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Dream interpretation of shots. Why do you dream about being shot in the head?

To find out what gunshots mean in dreams, remember who shot whom. The dream book gives separate recommendations to “targets” and aggressors. Often, what is seen in a dream personifies the dreamer’s active life position, the desire to take the initiative into one’s own hands and feel like the master of the situation.

Shooting in the distance

In Sigmund Freud's interpretation, one can find a very romantic explanation for why it happens to hear pistol shots in a dream. If the sleeper is not a direct participant in the shootout, the dream should be understood as a call to heroic deeds in the name of love. Despite the fact that the dreamer is not at all inclined to such recklessness.

The dream book offers another explanation of why you dream of hearing gun shots while at a safe distance. A long-simmering hidden conflict threatens to turn into open confrontation.

Miller's dream book has its own interpretation of what it means if you dreamed of pistol shots. In the coming period, it is advisable for the dreamer to control negative emotions and not allow them to take over their reason.

If you dreamed about hearing shots from a machine gun while unarmed, perhaps you are too carried away by your dream. With a high degree of probability, we can assume that it will be possible to bring it to life, only it turns out that it is actually not as attractive as it initially seemed.

At gunpoint

If in a dream you happen to see yourself as a target, the dream book reports that in reality you are in danger, which is unreasonable to underestimate. Even groundless conversations behind your back can seriously harm your reputation and social status.

It is considered an unkind sign to see a weapon with the barrel pointed at the back. Shots in a dream in this case foreshadow betrayal on the part of someone close.

If in a dream you happened to shoot back in response to enemy shots, the dream book believes that in reality the spirit of competition has completely captured you.

With weapons in hand

If you dreamed of aiming a pistol at a stranger who did not evoke any emotions, what you saw in the dream symbolizes a feeling of security and a quick resolution of problems.

This is not the only explanation for why one dreams of using a weapon against an abstract target. Shereminskaya's dream book warns that someone intends to shift their worries onto your shoulders.

When you happen to see yourself shooting from a machine gun, the interpretation states that at the moment you are overly arrogant. It is advisable to evaluate your capabilities more objectively.

If you dreamed about how you fire shots from a rifle, the dream interpreter hints at the habit of constantly hurting and teasing others for the sake of entertainment, for no particular reason.

The esoteric interpretation very curiously explains why you dream that you are shooting at the victim’s head. In reality, you are persistently trying to influence the course of someone’s thoughts, to rebuild someone else’s value system in your own way.

We can talk for a long time about why you dream about being shot at. But it’s worth telling about the most famous and popular interpretations, because they can tell a lot of interesting things.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream that they are shooting at you, according to this book of interpretations? So this is a good sign. In fact, it does not foreshadow dangers or troubles. But in order to get a more complete answer, it is worth remembering the details of the vision. So, if a person saw that he was shot at in a chase or in a shootout, then this means that he will soon have to take some active action. It is possible that some kind of perspective will soon appear in his life, but in order for everything to end successfully, he will have to show his risk-taking and fearlessness. And the result will be worth it.

If nothing like this is expected, then in this case the dream book still advises the person not to lose Fortune. Perhaps he has long wanted to make some serious decision or take a risk. Well, you shouldn’t miss out on luck and it’s worth taking a risk. Even the most unpredictable action will turn out to be useful and correct.

Miller's Dream Book

It’s worth talking about why you dream about being shot at, according to this dream book. In fact, this is a manifestation of the dreamer's mistrust in life. He is not only afraid of a dirty trick on the part of loved ones and strangers, but he is also afraid of the whole world. The dream book advises being more relaxed and finally saying goodbye to suspiciousness.

If a person, in addition to all of the above, also saw his own blood, then this completely indicates his paranoia. This is what you dream about when they shoot at you. A dreamer who often sees such visions is very vulnerable. Many people around you can soon understand this, and most of them will not be ashamed to use this to their advantage. Therefore, it is worth getting rid of this bad quality so as not to get into trouble.

