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Maple sap: benefits and harm to the human body, composition, use, contraindications. Use of maple sap: beneficial properties and contraindications Which maple tree is the sap obtained from?

Maple sap is an intercellular fluid found in plants and trees. Maple, which gives humanity this most useful drink, grows mainly in the lands of North America and Canada. It is from this that delicious and aromatic maple syrup is made. On the territory of Russia, the source of sap is the Norway maple. It is less sweet, but the taste is close to Canadian syrup.

Some historical information

Residents of the American continent have always exalted the maple tree. There are many songs and legends composed in his honor. For example, this is an interesting story related to the inhabitants of the Iroquois tribe. It tells how one day the women, instead of going to a distant source for water, went to the nearest maple forest. There they began to cut tree trunks and collect the liquid flowing from them, which they then added to dishes. The warriors who returned home in the evening were pleasantly surprised by the unusual taste of the dishes, and maple sap became the little secret of the tribe’s women.

Attention! In Europe in the 17th century, attempts were made to extract sugar from maple on an industrial scale. In Canada, this direction is still of great importance.

Chemical composition

This natural drink contains a huge amount of valuable substances that have a beneficial effect on human health. The benefit comes from a combination of the following components:

  • water;
  • sucrose (dextrose);
  • numerous organic acids - acetic, malic, abscisic, succinic, fumaric;
  • significant minerals - silicon, calcium, potassium to the greatest extent, as well as magnesium, manganese and sodium;
  • ascorbic acid.
The human body experiences a shortage of all these substances, especially with the onset of spring. And it is precisely at this time that the collection of such a valuable source of vitamins and microelements begins.

Healing qualities

Maple sap, the benefits and harms of which are closely intertwined, is an effective natural healer and a valuable dietary product. It is used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases, such as:

  • asthenia;
  • avitaminosis;
  • cold;
  • scurvy;
  • gout;
  • kidney and liver diseases.

This is just a general list of indications; in fact, the range of effects of juice for medicinal purposes is much wider:

  • This is an effective diuretic for various types of problems with the urinary system.
  • Maple sap heals diseases of the cardiovascular system - atherosclerosis, thrombosis and other pathologies.
  • Cleanses the blood of toxins.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the gallbladder and liver, removing waste products from the body.
  • The pancreas, under the influence of abscisic acid, which is contained in the drink, receives an excellent therapeutic effect.
  • The drug is very useful for diseases associated with a weakening of general brain activity - Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  • Vitamin C and antioxidants predominant in the juice fight not only infectious diseases, but also cancer.
  • As an antibiotic, the juice acts from the inside and outside - it can be used to treat wounds, burns, and cuts on the skin.

How to prepare a healing drink

Collection rules

As mentioned earlier, the beginning of the collection is announced in early spring. And there is very little time to stock up on juice - only a couple of weeks. The start of the harvest is the swelling of the buds, but if they have already blossomed, you risk getting pure bitterness instead of a sweet liquid.

Attention! The process of extracting sap is very delicate; it is important not to damage the tree through illiterate actions.

  • Drill a hole in the trunk at a height of about 30 cm above the ground - a diameter of about 1.5 cm.
  • Insert a special spout into the resulting hole, and into it - tubes through which the juice will flow into the container.
  • Make sure that the connection between the tube and the spout is tight so that various debris does not get into the container. It is better to choose vessels made of plastic or metal, as glass ones can break and you will lose precious liquid.

An equally important question in this matter is where and when to collect maple sap? Here are some tips that are important to consider:

  • It is better to collect on a sunny day - under the influence of heat, the juice is released in large quantities.
  • It is also important where the trees grow - choose places away from the city and industrial enterprises. They contain the highest concentration of nutrients.
  • Pay attention to the visually discernible condition of the tree. These should be trunks of medium thickness and free of any damage.

Maple sap collected from healthy and environmentally friendly trees will have a beneficial effect on health. Therefore, it is worth a little effort when collecting and your efforts will more than pay off.

How to store

So, you have collected valuable liquid. The question arises - how to make sure that the juice does not lose its properties and is suitable for consumption for as long as possible? To do this, you should make syrup from it or preserve it.

Attention! Maple syrup is an excellent option for storage without losing all its beneficial properties. But this method is more traditional for Canada, but we hold the second option in high esteem.

