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How cereal is made. How to cook corn flakes

The cornflakes recipe was created completely by accident. However, this is not uncommon for famous dishes and products. They were invented by people who lived in Michigan in the 19th century. Kellogg brothers. They tried to make corn cakes for dinner, but it turned out... When the brothers made the dough, they had to leave the fire. And when they returned, it turned out that it had deteriorated. I still wanted to eat, so I had to cook from what I had. At first glance, the idea was unsuccessful: all the dough curled into lumps. Then the brothers decided to fry him anyway. To their surprise, some of the unappetizing flatbreads became light and airy. This is how the most popular breakfast - corn flakes - appeared.

Industrial production

Nowadays, of course, corn flakes are not made over a fire. This is a rather complex process, during which a special apparatus is used. Each grain of corn is cleaned, the germ is removed, and the grain is crushed. Water, sugar and malt are added to the flour - the result is a homogeneous mass, which is treated with steam.

Using a special device, lumps are formed from the mass, then they are dried and cooled. At the last stage, the grain is flattened to obtain the desired shape. And then the flakes are fried in a special oven for one and a half hours.

As you can see, the process is quite labor-intensive and technologically advanced. But you can create something similar to corn flakes at home.

Homemade corn flakes

Photo: Shutterstock.com

  • corn grits,
  • sugar,
  • water.

Step 1. Cook the syrup as for jam: take sugar and water in equal parts, heat, stirring, and bring everything to a homogeneous mass. Cook for a little while until it thickens a little.

Step 2. Add the cereal and cook in sugar syrup for several hours. You should get a thick, fairly dense mass.

Step 3. After this, leave the corn mass to cool and dry, then form a layer and roll it out with a rolling pin.

Step 4. Cut into small pieces or crumble with a knife.

Step 5. Roast the cereal in the oven at 300 degrees. Wait until they acquire a golden color.


Cornflakes and milk make a great breakfast. However, it is not recommended to get carried away with it, since this dish contains a large amount of sugar.

You can fill the cereal not only with milk, but also with various juices, both fruit and vegetable. They go well with jelly - try rhubarb, it's sour and goes well with sweet cereal.

Corn flake cookies

Photo: Shutterstock.com

  • 1 cup corn flakes,
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara,
  • 1 egg,
  • a handful of dried cranberries,
  • a drop of liquid vanilla,
  • a piece of butter,
  • a pinch of salt.

Step 1. Separate the yolk from the white and beat the latter into a stiff foam. Add sugar and vanilla to it and beat again.

Step 2. Combine cranberries, flakes and egg whites, add salt. Mix.

Step 3. Grease a baking sheet with oil and heat in the oven.

Step 4. Spoon the prepared mixture onto it. And put in the oven at 180 degrees.

Step 5. Bake for 30-40 minutes.

We have known about the benefits of breakfast cereals for many years: advertising is created by very talented people, and usually, when it comes to food products, they use the theme of family and small children - this works flawlessly. Breakfasts made from grains are actively advertised: wheat, rice, oats, corn, with various additives - they do not require cooking, and in recent years they have become simply universal throughout the world - they are eaten with milk, juice, etc. Corn flakes are more popular than others - perhaps because they are talked about in advertising more often than others.

Today we will talk about such a popular fast breakfast all over the world as corn flakes. Are they as healthy as they say on TV commercials? Let's figure it out: are corn flakes harmful or beneficial to our body? Go...

A little history

Corn flakes have their own history, dating back to the 19th century in the USA.

Brothers D.H. and V.K. The Kellogs, who owned a sanatorium in Michigan, decided to introduce cornmeal dishes to the patients' menu. One of these dishes was prepared in the kitchen on the day when they had to urgently leave for a couple of hours on business, and they did not control the cooking process.

When they returned, they discovered that the dish was spoiled: the dough did not come out of the flour, everything curled up into lumps and flakes. There was little corn flour, and it was a pity to throw it away, so the brothers used simple devices for rolling, and then crushed the resulting thin layers and fried them in oil. Unexpectedly, everyone really liked the dish: the cereal was crunchy, and with milk, marshmallows and sugar, the patients found it very tasty. One of the brothers was a doctor, and patented this recipe - the original corn flakes; Then the brothers founded a new company and began mass production.

Today, Kellogg's company is more than 100 years old, and it is the world's largest manufacturer of breakfast cereals, including corn flakes.

So is it good or bad?