Esoteric dream book

It is also important to take into account why you dream that you are being shot, according to this book of interpretations. If the dreamer managed to be wounded, this indicates his concerns regarding personal relationships and business issues. Perhaps his worries about his personal life are too great. But don't worry so much - everything is actually fine.

If there was a lot of blood, then this means that the dreamer is worried about the actions people have committed towards him. In order for torment and suffering to stop putting pressure on a person, he should let go of everything that has happened. Forgive people for their mistakes - betrayal, deception, lies, treason. Everything that happened has already passed. So it had to happen.

It is also important to consider where the bullet hit. If a person was wounded in the heart, then this means health problems. It would not hurt to undergo an examination and generally pay more attention to yourself.

English dream book

There is also a lot of different interesting information that tells about why you dream that you are being shot from a pistol. The English dream book assures that such visions do not arise easily. The person is likely to be hit by close friends. If he managed to survive being shot in a dream, it means that there will be reconciliation.

Hearing shots or seeing a person trying to hit his living target usually means an imminent quarrel between lovers or a final breakup. Sometimes such a vision also promises troubles at work or depression due to dissatisfaction with one’s life or financial situation.

If a person sees someone he knows aiming at him, it is possible that this person is not “aiming” at him in real life. In general, caution should be exercised.

In fact, there are still a lot of interpretations, but, as you can see, all of them do not portend something positive and pleasant. Therefore, after such a vision, one should be wary - what if this is really a warning sent from above?

The article on the topic: “dream book being shot in the back” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Why do you dream that you were shot in the back? Trusted people around you are capable of committing meanness without warning, which will negatively affect your reputation and morale.

Did your attacker hit you with a pistol? There is a high probability that a difficult situation will arise in which you will be involved by a loved one. It is unlikely that you will be able to get out of it on your own.

If you felt pain after being shot in a dream, then the offenders will be able to cause serious harm to you with their actions if you do not take retaliatory measures.

To prevent the occurrence of such not entirely pleasant events, it is important to be vigilant and attentive and analyze incoming information. Try to get rid of excessive gullibility.

Your personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in which areas of your life you will find success in the new year.

Did you dream of a Shot in the Back, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of Shot in the back in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Good afternoon, I had a strange dream. My friend and I drove up in a car to a crowded area of ​​motorists. I know my friend has marijuana in his pocket. And then there are lights, flashing lights, police. In my soul I was absolutely calm, since I myself was clean before the law. All the people got out of the cars and one of the policemen asks which of you is so-and-so N, who is a supervillain. The man raises his hand, I say, and at that moment I receive a bullet in the back, I felt the impact of the bullet, there was no pain, then my vision began to blur. And there is only one question in my mind - who made such a mistake, the shooter could not have missed, perhaps someone shot purposefully. What could such a dream mean?

The first half of this day will bring an increased desire for personal freedom and independence. You will want to express yourself in an original way, to prove your uniqueness.

The magazine's website contains the largest online dream book, which contains 90 collections of dreams and more than 450,000 dream interpretations. Regularly updated horoscopes for today, tomorrow, week, month and year, including love, compatibility and many others.

Shoot at the dream book

“The bullet flew by - and aha...” In reality, shooting very rarely leads to a good ending - only if there is a successful coincidence of circumstances, or if it is carried out at a shooting range. But shooting in a dream is most often a pretty good sign in a dream book. But in order to find out with complete certainty what this action is about in a dream, you need to remember all the details of the dream.

Of no small importance is the weapon from which the shooting was carried out, as well as the denouement of the dream - the victim remained alive, or was miraculously not hit. But the most important thing in the interpretation of the dream book is on whose side such an aggressive action was observed - on the part of the dreamer, or on the part of the character of our subconscious.

Why do you dream about shooting at a dreamer?

If, upon waking up, you can say with confidence: “They shot me with a pistol,” then the interpretation of Veles’s small dream book is positive only if the attacker missed. This means good news from afar.

Why do you dream about being shot at in the Wanderer’s dream book. This action in a dream warns of constant surveillance of you, but this has nothing to do with deliberate surveillance for evil purposes. You are in the attention zone of your significant other or business partner.

