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Vova is a full female name. Vladimir name meaning - character and fate

In childhood, the meaning of the name Vladimir is revealed by the young creature’s ability to be adventurous. The boy has great potential for learning, the child quickly adapts to unfamiliar situations. While he is very young, he listens to the advice of his elders; as soon as he grows up, he does everything his own way, although he continues to patiently listen to other people’s wishes.

In a team, the boy always takes a leadership position, is not afraid of responsibility and is always responsible for his words. He is pleasant to talk to, good-natured, has many friends and acquaintances, including many older children. He does not like conflicts, he tries not to bring the dispute to a peak and quickly resolve the situation.

Academically capable, however, a child's success depends on the degree of interest in the subject. Good at technical sciences. He will be happy to go to sports clubs and pays attention to his physical development.

Clean, loves order. The boy's room is always tidy, all things are placed in their places. Values ​​comfort and coziness, attaching special importance to them. Does not welcome animals in the house.

In his youth, the meaning of the name Vladimir for a child acquires new character traits. The young man attaches great importance to his appearance. He gets along with people easily and often makes new acquaintances.

In other people he values ​​strength and intelligence. Active, diplomatic, has a fairly quick reaction. Enterprising and resourceful, he will always find an opportunity to earn extra money and will not miss his chance.

He is selfish and pays great attention to the opinions of others. Loves to be praised. By nature he is not touchy, but if this has happened, it is very difficult to forgive insults. The young man does not talk much about his grievances, preferring to remain on equal terms with others.

He values ​​friendship highly, does not forgive betrayal, preferring in the future to stay away from his former friend, remaining on fairly even terms with him. He is capable of much for his friends, but in return he expects maximum return.

What makes the boy stand out from the crowd is his calm confidence in himself and his abilities. Often has hidden talents that are revealed in early childhood. Moderately gambling, he often gets lucky in card games.


Tends to idealize the girl he likes. He chooses a bright and extraordinary woman as his chosen one, which means he has a desire to admire his partner.

In love, the meaning of the name Vladimir for a boy is quite ambiguous. On the one hand, a man tries with all his might to conquer the woman he likes, on the other hand, he does not really show his chosen one great feelings and affection. Has a hard time dealing with breakups.

In most cases, he remains faithful to his chosen one and not at all because of his personal principles, but only because of the lack of free time and the reluctance to complicate his life. Loving and active in bed.


The interpretation of the name Vladimir in a family reveals a man as a good family man who, as a real breadwinner, will try with all his might to provide for his family.

He is very whimsical in everyday life, appreciates comfort and order, and is picky about food. This moment means that the wife is required to fully fulfill all household “female” duties.

He loves his children very much, but cannot tinker with them or communicate with them for a long time, preferring to shift their upbringing onto his wife’s shoulders. She is only concerned with the education of her children, often helping to solve complex problems.

Business and career

A man is well versed in technology, which means he is often interested in cars or motorcycles. The young man has all the leadership skills with which he can become an excellent leader. Hardworking, knows his worth.

Origin of the name Vladimir

The origin of the name Vladimir has ancient Germanic roots and dates back to the time when it was fashionable to form names from two bases. Waldemar, whose name became the progenitor of the modern name Vladimir, consists of two words “waltan” and “mari”, the etymological translation of which is “to rule, own” and “famous, rich”, respectively.

As the story goes, the ancient German name Waldemar on Russian soil, under the influence of the common stem “world”, gradually began to take on a modern shape, the mystery of the name also changed its meaning. And regardless of where the name came from, the male name Vladimir began to stand for “owning the world.”

Characteristics of the name Vladimir

The characteristics of the name Vladimir allow potential parents to correctly assess the pros and cons of the character of the unborn child. It is worth noting the strong character of the young man, his determination, and active life position.

From childhood, little boys should be brought up in strictness, trying to give as many tasks as possible and monitor their completion. It is very important to teach your child discipline, which will certainly be very useful to him in the future.

Also, great importance should be given to the dialogue between the child and parents, since in adulthood a man will follow the principles instilled in him from childhood.

Very often in family life he copies his father’s behavior, his attitude towards his mother, money, neighbors, work.

The mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone – jasper, topaz, ruby.
  • Name days - January 21, 24, 31, February 7, 10, March 7, 21, March 25, April 3, 6, June 4, July 10, 28, August 27, September 7, 15, 1, 4, 9, 17, October 21, November 3, 4, 5, 16, 25, December 3, 5, 15, 22, 26, 29, 31. According to the Catholic calendar - April 2, July 15, 28.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Libra.
  • Patron planet - Venus.
  • Color – green, blue, light blue, purple.

Famous people

  • Vladimir Putin (1952) – Russian politician, President of the Russian Federation.
  • Vladimir Presnyakov (1967) – Russian pop singer, actor, composer, arranger. He is legally married to singer Natalya Podolskaya.
  • Vladimir Mashkov (1963) - Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Russia, People's Artist of Russia. He became famous after playing the role of David Goltsman in the television series “Liquidation”.

Different languages

The translation of the name Vladimir into English is similar to its Russian counterpart - Vladimir. In German, the name is translated Waldomar, Valdemar, Woldimar, Waldmer, Walmar, Gualdimar. In Ukrainian - Volodymyr, in Belarusian the name is translated as Uladzimir, Uladzimer, in Polish - Włodzimierz (Wlodzimierz, Wlodzimierz), Włodzimir (Wlodzhimir, Wlodzimir).

In Spanish, the name is translated as Vladimiro (Vladimiro), the diminutive form is Miro (Miro), in Italian - Vladimiro, Wladimiro (Vladimiro), Valdimiro, Waldimiro (Valdimiro), Valdemiro (Valdemiro), Valdomiro (Valdomiro), in Danish - Valto (Valto). In Chinese 佛拉基米尔 (Folajimier), in Japanese - Heiwanushi (平和主) - Lord of the World.