Of course, we want to know what is more beneficial or harmful in the corn flakes that our children love so much? The quality of most products, as is known, depends not on their usefulness or harmfulness, as such, but on the technology of their preparation. We will tell you about the right technology - this is how manufacturers talk about it.

Features of corn flakes production

First, the shells and germs are removed from the corn grains, and then the resulting raw material is ground into grits. A safe product should contain only corn itself, salt, sugar and malt syrup and water.

First, all the ingredients are mixed with a mixer, and then the mixture is loaded into the cooker, where the grains are treated with steam - all grains should turn golden brown.

After heat treatment, the mass is unloaded onto a conveyor and passed through a device that destroys lumps: it separates the adhered particles of grain so that drying is uniform. Then, in small portions, the product is sent to the dryer; it is then cooled to ambient temperature and subjected to a conditioning process to evenly distribute any remaining moisture.

As you can see, the process is not that complicated, and is quite consistent: on a special machine, the raw materials are flattened, obtaining thin flakes, and then they are fried for one and a half minutes in a special oven under the influence of steam, at a temperature of 275 to 330 ° C.

There is another way to produce corn flakes - the extrusion method, in which steps 2 to 6 are not required: the mixture is immediately pressed through the holes of a special apparatus - an extruder; at the same time it is cooled, and the resulting dough is cut into flakes, which are then dried, flattened and fried.

Previously, corn flakes were produced without additives, but now they are enriched with vitamins and minerals; cover with icing, caramel, chocolate, sugar syrup; add dried fruits, fat, milk and other ingredients to them. In this case, of course, E is also added: taste enhancers, flavors, stabilizers, etc.

Promotes weight gain and obesity

British nutrition experts, examining corn flakes from some manufacturers, found that they are not as healthy as they try to make us believe.

Of course, manufacturers love to talk about the benefits of their corn flakes - they always need large sales volumes, but you should not take their assurances literally. A study has shown that a serving of cornflakes can contain as much sugar as a chocolate cake - that is, ¼ of all the sugar that an adult can eat in a day. But children eat corn flakes, and parents think that they are feeding them a healthy product, not suspecting that some manufacturers even use trans fats - enough is already known about their harm.

Italian nutritionists have also paid attention to breakfast cereals, and today claim that corn flakes, especially if consumed frequently, can contribute to weight gain.

Scientists at a Florence university observed a group of children from 5 to 10 years old and found that those children who ate corn flakes almost daily suffered from obesity. Moreover, obesity in children begins after only a year of such nutrition, although corn itself has never contributed to the accumulation of fat in the body. Flakes provoke the deposition of fats, the accumulation of sugar, worsen the functioning of the stomach and intestines, cause nausea, abdominal pain, constipation and other problems.

Our nutritionists also studied the effect of corn flakes on health, and came to the conclusion that it is often impossible to feed them to children - it is very harmful. Dry breakfasts are usually included in the diet of younger schoolchildren, and many women also consider them healthy and eat them almost every day, wanting to get their figure in order - after all, this is what the advertisement says. But it is enough to carefully consider the composition to understand that corn flakes are very high in calories and harmful to health - they contain flour, refined sugar, oil and food additives.

What about vitamins?

But what about the vitamins and minerals that we are promised if we regularly eat corn flakes for breakfast? After all, the daily norm of B vitamins, vitamin D, calcium, iron and other essential substances is promised. Of course, there are vitamins there - synthetic, like in a pharmacy: they are added along with E supplements, sugar and fats.

Much more vitamins are contained in regular porridge, oatmeal or buckwheat, and also in milk, which is recommended for pouring into cereal. So maybe it’s better to drink a glass of milk without any additives?

Studies have also shown that even the safest and healthiest breakfast cereals - unroasted muesli with a low amount of fat and additives from dried fruits, contain less vitamins and minerals than Hercules oatmeal, which costs 5-6 times cheaper than popular products in beautiful packaging.

By the way, in many developed countries, sweet corn flakes, rings, and pillows have been on the list of harmful products for several years now - for example, in England they are considered as “healthy” as soda, confectionery, packaged nuts, chips, etc. other snacks.

Minimum nutrients

Most nutritionists and doctors consider the benefits of corn flakes to be exaggerated, and explain this in quite understandable language. The whole grains from which the flakes are prepared are deprived of the shell, germ, ground into flour, and subjected to repeated heat treatment at high temperatures, so there are almost no natural vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and beneficial fiber left in the finished product.

Carbohydrates from grains crushed into flour are absorbed quickly and in large quantities - hence the accumulation of fat reserves in the body.

