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Increasing salaries for teachers. State employees will have their salaries increased, but only on paper

Teachers and doctors were the categories of public sector employees to whom, on the eve of the 2012 presidential elections, the main promises of Vladimir Putin, who was running for another term, were devoted. To buy their loyalty, it was promised that doctors and teachers would receive salaries by 2018 that were twice the average salary in the region in which they live and work. The indexation of teachers' salaries in January 2018 becomes the final indexation on the way to implementing the so-called May decrees. Teachers' salaries from January 1, 2018 - what is said in the latest news about the percentage of teacher income indexation in Russia.

How the May 2012 decrees regarding teachers are being implemented

Of course, if you listen to the gallant reports of officials, the May decrees are being implemented perfectly. Teachers will earn on average twice as much in 2018 as other professions in the same region on average, and on paper all the numbers will probably add up. The problem is how this is achieved.

One of the ways to manipulate numbers, which officials have been actively using over all these years, is to artificially reduce and restrain average salaries in the regions. This manipulation occurred at the highest level - back in 2015, the Russian federal government changed the methodology for calculating the average salary, nodding to the recommendations of the International Labor Organization. As the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia said, thanks to this simple maneuver, the Russian authorities significantly reduced the statistics of average salaries in the country, which means that, against the backdrop of the new figure, it became easier to implement the May decrees. Nobody promised teachers and doctors that they would receive specifically 70 or 100 thousand rubles a month. The point was that their salary would be twice as high as the average salary in the economy, but how this would be achieved was not mentioned.

So, if we talk about teachers at school, then the state, apparently, was engaged in outright postscripts, since in 2017 the authorities reported that a secondary school teacher in the country on average receives 32 thousand rubles per month. Journalists from the Public Television of Russia conducted their own investigation into how things really are. The investigation was very large-scale and as a result it turned out that in almost half of Russian regions teachers receive no more than 14 thousand rubles. Moreover, such an amount is not a salary, which would later be subject to various additional payments and bonuses. No, this is the amount that teachers receive in their hands. In some cases it could be 7 thousand rubles.

When assessing the increase in salaries for teachers and doctors, many economists draw attention to the fact that, for example, in 2015, the entire increase was eaten up by the rather large inflation that took place in those years.

How much will salaries for teachers be increased from January 1, 2018?

Finance Minister Anton Siluanov announced in early January that the percentage of indexation of teachers' salaries in January 2018 will be 23%. This is really a good percentage, especially compared to the 4% by which the salaries of other state employees not mentioned in the May decrees were increased.

If you believe Rosstat and its reports on the average teacher’s salary in Russia in 2017 in the amount of 32.6 thousand rubles, then it turns out that in 2018 the average teacher’s income will be exactly 40 thousand rubles.

If we turn to independent statistics on how much teachers in Russia actually earn, then, according to the Trud.Com portal, in 2017 the real income of teachers did not exceed the national average of 20-21 thousand rubles. Those same 40 thousand were received by teachers in two northern regions: Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

A significant increase in teacher salaries is expected in 2018. According to government plans, next year teacher pay should exceed 200% of the regional average. The teacher's rate will depend on the spread coefficient.

Things are different in different regions. Not everyone is confident that the salaries of school employees will exceed the level planned by the government.

Increase in salaries for teachers from January 1, 2018 in Russia, what the rates will be: It all depends on the spread coefficient

According to the government plan, innovation is planned in school institutions next year. The teacher's rate will vary depending on the spread factor. The authorities set a maximum ratio between the salaries of employees of the same level. Now the school director will not be able to earn much more than an ordinary teacher.

It is not yet known when exactly such a system is planned to be introduced. According to preliminary data, the spread in the amount of wages between the head of a budgetary organization and his subordinates should not exceed a ratio of 1:4.

Increase in teachers' salaries from January 1, 2018 in Russia, what the rates will be: Government plans and the real state of affairs

According to the May presidential decrees, teachers' salaries should increase significantly by 2018. Since 2016, the Ministry of Education has been reporting minor salary increases for teachers as part of the implementation of the decree of the head of state. Unfortunately, not everything that was planned is completed on time. Due to economic problems, payments have been frozen in some regions, and now doctors are wondering whether there will actually be a pay increase in 2018, according to the government's established plan.