Name forms

  • Full name: Vladimir.
  • Options - Voldemar, Valdemar, female form - Vlada, Lada.
  • Derivatives (diminutive and abbreviated forms) - Vova, Vovchik, Vokhasik, Vokha, Volodya, Vovochka, Vovka, Volodka, Vovusya, Vovulchik, Vovulya, Vovunya, Vovusik, Vovan.
  • Declension of the name - Vladimir-Vladimir.
  • Church (Orthodox) name - Vladimir.

Vlad is Vladislav, everything is correct! My classmate was Vlad - Vladistav! Vlad-Vladislav is a mystery? Vlad - this can be either a full name, like mine (I am Vlad), or an abbreviation for Vladislav. Vlad is a diminutive of the name Vladislav.

In fact, it depends only on you, you will call Vlad, Vlad will be, and let the full name be Vladimir. My friend’s husband is Slava, although he is actually Yaroslav. Rugby. World Cup 2011. Vladik (baptized Vladislav) - from the village of Vivsyanyki, Vilshansky district, Kirovograd region. We immediately decided it would be Danila! Girls, I’ve always been confused about these names... Help me figure it out)) Vitaly is Vitalik Vladimir is Vova or Vlad? (yes or no) Is Vladislav Slava or Vladik?

For example, Benjamin is the son of the right hand, Varvara is a balabolka, Maria is a wretched woman.

So, let it be Vladimir, and for you Vlad. But how he will introduce himself later is another question.

Vladimir is not very good at all. But Vladimir is in honor of my grandfather.

Vladislav. I also like Vladislav, more than Vladimir.

Need a name. At home we call Vlad - everyone likes it) My friends remember that according to the documents I wanted Vladimir, but to shorten it - Vlad, since Vova and Volodya are downright annoying.

And for the boy, at first I had the options of Jaromir, Svetozar, Miroslav or Vladimir.

And I remember so much the names of the twin boys: Zhdan and Zhelan. How beautiful it is!

My eldest son’s name is Vladislav, we always call him Vlad (Vlad really pisses me off).

Grandfather is always called Vladimir or Vladimir Ivanovich, very, very rarely one of his own, granny for example - Volodya.

This page contains the most popular posts and comments from our users on the topic “Vlad is Vladislav or Vladimir.”

Vlad is a short form of the name Vladislav, so a person can be called by relatives in the family, close people and friends.

In Romania and Yugoslavia, Vlad is also a diminutive form of the name Vladimir.

This name comes from the Slavic words “vlad” (this is “to own”) and “slav” (this is “glory”) - “owning glory.”

My son’s name is Vladislav, we call him Vlad or Vladik for short.

In addition to the full name Vladislav, derived from Vlad, there is the name Vladlen.

I chose the name for my son myself, and chose the name Vlad precisely because of how the full version of this name with his patronymic would sound.

Vladimirov can be shortened like this...

I know for sure that Vlad’s full name is Vladislav, but there was also a case when, while visiting someone, a person named Vlad said that his full name was Vladlen.

This is not so - these are two completely different names - Vladislav and Vyacheslav.

The name Vlad is only a short form of the full name Vladislav.

Is Vlad Vladislav or Vladimir?

We have several friends with this name, and my three classmates named their sons with this name. Color, like sound, is... Among these colors, six main ones can be distinguished; three main ones - blue, yellow, red, and three composite ones - green, purple, orange. It is known that each of the primary colors of the spectrum corresponds to a certain wavelength - from the shortest for violet to the longest, which corresponds to red.


Color, like sound, is a vibration, and a name is nothing more than a series...

On the one hand, these names give a very big...

Support for our team, which is playing its final World Cup match against one of the main favorites, Australia, is vital.

Russia – Australia.

But what should a future mother pay attention to when choosing a name for a boy? First of all, it is necessary to understand that the initial impulse to name a son...

But with the youngest it was more difficult. The sex of the child was found out only at 33 weeks.

The eldest's name was chosen when he was not yet born.

Everyone likes something different, decide whether you want a very rare name, a common one, or one of average popularity?

There are a lot of beautiful names, each mother chooses which one is closer and dearer to her.

Therefore, parents...

They will stand out from the crowd, always be in the center of attention, and they will have pronounced leadership qualities.

The first name is very...

The name reflected the inner essence of a person.

A name determines a person's destiny.

Slavic names The name determines the fate of a person.

Share which ones you PARTICULARLY liked.

Choose! =))) Names in this thread are only MEN'S for now!

Would you like to become Kozloborodko?

But first, answer the question I have: how did it happen that the killer still bears the name of the person he killed?

Are you ready to negotiate?

Perhaps you will find yourself here. The majority (more than 85%) of currently used names are not Slavic.

He is a lot...

A person given this name is doomed to be popular and famous. To a lesser extent, the influence of egregor now extends to bearers of Western names. Names of Islamic egregor: Names of Islamic egregor should not be given to people who do not have Islamic roots. A spicy intrigue - the new Russian Adam Burns against his compatriots... Online We strongly recommend that everyone who is not sleeping or has already woken up turn on rugby. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know the rules: we’ll figure it out together.

Take your medicine...

Therefore, they did not get vaccinated, and this explained both the severe sweating and elevated white blood cells.

It so happened that he was an “artificial child,” and this was attributed to the low hemoglobin that worried his parents.

A very lively, charmingly smiling baby. The first child of a young, serious mother, Natasha.

Our ancestors understood this and gave non-random names not only to ships, but also to children. Formally, the name does not affect fate in any way.

Popular wisdom says: whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail.

The name lays down a psychological code and confronts a person with responsibility: not just to live, but to live up to what was destined.

Cross off the ones you like least from the list, and so on in descending order.

In addition, it has already given humanity quite a few famous and extraordinary personalities that we can be proud of and admire.