Seeing in a dream that someone is shooting at you, and at the same time responding to your opponent in the same way - that is, participating in a shootout - is a sign of rivalry with someone in reality. Remember who you feel dislike towards - this person will become your enemy in reality.

If, after a shootout in a dream, you woke up with relief with the joyful thought: “They shot at me but didn’t hit me!”, then the dream book promises many sexual contacts in the near future, which will leave a pleasant memory in the soul, but will not lead to a relationship.

A male business partner does not miss a single action of yours if you can say about the plot in a dream: “A man is shooting at me.” Don’t be afraid if he’s aiming for your face, but if your back is under attack, expect betrayal.

The dream book interprets what you dream about being shot at and not hit as an omen of good news from afar, or the arrival of welcome guests who will bring moments of joy to life.

The dream book gives an interesting interpretation of what it means if in a dream you are shot not with single bullets, but with a burst of bullets - you are shot. This is a sign that soon all creditors will pay off their debts to you.

What does it mean when you are shot at in a dream? If the outcome of the dream was disastrous and you were killed, then this is an unfavorable prognosis - in reality someone will greatly offend you and inflict emotional wounds.

According to Miller's dream book, shooting in a dream is a prediction about conflicts between spouses. Moderate your selfishness, and then quarrels will be avoided. Another interpretation of dreams, where business partners had to be shot, predicts a series of unsuccessful transactions and loss of funds.

The dreamer is the shooter

According to the interpretation of the Egyptian dream book, shooting from a gun in a dream, while taking careful aim, and hitting the target is a good omen. Expect an improvement in your well-being and receiving money.

Archery in a dream is a symbol of consolation. Soon a person will appear in life who will be able to fully understand all the experiences of the dreamer, support him - and will become an indispensable friend and assistant in a variety of matters.

Why do you dream of shooting from a machine gun? This dream is associated with reality: now you see your benefit in your planned business, but after a while you will realize that all your hopes were false, the business will only bring disappointment.

The darkest corners of your soul are revealed by a dream in which you had to shoot with a rifle. In reality, you constantly humiliate and insult a person you don’t like, without pursuing a particularly good goal.

Shooting in the head in a dream is a symbol of attempts to influence the thoughts and feelings of the person you were shooting at. Most often, in such stories, parents see their children who cannot be raised in any way.

Shooting from a weapon without ever missing the target is a positive forecast from the dream book. There comes a series of luck in life, in which only the elements will not be under your control. You manage your life and have complete control over its course.

Noisy showdowns, public quarrels with shouting and swearing foreshadow what you dream of shooting with a pistol. The dream book advises maintaining peace of mind and not giving in to emotions even in the most provocative situations - the result will be disastrous.

Shooting a person with a pistol in a dream is a good forecast from the dream book. In this plot, a person is associated with a goal, and if you shoot your lover who has not shown reciprocal feelings, then very soon everything will change - his love for you will be strong and devoted.

The worst interpretation is given by the dream book: if you are shot in the back, expect a catch in any matter. Predictions are no less bad if you were shot in the back - your emotionality and greed will provoke an unsightly act that you will regret for a long time.

Why dream of shooting at coins from a machine gun without missing, and the coins flying towards me?

You need to play less shooting games. Coins. Ha

I dreamed that I was being executed by the shooters. I take a gun and start killing these people. She fired twice and hit and killed both times. One of the remaining ones suddenly moved away from the wall and simply decided to leave, I told him to come back, I told him that I was not going to shoot him in the back. Then I dream about my son, who is hiding from me, and in the dream I seem to have to shoot him too. In the dream, I scolded him very much, and he wanted to hide from me. Please explain what this dream is about. My heart is heavy.

