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Alexander Pushkin - Confession: Verse. Poem by A.S. Pushkin


I love you, even though I'm mad,
Although this is labor and shame in vain,
And in this unfortunate stupidity
At your feet I confess!
It doesn't suit me and it's beyond my years...
It's time, it's time for me to be smarter!
But I recognize it by all the signs
The disease of love in my soul:
I’m bored without you, I yawn;
I feel sad in front of you - I endure;
And, I have no courage, I want to say,
My angel, how I love you!
When I hear from the living room
Your light step, or dresses sum,
Or a virgin, innocent voice,
I suddenly lose all my mind.
You smile - it gives me joy;
You turn away - I'm sad;
For a day of torment - a reward
I want your pale hand.
When you are diligent about the hoop
You sit, leaning casually,
Eyes and curls drooping, -
I am moved, silently, tenderly
I admire you like a child!..
Should I tell you my misfortune,
My jealous sadness
When to walk, sometimes in bad weather,
Are you going far away?
And your tears alone,
And speeches in the corner together,
And travel to Opochka,
And piano in the evening?..
Alina! have pity on me.
I don't dare demand love.
Perhaps for my sins,
My angel, I'm not worth love!
But pretend! This look
Everything can be expressed so wonderfully!
Ah, it’s not difficult to deceive me!...
I'm happy to be deceived myself!

Poem by A.S. Pushkin - Recognition

Why, if you write “Tiger” on a lion’s cage, will most people believe the sign?

A familiar situation from descriptions in fiction. Remember the fairy tale "The King's New Clothes". How cleverly the cunning weavers deceived the king, describing what a beautiful outfit he was in, unnoticed only by those who were out of place or incredibly stupid... And so the king was caught. Absolutely naked, he pretends to see this beautiful outfit... Who wants to be considered a fool?

The fairy tale clearly shows the tendency of people to follow the lead of others.

In fact, it was hard not to notice that the king was naked. And everyone saw it perfectly. But who will tell the king that he has absolutely no clothes, especially if the king has a completely different opinion on this matter? Everyone was afraid to tell the truth, with the exception of one child who shouted:

Why, the king is naked!

The above-mentioned fairy tale takes place very clearly in our lives. We all need positive assessment, approval, and comfortable relationships with others. In this regard, there may be adequate and inadequate states. For example, the desire to look worthy in the eyes of others is quite normal and adequate. But some people are too focused on evaluating those around them and therefore cannot form their own ideas. Someone craves fame at any cost, so they can do absurd things, make a deal with their conscience, or believe in crude flattery. And someone is in a constant desire to avoid negative evaluation, so they are afraid to stand out from the crowd in any way.

Not standing out from the crowd... Maybe that's not such a bad thing? Maybe public opinion is a good guide? Maybe. If it were not for situations showing the opposite. For example, if you remember the twelve spies sent to the Promised Land. Most of them were led by fears of big people - the sons of Enak and united in this opinion with each other, with the exception of only two people. We remember that it ended sadly and none of the men, except these two, entered that beautiful land.

Psychologists also noticed long ago that under the influence of people or an imperceptibly introduced attitude, a person can, seeing one thing, say something completely different - calling black white, calling grandmother grandfather, etc. The film “Me and Others” - Psychological Experiments in the USSR” talks about several such experiments. You can watch it, it’s very interesting.

It is significant that many participants in the experiment agreed with the opinion of the team, although it was obviously absurd. Even those who defended their conviction to the end admitted that it was very difficult for them and they were overcome by very strong doubts.

In psychology, such a phenomenon as adjusting one’s opinion to the opinions of others is called conformity. Conformity is a person's willingness to succumb to pressure from others.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary that this pressure is real. A person can make up his own mind about what is expected of him. The most important thing in life for such people is to think “like everyone else,” to act “like everyone else,” to try to have everything “like everyone else” - at home, in clothes, and in their views.