Children born in 2015 will definitely be successful and happy.

The Year of the Goat is perfect for the birth of a child.

Thank you, interesting post. I myself was born in the year of the Goat, and my horoscope sign is Aries, and we are also waiting for Goat-Aries) The most important thing is to direct the stubbornness of these signs in the right direction, and everything will be fine!!!

This is how people defended themselves from an evil spirit or an evil person.

Well, you too, my sweeties, at the same time.

I immediately apologize for such a long post, but maybe someone needs it. Because my husband decided to name the child an Old Slavonic name.

Hello my bright ones!

Or what's the name of your crazy mother?

The contents of the gray envelope were disgusting: Well, Mr. Barinov?

This is a bizarre mixture of Greek, Latin and Israeli nicknames, nicknames, names and entire sentences.

I was laughing. Read on if you have the patience.

It's strange how things are going for you.

But of course there is already confusion.

I'll go get all the paperwork done today.

In Russia this is not accepted; in our country the diminutive form of the name Vladimir is Volodya. For 12 years he has been undergoing the naming ceremony. Compatibility of first name and patronymic Patronymic Popular names for this patronymic Alexandrovich Alexander, ... The table below will help you choose a name for your patronymic. Compatibility of first name and patronymic Patronymic Popular names for this patronymic Alexandrovich Alexander, Sergey, Dmitry, Evgeniy, Andrey, Pavel, Mikhail, Ivan, ...

The name Vova, Volodya, Vladimir: different names or not?

Many believe that the name is of Old Church Slavonic origin. In fact, the roots of the name are pagan, the translation itself is Volodimer. Full version - Vladimir. The name is translated as one who owns the world or who loves peace. Initially, in paganism, the particle -mer was translated as agreement, so it turned out - one who desires agreement. But in the Old Church Slavonic language the particle was perceived as -world. It was thanks to Rus' that the name later became popular in Germany and Sweden. The Valdemar variant is often used there.

It is worth noting that his full name is Vladimir. But he has a lot of abbreviations and diminutives. This is Vova and Volodya. These are all shortened forms of the name.

The name Vova, Volodya, Vladimir: different names or not?

Vova, Volodya, Vladimir: how to correctly say the full name?

Full name is Vladimir. Vova and Volodya are just folk forms and abbreviations. Only the full version of the name is recognized in documents. In the registry office they do not write down as Vova or Volodya. Only Vladimir.

What is the difference between the name Vova, Volodya and Vladimir?

These are simply shortened forms of the name. That is, Vova and Volodya are folk and short forms of Vladimir. The most interesting thing is that this name was forgotten for a long time. But after the war, the name became popular again and even topped the ratings. But now again, few people call their children that. The abbreviated forms Vova and Volodya are not used in the documents.

What is the difference between the name Vova, Volodya and Vladimir?

Is it possible to call Volodya or Vova Vladimir?

Yes, these are derivatives of the name Volodya. They were formed as a result of verbal fatigue. Now the forms Vova and Volodya are used more often than the main name.

As you can see, with the name Volodya everything is clear and simple. Abbreviated and folk forms remained derivative. Therefore, there is no confusion in documents and new names.

The meaning of the name Vladimir is often of interest to expectant mothers and fathers, because it is common and popular. Vladimir sounds beautiful and proud, and people with this name are distinguished by their energy and inner strength.

Before naming your child Vladimir, it is worth finding out everything about this name in more detail. Its meaning determines the character and even the fate of a man. The meaning of the name Vladimir for a boy will affect his entire fate.

Characteristics of the name Vladimir

Vladimir is an active and inquisitive man who is ready to take risks or embark on adventures. The characteristics of this name include many different nuances, the significance of which is difficult to underestimate. Having studied them all, you can understand what the name Vladimir means and what kind of life this person will have.

Character and fate of the name

Internal energy, self-confidence and strength influence success in Vladimir’s life; usually this man achieves everything he wants. The exact sciences are easy for him, and subsequently he also simply comprehends the basics of financial issues.

A quick and inquisitive mind allows him to accumulate a lot of useful information, which Vladimir constantly uses. His entrepreneurial spirit and practicality play an important role in making correct and effective decisions.

Vladimir is sincere and open, honest, therefore he reacts sharply to any deception or injustice and rarely forgives betrayal. Especially from close people. In women, Volodya is attracted not only by their bright appearance, but also by the depth of their inner content.


For a strong and energetic man, green jasper is a talisman stone. It is believed that this stone helps everyone who strives to be successful in the professional field, especially people of science and travelers.

Color of the name Vladimir

It is believed that a favorable color for all men named Vladimir is green. It conveys calm energy and confidence to take action. Red and purple colors are also of great importance to them.


The cherished number of representatives of the stronger sex with the name Vladimir is the number two.


The patronizing planet, which has a beneficial effect on all Vladimirs, is considered to be Venus. However, no less important is the influence of the Sun, which gives strength and energy.


The element of all Vladimirs is Air, which gives them such qualities as lightness, easygoingness, activity and optimism. The influence of Air in men with this name provokes the manifestation of such traits as adaptability to life and contact with people.


The favorable time of year for Vladimir is autumn. It gives tranquility, inner peace and harmony, affects the accumulation of energy for action and new achievements.


The patrons of Vladimirov among animals are the hawk and the deer. The bird of prey is a symbol of freedom, strength and determination. It is these character traits that Vladimirov manifests most often. The deer represents nobility, purity, spirituality and abundance.


Heather has the strongest influence on all Vladimirs - a symbol of sincerity, joy, openness and endless energy. In addition, maple and birch are considered treasured plants. Since ancient times, maple has symbolized a strong, young, active and slender man who enjoys success and popularity. Birch is a symbol of purity and light.


The favorable zodiac sign for the name Vladimir is Libra.


