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Maple sap, its benefits and harm. Maple juice: benefits and harm to the human body, composition, use, contraindications Maple juice beneficial properties for men

Maple sap is a clear, slightly yellowish liquid obtained from certain maple species. It itself, its extraction and use in the food industry is widespread in America and Canada, where it is a national drink, a kind of symbol of the country. In particular, it is extracted from such varieties of wood as Sugar Maple, Black Maple and Red Maple - they have a higher percentage of sugar content and therefore are optimally suited for harvesting and subsequent canning and storage.

As practice shows, taking clear liquid from maple is less popular in the post-Soviet countries, but in terms of its beneficial properties and taste, it is many times better than birch, which is harvested in large volumes and which is more common.

As noted by many who practice collecting this liquid, useful for humans and their bodies, sap flow in this tree is very short, from 5-6 days at high spring temperatures and up to 15 days, when it is characterized by lower rates, when it gets warmer in the plant Sokogon begins. As a rule, the liquid itself collected from a tree is best drunk in a fresh, untreated form, that is, almost immediately. But it is worth remembering that this period for consuming it fresh is very short, since without sterilization and preparation it will be stored for no more than 3 days, and after that it thickens and acquires a very unpleasant, bitter smell.

It perfectly cleanses the body - after a course of taking such a healthy drink, which will complete the course of taking birch sap, toxins and harmful substances, salts are removed from all organs and systems, the person loses weight, and the functioning of his systems and organs is normalized. With all this, herbalists and doctors unanimously note the incredible benefits of such a therapeutic or preventive course, especially in the spring months, when the body is weakened by a lack of vitamins and nutrients. It is even indicated for diabetics and those suffering from radiculitis, as well as an effective remedy for elevating mood and strengthening the nervous system.

How to collect sap from a maple tree - all the main points

Speaking about the correct collection of this useful liquid, it is harvested in March, when the temperature ranges from minus 3 to plus 6 - usually such temperatures are typical for March, when it is harvested. The collection process itself is indistinguishable from collecting birch sap, and in this case there is nothing special - everything happens according to the same procedure and technology. Depending on the temperature conditions during the collection period, the sap in the maple can be from 5-6 days to 2 weeks, and it is this period that you should use, stocking up on a healthy and so medicinal and tasty liquid - the gift of maple.

Storage and processing of maple sap

The period when this liquid, useful for humans, is collected is very short and therefore it is worth determining in advance for yourself what you will consume fresh, so to speak right away, and what to store for the winter and, most importantly, in what form. If everything is clear with the consumption of freshly harvested food, then with regard to its preparation for the winter - there are a lot of recipes with which you can preserve it for a long time. This way you will have the opportunity to enjoy it for a longer time, since it is stored fresh for no more than 2-3 days and among the most common recipes there are not only its preparations in the form of canned, pasteurized, but also in the form of syrup and cider. More about this. Among the many recipes for cooking and preparing, it is worth highlighting the most common, tasty and easy to prepare, healthy, which will appeal to many people.

Recipe with honey and dried fruits

This recipe is the simplest - it is tasty and healthy, thanks to the honey and dried fruits it contains.


  • maple juice – 3 liters
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l. honey
  • dried fruits – 3 tbsp. l.


To prepare it, it is enough to heat the freshly collected and strained liquid to 90 degrees, without bringing it to a boil, then add honey and your favorite dried fruits - raisins or dried apricots, prunes, previously thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water - to the still warm, but not hot drink. Next, the liquid is poured into jars, then everything is pasteurized in a water bath for at least half an hour and rolled up under a metal lid. This type of roller should be stored in a dark, cool place.

No Added Sugar Maple Sap Recipe

This recipe may not give you a wide range of taste sensations, but the fact that it is very healthy is for sure, and most importantly, it is easy to prepare.