Corn flour easily turns into fat once it enters our body, and it is hardly possible to eat enough cereal: the feeling of fullness quickly goes away due to an increase in the level of insulin in the blood - after all, there is a lot of sugar in the cereal, and we are hungry again. There are cereals that contain almost 50% sugar, and also fats, salt and all sorts of additives and dyes, which often cause allergies. The harm of corn flakes to health is obvious!

Can I eat corn flakes?

And in conclusion, I would like to ask the most common question: is it possible to eat corn flakes and give them to children? Of course, you can, very rarely, and not for breakfast, but as an addition between meals, and best with low-fat milk, yogurt, kefir and other fermented milk products.

This way you can make them “more harmless”, and even benefit from them - you can be satiated and gain at least some energy reserves. Choose unsweetened cereal, without icing or chocolate, and add to it, in addition to milk or kefir, fresh berries or pieces of fresh fruit.

Are there real benefits and harms of corn flakes for children and adults, or is it all a matter of marketing? We will help you understand the meaning of the American breakfast and its effects on the body. Perhaps the causes of illnesses lie in dry fast food products?

What are the benefits of corn flakes?

This type of breakfast is popular among residents of the United States and European countries. But what are the benefits of corn flakes as a constant and regular meal:

  1. They contain vitamins PP and H;
  2. The pectin contained in the composition protects against tumors;
  3. The starch present in some cereals helps strengthen a weakened immune system;
  4. Fiber helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. Amino acids contribute to the production of the “happiness” hormone;
  6. Antioxidants and glutamic acid help improve brain function.

But it should be remembered that any product can have a negative effect on the body, just like a medicine can have side effects. These include:

  • Cause of excess weight when combined with honey;
  • Syrups add calories as well as flavor;
  • Promote insulin production due to high sugar content.

However, it is better to eat a healthy diet and alternate your cereal intake.

How are corn flakes made?

If you are interested in learning how corn flakes are made, we will tell you the step-by-step process of their production below.

  1. The usefulness of a product depends not on the product itself, but on the production technology. Therefore, it is important to know how to distinguish healthy cereals by their final appearance and determine whether they were prepared correctly.
  2. Proper and safe processing will show you the conveyor technology for preparing flakes.
  3. First the corn is harvested. The grains are separated from the cobs.
  4. The kernels and husks are removed from the grains, leaving a thin shell. The process is done manually. Then the grains are washed and sent to the conveyor.
  5. On the production line, the purified grains are ground into cereal.
  6. Next, sugar and malt syrups are added to the raw materials. Mix everything with salt and water.
  7. In a large bowl, mix all ingredients with a mixer. The homogeneous mass is sent to the cooker.
  8. Next comes steam treatment. All the resulting grains stick together and become golden in color.
  9. The resulting flakes are then passed along a conveyor belt. They are broken into pieces so that the grains do not have dried lumps. The future form is given.
  10. Next, dry all the flakes and cool to room temperature.
  11. Conditioning is the next step to make the product relatively durable.
  12. Next, the particles are crushed and flattened into their final shape.
  13. The last step is oven roasting at 330 degrees.

Modern technology allows you to create flakes in different shapes, but the process is much simpler. The new equipment performs the function of extrusion, when crushed flour is immediately passed through the unit. Processes take place there, starting from point 5.

If previously the flakes were sold without additives, now they contain both vitamins and glaze. This does not mean dangerous ingredients, on the contrary, the benefits of additional minerals. However, some products should be distinguished - they contain a lot of sugar and flavorings, which contribute to weight gain.

Do cornflakes have gluten?

As a rule, corn flakes without additives should not contain gluten and milk powder, as well as palm oil. But some manufacturers add it to replace animal fats and carbohydrates with cheaper ones - vegetable ones, only through an artificial method of production. Remember that buckwheat flakes do not contain such additives at all, and whether corn flakes contain gluten, it is better to ask the manufacturer. Additives may include syrups and glazes, but without oils they are of no value.

Since the flakes themselves are an inexpensive product, they may contain similar “cheap” analogues of expensive oils. Be careful and study the ingredients.

How to eat cornflakes while losing weight?

To understand how to eat corn flakes while losing weight, you need to be aware that it is sucrose and glucose that accumulates. Accordingly, the product can only be combined with dietary liquids - kefir and milk. The first is better, otherwise the percentage of fat will increase. In addition, you should build a proper diet - more active walks after breakfast if you have eaten cereal.