Silver is considered the patronizing metal for all Vladimirs, as a symbol of purity and nobility.

Name Description

Vladimir stands out noticeably among others, he is always the first, active, enthusiastic. These men rarely sit on the bench, passively contemplating the flow of life. Vladimir loves to act, try himself, take risks and enjoy the results of his own actions.


From early childhood, Vladimir has been distinguished by his curiosity and quick receptivity to any new knowledge.

He enjoys doing things he couldn’t do before and trying new things.

However, if you put two tasks in front of him, he will think for a long time about the importance and priority of each of them, and in the end he may not do any of them. At the same time, Vladimir is distinguished by a sharp mind and quick intelligence.


The norms of morality and morality accepted in society create in Vladimir a feeling of stability and security. Therefore, he easily follows such rules, but at the same time calmly treats situations when he sees that others are acting immorally. Sometimes he himself can take risks and do the forbidden, but at the same time he worries about possible measures of punishment or public censure.


Most Vladimirs are distinguished by their sensitivity and increased vulnerability. They are open and honest with others, but often withdraw into themselves when they do not receive the same treatment in return. A lie or betrayal can make Vladimir angry for a long time and make him doubt his own need and importance.


For most of his life, Vladimir’s health has been stable and does not cause problems. Especially if a man devotes time to his physical condition and does not aggravate the effects of harmful factors. With age, bowel dysfunction and vision deterioration may appear.


Vladimir's most significant hobby is sports. In childhood and adolescence, he tries himself in many types of sports competitions, sometimes attending several sections at once. But ultimately, Volodya decides on his favorite activities and continues to engage in them until adulthood.

Another hobby of Vladimir is creating coziness and an atmosphere of comfort in his own home. He loves to select furniture and accessories himself, coming up with original solutions and embodying his own vision in the interior.


Perseverance, willingness to take risks, and strong internal energy contribute to the fact that Vladimir can be successful in almost any business. However, most often men with this name are interested in science, politics or business.


Doing what he loves, Vladimir can devote himself entirely to work, sparing no time and effort. Sometimes this provokes problems in the family, but at the same time the career is constantly growing upward.

Achieving new goals, Vladimir feels a surge of self-confidence and energy for new achievements. This kind of assertiveness is the reason he succeeds.


Only a special and extraordinary woman can become Vladimir’s chosen one. A man is constantly popular with women, but he himself can only fall in love with a sincere, open and enthusiastic person who will support him and share his hobbies.

It is important for Vladimir that the girl appreciates not only his intelligence and perseverance, but also his tenderness and care. Then he is ready to give them in unlimited quantities. When Volodya finds such a woman, he will be ready to connect his life with her forever, because most Vladimirs are monogamous.


Vladimir is sexy and passionate, loves variety in intimate relationships. He is ready to take the initiative, he can offer innovations without requiring this from his partner. But it is important for him to agree and support his ideas. If Vladimir's woman is not ready to experiment, he will become bored. This feature is often the reason why Vladimir’s partner is a woman more experienced than himself.


Before proposing to his chosen one, Vladimir can think for a long time and weigh his decision. He takes family relationships seriously and chooses a spouse for life. In marriage, Volodya is attentive, although in his life there are many other interests besides his family, so his time is distributed unevenly. In family relationships, Vladimir is compliant, but always tries to maintain his inner independence. A favorable union is with women named Alla, Angela, Valentina, Elena, Inna, Irina, Lyubov, Natalya, Svetlana and Sophia.

Origin of the name

To fully understand the meaning and features, it is important to understand the origin of the name Vladimir. His secret and history largely determine the character of the man who is called Volodya. Every owner of this name would be interested to know a little from the past.

What does the name mean (translation and interpretation)

The name Vladimir comes from the Old Church Slavonic language and literally means “to rule the world.”

History of the name

Today, the meaning of the name Vladimir has acquired a slightly different meaning than it had in Ancient Rus'. In those days, “peace” was interpreted as a treaty or agreement. Therefore, it was believed that Vladimir was a person who could reconcile others, make an objective decision and, to some extent, be a judge in disputes and discord.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Common forms of the name Vladimir include Vladya, Ladya, Vadya, Volodya, Vova, Vovan. Diminutive variations of the name Volodyunya, Volodyusha, Vovchik, Volya, Volka, Vovochka, Vovulya, Vovunya.

Name in English

The literal translation of the name Vladimir into English is Worldowner - owner of the world. However, this form is not used. Most often this name is written and pronounced as Vladimir, and has no English analogues, since it is originally Russian.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

In different languages, the name Vladimir practically does not change in spelling form or sound. The most common variations are:

  • in Ukrainian - Volodymyr;
  • in Belarusian – Uladzimir;
  • in German – Waldemar;
  • in Polish – Włodzimierz;
  • in Spanish – Vladimiro.

The secret of the name Vladimir

Vladimir is a strong and active, but often contradictory man. His name carries so many characteristics that this personality cannot be one-sided or weak. This has been the case for a long time, and it remains so to this day.

Patrons of the name

It is believed that men with the name Vladimir have three main patrons: Prince Vladimir, who introduced Christianity in Rus', Metropolitan and Hieromartyr Vladimir of Kiev and Galicia, and Equal-to-the-Apostles Vladimir of Novgorod.

Angel's Day (name day)

Thanks to the three main patrons of the name Vladimir, the days of the angel are celebrated on February 7, July 28 and October 17. However, there are other dates for Volodya’s name day: January 31, February 10 and 16, March 6 and 25, April 3 and 6, June 4, July 10, August 13, September 7, 13 and 16, October 4, 5, 16 and 25 November, 10, 22 and 26 December.