The preparation process is simple - just heat the liquid filtered through the filters to 90 degrees, but at the same time make sure that it does not boil, then pour it into the prepared container, clean and sterilized. Then they place such a container on a water yuan, covered with metal lids and pasteurize everything for at least half an hour over low heat, and roll it up with a metal lid, let it cool, and place it in a dark, cool place.

Recipe for maple sap with added sugar or honey

Ingredients for this recipe:

  • sugar per liter of juice – 100 g.


You should add sugar to the freshly collected juice, dissolve it by stirring thoroughly, and then bring the prepared liquid to a temperature of 90 degrees, while making sure that it does not boil. Next, pour everything into a clean, sterilized container - glass jars or bottles and pasteurize for another 20 minutes, then roll it under a metal lid.

Currant calm from maple sap

For those who love sweet drinks with a soft and smooth aftertaste of currants, they will like maple breeze with the addition of currant cuttings. It is best to take the latter from your own dacha or, if you don’t have one, from acquaintances and friends; it is better to take them freshly cut, when during the warming period they exude an incredible aroma of currants. In addition to the aroma, this juice is rich in a large amount of vitamins from maple sap and young currants - the latter should be chosen young, bright green.


  • maple juice – 5 l.
  • 13-15 blackcurrant cuttings.
  • sugar - to your taste.
  • citric acid – 20 gr.


The juice should be boiled in a saucepan, but not brought to a boil, and the currant cuttings should be thoroughly washed and cut into several pieces so that they fit into pre-sterilized 1-1.5 liter jars. Put them in jars, and add sugar to the juice itself, which is heated but not boiling, stirring it with a wooden spatula, dissolve it, add citric acid. Stir the juice for a few minutes over low heat, turn off the heat and, after removing the foam from it, pour it into a container with the currant cuttings already added to it. Then roll up the jars with metal lids and let them stand for several hours to cool.

Maple juice with mint

For those who prefer a refreshing drink, you can prepare an excellent vitamin drink with the addition of mint or lemon balm.


  • fresh or dried mint or lemon balm – 50 gr.
  • maple juice – 7 l.
  • sugar 10 tbsp. l.
  • citric acid - half a teaspoon.

Making Peppermint Maple Juice

Pour the juice itself into an enamel bowl and put it on the fire, and while it boils over low, low heat, sterilize the jars. The liquid in the bowl is brought to a boil, without allowing it to boil, the foam is collected along the way and the sugar and citric acid are dissolved in it. At the very end of cooking, add mint and turn off the heat, let it brew for 5-7 minutes and then put it on the fire again and then let it boil, then pour it into a container and cover it with an iron lid.

Maple syrup is a great treat for those with a sweet tooth

A great way to preserve juice is to make syrup from it. In this case, it is worth remembering that 4 liters of juice yield about 100 ml. syrup and when preparing it at home, they use the so-called batch approach. In this case, use a special container for evaporation - pour the juice into it and evaporate it, as the excess moisture evaporates, add more liquid, and so achieve the desired volumes and consistency.

If there is none, you can use an ordinary container, deep and large, preferably with a Teflon coating so that the syrup does not burn as excess moisture evaporates. After the syrup reaches the desired thickness and consistency, acquiring a caramel, dark shade and thickness, the container can be removed from the stove and poured into containers, having first passed through a filter. This delicacy should be stored in the refrigerator.

Maple cider as a way to preserve juice

At your discretion, we present an original recipe for preparing it for the winter - making maple cider.


  • maple juice – 3 liters
  • maple syrup – 0.5 liters
  • wine yeast – 1 tsp.


At the very beginning, it is worth heating the maple syrup to room temperature, and pouring the juice into a ceramic container, after straining it - there is no need to boil it. Then add yeast and syrup to the container, mix everything thoroughly and place in a dark place for 2-3 months, shaking the container periodically - your maple cider will be ready when the bubbles stop and the liquid becomes more transparent. In this case, it is filtered and bottled, stored in a dark, cool place.

To summarize, we can say that maple sap is good for the body, giving a charge of vigor and strength, and the recipes for preparing it for the winter described above are quite simple, tasty and varied.

