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How to prepare salted boletuses for the winter. Homemade salted boletus

Mushrooms such as boletus and boletus are considered to be of the highest quality - their taste properties are not inferior to porcini mushrooms and are just as safe for consumption. In this article we will talk about harvesting boletus and boletus for the winter.

Mushroom pickers call boletus and aspen boletus cousins, united by belonging to the same genus - Lecinum (Obabok). The difference between them is very small and consists only in different shades of the cap, and also in the fact that the second one darkens when cut when damaged and cooked; however, there are connoisseurs who believe that boletus mushrooms also have more delicate flesh. However, these mushrooms are considered very similar, and the recipes for their preparation, including salting and pickling, are no different.

It is believed that boletus mushrooms cleanse the blood and reduce cholesterol levels, and boletus mushrooms are useful for kidney diseases. Due to their high content of dietary fiber and protein, these mushrooms work in the body as a sorbent and a vacuum cleaner, so it is very important that they are collected away from populated areas and roads.

Recipes for preparing and storing boletus and boletus for the winter

Of course, like porcini mushrooms, boletus and aspen mushrooms can be fried, stewed, boiled and generally prepared with them a lot of delicious dishes. They can also be preserved until winter, canned - pickled or salted, or frozen or dried. We will tell you about everything - both the preparation and the storage of these wonderful mushrooms for future use.

It is a common belief that before cooking you need to remove the skin from the caps and scales from the stems of these mushrooms, but if you have collected young, not overripe mushrooms, this is not at all necessary. So this moment remains at the subjective discretion of everyone. As is the case with other mushrooms, if we are talking about pickling or salting, then large specimens should be cut into 4-6 parts, and small ones can be left whole. Let's move on directly to the recipes for preparing boletus and boletus mushrooms.

Recipe for fried boletus/boletus with potatoes

You will need: 500g mushrooms, 400g potatoes, 1-2 onions, vegetable oil, spices to taste, salt.

How to cook boletus or boletus fried with potatoes. Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly under running cold water, remove all contaminants, cut out wormholes, and cut into not too small pieces. Place the chopped mushrooms in a deep saucepan, add cold water, turn on medium heat, and bring to a boil.

At this stage, you can check for the presence of poisonous mushrooms: throw a whole peeled onion into boiling water with mushrooms: if it turns red or blue, it means there are poisonous mushrooms and everything will have to be thrown away.

After boiling, add 3 g of citric acid and 20 g of salt for every 1 liter of water, boil the mushrooms for 5 minutes, drain in a colander, and dry. Place the mushrooms in a thick-walled frying pan with properly heated oil, fry for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally. As a result, the mushrooms should be very fried.

If you like half-stewed mushrooms, cover them with a lid and simmer over low heat; if they are crispy, do not cover with a lid and after all the moisture has evaporated, fry them over medium heat.

Salt the finished mushrooms (this should not be done right away - the mushrooms will release a lot of juice and turn out dry), turn off the heat. In a separate frying pan, fry the potatoes with onions, add mushrooms from another frying pan to the half-cooked potatoes (you can pour sour cream over them at the end of frying), stir, pepper, fry for another 10-12 minutes, cover with a lid if desired and simmer over low heat until cooked (then everything will turn out soft).

Another very tasty option for preparing these mushrooms is to make a kebab out of them!

Recipe for making shish kebab from boletus or aspen mushrooms

You will need: 650g of fresh forest mushrooms, 120g of bacon, 4 onions, green onions, dill, pepper, salt.

How to cook mushroom shish kebab. Separate the caps from the stems, place them in cold salted water, and after boiling, boil for 20-25 minutes. Thread the caps, allowing them to cool after cooking, onto skewers, alternating with pieces of lard and onion, pepper and salt, bake the mushroom kebab over hot coals until cooked, turning the skewers periodically. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

For barbecue, you can only use caps; they must be boiled in salted water and under no circumstances allowed to become overcooked.

And, of course, you can make a simply fabulous soup from boletus and aspen mushrooms, which will cause a huge appetite in everyone who smells it.