Famous people

Many famous people, politicians, actors and writers were born under the name Vladimir. It would take a lot of time to list them all, but some of the main ones include:

  1. Kyiv Prince Vladimir Monomakh;
  2. Revolutionary Vladimir Lenin;
  3. Russian President Vladimir Putin;
  4. Politician and activist - Vladimir Zhirinovsky;
  5. Poet Vladimir Mayakovsky;
  6. Writer Vladimir Nabokov;
  7. Poet and singer Vladimir Vysotsky;
  8. Artist Vladimir Basov;
  9. Director Vladimir Menshov;
  10. Artist Vladimir Vinokur;
  11. Scientific naturalist Vladimir Vernadsky;
  12. Neurologist and psychotherapist Vladimir Bekhterev;
  13. Famous composers Vladimir Shainsky and Vladimir Matetsky;
  14. Famous singers Vladimir Kuzmin and Vladimir Presnyakov;
  15. Football player Vladimir Bessonov.

Such character traits of Vladimir as perseverance, perseverance and the ability not to give up even in difficult times allow them to reach high peaks and achieve goals.

The famous poet Robert Rozhdestvensky wrote about one of the great Vladimirs: “So who was he after all - Vladimir Vysotsky? Who was he most of all? Actor? A poet? A singer? I don’t know. I only know that he was a person. A phenomenon. The best songs of Vladimir Vysotsky - for life. They are people's friends. These songs have something that can support you in difficult times - there is inexhaustible strength, unseen tenderness and the scope of the human soul. And they also have memory. The memory of the roads traveled and the years flown by. Our memory is with you."

Compatibility of the name Vladimir

The name Vladimir carries a set of qualities and determines the character of a man, just as women’s names keep the secrets and characteristics of the female soul. Therefore, compatibility with some representatives of the fairer sex is conducive to close relationships and possible marriage, while with others it is unlikely to be successful.

Vladimir and Vladimir

Vladimir is a female variation of the name Vladimir, so such a woman is endowed with similar character traits. This coincidence can have a negative impact on the relationship in a couple, since both partners are strong, energetic, and active. A union will be favorable if a man and woman clearly define the rules and boundaries of their relationship.

Vladimir and Alisa

Vladimir’s activity and strength resonates with Alice’s fantasy and vigorous activity, so the relationship in the couple will consist of common events, affairs and joint achievement of goals. A similar attitude towards norms and values ​​leads to unity and harmony in a couple.

Vladimir and Valeria

Valeria is active, cheerful and cheerful, which certainly attracts Vladimir. He is charged with her positivity and sees his own reflection in her, because her diverse interests attract and delight. To create a harmonious union and a strong family, a couple needs to work on trust, reliability and openness to each other. After all, fun and carefreeness are good only at the first stage of a relationship.

Vladimir and Anna

Anna's sincerity immediately captivates Vladimir, the relationship is built on honesty and mutual trust. Therefore, such an alliance can be strong and long-lasting. However, vulnerability and an acute reaction to any injustice of both partners can lead to quarrels.

Vladimir and Daria

Daria, like Vladimir, is careful in choosing partners, makes decisions slowly and carefully, so relationships will take a long time to develop. The connection will be built on mutual trust and respect and can last for many years.

Vladimir and Rosa

Rose is stable and constant in her preferences, views and interests. Such predictability may interest Vladimir, but sooner or later he will get bored. A girl must have an extraordinary mind and unconventional thinking in order to chain Vladimir to her for a long time.

Vladimir and Polina

Polina is naive and open, which immediately disarms Vladimir. She is trusting and feminine, she evokes a desire to protect and protect, so Vladimir’s qualities in such a union will manifest themselves to the fullest. Marriage resembles a father-daughter relationship and can be long-term and stable.

Vladimir and Maria

Relationships based on love and trust are the basis of the union of Vladimir and Maria. The woman is talented and modest, which cannot but arouse Vladimir’s admiration. At the same time, she is an excellent ally and supporter of any endeavors of her partner.

Vladimir and Anastasia

Anastasia is smart and reasonable, this attracts Vladimir. Mutual interest in a couple can last for many years if the partners give each other the opportunity for independent and free development.

Vladimir and Victoria

Victoria, like Vladimir, looks after her partner for a long time, studies his characteristics and character traits. Both partners carefully consider their decision and weigh it for a long time. Therefore, the development of the relationship will take place slowly, and sometimes completely unnoticed. But if in the end all the parameters coincide, the union will be strong.

Vladimir and Yana

Yana is calm, reasonable, reliable and stable. For Vladimir, she can become a safe haven and support if she agrees to the role of the keeper of the hearth. It is important for him to feel a reliable rear, and Yana can provide it. However, the woman is stubborn and persistent, which can drive Vladimir crazy when he is confident that he is right.

Vladimir and Alina

Alina gives preference to feelings rather than reason; she dives into love headlong and completely surrenders to her partner. Such devotion captivates Vladimir. Together they will overcome any difficulties, even poverty and instability, because for them emotions and impressions are much more important than material wealth.

Vladimir and Elena

Elena is the true keeper of the family hearth, while Vladimir strives to achieve success in his career. Such a harmonious distribution of roles in a couple will make it possible to build strong relationships based on trust and complementation of each other.

Vladimir and Evgenia

Evgeniya is a source of inspiration and fantasy. Her ideas appeal to Vladimir, because he has the strength and energy to implement them. This symbiosis will lead to many new discoveries, travel, spending time together and enjoying every day. The main thing is that family routine does not weaken such a fountain of creativity.

Vladimir and Yesenia

Yesenia loves order and stability, but at the same time strives for success and material well-being. Vladimir supports such aspirations, but the well-being of the couple will depend on the ability to combine their goals and plans. If everyone is busy with their own interests and careers, the union will quickly fall apart.

Vladimir and Ekaterina

Both partners are active, energetic, prefer to lead, so disagreements may arise in the couple. Wayward Catherine will not allow Vladimir to be himself and show masculine qualities, and he will not tolerate depression and her superiority.