Cooking recipes:

Maple sap is preserved in two ways:

  1. Sugarless. Fresh juice is heated to a temperature of 80 degrees and then poured into pre-sterilized containers. Next, you will need no more than half an hour to pasteurize the workpieces. After the time has passed, tightly close the jars with lids - everything should be extremely airtight.
  2. With sugar. Proportions: 100 g granulated sugar per 1 liter of juice. Stirring the mixture over the heat, bring it to a boil - the sugar should dissolve completely. While still hot, pour the resulting liquid into pasteurized jars or bottles. Pasteurization is carried out for a quarter of an hour, and then the containers are tightly closed for storage.


Despite the pronounced benefits of maple sap, harm from it is possible. Although he does not pose a serious danger.

The only contraindication is the presence of a corresponding allergy. In such a situation, even the most useful product can be dangerous. In addition, juice obtained in environmentally unfavorable areas can have harmful effects on the body. There are also restrictions on the amount of fluid consumed for people with diabetes. A couple of glasses a day will be more than enough to have a healing effect and not harm yourself.

Attention! Maple sap retains maximum nutrients only in its raw form. The finished sterilized version will lack some of its properties.

All materials on the Priroda-Znaet.ru website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

In the European and Asian parts of Russia, maple sap is extracted from Norway maple.

Another type of maple grows in North America - Canadian.

Its juice contains slightly more sugar, and it is from it that maple syrup, so beloved in the USA and Canada, is made.

Benefits of maple sap

In addition to water, maple sap contains:

  • sucrose (dextrose);
  • organic acids (malic, acetic, succinic, abscisic and fumaric);
  • minerals - potassium, calcium, silicon and in smaller quantities magnesium, sodium and manganese;
  • ascorbic acid;

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The presence of all these components in a special combination provides the beneficial properties of maple sap. Organic acids and mineral elements are especially valuable for human health.

Maple sap will bring maximum benefits precisely when the body most needs trace elements and vitamins - in early spring.

It is during this period that maple sap is collected.
In addition to the general strengthening effect, let’s look at some other benefits of maple sap:

  • It is used as a diuretic for pathologies, diseases and other ailments of the urinary system;
  • The mild choleretic effect of the juice will help in complex therapy for diseases of the gallbladder and liver diseases;
  • The juice is used as a preventive and therapeutic agent to prevent blood clots in blood vessels, atherosclerosis and cardiac pathologies;
  • Abscisic acid, which is part of the juice and is a plant hormone, is extremely beneficial for the pancreas;
  • The presence of antioxidants and vitamin C in maple sap makes it an excellent preventive and therapeutic remedy for infectious and oncological diseases;
  • It also has some antibiotic effect - it can be used not only internally, but also to treat shallow skin lesions;
  • Maple sap is an excellent way to cleanse the bloodstream of toxins;
  • This drink is used as a means of slowing down the development of neurodegenerative pathologies - Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases;

How and when to collect maple sap

Early spring is the time of year when maple sap is collected. You need to go for the juice when the buds on the trees have swollen, but have not yet blossomed, and inside the plants the physiological processes that have been suspended during winter hibernation are already awakening. The extraction of maple sap is limited to several weeks.

In maples, sap flow begins a week or two earlier than in birches - it is important not to miss the moment. You can tell that time has been lost by the taste of the juice - after the buds open, it is no longer sweet, but rather unpleasant.

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The process of collecting sap should be approached with care and responsibility so as not to cause unnecessary harm to the tree. First you need to drill a small hole with a diameter of 1.5 cm in the trunk at a distance of 30 cm from the ground. Special spouts are inserted into the finished hole (you can make them yourself), and elastic tubes are inserted into the spouts, through which the plant juice will flow into containers.

It is better if the connection between the container and the tube is sealed - this will prevent debris or rainwater from getting into our liquid. Glass jars are usually used as containers, but it would be more advisable to take plastic or metal containers with a larger capacity.

The release of sap from the maple occurs more intensely on sunny days, and freezing is temporarily suspended. To collect sap, you should choose healthy, medium-thick trees without damage.

The benefits and harms of maple sap strongly depend on the environmental situation in the place where it was collected.

It is better to collect in places remote from the city and especially industrial enterprises - like any plant, maple consumes substances contained in the soil, on which the composition and beneficial properties of the harvested product depend. Toxins sucked out by roots from the soil in the area of ​​chemical plants will only cause harm.


In cool weather, juice can be stored in containers directly outside, but this storage method is limited to a few days before the onset of warm weather.

It is best to store maple sap in the form of syrup - the beneficial properties of the drink will not change. However, in our country a simpler method is practiced - canning. How to roll up maple sap?
To do this you need:

  1. heat fresh juice to 80 degrees;
  2. pour into sterile containers;
  3. pasteurize for half an hour;
  4. seal tightly with a lid;

You can use another method - with added sugar.