Also, for thrifty housewives, we have prepared other equally interesting recipes for preparations that are simple and will not require a lot of free time from you, such, for example, as:, and.

Maple sap is a valuable product that is harvested in the spring from certain types of maple. Syrup is made from it, which is used in cooking to prepare drinks and various dishes.

Characteristics of juice composition

Unlike birch, collecting maple sap is not particularly popular. In North America, it is mined in industrial quantities and syrup is made from it.

It is in Canada, the northern part of the United States, that sugar, black and red maple species grow. Their juice contains a high concentration of sucrose. In Russia, these trees are common in the Caucasus, the Far East and the European part.

Maple sap consists of 90% water, the sucrose content in it is at the level of 2-3%, but can be higher (up to 10%) depending on the growing conditions of the tree. It is rich in mineral components, organic and polyunsaturated acids, glucose, lipids, vitamins B, PP, E, C.

If the tree is in an environment with high humidity, it will contain more sugar. Maples, growing in dry climates on depleted soil, contain a small amount of sugar.

Effect on the body

What are the benefits of maple juice, how does consuming a natural product affect the body? After winter, when the human body especially needs to be replenished with microelements, vitamins and mineral components.

Maple product is used:

  • as a diuretic and choleretic agent;
  • as a means to strengthen the immune system;
  • with vitamin deficiency;
  • as a prophylactic against the formation of blood clots in blood vessels;
  • to normalize the functioning of the pancreas;
  • as an antiseptic and bactericidal agent for the treatment of incised wounds and burns.

Maple sap, the benefits and harms of which depend on the individual’s tolerance to the body, should be taken with caution. An allergic reaction is possible upon first use. Therefore, first you need to drink a small amount and determine the effect of the juice. If your health does not worsen, then you can take the drink.

Procurement rules

The technology for collecting maple liquid is no different from birch. When to collect maple sap? It is harvested in early spring, when the buds on the tree swell. The movement of juice stops during bud break. Under favorable conditions, harvesting can be carried out within 2-3 weeks.

For collection you will need the following tools and equipment:

  • container;
  • groove made of aluminum or plastic;
  • a tray through which the juice will flow;
  • hammer.

When collecting liquid from a tree trunk, you need to remember that it flows under the bark. Therefore, the hole for the tray should not be deep and made from the ground at a height of 40-50 cm.

You can collect the liquid in any container, but it is advisable that it be well washed and made of glass. The procurement of raw materials must be carried out in environmentally friendly places, taking into account the growing conditions of the tree. This will allow you to collect a pure product.

Storage methods

Maple liquid can be stored for several days in the refrigerator at 2-6°C. But to enjoy the healthy product longer, you can preserve it or make syrup.

Canning can be done without sugar. The recipe for making syrup consists of the following steps:

  • the liquid is heated to a temperature of 80°C and poured into a glass container;
  • cans or bottles of juice are pasteurized for 30 minutes;
  • The containers are hermetically sealed with a lid.

Recipe for making maple sap with sugar:

  • sugar is added to the collected liquid at the rate of 100 g per 1 liter of liquid;
  • Stirring, bring the mixture to a boil and complete dissolution of the sugar;
  • the drink is poured into jars, pasteurized for 15 minutes, and the jars are sealed with lids.

Maple syrup is made by evaporating water when heated. The recipe calls for the following sequence of steps:

  • juice is poured into a deep bowl;
  • the liquid heats up and evaporates until a viscous, caramel-colored mass remains in the container;
  • The syrup is poured into jars and stored in a cool and dark place.

To obtain 1 liter of syrup, you need to process up to 50 liters of juice. The syrup contains no proteins or fats, and its calorie content is 261 kcal per 100 g.

The sweet product is used in cooking; it can be served with ice cream and pancakes. Non-alcoholic cocktails and alcoholic drinks are prepared with syrup.