If you're in a hurry to get to work, or don't have time to exercise in the morning, eat cereal at 5 pm if possible (even if you're at work). Do some physical activity in the evening. Understand that flakes are quickly absorbed, and if they are not used for sports or walking or gymnastics with a child, then there will be no benefit. These are not marshmallows, something like chewing on them, but a complete product with a rich list of fats.

If you can't make time for exercise, don't eat cereal, or replace snacks with plain dry cereal. They will work just right at work - they will satisfy your hunger (for a short time) and activate your brain.

Corn Flakes Calories and Nutrition Facts

If we talk about a simple composition, then the calories in corn flakes without additives will be about 300-450 kcal per 100 g. If there are fillers and additives for taste, icing/chocolate, then add 30 kcal per 100 g of product for each component.

BZHU corn flakes

Regardless of the kcal per 100 g of product, the nutritional value of the cereal is determined by the presence of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

  • Proteins in “pure” flakes take up 7 g;
  • Fats have 2.5 g;
  • Carbohydrates take up all 83.5 g.

Sometimes, when sugars are added, the BJU of corn flakes can change - and the more fat, the higher the percentage of carbohydrates.

At what age can you have corn flakes?

When we were kids, our parents gave us corn sticks, in a box, so sweet and crunchy. Now we give our kids cereal, because it’s also corn. But is the composition of the current raw material processing technology really safe? At what age can babies eat corn flakes?

Many people think that children aged 1-2 can be given cereal to try. However, this opinion is not always correct - not all children are healthy, not all have no allergic reactions, and not everyone likes this product. Some people might just vomit. Parents are already consulting here. But, according to WHO, it is better to postpone such products, which belong to the type of quick breakfast (cooking), dry food, until 3 years. By this age, the baby has a fully formed gastrointestinal tract, circulatory and central nervous system.

Can I eat corn flakes for breakfast?

For breakfast, you can eat corn flakes in the form of porridge. They are filled with milk or yogurt. They are not suitable as a daily meal unless you eat enough carbohydrates throughout the day. They are fine as a snack, but you should be aware of the consequences that may occur:

  1. It is recommended to consume the cereal on an empty stomach after drinking a sip of warm tea or a glass of water. So they do not irritate the intestines or harm the mucous membrane.
  2. You can give them to children for breakfast - they coat the stomach and saturate the body with a charge of energy. In dry form, they are undesirable, as they can cause inflammation of the stomach walls. In the worst case, the body rejects such an unprocessed product, and a gag reflex occurs.
  3. For adults, it is better to choose cereal for breakfast than dense porridge with milk. You can diversify your food with berries, fruits and additional additives.

The more ingredients in the plate, the better the cereal is digested after eating. You can wash them down with any drink that does not contain gases - an increased level of gases can lead to poor processing of the product. And since they enter the stomach earlier, gastric juice does not completely, but only partially, break them down.

It is also useful to dilute the cereal with kefir - a very healthy and light breakfast. Nourishing and tasty, and this combination of products is appropriate to serve before bed without harming your figure. But it is worth remembering that some chocolate flakes contain too much sugar - this contributes to the production of insulin. This leads to a feeling of hunger, even if the person is full.

Corn flakes for pregnant women

Is it possible to treat pregnant women to corn flakes? Why not - if you have any concerns, you can put them on the back burner. The pregnant body, let's call it that, has a need for vitamins, acids, and minerals. During this period, a woman can eat strawberries with herring, potato-flavored chips, etc. Cereals will be like “oh, something new” for her, as her taste buds have become unaccustomed to the usual foods. In addition, there is an opportunity to correct stomach problems, and everyone has them in the second trimester.

In the latter stages, they don’t do any work, rarely go anywhere at 7 am, and practically don’t run around at home. There is no sports. From 36 weeks, cereal should be eliminated. They will give the woman fats, the child will receive them, and from the 37th week he will gain 30 g per day only in mass, there is nowhere else - he has formed. In 3 weeks, a woman threatens to give birth to a fetus weighing not 3-3.4 kg, but 500-700 grams more. Do you want to try to set a record and push a watermelon through yourself?

It is better not to demonstrate skills, and limit food to a minimum - only steamed and unsalted food. It will be much easier to give birth, and the baby will gain 1.5 kg in the first month.