Recipe for making boletus or boletus soup

You will need: 400-500g of mushrooms, 2 potato tubers and garlic cloves, 1 onion and medium carrot, 1 tbsp. salt, sour cream, herbs, bay leaf, pepper, salt.

How to make soup from boletus or boletus mushrooms. Place the prepared mushrooms in a saucepan with cold salted water, boil until done (it can be determined this way - the mushrooms will begin to settle to the bottom), skimming off the foam. Put greens and bay leaves, peppercorns, finely chopped carrots and potatoes into cubes, fried one onion and garlic pressed into the broth, stir, put a whole peeled onion in the soup, boil for 10 minutes, then remove the onion, serve the soup with sour cream.

By adding different spices to this soup, you can change the shades of its taste.

Recipes for preparing mushrooms for the winter: salting, pickling, drying and freezing

Of course, you want to save mushrooms collected in the fall for future use. This is why they came up with salting, pickling, drying and freezing.

Recipe for pickling boletus or aspen mushrooms

You will need: mushrooms, marinade - 10 black peppercorns per 1 liter of water, 3-5 clove buds, 3 tsp. vinegar essence (or 1 glass of vinegar 6%), 2-3 bay leaves, 2 tbsp. salt (with a slide) and sugar (without a slide), cinnamon to taste.

How to pickle boletus and aspen mushrooms.
Prepare the mushrooms - peel, rinse, soak a little, coarsely chop the stems, cut the caps into 4-6 pieces depending on size, leave small mushrooms whole. Boil the mushrooms by immersing the whole peeled onion in cold water, after boiling for 5-10 minutes, drain this water, pour new cold water over the mushrooms, removing the onion, and boil after boiling for 15 minutes, skimming off the foam. For the marinade, bring water to a boil, add sugar and salt, all the spices, add slightly boiled mushrooms, cook for 30-40 minutes (until tender, depending on how long the mushrooms were cooked at the beginning), add vinegar 10 minutes before the end of cooking ( you can add garlic along with it). Next, the mushrooms along with the marinade are placed in sterilized jars and sealed with boiled plastic lids.

A simple recipe for pickling boletus or aspen mushrooms

You will need: medium-sized mushrooms, brine - for each 1 kg of mushrooms, 120 ml of water, 40 g of salt, 5 peppercorns, 4 bay leaves, 2 cloves, dill sprigs.

How to pickle boletus or boletus mushrooms.
Prepare the mushrooms and soak them for 3-5 hours if desired. Place the mushrooms in cold water, bring to a boil, and simmer for 15 minutes, removing any foam. To make the brine, bring water to a boil, add laurel, salt, pepper, dill and cloves. Dry the boiled mushrooms in a colander, then put them in sterilized jars, sprinkle with salt, pour in the brine and place in a cool place, covering with boiled lids. You can eat such mushrooms after a month.

It is better to use small jars for pickling so that each time you prepare a dish you will need a whole jar at once.

Those who prefer mushrooms in their “natural form” to salted and pickled ones can dry or freeze boletus and aspen mushrooms for the winter.

Recipe for drying boletus and boletus

You will need: whole fresh mushrooms.

How to dry boletus and boletus. Peel the mushrooms, rinse thoroughly, dry lightly with a paper towel or in a colander. Line a baking tray with baking paper, lay out the mushrooms, dry them at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees Celsius with the oven door slightly open.

If you want to freeze mushrooms, you can do this in two ways: use boiled or fried mushrooms.

Recipe for freezing boletus and boletus mushrooms

You will need: mushrooms.

How to freeze boletus and aspen mushrooms. Boil the mushrooms until fully cooked, drain in a colander, then put in a container or bag, let cool and after cooling, put in the freezer. You can also boil mushrooms before freezing until half cooked, if in the future they will be used, for example, for making soup and will be boiled again.

Another option: boil the mushrooms for 10 minutes in a colander, then place them in a frying pan with hot oil and fry, cool and freeze in a container or bag.

To prepare any dishes from frozen mushrooms, you do not need to defrost them: they are placed in the dish frozen. These mushrooms can be stored for no more than 6 months.

So if you have collected a lot

Boletuses are one of the most delicious and widespread forest mushrooms. The combination of these two advantages makes the mushroom especially popular.