Conforming people are almost completely uncritical of the statements of those whom they are accustomed to consider authorities. Everything said by such an authority for the conformal type is an infallible truth. And if information that does not correspond to reality comes through the same source, the conformist will take it for granted.

The Bible has good words about those whose assessment of events depends entirely on the assessment of others in general and on authorities in particular. “Fear of man lays a snare...” (Proverbs 29:25). And this is such a trap from which it is difficult to get out.

Surely you, too, have repeatedly noticed such interesting moments in life, which eloquently indicate that people trust more what they hear from a specialist than what is evidenced by the appearance of this specialist. For example, miraculous procedures for skin rejuvenation are offered by a cosmetologist whose entire face is literally riddled with acne marks; a bald man describes the wonderful properties of a balm for hair growth; in the department of vision restoration operations, the appointment is conducted by a doctor wearing glasses, etc.

These situations can be listed endlessly: a burry speech therapist, an unbalanced psychologist, a frequently ill doctor, a terrifying-looking makeup artist, an enormous nutritionist, a tastelessly dressed designer... And after contacting such specialists: a spoiled mood, worsening problems, wasted money... All of this It might not happen if people paid attention to what they see and did not ignore what they know.

For some reason, I would like to cite the example of Eve, who was well aware of the requirements of God and His plan and what kind of Father He is. But when the snake spoke to her, she chose not to pay attention either to the knowledge she had or to the obviously strange appearance of the “specialist” who promised her dizzying prospects for the future.

How careful we, imperfect people, need to be if perfect individuals can fall for cunning tricks! After all, this same “specialist” convinced many angels. Will it be difficult for him to influence people?

Intellectual laziness is an additional problem for imperfect people. In this regard, we recall an interesting expression by Bernard Shaw, which says that:

It is interesting to think about this from the perspective of the biblical message.

I'm not a mathematician, but this is approximately how it turns out. After all, the first CATEGORY (2% of those who really think) is reported in Romans 1:20:

Reflecting (thinking according to Bernard) on God’s creations is vital. Only this encourages us to turn to God and His word - the Bible. How many people have done this so far?! Approximately 2% is (if you count the number of those present at the Evening)!!!

CATEGORY 2 - those who think what they think. This may include people who have weight in the system now controlled by the enemy of God. And this whole system rests on three pillars - commerce, politics, religion. And in the Bible this system is reported as the incomplete and imperfect number 666 - three sixes, from God's point of view (Revelation 13:18). They manipulate all people on the entire planet (except for the above-mentioned 2%) and quite reasonably believe that they are successfully fooling everyone (after all, the 2% who cannot be influenced are quite a few). There are not many such high-ranking manipulators either. It will be about 3%.

It turns out that about 95 percent of people would actually rather die in Armageddon, like Noah’s contemporaries in the Flood, than think about it. I really don’t want to fall into these 3 and 95 percent of people about whom Jesus said that they were walking on the broad road.


What is love? Each of us has our own answer to this question. Each of us is destined to have our own love in this life.

“Oh, it’s not difficult to deceive me, I’m happy to be deceived myself” or some erroneous beliefs about love

 16:15 March 21, 2018

What is love? Each of us has our own answer to this question. Each of us is destined to have our own love in this life. But there are some common misconceptions about love, which we will talk about today.

"Love is a sacrifice"

It is generally accepted that sacrifice is proof of love. But let's try to figure out what sacrifices in love actually lead to. By sacrificing ourselves or something important to ourselves for the sake of another, we devalue both ourselves and our values. Our importance is rapidly decreasing and, over time, the one for whom we make sacrifices simply ceases to notice them. Our feelings, interests, and needs become unimportant and uninteresting to him. But there is another reason why we make sacrifices. By sacrificing ourselves, we expect a return sacrifice. This is an act of purchase and sale: I - for you, you - for me. And if the other half is in no hurry to repeat our “feat,” we become offended, begin to make complaints or quietly slide into depression, because it seems to us that they do not love us.