Corn flakes while breastfeeding

Corn flakes are not contraindicated during breastfeeding; on the contrary, they are beneficial for the functioning of the intestines of a nursing mother. They can lower blood cholesterol levels and normalize the functioning of the heart muscle. The composition contains minerals and organic acids that have a positive effect on digestive functions. In addition, corn flour in the product can reduce blood pressure and cleanse the walls of blood vessels. It does not cause allergic reactions and is not an accumulated allergen.

Together with milk, the baby will already learn the healthy taste of foods, and it will be easier for him to accept the taste of complementary foods made from corn porridge. As a rule, beneficial components of substances are transmitted to the baby through mother’s milk, and they are absorbed through a lactation enzyme. In other words, corn traces of the product can be broken down even by the imperfect gastrointestinal tract of newborns.

Important! The flakes must be free of glucose gluten and its traces. Then the product is considered pure from a production point of view, and can be consumed by the mother.

Is it possible to have corn flakes for pancreatitis?

Let's figure out what there is in cereal that should not be given to the pancreas? After processing, pure carbohydrate remains in them, then sugar and sometimes icing are added there. As a result, we have 8-10 tablespoons of sugar, a little fat. In fact, according to BJU, there are the least amount of fat components, and there is a little protein present due to the corn itself. Is it possible to have corn flakes for pancreatitis? No, it is not recommended.

In the case of a chronic illness, it is better to exclude them, and in the case of an acute relapse, to forget them altogether.

Corn flakes for diabetes - isn't it dangerous?

Corn flakes are not prohibited for type 1 and type 2 diabetes if they do not have additional components. Otherwise, they are very useful because they produce insulin. If the cereal has glaze, there will be a lot of sugar in the blood, but insulin will handle it. Although, it depends on how much you ate. It’s better not to take risks, and sometimes snack on tea or kefir with cereal. For type 2 diabetics, this is truly a godsend, since the product itself increases sugar, but helps the organ cope with the excess.

Corn flakes for gastritis

Many people praise the composition of the flakes, saying that they are very helpful for gastrointestinal diseases. They are compared to crackers, supposedly just as safe and with virtually no additives. However. Corn flakes for gastritis can cause a relapse, and with delivery to the hospital. Look at the packaging, which says it may contain traces of gluten. These are not traces, not pieces of raw materials that were accidentally introduced, and the manufacturer protected himself by reporting his assumption.

This is an intentional addition of an ingredient. It is needed for taste, smell and preservation of appearance after standing on the shelves for another year. Gastritis “loves” fatty and dry breakfasts, especially with sour yogurt or enveloping honey. As a result, the person rests in the hospital, forgetting about work. On the other hand, this is dangerous, since gastritis can develop into a complication - stomach cancer. This is his next stage.

Choose breakfast cereals wisely and combine them only with healthy foods, even if you are on a diet. Under no circumstances make breakfast rituals out of corn flakes - have a list of diets that can be used to diversify such a product.

In modern kitchens, the use of rice is widespread. Cereals are endowed with the most valuable nutritional and beneficial properties. Therefore, most housewives around the world choose this cereal and its derivatives: rice vinegar, flour, noodles, and, of course, rice flakes. The translucent and fragile product is successfully added to various dishes.


Rice flakes are the result of modern methods of processing and flattening rice grains. With the help of innovative devices, the familiar taste and beneficial qualities of such a nutritious product are preserved.

Many people prefer to start their morning by preparing a delicious and satisfying rice cereal porridge. To avoid losing valuable substances during the cooking process, it is recommended to add boiling water or hot milk to the cereal. Finally, cover the dish with a lid for 10-15 minutes.

You can cook not only hearty porridge from cereals, but also prepare various desserts and puddings. The ingredient is ideal for breading when frying cutlets, chops and crispy fish. At home, you can even make a restaurant-quality rice dessert in combination with delicate marshmallow buttercream. Butter baked goods based on rice product, instead of the usual flour, will turn out light and airy.

Guests will certainly be surprised by a light dessert - delicious muffins made from rice flakes with kefir. A simple recipe will allow any housewife to prepare a delicacy. You just need to pour kefir over the flakes for a while. Next, add the pre-prepared mixture of rice flour, sugar and butter. Bake the muffins in the oven and serve with tea.

Composition, benefits and harm

In addition to being easy to prepare, the product contains a large amount of substances beneficial to the body.