For example, the recipe for the Autumn Maple drink includes the following ingredients: 30 ml of maple syrup, 10 ml of lemon juice and 150 ml of apple juice. Before serving, put pieces of ice at the bottom of the glass, pour syrup, lemon and apple juice in succession. The mixture is stirred and the glass is decorated with slices of fresh apple.

Alcoholic drinks

Moonshine brewing at home involves processing various products, including maple liquid, into an alcoholic drink. Moonshine made from maple sap is no exception to the rule.

The alcohol obtained by distilling mash from maple sap is distinguished by its taste and does not leave room for a hangover. It doesn't give me a headache. But it is not practical to process valuable juice into alcohol.

There are many drinks that can be made using maple syrup. For example, a cupochon with maple syrup, consisting of dry white wine with the addition of nut liqueur, orange juice, grenadine, walnuts, and fresh berries, is not only a refreshing drink, but also a healthy drink.

The cocktail, called the French Dessert, is made using blackcurrants, Calvados, honey and maple syrup and cream. Mint, orange and crushed ice are added to complete the flavor profile.

All ingredients are mixed using a mixer, and the drink is served in a glass with a high stem. The prepared cocktail, like any alcohol, should not be abused.

Maple sap is a less common drink in our country than birch sap, although it is not inferior to it in taste and beneficial properties. But Canada, famous for its maple forests and groves, has put the production of this natural nectar on stream, actively using the generous gift of nature. The benefits and harms of maple sap should also be of interest to us, since this vitamin extract has recently become increasingly popular.


Maple sap is an intercellular woody liquid of clear or pale yellow color with a pleasant, sweetish taste. Maple sap is unique in its rich vitamin-acid composition. It is used as a refreshing, tonic drink and as the basis for the most popular maple syrup in Canada and North America.


The product contains a lot of elements necessary for the body, which, if consumed regularly, will bring great benefits.

  • Vitamins: A, E, C, PP, group B.
  • Microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, sodium, manganese.
  • Organic acids: fumaric, acetic, malic, abscisic, succinic.
  • Calorie content: 12 kcal per 100 grams.

It’s not for nothing that all of Canada values ​​this beautiful tree so much; maple provides a nutritious and healthy product with valuable properties.

What are the benefits of maple sap?

The presence of tannins, aldehydes, lipids and carotenoids in the composition also makes maple extract not only a tasty drink, but also a broad-spectrum medicinal product. It is useful in different situations.

For the body.

It has a strong diuretic effect, cleanses of salts and toxins. Being a natural anesthetic, nectar has an antimicrobial and wound-healing effect; when drunk, it fights inflammatory processes from the inside, and if wounds, cuts and ulcers are treated, it flushes out pathogens from them and speeds up the healing process. During the peak of colds and various acute respiratory infections, maple extract will serve as a prophylactic.

For the venous system.

For diabetics.

The abscisic acid included in the composition has a positive effect on the pancreas and improves insulin production. Together with other substances, it helps improve the condition of diabetes and related obesity.

For immunity.

A lot of vitamins and microelements makes this natural drink an indispensable energy drink that will strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism and provide energy. Nectar will perfectly replace artificial vitamin complexes, and will be absorbed much better. Considering that it is obtained in early spring, when there are no fresh herbs (Turkish pesticides do not count), no vegetables, no fruits, it will support the body and cope with seasonal vitamin deficiency.

As a barrier agent.

It’s not for nothing that pragmatic northerners fell in love with maple sap, like maple syrup; in addition to its nutritional value and medicinal properties, it is also an effective antioxidant. It will not be able to completely protect against cancer, but it is quite capable of reducing the likelihood of a tumor if you make it part of the diet.

How to get

In our climate zone, sap is extracted from Norway maples, and in the North, several varieties of “sugar” trees, distinguished by liquid with a high content of sucrose, are used for these purposes. In order for the drink to be as useful and effective as possible, it must be collected correctly, taking into account the specifics.