Today, the average teacher salary is 20,000 rubles, according to government data. If you look by region, teachers’ salaries vary. For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region, teachers receive an order of magnitude higher than, for example, in Voronezh or Pskov and Samara, and the difference in amount is very large. Increasing wages will not make equal pay, since according to the plan, they plan to increase payments to public sector employees by 200% of the average wage in the region. And as was already written above, payment in each region is different.

Increase in teachers' salaries from January 1, 2018 in Russia, what the rates will be: How much will teachers' salaries be increased?

There will still be a salary increase for teachers in 2018. The government has already announced this, setting the date as January 1. Moreover, it became known how much the increase will be made - 4%. If we take the average salary of a teacher, which is 20,000 rubles, it turns out that teachers will receive a 1,200 ruble bonus. However, it is worth noting that not all school employees have an average salary of this amount. According to unofficial data, in the regions some teachers on average receive a little more than 18,000 rubles.

The government reassures and assures that next year the salaries of teachers and doctors will increase to the level indicated in the presidential decree - 200% of the average salary in the region. Teachers hope that the increase will actually happen and that no economic disasters will interfere with the implementation of their plans.

Helpful information.

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Society has always had mixed opinions regarding the teaching profession. On the one hand, a teacher and other teaching staff are a highly educated, competent professional who loves his job and wants to pass on his knowledge to the younger generation. Another thing is that the financial situation of such workers is always not at a high level, which affects the prestige of such a profession and the desire of young people to obtain such a profession. Of course, the government of the country is aware of this situation and periodically declares its desire to radically change the situation and increase the prestige of teaching, both in schools and in higher educational institutions. But, unfortunately, such an initiative is not always put into effect. And then we will talk about such an issue as increasing teachers’ salaries in 2019 in Russia; Let's discuss the latest news.

Assessment of the real state of the pedagogical sphere of activity

It’s no secret that the profession of an ordinary school teacher has not attracted young people for a long time, since everyone understands perfectly well that there are no prospects for development in this profession. And this is not due to the fact that some are better, some are worse, but simply because teachers’ salaries do not allow not only to develop, but even to simply live normally. If you carefully read various reports and news, they everywhere say that the average teacher’s salary is 20,000 rubles per month. But this is an average. Someone gets 30, and someone 10, so in the end we have an average figure of 20 thousand rubles.
According to statistical data, on average in Russia in 2017 the following wage indicators were observed:

  • Teachers at higher educational institutions were able to earn an average of 35,000 rubles per month;
  • Teachers of secondary schools have a salary of 27,500 rubles;
  • Preschool teachers, that is, kindergarten teachers, received an average of 25,000 rubles.

At the same time, there is no statistical information on the wages of nannies, who also take no less part in raising children, but usually receive much lower wages. There are no statistics on masters of vocational schools, etc. But despite this, many may be surprised and say that the situation is not as bad as it seems. After all, a salary for the region of 25-35 thousand rubles is normal, provided that resources are used rationally.
Also, do not forget about statistical calculations, which take everything into account: the salaries of private schools and the salaries of government institutions. Of course, it is very difficult to judge the situation based on these data.
The salary of a teacher of any rank depends on many indicators, including the specific region of residence. In Moscow and the region, a teacher’s salary will be higher than the salary of the same teacher in a small village or district. In addition, a teacher’s salary has always consisted of many additional payments to the main report:

  1. This is an additional payment for length of service, that is, for length of service;
  2. Allowances for class management;
  3. Additional payment for training in a specific region;
  4. Other types of surcharges.

That is, statistics give us average indicators, taking into account all types of allowances and bonuses, but when a young specialist comes to work, he is not entitled to such allowances by law. He receives an exclusively “bare” salary. Also, do not forget about such an indicator as load. No matter how much a teacher at school wants to earn, he cannot receive more wages than his workload requires. The workload depends mainly on such an indicator as the number of students. And here there is a direct relationship: how many students are there in the village and, for example, in the capital. That’s why we have such a difference: at the end of 2017, the average teacher’s salary in Moscow was 58,780 rubles, and in the village – 9,000 rubles.
As a result, we get a situation where there are no young teachers in the villages and small towns. And in large cities there is a tendency for teachers to work exclusively with people of retirement age who work solely by calling. If someone decides to enter the pedagogical faculty of a university, it is not always with good intentions.

In recent years, the following trend has been observed: those who have passed the Unified State Exam very poorly and cannot, based on their results, enter more prestigious universities and higher-paid specialties, go to pedagogical universities.