A whole special forces team and I'm new there. They opened all the doors and killed everyone. And then another door opens and I stand right opposite the entrance and wait for them to start walking. I see a mirror and use it to figure out who is walking, so I shot everyone, and they didn’t even have time to see me. True, then I ran out of cartridges, since no one expected anything like that on my part, and they didn’t give me any supplies. But my team with machine guns finished off all the enemies. Then I cleaned up my place

Tell me what it could mean: in a dream I was shooting darts at plywood windows, through a small ravine with silt and dirty water. After the hits, I went through this ravine, coming out of the water, I was filled with mud along with coins. Then these coins became shallow and among the small change there were a couple of old and rare coins, such as doubloons. I held all the coins in my hands, looking at them.

I dreamed that a flying object was shooting at me, as if from a machine gun, but I always hid behind something. And it’s true that I am being promoted to the position for which I dreamed of being a manager. I am so glad. The dream book is all true.

I dreamed that some two guys attacked me and began to take out pistols, but I was faster, shot one in the head, and the second in the chest. What does it mean.

I had a dream that four men in black clothes were shooting at me. And I walk past them as if I don’t notice, one bullet hit me, and I fell to the ground, but remained conscious, the men shouted with joy, like “shot through the lung!” ran away. What nonsense?

Shot in the stomach, she survived.

I run away, there is an obstacle in the city (road, pipes), I run through the yard and they shoot at me. I was wounded, but I don’t feel any pain. She climbed through the balcony into someone’s apartment and fell silent. I woke up and my heart jumped out of fear. For what?

They shot at me twice, at a distance of a meter from me, the shot was in the hand and in the head from a guy I didn’t know. What is it for?

I dreamed that some man wanted to kill a girl, and I grabbed a gun from him and shot him in the heart several times, then another man wanted to help him, and I also shot him in the heart, I kill them and cry about it, and then it turns out, that the bullets were not real and I didn’t kill them, they simply treated the wounds and remained alive.

I dreamed that my youngest daughter accidentally shot me with a pistol.

I shot without even aiming and hit accurately, and when the cartridges ran out I burned the woman.

I dreamed that a person standing next to me was shooting from a gun at clods of earth that I was throwing up and never missed. Then I couldn’t throw it high, this man fell into the ground and a fire started.

I dreamed that they were shooting at me, and I was shooting back. The outcome was different, I don’t understand, I woke up after each time. Either I killed a man, or he killed me with a pistol. The strangest thing is that at the moment of my death, I had 7-9 seconds to shoot, but it already looked like just red dots on the body of the person who killed me, as if they were shooting balls of paint. I haven’t played video games or watched action movies lately, maybe it’s due to my job as a security guard? As well as the fact that I am applying for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

I dreamed that I saw how they killed a man in front of me and started running after me and shooting because I was an eyewitness, they shot, but they didn’t seem to hit, but it was scary, in the end they caught me and the dream abruptly switched to another event, that my friend was definitely not I remember some people tried to beat me up. I hid behind the wall and suddenly ran out from around the edge of the wall and kicked one in the jaw so hard that he started bleeding, but I didn’t see the blood itself, but I’m sure that it started bleeding and I woke up abruptly.

I had a dream that I was walking along a dark alley near the sea, and when I was walking along the alley, a man stood on the side with a wallet in one hand and a pistol in the other (and in the dream I realized that this was a robbery and he wanted to kill me). But I ran, he shot me in the back, and I ran. He shot me in the back 8-9 times, and when I barely reached the road I saw a policeman. Then they took me to the hospital, like they took out bullets, as if I saw it myself, and then the second scenario, like I just ran around and looked for Russians, since I was abroad at sea, why is this?

The man was shooting as if from a machine gun, sharp blades were flying instead of bullets, and she tried to run away with a red-haired little girl in her arms.

Why do you dream about being shot at?

Our life is full of events and is characterized by a very high pace. Emotions received during the day can affect the body in different ways. Unfortunately, sometimes even in a dream it is not possible to fully rest, as you may have restless and unpleasant dreams. Night scenes of unpleasant content are frequent guests of emotional dreamers. The scene where you get shot is a common nightmare. Why do you dream about being shot at? Dream books will tell you.