    Collection area - in order not to get an extract of carcinogens instead of a valuable drink, collection must be carried out away from busy highways, railway tracks, factories and factories.

    When to collect - active movement of sap begins in March, when daytime temperatures rise to a couple of degrees Celsius. The collection of sap continues for several weeks, but as soon as the buds begin to swell on the tree, it becomes meaningless for humans (the sap loses its beneficial properties) and dangerous for the tree.

    The tree is an adult maple with a spreading crown and a trunk with a girth of more than 20 cm.

    The location of the hole is at a height of about 0.5 meters above the ground, on the north side of the trunk.

    Collection time is during the day, during the thaw, especially when the sun is warm.

    Hole - a longitudinal cut or cylindrical recess made with a drill or punch at a slight angle, up to 4 cm deep.

    Volume - the tree itself needs liquid, you shouldn’t abuse the gift of nature, it’s better to collect a couple of liters from several trees than to strain a dozen from one and guaranteed to ruin it.

    Preservation - after harvesting, the hole or cut is covered with garden varnish or plugged with moss to prevent loss of juice.

How to store at home

Like birch, maple is rich in sucrose, which quickly starts the fermentation process, this shortens the shelf life of freshly collected liquid. In a cool place outside, at minimum temperatures or in the refrigerator, the strained nectar can be kept for about two days. After this period, it must be frozen, preserved or turned into kvass. Proper storage is also important for other products, so pomegranate juice during breastfeeding should be as fresh as possible.

Canning Recipes

Although most of the vitamins are lost during canning, this is the only option to preserve the juice for a long period. The easiest way to do this is in the following ways.

    Pasteurization. The liquid is heated to 80°, poured into prepared jars, pasteurized for about half an hour, and rolled up hot. The cooled jars are put away in the basement or pantry.

    Boiling. Sugar is added to the juice, 50 grams per liter; for taste, you can add sprigs of mint, lemon balm, rose hips or lemon slices. The mixture is brought to a boil so that the sugar is completely dissolved, poured into jars and rolled up. Storage is the same as in the first recipe, but due to boiling, the benefits of such a drink are somewhat less.

    Maple syrup. This is a concentrate obtained by evaporating maple sap. A completely natural product is obtained by long-term simmering over low heat, as a result of which all the water is removed from the juice, and a small part of the original volume remains; from 30 - 40 liters you will get about 1 liter of syrup. The viscous substance is also poured into a glass container and sealed hermetically.

Recipes for consumption

A tasty, sparkling drink that can be stored for a long time, this is kvass - it will refresh you in the heat, give you vigor, and provide you with vitamins. And for a change, it’s a good idea to learn how to drink carrot juice correctly.

Kvass from maple sap:

  • Juice – 3 liters.
  • Rye crackers – 200 grams.
  1. For better fermentation, the juice is slightly heated and poured into a container, crackers are added, covered with a thin cotton cloth or gauze and placed in a warm place.
  2. After a day, the drink is filtered, it is ready for use. To enrich the taste, you can add dried fruits or rose hips.


Maple sap itself is unlikely to cause any harm to health; it can completely replace the liquid you drink per day, but you should be careful in the following situations.

  • If you are prone to allergies.
  • If it is collected in environmentally unfavorable areas.

Maple juice is a good opportunity to diversify your diet and introduce a healthy drink that is necessary for the body, instead of store-bought lemonades with preservatives and flavors.

There are several popular drinks overseas called natural electrolytes. The most popular of these is coconut water, but recently there has been an increased interest in tree sap.

We already talked about it, now it’s the turn for maple juice, or the second name is maple water. Most of all, Canadians love him. This is not surprising if we remember that the country’s national flag features a maple leaf. In addition, juice is produced on an industrial scale in New York and Vermont. And in Russia they also love it and know how to get it themselves.

At the beginning of spring, when the trees come to life and begin to draw water with nutrients from the ground and filter it through their root system, it is time to collect maple sap.

Sweet maple syrup is obtained from pure tree sap by boiling - another interesting product with interesting healing properties.

