural Resources is preparing a bill that would equate foresters to police officers and judges.

They will have the right to detain troublemakers in the forest, take away their guns and deliver them to the appropriate authorities.

In Belarus, a beginner specialist earns 490 BYN. rub. ($243), the average wage is 700 Belarusian. rub. ($342) .

The salary of a professional with extensive experience exceeds 850 BYN. rub. ($422).

Average salaries of Ukrainian forest workers (in UAH):

  • forestry technician – 3260 ($116);
  • assistant forester – 3468 ($123);
  • forest firefighter – 3550 ($126);
  • forestry consultant – 4140 ($147);
  • forestry manager – 5605 ($199).

Forestry structure

The head of the forestry enterprise or timber industry enterprise is the director of the farm.

Subordinate to him in a descending hierarchy:

  • chief forester;
  • assistant forester;
  • master of the forest;
  • foresters;
  • lumberjacks.

Job responsibilities

A forester is a specialist in the reproduction, protection and extraction of forests.

He has a wide range of duties that he performs in the entrusted territory:

  • protects forests and wild animals from poachers and illegal logging;
  • ensures that planned felling does not harm the forest;
  • organizes the cleaning of the area from dead wood and dead wood;
  • prepares seedlings for planting after cutting down;
  • carries out fire prevention measures;
  • monitors signs of diseases in plants and trees, as well as the appearance of harmful insects;
  • organizes sanitary felling of trees that cannot be treated.

How to become a specialist?

To occupy this position, you must have completed a university degree in Forestry or Forestry.

A professional knows very well:

  • biology;
  • ecology;
  • soil science;
  • how to protect plants from insects and diseases;
  • fire prevention methods;
  • economic and legal aspects of their work.

Specialists work in:

  • forest areas;
  • forestry farms;
  • forestry enterprises and timber industry enterprises;
  • hunting farms;
  • other organizations related to forests.

They must have ecological thinking; their activities are aimed at preserving and increasing green spaces.

The profession of a forester is in demand in forestry and hunting farms. This worker is a real forest protector. Because green spaces are the lungs of our planet, a huge resource that requires protection and careful treatment.

History of the profession

Since ancient times, in many religions of the world, the forest has been a sacred ecological system. As a rule, the protection of forestry was carried out by people who were nearby and used its resources and gifts.

Forests helped hide from enemies and fed entire villages. Wood obtained from the forest was used during construction and as fuel.

The first memories of people guarding the forest date back to the 9th century. Since that time, the ecological system has been protected from unauthorized logging and hunting. Those who kept order in the territory were hired by feudal lords. But for the simple reason that the feudal lands included not only forests, but also fields, reservoirs and pastures, the workers were called not just foresters, but representatives of the forest guards. The official establishment of the position dates back to the 18th century.

On the vast area belonging to the Russian Federation, forests began to actively grow and revive in the middle of the 20th century. And the first forest districts were created at the beginning of the century.

Profession forester - description

A forester is a forestry worker (abbreviated as forestry), a full-time employee of the forestry department. Property owned by the state is transferred under its protection. Each person acting as a forester is assigned a certain part of the forest fund, which must be constantly walked around and monitored. When a worker notices any violations on his territory, he must notify the forestry department.

For each tour, an individual passport is provided indicating buildings, structures, forest plantations, lands and other property that are recorded in the document.

Requirements for a candidate

In order to master a profession, it is necessary to undergo special training at a forestry school, college, technical school in the specialty “Forestry and forestry” or attend special courses.

On farms that have hunting grounds, the forester is additionally assigned the duties of a huntsman.

What responsibilities does the profession of a forester entail? What important qualities should a candidate for this position have? Is the profession of a forester lucrative?

Nowadays, a forester's salary is 6-7 thousand rubles per month. However, government officials plan to index wages and increase the rate by 6%. The authorities are also going to introduce benefits for full-time employees, thanks to which workers will be able to pay less for utilities and travel on public transport.

Required qualities

The profession of a forester requires that a candidate for the position must have certain qualities:

  • excellent physical fitness;
  • good health;
  • love for the environment;
  • courage, bravery and desire to protect nature;
  • ability to navigate the terrain;
  • endurance and familiarity with manual labor;
  • attentiveness and good memory.

Forester profession: responsibilities

The job responsibilities of a forester include performing the following activities while walking around the assigned area:

  • detection and extinguishing, as well as prevention of forest fires;
  • protection of forests from illegal logging;
  • animal protection;
  • protection of green spaces from diseases and pests;
  • carrying out economic work.

A forestry worker not only plants trees, he also keeps order in the territory entrusted to him. Determines plots for cutting dead wood. Thins out plantings. The forester monitors the health of the forest: destroys harmful insects, carries out treatment and destroys unhealthy plants.

The employee must have knowledge and skills in the field of botany, zoology, and environmental management. Must be able to read and draw maps and be proficient in forestry techniques. When strangers appear on the territory who want to hunt or chop firewood, the forester is obliged to check the documents that confirm the right to these actions.

Features of the forester profession

Forestry and its inhabitants need protection from natural disasters and the destructive activities of irresponsible people.

Full-time employees must always be in good physical shape in order to be able to cover large areas, punish poachers and stop illegal actions of violators.

Also, a person who wants to become a forester must have good health. Medical contraindications during recruitment for this job include: diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system, allergies, various visual and hearing defects.

The profession of a forester obliges a person to always be in nature. Even in bad weather, he needs to follow his job description: regularly monitor the territory assigned to him.

The negative aspects of this profession include constant risks to human health and life. Frostbite, attacks by armed poachers or predators, threats to life during natural disasters - this is an incomplete list of all the dangers that await a forester.

Forestry workers, unlike other professions, have to wait a long time for the fruits of their work. For the simple reason that any tree planted by a forester will melt very slowly, over 50-75 years, or even longer. The forester's task is to ensure that a young plant is planted in place of every tree cut down.