Will there be a raise in 2018?

The government has announced that teachers will receive a fairly good salary increase in 2019, which will be difficult to miss. Let us recall that earlier Vladimir Putin announced an increase in salaries, which was supposed to radically increase the prestige of this profession. According to the President, by 2019, each teacher should have received on average 200% more than the average citizen of his region. In addition, wages were supposed to increase by 150% compared to 2012. If the stated promises were fulfilled, then of course teachers could be satisfied with their level of pay. But, unfortunately, the situation is not as rosy as we would like.
Many government officials generally state that there are no funds in the budget to radically change the situation in this area. In order for teachers to feel promoted and be able to receive decent increases in salary, it is necessary to take funds from somewhere, that is, to make some kind of redistribution. It will be necessary to abandon the ongoing repair of classrooms, the purchase of new equipment, etc. But then the students themselves will suffer. And it turns out that there is a vicious circle in the country.
At the same time, such promises were partially fulfilled, and as of January 1, 2019, teachers will be able to experience a slight increase in their salaries.

Scatter factor

One of the most important innovations that will change the level of teachers’ salaries in 2019 will be the dispersion coefficient. What does this mean: this means that the salary of an ordinary school teacher and his leadership, that is, the director, will be dependent on each other.

The law establishes a strict proportion that does not allow salaries for management positions to be exceeded by more than 4 times the salaries of ordinary first-level employees.

For example, if a teacher at a school receives 10,000 rubles, then the director of this school a priori will not be able to accrue a salary of more than 40,000 rubles.

Another proportion between other staff members will also be introduced. But the question regarding these proportions remains open. Regarding the school, there are currently three known categories of teachers who can be in the school:

  • Teacher. This is the employee who came to work after graduating from university and has not yet undergone any advanced training. This is kind of the lowest rung of the career ladder.
  • Senior teacher. The interesting thing is that not everyone can become a senior teacher, even after a long time of work. A bonus for such a rating in 2019 can only be received if the teacher takes an active part in the development of certain educational programs.
  • Lead teacher. The very last step of the career ladder in the gradation of teaching work. You can get a leader only if the teacher himself has become responsible for organizing and coordinating the work of other teachers.

But for now, it is impossible to find out official information regarding what premiums are due for each category. This information is closed to the public or there is no idea yet how the salary increase will be carried out in accordance with this classification.
Another innovation that was adopted in order to increase salaries is the introduction of an independent assessment of teaching staff.

According to the adopted law, already in 2019, every teacher will be able to take an independent exam and, based on the results of passing, receive a document confirming this procedure. If the certificate is in hand, then, purely theoretically, the teacher can demand another increase from the management.

But again, the issue is quite controversial. A school or other educational institution is a budgetary organization for which certain funding is allocated from the regional and federal budgets. Even if the school director wants to increase the salary of his employee, then where will he get the funds for such an increase? The question remains open.
Unfortunately, teaching staff are very skeptical about such innovations. They believe that all the measures taken are designed only to make it much more difficult to get raises and bonuses. But time will tell what will happen and how.

This is an article from the site vseofinansah dot ru. If you are posting this article on another site, then it has been stolen.

Regarding official data Regarding the increase in teachers' salaries, the following is currently known: from January 1, 2018, all teachers' salaries will be indexed by 4%.

This is the official size. If we take into account the fact that, according to statistics, the average salary of a teacher in the Russian Federation is 20,000 rubles, then the increase will be in the amount of 1,200 rubles. But again, this is all average data. If a village teacher receives a salary of 9,000, then he will receive an increase of 360 rubles. What this money will be enough for is a difficult question.
We should not forget that teachers in schools, and most of all teachers in universities, must participate in conferences, publish the results of their scientific research, etc. And all this is not free. Already, many are complaining that their work is turning into a hobby that does not bring in income. Many teachers have either worked in this field for a long time or have an additional source of income. But the fact that it is difficult to live only on a teacher’s salary remains an indisputable fact.

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The Ministry of Education and Science proposed to increase teachers' salaries next year to 150% of the regional average. The proposals may be formalized by one of the new May decrees, says a RBC source in the government

Photo: Vasily Fedosenko / Reuters

​The Ministry of Education and Science proposed increasing the salaries of school teachers to 150% of the average salary in the region, as follows from the department’s letter to the Ministry of Labor dated March 19. RBC has a copy of the document signed by First Deputy Minister of Education and Science Valentina Pereverzeva. Its authenticity was confirmed by a source in the ministry.