The natural electrolyte we're talking about today has a unique and refreshing taste with sweet, woody notes. Sucrose adds sweetness to the product.

Contains microelements that our body needs: potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. It is the high manganese content that attracts the attention of scientists: 1 glass of the drink can provide up to 40% of the daily value of this trace element, thereby improving the absorption of other nutrients in the human gastrointestinal tract.

The composition also contains organic acids (malic, citric, trace amounts of fumaric and phenolcarbonic), tannins, and carotenoids.

Beneficial features

The life-giving power of electrolytes

According to Kiki Maple Sweet Water, one of Canada's leading suppliers of this healthy drink, maple water contains more than 80 micronutrients, including potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron, as well as B vitamins.

All these beneficial substances are needed for the normal functioning of the circulatory system and muscle tissue, for bone development and energy production. It is impossible not to note their value for the heart and nerve cells.

In Korea, maple sap is called “Gorosoe,” which means “good for bones.”

The drink is great to drink after training to replenish the loss of microelements due to increased sweating. Athletes also add a pinch of salt to maple water.

Magic polyphenols

Maple sap contains more than 50 polyphenols, endowed by nature with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. This is why regular consumption of the drink reduces the risk of degenerative changes such as heart disease and cancer. The benefits of certain polyphenols for the thyroid gland have also been proven.

Low level of natural sugars

If consumed regularly, high-calorie drinks can cause serious harm to the human body. It is even more remarkable that maple water has few calories and low sugar content: compared to coconut water, it is 2 times less.

Stabilizes blood sugar levels

Who would have thought maple sap could affect blood sugar? A new study has shown that the drink contains abscisic acid (ABA), which is responsible for insulin homeostasis and is therefore beneficial for people suffering from type 2 diabetes and obesity.

The properties characteristic of maple sap are pleasing with their diversity and healing potential, but some of them raise doubts among experts.

“Many of the benefits of maple water have not yet been confirmed by scientific research,” says Professor Lillian Cheng of the Harvard School of Public Health.

Why is it dangerous?

This drink cannot cause significant harm to health except in cases of an allergic reaction. Another point worth paying attention to is the environmental well-being of the area where the juice was collected.

Diabetics, despite the obvious advantages of drinking maple sap, need to be careful and try not to drink it in large quantities. One or two glasses a day are more than enough.

Everything that was said earlier about the benefits of maple water is 100% true for raw sap. If you intend to purchase a ready-made sterilized one, keep in mind that after heat treatment some of the valuable properties are lost.

Maple sap is an intercellular fluid found in plants and trees. Maple, which gives humanity this most useful drink, grows mainly in the lands of North America and Canada. It is from this that delicious and aromatic maple syrup is made. On the territory of Russia, the source of sap is the Norway maple. It is less sweet, but the taste is close to Canadian syrup.

Some historical information

Residents of the American continent have always exalted the maple tree. There are many songs and legends composed in his honor. For example, this is an interesting story related to the inhabitants of the Iroquois tribe. It tells how one day the women, instead of going to a distant source for water, went to the nearest maple forest. There they began to cut tree trunks and collect the liquid flowing from them, which they then added to dishes. The warriors who returned home in the evening were pleasantly surprised by the unusual taste of the dishes, and maple sap became the little secret of the tribe’s women.

Attention! In Europe in the 17th century, attempts were made to extract sugar from maple on an industrial scale. In Canada, this direction is still of great importance.

Chemical composition

This natural drink contains a huge amount of valuable substances that have a beneficial effect on human health. The benefit comes from a combination of the following components:

  • water;
  • sucrose (dextrose);
  • numerous organic acids - acetic, malic, abscisic, succinic, fumaric;
  • significant minerals - silicon, calcium, potassium to the greatest extent, as well as magnesium, manganese and sodium;
  • ascorbic acid.
The human body experiences a shortage of all these substances, especially with the onset of spring. And it is precisely at this time that the collection of such a valuable source of vitamins and microelements begins.