What influences the interpretation of sleep

Certain details of a dream have a significant impact on its interpretation. What to pay attention to:

  • The weapon used to shoot
  • Who shot
  • Part of the body they tried to hit or got hit
  • The outcome of the shootout - did you survive, did you shoot back, etc.

What weapon was shot from?

Depending on the weapon used on you, the dream may have the following meaning:

  • If they fired from a machine gun, then in reality this is fraught with serious problems, blackmail and threats are possible.
  • If you shot from a pistol, then beware of an ill-wisher.
  • Look around and try to figure him out to prevent his mischief.
  • If you shot from a bow, then this is a sign of self-confidence.
  • If you shot from a gun, then your enemy will fail.

What part of the body was injured?

It also matters which organ was targeted. If they shot:

  • In the heart, then in real life, health problems are possible. It is also advised to learn to control your emotions, or at least their manifestation.
  • In the back, there is a high probability of betrayal.
  • In the stomach, it is recommended to intensify your attention, soon
  • something important and necessary for you will happen.
  • In the chest, then there is a strong shock ahead associated with loved ones.
  • In the head, this is a symbol of thirst for something new, spontaneous desires.
  • In your eyes, then stop denying the obvious and turning a blind eye to this or that situation.
  • In the neck, then difficult times await you, in which it will be difficult for you to cope alone.
  • In your hand, then someone is trying to harm you, break your plans and plans.
  • In step, then this means an unpredictable turn of events.

Who was the aggressor

An eloquent role in the interpretation of dreams in which you are shot is played, in fact, by the person who showed aggression in the dream. In reality, it is advisable to take a close look at this person and resolve any outstanding issues. If the person is not familiar to you, then expect unforeseen circumstances.

What interpreters say

Miller's Dream Book. If you are shot at in a dream, then this is interpreted as the dreamer’s distrust of everyone and everything. The advice that you can take for yourself is to try to take things easier and become more relaxed.

Esoteric dream book. If you were shot in a dream, this indicates your vulnerability and worries regarding love relationships and business issues.

A large amount of blood during a shootout is a sign of mental anguish over the various actions of your friends.

Dream book of Felomena. Similar events in a dream are a sign of sudden news. Negative news cannot be ruled out.

If you wake up with pain in the area where you were shot in a dream, you should see a doctor immediately. It is likely that there is a problem with that organ.

Dream Book of the Wanderer. Such a dream can foreshadow both a romantic acquaintance and profitable cooperation.

English dream book. Such a dream promises tension in relationships with loved ones. Staying alive after being shot means reconciliation.

American dream book. To dream of someone shooting at you indicates that you are too dependent on others. You need to eradicate foreign intrusions into your life.

Chinese dream book. Expect a rare guest.

Idiomatic dream book. You can survive betrayal.

Thus, it is with relief that in real life a dream in which you are shot does not pose a great danger. The dream seems to push you to analyze the situation and warns you of possible risks. Forewarned means forearmed, and this is the undoubted benefit of such a dream.

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Why dream about being shot at in a dream. Dream books of the world interpret what you should be wary of.

You were shot in your sleep... An unpleasant dream, no matter how you look at it. The shot is direct threat, a threat to life and health. It is unpleasant to know that in a dream you were the victim of someone's aggressive attack.

And bullet wounds can be deadly. In such dreams, all the details that seem insignificant at first glance are important: who was the aggressor in the dream and why did he shoot? Where did the bullet hit? What weapon was the shot fired from? What if you missed and you started shooting back? Let's remember all the details and find out what to expect from such a dream.

They shoot you with a gun

Beware: in reality you have a dangerous ill-wisher. For now he’s doing minor mischief, but in the future he’s aiming to seriously ruin your life. It's time to figure it out and take countermeasures.

You will receive a modest, but a nice amount.

From a machine gun

Becoming a victim of a machine gun shot - you have enemies, which are about to deal you a fatal blow.

The machine gun is a symbol of the army theme; it is usually classified as a weapon of the aggressor. Therefore, such a dream has another meaning: you yourself will be to blame is that you will be blackmailed and threatened. Your rash actions will endanger not only you, but also your loved ones.