Vladimir and Olga

The partners have completely opposite characters, which creates certain difficulties in communication. They view the world differently, so disputes and disagreements may arise. Only a calm discussion of all issues and problems will help create rules for coexistence.

Vladimir and Veronica

An important feature of the relationship between Vladimir and Veronica is the desire and willingness to seek a compromise in any issues. This makes it possible to bypass conflicts and focus on joint projects, desires and aspirations. Common views generate mutual understanding.

Vladimir and Sofia

Sofia is a woman with whom you are never bored. She is cheerful, active, creates a lot of noise and action around herself. At first, Vladimir may be attracted to this, but he will not be able to constantly be at this level of activity. Family, marriage and children must balance the situation so that Sofia directs her energy to maintaining the family hearth. Then the union will be long.

Vladimir and Kira

At the beginning of a relationship, passion will be the bonding element, but whether the partners will be able to maintain it for a long time is a moot point. Kira is freedom-loving and willful, which can greatly puzzle Vladimir.

Vladimir and Arina

Arina's initial modesty and shyness transforms over the years into passion for her partner. Having learned to trust him, a woman will show the sexiest and most feminine traits of her character, and Vladimir will be able to surround her with care and attention.

Vladimir and Ksenia

Ksenia and Vladimir have the same views on discoveries and new horizons. Partners will find in each other wonderful companions in travel and endeavors, so they will never be bored together. Over time, this commonality of views will become the basis of lasting trust and mutual understanding.

Vladimir and Tatiana

Tatyana is distinguished by her romanticism and sincerity in love, which immediately captivates Vladimir. If he focuses on the relationship and devotes the time Tatiana needs, the union will be strong and long-lasting. Tatyana will not tolerate alienation and coldness.

Vladimir and Milana

Milana is open and sincere, deeply interested in new ideas and immersed in endeavors. If Vladimir can become part of her interest, the alliance will develop rapidly. He is attracted by her honesty and naivety, she gains support and confidence in the future.

Vladimir and Marina

The relationship between Vladimir and Marina is based on friendship, mutual interest and passion. There will be no passionate love or tenderness in this union, rather a partnership agreement. If a man and a woman are satisfied with this arrangement of feelings, the marriage will be long.

Vladimir and Maya

Maya is smart, loves life and is passionate about everything she does. Vladimir is attracted to her by her freedom of thought and waywardness of character. If he can tame her spiritual energy and understand her inner world, the union will be harmonious and long-lasting.


Thus, the name Vladimir endows its owner with many bright and strong traits, which subsequently determine his activities and position in life. Volodya is a strong leader who strives to learn and do more, inspires those around him and consistently achieves success. If he wants, he can build a harmonious relationship with any woman, but there are girls with whom the union will be the most successful.


Meaning: There are two versions of the origin of the name Vladimir. According to the first version, it could have been formed from the Old Russian name Volodymer. In the second version, it may have ancient Germanic roots and be a derivative of the name Waldemar, which is translated as “glorious ruler” or “famous ruler.”

The male name Vladimir is on everyone’s lips today, and this is not surprising, because it has been incredibly popular for many decades. But its main advantage lies not in its popularity or sound, but in its meaning...

Popularity: The name Vladimir occupies 21-23 positions in the ranking of the most popular male names and, according to statistics, accounts for 15-17 boys out of 1000 births.

Conversational options: Volodya, Vova, Vovan, Vovka

Modern English analogues: Volodymir, Valdemar, Valto, Vladimiros

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the male name Vladimir promises its bearers such character traits as nobility, energy, fortitude, sociability and friendliness, goodwill and an authoritative position in society. These people, for the most part, are unspoken leaders in society. Their opinions are listened to, their positions are respected in society, and in general, these are people whom everyone usually treats with the utmost respect. But there is one big minus - the majority of Vladimirs are very dependent on the opinions of others...

Vladimirs often become excellent specialists and simply good workers, moreover, in all professions without exception. But all of them, without exception, need support and push. Vova should always have a person nearby who will support him. Otherwise, without support, Vladimir will not achieve any results in terms of professional activity and career growth.

Advantages and positive features: purposeful, kind, generous, fair, helps everyone around him and tries not to do bad things. Sometimes he may seem too tough and rude, but in fact this is his mask - inside he is gentle, caring and soft, he just tries not to show it.

Vladimir has a bad attitude towards irritable people who react sharply to criticism and opinions they don’t like, selfish and deceitful individuals, and those who try to dominate the weak.

The name Vladimir is one of the most popular today. It is listed in the hundred most common male names and in the name book according to the Saints.

Character of the name Vladimir

The nature of the name Vladimir is such that it promises the bearer of this name form many different qualities, each of which has its own impact on Vova’s nature at different ages. So, usually the character of this boy is complex, difficult to perceive by others, and promises a lot of disagreements with the people around him. But despite this, it is character that is the very factor thanks to which Vladimir can achieve incredible success in everything that his life touches. Persistent, arrogant, stubborn, assertive, purposeful, hardworking, always going straight to the goal - these are the traits that Vova’s character possesses. True, it is not a fact that the character will be exactly like this, because in each individual case everything can be completely different...

If you believe the arguments of some researchers, then character primarily depends on many additional factors, including parental upbringing in childhood, zodiac sign, date of birth, and even time of year of birth...