Sacrifice turns relationships into an eternal expectation of gratitude. But if you constantly and compulsively make sacrifices to your partner, he will only feel irritation and anger generated by guilt, and not gratitude at all. And this whole cocktail of feelings is very far from love, because love does not need sacrifices.

“Love is when you are always and everywhere together”

Lovers should always be together. Their thoughts should be occupied with each other 24 hours a day. Many of us are sure that if we don’t always want to spend time together, but sometimes prefer to be alone or, God forbid, spend time with someone else, this means that we love or are loved less. We fall into panic, suddenly realizing that our loved one is now unknown where, and he is happy there. Following panic comes jealousy, and the relationship slowly turns into hell.

In fact, to be together always and everywhere is an unhealthy desire, usually arising from distrust of each other and the world or the confidence that we are capable of becoming the whole world for another. Such confidence leads to the creation of closed, painful relationships in which one of the partners is constantly afraid of being abandoned and becomes clingy as a bubblegum. It is unlikely that anyone can call such feelings love.

“Love is understanding without words”

Perhaps at the beginning of love we understand each other without words, but as the relationship develops we need words and explanations. Otherwise, why would we, over time, suddenly begin to regularly and hysterically ask: “Do you love me?” The statement that lovers should understand everything without words, as a rule, comes into play when we want to be one and do not want to admit that the second “participant in the process” is an independent person, when we try to convince him that “there is no nothing is more important than me,” that is, when we strenuously ignore differences.

After all, differences are scary, they are perceived as an opportunity to lose relationships, but when we are so united, so that no words are needed, then it seems that we are safe and there are no threats. But still, instead of cultivating telepathic abilities, it is better to learn to take into account other people’s differences and learn to communicate, talk about what worries us, and clarify what is not understood. The ability to ask, request, inquire is respect for a partner, and respect is something without which love cannot exist.

“Love is always on a high note”

Each of us wants love to be unchanged, always the same as at the very beginning of the relationship. But if you think about it, we no less want relationships to develop, love to strengthen and become deeper, and this is impossible without changes. Over time, the exaltation of the first days passes, and it is replaced by a more restrained, perhaps, but at the same time more serious feeling. As a rule, those who are afraid of losses, because they do not know how to experience them, try to keep love in its original form. Essentially, the belief that love should always be the same is an inability to cope with stress and an inability to overcome difficulties and accept changes in life. This is distrust of the partner and fear that the new will be worse. Fear that if the intensity of passions in a relationship changes, this will definitely lead to a break. For a relationship to develop, you need to learn to trust and let go. After all, lovers always return.

"Love is being the only one"

The desire to be the only one is a source of jealousy, which corrodes relationships rather than strengthens them. And the common statement “jealous means he loves” is a harmful myth. In love, as in life, it is impossible to be the only one; love for a partner is always combined with love for children, parents, and friends. And the desire to “eliminate” from life everything that can distract you from each other is a road to nowhere. To love means to allow oneself and another to be themselves, which means, in addition to us, to love those who are dear to him, and this makes him feel happy. After all, love is not a prison, but a home in which the doors are always open for us, and where we are always welcome.

If you carefully read the verse “I love you, even though I’m mad” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, it’s easy to understand that it is dedicated to the poet’s next unrequited love. The author, like many creative personalities, drew inspiration from this state of mind.

This lyric, created in 1826, is called "Confession". The muse for the work was Alexandra Osipova. The poet met her during his exile on his parents' estate. The girl showed no interest in Pushkin, but he became seriously interested. But he decided to make a frank confession only in a poem. The author believed that it was simply indecent for him to show such strong feelings and succumb to passions. But the poet was unable to fight them. Understanding his condition, he asks the girl for reciprocal sympathy, even if it is a lie.