In reality you have a rather dangerous foe. But such a dream means that you are mentally prepared for his attack and will be able to give a worthy rebuff.

They shoot but don't hit, miss

If you dream that you were shot at but missed (perhaps due to darkness or poor lighting) - in reality your life aspirations will be understandable only to you. And the ways in which you will achieve them will leave not only those around you bewildered, but you as well.

In reality you will find yourself decent resistance to your ill-wishers.

You woke up after a shootout with euphoria from the fact that you were not hit - such a dream is for different intimate relationships, which will not end in any serious relationship, but will leave behind pleasant memories in the soul.

You're hit, but you're still alive

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller, if you were shot at and hit, and you suddenly found yourself on the verge of life and death - to serious problems, the cause of which will be your best friends. Having become embittered, they can plant a big pig on you, mortally offend you - such a dream speaks of an unforgivable insult. But if you managed to wake up at the moment of death, you can turn the conflict with your friends into the direction of reconciliation.

A shot from a firearm in a dream is a symbol that something unexpected and frightening will happen in real life: conflicts, quarrels, disagreements in the family or at work, resentment and understatement in a relationship with a loved one, perhaps the loss of a valuable thing.

What if you dream of a gunshot?

An unexpected shot from a pistol is a good sign: a meeting with a loved one, new feelings, a memorable date, a feeling of happiness and flight.

Also, this dream can foreshadow a quick and happy marriage for a young girl.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a shot, labor will begin ahead of schedule, but everything will pass without complications.

Seeing in a dream how a person runs away from a shot is a warning that in real life there are influential ill-wishers and they are making every effort to harm him and interfere with his business. It is possible that there are disagreements with partners in business.

If you dreamed of a shooting pistol, you should not carry out an important transaction; it is better to postpone it for a while, otherwise you may face serious losses and debts.

Many dream interpreters contain a detailed description of what a shot means in a dream: an undeserved insult from a loved one, betrayal by a spouse, mortal resentment, a desire for revenge, failures and disappointments in life. It is worth paying close attention to such a dream, this is a warning.

Sometimes a shot in a dream can mean that a person does not quite sensibly assess the current situation and is not able to adequately perceive information.

If the dreamer feels pain from a wound, as in reality, his friends will soon change their attitude towards him and not for the better. Most likely, the person himself made many mistakes: he offended loved ones for no reason, did not fulfill his promises, ignored the feelings of others, etc.

Seeing blood from a shot means fulfillment of desires, a happy marriage, a comfortable life, success in any endeavor.

Also, such a dream foretells that a person will soon lose his head in love and may do stupid things that will seriously ruin his reputation, and the chosen one will be disappointed and break off the relationship.

What does it portend?

Hearing gunshots in a dream is a warning that someone is collecting rumors and spreading defamatory information about a person. You need to take a close look at your immediate surroundings.

If in a dream a person dies from a gunshot wound, it means problems with health or family relationships, a demotion or unexpected dismissal from a promising job.

Waking up from a sudden gunshot is a good sign - all adversity and sorrow will pass by, and success and the beginning of a new life await the person.

A woman who dreams of being shot from a cannon most likely has a bad character, has difficult relationships with people around her, is looking for benefits for herself, but does not think about the fact that she is hurting someone.

If a person kills someone in a dream, it means that in real life he is afraid of an influential person, perhaps a member of his family.

Seeing yourself in the line of fire means you need to decide on a task and not put it off.

A gun that misfired in a dream and did not fire is a good sign: new and interesting acquaintances, help from a rich person, recognition of merit, making a profit, good relationships in the family. Also, such a dream is a sign that enemies will not be able to carry out their insidious plans, and the person will avoid an unpleasant situation.

Did you dream that you were running under gunfire? Due to rash actions, troubles may arise in the business sphere. The punishment for stupid mistakes made out of the blue will be extremely serious. There is a possibility of job loss.

The dream serves as a call for caution and vigilance. It's time to think about the consequences of hasty decisions and actions.