In the letter, the Ministry of Education and Science, citing preliminary data from Rosstat, states that in 2017 the government managed to bring the salaries of researchers and university teachers to the level provided for by the May presidential decrees. Now, as part of “further improving the social status of Russian teachers,” the ministry wants to come up with an initiative to gradually increase teachers’ salaries to 150% of the regional average. This approach will also lead to an increase in the level of salaries of teachers of preschool and additional education, the department believes. This will require the allocation of additional budget money, the Ministry of Education and Science clarifies.

Old and new decrees

In May 2012, Vladimir Putin signed a series of 11 decrees, according to which by 2013 the salaries of teachers and preschool teachers were to reach 100% of the regional average and remain at this level until 2018, university teachers were to receive 200 by 2018 % of the regional average.

RBC sources reported at the end of February that the Kremlin was discussing the preparation of new presidential decrees for May. The Kremlin confirmed their development.

The department provides calculations for two options for increasing teachers' salaries. The first provides for an increase in the salaries of general education teaching staff, including teachers (total 1.25 million people in 2018), by 10% annually until 2024; as a result, they should rise to 160% of the regional average. According to this option, the average salary of teachers should increase from 37.8 thousand rubles. in 2018 to 76.5 thousand rubles. in 2024. This will require an increase in the wage fund for teachers from 567.7 billion rubles. in 2018 to 1.332 trillion rubles. in 2024.

The second option involves increasing the salaries of teachers only (1.05 million people in 2018) to 150% of the regional average, or almost up to 59 thousand rubles, next year. To do this, it will be necessary to increase the wage fund by 255.2 billion rubles in 2019, and by 273.1 billion rubles in 2020, indicates the Ministry of Education and Science. In this case, the teachers' salary fund will increase from 475.9 billion rubles. in 2018 to 819.1 billion in 2020.

Wages in the public sector are an important socio-economic indicator, which in one way or another affects the size of salaries in commercial organizations. Therefore, many managers and employees often have a question: what is the proposed salary increase for public sector employees in 2019? After all, based on its size, you can index salaries in your company. Please note: Rosstat published average salaries of public sector employees by industry and region for the first half of 2019.

In 2018, the Government, executing the President’s “May decrees” on increasing wages for public sector employees (2019), approved the allocation of 14.5 billion rubles to finance an increase in wages for certain categories of employees of public sector institutions. Salary indexation is also planned for 2019. Let's see what these individual categories of workers are. But let's start with the news.

Salary increase from 10/01/2019

  • employees of federal government, budgetary and autonomous institutions;
  • employees of federal government bodies, civilian personnel of military units, institutions and divisions of federal executive authorities, in which the law provides for military and equivalent service.

Besides, By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 2019 No. 279 “On increasing official salaries of judges in the Russian Federation,” from October 1, 2019, salaries of judges of all ranks will increase: from judges of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts to justices of the peace of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - by the same 4, 3%.

Who are civil servants and public sector employees?

First, you need to understand who public sector employees are. Obviously, in everyday life this word “hides” all those people who receive salaries from the budget: officials, security officials, employees of government agencies, doctors, teachers, scientists. But combining all state employees into one large category will not be entirely correct. Indeed, from the point of view of legislation, they are divided into different categories:

  • civil servants (persons working in government bodies, in government agencies);
  • public sector workers (teachers, scientists, doctors, kindergarten teachers, employees of cultural institutions and university professors).

The difference lies not only in the name, but also in the approach to material support, subordination and social services. As usual, it is somewhat better for civil servants. And their salaries and bonuses are regulated by separate legislation. Since the salaries of officials and military personnel are subject to specific rules, we will dwell in more detail on what increase in salaries for public sector employees in 2019 was provided for the so-called “other categories” and what will be the increase in salaries for public sector employees in 2019 in Russia (latest news).

State employees: doctors, teachers and accountants

According to rough estimates, about 33 million people work in the public sector in Russia. Of all citizens of working age (approximately 83 million people), the share of state employees is more than a third. Of these, approximately half are those who cannot be called civil servants, namely employees:

  • schools;
  • kindergartens;
  • secondary and higher educational institutions;
  • medical institutions;
  • libraries, museums and other cultural institutions;
  • scientific institutes.