For use in a literature lesson in grade 9, the text of Pushkin’s poem “I love you, even though I’m furious” can be downloaded in full from our website. And it’s convenient to learn it online.

I love you, even though I'm mad,
Although this is labor and shame in vain,
And in this unfortunate stupidity
At your feet I confess!
It doesn’t suit me and is beyond my years...
It's time, it's time for me to be smarter!
But I recognize it by all the signs
The disease of love in my soul:
I’m bored without you, I yawn;
I feel sad in front of you - I endure;
And, I have no courage, I want to say,
My angel, how I love you!
When I hear from the living room
Your light step, or dresses sum,
Or a virgin, innocent voice,
I suddenly lose all my mind.
You smile - it gives me joy;
You turn away - I’m sad;
For a day of torment - a reward
I want your pale hand.
When you are diligent about the hoop
You sit, leaning casually,
Eyes and curls drooping, -
I am moved, silently, tenderly
I admire you like a child!..
Should I tell you my misfortune,
My jealous sadness
When to walk, sometimes in bad weather,
Are you going far away?
And your tears alone,
And speeches in the corner together,
And travel to Opochka,
And piano in the evening?..
Alina! have pity on me.
I don't dare demand love.
Perhaps for my sins,
My angel, I'm not worth love!
But pretend! This look
Everything can be expressed so wonderfully!
Ah, it’s not difficult to deceive me!…
I'm happy to be deceived myself!

A familiar situation from descriptions in fiction. Remember the fairy tale “The King’s New Clothes”. How cleverly the cunning weavers deceived the king, describing what a beautiful outfit he was in, unnoticed only by those who were out of place or incredibly stupid... And so the king was caught. Absolutely naked, he pretends to see this beautiful outfit... Who wants to be considered a fool?

The fairy tale clearly shows the tendency of people to follow the lead of others.

In fact, it was hard not to notice that the king was naked. And everyone saw it perfectly. But who will tell the king that he has absolutely no clothes, especially if the king has a completely different opinion on this matter? Everyone was afraid to tell the truth, with the exception of one child who shouted:

- But the king is naked!

The above-mentioned fairy tale takes place very clearly in our lives. We all need positive assessment, approval, and comfortable relationships with others. In this regard, there may be adequate and inadequate states. For example, the desire to look worthy in the eyes of others is quite normal and adequate. But some people are too focused on evaluating those around them and therefore cannot form their own ideas. Someone craves fame at any cost, so they can do absurd things, make a deal with their conscience, or believe in crude flattery. And someone is in a constant desire to avoid negative evaluation, so they are afraid to stand out from the crowd in any way.

Not standing out from the crowd... Maybe that's not so bad? Maybe public opinion is a good guide? Maybe. If it were not for situations showing the opposite. For example, if you remember the twelve spies sent to the Promised Land. Most of them were led by fears of big people - the sons of Enak and united in this opinion with each other, with the exception of only two people. We remember that it ended sadly and none of the men, except these two, entered that beautiful land.

Psychologists have also long ago noticed that under the influence of people or an imperceptibly introduced attitude, a person can, seeing one thing, say something completely different - calling black white, calling grandmother grandfather, etc. The film “Me and Others” - Psychological Experiments in the USSR” talks about several such experiments. You can watch it, it’s very interesting.

Psychological experiments in 2010

It is significant that many participants in the experiment agreed with the opinion of the team, although it was obviously absurd. Even those who defended their conviction to the end admitted that it was very difficult for them and they were overcome by very strong doubts.

In psychology, such a phenomenon as adjusting one’s opinion to the opinions of others is called conformity. Conformity is a person's willingness to succumb to pressure from others.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary that this pressure is real. A person can make up his own mind about what is expected of him. The most important thing in life for such people is to think “like everyone else,” to act “like everyone else,” to try to have everything “like everyone else”—at home, in clothes, and in their views.