I dreamed that you were shot in the eye

Do you dream that you were shot in the eye? The dream tells you that you do not pay attention to obvious, significant details in your work, which can have an extremely negative impact on your career and well-being in general.

If you continue to act according to these principles, you may end up in a serious situation. It will be difficult to get out of it on your own; you will need outside help.


A dream about being shot in the head means that you will be able to realize your ideas, but there is a high probability that certain troubles will arise.

Shot in the throat according to the dream book

Did you see a shot in the throat? According to the Orakul dream book, such an image symbolizes the dizzying success that awaits you in the near future in your professional activities.

You may have lost confidence in a wonderful, happy future. However, fate is ready to present a gift, to convince you that you can achieve anything with the right desire.

Circumstances will begin to turn out in your favor. Try not to miss this period and make all your goals and dreams come true. Remember that loss of concentration can lead to difficulties.

I dreamed of a shot in the chest

Why do you dream about being shot in the chest? The dream indicates an emotional turmoil that will be encountered in the near future. It will be caused by events that happen in the lives of close people and relatives.

There is a possibility that your loved one’s health will worsen. There may be a separation from him for a long period of time, which will be very difficult to survive.

Try to provide support, take care of your loved ones, do not lose your good spirits, and do not let negative feelings consume you. You just have to endure this difficult period.

Shot in the stomach according to the dream book

If you dreamed of being shot in the stomach, in reality you will receive important information. With its help, you will be able to achieve an enviable career rise, success at work, and well-being.

Valuable data will be obtained randomly from unverified sources, which is why it may appear suspicious. There is a possibility that you simply will not pay attention to them.

There is no doubt that the information received will help improve your professional and personal life; try to use it wisely. Otherwise, no changes for the better will happen in the near future.

Seeing a shot in the forehead in a dream

The meaning of a dream where a shot occurred in the forehead indicates your desire to try your hand at a new field of activity. Perhaps you want to visit another country, go on a trip. The dream foreshadows the imminent fulfillment of desires.

A dream where there was no blood after being shot in the forehead indicates that it will be very difficult for you to realize your aspiration on the first try, even if you make every effort. It’s just that circumstances will turn out in an unfavorable way for you. This can negatively affect self-confidence and morale.

If you want to take a long trip, go ahead, don’t put your dream on hold, otherwise you may become depressed due to everyday worries. Try not to panic or lose faith in your capabilities if something goes wrong.

Dream about shooting into the sky

If you dream of a shot into the sky, then the efforts you make to achieve your goals will be in vain. The reason for this will be haste and vanity. You simply cannot find a way out of a confusing situation, because you do not believe in success and your capabilities. Failures can negatively affect self-esteem and your entire career.

Avoid haste in action, calm down, get rid of negative thoughts. All this will help you find a simple solution and cope with complex problems.

Dreaming of being shot in the leg

The Oracle's Dream Book considers a shot in the leg as a harbinger of unexpected events that will bring chaos into your life. There is a possibility that you will not have time to take action and understand where the troubles are coming from.

Try not to lose optimism and faith in yourself. It is important to remember who shot in the dream and to avoid the company of this person in reality. Perhaps the actions of this particular person will lead to problems.

Why do you dream about shooting your father?

If you dreamed of shooting your father, there is a risk of losing trust and authority among friends and work colleagues. The reason for this will be your own carelessness. You may do something that is not at all positive, which will lead to trouble. Close people will turn away from you.

It is necessary to carefully think through actions, decisions, and choose words when communicating with others. Attentiveness and kindness will help you avoid many troubles.

I dreamed of a pistol shot

The interpretation of a dream where a gun shot occurred speaks of your aggression. Perhaps someone previously offended you, which you are not able to forget, you want to take revenge on the enemy. This can lead to not entirely pleasant consequences and negatively affect all areas of life.

Did they hit you with a weapon in a dream? If the wound turns out to be fatal, a loved one who enjoys your trust will betray you. Meanness will be done consciously to achieve some selfish goals. There is a high probability that he will begin to spread gossip and rumors, the main character of which will be you.