They all receive their salaries from the state budget of the Russian Federation: federal or local. Their working conditions are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as regulations developed by the department that manages the activities of the institution. For example, for doctors it is the Ministry of Health, and for cultural workers it is the Ministry of Culture.

It is noteworthy that although all of these legal acts (unlike law enforcement agencies) are open and publicly available, the level of salaries of employees of these structures is officially difficult to understand. After all, the remuneration system involves not only a salary, but also a whole layer of various bonuses, subsidies and bonuses. Therefore, for example, the salary of a leading accountant in a budget organization may be the same, but different employees in different industries will receive completely different amounts.

However, when it comes to average salaries, all additional payments are usually taken into account when calculating them. Thus, according to Rosstat, the average salary in the country was 49,348 rubles (data for June 2019). Since the sample of statistics was made for all regions and cities, for small cities this figure turned out to be overestimated: in practice, doctors and teachers in small municipalities can receive only 12,000-15,000 rubles per month. In general, the picture of average salaries by sector of public sector workers and regions is presented in a table formed on the basis of Rosstat data on average salaries of public sector employees.

On July 23, Rosstat published data on average wages certain categories of workers in the social sphere and science in organizations of state and municipal forms of ownership in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for January-June 2019.

Salaries of public sector employees in the 1st half of 2019, table:

Average salary of employees in organizations of state and municipal forms of ownership by constituent entities of the Russian Federation for January-June 2019

Preschool teachers

Teachers of general education organizations

University teachers

Doctors with higher education

Nursing (pharmaceutical) personnel

Junior medical staff

Social workers

Workers of cultural institutions


Russian Federation

Central Federal District

Belgorod region

Bryansk region

Vladimir region

Voronezh region

Ivanovo region

Kaluga region

Kostroma region

Kursk region

Lipetsk region

Moscow region

Oryol Region

Ryazan Oblast

Smolensk region

Tambov Region

Tver region

Tula region

Yaroslavl region

Republic of Karelia

Komi Republic

Arhangelsk region


Nenets Aut. district

Arkhangelsk region without a car. districts

Vologda Region

Kaliningrad region

Leningrad region

Murmansk region

Novgorod region

Pskov region

Saint Petersburg

Southern Federal District

Republic of Adygea

Republic of Kalmykia

Republic of Crimea

Krasnodar region

Astrakhan region

Volgograd region

Rostov region


The Republic of Dagestan

The Republic of Ingushetia

Chechen Republic

Stavropol region

Volga Federal District

Republic of Bashkortostan

Mari El Republic

The Republic of Mordovia

Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan)

Udmurt republic

Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia

Perm region

Kirov region

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Orenburg region

Penza region

Samara Region

Saratov region

Ulyanovsk region

Ural federal district

Kurgan region

Sverdlovsk region

Tyumen region


Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region Okrug-Ugra

Yamalo-Nenets Aut. district

Tyumen region without cars. districts

Chelyabinsk region

Siberian Federal District

Altai Republic

Tyva Republic

The Republic of Khakassia

Altai region

Krasnoyarsk region

Irkutsk region

Kemerovo region

Novosibirsk region

Omsk region

Tomsk region

The Republic of Buryatia

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Transbaikal region

Kamchatka Krai

Primorsky Krai

Khabarovsk region

Amur region

Magadan Region

Sakhalin region

Jewish Autonomous Region

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

* Confidential data

For comparison: Rosstat data on salaries of officials at various levels (for 2018).

Average monthly salary of civil (municipal) employees

For reference: average monthly salary of employees of organizations in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

Territorial bodies of federal executive authorities

executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

local authorities

Russian Federation

Central Federal District

Belgorod region

Bryansk region

Vladimir region

Voronezh region

Ivanovo region

Kaluga region

Kostroma region

Kursk region

Lipetsk region

Moscow region

Oryol Region

Ryazan Oblast

Smolensk region

Tambov Region

Tver region

Tula region

Yaroslavl region

Northwestern Federal District

Republic of Karelia

Komi Republic

Arhangelsk region


Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Arkhangelsk Region without Autonomous Okrug