However, if harvesting boletuses in the summer or spring does not cause any particular difficulties (you just need to venture into the forest and be attentive and patient), then in winter their harvesting is impossible. Winter restrictions force us to ask questions: is it possible to salt boletus mushrooms at all? And if so, how to do it correctly?

You can salt boletus mushrooms, and it is quite accessible at home. Moreover, salting boletus mushrooms for the winter is not at all difficult. There are a number of obvious warnings when harvesting and actually salting boletus mushrooms: Mushrooms must be carefully sorted: ignore old and defective ones, and it is better not to spare dubious ones.

The ideal place to collect boletuses is near young aspens and birches (yes, they are often adjacent to boletuses). Feel free to stir up fallen leaves and overgrown grass; the best mushrooms try to hide from the eyes of mushroom pickers. It is not difficult to recognize mushrooms that are unsuitable for consumption. They are indicated by a loose structure, dull color, damaged leg, or generally unpresentable appearance. Cleaning should be taken seriously. You can use a toothbrush or a hard, damp towel as an assistant, this will make it easier to scrape off the dirt from the mushroom cap.

Another tip - do not dip dirty, unprocessed mushrooms in water, they will absorb moisture and it will be more difficult to get rid of the dirt. They should be soaked in cold water after mechanical removal of contaminants; You can’t close boletus mushrooms in a non-airtight way, just like all mushroom preparations. Penetration of air is fraught with the appearance of bacteria that provoke severe food poisoning. Having prevented possible mistakes, let's move on to practical secrets.

How to pickle boletus mushrooms: preparatory stage

1. Boletus mushrooms do not need to be pre-soaked; the mushrooms are already devoid of an unwanted bitter taste. This fact greatly facilitates and speeds up the procurement process.

2. It is better to salt them without legs. The large stem of the mushroom will prevent them from being compactly arranged in the jar. In addition, the stem is simply inferior to the cap in taste.

3. You should not mix boletus subspecies in the same jar. Red, white or yellow-brown mushrooms have different taste characteristics - and although a jar with multi-colored contents looks beautiful, from a gastronomic point of view, the arrangement in one color scheme is much tastier. Having understood all the intricacies of collection, processing and storage methods, we move on to the initial question: how to properly salt boletus?

Photo and detailed recipe for the hot method

1. Prepare the brine - add garlic, pepper, currant leaves, bay leaves and other spicy spices to salted water.

2. Place properly cleaned and washed mushrooms in a pan with brine.

3. We mark 25 minutes from the moment the water boils. You can do less, the boiling time comes with experience. 4. Don’t forget to remove the foam that forms during the cooking process, otherwise you won’t get any flavor delights.

5. After the specified time, remove and cool the mushrooms to room temperature.

6. Distribute them among the jars, sprinkling them with salt in a proportion of 5% of the mass of raw mushrooms.

7. Fill with the same brine and seal the jars hermetically. You can open and try our preparation after a few weeks from the moment they are twisted, but it is wiser to wait until winter - the mushrooms will be better salted and will become much tastier than lightly salted ones.

Boletus is a fairly common and tasty mushroom. It is very useful due to its unique composition. The high protein and dietary fiber content makes it nutritious. Eating this mushroom helps reduce cholesterol levels and cleanse the blood. I would like to see this product on the table not only during the mushroom season. Pickling is one of the best ways to prepare mushrooms for the winter, but not everyone knows how to pickle boletuses.

A close relative of the boletus is the boletus. These mushrooms are similar in many ways. They are best preserved for the winter in salted or pickled form.

Salting boletuses and boletuses involves preparatory work.
There is no need to soak them in advance, which makes the work much easier.

Mushrooms should be sorted out, sorting out rotten, wormy, and inedible (if any).

Important! If you have any doubts about whether a mushroom belongs to a particular variety, it is better to get rid of it immediately.

Mushrooms are mechanically thoroughly cleaned of dirt. All damage must be removed.

Important! It is better not to dip dirty, untreated ones in water. Having absorbed moisture, they will make it difficult to get rid of dirt.

The product should be washed with plenty of water.