How to collect maple sap video

Now we present to your attention a video on how to collect maple sap.

And another video that tells how to make maple syrup.

More information

Maple sap is new for the people of our region, since the main wood drink was birch sap. Maple, on the other hand, gained its popularity in Canada. It has been produced on a large scale in this country for a long time. Research by scientists has proven that in terms of its usefulness it is in no way inferior to birch. The first mention of juice appeared in the 15th century, as evidenced by ancient medical books. Its main purpose at that time was the fight against vitamin deficiency.

Maple grew in every home. The ancient inhabitants considered it a symbol of goodness. They believed in a belief that if a maple tree grows next to a house, peace and balance will reign in it, and its residents will be lucky.

What is maple sap?

This is a thick liquid obtained by evaporating the sap of a maple tree belonging to the Sapindaceae family.

In addition to this family, sap is currently extracted from red, silver, and ash maples. The maple sap of these trees differs from the first in having less sugar content, which makes the taste of the drink more complex and gives it a bitter taste.

Composition of maple sap

Most of the drink is water and only 0.5 to 10% is sucrose. The reason for this difference depends on the location and type of tree.

In addition, maple sap is rich in the following substances:

  • rich in vitamin complex;
  • oligosugars;
  • minerals, the main part of which are K, Ca; Fe, Mg, Na, Zn are present in smaller quantities;
  • the presence of acids of organic origin, the advantage of which is given to malic and citric;
  • glucose;
  • dextrose;
  • polyunsaturated acids.

Maple syrup is useful for any age category, since there are practically no special contraindications.

The taste qualities determine the properties of maple sap, and allow parents to use it instead of lemonade for their children. However, first of all, it is recommended for people with a weakened immune system. It is especially useful to use it during mass viral epidemics, during flu illnesses, during the recovery period after surgery and during rehabilitation.

Benefits of maple sap

Drinking maple sap is especially useful during the winter, when the body is most susceptible to infection with viral diseases. After cold weather, it is no less useful, since the body is exhausted and needs restoration, which implies the presence of a large amount of vitamin complex, macro- and microelements, and useful substances.

Maple sap has found its use in medicine. It is used for the purpose of treatment, prevention of diseases and during the restoration of the body during the rehabilitation period.

Maple juice is indicated for patients suffering from the following diseases:

  • . Abscisic acid, which is part of the juice, is similar in structure to the hormone produced by the pancreas. Therefore, this natural material can completely replace medications.
  • . Has a diuretic effect.
  • , with thrombosis and atherosclerotic conditions.
  • . Maple sap helps cleanse the blood and rid the body of toxins and other harmful substances.
  • . A big role in this case is given to the presence of ascorbic acid and antioxidants in the juice, which have an antimicrobial and bactericidal effect.
  • . As a remedy that has a choleretic effect.
  • , cuts, thermal and chemical burns. In this case, the juice acts as an antibiotic. To do this, you will need to treat the damaged area with it.
  • . Stops the development of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.
  • . Drinking juice daily can saturate the body with a boost of energy and give a person a feeling of vigor for the whole day.
  • . The absence of sugar in the juice and the presence of quebecol allows diabetics to fully use it in their daily menu, and fat people to drink it in unlimited quantities without fear of gaining weight.
  • . Most men drink maple sap for this reason. Some are for preventive purposes. Others are for treatment.
  • . The zinc content in juice helps prevent the occurrence of disease. For women - for better digestibility of protein during pregnancy. For girls - during puberty.
  • and maintain smooth muscle tone.
  • Helps maintain proper balance in bone tissue.
  • . When purchasing maple sap, you should know that the natural product does not contain dyes or preservatives of any kind.

When purchasing maple sap, you should know that the natural product does not contain dyes or preservatives of any kind.

About the dangers of juice

Let's talk about the negative benefits that maple sap can have and the harm that implies the presence of some substance in its composition. If we talk about harm, such a substance is glucose. Therefore, the drink taken by people who are recommended to limit glucose should be dosed. People with diabetes should be especially vigilant.

When collecting maple sap yourself, there is a possibility of saturating it with salts of heavy metals and other harmful substances. To avoid these cases, you should avoid places near highways and industrial enterprises. When consuming this product, it is absolutely clear that it will not bring any benefit to the body.

Be careful, there are contraindications for maple sap!