Conforming people are almost completely uncritical of the statements of those whom they are accustomed to consider authorities. Everything said by such an authority for a conformist type is an infallible truth. And if information that does not correspond to reality comes through the same source, the conformist will take it for granted.

The Bible has good words about those whose assessment of events depends entirely on the assessment of others in general and on authorities in particular. “Fear of man lays a snare...” (Proverbs 29:25). And this is such a trap from which it is difficult to get out.

Surely you, too, have repeatedly noticed such interesting moments in life, which eloquently indicate that people trust more what they hear from a specialist than what is evidenced by the appearance of this specialist. For example, miraculous procedures for skin rejuvenation are offered by a cosmetologist whose entire face is literally riddled with acne marks; a bald man describes the wonderful properties of a balm for hair growth; in the department of vision restoration operations, the appointment is conducted by a doctor wearing glasses, etc.

These situations can be listed endlessly: a burry speech therapist, an unbalanced psychologist, a frequently ill doctor, a terrifying-looking makeup artist, an enormous nutritionist, a tastelessly dressed designer... And after turning to such specialists: a spoiled mood, worsening problems, wasted money... All this might not have happened it would be if people paid attention to what they see and did not ignore what they know.

For some reason, I would like to cite the example of Eve, who was well aware of the requirements of God and His plan and what kind of Father He is. But when the snake spoke to her, she chose not to pay attention either to the knowledge she had or to the clearly strange appearance of the “specialist” who promised her dizzying prospects for the future.

How careful we, imperfect people, need to be if perfect individuals can fall for cunning tricks! After all, this same “specialist” convinced many angels. Will it be difficult for him to influence people?

Intellectual laziness is an additional problem for imperfect people. In this regard, we recall an interesting expression by Bernard Shaw, which says that:

It is interesting to think about this from the perspective of the biblical message.

I'm not a mathematician, but this is approximately how it turns out. After all, the first CATEGORY (2% of those who really think) is reported in Romans 1:20:

Reflecting (thinking according to Bernard) on God’s creations is vital. Only this prompts us to turn to God and His word - the Bible. How many people have done this so far?! Approximately 2% is (if you count the number of those present at the Evening)!!!

CATEGORY 2 - those who think what they think. This may include people who have weight in the system now controlled by the enemy of God. And this whole system rests on three pillars - commerce, politics, religion. And in the Bible this system is reported as the incomplete and imperfect number 666 - three sixes, from God's point of view (Revelation 13:18). They manipulate all people on the entire planet (except for the above 2%) and quite reasonably believe that they are successfully fooling everyone (after all, 2% who cannot be influenced is quite a few). There are not many such high-ranking manipulators either. It will be about 3%.

And CATEGORY 3 is reported in Matthew 24 chapter 38, verse 39:

It turns out that about 95 percent of people would actually rather die in Armageddon, like Noah’s contemporaries in the Flood, than think about it. I really don’t want to fall into these 3 and 95 percent of people about whom Jesus said that they were walking on the broad road.


So, based on the above, this road leads


LAZINESS - unwillingness to think, reflect, make efforts;
FEAR - fear of other people's opinions, negative evaluation, harm from others;
GREED is the thirst for power, for what does not belong to you, for easy money.

How good it is that God Himself seeks out and unites sincere, hardworking, humble, selfless, generous people who want to learn from Him! Without His help, among millions of people on the planet, they would not have been able to find each other and find out the whole truth...

It's not easy to believe the bitter truth,

Sweet lies are so easy to trust!

We cannot measure the harm from this,

Lies doom us all to suffer.

Lies led the first couple astray,

They passed on their sin to us.

We bear God's punishment

Only the faithful will soon experience success!

The lie will be judged soon!
Whoever believed her will be struck down.
The sin of those who believe the Word will be forgiven
And he will be saved from death by God!

Truth lives only in the Word of the Creator,

Although sometimes she is very bitter.
But those who accept it will receive a reward:
Life in a beautiful paradise forever!