  • Rice flakes are quite filling and high in calories - 100 grams contain about 360 calories. In this regard, it is recommended to eat such food in small portions.
  • Significant calorie content does not prevent the product from being a complex carbohydrate containing easily digestible protein. This is why cereals are considered dietary; they are the best option for dietary restrictions.
  • Calcium and phosphorus, which are contained in the composition, strengthen the skeletal system and teeth, and zinc improves the structure of the nail plates and hair.
  • Numerous minerals and vitamins contribute to the health of the body and energize it for active actions.
  • Rice is an excellent antidepressant. Regular consumption of cereal normalizes nerves, improves general condition and mood.
  • Dietary fiber contained in cereals helps the proper functioning of the digestive system, promotes the removal of toxins from the body, and normalizes metabolism. Fiber helps maintain normal blood sugar levels, so it must be included in the diet of diabetic patients.

  • Flakes have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, perfectly normalize blood pressure and cope with arrhythmia.
  • The product regulates the normal functioning of the kidneys and removes excess water from the body. And regular use prevents the appearance of edema in the future.
  • Cereal copes remarkably well with bad breath caused by many reasons.
  • This is the most valuable product for baby food. Rice flakes do not contain the allergen gluten. Infants can be given the product as their first complementary food starting from as early as six months.
  • Despite the fact that the flakes are still a derivative product, all useful substances (vitamins, minerals, amino acids) are preserved.
  • Starch, present naturally in cereals, can be significantly broken down as a result of processing. Therefore, rice cereal porridge is easily digestible even for a child’s body.
  • The porridge actually comes out “with a charge of energy.” From such food the body obtains the necessary energy and valuable substances without wasting energy on its breakdown.

It is necessary to understand that irrational use of such a useful product is fraught with constipation. In addition to its benefits, the rice product can be harmful to people with stomach ulcers and chronic colitis. Flakes are also excluded from the diet if you have an individual intolerance to the product.

And do not forget that any product should be consumed in moderation. If you eat cereal in large quantities, it can turn into centimeters on your waist.

Cooking for children

Considering that cereal porridges are very filling and dense, it is not advisable to completely fill your child’s diet with them. But it is quite recommended to pamper yourself with a delicious casserole, muffin and a small portion of porridge several times a week.

Modern parents never have enough time to fully care for their children. Even a mother on maternity leave does not have time to stand and prepare healthy dishes for hours. But it is still necessary to feed the child well. What if the baby has not yet cut his teeth, but variety in the diet is already required? Cereals will definitely come to the rescue. They are quite light, so all you have to do is brew the cereal in boiling water or hot milk, and excellent rice porridge is served. To keep your baby full and happy with breakfast, porridge must be cooked only with milk.

On July 30, 1898, corn flakes were invented. Here's how it happened. The Kellogg brothers, owners of one of the sanatoriums in Michigan, decided to treat their patients to a dish made from cornmeal. During its preparation, the cook was distracted - as a result, the dough curled and spoiled. But since it was necessary to feed people something, we had to get out of it - the dough was fried on both sides, and this is how we got the familiar corn flakes. Interestingly, patients immediately fell in love with the innovation and have since become a regular dish on their menu.

Corn flakes are still considered one of the most popular breakfast and snack options today. However, if earlier this product was considered extremely useful, today nutritionists disagree. We present 8 facts about the benefits and harms of corn flakes.


Glutamic acid accelerates brain metabolic processes and improves memory.

  1. Corn flakes contain many useful substances and vitamins: iron, potassium, zinc, chromium, cobalt, copper, magnesium, sodium, as well as vitamins A, E, PP, H and others.
  2. The cereal also contains fiber, which can improve digestion and stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Corn flakes are rich in amino acids. One of them, tryptophan, is transformed in the body into the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for a person’s good mood and positive emotions.
  4. Corn flakes contain glutamic acid, which speeds up metabolic processes in the brain and improves memory.
  5. Pectins in the flakes protect the body from the formation of tumors, and starch is involved in strengthening muscle tissue and nerve cells.


In the store, it is important to choose unsweetened cereals without additives.

  1. Corn flakes are considered to be an ideal dietary product. However, this is not quite true. Flour, sugar, oils and various food additives will definitely not contribute to weight loss, especially if you eat cereal regularly and in the company of honey or yogurt.
  2. If the flakes are topped with sugar syrup (which makes them much tastier), they will also not be beneficial for your figure, since their calorie content increases. Therefore, it is important to choose unsweetened cereals without additives in the store.
  3. Many nutritionists debunk the myth that cereal is the best breakfast. On the contrary, due to the high sugar content in them, after such a breakfast, the level of insulin in the body increases, which leads to a rapid feeling of hunger. Conclusion: cereal should not be consumed for breakfast, but as a snack between main meals.