It is better to take only caps for salting. The oversized leg will make it difficult to arrange the mushrooms compactly in the jars. And in terms of taste, the leg is significantly inferior to the cap.
It is not recommended to mix different subspecies of boletus or boletus in one container. The layout of one color scheme will be much tastier.

Hot pickling recipe for the winter

You will need:

  • Boletuses or boletuses (as much as you have or as desired),
  • Garlic,
  • Bay leaf,
  • black pepper,
  • currant leaves, etc. (to taste)
  • Salt (to taste).

First, you need to prepare the brine. Water is poured into the pan, to which all the spices and salt prepared in advance are added. After stirring, the brine is left for a few minutes, it needs to brew.

Secondly, peeled and washed mushrooms are placed into the prepared mass for cooking. Boil for 25 minutes. Any foam that appears must be carefully removed.

After the allotted time has passed, the contents of the pan should be removed and put in a secluded place to cool. When the mushrooms become lukewarm, put them in jars and sprinkle with salt. The amount of salt is taken in the ratio of 5% of the total mass of the product. Finally, you need to pour brine into the jars and roll them up. After a few weeks, the mushrooms will become lightly salted, but closer to winter they will acquire a unique taste and texture.

Mushroom recipe for the winter

This method allows you to salt, preserving the beneficial properties and taste of mushrooms as much as possible. For cooking you will need for every 1 kg. product 150-200 grams of salt. Cut the dried mushrooms into slices and place them in the sun, allowing them to wilt.

After this, mix the resulting mass with salt and compact tightly into jars. Close with tin lids.

Important! When stirring, do not leave any places where salt would not get in. Otherwise, harmful bacteria may form there.

Recipe 3

A wonderful snack is made from salted boletus or boletus mushrooms if you prepare them according to the following recipe, the recipe for which is very simple.

You will need:

  • 5 kg. mushrooms
  • 250 gr. salt
  • 10 gr. bay leaf
  • 4-5 gr. allspice

Makes approximately 20 servings.

To prepare, pour water into a saucepan, add salt and bring to a boil.
Add the cleaned and washed mushrooms and cook them for 20 minutes, remembering to regularly remove the foam with a slotted spoon.
After boiling, drain in a colander, rinse with cool water and let dry.
After this, place the mushrooms with their caps up in a pan or barrel, sprinkling them with salt and pepper. Don't forget about the bay leaf.
Cover the container with gauze and place pressure on top. Leave for 3 days at room temperature, then place in a cool place.
The pickling will be ready in 35-40 days.
This dish will be irreplaceable for the holiday table as an appetizer.

Recipe 4

Boletus or boletus mushrooms can be prepared for the winter in the following, very simple way.
Sprinkle the dried mushrooms in layers with salt and spices, placing them immediately in a pre-prepared container. In this option, the product will release the juice itself and there will be no need to prepare a special marinade.

Subtleties to consider when salting

Mushrooms require careful handling. To avoid poisoning, additional measures must be taken. For example, if you deal with mushrooms in hot weather, then it is better to blanch them before pickling (this process minimizes the souring process).
If there are a lot of mushrooms and they have to be cooked in several stages, then each subsequent portion must be placed only in clean water. This must be done so that the bitterness comes out of each subsequent serving.

Store in a cool place at a temperature of 0 to 4 degrees.
When using mushroom pickles in cooking, you should first rinse them thoroughly or soak them in water to remove excess salt.
Whatever dishes you use (glass jars, pots or barrels), you need to pour boiling water over them before the salting process.

Each housewife chooses her own recipe. Salted mushrooms prepared for the winter can not only be eaten as a snack, but also added to many dishes (soups, stir-fries, salads). Their delicious taste will not leave even the most sophisticated gourmets indifferent.

Mushrooms are nature's gift to gourmets. They are tasty, nutritious, but low in calories. They are rich in protein, mushrooms are even called “forest meat.” In addition, this product can be consumed during fasting to add variety to a strict table.

Depending on the type of mushroom, they can be consumed salted, pickled, fried, or boiled. Some mushrooms can even be eaten raw.

Boletuses are forest mushrooms that are loved by many. They belong to the noble species because they have a delicate taste and there is relatively little litter on them. Boletuses and boletuses do not taste bitter, so they do not need to be soaked for a long time.