Healing qualities

Maple sap, the benefits and harms of which are closely intertwined, is an effective natural healer and a valuable dietary product. It is used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases, such as:

  • asthenia;
  • avitaminosis;
  • cold;
  • scurvy;
  • gout;
  • kidney and liver diseases.

This is just a general list of indications; in fact, the range of effects of juice for medicinal purposes is much wider:

  • This is an effective diuretic for various types of problems with the urinary system.
  • Maple sap heals diseases of the cardiovascular system - atherosclerosis, thrombosis and other pathologies.
  • Cleanses the blood of toxins.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the gallbladder and liver, removing waste products from the body.
  • The pancreas, under the influence of abscisic acid, which is contained in the drink, receives an excellent therapeutic effect.
  • The drug is very useful for diseases associated with a weakening of general brain activity - Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  • Vitamin C and antioxidants predominant in the juice fight not only infectious diseases, but also cancer.
  • As an antibiotic, the juice acts from the inside and outside - it can be used to treat wounds, burns, and cuts on the skin.

How to prepare a healing drink

Collection rules

As mentioned earlier, the beginning of the collection is announced in early spring. And there is very little time to stock up on juice - only a couple of weeks. The start of the harvest is the swelling of the buds, but if they have already blossomed, you risk getting pure bitterness instead of a sweet liquid.

Attention! The process of extracting sap is very delicate; it is important not to damage the tree through illiterate actions.

  • Drill a hole in the trunk at a height of about 30 cm above the ground - a diameter of about 1.5 cm.
  • Insert a special spout into the resulting hole, and into it - tubes through which the juice will flow into the container.
  • Make sure that the connection between the tube and the spout is tight so that various debris does not get into the container. It is better to choose vessels made of plastic or metal, as glass ones can break and you will lose precious liquid.

An equally important question in this matter is where and when to collect maple sap? Here are some tips that are important to consider:

  • It is better to collect on a sunny day - under the influence of heat, the juice is released in large quantities.
  • It is also important where the trees grow - choose places away from the city and industrial enterprises. They contain the highest concentration of nutrients.
  • Pay attention to the visually discernible condition of the tree. These should be trunks of medium thickness and free of any damage.

Maple sap collected from healthy and environmentally friendly trees will have a beneficial effect on health. Therefore, it is worth a little effort when collecting and your efforts will more than pay off.

How to store

So, you have collected valuable liquid. The question arises - how to make sure that the juice does not lose its properties and is suitable for consumption for as long as possible? To do this, you should make syrup from it or preserve it.

Attention! Maple syrup is an excellent option for storage without losing all its beneficial properties. But this method is more traditional for Canada, but we hold the second option in high esteem.

Cooking recipes:

Maple sap is preserved in two ways:

  1. Sugarless. Fresh juice is heated to a temperature of 80 degrees and then poured into pre-sterilized containers. Next, you will need no more than half an hour to pasteurize the workpieces. After the time has passed, tightly close the jars with lids - everything should be extremely airtight.
  2. With sugar. Proportions: 100 g granulated sugar per 1 liter of juice. Stirring the mixture over the heat, bring it to a boil - the sugar should dissolve completely. While still hot, pour the resulting liquid into pasteurized jars or bottles. Pasteurization is carried out for a quarter of an hour, and then the containers are tightly closed for storage.


Despite the pronounced benefits of maple sap, harm from it is possible. Although he does not pose a serious danger.

The only contraindication is the presence of a corresponding allergy. In such a situation, even the most useful product can be dangerous. In addition, juice obtained in environmentally unfavorable areas can have harmful effects on the body. There are also restrictions on the amount of fluid consumed for people with diabetes. A couple of glasses a day will be more than enough to have a healing effect and not harm yourself.

Attention! Maple sap retains maximum nutrients only in its raw form. The finished sterilized version will lack some of its properties.

All materials on the Priroda-Znaet.ru website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!