Early childhood

The early childhood of the boy, patronized by the meaning of the name Vladimir, is full of movement and activity. Efficiency, activity, energy, hard work, ingenuity, phenomenal curiosity, determination and restlessness - these are the features that define significance as such an entity. Called the nominal variation Vladimir. This kid doesn’t sit still for a minute, he’s always on the move, he’s always looking for adventures, coming up with new things to do and doing something, it’s important for him to be involved in at least something, he doesn’t know how to live any other way. Communication is an important component of his existence, he cannot live without it, it is important for him to be surrounded by people, children, adults, it doesn’t matter, as long as there are those who will appreciate his works, even through criticism as such. By the way, criticism at such a young age does not offend him at all; on the contrary, he is satisfied with it, because for him it is a sign that he is being watched, that people are interested in him. In general, Vladimir is an extraordinary person; it is almost impossible to predict his actions, force him to do something against his will, impose an opinion or re-educate him. There is so much self-sufficiency in him that it would be enough for ten children like him. And all this is due to such a parameter as the name value. Another important point is that parents should pay special attention to instilling in him such a quality as perseverance. The fact is that he always has a bunch of ideas, which is why Vladimir often abandons the work he has started halfway - he should be taught consistency and responsibility, because otherwise, problems may begin already in adolescence, at least with his studies.


Talkativeness, sociability, eloquence, efficiency, organizational talent and leadership inclinations, talent and extraordinary mind - at his core, Vladimir is a good guy, a teenager whom you can be proud of and admire, but also not without his drawbacks. So, the main disadvantage of the boy, whose parents decided to choose the name Vladimir, is restlessness - any business he takes on may end up remaining unfinished, well, he has no perseverance, and no concentration, he is so overflowing with ideas that sometimes and he himself does not notice how he abandons the work he started halfway and takes on a new one. But despite this, significance endows him with responsibility, commitment, and diligence - if Vova is given some task, and if he is given responsibility, he will not let him down and will do everything as expected. This boy may have problems with his lessons, and all for one simple reason - inattention, expressed in the inability to sit still and concentrate on what is important. Spoiled, restless, talkative, disobedient - all this is what will cause dissatisfaction among teachers. But the meaning endows him with a good character - he is an excellent conversationalist and a devoted comrade, you will not get betrayal or lies from such a person, he follows generally accepted moral principles and never violates the basic rules of living in society.

Grown man

Adult Vladimir is a completely different person. Under the influence of such factors as the meaning of the name form, the patron planet of the name, the element that protects it and the zodiac sign, the bearer of the name form Vladimir becomes responsible and obligatory in adulthood. You can rely on someone like him, he will never leave a job unfinished, he will never leave a friend in trouble, and in no case will he break his word. You can be friends with someone like that, and work with him, and in general, he has all the data to become an excellent leader and boss. There are no problems in communication. The meaning continues to promise eloquence and sociability, talkativeness - the only “but” is that he does not like people who criticize everyone around him, he avoids such people, while it is extremely difficult to find people “who do not criticize” in modern society. But he is correct from all sides, and this is a huge plus - he will not betray, will not seek self-interest in communicating with people, and is ready to answer for his words. Moreover, an adult Vladimir is usually also principled, which in turn can be useful in many ways. Things are much more complicated only in personal life...

Interaction of the character Vladimir with the seasons

Winter - the meaning of the winter period makes it so that the bearer of the name Vladimir usually ends up becoming an important, self-confident, strong and persistent person, easily enduring all everyday troubles and troubles. This is a simple and kind man, without any bright ambitions or narcissism, ready to become a good spouse and an ideal loving father.

Summer - a summer boy, on the contrary, will be by nature too subject to the opinions of others, frivolous, shy and amorous, charming and weak-willed. This guy will be too popular with women, but he will not be successful in work - most likely, he will prefer a stable, albeit not high, position. He will choose a patient and unforgiving person as his wife.

Spring is such guys, flighty, temperamental, absent-minded, vulnerable and narcissistic at the same time. Such people cannot tolerate criticism and are unable to adequately perceive the claims of others, but they easily criticize everyone around them. In addition, she is an emotional person, guided by mood and emotions - in general, a complex character.

Autumn - this time gives birth to a calm, diplomatic, self-confident, balanced and easy-to-communicate man, easily adaptable to any changes, purposeful and impetuous. Such a person will always achieve his goals, but in achieving his goals he cannot do without an intelligent, beautiful and effective lady of his heart.

The fate of the name Vladimir

The fate of the name Vladimir in relations with representatives of the female half of humanity, in love and marriage, is one of the most mysterious and only theoretically confirmed topics, but one cannot help but believe in it. This is why many researchers continue to study this topic even today, albeit in relation to other names. As for the name Vladimir and what his fate is, everything is simple...

The opinion of most researchers is that. That Vladimir himself is a very complex person, at least in terms of relationships with women. He is popular, usually, and in demand among the ladies, but his affairs end too quickly in most cases. But the reason is not in fate, but in demandingness and criticism towards ladies. Fate assumes that Vova has such a quality as arrogance, which prevents him from properly assessing women.

On the other hand, there is a different statement - it says that fate in adulthood will definitely make a man named Vladimir an exemplary husband, an exemplary family man and an excellent father. Fate is like this. What if he finds his true betrothed, then next to her he will become ideal in all aspects...

Love and marriage

Men named Vladimir do not suffer from a lack of female attention. They are attractive, but they only like girls who value romance, tenderness and care in their chosen ones. In addition, it is important for Vladimir that his companion is not only an intelligent, educated and impressive woman, but that she also has a rich inner world.

Vladimir can create a family only with the woman whom he trusts 100%. It is vitally important for him to be confident in his other half even more than in himself. The ability to trust her with your deepest secrets, the knowledge that you can rely on her - these are the main criteria for choosing a spouse.
Vladimir devotes rather little time to his family; he spends most of it at work or with friends.

Vladimir tries to create the most comfortable living conditions for himself and his loved ones. It is important for him that order, cleanliness and a friendly atmosphere always reign in his home. And if any problems arise in his house, he will deal with them in a matter of minutes.

Vladimir as Father

Vladimir knows how to find the right approach in communicating not only with his wife, but also with his children. Children are drawn to him, and he gets along well with them. But it cannot be said that he spends a lot of time with them. In his opinion, the mother, not the father, should be involved in the educational process of the child.