To harvest for the winter or prepare dishes from fresh mushrooms, you need to thoroughly wash the collected mushrooms, cut them and cook according to your favorite recipe. People have known for a long time how to pickle boletus mushrooms for the winter. Nowadays they are also prepared according to traditional or new recipes.

Where to collect

Boletus and boletus belong to the same family - boletus. The best mushrooms should be looked for under birch and pine trees, raking fallen leaves. Collecting them is easy and fun.

If you pickle mushrooms for the winter, you need to start processing the harvest as soon as possible upon returning home, otherwise you may lose most of the collected wealth.

The best utensils for collecting mushrooms are wicker baskets. In such a container, the delicate caps will not be damaged during transportation and will last longer.

Mushrooms grow quickly and absorb pollution from the environment, which is why they should not be collected near roads and railways, as well as in places of radiation contamination.

Cooking options and benefits of boletus

You can prepare a lot of different dishes from mushrooms. They can be stewed, fried, baked. But I want to prepare these fragrant gifts from the forest for the winter. Boletus and boletus mushrooms can be harvested in different ways. Can be salted hot or cold, frozen and dried.

In any form, boletuses will disappear from the table during a feast this is the only way. They can be added to hot dishes, salads, and served seasoned with onions and garlic.

Boletus mushrooms cleanse the blood and reduce cholesterol, and boletus mushrooms are recommended to be consumed for kidney diseases.

Salting boletuses and boletuses is similar, but the cooking time is slightly different. Therefore, if there are a lot of mushrooms, it is better to separate them by type and not mix them. Then the taste will be more intense.

Preparation for salting is the most important stage

Before pickling boletus and aspen boletuses using a cold or hot method for the winter, they must be carefully prepared. Pickling boletus is a simple process, but the preparatory work requires patience.

First, the mushrooms should be sorted out, wormy, old and other doubtful specimens should be removed. You should not regret it, because the final result depends on it.

Clean each stem from adhering leaves and debris, cut off the stems. For best results, you should cut off the stems of boletus mushrooms almost completely, even young mushrooms. The caps have a more delicate taste than the legs, and if possible, before salting the boletus mushrooms, separate the caps from the legs and cook them separately.

After mechanical cleaning, you need to thoroughly rinse each mushroom in clean water. It is advisable to change the water several times, remove the top film from the caps and the dark partitions at the bottom. Only after this can you begin to salt boletus and aspen mushrooms for the winter.

Hot method without vinegar

Hot pickling of boletus mushrooms for the winter is the safest option for preserving mushrooms for a long time.

Products for 1 kg of boletus:

  • Salt – 2 tbsp;
  • Water – 0.5 tbsp;
  • Peppercorns;
  • Bay leaf.

  • Prepare the mushrooms, cut off the caps. Cut large specimens into 2-4 parts, and leave small ones whole. Take the spice consumption per kilogram of prepared mushrooms.
  • Prepare the marinade: pour hot water into the pan, add salt and the remaining spices. Boil. Place the mushrooms in the boiling marinade, cover with a lid and cook for 25 minutes from the moment of boiling. The time depends on the size of the pieces. The product is ready when all the mushrooms sink to the bottom.
  • Be sure to stir and skim off the foam while cooking. If this is not done while salting the boletus, the finished product will be bitter, which will nullify all efforts.
  • In the same way, in a separate bowl, boil mushroom stems, cut into pieces.
  • Place hot cooked mushrooms in a bowl with a slotted spoon and cool. Then package it in pre-sterilized jars. Pour in the marinade until it covers the contents. Screw on the lids and refrigerate.

Salted boletuses are ready to eat after a couple of months.

Fragrant mushrooms

There are many ways to pickle boletus mushrooms for the winter, but this one will appeal to all mushroom lovers. It's simple, but the results are always amazing.

For the wild mushroom marinade you will need for 1 liter of water:

  • Sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • Salt – 2 tbsp;
  • Vinegar 6% - 1 tbsp.;
  • Cloves – 5-6 buds;
  • Bay leaf – 2-3 pcs.;
  • Cinnamon - optional;
  • Black peppercorns - a dozen;
  • Garlic - a couple of cloves.