Vologda Region

Kaliningrad region

Leningrad region

Murmansk region

Novgorod region

Pskov region

Saint Petersburg

Southern Federal District

Republic of Adygea

Republic of Kalmykia

Republic of Crimea

Krasnodar region

Astrakhan region

Volgograd region

Rostov region


North Caucasus Federal District

The Republic of Dagestan

The Republic of Ingushetia

Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Republic of North Ossetia - Alania

Chechen Republic

Stavropol region

Volga Federal District

Republic of Bashkortostan

Mari El Republic

The Republic of Mordovia

Republic of Tatarstan

Udmurt republic

Chuvash Republic

Perm region

Kirov region

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Orenburg region

Penza region

Samara Region

Saratov region

Ulyanovsk region

Ural federal district

Kurgan region

Sverdlovsk region

Tyumen region


Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Tyumen region without auto districts

Chelyabinsk region

Siberian Federal District

Altai Republic

Tyva Republic

The Republic of Khakassia

Altai region

Krasnoyarsk region

Irkutsk region

Kemerovo region

Novosibirsk region

Omsk region

Tomsk region

Far Eastern Federal District

The Republic of Buryatia

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Transbaikal region

Kamchatka Krai

Primorsky Krai

Khabarovsk region

Amur region

Magadan Region

Sakhalin region

Jewish Autonomous Region

Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Salaries of public sector employees in 2019

Indexation of salaries for public sector employees is part of Vladimir Putin’s 2012 election program. The main document is Presidential Decree No. 597, sometimes called “presidential order 597: road map 01/01/2018.” Then, in May, immediately after taking office, the head of state issued 11 decrees that related to increasing the salaries of civil servants and other public sector employees. Then the President promised to increase salaries by 2019, primarily for teachers and doctors.

Salaries are increased primarily for those state employees who are subject to Presidential Decrees:

The salary increase is gradual. In the end:

  • for university teachers and doctors (medical workers with higher education), the salary level should be at least 200% of the average salaries in the region;
  • For middle and junior medical staff and social workers, the salary level should not be lower than the average salary in the region.

Unfortunately, not all categories of public sector employees were subject to the “May decrees.” It is obvious that there are quite a lot of those whose salaries have not been increased. Therefore, officials promised not to ignore them and also to index their salaries. Thus, in accordance with the law “On the federal budget for 2019 and for the planning period of 2020 and 2021,” it is planned to increase the salaries of public sector employees (see the table below for indexation amounts).

Categories of public sector employees whose salaries are indexed in accordance with the “May Decrees” Categories of employees who were not subject to the “May Decrees”

Teachers of kindergartens and general education

Additional education teachers

Teachers and masters of secondary and primary vocational education

University teachers

Middle and junior medical personnel

Social workers

Cultural workers


Teachers of educational, medical organizations and organizations providing social services to orphans and those without parental care

HR specialists

Complex rehabilitation specialists

Engineering, technical and support workers who maintain buildings and equipment: technicians, electricians, mechanics, plumbers, office cleaners.

Social psychologists

Accountants and economists





Judges, prosecutors

Military personnel and equivalent

Salary increase
from September 1, 2019 - by 6.0%,
in 2020 - by 5.4%,
in 2021 - by 6.6%
Salary increase
from October 1, 2019 to the forecast inflation rate of 4.3%,
October 1, 2020 - by 3.8%,
October 1, 2021 - by 4%

Increase in salaries of public sector employees from 01/01/2019

It should be noted that some public sector employees will have to increase their salaries regardless of indexation. After all, from January 1, it is planned to increase the minimum wage (increase in the minimum wage), which will affect the salaries of junior and mid-level personnel with secondary education. From January 1, 2019, the minimum wage is 11,280 rubles. This salary increase will affect approximately 1.6 million people in the public sector.

Regional decisions to increase salaries for public sector employees

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2012 No. 2599-r obliges the governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to adopt orders on their regional “road maps”, which include specific figures for each year for salary increases. Thus, the road map of the Sverdlovsk region for increasing wages 2019 stated that the level of the average salary of social workers should be at least 100 percent of the average monthly salaries in the Sverdlovsk region. And to increase salaries for public sector employees in 2019 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Government allocated an additional 2.9 billion rubles from the federal treasury, so that regional allowances and the northern coefficient could be taken into account.

At the end of the year, regional authorities traditionally prepare appropriate decisions regarding salary increases for the next year. For example, in the Lipetsk region, deputies decided to increase wages in 2019 for state employees who are not subject to the May decrees by 10%.