Learn to forgive insults, do not accumulate anger within yourself. It is important to be attentive to everything that is happening around you. Try to determine which of your close people is capable of striking, exclude this person from your environment.

Shot in the shoulder according to the dream book

Why do you dream about being shot in the shoulder? A person wounded in a dream is in despair. He faced a number of setbacks in both his professional and personal life. He will not be able to get out of depression on his own.

If you were wounded in the shoulder in your dreams, you will face a conspiracy that will prevent you from carrying out your plans. There is a high probability that the enemies will be guided by good intentions in their actions. Perhaps people close to you will try to stop you, thinking that they will do better.

Try not to refuse support to a person who has fallen into an apathetic state. It is necessary to quickly return him to a full life. Treat the actions of loved ones with understanding, think again, analyze your actions and plans. Perhaps a fatal mistake actually crept into them.

In a dream, hide from a shot

The meaning of a dream where you had to hide from a shot indicates that you are trying with all your might to hide from responsibility for previously committed offenses. Your reluctance to correct your own mistakes in your professional activities can lead to dire consequences.

If you continue to ignore your own mistakes, it will be more difficult to cope with the troubles they cause. Try to find the strength within yourself to correct the shortcomings.

Dreaming of being shot in the hand

According to the Oracle's dream book, a shot in the hand indicates that it will not be possible to bring the plans to life in the near future. You are hindered in this by ill-wishers who give incorrect advice and recommendations, aggravating an already difficult situation. Failures at work can lead to a loss of self-confidence and strength.

To achieve the realization of your innermost desires, you need to reveal the identity of the enemy and stop listening to his opinion.

Seeing a shot in the heart in a dream

A dream where there was a shot in the heart is a warning. In professional activities, troubles can arise due to excessive emotionality. Failures will negatively impact your career growth.

Try to calm down, take control of your feelings and emotions, and refuse haste in action. It is necessary to carefully consider every action in order to achieve success.

Dreaming of shooting my sister

Did you dream that your sister was shot? Dramatic changes may occur in the near future. They may be associated with a change of job or relocation.

Don't worry, there won't be any major troubles in your sister's life anytime soon. The dream says that family relationships will bring only joy and happiness.

You shouldn't do anything rash. If you want to change something in your destiny, think it over and analyze it carefully. Remember that haste usually leads to disastrous results.

Hear a shot in a dream

Did you dream that you heard a shot? Your constant busyness negatively affects your morale. Health can seriously deteriorate due to nervous strain and emotional overload. In addition, a loss of strength will negatively affect personal relationships.

To avoid problems with the functioning of the body and conflicts in personal relationships, try to find time for proper rest. You shouldn't devote all your attention to work alone.

Such a dream sometimes indicates the unreliability of the data received. They may look plausible, but in reality they will only cause harm. Perhaps ill-wishers will provide you with information.

If in a dream a girl heard a shot, then the plot reports the sudden emergence of feelings for a person she knows well. It could be a work colleague, friend or neighbor. There is a possibility that the sympathy will be mutual.

There will be positive changes in your personal relationships, but everything can be ruined by excessive haste in actions and decisions. Show patience and tact - and you will become the happiest person in the world.

I dreamed of a point-blank shot

Have you seen a point-blank shot in a dream? There will be positive changes in personal relationships. A person will appear in your life who can occupy all your thoughts and become the object of desires of an intimate nature. A simple acquaintance will over time develop into a whirlwind romance, and then into a serious relationship.

Try not to miss a person who can cause you a storm of positive emotions just by his presence. Perhaps fate itself brought you together.

If you dream of being shot in the neck

Did you dream of being shot in the neck? The interpretation of the dream says that you will be indebted to someone. There is a possibility that in the near future you will need financial assistance. You may need money at the most unexpected moment, and you won’t have it.

If you experienced pain in a dream, your health may worsen. A disease related to the neck may begin to develop.

Try not to get into debt in the near future, it will be extremely difficult to pay off. At the first signs of illness, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a full medical examination.