The preliminary preparation of mushrooms is as thorough as in the previous recipe.

  • Pre-boil the entire volume of onions for about 10 minutes in a small amount of water, into which place a whole peeled onion. Then drain the hot muddy water and discard the onion. This technique allows you to improve the quality of salted mushrooms and is an additional processing.
  • Next, the mushrooms are dipped into a brine prepared from the listed ingredients. But without vinegar and garlic.
  • Cook in the hot marinade for 30 minutes, then add vinegar and garlic and simmer for another 10 minutes.
  • Place in hot, clean jars, add marinade and seal with iron lids.
  • The mushrooms will be completely ready after two months.

According to this recipe, you can salt boletus and boletus mushrooms, as well as other forest trophies, changing only the cooking time.

Cold way

You can cook boletus mushrooms for the winter not only hot, but also cold. This option allows you to preserve the maximum useful elements in mushrooms.

For 5 kg of boletus you will need:

  • Salt – 250 g;
  • Peppercorns;
  • Dried dill;
  • Bay leaf;
  • A few cloves of garlic.

  • The preliminary preparation of mushrooms will be as thorough as with hot pickling methods. Only the best specimens are selected.
  • Prepared mushrooms can already be salted, but it is better to fill them with salted water for disinfection. Leave for two days. Change the water every three to four hours, otherwise the mushrooms will sour.
  • Rinse the finished mushrooms.
  • For salting you will need an enamel pan. First you need to rinse it with hot water and dry it. Cover the bottom with a layer of salt. Place the mushrooms as tightly as possible, caps down. Alternate layers of salt and mushrooms, not forgetting to add other spices to taste.
  • When all the mushrooms are laid out, cover them with clean gauze and press down with a weight. Leave for 3 days. During this time, the contents of the pan will be compacted and covered with the released juice.
  • Place into jars and store in the cold. You don’t have to wait until winter to try these mushrooms, because they will be ready in a month.

Unlike hot salting, this method preserves the wonderful forest aroma of mushrooms and maximum nutrients.

Knowing how to pickle boletus and aspen mushrooms for the winter, you can safely go into the forest in search of mushroom places. In winter, it will be so nice to get a jar of mushrooms, carefully collected in the summer and salted hot or cold, and treat family members or visiting guests with your own prepared preparations.

How to pickle boletus for the winter so that it turns out delicious? Preparing these mushrooms is no more difficult than

There are several tricks that I will definitely tell you about, but first, let’s get to know boletus mushrooms better.

Boletus is a large mushroom with a fleshy cap with a diameter of up to 30, usually 15...20 cm. At first the cap is hemispherical, then convex to cushion-shaped. The color of the cap comes in different shades depending on the place of growth. In pure aspen trees the color of the cap is red or dark red; in mixed forests orange or yellow-red; in poplars - gray; in damp forests - white-pink. In the north, the boletus grows with a yellowish-brown color, the leg is covered in dark scales. In the forest-tundra, boletuses reach very large sizes and weigh up to 2 kg.

And this pleasure is not reserved for dessert! Salty pies allow you to enjoy a good hot meal without breaking your head, especially during the holidays. There is so much to do this time of year that finding a moment to cook is a real headache. Don't panic: salt pie comes to the rescue of even the most overwhelmed cooks. Ready quickly, they are stored in the refrigerator and reheated. Ideal for making ahead, accompanied by a good soup or a generous winter salad, it's the perfect weeknight dinner.

To make everything successful, here are some little tricks for crispy and enjoyable pasta. - For homemade baked goods, do this the day before. Sandwich it directly between two sheets of plastic wrap to preserve it - it also avoids adding flour, which denatures it. - Cook the dough with a fork, stick the dough with a fork, cover with baking paper and decorate with dried vegetables. Leave to cook for about ten minutes - this prevents the dough from soaking. -You can freeze tart bottles already scattered in molds, but they must be cooked without thawing first.

The tubular layer is finely porous, at first white or smoky gray, later dirty whitish to light brown. The leg reaches a length of 20 cm, a thickness of 5 cm, has a cylindrical shape, slightly thickened at the bottom; The color of the leg is white, with oblong scales. The maximum mass is reached by the tenth day of growth, then the mushroom ages, becomes flabby and worm-like.