1. Juice should be consumed in normal quantities. Any product in large quantities can harm the body. Therefore, taking maple sap for medicinal purposes is recommended only in certain dosages. For example, when dieting, a tablespoon per day is enough. At the same time, you should remember that if you like to enjoy foods along with pancakes or pancakes, and then make complaints about excessive weight, juice has nothing to do with it. In this case, flour dishes are to blame.

2. Unlimited consumption of maple syrup during pregnancy is not recommended., especially if the doctor has diagnosed high uterine tone. The potassium content in the syrup helps to tone smooth muscles, so in parallel with maple sap, it is recommended to take magnesium, which functions to reduce the tone of the uterus.

The benefits and harms of a product largely depend on the correctness of its collection.

What time is most favorable for collection?

The most favorable season is the spring: March. It is at this time that the optimal air temperature is considered to be from -2 to +6. The first swelling of the buds indicates that the tree trunk is filled with healing sap, and is considered the reason to start collecting. The budding of the buds signals the end of the harvest. To collect the healing drink you will need several tools:

  • container;
  • a special sterile groove from which the juice will fill the container;
  • hammer.

Collection secrets

The trees most suitable for collecting are healthy trees of a certain family, with a trunk diameter of at least 20 cm. Pay attention to the crown. She should be curvy.

Collection methods:

  1. Drill a hole approximately 3 cm at an angle of 45 degrees and drive in a pre-prepared groove. The hole must be made at a height equal to half a meter from the surface of the earth.
  2. The second way to obtain juice is through juice extraction. To do this, you need to collect a small amount of last year's grass, clear it of debris and tie it with thread. Insert this device into the hole, securing it with a chopper and place the juice drain. Now substitute the previously prepared container and wait for the healing drink.

As it turned out, there is practically no harm from maple sap. It is a tasty and healthy product for the body and is liked by most of the population. In addition, its correct use contributes to the health of the body as a whole.

The healing properties of maple sap have been known since time immemorial. In many countries around the world, this healthy drink is widely used. Maple sap can be used as a refreshing drink and natural medicine. You can prepare maple sap yourself: can it or process it into syrup. The natural product is rich in vitamins and minerals, the benefits of which for the human body are difficult to underestimate.

Maple sap is low in calories - 12 kcal/100 g and contains a complex complex of chemical compounds:

  • vitamins: groups B, C, PP, fat-soluble A and E;
  • micro- and macroelements: potassium, calcium, silicon oxide, iron, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, sodium;
  • raffinose, sucrose, glucose;
  • organic acids: malic, citric, succinic, fumaric;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • antioxidants;
  • tannins;
  • antibiotics of plant origin;
  • alkaloids, flavonoids;
  • aldehydes;
  • plant hormone - abscisic acid;
  • water.

Useful properties of maple sap

Maple juice has a beneficial effect on the human body. It strengthens the immune system, which is especially important during periods of vitamin deficiency and seasonal colds. In addition to the general strengthening effect, the product also has other beneficial properties:

  1. Cleanses the blood of toxins, waste and heavy metal salts.
  2. It is a preventative against the formation of blood clots and cholesterol deposits in blood vessels, as well as pathologies of cardiac activity.
  3. Normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system, kidneys, gall bladder and liver.
  4. Reduces the risk of developing Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.
  5. Has antimicrobial and bactericidal effects. Therefore, it is often used as an antiseptic to treat shallow wounds, small cuts, and burns.
  6. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes metabolism.
  7. It has a positive effect on the pancreas and promotes the production of insulin.

How is maple sap beneficial for the female body? Firstly, it normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system. Secondly, it helps get rid of fatigue and depression, which a modern woman often experiences at the end of the working day. It is useful for men to drink maple juice with weakened potency and prostate diseases.

The juice is added to various cereals, muesli, baked goods, drinks, popsicles, dried fruits, and dairy products. It makes excellent marinades and carbonated drinks. Maple juice can quench your thirst and also overcome hunger. Even allergy sufferers can drink this drink.

In cosmetology, maple sap is used as a hair balm. It strengthens the roots and adds shine to the hair.

Collection and storage of maple sap

When and how is the best time to collect maple sap? If you are going to the forest, it is important to remember that the collection of the product begins in March in an ecologically clean place, away from the highway and factories. The weather also matters: it should be at least 2 degrees below zero. When choosing a tree, pay attention to the presence of swollen, but not blossoming buds.

American maple is especially popular. In spring, American maple produces a large amount of sweet sap compared to other species.