From time to time, Vladimir can take a walk with his whole family in the park, visit the circus or theater, or go fishing with his child. Such moments are a real holiday for children, because they rarely get to spend time with dad. But Vladimir himself will do this only because “it’s necessary,” and not for the sake of pleasure.

Despite the fact that Vladimir does not seek to take an active part in raising children, he will make sure that his child has everything he needs. Well, at any difficult moment, he is always ready to help. Moreover, being able to provide a proper education to his children also becomes his most important goal in life.

Horoscope named after Vladimir


Vladimir, born under the influence of the sign of Aries, will definitely grow up to be a straightforward, self-critical, tough, impulsive, loving and attention-loving boy. The career growth of such a man is ensured by all sorts of problems and troubles, but one can only envy his personal happiness.


Taurus - and this one, by origin of the soul, is soft, caring, sensitive, romantic, emotional, open and idealistic. It is difficult for such a person to follow the path of fate, because everyone sooner or later disappoints him, but, having found a soul mate, this person will become happy. Perhaps he will be henpecked (presumed by character), but he will be a truly successful family man.


Geminis give rise to a vulnerable, conflictual, touchy and indecisive nature. This is a dreamer and visionary; he wants to constantly move and develop. But emotional impulses and self-doubt do not allow one to get closer to the cherished one - he needs support, and the closest one at that.


Cancer - this zodiac in combination with this name can be characterized by words such as sentimentality, femininity, and intelligence. Someone has been managing someone like this all his life, and not because he is a weak-willed man, but because this is his lifestyle. He cannot make decisions on his own; it is easier to listen to someone.

a lion

Leo - this zodiac sign promises the person named Vladimir poor compatibility with representatives of the opposite sex, and the reason for this lies in inconstancy and excessive love. This is a collector of women's hearts, a ladies' man, unable to live peacefully surrounded by close people. Such people become family men only in adulthood.


Virgo promises a newborn boy named Vladimir such qualities as indecision, suspiciousness, uncertainty, and shyness. This is a kind and naive person by nature, pretending to be rude and cruel. Only someone who sees him as a dreamer and romantic can charm him.


Libra combined with the name Vladimir gives rise to a determined and intelligent boy. An ambitious, true gentleman, gallant and intelligent, ready for heroic deeds in order to provide his loved ones with everything they need. He is stingy, but only in relation to himself.


Scorpio promises a guy with this name arrogance, vanity, at the same time good nature and an extremely negative attitude towards flattery and sycophancy. This is a powerful, charming, attentive man-conqueror - girls are crazy about him, but he will fall in love with the one that needs to be conquered.


Sagittarius - this sign is characterized by such traits as sincerity, responsibility, kindness, romance and responsiveness. He is a kind and attentive man by nature, but he has catastrophic luck with women - they do not understand him, just like all other people.


Capricorn is thorough, decent, reasonable, calculating, philosophically minded and freedom-loving. It is easy for him to communicate with people, but he will prefer to be alone. He needs a quiet and calm lady who can understand, love, and support him.


Aquarius - and here, who received the name Vladimir, is a born diplomat who knows how to arrange a conversation in such a way as to emerge victorious, and even without hurting the dignity of his dialogue partner. The truth is incompatibility with the opposite sex - rarely can anyone withstand someone so cold and emotionally secretive.


Pisces bestows calmness on protected men. Nobility, attentiveness, timidity and thirst for harmony. Such people are born for good, and such people need an understanding and attentive listener as a companion. Such people crave passion and love.

Compatibility with female names

The issue of compatibility of the name Vladimir with female names was discussed at one time by all Soviet researchers. They then came to the conclusion that such a guy could have the best connection with Marianna, Stella, Tamila, Frida, Dina, Galina and Anastasia.

But an ideal marriage can only be in the case of relationships with Kapitolina, Nadezhda, Polina, Olga, Tamara and Edita.

But with the likes of Valeria, Inna, Svetlana, Serafima and Stanislava, there is no combination, only a negative impact on fate.

Today Vladimir is one of the “thirty” most popular names in Russia. However, until the mid-19th century, this name was quite rare. And according to the testimony of travelers who were on the territory of Rus' in the 10th century, the name Vladimir was something like a title - that’s what village elders were called. What does the name Vladimir really mean?

From paganism to Christianity

Vladimir is one of the oldest names. It came to us from pagan times and sounded like Volodymer. After the adoption of Christianity, Rus' was filled with names of Greek and Latin origin, but they failed to displace Vladimir. And all because it was under the Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavovich that the baptism of Rus' took place. Later Vladimir was canonized. But for many centuries this name was given exclusively to representatives of the princely family.

What does the name Vladimir mean?

The name Vladimir consists of two parts. The first - “vlad” - means “power”, and the second means “peace”, “great” (from the Gothic mērs) or “famous” (from the Old High German mâri). However, “peace” could also be used in the meaning of “community”, “community”. That is why the elders of rural settlements were called Vladimir in Rus'. But in no case is the name Vladimir translated as “owning the world,” where “the world” is everything that surrounds us. No mortal could be called by this name, for only God can rule the world.

Vova, Volodya, Vlad and Valdemar

Waldemar is a German version of the name Vladimir, borrowed from the Slavs. But the meaning of the German name is somewhat different from the Russian one. Wald-a is translated as “to dominate”, “to rule”, and mǣrja is translated as “famous”, “glorified”. Thus, Valdemar literally means “rule and be glorified.”

In Russia, Vladimir is called by many names: Volodya, Vova, and even Vlad. In the old days, this name sounded like Volodymer, hence the abbreviation Volodya. Vlad is just the first part from Vladimir. But why Vova? The main version is the formation of a diminutive form by repeating the first syllable of the name, that is, Volodymer - Vo-va. However, there are also absolutely fantastic assumptions, for example, that Vova is derived from the nickname Vovk - Wolf.