For lunch, dinner or weekend get-togethers, we've rounded up the best savory pie recipes to find in photos. To start, treat yourself to this goat cheese tart topped with dried figs. Mushrooms in brine for the winter open mushroom products this year. Pasteurization of mushrooms in brine is one of the ways to preserve mushrooms.

Pickling blanched mushrooms

We'll be back in the woods next Saturday, so the dick will probably bring a lot of new stuff. Brine mushrooms are ideal for winter preparation, when you open the jar, just put the mushrooms in a colander and rinse with running water, and then enjoy their taste, because the taste is like fresh, taps can be added to scrambled eggs, sauce, soup, or for all kinds of fillings and other dishes like mushrooms.

Fresh boletus has strong white flesh, coarser than that of boletus. Its characteristic feature is that when cut (or at a break), the flesh begins to quickly change color: first it becomes pink, then dark blue and even black. The pigments of the fungus oxidize under the action of enzymes in air, changing color. This explains the mysterious phenomenon.

This is a method that has been known for many years, which is why my grandmother and my mother preserved mushrooms, so mushrooms are preserved in many homes, only each has its own way of salting and pasteurization. To cook mushrooms in brine, all you need is a few jars, water and salt, and, of course, mushrooms. Mushrooms, when well sealed, will last on the shelf for a year or more.

The saline solution is not cut because they shrink, with two lupins after cooking and pasteurization, only 5 cans. Other mushrooms can be cut into slices or thick cubes, and small ones - whole. The water in the salted mushrooms in the jar should be clear throughout the shelf life, if it becomes cloudy, this is a sign that the contents of the jar have deteriorated and are not suitable for consumption, you need to throw away these mushrooms.

Changing the color of the pulp does not affect the nutritional and taste properties of boletus.


  • 1 kg of boletus;
  • 1 heaped tablespoon of salt;
  • 2-3 currant leaves;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • bay leaf to taste;
  • 3 buds of cloves;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 12-15 black peppercorns.


Boletuses are mushrooms without bitterness or unpleasant aftertaste, so they do not need to be pre-soaked in water. It is enough to simply process them thoroughly: remove wormy specimens, clean them of soil and other debris, and rinse them at least 3-4 times in running water.

How to cook mushrooms in brine in jars for the winter? Ingredients: Tables: 1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water. Preparation: Peel the loops, rinse in a colander, throw into the pot and pour out the water. We cook within 10 minutes after filling the water. Stir the prepared roosters in a colander and cover with cold water. When the roosters escape, we move them into clean, hard jars.

We prepare the brine: boil water and salt in a pot in a ratio of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water, as much as we have jars of mushrooms. The hot brine solution is poured into a jar filled with mushrooms, turned to the right and turned upside down. Set the pot to gas and place it under a small heat lid for about 30 minutes. The jars of mushrooms in the brine are not removed from the pan, leaving them cool. Remove cold jars of mushrooms, wipe the jars to dry, and move them to a cool, dark place, preferably a basement.

For pickling, use the caps, use the stems somehow. Salted caps are tastier than legs, in addition, they are easier to compact in the containers used.

Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil, add salt and follow with the prepared spices with boletus caps. Boil everything for 25 minutes, constantly removing the foam.

Only fresh, young, strong and healthy mushrooms are suitable for canning. Once you get your mushrooms home, you need to process them as soon as possible. Mushrooms always require careful cleaning - no matter how we choose to preserve them. Besides sponges, roosters, pigeons, you can also dry all mushrooms. You need to clear them of soil and needles, cut the sticks. Mushrooms can be dried whole, in pieces or with the same hats, preferably in the sun, but you can also in the oven.

Mushrooms are scattered in one layer on a baking sheet, placed in the oven and dried using the hinged door. Once dry, we place tightly closed jars, jars or bags. Healthy mushrooms are good for him. Peeled and washed mushrooms are boiled for 10 minutes in salted water, then filtered. With two glasses of water and a glass of vinegar we prepare the lagoon. We add spices to it according to taste and taste. We place small mushrooms in jugs whole, cut them into small pieces, fill them with hot water, and close them. Pasteurization is not required.