Depending on the weather, the healthy drink is collected over the course of two weeks. Maple sap can vary in color and taste: from light yellow to dark amber, and be sweet or slightly bitter.

Fresh juice can be stored for no more than 4 days, either in the refrigerator or in a dry cellar. If you plan to store the drink for a long time, it should be processed into maple syrup by evaporation or canned. An interesting fact is that to obtain 1 liter of syrup it is necessary to collect and process 40 liters of juice. Maple syrup retains all the beneficial properties of freshly collected sap and is stored much longer.

Thanks to canning, maple sap can be enjoyed year-round. This will require a minimum of time and effort. Heat the freshly collected drink to 80 degrees. Pour it into well-washed, sterilized containers and seal the jars with airtight lids.

Is it possible to drink maple sap during pregnancy?

This healthy drink is not contraindicated during pregnancy. But if a pregnant woman experiences an increase in blood sugar or begins to develop gestational diabetes, then the healthy drink should be abandoned. Otherwise, there may be a risk of deterioration in health.

During breastfeeding, you should use any juices, including maple juice, with caution. First you need to drink a few tablespoons of juice and monitor the child: his stool and the presence/absence of skin rashes. If no reaction occurs, then you can drink half a glass of juice 2 times a week.

Is maple sap allowed for children?

Children under three years old Taking a healthy drink should be discussed with your pediatrician due to the likelihood of an increase in blood sugar. Individual intolerance to the product should also not be ruled out. If your child does not like dairy products, then you can make maple milk. Add 2-3 tablespoons of maple juice to a glass of milk and mix everything well.

Contraindications and harm

Maple sap should be consumed with caution by diabetics. Since glucose and sucrose in the drink can pose a serious danger to them. However, judicious consumption of small amounts of juice by diabetics increases the body's defenses.

During the collection period, the acceptable daily intake of fresh juice is one glass. It is recommended to drink half a glass of the canned product no more than 2-3 times a week to eliminate the possibility of an increase in blood sugar.

In any case, if you want maple sap or pancakes with maple syrup, there will be no harm, even if you have diabetes. The main thing is to know how much juice you can drink per day to avoid side effects and not to neglect the rules for storing the drink.

The healing properties of maple sap have been known since time immemorial, and in many countries around the world this drink is widely used today. It is used to prepare not only various medicines, but also the famous maple syrup, which is rightfully considered an excellent dessert.

You can prepare maple sap yourself; it stores well and can be an excellent help in solving many health problems. The thing is that this drink is rich in organic substances that are so necessary for the body of any person.

Composition and benefits of maple sap

This drink is primarily famous for its high content of glucose and sucrose, which is responsible for the rich, sweet taste of maple sap. In addition, it is rich in organic acids, including ascorbic, succinic, fumaric, malic, abscisic and acetic. Vitamins A, B and C are also present in the juice, so including it in your diet in the spring is the best option for taking care of your own health. It is also worth considering that maple sap contains micro- and macroelements such as potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron, sodium, silicon and calcium. Plus, this drink is rich in natural antioxidants, which promote regeneration of the body at the cellular level and help maintain youth.

Who should drink maple sap?

By and large, both adults and children who have no special contraindications should include this drink in their diet. After all, the benefits of maple sap are very great, taking into account its chemical composition. Well, don’t forget about the excellent taste of this drink, which successfully replaces lemonade for kids, and for adults their favorite tea and coffee.

However, it is recommended that maple sap be consumed primarily by people with weakened immune systems. This drink is especially good during or after a cold., during the rehabilitation period after injuries and surgery. In addition, those who have problems with the pancreas should definitely include juice in their diet. The thing is that abscisic acid, which is part of it, is a natural hormone that is similar to that produced by this organ. Therefore, in cases of pancreatic dysfunction, maple sap can be an excellent alternative to medications.

This drink is famous for its excellent diuretic and choleretic properties. In addition, maple sap contains active substances that are considered natural antiseptics and even antibiotics. Therefore, drinking juice is useful for various viral and colds. In addition, it can be used to treat wounds and cuts, which will not only be disinfected, but will also heal much faster thanks to the regenerating qualities of this drink. For the same reason, maple sap is very useful in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

It has been proven that regular consumption of maple sap prevents the formation of blood clots and helps cleanse the blood of toxins. Plus, the drink has a very beneficial effect on brain function and is often used as a prophylactic for Parkinson’s disease. It is also known that the drink has a very beneficial effect on the kidneys, so it is often used as an adjuvant in the treatment of hepatitis.