Place the washed currant leaves with a chopped clove of garlic in a clean bowl (cut it into 2-4 parts). Both jars and pans, preferably enameled, are suitable as dishes for pickling. Place mushroom caps on top of the leaves, remove them with a slotted spoon, and pour hot brine over them. You can add a little more salt to taste. Cover the container with mushrooms with a lid that fits tightly. Cool at room temperature. The preparation is stored in the refrigerator; it will become tasty in 2-3 weeks.

We choose mushrooms that are healthy and not too big. For 1 kg of mushrooms you need 20 dag of salt. Cleaned and well-washed mushrooms are cooked for about 5 minutes in salted water and lemon juice. We immediately pour it out and rinse with cold water. The mushrooms are placed in a lighted jar or oven and covered with chilled brine, it must be completely closed. You can additionally sprinkle with a layer of salt and close.

Salting boletus mushrooms for the winter is one of the best ways to prepare mushrooms for the winter. Boletuses prepared in this way are stored longer in home bins. Of course, you can buy preparations from delicious forest mushrooms in the store, but the best taste of salted aspen boletus comes from pickling it yourself at home. You don’t need any special effort to prepare winter mushroom pickles. What is really necessary is to put more fresh boletuses in the basket and choose deep and large containers for pickling them, otherwise in winter you will really miss such a tasty delicacy of ripe and beautiful mushrooms.
Ingredients for pickling:

You can pasteurize almost all types of mushrooms, among others. Rats, wild boars, boars, boots, fleas. Hot mushrooms along with the glaze are placed in jars, closed and pasteurized for an hour. After 24 hours we pasteurize again for half an hour. Mushrooms are cleaned, washed and dried.

Before eating, mushrooms must be soaked before use. Thoroughly clean and wash the mushrooms, drain, pour into the filter and carefully remove from the water. Place in a dish with the top of the hat. Sprinkle each layer with salt. Sprinkle with a thick layer of salt. Cover with a cloth, place a plate and load it with a stone so that the mushrooms are covered with juice at all times. We store the quail at room temperature for 3 days, then take it to a cool basement. You can make excellent salads with pickled mushrooms.

  • boletus (weight taken as desired);
  • garlic, currant leaves, bay leaf, pepper, etc. (to taste);
  • salt.

Step-by-step recipe for pickling boletus

The eggs are salted in several stages. The first stage is the preparation of fresh mushrooms for the pickling process, the second is the pickling process itself.
Since boletus mushrooms are those mushrooms that naturally do not contain bitterness or an unpleasant aftertaste, there is no need to soak them in water first.
Boletuses of the same subspecies should be salted in the same container. It is not advisable to mix different subspecies of mushrooms in one jar, since each type of boletus has its own special taste and such mixing will lead to the loss of that exquisite and unique taste of salted boletus, for the sake of which pickling is started. The taste qualities of different subspecies will interfere with each other, and the dish will lose its effectiveness.
It is also important to remember that you need to pickle mushrooms without stems; it is better to use only mushroom caps. This will make it easier to compact all the mushrooms into jars, and the taste of the caps is an order of magnitude higher than that of the mushroom stems.
To pickle boletus mushrooms using the hot method, you must first prepare a brine for pickling. To do this, you need to pour water into the pan, salt it and add all the previously prepared spices to the future brine liquid. Next, mix everything and let the brine sit for a few minutes.
Washed and peeled boletus mushrooms are placed in the prepared brine for further boiling. As soon as the mushrooms in the brine boil, you can time the time - 25 minutes, or even a quarter of an hour will be enough to boil fresh mushrooms. When foam appears, it must be carefully removed.
After 25 minutes, remove the mushrooms from the pan and place them in a secluded place to cool. When the mushrooms have cooled to approximately room temperature, they can be distributed into jars and sprinkled with salt (the ratio is 5% of the total mass of boletuses).
Finally, the jars are filled with brine, in which the boletus boiled, and closed. In a few weeks, the mushrooms will become lightly salted, but closer to winter, the boletus will acquire the necessary consistency and become incredibly tasty and appetizing.
Eat for your health!